Stop Roleplaying! Be Faithful With What God Has Given You

AD Robles iconAD Robles


Often we like to complain...but what are we doing? You covet positions of power so you can change things....but are you changing things with the small power you DO have?


All right, well enough of that. So I hope you enjoyed that content the winsome November content
I'm not I'm trying not to sacrifice the message because I think what I'm saying is correct I wouldn't say it if I didn't but I'm trying to change how
I say it just to see where it goes You know, you might think it was a big joke and there is of course a joking aspect to it, but it's it's serious stuff
I think that video was very good Feel free to share it with with anybody that you want that maybe you're afraid to share my normal content with but anyway
I wanted to talk about something and this is something that I've noticed a lot
Online a lot and I'm not the first one to notice this and and whenever I notice something that I think is a negative thing
Online what I try to do and this I'm not always successful at this. But what I try to do is
Make sure that I'm not Projecting if that makes sense and make sure that I'm looking at myself first because when
I see something in other people There's a good chance that maybe that's something I don't like in myself. And I think that that's definitely true here
It's definitely true here. And so what I've noticed is the tendency for people to How should
I put this rage and complain and and focus on these big things that they can't control
They have no control over there's no way for them to really change it I'm not saying there's no possible way but but it's very unlikely that you're going to change these big things
I I think what one example that we can we can we can use that everyone who watches my channel will remember what we'll know
Is this idea of systemic racism, right? Like it's so it's big.
It's systemic. It's in all of our institutions It's in all of our laws. It's in all of our things and it's just like Yeah, that sounds very complicated.
Like first of all, I don't believe it until I see the evidence of it Like you can't tell me that a law against stealing is a racist law until you can show me the evidence that it is
You know or something like that? And so so number one, I don't necessarily believe it.
But but even if it's true like that's very big and complicated, right? It's very difficult to change something like that.
That's a big ship to turn around. It's like trying to turn the Titanic, right? It's very difficult and pretty much impossible
I'm not saying you don't try to do it But what I am saying is that there's something more important in your life
Than attempting to change all these big things that you have no control over There's something more important in your life than trying to change these big kind of you know
Conceptual things that you really have no control over because you can't force people to think a certain way
You can't force people's hands if they don't want to do it. They're not gonna do it. I I saw
Relating to the racism thing. I saw there's one guy who I I love his name is oh my goodness
I did a video about this guy Boyce Watkins Boyce Watkins. He believes in all the stuff
I oppose he believes in reparations He believes in systemic racism all this and that blah blah blah blah blah.
So so I don't I don't agree with him I mean, I think that he's wrong about a lot of things right but what
I love about Boyce Watkins is that his solutions are Always things that you can control he talks to black people.
He says black people You deserve reparations you deserve all this repayment for all the systemic oppression that you've experienced but guess what you ain't gonna get it
You ain't gonna get it So what you got to do is take what you do have the the ability to get income the this
Tremendous wealth that blacks in the United States have I mean if you if you total up the wealth and the income that blacks have
In the United States, it's bigger than the GDP of a lot of countries So you've got a lot of power your money is your power and so what you should do is be faithful with that now
He's not a Christian. So when he says faithful what he means is Start investing even if it's a couple bucks a day start investing stock stop consuming more than you take in Consume less than you take in have a budget where you don't spend every dollar you get
Stop buying Jordans stop doing this like that's his that's his advice And I think that's fantastic advice because it focuses on those things that you can control
You'll never can be able to control whether or not you get reparations, right? But you can control what you do with your income no matter how big no matter how small you can control what you do
With your income. I like that a lot. I like that a lot It's that that's the right attitude You see the tendency is for us to focus and rage at things that we can't control and often
We use it as an excuse not to do the things that we should be doing You see what
I'm saying like and again, I'm talking to myself here This is something that I tend to do I talk and I rage and I and I get angry about all these things
So here's here's here's what got me thinking about this. I saw a lady talking Online on a
Facebook or Twitter or something and she was she was very upset because her children or one of her children
He was being bullied in school right being bullied in school awful awful There's nothing more enraging than watching a video of a kid being bullied in school.
I hate that stuff. I hate it and So so so so bullying is a problem, right?
And so this person's gonna go to the principal have a meeting She's very upset and she's she's asking for prayers. Okay, great prayers are good.
This is all this is all good so far, right? We want to be against bullying. We're angry that bullying happens.
We want to pray for people that are in situations like that But let's take a step back for a second, let's take a step back for a second
Here's something you can't control whether your kids gonna be bullied at school You can't actually control whether the principal does anything about it because history has shown they don't do anything about it
This is not in their purview. They can't control this stuff. It's not controllable But there's something you can control in this situation
Why are your kids in this school? Why are your kids in this school?
Get your kids out of there. I see and this is not just for this this person by the way I see people complaining that transsexuals are teaching their kids in public school.
The trannies are there They're gonna try they're trying to turn our kids into trannies. Okay, fine. That's something. That's a good thing to get mad at right?
That's fine. Oh, they're teaching evolution in the school. They're teaching The kids to be suspicious of the parents are teaching all this stuff.
All of this is good stuff to be upset about But why rage about that when it's completely within your control to take your kids out of that school?
And you might say well, I don't have the money. I need the income. Yeah, but Here's the thing guys
There are things that you can do right now to put yourself in a better situation next year to get your kids out of that school
I'm saying get them out now, but but but there are things steps you can take downsize your house change your job
Maybe take a second job Go to your church. I mean this is imagine this if your kids being bullied at school
Get your kid out. I can't afford it. Okay, go to your pastor and ask for help they can help you see your pastor should be able to put you in a situation whether it's whether it's with funding or someone can help you with with with train the kids or homeschool groups or Or maybe they can help you budget and organize your own family better because pastors should be able to help with that kind of stuff
There's principles in the Bible that talk about various things about you know Budgeting and economics and things like that like your pastor should be able to have you asked your pastor
Have you asked your pastor because here's the thing the school system is one of those big things
See, it's not just liberal stuff liberal people that have problems like this where they focus on these big things
They can't change like systemic oppression, right? We do it to conservatives do it too Because we're not it's gonna be very difficult to change at the
Department of Education of every state in the United States I'm not saying you shouldn't try But what I am saying is those things you don't really have ultimate control over you can do your you can put your effort
Forward you can you can use your strategies and things like that But I would say be much more effective to just control the things you can control.
Do you see what I'm saying? you understand what I'm saying because changing the minds of the Department of Education is very difficult but getting your kid out of school and organizing your own life in such a way that you can do that is much less difficult and It's more faithful of God you see here's the thing pastors
I'm gonna talk to you for a minute because And you know, I'm not telling you what to do. I'm not telling what to do
But a lot of you guys have your kids home. They're homeschooled a Lot of you people have your kids home.
They're homeschooled and There's reasons why you do that. A lot of them are biblical reasons I'm not saying you should preach from the pulpit, you know as law things that aren't law
That's not what I'm gonna say. You can only preach that book and you can only go so far as that book But man, you should be helping your pet your your your people your your your your flock to figure out
How to start being faithful with what they have The different principles in that scripture that we don't have to just rage online
About transsexuals teaching our kids how to have anal sex in school, right?
Like but that's part of sex ed now sodomy sodomy is part of sex ed now so we can rage online about that or We can get our kids out of that school
It's not right to teach allow your kid to learn about sodomy when they're you know in sixth grade
Or for you know, even even younger That's not right You have to protect your kids
You have to teach your kids the way the world really is the way God says the world is and it's not gonna happen in Public school you see we've we've done that experiment that experiment has failed that experiment has failed
Yeah, there's some kids that make it out of public school and become Christians. I'm one of them. I'm one of them There's some kids that make it to public school never renounce
Christ. Okay, that's great. That's fantastic But the numbers if you're gonna believe the numbers, that's not how it normally goes
So let's give up that experiment because God has told you what to do with your kids
He wants you to teach your kids What's what and if you're sending your kids to public school? You're putting yourself behind the eight ball because the school is going to jack them up, right?
There's gonna teach them other things and then you're gonna have to spend your time at home Deprogramming what they learned in school and that's a very difficult thing
Why not instead do the easier thing and I would argue the more faithful thing and just you teach them
What's what you take responsibility for that? Because ultimately you're responsible Ultimately responsible.
That's why people rage online, right? Because they know that ultimately they're responsible for their kids. And so they rage at the public schools teaching them about sodomy
But how about instead of that you do what you know is right you see this you can apply this to anything
I've been thinking about this a lot with economics, right? Because I believe in a God that judges nations for their sin against him
So when a nation rebels against God God judges that nation and he does it with war. He does it with economic sanctions
He does it with weather. That's what I believe right? And so I need to start acting like I actually believe that right?
So What does this mean for me well I'm considering I've got money in the stock market, right and if God's coming in judgment to the
United States based on the sin that We have done against him if that's going to happen. We're gonna have economic sanctions
What does that mean that I should do with my money that's in the stock market? It's a serious question and see this is the thing like do
I believe it or not? Do I believe it or not? And what would be the faithful thing if I actually believed it?
What should I do? What would be the smart thing the wise thing the faithful thing you see I like to rage online about things
But I need to be careful that that's not all I'm doing. I also need to be faithful with what I've been given because Rage all day these things you can't control if you want to do that.
That's like shaking your fist at the sky But you've got a family that you can control.
I saw somebody say this. I'm I'm gonna get in trouble for mentioning this guy again, but I'm just gonna do it. I'm just gonna do it
It's a comedian Owen Benjamin, I was watching him and he's he was he was talking about this kind of a topic
Essentially this kind of a topic and he was talking about, you know, all these white nationalists essentially that And you might say he's one of them.
I don't know if he is or not I'm just listen, but he's talking about how like they're they're they're just wringing their hands about race mixing
Oh the race mixing is horrible So if you believe that right his question for you if you actually believe that so what are you doing?
Are you having kids a lot of kids a lot of white babies if that's what you is that what you're doing or you just wringing your hands online and and and getting angry and and and full of anger and despair and sadness like What good is that gonna do?
See, that's not what you should do. And I'm not I'm not worried about race mixing. I I mean,
I'm in an inter ethnic marriage, right? So obviously I'm not worried about that But you see my point though Like like instead of just wringing your hands and being frustrated and angry and all this stuff about all these things and they're all
Anger -worthy, I mean trannies teaching kids that are as young as you know, fourth grade. That's that you should be angry about that But make sure that you're being faithful with what you've been given by God And if your kids are in that school get them out of there now
Same thing with like the SBC stuff, right? I see a lot of people bemoaning this this Crazy stuff going on the
SBC, right? Yeah, you know the Black pastor he got voted. No, it's racist blah blah blah and they're all stepping in There's this back office maneuverings and backroom deals and all kinds of shenanigans
Okay, fine, so you can be angry about that if you want, but are you still participating by giving them money stop?
Be faithful with what you have you can't change the direction of the SBC in Toto you can't change people's minds
You can't make people know that you know Russell Moore is this shady dude and like now
Mueller's not doing anything about it and stuff You can't force people to believe that but what you can do is stop Participating in it yourself be faithful with what you've been given
Don't let a focus on these big things that are very troubling that you can't control Stop you and use it as an excuse not to be faithful with what you have the little things that you can control
That's where I think you should focus and I think that's where the ultimately the big things will change as well
That's the ironic part if you focus on what you have and be faithful with what you have I think the big things will follow anyway.
I hope this is helpful. God bless I I Meant to use this as an example, but I forgot but but but a perfect example of what not to do, right?
And this is again. This is what not to do Don't be like this is to put is to is to pretend and and be all uppity about racial unity
Right y 'all racial reconciliation. We got to get the races together There's got to be more unity in the
Church of Christ and you're just raging Online all day about this in your blog every other blog post is about this
All of your leaders are preaching this everyone is talking about this these big ideas He's but what the church needs to have racial unity ratio and then when it's like in your control to do it.
You don't do it Gospel coalition guys like this. This is this is your big problem
You're trying to change all these big things that you can't change you have no control over people's minds But then in your own event when you have a fellowship hour you segregate it you say no white people don't come to this
You say you want reconciliation your actual actions prove that that is a lie See control the things you can control if you really want racial reconciliation stop focusing on these big things these big systems
They're esoteric things that you can't possibly change instead. How about when you gather together with your women's conference?
You just have it you get together now you have Reconciliation now you have unity now in your fellowship events.
Don't divide them up. Don't segregate them. That's stupid. That's stupid That's what not to do.
You see be faithful with a little bit You can't change the systems overnight, but you can change yourself
And so if you want racial unity, you got to actually do it have a fellowship event where? Race is not really considered here
Intentional you can be intentional about it. There's no race. No race is going to be considered here. We're gonna have unity in Christ That's what really matters.
We're gonna do that and we're gonna be an example to the world here We might not be able to change the courthouses and the systems overnight, but we can change ourselves overnight
But instead you you segregate it and there's your example. That's what's actually being used as an example
That's what not to do See focus on being faithful with the things you have not the things that you don't have you don't have those power