Evangelical Establishment is Shook

AD Robles iconAD Robles


Cause aint no such thing as half way crooks: Note: The title of this video used to be "Social Justice Movement is Shook" A number of people objected to this on the grounds that Brian Auten, is not an SocJus advocate. I thought I was clear in the video that I didnt know Auten though based on the article he seemed like a TGC type...but admit maybe I wasnt clear enough. That is why I changed the title. :) Whether or not he is part of the big eva machine, he certainly seems to want to help them out against the onslaught of legitimate criticism. Good luck.


Well, I was thinking about that song earlier today because I was thinking about the week in review here and how the social justice side of this debate has acted and responded to the non -social justice side of this debate and it has been a sight to behold.
I think social justice warriors in evangelicalism are shook. I think they're shook. If you don't know what that means, that means that they're like, they're worried, they're responding in ways, they're kind of flailing, they can feel themselves on the ropes and I really do think that they are on the ropes at least when it comes to, you know, rationality and the arguments and the ideologies themselves.
They're on the ropes, man. They are. They are. Because here's the thing, guys, we, look, the people on the non -social justice side of this, we don't have big platforms.
We don't have big budgets. We don't have, you know, huge megaphones, you know, big email lists, things like that.
The Gospel Coalition, the ERLC, these groups, these seminary, you know, leaders and stuff like that, these people that are pushing this stuff in major seminaries, they have huge platforms, they have huge megaphones, they've got huge email lists, they can get their message out.
But even though they've got these big budgets and we've got this little budget on our side, we are forcing them to respond to us.
We are forcing them to respond to us and that is a huge thing. That's a huge thing because what that means is that they know we are having an impact on this with the people in the pews, the people that pay their bills, the people that fund them.
They know that they are starting to listen to the non -social justice side of this debate and they're starting to realize that actually those of us on our side of this, that we're much more consistent when it comes to biblical theology and justice, biblical theology and race, biblical theology and racial reconciliation.
They know we're having an impact and so they're now being forced to respond to us and it's amazing because I can tell they're shook because if they weren't shook, they would respond to us with theology.
They would respond to us with Bible verses in context, with well -reasoned biblical passages and they would be willing to debate and they'd be willing to have conversations and they'd be willing to talk to us like men, like men do, you know, one -on -one, give and take, being able to stand up to scrutiny, stuff like that.
But that's not how they're responding. If you've noticed this week, that's not how they're responding. We had Thabiti Yanyabwili responding like this.
This is what Thabiti said. Ready? There is no social justice movement. And I demonstrated in a video this week, if you haven't seen it, you should take a look at it.
I demonstrated that not only is there a social justice movement, but not Thabiti himself has acknowledged this,
Dr. Jarvis Williams has acknowledged this, Pastor Eric Mason has acknowledged this. They've called it a movement.
They know it's a movement and even by Thabiti's own definition, it's a movement. And so Thabiti's defense of there is no social justice movement is an attempt to make people like me look crazy.
Now, whether or not I'm crazy, I'll let someone else decide. But you know, the reality is that insulting half of the people, even if it was just half that agreed with our side of this, is a horrendous strategy.
That's what the Democrats tried in the last election and it didn't work and it won't work for the social justice world. You can insult people only so much before they start to say, hey, well, wait a minute.
I'm not racist. I'm not crazy. I'm not an idiot. And so stop this. We will pull your funding.
And I think that Gospel Coalition and the ERLC, their days of having a huge platform and a huge influence, they are most definitely numbered.
They are most definitely numbered. I think that a lot more people today look at Gospel Coalition with suspicion, rightfully so, than they did yesterday.
And so we're having a huge impact. They're shook. They're shook. You see, you can't play these games with people that have the truth on their side.
You're shook. So that response was ridiculous. But then we had this response from Mere Orthodoxy.
Now, I don't know if this guy is connected to the Gospel Coalition or ERLC. It certainly sounds like it.
He's coming from the same kind of a worldview, I think. But this response was so interesting.
Notes on the Evangelical Dark Web. Now, I have a bone to pick with this author, Brian Auten. This guy's shook too, by the way.
He's shook. This is an article about how to respond to people like me.
But the reality is, I got snubbed in this. I got snubbed in this. I was quoted in the
Washington Post as being part of the Evangelical Dark Web, and I didn't get mentioned here. I have to say,
I'm highly offended. Highly offended. And furthermore, I have to say that this might be a textbook example of racism.
See, if you notice, the people he does mention, Sovereign Nations, Pulpit and Pen, For the
Christian Intellectual Enemies Within the Church, a bunch of white guys. He gives them the credit. But then a Puerto Rican starts talking about this stuff, and I get no credit.
Hey man, that's racist. That's a joke. But anyway, this is an article that supposedly talks about what our goals are, embarrass the regime in power, make it appear weak and corrupt, all these kinds of things.
So then he says, this is what you should do to counter people like me. Ready? This is what his steps are.
This is why I say he's shook. Brian Aughton is shook. Ain't no such thing as halfway crooks.
All right. Demand citations for every assertion. Look, I'd be glad to give you citations, and in my
YouTube channel, I do it all the time. This is a great thing. I would, we, look, believe it or not, those of us on the anti -social justice side of this debate, we want to talk about citations.
We want to talk about evidence. So that's a good piece of advice. Somehow we think this is going to work against us. This won't. I can guarantee you this won't.
Question all characterizations every time. If they say someone's a socialist or cultural Marxist, always make them define the term.
Sure. Glad to. This is another thing that I think will help us. So please do this.
Number three, interrogate the interrogator. Research, write posts and accurate stories about the individuals and groups in the evangelical dark web.
What things have they been involved with in the past? Previous attempts at this, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Yeah, do that too.
You can write a story about me. I'm not, I'm not scared of that. Look, I've done some stupid things in my past.
And if you go on the internet, you could probably find me posting on a Jets, I'll even help you out. You can find me posting on a
Jets board, Jets Insider. This is before I was a Christian and I was an awful person.
I've said this many times on my YouTube channel. I'm open about it. I've posted on Jets Insider and I've said some horrible things.
I even got banned from that site for the horrible things that I've said. Yeah, so go ahead and you can write about my past.
That's totally fine. No problem. I don't think that's going to work for you. I think that's actually going to work against you.
So please, by all means, do it. This one's number four, host college and young career fellowship content analysis, reviewing parties, get some food and a copy of the upcoming social justice infiltration video.
A local speaker familiar with this history, blah, blah, blah. Yes. This is another thing. Please do.
Please do show our content to more people. That would be fantastic. I want my content to be showed by more people.
In fact, I want people to interact with my content. I ask for it all the time. So please host one of these meetings and it would be awesome if you could even host one of these meetings with one of us present.
If you want to watch some of my YouTube videos and invite me to it and we'll talk about it, give and take. I'm begging for that.
I'm begging for that. This is a great idea. Fantastic. Please do this. I think this will help me fight the temptation to get certain outlets or personality to do battle on, on your behalf.
A critique of the evangelical dark web of the gospel coalition, New York times, Washington post Southern public law center, a byline, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, will backfire and easily come in and they shook man.
This is they're shook. They're shook. There ain't no such thing as halfway crooks. They're absolutely right.
He doesn't want gospel coalition to platform me. That's what he, that's what he's saying. He doesn't want that because the platform me, he knows that I'll give me more, uh, exposure and more people would be influenced by me.
You know why? Because if you, if you put me up against any of these gospel coalition people, we're having a give and take, right?
Who's going to come out looking more biblical. Who's going to come out obviously more dedicated to a biblical worldview.
I contend that that would be me now. I've never done it before. The only time I've done it,
I think I did come out looking more biblical. So, so here's the thing. So yeah, he doesn't want to give us credibility because he knows we would have an impact that he shook.
That's what I'm saying. Brian Aughton is shook. He doesn't want to give us a platform because here's the thing. It should be quite easy for the gospel coalition to make me look like a fool, right?
It should be quite easy because they've got degrees and I don't have a degree. They've got big platforms and I don't have a big platform.
They've got a huge reputation. I don't have a huge reputation. So it should be, if my, my ideas are so evil, it should be very easy to show people that, but Brian Aughton knows it won't be.
He knows it won't be because he's shook. Oh yeah.
Get solid material on the social history into the hands of your 18 to 30 year olds. Sure. Let them read all they want and let them read, let them read those books, you know, like, like, like Woke Church.
Ooh, that'd be good. Let them read Woke Church and then show my videos on Woke Church. We'll see who's more influential.
Pastor Eric Mason talking about all this nonsense about Jay -Z being a bigger, a better influence on race relations in the church of Jesus Christ.
And then me saying, Hey, that's preposterous, impossible, theologically impossible, by the way. Yeah. Let's see who sounds more biblical.
Me or Pastor Eric Mason. We'll see. I think, I think this is a great idea. You should do that. You should do that.
Be over transparent about outside funding. This is my favorite one. This is actually one of our goals.
This is what we're going to be doing. We're going to be trying to expose the outside funding that comes into these, these schools.
So if you just, you know, preempt us, you can undercut the movie, uh, enemies of the church. I'm not part of that movie, but I'm, I'm looking forward to it.
You can undercut that whole movie. All you got to do is, is open up your books, open up your books. This is what we want.
So yes, please do this. That's this is, this is hilarious, man. This is, he shook. That's what's going on here.
He shook. Be very open about normal organizational behavior, big networking, big
Eva type stuff. Yeah. Yeah. So, so that would be great to be open about. All the background, you know, planning that you do all the stuff that you do.
It wouldn't be shady if you did, if you were open about that. So yes, that's what we want. See all of these things.
This is why I say he shook Brian on and thinks this is actually going to hurt us. But if he did all of these things and if all y 'all did all these things,
I don't think it would hurt anybody because here's the thing. We're after the truth, right? We don't, he said,
I know he says we want your platforms. We don't want your platforms. If we did want your platforms, we would go along with the message, right?
I've, I've said often, I could probably be on a gospel coalition conference stage within a couple of years. All I have to do is repent of my beliefs now and talk about how oppressed
Diane as a Puerto Rican. And I'd have to do it eloquently. It'd have to do it nicely and very winsome, but I could probably do it.
So if I wanted that platform, that's what I would do. I don't want that platform. I reject that platform. I don't want that kind of platform.
And all of us on our side, that's not what we're after. We're after the truth. Right? So, so do all these things and, and, you know, you know, we want the truth to, to, to, to rise to the top.
That's what we want. So do all these things and it'll help the truth, but it won't necessarily help you. I love it.
This response is great because it proves that they're shook. They need to coordinate some kind of a response to us.
And they know that what they've been doing up until now has not been working and worries them.
They're shook. It worries them. The thing is though, that this whole thing, these ideas, that's not going to work either.
That's not going to work either. So good luck. I hope that you do these things. This, this actually would serve my purposes very well.
I'm after the truth. So if you're open about your books, you're open about your organizational stuff, you're open about all that stuff, you know, we're going to check you out because here's the thing.
We don't trust you anymore. So, so if you opened up your books and showed us all your funding sources, we would accept it, but we would verify it.
Absolutely. We would verify it. We don't just take your word for things anymore. And maybe we shouldn't have from the beginning.
Maybe we shouldn't have been as uncritical as we've been. But we're correcting that we're after the truth and that's all good.
Now I have nothing against Brian Otten. I think that this article demonstrates that he and the big
Eva type people, they're shook. I think it definitely does. But I actually endorse all of this stuff.
I endorse all of this. I think his ideas are fantastic. And I don't think that they're going to help what he thinks it's going to help, but I think it will help the truth and that's, and that's the bottom line.
So I actually absolutely endorse the majority of this article. I think the ideas he has are very good.
Let's do it. Let's do it. We've been begging for this for a long time and he seems to be, you know, saying,
Hey, these are good ideas. We should do these things. And I agree, Brian Otten. Anyway, I hope this is helpful.