"The Significance of the Local Church" An interview with Josh Lofthus of The Reformatory Podcast


Today we will be discussing the importance of the Local Church. Join us as Josh and I talk about the matter of the Local Church. Also, be sure to tune in to see who would win if Josh and Jack Barry were to arm wrestle! :)


All right, welcome to the here. I stand theology podcast today. We've got a great show lined up for you
We've got Josh loftus with the reformatory podcast with us. We're going to be talking the significance of the local church.
Stay with us We'll be right back John Newton what said the following it is impossible
That either men or angels can fully sound the depth of this one sentence
That Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners It is impossible that either men or angels can fully sound the depth of this one sentence
That Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners Now here's something minister listen to me
Again we have this present tense idea keep on commanding and teaching and notice
That if you put these two together We're talking about teaching with authority and you cannot teach with authority based on your position or office
You teach with authority only to the degree that you correctly interpret and communicate
God's Word Here I stand to the here
I stand theology podcast We are a podcast devoted to appointed and spirited debate of biblical doctrine.
We don't plan on debating any today we are just going to be talk making some straight talk about the
Significance of the local church the importance of the local church are you a member of the local church if you are a
Christian, then you should very well be a Rooted grounded founded member of a local church, but we'll we'll get back to that here in just a moment
We've got Josh loft us with us from the reformatory podcast and real quick before we bring
Josh in Let me make just a quick announcement We are a ministry the here.
I stand theology podcast is a ministry of the the local church I myself and I'm an elder at Reformata Baptist Church.
I serve under Accountability to the other elders at the church I serve in discretion as a servant of God to the people of God at Reformata Baptist Church So everything that you hear on this podcast
Everything we say everything that comes out of it is a reflection Reformata Baptist Church if we get out of line if we get contrary to the scriptures
We are not above reproof rebuke or exhortation So long as it's from the
Word of God, but if you're just coming with a personal pet peeve He's on down the road.
We got a hold to the word Nevertheless without any further ado. We want to bring
Josh loft us into the podcast with us Josh How are you my man?
I I am doing well my friend. I thank you for the opportunity to come on And talk about honestly my my favorite thing to talk about man, like I I love talking local church talk
It's the best thing and I'm excited excited to do it with you tonight, man Thank you.
Let's let's be uh, let's be very transparent right up front Oh boy, my head my head has been about to explode.
I've been wrestling with the with the computer machines I've been wrestling with the mic problems.
You helped me a little bit walking through it. The sound should be good. If not We'll definitely have the audio to be good.
But we hope that both the audio and the video are clear So what's the weather like there in Seattle, man?
So we just got over with a very unconventional snowstorm here in the
Seattle area Which we don't we don't get So we just went through about a week of having close to a foot of snow on the ground which
If you're at all on the in the in the Seattle area, it turns out that people don't know how to drive in snow
So it is just absolute pandemonium chaos when the snow falls people are freaking out the shelves go empty
Les Schwab is backed up a mile long and it's it's absolute chaos. So we just got done with that It's been rainy and gray today back to normal So rainy and gray is the normal is what you're saying it really is
Yeah, anybody who's been around Seattle knows it's the rainy city. And yeah yeah, it's it is a it is a
Very a very interesting and and long -awaited day when the Sun decides to grace us with its presence
All right, so Josh let's get to it so there's a yeah, I don't know if you've Tracked us or followed us or listened to us, but anytime we have a guest on yeah, we have a
Very foundational question that we asked kind of sets the tone for the whole podcast Okay, and so I'm just gonna go ahead and throw it out to you
So Josh if if you and Jack Barry had to arm -wrestle who would win?
See this is nice because Jack's not here right now so I can answer however I want if Jack and I had to arm -wrestle
So I grew up in eastern, Washington on a horse ranch All right, so I'm an old country boy at heart
I feel like I would I feel like I would pull out the win But Jack Jack would would probably find a way to overcome me by some nefarious means
So I'm definitely more brawn. He's definitely more brain. Yeah, so it but it'd be interesting now
I kind of want to arm -wrestle him. I kind of want to know now Well what we need we need a photographic or video evidence.
We need you to send it as soon as you all do this Yeah, since you've been on the episode now, you've been asked the question
Yeah, Doug Doug Wilson gave of course, you know, everything he said is is kind of Masked and bagged.
He's very subtle. That's Doug Wilson I said if you and Toby Sumter had to arm -wrestle who would win?
and And then he somehow switched the question around he said well it would boil down to this no matter who
I arm -wrestled They would win Because I'd let them Say and no matter what happens, it's because I let you
Well, and I'm afraid I'm afraid if we're gonna be realistic Jack and I would start we'd get about ten seconds in and then
We'd realize we're both old men and it would just hurt I am
I am I turned I'm turning 30 this year All right, so I'm 48 years old.
You're in your prime. My man. You're in your yeah so You you're not an old dude.
Now when you were 15 30 year olds were old dudes, but yeah Yeah, well, yeah, exactly and now now that I'm 30 15 year olds are children.
All right, and that's that's that's what's interesting. Yeah Lip your snappers get out.
That's right. That's right. Y 'all making me grumpy So so Josh, how did the how did the reformatory podcast get going?
Yeah Gosh, so the former Tory's been going for a few years now. It started just kind of as an idea of Just wanting to be able to Provide a
Podcast for our specific local church at the time I have Jack is actually this is unless you know, people are have listened from the beginning
They won't know Jack's actually my second host. I Started the reformatory with a guy Named Daniel very dear friend still talk to him every day.
He's a pastor out here in Washington Reformed Baptist and we started the reformatory just because we wanted to Show that you can both
Discuss and live out theology and have have have reformed theology
Calvinistic theology covenantal confessional theology be very important while at the same time not being a jerk
Right, right and at the same time avoiding avoiding the cage stage as we call it, right?
so that was the initial idea of the podcast and then Through kovat and everything that happened out here in Washington.
It's just been a mess Daniel had to step back just to focus on church stuff, which makes complete and total sense
And then I had I had the option. I'm like, okay. Well the reformatory can end or I've got a friend named
Jack who very like -minded with he could come on and we'll see what happens so ended up calling
Jack and And it was after Jack came on the the reformatory that our focus really,
I think Shifted and became very very specific to the reformatory is the podcast specifically devoted to the local church
That there are so many great Podcasts out there already that talk about all the theology stuff and all of the things that are happening in culture, right?
And and they do a great job at covering all those things Jack and I's heart really was focused on the local church and we wanted to basically have as the
The template in our mind if this specific topic whatever it is, whether it's cultural or theological if we can't make a real a
Real like like like Focus to it within the local church if it doesn't affect the local church in some way
We're gonna let somebody else cover it, right? So so we began to just our episodes began to just kind of take that form of we're gonna talk about local church stuff polity and you know
Membership and pastoral, you know things and qualifications just the whole gambit that's the focus that we have now and that's just kind of the train that we've decided to hop on and and It it definitely works for us.
So That's awesome. That's awesome. And really the only other Podcast that I know of that is that Focused in that dedicated really to making it for that local body is a great friend of mine
He pastors up the road right up the road from us The EC podcast if you get a chance check them out
Basically, there's three elders get together for the podcast and they've got a guy named Bobby Payne there that goes to the church that kind Of hosting kind of leads the conversation, but they do a great job.
They really do and ask again it's definitely a work that's needed and Pastors and members and deacons like they all they all need encouragement
So the more the more we can give it to them the happier the happier we are. Hey, man Amen, so so let's let's answer these questions real quick What does it mean for us because we are both of us like -minded in this?
What does it mean number one that we are confessional? Sure. Yeah, I mean short answers that we adhere to a historic biblical confession, right?
For Presbyterians, it's the Westminster for for some it's the Heidelberg or the
Pelgic and for us as reformed Baptist usually it's the 1689, right? Basically, what that means is that we see a great value in adhering to a set
Standard of interpreting the essential truths of Scripture that have been confirmed Historically, yes, right because we you know, we live we live in it in a day and age right now where truth is
Relative and things change right and you go on every church website and there's their statement of faith and you have to like look at It right.
I mean, I I view the I view the things I view Confessionalism as the the
OG statement of faiths Yes, and like here's this wheel that has been confirmed for years and years and years and it's solid
It's biblical. I'm a fan of not inventing it not reinventing the wheel if we don't have to right
So that's honestly why I am I am confessional I want a standard of Scripture of interpreting
Scripture That is something that I know has roots and something that I know has stood the test of time and wasn't thought up and you know
Wasn't thought up in a Starbucks by a 28 year old pastor, you know Exactly.
I'm on the job, right? Who got who got a special revelation from God? That's the that's the
Chai tea that you order it's going bad, right Oh, no,
I was gonna say yeah, yeah, we don't hold the can we don't hold the confessions as infallible We don't hold them to the level of Scripture right scriptures our authority not the confession but we do believe it is beneficial to have a
Rock solid interpretation of Scripture that when you have a question, especially in the local church.
This is huge in the local church Let's go back to our confession and see what it says because it's very very beneficial.
Hey, man. Hey, man along with confessions So catechism, what do you feel how you feel about catechism?
Oh, I'm all I I was catechized as a child I am all in with catechisms. I think they are fantastic I think they're especially if you can get them in your in your head as a kid, right?
I can't tell you how many times so I was raised on the Westminster Shorter loved it And I can't tell you how many times even as an adult that Catechism number one.
What is man's primary purpose? Why am I here it to glorify God and enjoy him forever, right?
Catechizing your kids I think is a fantastic way to get those rock solid truths
Ingrained into their head that will have flourishing and fruit later in life.
Hey, man So yeah, I'm a big catechism guy. I love them. I was looking up There's a you know as as children can be there's a little girl in our church
She is I mean their family they just moved down from Connecticut earlier last year
But man, you talk about a family that does good with their child. I was looking for something that The mom had posted just yeah a week or two ago
But she is there anything more intimidating than a child coming up and some reciting reform reform doctrine to you
There's a pastor. You're like, whoa I'm gonna be careful what I say this kids know this kid knows what he's saying
Exactly. Exactly. So on Sunday mornings, I'm Our goal by the end of this by the end of 2022 is to have the entire church adults and children
Know that it's the children's catechism, but still yet. It's it's still
Unbelievable, but so I start in the adult class We go through our catechism questions there for the week
Then I'm go I go to the youth class and then I'll go to the little kids class but this little girl we went in there with her and She was in there and another little boy was in in their
Sunday school class And and it was the question what covenant did
God make with Adam and Eve in the garden? Of course, the answer is the covenant of works. Well, she's been catechized on the
Westminster So the covenant of life is what they say So this little girl is so intelligent.
She stopped me. She said hold on a minute. Hold on a moment pastor Claude there is a difference between the covenant of works and the covenant of grace six years old
I'm thinking yes Yes, like you're right, I'm a little scared right now
That's good. That's good stuff. I love it. Well, well, well that whoever those parents are well done to those parents catechize your kids
Well, they are awesome. They are awesome. So So, of course, we're confessional covenantal
So basically being covenantal means we hold to chiefly The covenant of works the covenant of grace and the covenant of redemption, correct?
What would you add to that? yeah, I would I would add that being covenantal is of is a specific way to interpret the all of the the canon of Scripture Right and that we don't see
God dealing with his people in different stages or or different dispensations, right
We see God's plan of redemption from the beginning of time to when Christ comes back as being this one
Overarching consistent coherent story that brings glory to him and manifests the glory of Jesus Christ through the gospel
Right. So as if we say we are covenantal in the way that we view
Scripture It means that you don't split Scripture up into into different dispensations
Well God dealt with these people here and God has people here. God has people here. God has people here God has had one people
That's right beginning of time and it is his church and he utilized Israel to be a physical and outward
Example of a spiritual truth Just I plucked Israel out from among the nations not you know
Not based on anything that they brought to the table. So I did you right? so all of those things you mentioned plus it gives you the
The I believe the correct perspective of God's glory through the gospel as the overarching way that we interpret
Scripture, right Amen, brother. Amen. And last of all and this is what
I love. I love to watch people cringe And what does it mean when we say we are Calvinistic?
Are there are there truly people who are willing in this day and age to say that they are
Calvinists, right? Yes. Yeah. Yeah, right Well, and I you know, you know the the funny thing, especially
Especially in the part of the country that I'm in that I live in. It's an interesting I Have found that when
I'm asked that question I have found great benefit in asking the question and answering the question with a question and that is
What what does Calvinism mean to you? Right because what
I have found through my life Is that everyone and their brother has a different definition of what
Calvinism is? Right, I'm pretty confident you and I have the same definition So I'm not gonna ask you that here
But but but it is it is wise to ask that question because sometimes people are throwing like well You don't believe in evangelism.
You don't believe in prayer You believe God is the author of evil all these things and you're like that is not at all what
Calvinism teach Exactly. So in short by the way, Calvin didn't start
Calvinism. No Yeah, I always point that out too. Yeah, Calvin will roll. He would roll in his grave
If he heard that we took the salvific truths of Scripture and threw his name on it,
I am convinced of it I believe that I believe that but again that goes back to the fact that very few
Christians are so Ensconced in and founded and grounded in the local church and the local church hasn't been teaching this stuff for years
Which is a big problem if you would if you ask me, I mean, but again, you know
His church history teaches us so much if we just read it.
Yeah. No, absolutely Absolutely. Yep. All right. So our topic as we move along.
Oh, by the way Just real quick I thought I'd play this for you
Because I know how you love Papa Sproul, oh man, you're gonna make me cry here on air don't do this
It's just a little riff here. It is a little video real quick And we don't know who we are
All right, so so that It goes with everything
I know it is awesome that clip I usually reserve when I do teaching episodes on false teachers
Oh, I'll let the crazy train addition But I had to play that for you because I know you love up spro
I do I do I I love that was that was Solid. Yep And again is another side note dude you killed it on y 'all's intro.
Oh Yeah, I appreciate that man. Yeah. Yeah, we have We have we have a lot of fun with the intro music on the reformatory
So we we've had the same one for the longest time And in it you'll hear a bunch of different preachers that we appreciate preachers some preachers that we poke fun at a little bit
But Papa Sproul both in the first one and In our brand new one that we just launched last week at the time of this recording is very prominent within it
So it's yeah. Thank you. Appreciate it Serious, dude. It is fantastic. So so let's let's move into our topic.
I'm gonna respect your time So basically we are going to be talking about the importance or the significance of the local church
So three questions kind of to begin us off for our audience to consider as they are listening or watching this number one
Most importantly we do not ever want to do an episode without Communicating clearly the gospel message.
So the first question for our listeners and watchers tonight is this are you a
Christian? The scripture says that we're all born in sin shaped in iniquity that the scripture says there are none good
There are none that seek after God there. There. There are none that are righteous Because of our sins we are separated from God and according to first Corinthians 15 1 through 4 the scriptures teach us
Plainly the gospel is simply this that Christ died for our sins
We make we must recognize that we are sinners. We can only know that by God Showing us that we are sinners that means being
Regenerated made a new creature brought to life so that we can see and recognize That we are sinners and our sins separate us from a holy
God Christ died on the cross for our sins as an atoning sacrifice for our sins a perpetuatory sacrifice
Penal substitutionary atonement is the big theological term. He gave his life for mine
Specifically we believe in definite atonement. So the scriptures teach us that Christ died for our sins was buried
Put it in the grave on the third day. He arose from the grave Ascended to the father where he ever lives to make intercession for us
So most folks will say this. So what do we do with that? The simple biblical answer is this repent turn from your sin turn to the
Savior Believe the gospel of Jesus Christ Trust in the finished work of Christ on the cross for your sins
Outside of Christ. There is no other hope for you So as we consider this question or this thought the significance of the local church tonight
First ask yourself. Are you a Christian? Repent and believe the gospel second.
Are you a committed and contributing member of a local church Folks don't flinch when you talk to them about salvation nowadays
Everybody in there. I'm in Tennessee, by the way Everybody here has been saved six to seventeen hundred times
Depending on how many Bible schools they've gone to right The question that really ought to stick in folks crawl to put it in country terms
Is are you a committed and contributing member of a local church? My third question is simply this as we delve into this topic tonight
If you are a Christian and you are not a member of the local church
Why? Why I believe you'll find out by the time we're finished tonight
That you are living in sin contrary to the Word of God if you are a professing believer in Jesus Christ Having been born again regenerate by the
Holy Spirit of God and you are not a member of a local church You're in sin.
Some folks won't say that. I'm not afraid to I'm gonna say it and so there so Josh is as we basically the basic questions that we'll be covering in Key questions.
We'll be looking at really are what are the defining characteristics and marks of a local church and Is a
Christian in disobedience to the Word of God by not being member of the local church Two questions, but those cover a great bit of territory.
What say you brother? They do. Yeah. Yeah large questions. So When we talk about the local church,
I think it's important to Obviously define our terms, right? All right. What are we what are we talking about there?
We have obviously that the Universal Church the Invisible Church However, you want to describe it, you know describing the the elect of God the church capital
C, right? but when we talk about and that is comprised of all of the people that have gone before and will come and and then are
Here present that are the elect those that have been bought and paid for by the blood of Christ Amen, when we talk about the local church
Small C. We are talking about the the local expression of The Universal Church It is the gathering of believers in a set place wherever that is
For the express purpose of worshiping God on the Lord's Day is right
So when we talk about the local church, that is what we are speaking about is your gathering, right?
There's tons of local churches around right? There's many churches in many towns some good some bad the local church
Your local church is the one that you are committed to right now when we talk about What what makes a local church?
What what what constitutes a church biblically? I think I think biblically and historically we have some set parameters of what defines a
New Testament Church, right? The first one is the centrality of the gospel in Preaching and singing in teaching in fellowship of all things is it's the centrality of Jesus Christ in his gospel
That has to be there if the focus is somewhere else your focus Your foundation is on something that's gonna sink, right?
That's number one that has to be there Number two the sacraments must be observed rightly and biblically
Right and for us Reformed Baptists, that means baptism and the Lord's Supper We just did an episode that's launching at the time of this recording and a launch this coming
Thursday but we just did an episode on on the Lord's Supper communion and And why it's important, right?
And and and what is what who is who is to take it? How are they to take it? There's a lot of debate
As to what's best practice when it comes to taking the Lord's Supper, but the point is that you have it
The point is that it is a part of your local church. It has to be there, right? I would say third and finally there has to be church discipline there has to be a
Ruling Governing board if you want to call it that although I don't really like the term of qualified elders
That are overseeing the church overseeing its care and overseeing its protection
Right. So if one of those three things is missing from the local church
Historically, I believe it ceases to fall under the biblical definition of what a
New Testament church is to be comprised of now There are many more important things that the local church needs to have within it to help it be healthy
Right, but when we talk about the pillars of it Those are the big three
Amen, it sounds like you believe that you are confessional like you were stating earlier
I'm gonna I'm just gonna jump in like we had in the show notes here the Belgic Confession Again, the the good historic confessions the
Westminster. Do you mention them the London Baptist Confession? The Belgic Confession we have the
Heidelberg Catechism. We have all these great confessions we have all these resources to Confirm the truth of the scriptures in The Heidelberg Catechism in article 28 actually,
I mean, it's almost like you were reading from it We believe that we are diligently and circumspectly to discern from the
Word of God Which is the true church since all sects which are in the world assumed to themselves the name of the church
But we speak not here of hypocrites who are mixed in the church with a good Yet are not of the church though externally in it
But we say that the body and communion of the true church must be distinguished from all sects
That call themselves the church the marks of the true church Is that is known are these the pure doctrine of the gospel is preached maintains pure administration of the sacraments as instituted by Christ if Church discipline is exercised in chastening of sin in short of all things managed according to the pure Word of God all things contrary there to rejected
Jesus Christ acknowledged as the only head of the church man, I Wish folks still wrote like this
But but even but in that we see again like we see the importance of adhering to a confession
Right because those truths like so eloquently Described in that confession like that that that is some steak you can dig your teeth into Right, and it beats any statement of faith.
Like I was saying earlier written by him written by anybody. I'd rather that Yeah statements of faith confessions
I'm in definitions definition Definitionality is super important You made reference to definitions making clarifying definitions a few minutes ago
But I mean so many churches are built upon a vague Notion and an idea of who
God is And his true church is not his his true church is built and I'm not going to sound like one of those
You know wackos. I'm just using the old terminology, but the true church is built upon the
Word of God I mean everything that we do must be centered and focus on the person and work of Christ If it's not it is exactly like you said misguided so So David Miller you ever listen to him
Preacher David Miller. I can't say I have I the name definitely sounds familiar, but I can't say
I've listened to anything from him All right, so he's in a wheelchair He can't even hardly move but man,
I think he's got the entire Bible memorized to hear him preach You need to look him up.
I'm serious, but he says this he says this metaphors are used to describe the church in Scripture and You just once you see him preach and see his facial expressions
Yeah, you this will mean more to you But he said this it's called the body or the invisible building and sometimes the bride of Christ He said in my opinion the ideas of locality and visibility are inherent in these metaphors
For example, he says this did any of you ever know of a universal and visible body?
did any of you ever know of a universal invisible building and May the dear
Lord have mercy upon the poor fellow who marries a universal invisible bride He said you can't do anything better than to bend your knee and to bow your heart with godly sorrow
Turn from your sin in repentance believe on the Lord Jesus Christ with all your heart and join up with a good
Bible believing Bible teaching church and spend your life in that church serving Jesus in a local visible congregation
Cosign that every day and twice on Sunday my man Yeah, absolutely. Well, and you know, it brings up a good point in that and I think we've definitely seen this
Through you know through kovat right and 2020 and all of the all of the the
Junk that came up from that And I definitely saw this like majorly up here in Washington is that The church the concept of church if you will
Quickly became something that we can individually define Mm -hmm, and it quickly became something that we can play fast and loose with with what constitutes
Church, right? And and again, like I I took flack for it, but I'm gonna say it again like online church is
Not church. Amen. I'm not right now I am thankful that the
Lord has given us gifts like the internet so that the gospel can go out to places that That that it wouldn't have been able to right
I'm grateful that when I'm down with the flu I can I can turn, you know tune into a live stream and and be edified right by the
Word of God, but we cannot fall into the trap of Defining that as the same as gathering
Amen right when we are commanded in Scripture to do to do not forsake the gathering of believers there's so many reasons why we are commanded to do that, right and one of the consequences that 2020 brought with it and it was more
I'm not convinced that 2020 caused it I'm convinced that 2020 revealed problems that were already there
Right and one of those major ones was the very low view that many have of the local gathering of believers
Yeah, right and it very quickly became something that oh I can just I can just do at home in my in my
PJs watch My pastor and you know have self communion, which is just asinine to me.
I'll be completely honest with you Cray. Yeah, the recent look Ray quote.
Yeah, it was bad It was bad but Sinan is an ideal terminology
Right, but but that like that has been the mentality right and we've quickly seen kind of a a degrading of what it means to be a part of a local church
And that's one of the reasons why we very quickly shifted the focus of the reformatory
So we're seeing this going on around us and we're like man We need people that are on the front lines shouting like this is what the church means
This is what the church is. This is what it looks like. This is what it does because there are so many principles in Scripture when it comes to local church that are non -negotiable and Gathering physically with your people is one of them
Amen. Amen David Schrock just another quote here. David Schrock said commitment to the church has been noticeably absent
Enhance many born -again Christians live out their faith without understanding the purpose in place of the local church
Previous generations of church members would be equally puzzled by our our laissez -faire
Approach to membership as well as our absolute self -confidence that we Individuals are part of the universal church because we say we are which brings us back to the question
He said how does one know they are a member of Christ Universal Church if not by membership in the local church
As that really that brings I mean, that's the axe laid to the to the root of the tree right there
That's the that's the heart of the matter If a man or woman is born again by the grace of God He will not be able to help but love
Christ Right to thank God for Christ to worship Christ and to do that with other believers
Mm -hmm. Yeah. Yeah, you can't it isn't possible to love Jesus Christ and yet despises people.
Amen You can't do it It's a possible right and and that's that's been part of the the issue for years is and I think we are now seeing
The fruit of it is that we especially here in America. We have lived in this Consumeristic Americanized Christianity that everything's about me, right?
Everything is about what I can get out of the service and if I'm in church and I don't like the music or I don't
Like the coffee or I don't like, you know The high prices of the bookstore and the pastor selling is you know, whatever is then then like that that that to me is excused to completely unplug from the church and We have lost the meaning and the purpose of the
Lord's Day gathering And it is not to serve myself. It is not to get an experience.
It is not to get some goosebumps I am there to prostrate myself before a holy
God Worship him and revel in the gospel that I have been given Right and you do that with your family surrounding you, right?
Do that through taking the Lord's Day meal This the Lord's Supper you do that through hearing the proclamation of the
Word of God in preaching You do that through proclaiming the truths of Scripture and the gospel in song
You do that in so many ways that when we remove ourselves from that We miss out on the lifeblood that God has given us here as Christians because the lone wolf
Christian thing Doesn't work. You're exactly right You're exactly right.
We are not an island unto ourselves In in really and truly the the the lackadaisical approach to church membership really has
I would say In a large part again because we're in America we can say what we you know, we're here experiencing.
This has contributed to the Decline and Every generation says this and let me qualify what
I'm saying here. First of all, I do not I I take
I Take the approach and communicate the idea of sin as this
Everybody says things just keep getting worse and worse But the
Scriptures do not teach that No Sin is sin from the very beginning
Just because we didn't know about things doesn't mean that they didn't exist. Right? The reality is today we are so Inundated with technology that we are more aware of everything that's going on than ever we have before but the fact of the matter is it's been going on since the beginning of the world and it'll go on until Christ comes back and Takes us out of this world completely, right?
But but there is still the idea that things that folks will say well things get worse and worse and the problem part of the issue is that the lackadaisical approach to church membership has been eased up on and eased back on by so many preachers because they want to grow their
Congregations and you're not going to grow your congregation by pointing out There's the sin in their life in which they need to be made wrecked they need to be reconciled to God made right and Why in the world would anybody want accountability and in a local church membership?
I mean if I'm gonna go to church and folks are just gonna ridicule me because I've only been there once in the past six months
I'm not going back there. I don't need that I'll go someplace where I can hop in and I can hop out at my leisure and I'll do my own thing
And that really is one of the main crux of the issue is that we
Will natural our natural state right no matter who you are the natural man despises accountability
The natural man does not want to be held accountable for the things that we do right Ultimately by God right but also with each other right, which is what a biblical church membership requires
Yeah, it requires that I am making covenant with these men as my elders and These these other members as my family and then when you see me
Messing up or in sin something needs to be called out You are duty -bound by the by the oath and the covenant that you made with each other overseen by God Amen, you come alongside me as a brother or come alongside me as a sister and say hey
I'm here for you in this. Here is the gospel. Here is what needs to be done
Let's work this together, right? People don't want that because it's uncomfortable Yep, right.
We we like the individualistic Mentality and lifestyle that we have grown accustomed to Yep, anonymity.
Yeah, exactly exactly and that is and and that is I mean I I really do think now now
Obviously, it's not all on this problem, but the integration of of the local church with Things like politics hasn't helped because we are a very free country and we're very proud coming increasingly less
It is something that is very ingrained in the American people because it's what we were raised in right
And the unfortunate thing is we take that We take those things that are given to Americans in the
Constitution and we make a direct jump Over to the local church
Yeah, you can't do that Right. We are free from sin from the consequences of hell
But I am a slave to Christ Amen and I am not supposed to walk through this
Christian life Again on my way to the celestial city I love Pilgrim's Progress and John Bunyan if you guys have not read the
Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan You have to read it, right but it gives this perfect picture that that we where we are living right now
This is the city of destruction it's gonna burn and we are marching together as a family toward the celestial city and our our our
Loyalty is with each other and to the king of that city Right, man I wish that more people had that mentality when viewing the local church because I really think the concept of us being sojourners walking together aliens in this world really
Provides the correct focus of how we're to view our brothers and sisters in Christ Amen, amen and to keep the kid to keep this idea balanced, you know, it's not just about Being with others in fellowship so they can we can point out each other's issues and sins and problems
But it's so that we can encourage one another so that we can my goodness gracious,
I mean I Assume you've probably got friends like this maybe you and Jack are like this, but man,
I There is something so encouraging about getting a text from somebody and it's some a
Christian brother or sister In Christ that says I just wanted to take a minute and tell you I love you. Oh, it's the best for you
There I mean, there's nothing better than that and to go to church and that's what the scriptures teach
I mean Everything is rooted and grounded in the scriptures The purpose of gathering together is so that we can sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs
And and I think this is missed by most folks. We are truly we are singing them to the
Lord But when we are gathered together We are singing and encouraging one another
Yeah to one another in the encouraging to Edify one another so that when we do go out in this world and we get land blasted
We know that there's somebody that understands and that knows and that cares right we're not alone in the fight
That's that's the one thing you may like a person may like being all alone and separated
Until the time comes that you need somebody there whether it's often or not so often
But you need somebody there. We can't we can't handle this alone
But thanks be to God that he has given us his church I Completely 100 % agree there is there has been nothing that has
Been such a light to me in the darkest times of my life very recently my wife and I gone gone through very very just heart -wrenching difficult things and And There was nothing that was more comforting to me in those moments when
I was in the depths of depression and anxiety just and asking a pull being like Job asking
God like Lord, I I trust you, but why? When where is the relief?
Right and the Lord came to me not through some great theological concept not through some
Amazing sermon he came to me through the faithful brothers and sisters that came alongside me and said
Josh we're here for you Hey, man, we understand We know what you're going through and we are here to help man if I didn't have the local church, and I didn't have the network of Friends that I have from other churches people like Jack other pastors that I'm in Contact with that that I that we talked through, you know multiple times a week.
I Would I'd be a wreck? I would be a wreck because I know I'm not strong enough
Claude I'm not strong enough to handle the things that life throws at me And that's why
God tells us gather with your church because my strength is found there
Amen, right and that's man. That's that's what we need man and and I mean This is why I love talking about it because it's not it's not at all that I have this in my back pocket
The reason I I thank the Lord for giving me this focus is because this is a focus
I need to be reminded of every day Yeah, it's it's it's it's self -medicating.
It's what it is. Like I need this So I'm gonna talk about it all the flipping time
Well again that goes back to the scripture in the Old Testament What did the Lord teach them to do with the law talk about it day and night when you get up when you go to?
Bed when you're walking on the road, you know, you go to Walmart talk about it if you go to work talk about it
It's it's it's the best news this world has ever heard it is Christ died for our sins
Yeah, I mean truly they may not realize it but it is the best news Yeah, so yeah, so we've we've we've walked through there the you know, the importance of the local church it
How that it keeps us accountable how that it encourage us being a regular member of the local church so as far as The scripture the scriptures teaching in Hebrews 10, right forsake not the assembling of yourselves together
Even the the wayward the wayward Christian knows this they don't want to acknowledge it a lot of times but For don't forsake the assembly of yourselves together.
So Hebrews Are you of the mind that that's basically a big sermon? The book of Hebrews.
Oh, oh, it's massive. Yeah Yeah, it's a huge sermon and it's a obviously directed to a to a specific people
But something so applicable to us. Yes, and and and I will say the person that preached that sermon was
Paul I don't care who any who says anything else. It was Paul and I Hold on just a minute.
Let me let me turn here You didn't open the can of worms,
I'm gonna I'm affirming that brother I'm I'm saying amen where I say man.
So chapter 13 verse 20 Let's just read 20 just because it's good to go back a little bit
Paul closes the epistle or the sermon here May the God of peace who brought you brought up our
Lord Jesus from the dead that great shepherd of the sheep Through the blood of the everlasting covenant make you complete in every good work to do his will
Working in you what is well pleasing in his sight through Jesus Christ to whom be glory forever and ever
Amen, and I appeal to you brethren bear with the word of exhortation for I've written to you in a few words
Know that our brother Timothy has been set free with whom I shall see you if he comes shortly
Greet all those who rule over you and all the Saints those from Italy greet you grace be with you all.
Amen, Timothy We see that connection there That's exactly right
Well, there's there's there's so much again there's so much Pauline I mean, you know, we're known by our expressions
So Yeah, I agree 100 % all right, so there's our little Yeah, and if you don't
All right, so Epistle to Diognetus not scripture, but a second century historical truth
Says this for Christians are not distinguished from the rest of humanity by country language or custom
They live in both Greek and barbarian Cities as each one's lot was cast and they follow the customs in dress and food and other aspects of life at the same time
They demonstrate the remarkable and admittedly unusual character of their own citizenship
For we which back to the scripture This world is not our home.
We are citizens of heaven Of The Heavenly Kingdom so that that is so profound there
Let's let's move to a close and you got anything else you want to add on anything else we've talked about there Oh, no, man, just just yeah,
I mean I I've said it before I'll say it again You as a
Christian we can often often talk about like you need to be You need to be part of a local church and it can often come across with many as law
Right and yes, there is law associated we are commanded to Gather, and if we do not we are in disobedience but There is so much to gain
Amen, so much blessing to have when you commit to your brothers and sisters in that local church
There is it is it is blessing upon blessing and the Lord will reveal himself to you
Through the gospel in ways that you do not think are possible through his people the amount of comfort and grace and Hope that the
Lord will give to you through his people is beyond anything that you can you can even begin to imagine it is
It is such a blessing to be part of a local body. You need to do it. We're commanded to do it
You will be insanely blessed Amen, so I'm gonna I'm gonna close here by reading
Article 38 of the Belgic Confession Which just basically restates again affirms what you just said everyone is bound to join himself to the true church
We believe since this holy congregation is an assembly of those who are saved And outside of it there is no salvation that no person of whatsoever state or condition
He may be ought to withdraw from it Content to be by himself But that all men are in duty bound to join and unite themselves with it
Maintaining the unity of the church submitting themselves to the doctrine and discipline thereof
Bowing their necks under the yoke of Jesus Christ and as mutual members of the same body
Serving to the edification of the brethren according to the talents. God has given them
But Josh in any case sir truly, thank you Thank you for your patience with me today
Even though I was late getting getting to you and I'd ask you to meet early and I was late getting to our early meeting
But I do apologize for that Your ministry the work that y 'all do
You're in our prayers Regularly on a daily basis literally we're lifting you up to the
Lord pray the Lord continues to bless you and use you and if I had a Any in any more encouragement that I could leave with you.
It'd simply be this it'd be from 1st Corinthians Let me get here. Make sure I quote it correctly to you
Of course, it's the the 15th chapter the the resurrect Paul states the importance of the resurrection
But he closes and he says my beloved brethren be steadfast Unmovable always abounding in the work of the
Lord knowing this that your labor is not in vain So I want to encourage you with the word brother, thanks again for being here hang out for just a minute
I'm gonna end the broadcast. We'll talk for just a minute for we Disconnect. Okay. Sounds great.
Thanks for having me Claude and great being with you and hope Hope your listeners got something edifying out of it.