The Gospel at a Trump Rally


Watch this powerful new video of Pastor Jeff Durbin preaching the Gospel at a Trump Rally in Arizona. We believe that the brokenness in our world is due to our condition of sin and separation from God. The only answer is faith in Jesus Christ. We took the opportunity to tell the story while invited to speak. Show the world this video! This is the answer. We pray that this encourages you and gives you boldness to do the same! You can get more at Be sure to like, share, and comment on this video. #ApologiaStudios You can partner with us by signing up for All Access. When you do you make everything we do possible and you also get our TV show, After Show, and Apologia Academy. In our Academy you can take a courses on Christian apologetics and much more. Follow us on social media here: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:


Thank you. Thank you. Thank you How are you guys? Good to see everybody.
Praise God. Thank you for having me. I'm just gonna read a scripture for you real fast if you would just Take a moment to pay close attention to this
Proverbs 24 verse 11. Here's what it says Rescue those who are being taken away to death
Hold back those who are stumbling to the slaughter if you say Behold, we did not know this
Does not he who weighs the heart perceive it? Does not he who keeps watch over your soul know it and will he not repay man according to his work?
That's a powerful text of scripture and if you heard it you heard That's you and That's me
Rescue those who are being led away to the slaughter being taken away to death and the answer from scripture from the
God of this scripture the God that established this nation is That if you say we didn't know
We didn't know It says doesn't he who weighs the hearts know it doesn't he know that we know and will he not repay man?
according to his deeds It's a powerful text of scripture to challenging text of scripture that challenged us
I'm a pastor of a church in Phoenix. It challenged us about a decade ago. Of course, we were
Christian Of course, we were pro -life Of course We thought the pro -life industry was doing their duty to end abortion in our nation and we learned that they're not
Their focus is regulation not abolition. It's regulation and not criminalization
They have professed themselves that they are not Christian institutions They are not standing on scripture and we learned very early on that if we are going to end this we need to end it with courage as Christians first and foremost first and foremost
Have you all noticed I'm sure you've noticed lately none of us can deny this now
Have you noticed lately that the radical left those who would be self -professed? unbelievers
Do not want to compromise on their positions they say this is our position
This is what we're fighting for. This is what we're doing And have you never noticed that conservatives those who profess to be followers of Christ even are the ones who are always
Compromising the ones who will not exhibit courage courage enough to believe this if you are not with me
You are against me. Those are the words of Jesus If you're not a with me you are against me
I Want to encourage you guys to think about something for a moment this man over here Walt Blackman He's not just a good man a strong man a courageous man
I want you to know this and you're gonna be seeing this a lot in our state over the next couple of months This man is the hero of the children in Arizona And I want to explain to you why many of you may not even know this it hasn't become fully public yet Completely so that everyone can know about it right now in Arizona, please hear this.
This is massive It is earth -shattering and it is mind -altering trust me in Arizona.
It's never been changed AZ statute 13 dash three six zero three AZ statute 13 dash three six zero three makes
Abortion a criminal act in Arizona. It has never been changed this man
This man the hero of the children in Arizona Is going to point to that statute and establish that law so that abortion is not regulated in Arizona.
It is a criminal act abortion is murder We are human
From conception listen closely you win This argument there is no way to surmount this argument and overdue and out do it overcome it number one
Biblically speaking God says that he's the creator of life. He knits us together in our mother's womb
We are human beings image of God from conception that cannot be disputed number two biologically speaking it is a matter of scientific fact that from the moment of conception the moment of conception
You are human from that very moment The only difference from that moment to where you are now is a difference of degree size
Level of development environment and degree of dependence all this talk about black lives matter
I want to know if the black lives in the womb matter because The black community is the community most in danger from extermination via abortion we have about 3 ,000 human beings
Exterminated murdered listen. I know we're trying to have a good time and a good rally here But I got to be honest and courageous enough to tell the truth
Every day in our nation in our streets in our neighborhoods every single day 3 ,000 about 3 ,000 human beings lose lose their lives
They have their heads cut off their arms taken off their bodies their legs taken off their bodies and they are disemboweled every single day
And I I want to grant something as a minister of the gospel That is not something any of us can fully comprehend all we can do is think about it one baby at a time
So we started going out as a church many years ago with the gospel of Jesus Christ first and foremost to the abortion mills
We said number one mom and dad, please don't murder your child number two There is hope in Christ forgiveness in Christ and number three.
We will help you. We will pay for everything We'll even adopt your child Because of that work we've raised up 500 churches globally doing the same and as of today thousands and thousands and Thousands of children are alive today because of that work.
I have a son Who is eight months old he's adopted he was going to be
Exterminated and aborted we have children who are at my church they show up before the pulpit running around circles in front's
Olivia Grace and Kara twin girls saved from Tempe's Planned Parenthood because Christians went out with the gospel of Jesus Christ and Offered to help and called it what it is.
This is murder and we won't tolerate it anymore And so what I want to ask of you is this is to consider this what's happening in our country is very simply this
It is a collision of world Views it is the world and life view of those who stand on this revelation as the truth of the
Living God This is the objective standard and those who deny it Did you know that this nation the
Constitution the Bill of Rights? the reason that is so meaningful and brought so much peace and freedom and justice is because the
Principles behind all those things come directly from this book this book
The people who established this nation the Huguenots the pilgrims the
Puritans the Christians who came over and established this nation Did you know this did you know this in the colonies?
They named the triune God of the Holy Scriptures as the God over their state
When they would make treaties with other nations, they would make that treaty in the name of the triune
God of the Holy Scriptures They knew that this book is the standard of all truth
And did you know that John Jay the first Supreme Court justice when he was creating the case law system of our nation our first?
Supreme Court justice He would name directly the verses from which he was establishing the law in this nation
If you want to know where we've gone You need to look at how far we've departed from this revelation
And I want to encourage you if you're someone who professes faith in Jesus Christ you call this the truth
Stand on this truth be courageous and please hear me on this over the next few months.
We're gonna need you We're gonna need you because when where'd he go? when the hero of Arizona's children
Calls abortion what it is murder and says it will no longer be tolerated and we're gonna criminalize this there's gonna be two
Things coming in at Walt's you need to know what it is number one the pro -choicers the pro -aborts the people who say we should be able to murder our children in the womb and Please hear me on this and please be gracious enough and humble enough to hear me
Because I am NOT the enemy the pro -life industry That does not want to criminalize it does not want to call it murder that wants to regulate it
They will also come against Walt trying to stop what he's doing. I've seen it in another state,
Oklahoma in Oklahoma there was a senator named Joseph silk who put a bill into criminalized abortion immediately.
Do you know who the opposition was? The pro -life industry they stopped it So if you want to give money to somebody to help them stop abortion in this state give it to Walt Blackman If you want to give money
Give it to the Christian churches who are ending abortion not regulating it And if you want peace and righteousness and justice and freedom to prevail in this country
It isn't going to be through mere political commitments It's only going to be cut be because of what
Christians said in the past to establish this nation Are you ready for it? And I'm almost done. This is by the way a miracle you're seeing right now
They told me I had five minutes. That's only about an hour less than I usually go Here's the answer to the hope of this nation
No King, but Christ That's the answer The gospel is the answer the problem we see with the rioting and looting and sin in our streets is just that sin
The answer to our problem of sin is peace with God through Jesus Christ Jesus is
God in the flesh lived perfectly died for sinners and rose again from the dead the only hope of anybody in this world is through faith in him the
Call of the gospel is to repent and believe the gospel come to Christ for life Join us as we criminalize the injustice of abortion in this state be courageous