All About Let's Church
Let's Church is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to providing free technology resources to Churches and Christian Ministries. Our flagship offering is the site you are looking at right now: sermon and media hosting with fully-searchable transcripts, 100% free of charge with no ads.
The Public Domain
Not only is Let’s Church free to use, but our code is also open source and dedicated to the public domain. Our philosophy behind how we operate is best captured in the book The Dorean Principle.
No Ads
Let's Church, as a company, will never run ads on principle. We rely entirely on support from our users.
Support Let's Church
Let's Church is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. We provide our services completely free of charge and will never run ads. Your contribution helps pay for improvement of our platform, hosting fees, storage, and the hardware necessary to encode and transcribe audio and videos for the benefit of churches and ministries around the world. All donations are tax-deductible in the United States and go directly toward material costs for running the platform. All work being done on Let's Church is currently voluntary and no-one is currently taking a salary.
Please do not let any giving to Let's Church interfere with giving to your local church. It is important that you first support your local community of believers before prayerfully considering how much you can give to Let's Church.
Spread the Word
Another way you can support Let's Church is by spreading the word. Share our website, share our social media, share sermons, videos, and podcasts that have been helpful or edifying to you. If you know of any churches or ministires in need of free sermon or media hosting, send them our way!
Roadmap (The Future of Let's Church)
We have many new technology upgrades and features in the works for Let's Church.
- Additional servers for creating transcriptions and transcoding videos to speed up processing and onboarding. What currently takes several days will soon take minutes to hours.
- Additional transcript data to enable new features, including word-level timestamps (each word will have its own timestamp) for better segmentation and better search results.
- Live streaming capabilities (this will require additional specialized hardware and has its own challenges compared to standard video streaming).
- A mobile app.
Features and User Experience
- Improved search and organization. Media will have tags so you can more easily differentiate between, e.g., sermons and podcasts. We will also implement channel search so you can more easily find who is on the platform.
- We will implement the ability to search your watch history.
- Church search. We are working on building out a map-enabled church search feature which will enable you to find and connect with local churches all around the country and, Lord willing, around the world. Creating podcasts for listing in podcast apps directly from media uploaded to Let's Church. Church website builder. We want to provide churches an easy way to create their own websites and easily embed the content they've already uploaded to Let's Church.
- Blogging and community features.
- Bookmarks and notes.
- Sermon notes.
- More sections, e.g., most-watched videos, most-liked videos, and trending topics.
- More content, including music, documentaries, and sermons from Church history.
- Ways for you to directly support the churches and ministries on the platform.
Reach Out
Feel free to reach out to [email protected] with any questions you have about Let's Church!
- Days of Content
- 1.47 k
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- 51.08 k
- No Cost To You
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