MURDER: Christian calls Utah Legislature to Repentance

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Deacon Andrew Soncrant of Apologia Church Utah calls the state of Utah to repentance for the hearing of the bill HB467 which legalizes the murder of the unborn conceived in rape or incest prior to 18 weeks in hospitals. Equal protection should be applied to all individuals regardless of the circumstances of their conception.


My name is Andrew Songkran, I am a deacon at Apologia Church, Utah, located in South Jordan. I just want to start by stating
I respect each and every single one of you, for Romans 13 states that you guys are servants of God, deacons of God, and that's why
I come to plead to you for the life of the unborn. The Bible states that we will all stand before God on the day of judgment and have to give an account for our actions.
Therefore, I urge you before the time is too late to repent and turn away from the slaughter of the unborn that plagues our nation. HB 467 is a bill that continues to legalize the slaughter of the unborn within the confines of the exceptions listed, rape, incest, and life of the mother and others.
But has not God spoken thousands of years ago through the prophet Moses, thou shalt not murder? And even before, when
Cain killed Abel, man should not shed another man's blood or his own blood shall be shed. And all people,
I mean all people, are created in the image and likeness of God and worthy of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Even the babies conceived in rape and incest, they are humans.
And Jesus states, let the little children come to me. In what just law do you punish the innocent for the crimes of the father?
God has spoken, and the law of God is the reflection of His character, and any law that is in direct opposition of His character is sin.
And you, being deacons and servants of God, will actually have to stand accountable to that to God on the day of judgment.
And it says that the blood of the unborn children cries out from the ground for justice. Do you want to be that person who is standing before God and the blood of the unborn children that have been killed because of this bill stands against you in condemnation?
I state, repent and turn from this wicked evil that plagues our nation and let the babies live.