Sunday, December 4, 2022 PM


Sunnyside Baptist Church Michael Dirrim


How it is always true How it is living and active and sharper than any two -edged sword
How it gets right to the heart of the matters in our lives we thank you for making us in your image and nourishing and feeding and Sanctifying and Helping us through your word.
We pray that you would do that tonight in Jesus name. Amen All right beginning in verse 50, this is just after Jesus's death upon the cross
Now behold, there was a man named Joseph a council member a good and just man
He had not consented to their decision indeed He was from Arimathea a city of the
Jews who himself was also waiting for the kingdom of God This man went to Pilate and asked for the body of Jesus Then he took it down Wrapped it in linen and laid it in a tomb that was hewn out of the rock where no one had ever lain before that day was the preparation and The Sabbath drew near and The women who had come with him from Galilee Followed after and they observed the tomb and how his body was laid
Then they returned and prepared spices and fragrant oils and they arrested on the
Sabbath according to the commandments So let's talk about Joseph of Arimathea when we read the
Gospels the story of Christ, especially pertaining to the opposition to Jesus by the religious rulers
We come across the name Joseph of Arimathea he like Nicodemus Were members of the
Sanhedrin members of the council The ruling council of the
Jews was made up primarily of Sadducees who were in control of the temple from the
Sadducees were appointed the chief priests and the rulers of the temple the majority of the
Sanhedrin were Sadducees though they had a couple of Pharisees on their council such as Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea we read did not consent to their decision to Arrest Jesus and condemn him to death and turn him over to Pilate.
He did not consent whether he simply abstained from the vote if he wasn't present
Or he actually had something to say about it later. He did not consent It's important that we understand that It's important we understand that because we've read earlier and we've seen in other contexts
How the Sanhedrin had plotted against Christ? Now we read about Joseph of Arimathea in other
Contexts and it says that as we see here. He was waiting for the kingdom of God kind of like Simeon looking forward to the constellation of Israel Certainly he had heard of Christ and he was consenting to the things that Jesus had been teaching about the kingdom of God all of The parables he had been teaching the way in which
Christ had been expounding upon that theme and he himself Believed but we read in other contexts that he didn't say anything openly
Because he feared the council he feared what the others would say and do once they found out you may remember the man who was lame who was healed by Christ and began to proclaim far and wide about the
The healing and how impressed he was or was it the man who was blind was healed
They didn't take kindly the Jewish religious leaders did not take kindly To people speaking positively about Christ didn't fit with their narrative and so Joseph essentially did not want to get canceled and so he did not speak up at first But we read that he
Was well received by everyone. He was understood as a good and just man
They would have considered him very Devout and He was one who believed in Jesus though he was somewhat of a secret disciple
But now let's consider what Joseph did What Joseph did not only did he refuse to agree with the
Sanhedrin he did not consent with what they decided about Christ but after Jesus died
Something of a quandary must have impressed upon Joseph to a great degree. What would happen to the body of Jesus?
he was somebody who believed Christ He indeed had a great respect and a love for Christ He could not bear the thought of the body of Jesus being taken down from the cross with the other criminals
And being cast into some common grave He knew that's what was going to happen next unless he did something about it and so he took courage and He went to Pilate He went to Pilate and asked for the body of Jesus now two things happen here
Remember he's a member of the Sanhedrin part of the council whereas the other Religious Jews the religious leaders had
Navigated the situation in such a way that they would remain Ceremonially clean for the upcoming festivities what
Joseph of Arimathea does here is going to Make him unclean in two ways
One the time frame is such that he's going to go be with a Gentile way too close to the holy ceremonies and He's asking to handle a dead body
But apparently this is more important Apparently this takes precedence and so he asks
For the body of Jesus now we read in other contexts that Pilate was glad To do this of course he had a troubled conscience about how the whole thing had occurred
He knew this man was innocent, and he was in some sense I suspect relieved that at least this man who was innocent would have a decent burial
And so Joseph of Arimathea takes courage everyone's going to find out now Where Joseph's loyalties lie
Everyone's going to find out what happened to the body of Jesus because Joseph not only asked for the body, but He puts it in his own
Tomb we read that it was a tomb hewn out of the rock a tomb where no one had been laid and we hear in Other contexts it was his own
It was his own. He may have been from Arimathea, but he had obviously moved to Jerusalem That was his new address, and he had
Had for himself and purchased for himself a tomb Where no dead body had ever been laying before now if that sounds weird you have to understand something about Jewish burial practices
It was common to lay the body of your loved one in a tomb above ground
In this limestone ridden area of the ancient Near East where after a time
The tomb would be opened again and the decayed bones and remains of the dead one would be
Transported from there to some place else and that tomb would be reused again for somebody else in Fact this was a very solemn procedure, and it would be
Like a funeral all over again And they would take the bones and the remains from the above -ground tomb and go bury them somewhere
Appropriately out of the city and so on and it would be another funeral procession They may even hire mourners all over again and have another funeral procession with it
So it is a note here of importance that this was a tomb where it had never been used before No one dead had ever been laid in this tomb before this was
Joseph's tomb It was it was new we see that Joseph was was also very wealthy and we
Read about that in Isaiah 53 that in his death
Christ was laid with the wealthy why because he was Innocent he was pure.
He was righteous And he is given this honorable burial And so we see that Joseph is very generous through all of this well, what does this all mean?
Joseph of Arimathea believed in the message of Christ His loyalty was indeed with Christ though for a while.
He kept quiet about it Didn't tell anybody he was afraid of men Remember what
Jesus said though whoever is ashamed of me and my words in this
Wicked and perverse generation the Son of Man will be ashamed of him when he comes in the glory with his angels so It was not a situation that could
Continue Joseph couldn't keep quiet About his loyalty to Christ eventually he had to say something and indeed now he says something very profound
He confesses his allegiance to Christ by going to Pilate and asking for the body
After Jesus has been rejected by the Jews and mocked and scorned and scourged and declared an outlaw and Crucified upon a cross which
Hank cursed is everyone who is hung from a tree He's absolutely untouchable by every facet of society
But Joseph of Arimathea confesses his allegiance even to his his dead Lord By going and asking for the body of Christ and we read
That he took the body of Jesus down verse 53 What does that mean was that look like it looks like Joseph of Arimathea himself doing the manual labor the difficult labor the messy
Difficult labor of taking a dead body down from the cross we see
Joseph of Arimathea Putting the body of Christ upon his own shoulder
Removing the body of Christ from the cross and bearing the body of Christ over his own in this
What what do we see We see that Joseph of Arimathea is a completely identifying with the death of Christ Everybody's going to know who went and got the dead body of Jesus down from that cross it's gonna be clear and Then He takes the dead body of Jesus and lays it in his own tomb
Buries the dead body of Jesus goes with the body of Christ lays the body of Christ He's getting some help from the women who prepared some who saw how the body was laid there was some
Preparation done for the body, but they were running out of time Remember that Christ died at three o 'clock in the afternoon and when the
Sun goes down. That's the start of the Sabbath So they so they don't have a lot of time
Joseph has to go get permission from Pilate He has to go back and get the body they have to transport the body to the tomb
They have to lay it They don't have time to do the full preparation of the dead body before the Sabbath commences, and they can do no more work
Which is why the women have to satisfy themselves with simply planning to come back
After the Sabbath has been concluded on Sunday morning To finish those preparation rites
But Joseph Confesses allegiance to Christ He has the dead body of Christ over his own shoulder.
He's the one who took the body down from the cross He takes the body of Christ into the tomb and here's a question.
That's not answered immediately But it is relevant to our passage When Jesus is raised from the dead the third day
And the stone is rolled away from the entrance of the tomb and it's empty for all to see
Whose tomb is empty oh yes, it's the tomb of Christ, but it's also the tomb of Joseph of Arimathea It was his and he put
Christ's body there in Joseph's tomb is is empty what why is why is
Joseph of Arimathea's tomb empty because Christ raised from the dead In this sense and I know that many other baptisms have been done already in this sense
It's almost like it's the first baptism right When Jesus in the gospel of Luke said many chapters ago
I have a baptism yet to undergo and how I am eager to go through with it
He's not referring to going back down to the Jordan and having his cousin dunk him again
He's talking about his coming death burial and resurrection which are the the meaning the symbols behind the reality behind the symbols of baptism
Now Joseph of Arimathea is Covered by the dead body and the the bloody body of Christ Joseph of Arimathea takes the dead body of Christ and buries him in the tomb and it's
Joseph of Arimathea's Tomb that is empty on Resurrection Day And in this sense
Joseph of Arimathea Goes through a kind of baptism, doesn't he? he's connected to the death and burial and resurrection of Jesus in a an
Incredibly public way as he professes his allegiance to Christ In a sense, it's kind of the first baptism
And also there is a Just as we've already stated
Just an incredible scene of hope Jesus is of course is called the firstfruits of the resurrection the firstborn of the resurrection
The fact that he rose from the dead is the guarantee that all who are in Christ will be raised from the dead one day
Your grave and my grave will be empty Why? Because Jesus rose from the dead
Joseph's tomb is empty because Jesus rose from the dead our graves are going to be empty one day because why
Jesus rose from the dead We also will have an empty grave. We also have an empty tomb to our name so First baptism we see in this text
We also see the last Sabbath the last Sabbath also in a sense
We read that Verse 54 that day was the preparation and the
Sabbath drew near People had to get ready for the Sabbath. There are so many rules about what you couldn't do on the
Sabbath And you had to get everything ready. I was actually reading a little bit about blue laws in the history of the
United States and that varied from state to state and city to city and The Dominion of Canada had a very strong Sabbath laws
But there are all kinds of suggestions from pastors and actually laws in the books About how what you were not supposed to do on a
Sunday And it involved all kinds of things that you weren't supposed to do
You know and some of them are still traditional today But one of the things on those lists as comprehensive as they were for our own culture among those lists
Do you know what was not listed? picking up sticks Picking up sticks never made it to one of the blue laws here in the
US or in Canada or in any kind of tradition religious tradition But you know what the first violation of the
Sabbath was that brought the test penalty was picking up sticks So anyway how we understand the
Sabbath is important here in this passage The women know the
Sabbath is drawing near and so they follow they find they know where the tomb is they're going to come back
They see how he was laid they see the needs though. They have an eye to the needs They see how he was laid in the tomb, and they see all manner of things lacking.
Oh, we can't leave it like that Hey, we can't leave it like that We we need to come back and do it right and they make plans to do that But they can't do that right away because the
Sabbath is upon them the Sun is setting and in the Jewish day The day begins at nightfall
When the Sun goes down, it's a new day Evening and morning evening and morning evening and morning and so They are going to come back
So verse 56 they say we see that they returned and prepared spices and fragrant oils
And they rested on the Sabbath according to the commandment and that of course is the commandment in the
Ten Commandments Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy and So they follow the law and they do not work on the
Sabbath Because it was Sabbath they couldn't go back on that Saturday on that seventh day and then move they couldn't go move a stone
They would not have been able to convince anybody to get to go get pry bars And what else ever they needed to move a heavy stone that would be definitely breaking
The Sabbath they were not allowed by clear Rabbinical legislation they were not allowed to take care of dead bodies on the
Sabbath that was disallowed That would be considered work and you're not allowed to do that. So they just couldn't do anything that day
They just had to wait and they had to wait and they came back on Sunday morning and they found the tomb empty stone rolled away
Jesus risen from the dead Hallelujah the
Righteous obedience of Christ upon our behalf his suffering in our place and for our sake his active and passive Obedience before the father so that the father would smile upon the son and all who are in him by faith
That great work which Christ accomplished he accomplished and indeed he rested on the
Sabbath His body laid in the tomb and there was a day of rest and we are to Contemplate that Christ His rest in the tomb on that Sabbath is a rest
That was accomplished for us for those he came to save his rest for us in the tomb means our rest with him forever as He brings about true
Sabbath in himself both now and forever As the writer of Hebrews says that a
Sabbath rest remains For all who are in Christ there is truth to those old hymns about crossing over the
Jordan to a promised land of rest in Christ forever Now this rest we recognize
Comes after Jesus wraps everything up It is finished and then he rests
This rest caps off the old creation and ushers in the new when Christ Is raised from the dead he's raised from the dead on what day of the week?
The first day of the week first day of the week the old creation God made the world in six days.
I love that someone I forget who it was who was getting after It wasn't
Ken Ham it was the other guy who built the ark not Noah, but you know No the one up anyway anyway the ark
Somebody you know get gets after them, and they like you know Like you're one of those people that believes that God created the world in seven days.
He's like. I do not he made it in six Yeah He made it into six and he rested on the seventh
And so that caps off the old creation that God made and he rested and and and rejoiced in all that he had made
But We read that Jesus is the firstfruits of the resurrection he is the he is the firstborn of the new creation
Which of course begins when else on the first day of the week? The old creation begins on the first day of the week the new creation begins in the first day of the week and The Lord rested and was raised from the dead on the first day the women come to I want you to notice
The women come to do work and what day of the week do they come to do work?
To honor Jesus On the first day of the week and the kind of work they come to do in honoring
Jesus is a good thing Christ does not rebuke them for doing so What they do is honorable and a good thing
Because the rest is in Christ All right when Jesus began to talk about the
Sabbath He said come unto me all you who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest I will give you rest and he redefines the
Sabbath as abiding with him and Saying that he is Lord of the Sabbath so In a sense this is the last
Sabbath that we read about this is the last time on This on this
Sabbath this Saturday when Jesus's body laid on the tomb and the women rested and Waited and before they came back
In a sense this is the very last Old Covenant Seventh day
Sabbath that was ever rightly observed by any Jew the very last one
Because the very next day Jesus rose from the dead And from that point on if anyone wants to keep the
Sabbath they have to abide with Jesus And that's the way it goes now because we're in the New Covenant So this passage we see a first and a last we see the first baptism
Joseph of Arimathea No longer a private believer, but a public believer identifying with Christ's death and burial and resurrection
Allegiance to Jesus and we see the last Sabbath as Christ rests in the tomb fulfills
God's Law in our place and for our sake so we may rest with him forever Any questions or thoughts as we close our time here in Luke 23?
Yeah, I don't know it'd be interesting to kind of look into some it would be church traditions
But kind of look and see what people have to say about him might be interesting Anybody know anything about Joseph of Arimathea from tradition?
So we're not quite sure but sometimes a different characters in the New Testament connected with the story of Christ Church traditions have like some
Sometimes kind of have the feel of fan fiction about them and you know they would make very good comic books sometimes
So we're not quite sure it's a real difference when you read the scriptures and then go read church tradition like That's a different quality
So yes Yes Yeah, they the reason why they would move the remains of a loved one was of a financial reason
And so in order to save money on burial costs they would use a space to bury the body which created that which needed a lot of space and Then later on they could gather up the bones and bury them in a smaller space later on there is a
Point where Jesus is calling people to follow him and there is a man who says well,
I need to bury my father first and It it might be that what he's saying is
I have responsibilities To bury the bones of my father Before I can come follow you because he has family responsibilities for that Moving the moving the remains from one place to another it could be that he's referring to that And then
Jesus said what he said about birds having nests and foxes having holes
Son of man having no place to lay and let the dead bury his own dead bury their own dead
Yeah, so they knew that the the graves of the Kings Jesus or when
Peter was preaching in Acts 2 about the tomb of David That David is dead and his tomb is with us, you know
And he didn't raise from the dead. So the prophecies in the Old Testament weren't about him He's making that point and It was a good point to make since the tomb of David had been raided not so long ago
Looking for treasures So everybody knew that David was still dead Because they got inside and saw that he was still dead
So his bones didn't get moved All right, well