F4F | Phil Pringle Casts Vision


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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the
Faith here on YouTube. If you've ever sat under a pastor who claimed that he cast vision, you know, by the way, that's nowhere taught in the
Bible, not even in Fourth Hesitation's chapter 97, yeah, vision casting is like totally man -made practice.
Well, if you've ever sat under anybody doing that, you need to press the subscribe button.
You've been deceived, you've been schnookered, you've been taught something that isn't even remotely biblical.
And so to kind of case in point this, we're going to head over to C3 Church in Oxford Falls in New South Wales, Australia, where the vision casting leader,
Phil Pringle, also kind of self -styled prophet of sorts, is engaging in what he calls
Vision Builders Sunday. And some of the things he's going to say along the way, wow, it's really awfully bad, like patently obviously false and not even biblical.
But everyone there is just going, ooh, it's the greatest thing ever, because he's a vision casting prophetic leader.
Yeah, no, he's not. He's a false prophet, straight up. And he's about as wolfy as they get.
So let's head over and listen to Phil Pringle, the vision caster on Vision Building Sunday there at C3 Church, Oxford Falls.
Here we go. It's Mitch Hammond's birthday tomorrow. Give Mitch a big hand.
Happy birthday to you. Brilliant. You know, that worship was just great tonight.
Just stay standing for a second. Stay standing. Stay standing. And while we were worshiping
God there, and it's just great tonight to welcome Maryland's location. This morning we spoke to 10 other locations.
Tonight we're speaking to one other location. Maryland, God bless you. Great to see you. Carly Lewis and the team there doing such a great job.
And we're believing for that campus and that location to grow so magnificently.
Love you guys. And while we're standing, I wanted to say this. When we were worshiping,
I could hear the sound of a whole new day, a whole new move of God coming. You heard the sound of a whole new move of God coming?
What's that sound like, by the way? I'm curious. Does it sound like horses galloping? Maybe get some coconuts together.
Yeah, yeah. I could hear the sound of a whole new day coming. Uh -huh. Yeah. Yeah.
This guy is straight up manipulating. He ain't hearing nothing. He's making stuff up here. When I get to feel like something of a new season is coming upon us,
I can feel definitely these things. And let me tell you, I prophesy that a seal has broken over this church, and the drought will be broken in so many areas.
Yeah. Yeah, a seal has been broken, and the drought will be broken in many, many, many, many areas.
No idea what the cash value is of that sentence, but many, many droughty -ish -like areas.
Yeah, that's broken and stuff, because of the seal thing. Uh -huh.
The church's life and of individuals' lives, all around this city, the drought of souls, the drought of finances, the drought of worship, the drought of -
Oh, there's a worship drought. Who knew? Oh, man. Prayer. All these things will be broken in this time and in this season.
The worship will go to whole new levels that will unlock heaven over the souls and the people -
Yeah, that's false doctrine right there. Yeah, the worship will go to whole new levels, and then when you do that, it'll unlock heaven.
It sounds like a video game to me. You know, as you climb up the levels, then you can unlock things and stuff.
He's been playing video games and imposing the video game model on his theology of worship.
Yeah, you know, our worship hit level 14 last week, and we got a special unlock from God, and whoa, yeah.
Yeah, this is straight up false right here. God, let me tell you this, that God is looking and has been searching hearts inside the people of his choice around this city, and there comes a time when that finishes and he starts selecting.
You don't want to miss the preparation stage that God - Right, yeah, God's doing the searching preparation phase right now, and he's going to be doing some selecting.
I mean, it's kind of like when you were in fourth grade and you're at recess, right? You know, everyone lines up and you're going to divide up into kickball teams or something, right?
And so you're, ooh, ooh, ooh, pick me, pick me, pick me. Yeah, see, God's getting ready to pick his team right now.
Yeah, you don't want to miss that, and you got to make the cut, man.
You got to do some preparation and stuff. I'm sure it involves, like, maybe generosity, you know, giving money to Phil Pringle and stuff.
Got you on, because it's in that time that he wants to see your heart broken and open.
He wants to see you faithful and loyal to the house of God. He wants you to see you doing the things that he's called you to do now, because there's going to come a time when that finishes and a new day comes along, and you don't want to be passed over or missed because you've failed to actually do -
I forgot to tithe last week. Uh -huh. What God was calling you to do at this particular time, whatever you have, you'll get more of.
And when you have accumulated into your life, blessing at one level, you're going to get more blessing.
We're going to see many, many more musicians. What are you talking about? And singers rise up because God has seen those that are here have stepped into a new day of anointing and blessing and releasing the power of the
Holy Spirit. And in their hearts - Yeah, they've stepped into the releasing of the Holy Spirit.
Not a biblical teaching at all. We've been watching, and some of these people who are standing on this stage are going to be leading in great stadiums and auditoriums around the world.
Oh, yeah, it's the God -given greatness that Michelle Corral was talking about.
Who knew? Yay! I'm so important. Into another level.
These are the last days. These are the latter days. These are the last times, says the
Lord, when worship will culminate like a thunder. Says the Lord. Yeah, so he's speaking for God here.
Apparently, he's channeling the Holy Spirit. Waterfall. It won't be a trickle.
It won't be a creek. It won't be a river. It will be a waterfall, a torrent of praise, filling the earth as the glory of God fills the oceans, fills the earth like the oceans of the world.
My God, we pray tonight for your victory to be inside our hearts as we worship and listen to the
Word of God. I'm praying that this Word would impregnate us with a future, with a vision.
Ew! I don't want to be impregnated. No way. I'm going to be impregnated with a future.
Unbelievable. Yeah, this is not only a false prophecy. It's a scratching ears kind of thing, too.
It gets a little weird there, yeah. The power from God in Jesus' mighty name. And everybody said, and we believe.
Amen. Yeah, why would you say amen to any of that? I mean, there was clearly, obviously false doctrine and teaching in that.
Good. We're in sacred ground tonight.
We're on vision builder's ground. And this is a ground of sacrifice. It's a ground of sacrifice.
Like, get ready to get your wallet out and write a big old check to Phil Pringle. On a faith, it's a ground of commitment and calling and vows before the almighty
God. I want to talk about that here tonight. It's a different message to the one I shared this morning. And so, as we start, while you're still standing,
I want to read this scripture that is very impressed on my heart in recent times.
He's really impressed. God impressed it and stuff. So, I mean, talk like that means it was
God himself who took the scripture and squished it and impressed it on his heart. So, by him reading it out, he's doing exactly what
God called him to do in this moment. Into our particular context right now.
Isaiah 2 verse 2 says, Now, let's take a look at that text real quick.
Prophet Isaiah chapter 2 verse 2. And we're going to note something here is that this is a prophecy regarding the
Eschaton, the last. Okay. The word that Isaiah, the son of Amos, saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem.
It shall come to pass in the latter days that the mountain of the house of Yahweh shall be established as the highest of the mountains.
It shall be lifted up above the hills. All the nations shall flow to it.
Hmm. Yeah. The mountain of the Lord, Mount Zion nations flowing to it. Many people shall come and say, come, let us go up to the mountain of Yahweh to the house of the
God of Jacob, that he may teach us his ways, that we may walk in his paths. For out of Zion shall go the law and the word of the
Lord from Jerusalem. He shall judge between nations and decide disputes for many peoples.
And they shall beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks.
Nations shall not lift up sword against nation. Neither shall they learn war any more.
Now, we added all the context here on purpose so that you can see, ah, this is a prophecy really, truly relating to after the return of Christ, when he has set up his visible, physical, earthly kingdom here on earth, the new
Jerusalem, world without end. And, you know, because I don't know if you've noticed, but the world still practices and engages in war.
And we haven't beat our swords or our AR -15s into plowshares yet.
Yeah, that hasn't happened. So what Phil Pringle is going to do is hijack this verse. And, well,
God impressed it on his heart, you know. And so by impressing it on his heart, you know, there's a new meaning to this passage that nobody has ever seen before that relates specifically to Vision Builder Sunday there at C3 in Oxford Falls.
We'll be exalted above the hills and all nations will stream to it. Many peoples will come and say, come, let us go up to the mountain of the
Lord, to Marylands, to Oxford Falls, to all of these locations. No, not to C3 Marylands or C3 Oxford Falls.
See, he's totally twisted this text badly. See, that's another sign. He's a false prophet.
If he were really hearing from God, God would be going, hey, you knocked that off. You stopped twisting my word up like that.
He ain't hearing from God. Around the city to the temple of the God of Jacob. He will teach us his ways so that we may walk in his paths.
The law will go out from Zion. The word of the Lord from Jerusalem. Amen. Father, anoint this word here for us tonight in Jesus' name.
And we thank you for helping the blues get up. Amen. Lord Jesus, yes. Thank you,
Lord. We will be finished before 8 p .m. That wasn't a creepy laugh at all. Amen. Amen.
Touch your neighbor, say, go the blues. Amen. Thank you.
Yeah, notice the musician has been dismissed. All while he was prophesying, there was sappy music playing in the background.
That's all part of the emotional manipulation technique here to create the impression that he's really, truly hearing from God.
All right, so I want to share a couple things here tonight that I have shared in several meetings in the last few days.
And one is the vision. In case you didn't get it, I want every single member in our church to get a hold of this.
Because it's like a letter from Christ to us. And he wrote letters to the churches. Now, notice what he just said there.
So everybody's getting a copy of C3's vision. Vision means he got this directly from Jesus, man.
And so know what he just said. He made a reference to, an allusion to, the letters to the churches that are found in the opening chapters of the book of Revelation.
As if somehow, well, you know, the church at Philadelphia and Ephesus and Smyrna and Laodicea, they all receive letters from Jesus.
And so this is all part of normal Christianity. Churches receive letters directly from Jesus.
And our vision is just like that letter or those letters. I want you to hear it again.
Listen again. In case you didn't get it, I want every single member in our church to get a hold of this.
Because it's like a letter from Christ to us. And he wrote letters to the churches. In the book of Revelation, there's a letter to each church.
And each letter is contextualized. God has never actually talked about a universal church everywhere.
What? God has never talked about a universal church anywhere.
How about like Ephesians 4? One Lord, one faith, one baptism, one
God and Father of us all. You know, it's weird because the ancient church, they used a word that everyone's afraid of now, but in the ancient church, in the
Nicene Creed and the Apostles' Creed, we confess that we believe in one holy Catholic.
That means universal, not Roman Catholic, by the way. One holy
Catholic, universal and apostolic church. And then you think of what
Jude wrote, you know, contending for the faith once delivered to the saints. And that we are the body of Christ.
So what he's saying here, denying the Catholicity in the truest sense, the right biblical sense of Catholicity, that ain't true at all.
The church is always in a location. And so it's not like I belong to the church, universal anywhere in the world.
Yeah, actually, you do. One Lord, one faith, one baptism, one
God and Father of us all. It's in Ephesians 4. Look it up. We do belong to the great body of Christ.
There's no doubt about that and to the kingdom of God. But whenever God is speaking to the church, he addresses it to a church in its context.
Really? Really? Yeah, that's like stretching the revelation butter really thin.
Yeah, because nowhere are we told to expect that Christ is going to write us letters the way he did to the seven churches in Asia that the
Apostle John was told to write letters to from Christ. So to you and I occasionally a letter will come from the
Spirit guiding us. What? No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
I got to back that up. Wow, that is blasphemous. By the way, this is a breaking of the commandment that says you shall not take the name of the
Lord your God in vain. He's straight up blaspheming at this point. When God is speaking to the church, he addresses it to a church in its context.
And so to you and I occasionally a letter will come from the Spirit guiding us into the future and he uses
Scripture. Really? Guiding us into the future. Where do these letters arrive?
You know, do they show up in my email inbox? They show up outside in my postal box?
Where were these messages come from? Often to speak to us and this particular
Scripture talks about we're going to move into a day when there are going to be many people saying come let's go to the house of the
Lord and he will teach us. So I believe teaching is going to rise to another level and teaching is different to preaching and proclamation.
It's unfolding the Word of God. So he says, this is so absurd.
And of course nobody's standing up and walking out because none of them there know their Bibles. And the reason they don't know their
Bibles is because he's made sure never to preach God's Word correctly in context lest they figure out what's going on and leave and their wallets leave with them.
Wow. I'm going to bring people to teaching where they are fed the Word of God and they're going to teach the people of God his ways.
And that's what I want to do here tonight. This is so bad.
Oh, man. He's like even fumbling for words. Where's your sermon notes on this,
Phil? Teach you one of the ways of God. Yeah. God has ways that he does things that are very different.
Yeah, I want to teach you the ways of God. And, you know, the ways that God does stuff and stuff, it's different.
Yeah, it's so different. Those ways. Whoa. Yeah, ways. You see what
I'm saying here? This guy is a phony baloney. Complete phony baloney, $3 bill, plastic banana, false prophet from, you know, cuckoo banana town.
And I got to tell you, you know, the fact that people think that this guy can cast vision and prophesy is a judgment against him because they've got to be under a strong delusion because even if you know your
Bible just a little bit, you can see through this sham and protect yourself from people like him and others under the
C3 movement. The whole movement is corrupt, going all the way up to the head, Phil Pringle, who is a false prophet, false apostle, false teacher, and there's nothing about him that's genuine.
The man is a charlatan, and he's as greedy as they all get out.
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So until next time, may God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ and His vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.