The Most Braindead Thing I've Ever Heard (and 2 Mild Friendly Disagreements)

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00:00 Introductory Nonsense 01:56 WWUTT on Women 07:15 Ekkie on Men and Women 13:14 The Most Braindead Take Ive Ever Heard


All right. All right. All right. All right. Welcome back to another week. I hope you found
This weekend entertaining. I hope you found it relaxing I hope you've had a great
Lord's Day and all of that kind of thing and you're recharged and Ready to attack the week this week.
I gotta say I'm pretty much there, you know on Friday I did my very first I didn't skip leg day on Friday put it that way and I had been skipping it
For I don't know like 10 years Now I you know, I bike
I didn't you know, I do other kinds of like exercise for my legs But I haven't lifted weights with my legs in about 10 years and man
Did I pay the price that last couple of days? I could I can't even sit down without bracing myself with my arms today.
I can sort of do that and so things are things are looking up but But yeah guys don't skip leg day.
You're gonna pay the price one day put it that way put it that way But in any case, yeah, I had a good weekend
Some people have been asking me about my Mets at you know and if I'm embarrassed to be a Mets fan because of how the season's gone and I gotta say
You know, I I'm not and the reason is I can't prove this But actually I predicted before the season started right after the big, you know free agency that all that I predicted we'd finish fourth or fifth and so I kind of expected this right now, by the way
I didn't know we were gonna sell all our players. So now that we have I'm predicting fifth
I think we're gonna finish in last place I don't know what it is But I feel like I've got a really good read on things, you know pretty much every
Analyst said that the Mets would be in the playoffs this year and I knew that they were gonna finish in fourth and fifth place
I don't know. Maybe it's just a lifetime of suffering cheering for the
Mets in any case Let's jump into this today. I just had a couple of tweets that I saw over the weekend that I Wanted to just make a few comments on and the first two are guys that I quite like I think that they're very helpful 95 % of the time
But these two tweets not so much and I just want to I like to do this kind of stuff from time to time because My listeners
I think kind of get you know what my channel is about and I just I want to normalize You know just really kind of like basic things that you know, they could get you into trouble, you know there's a lot of beliefs that are basic and obviously true and just simple that We've kind of been over time
Sort of like we've had our arms twisted into like Rejecting, you know what?
I mean? Like we've we've we've we've seen other people Performatively reject and I'm not saying that these guys are doing this.
I'm sure they really believe what they're saying here, but We've been kind of like it's we've kind of been
Emperor's has no clothes kind of thing our brains have, you know been kind of wired to see clothes where there are no clothes and I just want to normalize this stuff because your eyes don't deceive you
You know, you're you're the basic things that that are true and they're obviously true
They really are still true Even if a lot of people want to give you a hard time for believing it and again
This is not to disparage these guys. I like you at least the first two Not that I want to disparage the third either, but I really don't care so much about the third
I don't care for him that much But the first two I really like and so don't see this as an attack or don't see this as Me saying that they're bad guys or you shouldn't listen to them because I'm not saying that and I listen to them and I think that they're smart and I think they have a lot to offer
So that wouldn't make any sense for me to say don't listen to them if I'm doing it myself but the first guy is is
The when we understand the text guy Gabe Great guy.
I've been on his show before or maybe he's been on my show before. Yeah, I think he's been on my show before and and here's what he says
There's a there's a there's a there's a battle afoot between you know, patriarchy guys and just kind of regular
Complementarian and I mean like the good kind of complementarian Like there's a spectrum of obviously of complementarian and these guys on the spectrum are pretty good
You know, I mean, they're the good kind of complementarian and here's what he says. He says no The Bible doesn't say men are more discerning or women are less likely to be deceived
Most false teachers are men and just as many men are deceived as women So he says no the
Bible does not say that women are more likely to be deceived No, that's pretty much exactly what it says
That is pretty much Exactly what it says You know
Eve was deceived. That's the that's the justification that Paul gives in the
New Testament I mean we see it obviously in Genesis as well That's pretty much exactly what it says and you're not wrong to think that that that's exactly what it says
In the scripture about why women are not to teach or exercise authority over a man it's
Just as simple as that I mean, I don't really know how what else to say about it A lot of people call them out on this and what's interesting about this here is the logic
He uses is really bizarre and I don't know if he's saying this is the reason why but he connects it
So I have to take it as a unit. He says women are not more likely to be deceived than men
Because most false teachers are men and just as many men are deceived as women It's a very bizarre logic from a guy who
I think in general is a very careful thinker I mean in raw numbers are
I don't even know how he knows this number one I mean, obviously, you know, I don't have the data in front of me But I think he's right that there are more in terms of raw numbers more men out there teaching falsely than women
But that could easily be because there's just more men out there teaching You know what?
I mean? And so if that's the case, then of course, there's gonna be more men out there falsely teaching and it really has nothing to do with this idea that men are
I'm sorry women are more easily deceived than men and so It's just a very strange tweet,
I don't understand it There's there's a lot of this going around of pushback against patriarchy and a lot of it is pretty weak like this
I think this is extremely weak push. I think there is some good pushback against patriarchy. That's out there
But more often than not it's against the more extreme Versions of patriarchy that really aren't that Patriarchy You know focused and things like that.
So I don't know where Gabe is coming from on this one. This is a very strange one Yeah, he says the Bible doesn't say something that the
Bible very very explicitly Clearly obviously says you're not crazy.
You're not crazy people. That's that's what I'm here to tell you You know that that used to be a theme of my show. You are not crazy
At least according to me and if you think I'm crazy, then maybe you are Likewise this is the same kind of thing, you know,
Eki here. I like Eki, you know what I mean? I'm not trying to counter signal him. I'm not trying to say don't listen to him.
I like him. I listen to him I think he's quite helpful I mean, I have disagreements with him just like I would have disagreements with Gabe But I don't think it's like the kind of thing where he's giving you poison.
You know what I mean? It's not like that at all. And here's what Eki says. He says pro tip Don't go beyond what scripture says when explaining the differences between men and women and It's just not that's not a good tip
That's not a good tip now obviously The scripture is central and so you don't want to have an idea about men and women that kind of overturns the scripture
In fact, I think that's what a lot of people are concerned with regarding the George Gilder Kind of idea of like a woman sort of, you know kind of civilizing a man and the woman is, you know, kind of sort of in the kind of the primary position there when it comes to you know kind of the sexual, you know
Relations there or something like I I think that there is a concern that that kind of actually overturns what the
Bible actually says about About the relationship between men and women it also is counter to experience as well
The George Gilder stuff is it's very confusing at least the some of the stuff that's been kind of brought to light In the controversy.
I haven't read the book and I really I don't plan to read the book Not that I don't think you should do what you got to do.
I mean, it's just something I don't plan to do But but yeah, so scripture is central.
You don't want to be teaching something that's counter what the Bible says that would it make sense? But there is a lot
About men and women and the differences between men and women That is true and good and we should explore and should talk about and should give advice over and things like that that the
Bible does not address and This is obvious. This isn't one of those things that that if you look at this tweet and you're like, yeah
There's a truth here. Of course Scripture is central but but no, we actually do have to think about and and say and and explore and write in books and Podcasts or ever a lot more than what the
Bible says about the differences between men and women that is an obvious truth This is not a good tip
There's a lot more to say and as time goes on this becomes more and more clear I was just talking to someone about this
Nick storm if you don't follow him on on on Twitter And gab you should definitely do it
He's a good guy and he was talking about kind of raising his sons and daughters Differently and you know what that looks like and stuff like that and I only have sons
I have four sons, so I don't really know a whole lot about that. But I my brother has daughters and he's kind of talked about some of this stuff to where it's like there are things that you know in 2023 you know look it's not necessarily a sin to do certain things
You know like to have your daughter for example in a sport or something like that It's not a sin necessarily for a woman to play sports, but at the same time in 2023 is it wise is it something that you should do and I think pastors should have something to say about this because We live in a time where we need to be
Honest about where we're at as a culture and and things like that and we need to be honest about the influence of you know
They're you know lesbian coaches that are gonna be teaching your daughter You know life lessons in sports and the kind of impact that has on your daughters to see a butch
You know, you know jacked woman teaching them life lessons and in softball and stuff like that Does it mean that playing softball is a sin?
No, it does not mean that but there are things that we need to hash through That the Bible won't directly address that we need to talk about as Christians And so pro tip don't go beyond scripture when explaining the differences between men and women that's actually not a very good tip at all you you need to you need to explore many things because God has created nature in a certain way and There are things about nature that are hidden that are mysteries that we need to you know
Kind of uncover and that there's work and an effort that it takes to do that and we need to talk it out This is not a good tip.
So Yeah, it's just it's very obviously not a good tip at least in my opinion. So Scripture, of course is central.
We don't deny scripture. We don't overturn scripture like the George Gilder thing about women civilizing and domesticating men
And things like that. That's that's that doesn't seem to be what the Bible presents as the situation Obviously, I think that's pretty clear
But in in fairness to George Gilder from what I understand when he wrote this book, he wasn't a
Christian So, you know, but he still kind of believes this stuff now that he is a Christian So, you know,
I guess yeah Just two things that I think you know, you really just you know
Especially with the with the with the patriarchy versus complementarian stuff there's a lot of stuff that I think complementarians just reject that are just Obviously false or obviously true rather and you don't have to just go along with a convenient
Misrepresentation a convenient lie just because it's like the respectable thing to do patriarchy is very
Not respectable and I think that drives a lot of complementarians to say some very silly silly things in my
Opinion love those brothers guys guys not trying to fight. I don't want to fight anybody I love those guys and this is not my area of expertise
But these two things just struck me as very obviously not correct Now, let's bring me brings me to this presby cast tweet which way confessor confessional, man
It's got a comparison of two Conferences one of them is the fight last feast conference with Doug Wilson Joel Webben and Steven Wolf Featured prominently on the advertisement and the other one is the
Great Lakes reformed conference featuring our Scott Clark DJ Hart and Kim riddle
Barger this is a one of the Most obvious own goals that I've ever seen he owned himself
You know, I was on presby cast, you know a long time ago. This is before they knew Really too much about me because I haven't changed my opinion since then
I attended a CREC church Much prior to that and I was very friendly with to the
CREC and some of the beliefs in that system Prior to that. They probably would not have had me on their show had they known
But they used to like me before they knew me too well I Got no ill will towards presby cast.
Although they do strike me as the kind of Presbyterianism that needs to go the way Of the dodo bird this kind of Presbyterianism in my opinion
Needs to die out and will die out and one of the big reasons why it will die out is because quite frankly
We've captured the hearts of the young and I don't mean that in a nefarious way I don't mean that like we're lying to them or or you know buttering them up with with false doctrines
No, we just understand them. We don't reject them. We understand how to communicate with them and they are
Completely into it So this kind of the presby cast style of Presbyterianism will die out and it's just a matter of time
I wish I wish them no ill will but it will die out because they don't understand how to speak to the young and we do anyway
So what I wanted to address is not really presby cast but but but actually DG Hart Which is supposedly one of the guys that's better I guess
DG Hart is better than Joel Webbin because they're both in the center position here So I'm supposed to want to listen to DG Hart more than Joel Webbin.
Here's a quotation from DG Hart I Don't know too much about DG Hart's Opinions in general.
I'm sure he's a smart guy. This is One of the most this is the most I'm sorry.
It's the most brain dead takes I Have ever heard This is the most brain -dead take
I have ever heard it's only it's only one upped by one other but it's related Let me read this to you.
He's responding to a commentary says Nero did not violate God's law If he executed
Christians who obeyed God rather than man Nero a lot of people think the
Antichrist is Nero Nero did not violate God's law if he executed Christians who obeyed
God rather than man if Paul Continued to preach after the Emperor said he may not then
Nero was doing what God ordained governments to do Paul was told not to preach he continued to preach
Nero decided to execute him because he was preaching Christ and This man allegedly a giant of the
Presbyterian faith according to presby cast Says that Nero was not
Violating God's law. In fact, he was doing what God's Ordained governments to do when he executed
Paul for preaching Christ He says Christians do not get a pass from civil law just because they follow a higher law
And then he says John Brown is no Christian here. I agree with that. I don't care at all about John Brown I think he was a murderer quite frankly
So I agree with that part, but Nero Nero persecuting killing
Christians, you know Roman candles the whole thing He says he was doing what
God ordained governments to do and he did nothing wrong He did not violate God's law killing
Christians for preaching Christ You can just say it that is brain dead.
It is absurd It is false on the face of it and it needs no justification that is one of the dumbest things any human being has ever said and Here's the sad reality of this
DG Hart has enough Honesty and guts to just say it publicly without being kind of cajoled into it
But quite frankly, there are a lot of people who believe this as well They're just too smart or too dishonest whichever way you want to look at it to just say it
They have to be tricked into it So you have to be talking about theonomy and like, you know, kovat masks and stuff like that And then you trap him to say well was
Nero doing the right thing just because he has the the sword when he killed Christians And sometimes they'll say yes just to stay consistent
They really don't I don't think believe it, but they know they need to stay consistent. So they say it this is an opinion
I've heard quite a bit that guys like Nero who persecuted Christians were actually not disobeying
God's law they were doing what God called or Ordained rather governments to do and to maintain civil order by Persecuting and killing those who preach
Christ that is within God's law. That is something that doesn't violate God's law
They're ordained to do that. That's something that they can do now Christians have to disobey
But Nero has to do what Nero has to do and so in Nero killing Paul That was not a violation of God's law.
That is the single dumbest thing I've ever heard except for one thing There's one thing that's dumber
One thing that's dumber. I have actually heard somebody say this This was not a known quantity and I can't even remember who it was.
It was a long time ago but I'll never forget I was having a conversation about God's law and Somebody a
Christian and I have no reason to think he wasn't a Christian He said to me and he was trying to stay consistent this is him trying to be consistent he said that the
Jews of the day and Pontius Pilate Did not violate
God's law when they killed Jesus Christ in fact They were obeying
God's law because from their perspective they had to execute blasphemers and Jesus said he was
God So from their perspective, they didn't know so they did what was right in killing the sinless son of God Now, I don't think
DG Hart would say that but I don't see how DG Hart Escapes the logic if Nero was doing
God's Law and it was was within God's law and not Violating it and doing what
God ordained governments to do in killing those who preach Christ Why wouldn't he have been doing the same thing had he killed
Christ? It's absurd and you can just say it and you really have to offer no explanation
That's the thing. Some people will try to trick you and say well explain this then you know You really don't have to this is absurd on the face of it
No, you are not doing you are not within the bounds of God's law Executing people who preach
Christ that is not what God ordained governments to do obviously God ordained governments to promote what is good and to punish evildoers
People who preach Christ Obviously are not Evildoers in the preaching of Christ now, they may have some other things that they're doing
So maybe there's a street preacher who's all on the side. He's molesting kids. Okay Okay, you execute that guy but not for preaching
Christ You execute that guy for molesting kids, obviously Obviously DG Hart is saying no no in the executing of Paul just for preaching
Christ that did not violate God's law In fact, he was doing what God ordained governments to do.
That is obviously incorrect Obviously, it's brain -dead to think that and Presbycast I gotta be honest with you
I can't which which way confessional man It's not exactly a difficult choice in my opinion not exactly a difficult choice
Anyway, that's pretty much all I have for you today. And by the way, the first two they're not on the level of this This is this is just the first two.
I would not call brain -dead. Of course, I disagree, but it's not brain -dead This is brain -dead this
Nero did nothing wrong when he executed Christians who preach Christ because after all that's what the government is there for to execute people
Who preach Christ? pretty stupid pretty stupid I've got a souvenir cup here.
This is interesting. I went to the fair this weekend, which is great And we went to JR chicken had some chicken tenders
Fantastic tenders. I had a corn dog too. It was a huge one, you know Delicious, that's some some fried dough.
Also, man, so good Anyway, they gave me this souvenir cup and I thought to myself. Why would somebody want a souvenir cup from JR's chicken?
But I gotta say now that I have it, I'm glad I do Hope you found this video helpful.