Hillsong Music Is VERY Dangerous, And Here’s Why!

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to the channel where we bring you Christian commentary about the things that matter.
In today's video, we're going to be talking about Hillsong Church. But before we begin, as ever, let me establish this is not meant as a sinful attack, but rather as a
Biblical critique. So Hillsong Church is one of the largest in the world, if not the largest, with branches in just about every major city in Western civilization.
Their music is sung by thousands of churches. Their ministry model is followed by many churches.
Unfortunately, even some of the doctrinally sound ones have their music and their methods. But who are the people behind Hillsong's music?
What is their doctrinal background? Do we even know? Are they good, strong Christians who know
God's word and stand up for it against the culture at all costs? No. But that certainly would be helpful when you're writing music for,
I don't know, the entire evangelical church to sing, right? Well, yes, that would be helpful.
But Hillsong music is not made by people with sound teaching and sound theology, because after all, they do attend
Hillsong. And that alone speaks volumes in and of itself. But in case you needed any more evidence of this, let me present some to you in this video.
One of the foremost Hillsong artists and songwriters is a woman named Darlene Czech. At least,
I believe that's how you pronounce her name. She's a former pastor at Hillsong Church, and she was a mainstay in the
Hillsong worship team for years. Needless to say, she is undoubtedly a great representative of Hillsong music and Hillsong Church.
We're not talking about the random guy backstage who sets up sound equipment. No, this is a singer -songwriter from the official
Hillsong music group, as well as a pastor of their church itself. So doctrinally speaking, what does
Darlene believe? Well, first of all, she believes that modern feminism is more important than God's word, apparently, because she claims to be a pastor.
1 Timothy 2 .12, on the other hand, says, Well, that's pretty clear.
1 Timothy 3 .2 clearly says that a pastor must be, God's plan for men and women, who he created, does not include having female pastors and church leaders.
That is forbidden directly by Paul in the New Testament. Yet Hillsong and Darlene Czech have decided that she can be a pastor anyways, contrary to God's word.
So here's a question. If Darlene and the Hillsong music group cannot see something this clear in scripture, or are denying something this clear, what other doctrinal errors could they be making?
And who's to say that these doctrinal errors are not coming through in their music in any way? The entire
Hillsong music entity has an unorthodox view of leadership in the church. If that does not worry you with regards to their music and its lyrics and its doctrinal framework,
I'm not sure what will. But that's not the only example we have. No, we have many more. Let's look at another.
Some might say, well, yeah, they have female pastors, and that's not great. You might disagree with that personally.
But at least we agree on the major Christian doctrines, don't we? We agree on the atonement of Jesus and faith alone for salvation, right?
Well, not really. Darlene wrote this little paragraph, It has been wonderful.
And to see what the Holy Spirit is doing around the earth is completely breathtaking. Even in all the expressions that make us different as God's colorful church, it's incredible to me that when the
Holy Spirit draws near, His role in our experience of following Jesus makes us so very similar.
When you read that, you may have thought that Darlene was flying home from some charismatic revival of some sort.
You may be surprised to learn that she actually was returning from a trip to Vatican City, the center of authority for the
Catholic Church. By the way, Hillsong has regularly partnered with Catholics and has even hosted a
Catholic Mass. In any case, Darlene recounts her story here, saying, quote, I got an email from the
Vatican, which was incredible, saying, We're really praying for a move of the Holy Spirit, and the charismatic
Catholics have invited the heads of different parts of the church from all over the world to come together in Rome to pray for a move of the
Holy Spirit across the earth. End quote. Darlene, of course, accepted this invitation.
She performed there and was even ecstatic that she got to meet the Pope himself. What's so important about this, you might ask?
Well, the Catholic Church teaches that saving faith in Jesus Christ alone is not enough for salvation.
Their official Roman Catholic catechism says the following, quote, Moved by the Holy Spirit, we can merit for ourselves and for others all the graces needed to attain eternal life.
End quote. So the Catholic Church says that we can merit for ourselves eternal life. What does the
Bible say about all this? Well, Ephesians 2, 8 -9 says this, quote, For by grace you have been saved through faith, and it is not your own doing, it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.
End quote. You see, it is by faith alone, and not by works, that eternal life is granted, according to Scripture.
More than this, even the official Hillsong Doctrinal Statement on their own website says the following, quote,
We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ, as both God and man, is the only one who can reconcile us to God.
Our eternal destination of either heaven or hell is determined by our response to the
Lord Jesus Christ. End quote. So Hillsong, on their own website, seem to claim that your belief about Jesus, not your works, is the way to eternal life.
But if they believe that, then why are they partnering with the Roman Catholic Church, who teach precisely the opposite, that it is faith plus works that gives you eternal life?
If their belief about something as crucial as faith in Jesus Christ is different, then why would they think it's a good idea to partner up in ministry and endorse the
Catholic Church? Well, quite simply, because Hillsong Church doesn't have any doctrinal discernment.
Not only do they have female pastors, contrary to Scripture, but they also encourage their false pastors to join the
Catholic Church in their false teaching. More than this, Darlene Chek says that the Holy Spirit was the one uniting this
Catholic Church and evangelical event. She is attributing the ministry of a false teaching movement to the
Holy Spirit himself, to God himself. So in short, Hillsong does not have orthodox views on church leaders.
They do not have orthodox views on the Holy Spirit, and they do not defend orthodox views on justification by faith.
And here's the kicker. They do not even have orthodox views on the Christian life. Here's another section from their official statement of faith.
We believe that God wants to heal and transform us so that we can live healthy and blessed lives in order to help others more effectively.
This is something that Hillsong and churches like them have taught for a long time. In other words, as part of Jesus' salvation for you spiritually, you are also guaranteed to be healed physically.
This is the prosperity gospel. This is health and wealth teaching. Absolute false teaching, by the way.
In 1 Timothy 5, 23, Paul tells young pastor Timothy, quote, no longer drink only water, but use a little wine for the sake of your stomach and your frequent ailments, end quote.
You see, Timothy was saved, a faithful minister of the gospel, yet he was still sick. And in response,
Paul does not tell him to have more faith, to act out his salvation more. No, he says, take some medicine.
Philippians 2, 25 says, quote, apophroditus, my brother and fellow worker and fellow soldier and your messenger and my minister to my need.
For he has been longing for you all and has been distressed because you heard that he was ill.
Indeed, he was ill, near to death, but God had mercy on him, end quote.
It does not say that God guaranteed healing through the salvation of apophroditus. No, it says that in this particular instance,
God chose to have mercy on him. You see, healing is not guaranteed for every faithful Christian.
And the testimony of scripture makes that abundantly clear. If healing was guaranteed for every faithful Christian, then no
Christian would ever die. Because dying is simply a side effect of not being healed before you're dead.
So you see, the claims of Hillsong and other word of faith churches are a bunch of unbiblical garbage.
And we should throw it into the dump where it belongs and even set it on fire for good measure. That's what we should think about this teaching.
But with that said, let's summarize what we've seen here. Hillsong Music, Hillsong Church as general entities, along with the specific leaders of these entities, are utterly compromised.
They do not have orthodox views on the Church, on healing, on the Holy Spirit, or even on defending justification by faith.
And that's just scratching the surface here. So Hillsong has terribly false doctrine in some very important areas of Christian belief.
Yet we are somehow trusting them to write songs that we sing in our worship services. They can't tell the difference between the
Pope and a sound biblical teacher, and yet we want them to write our Sunday worship songs?
They believe that Jesus promises healing to all Christians, and yet we trust them to write songs about the teaching of Jesus for us to sing?
This is absurd. The Church is playing with fire here, and we need to stop. Hillsong Music is a
Trojan horse for all of the kinds of false teachings and false revelations that come out of Hillsong Church.
That much is certain. So while it is not a sin to listen to them, and I would never say it is, my encouragement would still be to avoid them regardless.
Let's stop encouraging them in their false ministry by listening to their music ad nauseam and playing it in our own churches.
Imagine the impact, for God's Word, for God's love, that we would have as a Church if we rose up and stopped all association with anything
Hillsong. Imagine the amount of people that could be saved from their false doctrine if we condemned their falsehood entirely and lovingly called them to repentance.
That's something worth fighting for. As Romans 16, 17 says, we should avoid those who teach unsound and unbiblical doctrine.
And please know this. I do not offer any of this correction from a high and mighty position. I am nothing but a wretched sinner saved by the grace of Jesus Christ.
So let's pray for Hillsong Church that they would stop their false teaching. By God's grace, that they would turn to the truth of God's Word.
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