Easter 2024 | The Resurrection of Jesus Christ


March 31, 2024 Covenant Reformed Baptist Church Tullahoma, TN Pastor Jeff Rice


You don't hear me just fine Again that man needs a raise
Hallelujah He has risen Man I Tell you what in preparation this week just just contemplating everything that has taken place right now right in our world and and what we know from Scripture and history and how how
Important this day is for Christians, right should be important for the whole world
And this is the high holy day for Christians Now as a reformed church, we celebrate the risen
Christ every Lord's Day This this is a day where most people who are not attending churches attend a church and and Then most churches think that had to put on this great performance to get people to come back
We don't worship God in performance we worship God in spirit and in truth
Hallelujah That's my people
Bless it be the name of the Lord all right, so Our text that we're going to be coming from today is
Acts chapter 2 verses 22 to 36 And if you're a member of this church, you're probably thinking
Jeff How many sermons can you preach from this one text and we will see?
We're going to see Acts chapter 2 verses 22 through 36 Let me pray
Our God and Father Lord we Love you. We thank you for Jesus Christ.
We thank you for your spirit Lord, we thank you for the gospel we thank you that you sent your son to live the life that we could not live and to Receive in himself the punishment that we deserve
But he was buried and on the third day he rose again and he ascended into heaven and he is at your right hand
Putting all of his enemies under his feet We thank you Lord, please
In the name of Jesus Christ Use me this day to speak forth your truth from your word.
I Pray in his name. Amen. Let's begin with the text
Matt. Excuse me Acts chapter 2 beginning in verse 22 and we will read to verse 36
This is Peter speaking men of Israel here these words
Jesus of Nazareth a man attested to you by God with mighty works and wonders and signs that God did through him in your midst as You yourselves know this
Jesus delivered of according to the definite plan and for knowledge of God you
Crucified and killed by the hands of lawless men God raised him up loosening the pains of death because it was not
Possible for him to be held by it for David says concerning him concerning Jesus I saw the
Lord always before me For he is at my right hand That I may not be shaken therefore.
My heart was glad and my tongue rejoiced my flesh also will dwell in hope For you will not abandon my soul to Hades nor let your
Holy One see corruption You have made known to me the path of life you will make me full of gladness with your presence brothers
I May say to you with confidence about the Patriarch David that he both died and was buried and his tomb is with us to this day being there for a prophet and Knowing that God has sworn with an oath to him that he would set one of his descendants on his throne
He foresaw and spoke about the resurrection of Christ That he would not abandon
He will not Excuse me that he was not abandoned to Hades nor did his flesh see corruption this
Jesus God raised up and Of that we are witnesses being therefore exalted at the right hand of God and having received
From the father the promise of the Holy Spirit. He is now pouring out
This that you Yourselves are seeing and hearing for David did not ascend into the heavens
But he himself says the Lord said to my Lord sit at my right hand
Until I make your enemies a footstool But all the house of Israel Therefore know for certain that God has made him both
Lord and Christ this Jesus whom you
Crucify our theme for this
Lord's Day is Jesus Christ is King Jesus Christ is
King Let us rejoice in the resurrection because Jesus Christ is
King if you need reason to rejoice today rejoicing this Jesus Christ is
King. He might look out into our world and think that this is Terrible We're going down America's falling and let me tell you if your hope is in America.
Yes, your America is falling But Jesus Christ is King He is ruling he is reigning and he is putting all of his enemies under his feet
You say well, how do you know that because I was an enemy of Jesus Christ and I was footstool If you're here today, and you're a
Christian you began as an enemy of Jesus Christ and you have been footstooled he has put you under his feet through his life death burial and Resurrection Resurrection My proposition for this
Lord's Day that which I aim to prove is since Jesus Christ is King that means
Jesus can tell you what to do And I've been focusing on that Proposition and that proposition could turn into a theme in the future.
Jesus Christ can tell us what to do Most people are not comfortable
With the fact that they are to be told what to do or most people are not comfortable with being told what to do
And this is something that I learned about myself as a kid As a kid, I was always troubled by the fact that I had to listen to my parents my aunts and uncles my grandmother
Grandfather and my teachers at school. I didn't like that at all I didn't like the fact that I had to be taught that someone was had the authority over me to tell me what to do
And as kids there's this There's this forward looking and I know every one of y 'all can understand if you're a kid today
You're probably doing this forward -looking to a time where you're grown up and no one will tell you what to do
But you are sadly mistaken You see everyone wants to grow up, but no one wants to pay bills.
Hallelujah. No one wants to pay bills, right? We won't make the money and keep it for ourselves, but that's just not how life is
And when we grow up Just to be told what to do We got this forward -looking
I cannot wait to grow up so no one will have to tell me what to do We grow up to people telling us what to do
Let's consider driving On your way here. You were told how fast to go and when to stop
Right You're told what to do Not only are we told when to stop at red light stop signs but we have blue lights that come behind us to tell us to pull over when we're not paying attention to the speed limit signs the traffic signs and So on and so forth
We are told what to do when we are on the roads
We are forced to go to work Well, unless you don't want to be homeless, but we are forced to go to work
And when we go to work, we are told what to do on our jobs. I Worked for myself and I'm told what to do.
I have this paperwork that tells me how to structure my day My day is not going well, and I kind of forget sometimes as I'm human and and especially because I got a lot going on I'm over here trying to buy buying
Bibles and at the same time I got my mind's focus on a sermon somewhere or something and there's times where I have to go to that piece of paper to See my next step
I Say these things just to say that there's no escaping authority.
There's no escaping authority. I don't care who you are There is no escaping authority And my dear friends listen to me
If there's anyone deserving of our allegiance, it is Jesus Christ And in our outline
I want us to consider the road to the resurrection and how the resurrection points to Jesus Christ being the
King So I'm gonna look at three headings The first is the resurrection of Jesus Christ is the gospel
The second the resurrection of Jesus Christ is non -negotiable to the Christian faith.
It's non -negotiable Third the resurrection of Jesus Christ is his coronation, you know being crowned the resurrection of Jesus Christ is the gospel the resurrection of Jesus Christ is non -negotiable to the
Christian faith and the Resurrection of Jesus Christ is his coronation and as we transition
Jesus Christ being King means He is
King whether you believe in him or not He's King whether you like it or not
It means Jesus can tell you what to do whether you like it or not And it means if you do not listen to Jesus, my dear friends, you are committed treason against the
King That's what it means for him being King so point number one the resurrection of Jesus Christ is
The gospel the word gospel means good news
That's all it means. It means Good news, and if we lived in the world of our all we had was good news
Then it would just be news. It's good news because there is bad news
And it's good news because all of us have already committed treason
Against this King. So let's begin with Jesus, right? Who is
Jesus and Jesus is God we kind of we looked over that as I read the
Affirmation pre this morning that Jesus is God. He is the second person of the
Trinity who became flesh Ladies and gentlemen, the reason why he came was because we could not keep
God's law We committed treason against the King Because we have committed this treason against the
King God himself condescends in the person of Jesus Christ by taking on flesh be coming flesh and Living the life that you and I could not live
First John chapter 3 verses 4 through 5 says this everyone who makes a practice of sinning also practices lawlessness
Sin is Lawlessness sin is when you break
God's law So if you've ever told a lie, you're a liar You've broken God's law so on and so forth and it continues to say in verse 5
You know that he appeared in order to take away sins and in him
Jesus there is no sin Romans chapter 3 verse 23 says for all have sinned
And fallen short of the glory of God Every one of us have told lies and stolen and have looked with lust.
We haven't been obedient to our parents They have not worshiped God the way scripture commands We see someone having some goods and we want it so bad that we wish that they didn't have it and we had it
That's the 10th commandment Every one of us are guilty of breaking God's law of sinning of committing treason against the king and Romans chapter 6 verse 23 a says for the wages
That which you deserve for the wages of sin is death. The Bible says that the soul that sins will die
You want to know how serious God is about sin You're going to die
Every one of us 10 out of 10 people die It's not an oopsie -daisy
It's serious And even as Christians We do it we commit these things
We live in this Satan Satan sin or reality I am a
Saint because I am positionally righteous before God having been saved by his grace through faith and yet I wear this this this garment of Flesh and and daily
I'm having to to fight against the old me right? That's that's being conformed into his image
Because I wear this flesh and I still sin and as Christians.
They're not oopsie -daisy Second Corinthians chapter 5 verse 21 says this for our sake he
Speaking of God the Father made him Jesus to be Sin who knew no sin so that in him in Christ We might become the righteousness of God Came so that he could take our place so he could stand in our stead so he can be our
Substitute Now if you will turn with me to first Corinthians chapter 15
I'm going to read verses 1 through 4, but I want you to see that the resurrection is the gospel verse 1
This is Paul speaking as he's writing to the Church of Corinth.
He says I Would remind you brothers of the gospel
I preached to you with which you received
In which you stand and by which you are being saved
So this gospel that he's about to lay out for them. They receive they stand and they're being saved
If you have not received this gospel you have not
Or if you're not in Christ, let me say it this way. You're not in Christ. You have not received
You do not stand and you're not being saved It's just by which you are being saved if see that conditional clause
You hold fast to the word I preach to you Unless you believe in vain those that believe in vain do not receive stand nor are they saved verse 3 for I Delivered to you as a first importance
What I also received and here it is that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the scriptures that he was buried and That he was raised on the third day in accordance with the scriptures
If there's ever a verse in the Bible where you can say book chapter verse, that's the gospel
This is that verse. These are verses 3 & 4 That Christ Jesus died for our sins in accordance with the scriptures that he was buried and on the third day
He rose again The resurrection is just as much a part of the gospel as the crucifixion is a part of the gospel.
It's non -negotiable The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the gospel message
You cannot preach the gospel message without preaching the resurrection of Jesus Christ Not only did
Jesus live for us, but he died for us and not only did Jesus die for us
He lives present tense for us But Hebrews says he always lives to make intercession for those that draw near The point number two the resurrection of Jesus Christ is non the good is non -negotiable to the
Christian faith the resurrection of Jesus Christ is one of many non -negotiable doctrines such as the doctrine of God as Christians we are monotheists
We believe that there's only one God Not many just one.
There is only one God We also believe in the doctrine of the
Trinity that this one God is yet three Persons and we like to break it down into the one what and the three who's the one
One being and the three who's is the three persons the father the son and the
Holy Spirit and the father is God by himself The son is
God by himself and the Holy Spirit is God by Himself, they are not reliant upon the other
The other person to be God they are God in and of themselves and yet the father is not the son vice -versa
He said that doesn't make sense, hey, I get it, but you must believe it by faith and it's non -negotiable
To deny it would make you a heretic Outside of the faith you have no part in Christ The doctrine of credit and we also hope to the doctrine of Christ right
Christology that this second person of the Trinity Which I talked about earlier came into time condescended took on flesh
Which leads us to the doctrine of the incarnation we talked about the virgin birth and what took place in the incarnation
There's this theological term called a hypostatic union and what it means is it means that Jesus is truly
God and He is truly man That Jesus has two natures truly
God truly man. He's not half God half man. He's not a demigod He's truly
God. Holy God everything that is God He is everything that God possesses
Jesus possesses even while he was on earth And yet he is truly man meaning that he there was times in his body when he was weak
Right Jesus sweat it Jesus had to go to the restaurant Jesus was thirsty Jesus feet hurt when he walked for a long for a long day everything about you that makes you a human being
Jesus was But yet he was God and that is not
To deny that would put you outside of the faith We also hold to the the doctrine of justification by faith alone
Which says that we are not saved by works of the law But by faith in Jesus Christ faith in him and his finished work
That the work that it took to be for us to be saved was accomplished by him.
The Bible says that we must keep God's law perfectly Anyone Christ did and he did so in our place and that is non -negotiable
We also talked about the doctrine of Imputed Righteousness I mentioned earlier that I stand before you today as someone who has been justified by faith and I am a saint
And I'm a sinner. I Am a saint because of what
Christ has done for me and I'm a sinner because I still carry this flesh
Like I can't get it off of me, right I can't Wash it off of me.
This is something that I wear because I wear it I still battle There's this battle between my spirit man and the flesh that that my spirit man is wrapped in And so in the doctrine of the imputation we talked about Christ living the life that we could not live in our place in the the
Bible Spits it out as the righteous for the unrighteous and the word righteous just means lawkeeper and unrighteous
Is what you and I are lawbreakers? So Jesus being the law keeper the righteous and you and I being the lawbreaker the unrighteous
What's what's said here is the righteous for? That when we're saved his righteousness covers us and that's how we are
Saints God sees us as Saints because His righteousness is clothing us in the same way that our sins
Clothed him on that cross. He made him who did no sin to be seen in our place ladies and gentlemen, that's
Non -negotiable to deny that would put you outside of the faith We also hold to the doctrine of the resurrection of the dead meaning as goes the
King so goes the kingdom and that's Non -negotiable that because Jesus Christ was dead buried and rose again
There's going to come a time when Jesus returns that those of us who have died are going to come up from the grave
Resurrected with a body like his And that is non -negotiable in the
Christian faith Romans chapter 28 verse 30 says this 28 330 says this and we know that for those who love
God All things work together for good for those who are called according to his purpose for those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be
Conformed to the image of his son In order that he might be the firstborn among many brothers this speaking of his
Resurrection are being conformed to his image is our being sanctified
We're we're Saints, but we're sinners. But as we grow in grace, we grow in holiness and When I was five years ago,
I'm no longer that but there's a progressive growth in my spiritual life But on that day when
I come out that great I Will be fully And it won't be a saint or a sinner reality
It'll be Saint It says for those whom he predestined he also
Called this is the effectual call. This is whenever you respond to the gracious gift of God And those whom he called he justified
Made right and those whom he justified. He also glorified this glorification right here is our
Resurrection or being in the image of Jesus Christ God's purpose for the church is to be glorified and that that is to be conformed to the image of the
Son which again, like I said is speaking of his resurrection and so the resurrection of the dead is
Non -negotiable his resurrection is non -negotiable the reason
The resurrection is non -negotiable is if Jesus Did not rise from the dead then everything that we know about God is questionable If Jesus Christ did not rise from the dead
Everything we know about God is questionable and our faith is in vain
Jesus makes it clear. We only know God through him gospel of John chapter 1 says
Let me turn there real quick you can if you won't look in verse chapter 1 of the gospel of John I'm going to keep your hand in first Corinthians If you look at verse 1 talking about in the beginning was the word the word here is
Jesus and the word was with God and The word was God That's telling you his what took place
And Jesus's stance in the beginning he was with the father He was with he'd been the word was with God.
He was face to face. This is cross -talking they on and The word was
God the Greek structure actually says God was the word And if you look in verse 14 the word who is
Jesus became flesh and dwelt among us now look in verse 18 It says no one has ever seen
God now right here. You have to say father No one has ever seen God the father because the next part says the only
God He was at the father's side This is speaking of Jesus He has made him known
The only way to know the father is to know the son Jesus in his high priestly prayer John chapter 17 verse 3 says this now this is eternal life
Jesus praying that they may know you the only true God and Jesus Christ whom you have sent
It's the only way to know
God is through Jesus Christ Go back to first Corinthians chapter 15.
Is it hot in here to anyone else? I am burning up I don't usually announce that from the pulpit, but I'm about to take his jacket off and throw it at somebody
They start out in a three -piece suit end up in the tank top Chapter 15 first Corinthians chapter 15.
We're going to see why it is if Jesus is resurrection Never happened that our faith is in vain
So look at verse 12 It says now if Christ is proclaimed as risen from the dead
How can some of you say that there is no resurrection of the dead?
So if you know anything about the book of Corinthians, it's a book of correction Paul wrote this book to correct their theology.
They got a little off as it was trying to live their lives Right, they carry around this this flesh and they got a little off in their theology
And so at this time they there's some doubting the resurrection of the dead And so again verse 12 now if Christ is proclaimed as risen from the dead
How can some of you say that there is no resurrection of the dead? But if there is no resurrection of the dead right here
Then not even Christ has been raised from the dead to deny our resurrection
Future resurrection is to deny the resurrection of Jesus Christ see why it's not negotiable and If Christ has not been raised from the dead and our preaching is in vain and your faith is in vain
We are even bound to be misrepresenting God But we testify about God that he raised
Christ who he did not raise if in fact That the dead are not raised
For if the dead are not raised not even Christ has been raised for 17 and if Christ has not been raised
Your faith is futile and you are still in your sins. Oh Christian listen
Listen Christ has not been risen. There is no saint reality.
It's just sinners Verse 18 then those then those also who have fallen asleep in Christ have perished if In Christ we have hope in this life only we
Are of all people most pity Ladies and gentlemen, you're not a
Christian here today And you think that we're a bunch of idiots
Christ has not been raised from the dead it's worse than that You should pity us pity us because we
Believe that Christ has been raised from the dead But in fact
Christ has been raised from the dead the first fruit of those Who have fallen asleep for as by one man came death speaking of Adam Adam brought sin and death into the world
Romans chapter 5 verse beginning of verse 12 By a man has come the resurrection of the dead
For as in Adam all died so also in Christ shall all be made alive
But each in his own order Christ the firstfruits then at his coming those who belong to Christ Then comes the end when he delivers the kingdom to God the
Father after destroying every rule and every authority in power for he must reign until He has put all of his enemies under his feet and the last enemy to be destroyed is death
And when he comes back at the resurrection of the dead and the dead in Christ will rise And will be clothed in him to keep reading the dead and Adam will rise clothed in dirt
Those that are in dirt will be sentenced to hell and those are in Christ will be free to live in Christ Our resurrection the resurrection of the dead is non -negotiable
Not non -negotiable Because if we are not raised in Christ has not been raised and that's why full federalism is heresy
As goes the king so goes the kingdom
Adam was our first federal head He brought sin and death into the world, which is why you sin and why you die
Christ comes to remove the curse started by His death
One day it's going to be as if that fruit had never been had a but a bite taken out one day at the resurrection
Point number three the resurrection of the dead. I'm assuming the resurrection of Jesus Christ is his coronation
Now here at this church from this pulpit. I speak a lot about the
Davidic Covenant And I do so because We hold the covenant theology
It's very simple as goes the king so goes the kingdom right when David was doing good
His kingdom did well when David sinned his kingdom was punished The kingdom was punished because of David's sin
And so there's that saying that I would say quite often as goes The king so goes the kingdom and in a
Davidic Covenant in the covenant made with David David was told by God that he was going to sit one of David's sons on the throne of David forever meaning when he was
Crowned king and sits on the throne. He will never be uncrowned king and he will never not sit on the throne
But There was a conditional clause It says if that son keeps
God's law Again the word if here is a conditional clause in order to receive this kingship
Forever you had to keep the law perfectly
Not breaking any law not lying not still and not seeing someone else with possession and wishing that they didn't have it
And you had you couldn't have any of that in your heart So son after son after son the people were wondering were always wondering
Is this the one as Solomon was crowned king is he the one?
Is he the one who's going to keep the law and live forever sit it upon the throne?
Well, this one this king keep God's covenant and be crowned Christ and son after son after son the people were disappointed because No Because no
One could keep the law The truth is is that no mere man can keep the law of God because they were born a son of Adam They're born into sin
Adam David says in sin. I was conceived. I Know it's hard to think about My last son it was recent right?
He's three years old now. He was born three months early this this Small baby, his arm was no bigger than my thumb
He was born a sinner A man deserving of death
You want to know why infants die Because they're born in Adam as goes the king so goes the kingdom
They're gonna follow after that first federal head In order for them to live they have to be in Christ Jesus says those who believe in me even though they die
Yes Eternal life No, mere man
Keep God's law and if Jesus had not been born from a virgin if Jesus would have an earthly father
He would have not been able to keep So question this brings up Jesus being truly
God And he was able to keep God's law perfectly my question is this
What should Christians believe? about the resurrection of Jesus Christ answer
That Jesus was crowned king And that he sits on the throne of David the throne of David now go back to our text acts chapter 2
First I'm gonna read it again this time with commentary So at this time
Jesus had been crucified dead buried and he rose again on the third day
He tells his disciples to go and that that he is going to give them power and that this power was the
Holy Spirit and that they were in this upper room and all of a sudden the Holy Spirit came upon Them and they began proclaiming the magnificent works of God.
They started preaching Christ from the Old Testament Genesis to the death burial resurrection of Jesus Christ People heard them speaking in their own
Languages not gibberish, but in their own Languages, they heard him speaking them speaking the disciples in their own languages the magnificent works of God And Peter stands up with a loud voice and he says man of Israel Hear these words
Jesus of Nazareth a man attested to you by God with mighty works and wonders of signs that God did through him
In your midst and you yourselves know Remember Jesus is born around all
Jerusalem performing these miracles. They're seeing these things with their eyes It says this Jesus delivered up according to the definite plan and for knowledge of God You point at the
Jews you Crucified me. I remember at the crucifixion. They were saying give us for Abbas and Crucify Jesus How they said who do you want rabbits or Jesus?
They said give us for rabbits. Well, what do you want me to do with your king? crucify him He says you by the definite for knowledge plan of God you crucified and now
And killed by the hands of lawless men speaking of the
Roman guards It says but God raised him up talking about his resurrection Loosening the pains of death because it was impossible
For him to be held by it The Bible says that God cannot die
He cannot die Now think about this if God cannot die, how did
Jesus stop Because Jesus was also true man as God Jesus keeps the law because only
God could keep God's law and as man Jesus dies for the sins of men
But as God he comes out the grave He cannot be held by it first 25 for David says concerning him concerning Jesus I saw the
Lord He's always before me for he is that my right hand that I will not be shaken.
Oh, is that the anthem of a Christian? Therefore my heart was glad and my tongue rejoiced
My tongue rejoiced my flesh also dwelt in hope hope of the resurrection right here
For you will not abandon my soul to Hades or let your
Holy One see Corruption you have made Known to me the path of life.
You will make known to me a full meet full of gladness with your presence right here brothers
I May say to you with confidence about the patriarch
David King David the one who slayed Goliath That he both died and was buried and his tune is with us to this day
Now the prophecy that David was speaking of he says you will not abandon my Soul to Hades.
This is Hades is what's called the place of the dead Or let my flesh see corruption.
That means to remain in the grave So when someone dies their spirit goes to the place of the dead
This is that let's take a place here and their body sees corruption Peter saying we know where David's grave is
We can go to it. He's he's there his body has done decomposed
But he's there so that means his soul is in the place of the dead Peter in verse 29 tells us that David is still in Hades look at it verse 29
Brothers, I may say to you with confidence about the patriarch David that he both died and was buried and his team is with us to this day
David is still what was still at that time in Hades and his Place of the dead and that his body saw corruption that his body remained in the grave
But David was speaking as if he was speaking about himself Now look at verse 30
Again being there for a prophet Calling David a prophet and knowing that God has sworn with an oath to him that he would set one of his descendants on his throne he foresaw and spoke about the resurrection of Jesus Resurrection of Christ that he
Jesus was not abandoned to Hades nor did his flesh see corruption
Jesus was not Abandoned to the place of the dead and the body of Jesus did not see corruption.
It did not remain in the grave Jesus came forth and That is why we as Christians can rejoice
Because our Savior lives Peter in verse 32 said That they were all witnesses of this
That they were all witnesses of this look at verse 20 says I mean 32 this
Jesus God raised up and of that we are We all are witnesses of this
The first Corinthians chapter 15 tells us that his disciples Peter Paul Jesus's disciples and over 500 people saw the resurrected
Jesus walking around eating fellowshipping for over 40 days
And the one thing you can be sure about that has not changed from then to now is that when someone dies they stay dead
When someone dies they stay dead That's why our beliefs are not logical
They're not logical The resurrection is not logical because people don't come back
This is why you just cannot wake up and decide to be a Christian Cannot wake up and decide to be a
Christian I'm telling you you must believe in something and it's non -negotiable and it's not even logical
That a man was crucified Dead and buried for three days and he came out the grave
You just can't wake up and The Bible tells us that faith is the gift of God And it's through the preaching of the gospel.
Thank you. If you don't know the gospel, you cannot be given faith to believe Now you can hear
I've got a friend who heard the gospel when he was young and he was saved years later while he was tripping on mushrooms
But the gospel that he heard when he was young he remembered in his trip and was born again
So it doesn't have to be in that very moment The Word of God is powerful and it's sharper than any two -edged sword piercing through bone and marrow
So you can hear the gospel as a five -year -old and that message can save you at 40
It comes through the message about Jesus Christ because it's not logical
It's belief. It's something you don't know for sure Bible says that's the only way to be saved
It's the only way to be saved Resurrection is not logical we
What we believe is foolishness First Corinthians chapter 1 verse 18 says this for the word of the cross is fallen that word.
There's foolishness To those who are perishing but to those of us who are being saved.
It is the power of God So if I tell you that that God himself Condescended took on flesh look like we couldn't live died in our place was buried and rose again on the third day
I Mean that's that's foolishness. That's not logical Well, you think that's because you're perishing
You're perishing when you die. You're going to go to hell. That's what you're thinking. You're perishing But to those of us who believe that message
It's saying that that is the power of God. That's the power of God The only reason why you believe it is because it's the power of God in you
You believe it because it's the power of God if Jesus was able to raise from the dead after being
Crucified dead and buried three days before that and listen to me. That's true.
Then that means then you That means You better listen when
Jesus tells you what to do Then believe me when I tell you we better listen when we read these words
And Jesus tells us something we better do it Right, I get asked all the time.
Why do I go out witness to people? Jesus told me to He says make disciples of all nations go out to all the world and make disciples and baptize them in the name of the
Father Son and Holy Spirit Just believe me when I tell you I don't want to do it It's uncomfortable
It's flesh -killing I feel like an idiot most times Right, especially when I'm by myself like yesterday.
I feel like an idiot I'm out there in a microphone. I'm screaming at people and sometimes I'm thinking what am
I even doing now? Remember? Oh, yeah, Jesus says go and make disciples. I Don't want to be out there there's a hundred things that could have been doing this and joining my family number one
But he said go and make disciples And so come 11 o 'clock my belly is butterflies and I can't even eat it's all
I'm thinking about it's all my life idiot Go out there. I stand on the side of the hook and I preach the gospel because Jesus told me to do it
No, there's many ways to Do that work, right? But for me since I've worked by myself and and once I get started
I really enjoy it, but It is what it is. I do what I do because I want to listen to Jesus If I read in the
Bible says to do something, I just do it. I just do it. I'm getting bald right now
Right look you can see it. I'm getting bald If I wasn't in here right now,
I'd have a hat on All right Bible tells me not to wear a hat up here, so I don't wear a hat
It's just a little things right? It's the little things But all this is over with I'm gonna put my hat on so no one see my bald head
I'm insecure. I'm weak and I'm pitiful. I'm insecure But I don't wear a hat because the
Bible says not to wear a hat It says man don't cover your heads It's the little things.
I just I just see it says something. That's okay. I'll do it Jesus I'll do it even though I'm insecure.
I'm going bald. I'm gonna do it because you tell me to That's how we have to be
And believe me if you cannot not wear your hat when it comes times You're not gonna be able to make disciples
You got to start with the little things in order to achieve the bigger goals in life Right if you want to save up a thousand start with saving up with five dollars
You want to save a thousand dollars you need to start by trying to save five dollars You know start with the small things
And did you know that a group of people would not die for a lie a Group of people will not die to keep the same one if you follow me on Facebook You see
I've quoted this Charles Carson says this. I know that the resurrection is a fact and Watergate proved it to me how because 12 men
Testify that they have seen Jesus raised from the dead and they proclaim that truth for 40 years
Never once denied denying it Everyone was being tortured stoned and then put in prison
They would have not endured that if it weren't true Watergate and burl 12 of the most powerful man in the world and they couldn't keep a lie for three weeks
You're telling me that 12 Apostles could keep a lie for 40 years absolutely impossible in quotes
Resurrection is true Look at history They were tortured be sawed in two skin
Dragged behind horses crucified crucified upside down They would not deny that Jesus Christ rose
I wouldn't die for a lie.
I wouldn't get up in the morning for a lie These men risked their lives
Because Jesus Christ is King Now look back at acts. Let's read the rest of the passage
Let's begin in verse 32 again this Jesus God raised up and of that we are all witnesses
Being therefore exalted right? This is him being crowned At the right hand of God Sitting this is him sitting on the throne what throne the throne of David The throne of David is not an earthly throne.
It's a heavenly throne and Having received from the father now He's speaking about what's taking place that day where they received the
Holy Spirit and having received from the father the promise of the Holy Spirit He has poured out this that you are
Excuse me that you yourselves are seeing and hearing and that's them speaking the magnificent works of God Everyone is able to hear it in their own language first 34 for David did not ascend into the heavens
But he himself says the Lord said to my lord Yahweh said to Adonai sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool
Talking about the resurrection of the dead When Christ comes back and his last enemy is death
First 36 let all the house of Israel know therefore for certain that God has made him both Lord and Christ is
Jesus whom you crucify What we see here is the coronation the resurrection of Jesus Christ it's
Jesus being crowned King as You know the son of David who sits on the throne forever because he kept the law the resurrection of Jesus is
Him being crowned King and he sits on the throne this King our
King this King of heaven is Ruling and he is reigning and he is putting all of his enemies under his feet he is sitting ruling and reigning on the throne of David's and at the resurrection of the dead
He will defeat his last enemy Meaning that there will be no more death and as we close
Jesus says this in John chapter 15 if conditional falls You love me
If you love me you will keep my commandments I said
Jesus said if you love me you will keep my commandments first John chapters To beginning of verse 3 says this this is how we know that we have come to know him if We keep his commandments the one who says that I come to know him and hasn't kept his commandments is a liar
And the truth is not in We see in chapter 3 verse 20 beginning of verse 23.
It says now this is his That we believe in the name of Jesus Christ and that we
Love one another You want to know how to love God with all your heart soul mind body and strength?
Believe in the name of Jesus Christ. Now, what do you do? You love your neighbor?
You don't lie to them. You don't steal from them. You don't go sleeping with her wife or husband
You don't even think about stuff like that You don't want you don't see them having something and you want it so bad that you wish they didn't have it and you had
And let me tell you some some of those things you're going to fell in because you still carry this flesh
We need to repent and put your faith in Jesus Christ Can I tell you something else
Christians follow Jesus? John 8 chapter 12. I mean John chapter 8 verse 12 says this
Jesus speaking He says I am the light of the world whoever follows me will never walk in darkness
But will have the light of life Christians follow Jesus Christians do what
Jesus told them to do If you're walking in darkness my dear friend listen to me you're not following Jesus If you're walking in darkness, you're not following Jesus If you're not believing in Jesus, you're not following them.
If you're living a life of sin, you're not following What do you do repent?
Stop it It's not worth your eternity stop it look to Christ trust in Christ Look to Christ and trust in Christ He is the righteous for the unrighteous
He is the just for the unjust He is the law keeper for the law breakers.
And if you believe his righteousness will clothe you Because you're seeing clothes
That cross or the mercy of God and the wrath of God meant And the wrath of God that you deserve fell on Jesus and the mercy that you don't deserve
Because I know because I'm one of you and I don't deserve it Can come to us
By calling on the name of the Lord, how do you do it by repenting and putting your faith in Jesus Christ?
I'm available to anyone who wants to talk Let's pray. Oh God I thank you for your word.
I Thank you that you love us Lord that you sent your son to be our Propitiation to be the payment for our own doom
And God I thank you for Everyone that is here today Lord, I pray that your word will not return void
And God that it will accomplish all of its work and Lord. I pray right now for the supper Lord I pray right now for those that partake in this meal
That you will use this to conform them to the image of your son
For that glorious day when we are raised from the dead clothed in the man of heaven his righteousness
Would I pray today Lord if there's anyone in here today that is in sin that you will grant them
Repentance and faith that they will confess their sins knowing that as they partake That they have a clean conscience that they are forgiven from all
Unrighteousness, but Lord, I also pray if there's anyone in here today. That's not a Christian or that is not walking in righteousness
Looking to you and all their lives Lord who are unwilling to confess their sins to you to be forgiven