Evangelical Leaders Have Thrown Us To The Wolves

AD Robles iconAD Robles



All right, guys, just a couple of quick thoughts about the last three videos that I've done this week.
And the first thing is about sort of the curses for disobedience for the nations and things like that.
Micah, thanks for the comments, by the way. Micah expressed a little bit of exasperation that when
I say general equity, that's almost like a weasel word. It's just a kind of a way to sort of get away from the specificity of your positions or something like that.
If I'm misrepresenting you, Micah, sorry. But, you know, chances are there are some of you that believe the same thing.
So when I read the curses that God says will happen to Israel, you know, if they if they disobey his covenant and things like that.
And I want to apply I want to take the general principles of that and apply it to the nations, including our nation.
And I want to say that unless we repent as a nation, that we're going to be destroyed by God.
Like that's a non -negotiable. We will be destroyed. And the ways that it describes in Deuteronomy 28 are the ways that God's likely to destroy us.
Now, it doesn't have to be one to one. That's part of what general equity means. So like, we don't have to get every single one of those curses and they don't have to be specifically exactly the way it happens in Israel.
But the general ideas, the general categories, the general equity of those curses absolutely will come to us.
And I think that we can see some of these things happening. A lot of you guys can see it, too, with the illegal immigration and the status of Americans, you know, going down and down and down and all that kind of stuff.
Anyway, all that to say, though, what I am going to do, because what I told Micah and Micah, I'm not trying to insult you.
I don't think this is as complicated as you're making it seem. And a lot of people make it seem, the whole idea of general equity.
What I'm going to do, I'm going to take the time to look through the prophets prophesying about the nations.
So Jeremiah, Ezekiel, you know, all of the major prophets that prophesy, you know, curses and destruction upon Israel, but also the nations, you know, they prophesy against Egypt and Assyria and Babylon and all that kind of stuff.
What I'm going to do is I'm going to find what the categories and what the verses say about what's going to happen to the nations, and I'm going to categorize them in, you know, military, you know, strife, economic strife, you know, health, things of that nature, you know, pestilence, stuff like that.
I'm going to categorize them, then I'm going to categorize the curses that he says are going to happen to Israel in Deuteronomy 28.
And I'm going to show you what general equity means, because what's going to happen, and I haven't taken the time to do this yet, but what
I'm going to do is you're going to see that Jeremiah prophesies that Egypt is going to be defeated before their enemies.
They're going to come in one way and then they're going to go out a million ways in terror and chaos, just like he tells
Israel is going to happen to them as a curse for their sin. So what's going to happen is you're going to see that all the same categories that God judges the nations, according to the book of the prophets, are all the same categories that he judges
Israel according to the book of the law. And so it's really not that complicated, you know what
I mean? Like, yeah, maybe Egypt's not going to eat their own children, but there's going to be a category for that, too, where they actually end up destroying their own children.
I think we're doing that now, right? Like, most people aren't eating their own children the way Israel did in the
United States. We're not doing that. But what we are doing is we're killing our children and then taking the money that we would have used to raise those children and going on vacation and going to expensive restaurants.
So, like, in a way, we're eating our own children, right? So that's what I mean by general equity. God has cursed the
United States for our sin against him and our rebellion. He has judged us and found us wanting, and as a result, we are, in a way, eating our own children.
Not like Israel did, because that was a specific prediction for Israel, but the general idea is happening here in our culture today.
Now, will there be a time when people are so hungry in the United States that they eat their own children? Well, I don't know.
Possibly. I don't know. But you see, that's how the general equity works, right? So I'm going to take the time to do it, because I think it'll be helpful for a lot of you.
Look at how the prophets predict curses upon the nations and judgment among the nations and also the standard of judgment.
What's he judging them based on, right? And you're going to look at that, and we're going to categorize it in the same way we categorized
Deuteronomy 28 and the Book of the Law, and we're going to see that, you know, lo and behold, God is consistent.
It's just that simple. God is consistent. So that's the one thing.
I also want to talk about John Piper again, because John Piper's article has really shook me up a little bit.
Not because of the fact that he's come out for the vaccine, that kind of thing I expect, right?
But just the subversive nature of the article has really just struck a nerve with me, because it's so twisted, and it's basically what everybody in Big Eva is doing.
Evangelical leaders have abandoned you. I mean, we got to get that through our skull. A lot of us have it, but some of us, including myself, haven't really fully absorbed what has happened here.
Our leaders in evangelicalism have abandoned us and thrown us to the wolves.
What John Piper did in that article is—let's just put it, let's put ourselves from his perspective for a second, right?
Getting the jab or not is a matter of Christian freedom, right? And what he's done is he's provided not only peer pressure, like he says, well, we shouldn't succumb to peer pressure, by the way, if you don't get it, all these people are going to die.
And it's like, he doesn't counterbalance that with an actual point that people make, like, for example, the vaccine can also make you die as well.
And for example, they're underreporting the deaths for the vaccine. And he doesn't really do that. He just says, oh, you know, you consider the risks.
So you got to compare considering the risks, which is very innocuous, to hundreds of thousands of deaths, which is very, very peer pressure -y and sneaky.
So not only does he do that, but let's just, again, put yourself in the mindset, this is Christian freedom. That's the point of the article that you're trying to write.
Where in the world do you come up with the idea that the people that need encouragement right now, the people that need to be encouraged before God exercising their freedom is are the ones who aren't getting the vaccine, or who are getting the vaccine, who want to get the vaccine?
Like, it's so subversive, like, that's the exact opposite of who needs to be encouraged right now, because who needs to be encouraged right now are those who don't want to get it before God, they're not getting this vaccine, they're not going to subject their children to the vaccine, and all of that.
And they're being threatened with their livelihoods. They're being threatened with in some countries, they're being threatened with things like, like, you know, potentially internment camps.
In some countries, they're being threatened with just just basic things, going to the store, things like that, like, like the vaccine passports, like, if anybody needs encouragement, about how free they are in Christ, and how they need to rely on Christ, if anybody needs that, it's those who aren't getting the vaccine.
But yet, John Piper found a way to write an article, a piece of trash article about the opposite about the people that are feeling the peer pressure and have no pressure on them whatsoever, because the entire world is on their side in this get the vaccine.
And by the way, all is going to go well with you, because you can keep your job, you could still go to the grocery store, we won't have to put you in a in an internment camp, and everything will be fine.
You can go to church, even you can go to church even. It's so it's, it's got me shook up.
And it's got me pissed off. Because this is big Eva's thing. Now they've thrown us to the wolves.
Whenever there's an issue or where they say, Oh, it's a Christian freedom issue. They're encouraging people on the wrong side of it, the ones who don't need any encouragement.
They're the ones that are following the zeitgeist. They're going to if things are going to go well, Caesar will give you his approval.
Those are the ones they're writing articles encouraging. And it's so infuriating. Now let me calm down for a second because this is common now.
You remember John Lehman, that little snake? That's right, Jonathan, you're a snake.
He did the same thing in the critical moment. He made the case, Oh, you know, going to church or not in the middle of a pandemic, it's a matter of Christian freedom.
But his entire article was written to those who are going to continue to obey
Caesar when Caesar said don't go to church. When in that moment, what we needed was encouragement to go to church, those who were bound conscious, you know, by their own conscience, according to how they understand the scripture, bound to go to church.
They're the ones who needed encouragement. You're free in Christ to be arrested by these charlatans.
You're free in Christ to go to prison by these jackbooted thugs who are just going to do whatever they have to do because I'm doing my job.
You're free in Christ to disobey in that regard. That's who needed the encouragement. And by the way, when that snake wrote his article, that's what was happening.
People were being encouraged. One of the evangelical leaders was like, no, guys, we're going to church.
MacArthur, God bless you. God bless you, brother, because he stood up. Finally, he changed course, if you remember, because at first he was closing down.
Then he changed course because he realized he was wrong. God bless you, John. And he was encouraging brothers to say, you can go to church, you can risk arrest, you can pay the fine, you can disobey.
Caesar is not your Lord. Christ is your Lord. People were being encouraged. And of course, big evil goons, they got out.
Those snakes who are throwing their flock to the wolves, they got out and wrote a
Christian freedom article encouraging the other side. Oh, no, no, you cannot go to church. No, no, you can listen to Caesar.
Like, Caesar's okay here. He is kind of Lord in this area. Yeah, you can do that. You have the freedom to do that.
At the critical moment when nobody on that side was being threatened with arrest, nobody on that side was being threatened with fines.
We have brothers in Canada who have been imprisoned because of this. And all the while, these
Christian leaders who have thrown us to the wolves have just pretended like it's not happening.
And they're encouraging those on the other side who need no encouragement. They're just fine doing whatever
Caesar says. As long as you say, Caesar, that things will go well with me. Oh, Lord, I believe you.
It's disgusting, guys. It's so subversive. These are people that I question whether or not they're working for the enemy.
And I don't say that lightly. If you watch this channel, you know that I don't say that lightly.
I take heat from people that think I'm too naive. Even in the John Piper thing, people are messaging me privately and publicly saying,
I don't know why you're surprised. I don't know why you're expecting different. And they question my discernment.
And I get it, man. I'm not griping with you guys. I think I am a little bit naive sometimes.
But you have to wonder if they're consistently encouraging those on the other side of this, the side that's going with the zeitgeist, the side that'll say, whatever you say,
Caesar. And they're never encouraging those who are actually taking a stand for Christ on these issues where they admit, well, it's just freedom,
Christian freedom. Which, by the way, I don't think going to church or not is actually one of those issues. But let's just stay in their weird world.
On these issues where the Christian freedom, that's the argument they're making. The encouragement is always on the side to disobedience.
And it's just so infuriating. These people have thrown us to the wolves. But I'm here to tell you that that's good.
That's a good thing. I'm glad that our evangelical leaders have decided to throw us to the wolves so the wolves can have a meal and they can still sit at the nice tables.
They can still have their nice articles in the Washington Post and all that kind of trash, because that is trash.
And they're going to have their fill of that trash. And some of them, I think, will come to their senses like the prodigal son.
Some of them are going to be eating, gorging at the pig slop. And they're going to be like, wait a minute.
What have I done? Maybe it'll be John Lehman currently gorging on the pig slop.
Maybe it won't. Maybe Jonathan Lehman will gorge himself to death on the slop. But it's a good thing, because here's the reality.
There has to be division so that we can see who's true. And I have to say that I am so grateful that God has revealed so much with so much clarity in such stark contrasts in 2020 and 2021.
It's never been easier to see who's true than it is right now. And I'm so grateful for that, guys.
They've thrown us to the wolves. And they think it's going to save their own skin.
It's not. And I'm glad to be thrown to the wolves by these charlatans.
Because when it gets really serious, and by the way, guys, I'm not downplaying those of you who are about to lose your job and all this kind of stuff.
I'm not downplaying that. Karen Swallow Pryor thinks that that's cosplay. She's an idiot. And bottom line, idiot at best.
So I'm not downplaying what you're going through now. But I don't think it's going to get better before it gets worse.
So when it gets really serious, it's a good thing. It's a gift from God to know who you can count on and who you can't.
So many people email me and they say, man, I can't believe my church closed down. Like I had to leave because obviously this guy doesn't have his head on straight.
But I'm grateful because I found a great church who will not comply when
Caesar starts rounding the people up. They will not. And so we can be grateful to God that we've seen so clearly now with even minor, minor disruptions to our normal lifestyle.
So that when the major ones come, we're ready to go. And we know what to do. I didn't expect this video to get so heated.
I don't really even know why it did. But God bless you guys. I hope you found this video helpful.
If you're feeling a little discombobulated and you need help finding a good church and you need advice on anything,
I'm glad to message you. I might not respond right away. Obviously you should go to your pastor first.
But I'm certainly glad to give you my take as well. God bless you guys. I hope you found this video helpful. God bless.