Trump is not King, Internet Mobs, 4th Grade Playground
Started off with noting a fund raiser for Joshua Haymes' little boy (kidney transplant) hoping our audience will pull together and help them over the top. Looked at some odd Jimmy Akin comments about Mary and sinfulness, then talked a bit about Trump's promises and the real, honest mountains he will have to climb to fulfill them, and how unlikely it is Republicans have the backbone to make the hard decisions. Then we started responding to yet another Stephen Wolfe tweet calling me, or at least my views, "moronic." We demonstrate Dr. Wolfe is lacking in theological acumen (how is that for a nice way to put it?). Finished up with some words for the 4th graders who are tossing sand in the air, demanding attention and not allowing sufficient time for an adult, rational, and thorough response from Tobias Riemenschneider.
- 00:29
- Well, you know if you want to get into the Christmas spirit a little bit early I just donated to a
- 00:35
- GoFundMe for Joshua Hames's little boy needs a kidney transplant and so I on my
- 00:44
- Twitter feed you'll find the the link and I think it's good thing good way to start that and my coogies be a good way to get into the
- 00:55
- Holiday spirit I I had to get into the Holy Spirit very early Because I'm gonna be gone starting a week from Saturday away from Sunday For another three -week trip, and so I'm gonna be gone most of the season
- 01:09
- I will be as I've mentioned before in prior, Oklahoma Metropolitan prior that that bastion of I'm not sure what it's a bastion of It's a bastion of really good knife making thanks to Derek Melton being there, but We're gonna be
- 01:30
- I'm gonna be there. I'm gonna be crashing with his family for the traditional date of Thanksgiving Which is ridiculously late this year and that's why
- 01:42
- I'm gonna be there because We are moving our Thanksgiving up for the family.
- 01:47
- You know Thanksgiving is something you can do any day And So I get two
- 01:54
- Thanksgivings so that should be To me I get twice as much stuffing. I hope so anyway
- 02:02
- Then I'll be speaking there Grace life there in prior we'll be talking about the atonement great thing to be talking about Thanksgiving greatest thing to give
- 02:15
- Thanksgiving You know to give thanks for it for the atonement then
- 02:20
- I head over straight over to St. Charles and we once again will be at Covenant Grace Church Van Lee the pastor there
- 02:32
- Been there This is number year number visit number 24 24 years going to that church.
- 02:40
- I feel sorry for these people I really really do But they just keep asking me to come back and I just you know, it's just sort of sad
- 02:49
- And we'll be doing the LGBTQ God's response the LGBTQ revolution would love to have some folks come out to have some conversations about that, but Never happens.
- 03:02
- They they know they have the media and they they have the society so I don't need to worry about anything like that So Already seeing people linking to the
- 03:13
- GoFundMe thing. That's great. That's super and Let's let's help them get that done.
- 03:20
- That's that's something we need to be doing at this this time of year. I think It's a great.
- 03:25
- Hey, you could you could give 50 bucks and then do that in the name of somebody else and Give that to them as a
- 03:33
- Christmas gift or something like that. That would be that'd be awesome He's also selling Joshua is selling his
- 03:43
- Camper and What does he call this thing? If we can sell our 2021 camper van, it will help us out a ton.
- 03:52
- And so I'm sort of looking at it here and I've never seen anything like that.
- 04:00
- Maybe it happened. They have stuff like that in Europe But there's like a tent type thing on the top of the roof in the back
- 04:09
- Facing off to one side of the big old ladder going up to it. I don't know about you But in the middle of the night
- 04:17
- I ain't getting up You'd have to have like 20 year olds in there they can like can sleep through the night because at my age trying to go down that ladder in the dark at night is like a
- 04:32
- Death sentence Ain't gonna happen You never get back to sleep again either
- 04:37
- That's the other fun thing about getting old is is you when you get up in the middle of the night? You've got to try to stay as sleepy as possible
- 04:45
- You you can't let your mind you can't let your mind start start thinking about stuff. You can't they're thinking about tomorrow
- 04:53
- Or what's happening in three hours or whatever else you've got to you know, try to avoid light
- 05:02
- Because I Almost know exactly when I pass the point of no return.
- 05:07
- It's like I'll forget it go Go get something to eat something to drink read your emails
- 05:16
- Try again and 40 minutes and you might have a shot at it. Who knows? But yeah, it's just I'm just letting you young guys know what's coming for you because you know
- 05:26
- My dad told me a few things that were coming my direction but other things didn't And you just sort of learn them as you as you go along.
- 05:35
- So anyway, yeah, I wouldn't yeah I I have a camper van too, but it's a whole lot bigger.
- 05:42
- What? Yes. Well, he did
- 05:47
- He told me a couple things but that wasn't he didn't tell me about trying to stay sleepy when you get up in the middle Of the night.
- 05:54
- Oh, yeah, wait till he finds out. Yeah. Well, that's hey That's how I am with my kids it's like yeah sure fine you'll
- 06:02
- You're I mean Did you have any idea how old Josh is gonna be here soon?
- 06:09
- 40 40 the guy who called you rich the tingle. Yes 40 years of age
- 06:18
- That yeah. Hmm Oh boy. All right. What are we in the world?
- 06:23
- Are we talking about here? Well, we got a lot of stuff going on What's really interesting again?
- 06:29
- I'm gonna run with it Since it popped up literally a few minutes before the program starts.
- 06:37
- I've got a bunch of other stuff lined up here I uh, the second no, was that the first?
- 06:45
- Yeah, the first debate we did on Long Island with Jerry Matatix was on the
- 06:51
- Merriam -Dogmas and obviously Jerry and I were quite young at the time because We did
- 07:01
- Four Topics in one night Very demanding demanding on the audience as well and So I've done a few
- 07:15
- Marian debates as many as I would like I Think that's a vitally important topic, but I think most modern
- 07:22
- Roman Catholic apologists realize it's their weakest because it's It's an argument of authority.
- 07:28
- It's not an argument from Scripture, history, tradition, any of that kind of stuff It's an argument from authority.
- 07:33
- You have to believe that what Rome tells you and that's it So it was in those debates with Jerry Matatix that first debate with Jerry Matatix when he made the statement during the
- 07:46
- Bodily Assumption portion because remember it was four topics He said we have exactly the same
- 07:54
- Epistemological warrant For believing in the bodily assumption of Mary as we have for believing the resurrection of Jesus Christ Repeat that this was many years ago
- 08:07
- But he said we have the exact same Epistemological warrant for believing in the bodily assumption of Mary as we have for believing in the resurrection of Jesus Christ and what he's saying therefore is that the fundamental
- 08:26
- Epistemological warrant that we have to believe in resurrection is the church is the Roman Catholic Church Which of course didn't exist for hundreds of years.
- 08:36
- So it sort of makes everything a little weird. But anyway, and Since that's the same warrant we have for believing in the bodily assumption as of the 1950s
- 08:47
- Then that's where the the parallels try and you can see how massively dangerous that is how ahistorical it is
- 08:54
- It's just a brilliant example of the self -destroying circularity of the
- 09:00
- Roman Catholic system But One thing that was never questioned at all by any of the
- 09:10
- Roman Catholics with whom I had debates or even just extended discussions, you know,
- 09:15
- I had an extended discussion with Jimmy Akin on the Bible Answer Man broadcast for three hours and I Have not
- 09:26
- I don't believe I've ever listened to that. I don't even know that we have it.
- 09:32
- I Don't think we do Recording of the three hours of Jimmy Akin on the Bible Answer Man.
- 09:37
- I don't even know it's I don't even know if it's around anymore Given where Hank Hanegraaff has gone or CRI Has imploded and stuff like that But I Don't remember that coming up at that point in time
- 09:53
- Here's here's what I'm getting to it has been a given from the start
- 10:01
- That the Roman Catholic Church teaches That Mary never sinned the whole if you read
- 10:10
- Liguri doctor of the church the glory to Mary It is
- 10:19
- Fundamental to everything that's said the whole idea of her being the neck that turns the head of the grace of God, you know all grace accrues goes through Mary and the
- 10:30
- Immaculata and Her her absolute purity. Let me let me give an example in In it in it
- 10:40
- Same thing I poke my eye out with this thing in in Ephebelus Deus, which is the
- 10:47
- Papal Announcement what no, that's too. No, don't don't bother putting it up.
- 10:54
- Oh So Just just one section here and indeed it was holy fitting that so wonderful a mother
- 11:04
- Should be every splendid with the glory of most sublime holiness and so completely free from all taint original sin
- 11:09
- That she would triumph utterly over the ancient serpent now. She sinned. She didn't triumph utterly to her did the father will to give his only begotten son the son whom equaled the father and begotten by him the father loves whose heart and To give this son in such a way that he would be the one and same common son of God the father and of the blessed
- 11:27
- Virgin Mary it was she whom the son himself chose to make his mother and it was from her the Holy Spirit willed and brought
- 11:33
- It about that. He should be conceived and born from and born from whom he himself proceeds
- 11:39
- And so it talks about her What a doctor which is so perfectly in harmony with her wonderful sanctity and Preeminent dignity as mother of God.
- 11:49
- I mean, it's just it's just all the way through it. And so it's never really been a a
- 11:58
- Dispute at all in any of the debates I've had with anybody I've talked to You I just don't see how you can have
- 12:07
- The bodily assumption Mary's role Comediatrix co -redemptrix, which
- 12:12
- I know are not dogmas, but they've been taught by Popes for a long long time It just all
- 12:20
- Has to fit together Now, I know we live in a day where Francis is redefining everything.
- 12:27
- Well, okay. He's not redefining everything. He's redefining the The lens through which everything is going to be viewed
- 12:34
- That's even more dangerous actually if he was actually just redefining. So yeah, I mean he has redefined
- 12:39
- Capital punishment. There's no question about that, but he's moving the church a particular direction
- 12:50
- It makes sense I guess that in that type of context you would have something like like this now
- 12:57
- I'm not gonna put it up. But this is it's just a two -person video and Here is
- 13:04
- Jimmy Akin answering a question evidently fairly recently and So here let's let's just let's just take a listen
- 13:15
- You asked do you do do you have to believe that she's sinless throughout the rest of her life?
- 13:21
- Well, the church does teach that she remained sinless because she didn't have original sin She remained sinless unlike Adam and Eve.
- 13:28
- They were also born immaculate But they went on to sin Mary did not she made better decisions than Adam and Eve That's the church's teaching the church teaches.
- 13:38
- She did not go on to sin. She didn't have personal sin, but It hadn't infallibly defined that that is not something that has been infallibly defined by a council or a
- 13:51
- Pope and So even though it's the church teaching and even though some theologians would say well, it's not a matter of faith
- 13:58
- But it's proximate to the faith Formally speaking. This is a non infallible teaching and therefore if one had really good reasons
- 14:09
- One hypothetically could disagree as an exceptional case Now, of course there there are really really good reasons all sorts of people in the early church and things like that to to not believe any of that, but it just seems like Today It doesn't matter where you are
- 14:34
- I am I am reminded of the phrase in Hebrews where everything is shaken so that only that which remain that which lasts remains and It's sort of like where we are.
- 14:47
- I mean just so much Weird stuff going on What when you you you you talk to someone that you introduced to the doctrines of grace and Then they went along for years and and you know seem to be growing and maturing and and all of a sudden they've gone off into All sorts of wild crazy stuff and you you go how did that What's going on here and it's not just in in reformed churches, those are the ones
- 15:22
- I'm concerned about primarily obviously but it's really happening everywhere and It's happening
- 15:31
- In Protestant churches is happening in Roman Catholic churches You look at Utah and you just go what on earth is going on I mean
- 15:48
- I've admitted many times people keep saying I've never heard James. Why did me he's been wrong about anything I'm just like yeah, you obviously don't listen to the program very often
- 15:58
- Which is fine. That's perfectly. Okay, just don't make dumb public statements about it but you know
- 16:05
- I Had always assumed that the last people on the planet
- 16:12
- That would give in on LGBTQ issues or show any
- 16:21
- That friendliness toward it but Well, just just give in just just would not have a foundation for fighting this stuff would be the
- 16:30
- Mormons Their God has a physical body of flesh and bones and it's male.
- 16:35
- He's got male genitalia for crying out loud. I mean How do you?
- 16:42
- How do you even go there? I Yeah, they've got a gendered
- 16:48
- God and and yet you look at Utah today and Wow, is it a mess?
- 16:55
- There's there's LGBTQ groups on this campus at BYU University of Utah The the
- 17:03
- Mormon Church has shown itself Morally and ethically Decrepit and I interesting left.
- 17:12
- I made a comment on Twitter that I think that goes back to monotheism If you're not a if you're not a monotheist if you're polytheist
- 17:23
- Your moral and ethical system has massive cracks in its foundation to begin with and they are as polytheistic as you can get
- 17:30
- There is no more polytheistic system That is more polytheistic than Mormonism Infinite number of gods is about as polytheistic as you can get so anyways the whole the whole world is is gone crazy
- 17:52
- Starting today on your Twitter feed you will get to watch the
- 17:59
- Parliament in New Zealand You saw it too doing the haka Which if if you know anything about the haka is is basically saying to your opponents
- 18:11
- I'm going to rip your heart out and eat it. That's in essence what it's saying and You know the haka looks really cool before a
- 18:24
- Rugby match or soccer some football as you all call it there that kind of thing but No, not it's one thing when you're you're 280 and you're you're ripped and tattooed everywhere
- 18:40
- You know, okay, that's one thing. But yeah, no. Mm -hmm. No, that doesn't know does not fly in any way shape or form so Yeah, you'll see it if you if you go on Twitter, you know,
- 18:53
- I've already it's already scrolled by me four times Past hour or so.
- 18:59
- It's it's yeah, that's fun. All right, um just a real Can I?
- 19:06
- Bring you all down for a second. I'm sorry. I don't I don't I don't really want to but You know, it's been over a week now since the election and various Names now have been identified for various positions
- 19:30
- Some which I'm like, oh, oh, so I'm just like are you kidding? It's not like that's disappointing
- 19:36
- But you know Almost every single one of them is a whole lot better than whatever is there right now.
- 19:44
- Let's just put it that way. So but You know lots of celebrations and people really happy and and all that stuff but can
- 19:57
- I just Point something out point a few basic things out All the stuff that Trump is promising saying he's gonna do
- 20:10
- Requires he we did not elect a king okay, and Unfortunately a lot of the stuff that he's promising would require him to be a king
- 20:20
- So The actual constitutional form of government of the
- 20:28
- United States Will not allow him to do a number of the things that he says he wants to do without Congressional approval you might say put that They've got the house in the
- 20:42
- Senate. Well, maybe the there's a couple races. They're really trying to you know, you got 334 a .m
- 20:48
- Ballot drops again 95 % for one side The the corruption of 2020 is not completely ended but let's say
- 21:01
- That even after all the dust settles that the Republicans have the house in the
- 21:06
- Senate. All right
- 21:14
- When was the last time you saw? The Republicans as a whole
- 21:23
- Demonstrating Unity in doing the right thing and not fearing the press
- 21:33
- You're gonna start seeing massive pushback and I Don't know how long
- 21:43
- Trump can hold together and even semi unified Republican Party, so So many that there's a bunch of things
- 21:55
- I'm hearing him saying he actually can't do that not really legally I realized that for years now the the
- 22:03
- House and Senate have been primarily irrelevant. They've been The whole idea was that the
- 22:09
- House and Senate would be populated by people whose first and foremost Commitment was to the betterment of the people of the
- 22:17
- United States not to ideologues. That's not what we have anymore and So The House and the
- 22:25
- Senate haven't gotten anything done for a long long time So the presidency has assumed powers through executive order that it was never meant to have and It looks like Trump was just going to continue that and probably probably with more vengeance than Would have been his if he had won in 2020 because now
- 22:53
- You know, he's been the victim of lawfare. He's had FBI people Trump and through his house.
- 22:59
- He's had you know All sorts of stuff going on. So, you know people shooting at him and probably will be again in the future
- 23:10
- So but beyond that He is inheriting an absolute mess
- 23:19
- We are in debt to our eyeballs and We we can't be talking about spending a bunch of money because we don't have any money to spend
- 23:33
- I Know he's a businessman and he's used to dealing with debt and all the rest that kind of stuff.
- 23:39
- Okay fine But you know how many of his companies have declared chapter 11?
- 23:46
- That's not considered some huge failure it happens, but you can't do that when you're a nation
- 23:52
- You know he may try it but doesn't work that way and He's inheriting a mess and here's the problem four years is
- 24:05
- Nothing. I know young people think four years is forever Four years is nothing and if there is
- 24:15
- Any weakness to the constitutional system It's that it does not
- 24:22
- Guarantee it assumes But does not guarantee Farsightedness Looking way down the road doing what's good not four years down the road, but 20 years down down the road and certainly the
- 24:42
- American people Do not have that attitude The only way to save this nation from default is for everybody
- 24:55
- To pitch in and to tighten their belts To work hard, you know, we could do it if if we if you could turn the economy on full blast
- 25:09
- That's the only way you could ever do it and Maybe that's Trump's thinking maybe
- 25:14
- Trump is thinking I'm gonna use tariffs We're gonna bring all these companies back and all that money. We're sending to China we're gonna generate it within at low interest rates, and we're just going to rip snort well
- 25:29
- What what one of the problems there is our Demographics collapsing
- 25:35
- We're not even we're not even We are not producing enough children to keep things even you can't
- 25:41
- Grow an economy on the backs of a aging and shrinking populace can't so there's just You know,
- 25:55
- I You know, there's been a bunch of memes that have been very very funny to watch the video that came out yesterday the
- 26:03
- AI video of Trump and Biden was
- 26:12
- Hilarious. Okay. I got it. Did you see it? You did not see Well, it's
- 26:19
- It started You have to look it up But but it started with the both of them sort of looking really glum sitting at a lunch table and this jobs hard Yeah, it is.
- 26:29
- Let's get out of here and then it's he and Biden and they're having ice cream together and hot dogs and and there's there's there's there's
- 26:39
- Surfing together and Standing, you know looking out over oceans it it
- 26:45
- It's just it's hilarious and it's all in the music background is why can't we just be friends?
- 26:55
- No one no one knows what happened to Kamala. She's Kamala Kamala. Whoever she is.
- 27:01
- She's she's gone but anyway Well, look at that This just hit
- 27:08
- I wondered what I Am thrilled to announce
- 27:13
- Well, I'm thrilled to announce that once again Twitter has scrolled what I was reading
- 27:19
- Right off the screen while I'm reading it, of course This is a
- 27:29
- Live webcast. I am thrilled to announce Robert F Kennedy jr. As the United States Secretary of Health and Human Services Yeah well
- 27:43
- Look, the guy is fascinating Yeah calling dr. Vouching, but doctor that where's dr.
- 27:50
- Brazil was I didn't know I had a house in Brazil Yeah, yeah
- 28:00
- Yeah, you know and I look at that and I go yeah, you know what you know, I've listened to some of his stuff and I'm like yeah, man, the guy makes a lot of sense he really does and He is in great shape you got to give him that to what
- 28:16
- I know I know I Know I know I we
- 28:23
- There's we eat stuff. That's killing us all the time. I get it. Anyway There's another you know, and there's it's like, okay
- 28:32
- Cool. I think that's great. I Think this time though Some of those celebrities are gonna move
- 28:41
- I think but I'm not sure it's for the same reason. They'd like us to think that they're gonna move. It's it's
- 28:47
- Yeah, yeah, they're there. Yeah, there you go so anyway So just a little a little realism
- 28:57
- Throwing in there for the fun of it. Okay All right, so I just saw
- 29:09
- Samuel say post A Clip from last the last program in the big studio and We would have done it
- 29:25
- We would have done this one the big studio But I'm doing another webcast right after this and I just think it'll be easier for me
- 29:32
- To be in here. I don't know how to do a Remote over there.
- 29:38
- I just don't know how to do it. So that's why we're in here a Clip from the last program
- 29:45
- Where I you know just Straightforwardly said and I was responding to the people
- 29:57
- Who were saying to Kofi now Kofi's Ghanaian His family is from Ghana I Don't know if he was born in Ghana or if he was born in London.
- 30:10
- I'm not sure Especially because I had always since from the time
- 30:16
- I got to know him years and years and years ago I had jokingly
- 30:22
- Insisted that he was not from London that he was from Milwaukee and I milked that one for everything was worth and probably went way beyond as long as it as it should have gone but it's still it's still funny and So but He is
- 30:43
- In the United States, he's married. I my understanding is he's married to an American.
- 30:48
- I think I Could be wrong about that. But I think I think so so he's here legally and he is pastoring a church and He takes that responsibility extremely
- 31:04
- Seriously and from everybody that I've ever talked to that knows him knows that he's a wonderful Christian man and Obviously a you know type of person you want to have in your community and And things like that.
- 31:23
- And so I was responding to people who are going after him Samuel say who is also Midnight black
- 31:31
- And writes such wonderful stuff on on abortion and Christian ethical issues and and stuff like that And I was pushing back on The supposed
- 31:45
- Christians were saying yes, you should go back to your own people and I was saying
- 31:54
- Kofi's people first and foremost are the people in his church not somebody
- 32:04
- In the jungles in Ghana and I I was specifically saying
- 32:13
- What makes the body the body and what should determine for Christians the focus of Who our people are is
- 32:29
- Our shared Christian commitment our The fact that the peace we have before God Comes from the imputed righteousness of Christ Where we are all the
- 32:48
- Possessors of by grace gift of grace of the
- 32:56
- Holy Spirit of God and that this makes them closer to me than anyone in Scotland My that's where my people are from You look at Scotland today
- 33:18
- Yes, there are good believers there, but they will all tell you the same thing. It is a land of apostasy
- 33:23
- It is a land seeking to express its rebellion against its own history and the clarity that that history gives to us of the
- 33:38
- Christian worldview the Christian understanding of Man and marriage and sexuality and law and church and everything
- 33:47
- It's it's a land In a spasm of Rebellion in the church and in the government and so Samuel say and Kofi Are much closer to me than any
- 34:12
- Scotsman even from my own clan you know, we could do the genetic thing, you know and But if we could find someone
- 34:24
- Closely related to me in Scotland Going back genetically
- 34:32
- But they're a secularist They hate
- 34:37
- God's Word. They hate God's ways and you know,
- 34:42
- I've I gave Samuel a ride to Apologia last year the year before and And He's a big boy a big boy and he's a big black boy and You know,
- 34:57
- I have the most unfortunate last name these days to be talking about any of this stuff We are we have significantly greater
- 35:10
- Union and grounding for relationship as Believers in Jesus Christ then
- 35:16
- I do with a secular Scotsman who is genetically very closely related to me and This is a fact.
- 35:26
- I don't think there's any Way to argue this biblically But my goodness the
- 35:35
- The pushback has been pretty amazing The pushback has been pretty amazing Let me give you a few the most obvious one
- 35:47
- Evidently today Stephen Wolfe and you know, everybody tells me about how nice Stephen Wolfe is.
- 35:57
- What a wonderful fellow he is I haven't met that Stephen Wolfe.
- 36:03
- The only Stephen Wolfe I've met is is not a fun person to Talk to A fellow by the name of Joel Berry Had posted that clip
- 36:23
- Where I'd said if you can't understand the imputed righteousness of Christ in the presence of the Holy Spirit Make someone much more close to you than any amount of blood and soil
- 36:32
- Than any amount of blood and soil and Stephen Wolfe Responded this
- 36:44
- Well here do you want me to Yeah You can we can
- 36:53
- So you can see that I'm not making this up This is how that's way too small for anybody to see this is how theology becomes an absurd ideology
- 37:07
- Sharing the imputed rights of Christ provides no means of cooperation covenant consent
- 37:14
- Deliberation etc to achieve the most basic goods of civil society
- 37:20
- It doesn't provide a common language let alone common laws customs culture, etc. This really is moronic
- 37:29
- Please just think it through for a second and then down below here in other words
- 37:36
- In other words and put simply you can share the one highest good and thereby be the same in a way
- 37:43
- But not share the numerous lesser goods that make society possible so imputation Though the highest commonality is not sufficient for civil life, which requires numerous and then this is a screenshot
- 37:53
- I can't click on the show more Then later calling it moronic as mean he just declared common -sense thinking recognized by everyone until yesterday damnable
- 38:04
- Okay I'm I'm thankful that he's being Straight up front because I I think everyone needs to understand
- 38:11
- I am NOT on the same planet with Stephen Wolfe on almost anything and There will be no cooperation there can't be because This man does not approach things theologically he approaches him politically all the theology stuff is just an add -on
- 38:32
- It is not the ground. It's not the it's not the focus. He's not a theologian He's not an exegete and he knows it and he knows it so Think about what the context of what was the context what
- 38:47
- I was talking about Was I talking about forming a society? Well what I was talking about were
- 38:52
- Christians who were telling At least one Christian minister if not both who are black and they're not
- 38:59
- American whatever in the world that is That they should go back that they should leave and I'm saying that's absurd
- 39:11
- They're ministering the gospel where they are and Guess what?
- 39:18
- The imputed righteousness of Christ and the shared possession of Holy Spirit does provide you all those things
- 39:27
- Not a common language Okay. All right Does it give you the foundation of cooperation better than anything else ever possibly could?
- 39:40
- Better than I've told you the story That the first time I sat in a worship service in Ukraine Listening to these
- 39:53
- Slavic voices Singing the same hymns we sing but in a different language.
- 40:01
- I truly realized the transcendence of the unity of the body of Christ FedEx thing just walked through the parking lot.
- 40:12
- This is all something I need to let Rich know about It's now backing up Hopefully not running into our vehicles in the process
- 40:23
- Transcendent unity the cooperation that we were able to produce across ethnic lines
- 40:32
- No blood and soil can do that covenant covenant
- 40:39
- Covenant Seriously He actually used the term covenant the imputed righteousness of Christ covenant
- 40:52
- It provides no means of cooperation or covenant the possession of the
- 40:59
- Holy Spirit. No covenant You really have to start going.
- 41:05
- This seems really strange. He's just standing there at the gate, by the way Okay. All right
- 41:13
- Making sure okay. All right I've heard lots of there's lots of confusion these days cooperation covenant consent
- 41:26
- Deliberation So blood and soil does that that's why there's there's never been civil wars and rebellions and all
- 41:37
- Blood and blood and soil does that to achieve the most basic goods of civil society?
- 41:44
- Well, how about what I was talking about? the church Because see this is where Steve Wolfe's over there.
- 41:51
- We're over here. He does not believe in the post -millennial Hope he does not believe regeneration is required.
- 41:57
- He mocks it. He's been mocking it. Look at his look read his Twitter feed He talked about someone one of these appointments and Then he mocked something about Do you think they'll need regeneration now or something like that?
- 42:13
- Okay, he mocks the idea of the post -millennial Hope he mocks the idea of a work of the
- 42:19
- Holy Spirit of God that brings these things about and Specifically says no, you don't need that.
- 42:24
- You can have Christian princes. We need sacralism. He mocked sacralism while teaching it He can't avoid it.
- 42:33
- So I'm talking about The fact that a unified church based upon Christian truth is a blessing to a people and He can't even go there because that's theology and He's all politics and philosophy
- 42:52
- It's all all's there It doesn't provide a common language that alone common laws customs culture
- 43:00
- Where are those laws customs culture supposed to come from if you want to be blessed by God? If sin is a reproach to any people any people
- 43:08
- Then word it needs to be where's it need to come from if it's going to be blessed by God See, that's where the thing he has no theology
- 43:16
- It's all politics. It's all philosophy and Then after saying all that is this really is moronic.
- 43:25
- Well, I hope everyone can at least understand the
- 43:31
- Stephen Wolfe side has zero interest in unity Has zero interest in theological unity
- 43:40
- At all Just nuke him. He calls
- 43:46
- Idiot moronic. Let's just be straightforward where he's coming from. That's what this man is
- 43:51
- It just just needs to just need to recognize those things from So that was our package.
- 44:19
- So I Obviously for those of you watching live I have a computer over here that has a camera looking out
- 44:27
- At the parking lot where our trucks are parked And yes one time
- 44:34
- I did look out there and saw someone breaking into what was that? Dot he had a dot rich had a
- 44:41
- Dodge Stratus back then they were trying to break into it Yeah Believe me.
- 44:47
- I remember because once I picked up the phone, we've got this the loudspeaker we have outside Sounds like a police helicopter.
- 44:54
- It really does This guy dove headfirst into this van that went
- 44:59
- His legs are still flopping out the side when they took off. I thought that was really funny. But anyway
- 45:06
- Well, so we got one of the one of the things the important one Anyways so enough about Stephen Wolfe there
- 45:18
- Then we had another guy the jolly brawler, I think this was yesterday if I recall correctly and I have this guy blocked, but it came up some other way blocking isn't quite as quite what it once was anymore on Twitter But I want you to want to see just how this is functioning now.
- 45:41
- I Want you to think for a second When the last time what what when the first time was
- 45:49
- That you heard anyone in your church Bible study class Of sermon whatever anyone in your church
- 46:01
- Use the phrase post -war consensus post -war consensus,
- 46:08
- I would say
- 46:17
- For 99 .9 % of the people now using it regularly in social media
- 46:26
- Of they had never heard of it a year ago Maybe a year and a half at most and for most people it was only about six months ago
- 46:35
- That this phrase started being used questioning the post -war consensus now, obviously
- 46:43
- I've been Phrase is not Novel It has been it was certainly used in my education in the 1980s and 1990s
- 46:59
- There was a Discussion of a post -war consensus in New Testament theology regarding the
- 47:06
- Jews in Europe The term is very pliable and can be applied to all sorts of things but the vast majority of real scholars will tell you there really isn't a post -war consensus almost anything and When you hear people define post -war consensus as well, it's all
- 47:29
- Hitler bad I'm sorry Please stop talking Stop talking
- 47:36
- That's not a definition That's not that's not what we're talking about post -war consensus would have applications in In all sorts of fields of scholarship to study from economics and history and religion and philosophy and areas of science and the
- 47:57
- Hawaiian arts So there is no post -war consensus, it's a it's a mirage
- 48:05
- It doesn't really exist. And so all of a sudden now the influx of Ethnocentric hatred
- 48:19
- Let's call it what it is Ethnocentric hatred when you have decided that there is a group
- 48:28
- Maybe it's white Scotsman or maybe it's the Jews whoever that is
- 48:34
- But there are religious Jews and then there are non -religious Jews. They don't care Maybe it's the
- 48:43
- Muslims. Maybe it's the blacks. Maybe it's the Asians Depends where you are in the world
- 48:48
- Because there's lots of different dynamics depending on which culture you're in and things like that now ethno hatred ethnic oriented hatred is
- 49:03
- Covered over by saying well all we're doing We're not promoting ethnic hatred.
- 49:11
- Oh No, no, no we're just we We are we are poor little lambs
- 49:20
- Who have been lied to by the government and we learned that because of kovat and all we were there's no choice about it and So now
- 49:33
- We're questioning everything Okay On the basis of what?
- 49:41
- What what's you got to have a foundation You see these guys don't have a foundation. That's problem If you want to question whatever a government says on the basis of the revealed
- 49:51
- Word of God Cool, I'm with you. I'm with you
- 49:58
- You know during World War two itself almost no one would have
- 50:07
- Agreed with me and with many other people today That the firebombing of Bremen By the
- 50:15
- Allies in late World War two was a war crime, but it was There really isn't any question about it.
- 50:22
- But well, there is a post -war consensus Well, okay But you see
- 50:28
- I can say that without being animated by Ethnic hatred.
- 50:34
- I don't hate Germans. I don't hate Brits. I hate Americans So I'm I'm just simply
- 50:44
- Looking at the history as a person who reads a lot about especially the air war in in Europe There was no reason to do that.
- 50:53
- It was meant to humiliate and to destroy the spirit
- 51:00
- But it wasn't a military target and the way it was done Was meant to create the largest number of civilian casualties in the worst way possible
- 51:12
- Believe me Hiroshima and Nagasaki were more merciful than Bremen Because Hiroshima and Nagasaki vaporized people instantly
- 51:23
- Bremen just cooked them It was they found cooked families huddled in the middle of streets
- 51:31
- Um just chart just horrible So Yeah, I'm not
- 51:40
- I'm not sitting here going. I just believe whatever I'm told by anybody. Nope, but I am
- 51:45
- NOT motivated by ethnic Animus and that's what this is all about That's what all of this is all
- 52:00
- About Now it's real easy for some people to go. Well, yeah, you're just talking about stone choir.
- 52:06
- Well, yeah, I mean if they're they're the obvious example You know there you have
- 52:16
- Blatant Racist in the true biblical sinful sense of racism not the modern
- 52:27
- Everything's racism, but actual biblical ethnically based animus against blacks
- 52:35
- Jews Anybody they don't want anybody. It's not white basically But they're easy.
- 52:43
- I mean, yeah, that's obvious. I'm not really talking about them
- 52:50
- They stand out there they're there, you know, you can identify them
- 52:58
- I'm talking about the people being influenced by them and they may well be members of your church and They are bringing
- 53:10
- This ethnic animus and let me let me say something before I forget it if you embrace a
- 53:22
- Theory of recent history or of ethnic origins or Ethnicity as far as somehow this group
- 53:34
- Works together without any divisions They have some mental capacity to communicate with one another around the world and they do things together this kind of stuff if you hold to a perspective
- 53:53
- That would Fundamentally Make sure
- 54:01
- That you would never approach a member of that group In true love and grace to present the claims of Christ that is what
- 54:16
- I'm talking about and And look some of you right now man some of the stuff going on on the internet
- 54:26
- Sometimes I turn on Twitter and I feel like I'm in fourth grade on the playground again The immaturity the childishness the pouting the temper tantrums showing off It's like being back on the playground in fourth grade.
- 54:45
- I Don't know what they do in the playground fourth grade today. We we played marbles You remember marbles
- 54:54
- Steely's and agates and all sorts. Oh, those are fun. That was that was great. Oh The jungle gym bars you bet you you bet
- 55:03
- Tether ball. Oh, yes. Yes Yeah Well dodgeball dodgeball was the fun one.
- 55:10
- Let's just because everybody our age can still hear the sound of that red ball
- 55:17
- Especially as it hit you in the face But But there was a lot of childishness a
- 55:26
- Lot of showing off a lot of impatience and man. It is amazing. I Can't get people who want to bully other people on the fourth grade playground
- 55:38
- To stop long enough to think about what I'm saying. I can't do that. I've got to leave that to the
- 55:45
- Spirit of God Okay, just God I can't make you do that but if you would just think
- 55:54
- Think through these things Patiently then you would hear what
- 56:03
- I'm saying. So this guy the jolly brawler He wrote James White will literally learn a foreign language to minister to the radicals of a different religion
- 56:14
- I mean slightly correct that I Learned Arabic which
- 56:20
- I've lost most of I learned Arabic to be able to handle the original sources of a
- 56:29
- Multi -faceted religion and I not only want to reach the radicals the message of Christ, but I want to reach the non -radicalized with the message of Christ in such a way that I Earn myself a hearing by the accuracy of my representation of what they believe
- 56:53
- Okay Do you have to care for the Muslim people to do that I think so I do
- 57:00
- I Do and do I think the Muslim people can tell? When you're faking it or when you really do care about them, yeah,
- 57:11
- I think they can't I think they can Continuing on but tells the church that radicals
- 57:17
- Radical right -wingers cannot be discipled Okay, what I've said is
- 57:23
- Young men who are not in a church. They're not already submitted to a biblical ecclesiology
- 57:32
- They are not submitted to Jesus's teachings on submission to his commandments
- 57:39
- You cannot disciple people who aren't sheep you can't disciple goats Okay, so radical right -wingers
- 57:50
- Well Okay Limited by what are they limited by?
- 58:02
- Biblical revelation Are they limited by a commitment to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior?
- 58:09
- That's the question Yeah My point is
- 58:17
- You don't as a pastor seek to disciple
- 58:24
- Individuals who are in rebellion against Christ teaching You call them to repentance and faith
- 58:31
- You disciple those who are submitted to Christ. Isn't that obvious? I Think it seems obvious Doug Wilson will share the stage with unbelievers and perverts
- 58:41
- But will distance himself from brothers who believe differently about World War two. Well, you know
- 58:47
- I'm not gonna speak for Doug, but I think Doug would say What I just said it's not about Believe differently about World War two.
- 58:56
- It's about what motivates Those beliefs about World War two and I never heard you know
- 59:05
- And all the times I've been talking about this and I've got to hurry up here because I got a new program to do In right at one hour right now
- 59:12
- But I've never heard anyone respond to it. I'd like to you
- 59:21
- Self -confessed anti -semites out there who claim to be Christians Were the ten booms lying?
- 59:31
- Did did they make up their whole story? I've asked that a few times and I've never had anybody respond
- 59:41
- I've never had anyone even try if anyone knows of anybody who did try to respond
- 59:46
- Please let me know because I'd be really interested in them Some of you wonder how people could hold such ridiculous positions that are so seemingly contrary to scripture in nature
- 59:56
- The answer can be given in just three simple words post war consensus the
- 01:00:05
- PwC is presupposed under all their current beliefs a Concept I've I've been in ministry for 40 years.
- 01:00:14
- It was all post -war I've spoken to tens of thousands of people spoken
- 01:00:25
- To multiple thousands at once in conferences and then stood in line and talked to people
- 01:00:31
- Post -war consensus started coming up about six months ago about six months ago, and it did for you too, and you know it oh
- 01:00:39
- But I'm just now learning yeah, in other words, this is the current craze That's all it is that's all it is and Some of us are going guys
- 01:00:51
- Current crazes pass and when you divide from others when you attack others
- 01:01:00
- Based on the current craze, it's gonna leave you Nowhere, it's gonna leave you nowhere nowhere at all
- 01:01:09
- Um one last thing and then we got to run There's a bunch of stuff going on right now,
- 01:01:18
- I've even seen that supposedly today There is going to be someone's gonna be doing a webcast on the
- 01:01:27
- Joel Webb and Tobias Riemenschneider. I don't know why you can't say Riemenschneider Controversy And this is from someone who
- 01:01:40
- I know has Zero knowledge of any of this stuff, but they're gonna do a webcast
- 01:01:47
- Please don't Let me let me try this one more time To all of you out there that are stoking the fires and putting up webcasts and everything else.
- 01:01:59
- I've said this before Pastor Riemenschneider, Tobias Within a day or two of when
- 01:02:14
- You know when when he posted his webcast and then the controversy started and Then the recording started float.
- 01:02:22
- Well bits of the recording started floating around whoever released that first is responsible for everything that came afterwards
- 01:02:30
- Whoever gave The recording or snippets of the recording from the beginning even though the young man
- 01:02:36
- This is about did not want that to happen. You're responsible for all this you are Now that it's out there then everybody's heard it now
- 01:02:44
- And needs to but didn't have to be that way and that only one side had it so Keep that in mind.
- 01:02:53
- Um That next weekend he had to travel to another country
- 01:03:00
- To speak at a conference there. All he had was his phone his laptop had died and Then when he got back he had three people flying in For a conference that they had set up months and months before Jeff and Luke from Apologia and Joe boot were speaking at their conference
- 01:03:17
- And some of you saw a picture that I did a zoom thing there wearing a coogee sweater and So rich just gave me that look again anyway so We've said he's going to respond
- 01:03:36
- How about you wait for him to do that oh we can't do that and Then we have one other person.
- 01:03:43
- I'll just I'll be brief. We have another person who yes, they dropped a webcast Pretending to be able to read motivations and read mine and He stinks at it
- 01:03:57
- He may think he's good at but he stinks really does The stuff he was saying what he's predicting
- 01:04:05
- Laughable just really seriously, okay Totally disconnected from reality what color is the sky in your world?
- 01:04:14
- This is the same fellow who? Just you know 10 12 days ago,
- 01:04:22
- I forget when it was Tweeted Scott annual now Scott annual fellow professor with me at Grace Bible Theological Seminary Works with g3
- 01:04:36
- A Godly man great family super stuff on Christian worship and the
- 01:04:45
- Psalter and the Psalms and worship and it's just done tremendous amount of great stuff and Has a tremendous
- 01:04:57
- Reputation as a godly man and You may not just you may disagree with him on eschatology before g3 last year
- 01:05:09
- We had that Gbts thing where I was sort of alone, but we had a friendly brotherly conversation about Political issues and post -millennial ism and things like that So this individual
- 01:05:27
- Um Tweeted Scott annual because Scott annual had tweeted the link to Tobias's webcast and He wrote to him and Said that he should close his account
- 01:05:49
- Resign and leave the ministry close the account resign and leave the ministry.
- 01:06:00
- I don't even know what words To use to describe that level of foolishness.
- 01:06:06
- I really don't But for me, that was it
- 01:06:11
- As far as that individual went I have no interest none the the level of immaturity there is
- 01:06:25
- Beneath notice. So just that that was it and that's happening
- 01:06:33
- Every day the stuff that I see I don't see everything. It's aimed at me Because I have so many red avatar blue -eyed guys already blocked.
- 01:06:42
- They just doesn't pop up But I see enough only one side is stoking the fires and and Going way will not wait.
- 01:06:55
- It's again. We're back on the playground fourth grade You all sit down and shut up let the man respond and then we can have a conversation about it, okay
- 01:07:11
- But right now this is like romper room and Y 'all just need to sit back and go
- 01:07:18
- Yeah, I think we've sort of lost control of ourselves. Yes you have Sit down shut up Be patient.
- 01:07:28
- I know that's not something it works real well for you all But stop it Just wait
- 01:07:35
- Conversations coming it's gonna take place But it's not going to take place in place of the necessary and constant warning
- 01:07:47
- But what's taking place in? reformed churches Where the gospel is being decentralized?
- 01:07:56
- for narratives of ethnocentrism white supremacy
- 01:08:02
- Jewish conspiracy theories or whatever else comes along with it. We are not going to allow the real issue to be replaced by some personal issues between two men which that was never the reason for the call in the first place and There was stuff that had come before that which isn't part of the call
- 01:08:25
- Etc, etc. All right so just Stop it. You're making fools of yourselves.
- 01:08:33
- I Don't know if you've looked at the people that are posting your stuff and their comments, but it's embarrassing it really is
- 01:08:40
- I Really hope that I live long enough for some of you to come up to me 10 -15 years from now and go man.
- 01:08:50
- I'm so sorry. I Look back now, and I just can't believe No We're trying we're trying we are trying.
- 01:09:00
- All right with that Didn't see stuff going here.
- 01:09:07
- Hopefully we have just just reminder again Joshua Hames. Oh boy. We've posted the link for the
- 01:09:13
- GoFundMe We'll see. I'd love to see the dividing line audience help to push that along We'll see if there's a nice little bump.
- 01:09:20
- That would be great We will see you Lord willing next week here on the program before we head out again