Obedience to God Strengthens Faith



Paul now has a place of it in this this humble Servant that is suffering here in prison and he sees that what he is going through is being poured out upon the service of Their faith.
It's a strengthening of the church's faith What does this look like for us today?
Many of us can in the United States we can get this this thing thinking of lazy Christianity right because none of this ever really hits home for us, right?
None of us are going to prison day and day not out for having faith in Jesus, right? Did you know just a few years ago?
We can see how this played out for even us today There was a pastor up in Canada and without getting into all the minutiae that was to be considered in the time of kovat
We saw how many churches forsook the assembling together and closed their doors and not only this but in Canada There was a huge push to have churches shut their doors
No matter what that the government overstep their realm of authority and said church you have to shut your door down You have to close the doors and lock them
You can't go in and enter them and worship God any longer is what they told them and it took one pastor in Canada pastor coats
He stood up and opened the doors He stood up and continued worshiping God He continued to to praise and preach the word of life, what was he doing?
He was being a light amongst the darkness. What was he doing holding fast to the word of truth?
He was not forsaking it. He was more worried about being held responsible from God as a pastor and servant of his
Then he was a citizen of Canada and what happened to him They came and arrested him and he sat in prison
Because of him worshiping God and being obedient to Jesus Christ as a servant of his
What happened to Canada because of that? Churches opened their doors
Churches in the United States opened their doors What Paul is doing in here is he's showing how being strong in the faith actually encourages the fellow
Christian to act as Christians ought to act like I said without getting into the minutiae of all the the debates and thoughts that went along with Kovat the point of it is is that God has given us command to assemble together and To worship him and as servants of him we ought not to disobey him
Be the light Amongst the world amongst a crooked and perverse generation and how do we do this?