Midweek Review #21 (Acts 12:1-24)

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"Before Happily Ever After" we must expect opposition, trials, and difficulties. But consider (from Acts 12) how God uses even these things for His good purposes.


Final result, remember the theme we talked about today, you have the preaching of the gospel, which is powerful, but then that will be met with resistance from the evil one, and yet God will overpower that and use that then for the gospel to move forward.
Verse 24, but the word of God increased and multiplied. God is overcoming and vanquishing his enemies, and even using them as pawns in his plan and in his ultimate victory, and that's our inheritance.
That's what we have in Christ. So to apply this, do not think it strange when fiery trials come upon you, as Peter says.
Expect that before we get to happily ever after, which is coming, before we get there in this life, it's a war.
You're not on a cruise ship, you're on a warship. Expect opposition, but practice meeting adversity with earnest prayer until earnest prayer becomes reflexive.