F4F | May Prophecy Bingo


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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith. My name is Chris Rosebrew. I am your servant in Jesus Christ.
This is the channel that compares what people are saying in the name of God to the word of God. So from time to time, we let our hair down a little bit because heresy can be just a little bit awful.
And we try to breathe a little bit and have some fun. That means only one thing. It's time for Prophecy Days.
And today on Prophecy Bingo, that's the wrong button. There we go.
Today on Prophecy Bingo, we have a special guest, Pastor Paladin Actual from the
Christian Combatives YouTube channel. Welcome Pastor Paladin Actual.
Hey, what's a haps, chaps? Hey, you signed up for this.
Right. I did. It was my fault. So Pastor, I'm curious about something.
Having perused your YouTube channel, I'm just really curious. And by the way,
Christian Combatives is the name of your YouTube channel. We'll put a link down below in our description. What on earth is a furry?
Oh, jeez. You know, they've been trying to answer this question since the Egyptians came up with them and called them gods.
It's either somebody who's usually autistic, usually a teenager who really, really likes cartoons, like Sonic and Spyro and Pokemon and whatever.
Right. All the way to the weird side of the spectrum where it's somebody who's really too much into that sort of thing.
Right. So it's anything from innocent people liking cartoons to just absolute sin.
Just absolute, yeah, debauchery. You just imagine it like Comic -Con.
It's everything from somebody dresses up as something funny to somebody dresses up as like, yeah.
Okay, so not necessarily sinful, but definitely can head down into the dark side, right?
Well, you know I have a video on that. It's called, Is It a Sin to Be a Furry? And it's the only video that anybody's ever watched on my channel for some reason.
And I have like 400 videos and nobody watches any of them except for the furry ones. And then they're like, why are you always talking about furries?
All right. So of course, of all the videos that you've done, I had to pick that one because that one just kind of caught my eye.
I'm like, what? What? What is that? I've never had to do an apologetic against furries before.
So, you know. Oh, boy. You just wait until you get a new class of Conformance. They all know what it is.
Trust me. Anybody who's a teenager who has the internet, for better or for worse. Got it. So, I won't be bringing the topic up.
I'll leave that for my Conformance. All right. So we are going to be playing Prophecy Bingo today.
And Josh, I don't know if I've done something smart or stupid. Okay. I did not try to cook my bingo card in my favor.
What I did is I went up and when
I hit the three things, I just hit new card. And this is the one that came up. I didn't try anything else.
I just decided to go for it. So you really ran out of time for prep on this one.
No. I could have easily. I had plenty of time to kind of cook the bingo books a little bit here.
But I just want everybody to know this is just a complete shot in the dark bingo card.
I have no idea how well this is going to do or not do or how much cheating it might require me to.
You got the guaranteed Jay Nash or Kay Nash one. Right. You may as well check that off now if you got Kay Nash.
Yeah. Although it does have Jesus on it. I think that's correct. It does have Jesus.
Jesus. All right. I don't know how this is going to go.
I mean I might have to really, really, really overdo this in order to win this time.
But at least in the cheating category. So we just don't know. We just don't know. And Pastor Palatin, actual,
I hope that for your sake that you're able to put in a good bingo performance today.
We'll see. All right. So those of you who would like to play along, down below in the description of this video is a link.
You click the link and you too can have your own Prophecy Bingo card. It works on iPads. It works on iPhones and Androids and desktop computers.
It works any device that has access to the Internet. And you too can play along. All right.
So gentlemen, are you guys ready? Have you stretched? No. You're not ready. Nothing can prepare you for this game.
Right. So Josh, I want – oh, man. Oh, gosh. By the luck of the draw, can you believe it?
Can I check it off, like, already? Punishing me. By some strange alignment of the stars and Cain Ashe is going first,
Josh. I can't believe it. I have Jesus on my card, so I'm going to – I'm waiting for that. All right. All right. Let's – and she took a little bit of time off, by the way.
So, yeah, you just need to know. I'm back.
Hi, guys. How are you doing? No. Thank you so much to all of you who reached out to me.
I have hundreds of messages on multiple social media platforms, whether it's
Facebook, YouTube, my membership email, whatever, Instagram, all of you telling me you're praying for me and that you're caring for me in this time.
And thank you. Thank you for all your prayers. I am back. I am not, I would say, at 100%.
You never were. I'll say that. But I am – She's definitely at 0 % when it comes to prophecies.
I haven't heard her give an actual one yet. By the way, I need to make something very clear. I forgot to give one of our standard things here.
And that is that I can assure everybody today that we have not broken the command given in 1
Thessalonians 5. And no true prophecies will be despised in this episode of Fighting for the
Faith because there will be no true prophecies. So just want to make that clear.
But we continue. I'm moving and shaking for the Lord still. So I'm glad to be back with you guys.
If you're new here, welcome to my – Yes, shaking is a prophecy bingo word. And it does count even if they're giving it in the ramp up to their thing.
Do I have it on my card? Of course not. If they're like physically shaking, does that count? Like demonic possession?
Not that I have it on my card, but –
On the scale of Michael J. Fox to demonic possession, where are we? Jesus. Okay.
All right. Usually people interrupt me because they're trying to cheat or get some special pirate dispensation so that they can mark something off on their card.
I'm just trying to throw you off. Yeah. I'm playing offensive here.
If I can throw you off, make you not focus on your card, then maybe you won't realize you have bingo.
All right. Don't make me dox you, bro. All right, let's continue. I'm so glad you're here.
I'm Kay Nash. I'm a messenger of the Lord. No, you're not. I talk over prophetic words a lot.
If you're interested in that, make sure you hit the subscribe button. Anyway, holy ghost, have your way.
Let's jump into what the Lord is saying for May. Jesus. Jesus. There it is.
All right. It was a shorter one for sure, but that counts. All right. We've drawn first bingo blood.
Here we go. Wait, did she say alignment? Oh, yeah. Hang on. It's literally in the name of the video too.
Hang on. What the Lord is saying for May. Jesus. Alignment. Jesus. Prophecy, bingo word.
I don't have it. I have its close cousin, assignment, and that doesn't count. I'm a little annoyed.
We continue. It's time to get into alignment. There are so many cups in your life.
Do not focus on one. You need your spiritual cup filled. You need your health cup filled.
You need your faith cup filled. You need to be filled. It's time to take care of yourself and get fully in alignment.
For this is your glow up season, a season where you change. What am
I? What? Glowing. Season.
Obey the way. Hang on a second here. I do have shaking on my card. Okay. Yeah, that counts.
So, but glow up. What on earth? It's in a biblical sense.
The only thing I can think of is Moses coming down from Mount Sinai and people going, ah, ah, ah, get away.
I'm pretty sure it's zoomer for like makeover or something. Yeah, no, it is. It is. It's makeup.
It's becoming more presentable. It has multiple permutations.
So, so what he just said, what he just said isn't sus. Knock it off.
If you tell them to knock it off, they'll be doing more. Your hair is too gray to be using those words. Oh, dude, that is so mid of you.
I mean, come on. He's all about breaking social norms and rules. If you tell them you can't do it, they're doing more.
If there are social rules that are not biblical that need to be broken, I will break them to make a point.
No cap. Let's continue on. Change and start to transform.
But all your buckets need to be full. If you build a tower. My bucket needs to be full.
I know. We were working on cups. Now we're up to buckets. See, the thing is, if you drank everything in your cup, then your bucket definitely would be full a few hours later.
And if I meet my quota, do I get a fresh bucket? Sure. Okay.
Yeah. Or with a faulty floor, the tower would collapse. Now, how you build in this season is by building through buildment.
That's not a word. Is that even a word? The buildment.
Yeah. Did you check the buildment before you built your tower? Cardboard floor can't hold up the tower.
It's called the concrete pad. You got to build that foundation, whatever. Let's check and see. Buildments on my.
No, but it's not my prophecy. Bingo card. Bummer. It's between buckets and glow up.
There you go. All right. Let's keep going here. Lord, what is buildment?
And I felt like the Lord said building with momentum. Jesus. Momentum. Well, building.
Keep going. What I pulled you back for was to promote you and transform you in this season.
Seasons of prophecy. Bingo words. So is transform. I think promotion. If you have promotion.
Yeah. Promotion or that'll count. Boy, she's just going off now. What is the sentence?
I have no idea. Who you are supposed to be. And you will be that butterfly.
Drink a whole cup. Now we're into prophetic transpeciesism. Okay. All right.
This is weird. You will be that girl and that man. I desire you to be as the scales are shedding off you, as the scales are falling off you and you will clearly see what
I have for you. It may take time to be clear, but focus and get into alignment.
Focusing is key and I will build you into a great mountain that cannot be moved.
I will. That's your butterfly. Theological, what is it, point of order here?
I would note in prophecy when we talk about a mountain, specifically you'll note in the prophecy of Daniel, the one that Nebuchadnezzar received, the rock that was not cut by human hands struck the image and grew into a huge mountain and that mountain is
Christ. And so I legitimately don't think God is making you or I into mountains because that prophetic picture is already taken and that's pointing to Jesus.
I'm just saying, you know. What do you think, Pastor Palatin? The rock on which you build, the wise man builds a house perhaps?
Yeah, that's the whole distinction that the papists don't like about, you know, the rock, the bedrock versus the unsecured rock, the petros versus the petra.
If Jesus is the petra, the mountain. I don't know. If she had known Greek, she would have gotten that.
It probably slipped her mind. Right. That is clearly, that is the most generous interpretation.
I don't want to discredit her imbue, but you know. Based upon what she's written. Maybe she's got a demon.
Demon. Get it? Wow. I did not see that coming.
Okay, we're going to get along just fine. We continue. Not to move you where I do not want you.
My moves are intentional. I don't make mistakes. So God is asking us to walk in alignment.
God is asking us to build with momentum. God is asking us to fill our buckets in order to be ready for the next thing that God wants to do.
Because sometimes. What deity is this? Go to the barn, get the cow and fill them buckets.
All right. I think I've handled enough of her. Okay. Let's see here.
Oh, this one. Okay. So this is Hank Kuhneman. And he starts off his service
Friday, May 10th. And they had a church service.
And he starts it off with like a musical prophecy.
And always and again when this guy does this, it legitimately looks like he's going to pass a kidney stone.
He's a very shouty man. Yeah, he's a shouty man. And he looks like he's in anguish while doing this.
It's weird. So let's check in with Hank Kuhneman and his prophetic word from May 10th, 2024.
Shot and not wounded. We bless you. We adore you.
That's tappy music. God, you have upon your heart the children of the earth. Is that kind of tappy music?
It's kind of sappy. Yeah, it's. Here's the thing. There's no point in me like saying no, because I know what's coming and it's full of sappage.
So let's just go ahead and get this out of the way. Okay. If you have sappy music, take it.
Okay. Did you have a sappy music palette in actual? Oh, yeah. I sure did.
There we go. It was in my book. All right. Still in a row.
All right. You've seen the injustice and you've seen the things that have taken place among the children of the earth.
And yet I hear the spirit of the Lord say. Spirit. For there was a day. You got spirit?
Nice. All right. So definitely spirit counts. And I'm going to kind of stretch things just a little bit here.
Spirit of the Lord say. I'm going to go with say it the Lord. That's the same concept because he's claiming direct speech from God.
That's kind of the point. So I'm taking that. All right. Let's continue on here.
In the days when children were being sacrificed and slaughtered.
In the days of Moses. And yet I prepared through my plan a way of rescue.
A way of escape. To protect the life of the innocent.
Note here. He is speaking in first person. So he's channeling
God here at this point. Because God's the one talking. So Pastor Paladin, actually, is that a wise thing for somebody to do?
Depends on if they want to get stoned or not. Which I guess some people like. But the whole punishment for a false prophecy is pretty significant.
Okay. Far be it for me to do something to that, though. But, you know. People just want the easy way out.
Right. Okay. So this isn't suicide by cop. This is suicide by rock.
Is that what this is? By Petra. Ah, right.
Exactly. Right. Child. Moses. And so I say to you that many things that are happening in the earth.
Some say these are wars that shall end all things. These are rumors of wars.
But God says look deeper. You will see that in the battles and the things that rage in the earth.
That it is the children that is upon my heart and has been upon my heart. And I even said before your election.
That I dedicated the election to the children. And to the honor of my son.
And so I shall have the last say. I will have the last action.
And God says do you think that the liars, the thieves, the traffickers, shall have their say their way?
Do you think that they shall have any victory? God says watch.
Yeah, victory. Yeah, victory is a word. Nice. The way he said it. Yeah, the passing of the stone that will strike him.
The kidney stone that will strike him down. Okay.
So I've said it before and I'll say it again. This guy reminds me of like a really bad off, off, off Broadway performer who can't remember his lines because of the massive pauses between words.
So you can just hear the gears running in his brain, trying to come up with more crap to say. Yeah. Wherefore art thou
Romeo that shine is the break, the yonder light.
And he changes volume. He changes volume in order to try to get, trick people's brains.
He goes, Romeo. He's just slowing down to be profound. He's not slowing down because he's trying to think of what to say next.
Right. Right. It's a form of like, like emotional manipulation. He knows that it kind of slows things down a second.
All people go, Oh, what's he going to say? Yeah. All right. Let's continue on with this nonsense.
For this is the season and the time now of justice. And my justice shall be served for the sake of the children.
Therefore watch strange turn of events.
Incomplete sentence, missing verb. That shall happen even concerning Ukraine and Russia.
I thought he was talking about Moses. What on earth? For there is more that is happening.
I read the news. Yeah. My apologies. It was a missing preposition and out of verbs.
Missing preposition. I thought this entire thing was just one long sentence. So far, it does seem to be missing any like significant like punctuation.
Yeah. Yeah. Point. Man. For the ground shakes, the waters rise, the tide waters.
But so does justice for the children. I don't know. Tidewaters kind of rise and fall.
You know, they kind of go high. I think that's kind of the point of the tide.
Yeah. For me, I'm no sailor. That's your category. Okay.
Moving on. Therefore, watch what shall arise as a new house shall come unto this nation.
And I will sweep. I will sweep. I will sweep through this land to restore honor to.
So that was a triple sweep. Do you think that's in honor of the Trinity? I will sweep, sweep, sweep. Sweep, sweep, sweep is the tri.
Not the trihagion. The tri sweption. I don't know what the Greek is for sweep. We'll just have to go with the tri sweepion.
You know. Don't worry. Josh will put it overlay on the screen. The three sweeps in Greek. The three sweeps.
I think it's in Romans. Give it to the guy that doesn't read Greek. Sweep, sweep. Right, right.
It's a sports term. Yeah. I don't know. I dare not bring it up to the same level as the triple kadosh, you know, from Isaiah 6.
But alas. But let's move on. How's your Irish? Fiddly potatoes.
There you go. You did just fine. All right. So this is
Inez and she's magically religious. So let's just get on with it. And here we go.
So God is good all the time. And I always say that because it's true. So in this month of May, it's called
May the extreme. Extreme May. Yeah. That's what God said. That's what
Holy Spirit has said. Holy Spirit has said. Extreme May. How is your
May been? Yeah, that's right. Extreme. Extreme. Extreme. This Sunday.
Sunday, Sunday. Is the Holy Spirit stuck in the 90s? And here comes down the
Holy Spirit like a dove with the people's elbow. Come to the divine service at Kong's of Inger Lutheran Church.
It'll be extreme. We'll begin with confession and absolution.
And then there will be the word of God followed by the body and blood of Christ. It's extreme. Extreme. Extreme for you.
Okay. Continue. I shouldn't have done that. You know that God has been doing a work in the character of people in the hearts of people, and he will continue to do so.
And he'll open their eyes to see also. And if you've been following this ministry, I have my people who
God is and how he works and his ways are completely different to our ways. And you see,
God deals with that work, that character, the fruits inside of us, you know, because he wants us to have the fullness of him, the fullness of his blessings, of obedience, blessings, prophecy, bingo word.
So when we give our life to the Lord, we are not our own. We belong to Jesus Christ and he's with us all of the time.
Life. Life. Nice. And he leads us and guides us every single day.
He has angels to minister to you every single day. There's angels assigned to you. So they're working on your behalf, even in this season in Jesus Christ name.
So the Lord is moving. The Lord is always taking care of his children.
So with Kay Nash, it's God. And then with her, it's the Lord. So I heard
Kay Nash. She said something about like the Holy Spirit. She's Holy Spirit. But I don't know that she's ever said anything like God, the father or something like that.
No, I have never heard. She's working away up to the Trinity. She's got two so far. So far. To bring them to the destiny that he has for them.
Destiny. For each and every single one of us. I have destiny. So it's up to us to move forward or you can stay put.
So we want to move forward and we want to receive what God has. So we move forward and we leave the past behind.
It's important that you're taking communion. It's important that you're checking yourself. You know that before you take responsibility for yourself.
Checking yourself before you wreck yourself. Have a bit of communion and check yourself before you wreck yourself.
On the way out, of course. Don't let the door hit you. I can't finish that sentence.
Okay, moving on. And not just blaming others, but it's important that we look at ourselves and ask
Holy Spirit to do what he has to do in us. So anyway, so what
God is saying this season, May 2024, is favor.
God favors his children anyway. But there's times that he favors you where you can't even speak.
He favors you in abundance and overflow because you deserve it. If you have flow, that will count.
Some people say, oh, I have flow. Yeah. Got flow here.
Fill up your buckets. I don't deserve anything. Well, then what are you saying about the Lord then and what he's done for you?
And then, of course, there's other people who say, oh, God doesn't do things like that now. We can't ask God for things.
You know, we have to live in poverty. Well, you go and you live in poverty if you like. But I know that it's
God and I know that God loves me. That's your problem. God doesn't like poor people anyhow.
It just means God doesn't love you. God's going to give me some tings, you know. If God doesn't give you tings, it's because he doesn't love you.
Can you imagine how despairing people who aren't rich listen to this and be like, oh,
God. Oh, I know. I know. It's horrifying. You know, I need a little bit of a break.
So check out this prophetic word. Egypt is baking. Okay. All viewers, man battle stations, you are about to be exposed to glory of ziohazard.
Level four containment protocols are now in effect. Please refrain from eating, drinking, or operating heavy machinery.
Your health and safety cannot be guaranteed. This is not a drill. I repeat, this is not a drill.
Insert glory of ziohazard warning. Have you ever seen a
Chuck Pierce glory of Zion? Actually, glory of ziohazard prophecy.
I have, and I once told my father he looks a little like Chuck Pierce because he looks a little bit like...
Who's that guy from Grateful Dead? Oh, Garcia. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah.
He looks like Jerry Garcia or he looks like, you know, unemployed Santa Claus with his rich. My father hates his show, by the way.
If he ever hears this, he hears it going on in the background while I'm listening to it. And he gets mad. He's a pastor, too.
So he's like, that's not what the Bible says. That's right. What are you listening to?
It's on his nerves. I think you have to keep pausing it. I'm like, no, it's okay.
They're making fun of it. You know, we should get like some kind of like, you know, like kind of station identification.
You're listening to the Blasphemy Channel. Just a morning prophecy live.
Blasphemy live. Yeah. Okay. So Egypt is baking is the name of the prophecy.
Give it on May 12th. Let's see what's happening here, shall we? Oh, no. The Lord says
Egypt is baking right now. And the Lord said it has not been seen what will be brought to the table from Egypt.
Wait, does he actually mean baking like food? He's just making a meal right now, man.
He didn't know that. Baklava. Egypt is baking. Lots of places in the world are baking right now.
Arizona is baking. It's like a like a moil with Parkinson's right now.
All right. Let's continue on. Let's keep cooking through this.
The Lord says this will be a time where Egypt comes to the table.
But I have timing where of what they're bringing. You know what? Let's go for it.
Why not? Yeah. Why not? Timing that works. Okay. I am sending you forth to determine the table that is being set in Egypt.
I send you forth into Egypt and say.
Yeah, that's yelling. Take it, take it, take it. You will see in ways you have never seen before.
And you will hear in ways you've never heard before. That's right.
Rather than hearing through your ears, which is the normal way you're going to hear through your teeth.
Oh, there you go. I smell blue.
Anyway. And the Lord says at noon, watch where you step.
I send you forth. Step into? Does that count? Yeah. Why not?
Why not? Into the yard where the dog has been. And it's been baking in Egypt.
It's like at high noon, we're going to have ourselves a gun fight. Watch where you step.
I'm baking something. You don't want a taste of it. Just back this up.
Here we go. Never heard before. And the Lord says at noon, watch where you step.
Yeah, that's right. Just as the general principle, watch where you step.
You don't want to trip and fall. You could step in things. You could step on things. Just watch where you step.
Pilgrim. This one goes out to all my octogenarians. I have that life alert button.
That seems like hostile, threatening. It does.
I send you forth in Jesus' name. All right. So that was the
Egypt is baking prophecy. What was he baking though? I was on the edge of my seat as a gentleman of size.
When someone says they're baking something, my ears perk up. Right, right. What were they baking?
Sourdough muffins. Couldn't tell you. Lasagna. All right. So we might as well do another.
We'll do a Glory of Zion twin spin here. This is a prophecy titled A Glory Reboot.
Glory is a word. A glory is a word. So you might as well take it now because it'll show up.
Glory. There we go. Here we go. There's going to be flag waving. I can already see it.
Oh, jeez. It's good cardio though. Turn the volume up. I can't hear it.
Yeah, I can't hear it. Probably a good thing. He says in his word, the breaker, the
Messiah who opens the way, shall go up before them, liberating them.
They will break out. The flag wavers are showing a lot of restraint at this moment.
A lot. Just need them to break out with some waving here. Pass through the gate and go out.
So their king goes on before them. The Lord at their head.
And as the Lord gave me this, Chuck, he said this to me. There it is. It's waving. It's waving.
Hang on a second. I saw it move. D. This ministry is going through a glory reboot.
Is this like a Disney reboot or is I don't know. Like, you know, got to be. You thought it was actually good.
I mean, yeah. Maybe the thing. Bible remix.
So ridiculous. All right. All right. This one. This one has no moving parts.
It's just audio. Just to clarify. I'm talking about like the 1980s.
The thing reboot. Not the 2009 or 2000. Late. Right. Early 2010.
Right. So that no one scandalized. All right. Yeah. What year was the thing in the 80s?
What year did that come? It was like 81 to 83. Somewhere around then. That was a fantastic version of the thing.
It was wonderful. All right. Let's. May will be significant.
Powerful prophetic encouragement from Nate Johnson. All right. So let's listen in. Hello, friend, and welcome to the
Watchmen on the Wall channel. This prophetic word excerpt comes from Nate Johnston from Dallas, Texas.
May will be significant. I would love for prophecy to be like April will be insignificant.
Nothing will happen. Don't worry about it. Nothing good. Nothing bad.
God's going to let you coast to this current month. Oh, man.
Continue on here. In May, there will be a shift from stagnancy to birthing.
Wait a second here. Significant. In May, there will be a shift from stagnancy to birthing.
Birthing. I have that one. And shift is also a prophecy bingo word. And you're on fire today.
I have deliverance, which is like a synonym. I'm doing okay. I'm doing all right. So how's your card looking over there,
Pastor Paladin? If I get bind, I get a bingo. But aside from that,
I need increase and download. But I thought reboot was going to go to download because, you know, they're technical things.
You would think. Reset the router. Download an update. Yeah. Yeah.
God's all into technology, man. So let's keep going here. A few weeks ago, I had a dream where I was sitting by a stagnant pool.
I heard the voice of the Lord say, it's time to move on from these bitter pools. It's time to leave stagnancy.
When I woke up, I began to get this download for the month of May where the Lord. Download is a prophecy bingo.
No way. Spoke about some key areas of transition and breakthrough that are.
Transition. Transition and breakthrough are prophecy bingo words. Wow. He's cooking.
Talking about stagnant pools. I don't know. I was all in on the buckets. I don't know where the stagnant pools stuff is coming from.
It's all tied together. The buckets to the pools to the baking. Right. Remember, it began with cups, though.
You need to. So the cups and the buckets to the stagnant pools. Then. Yeah. So where do the butterflies come in?
Yeah. Yeah. You're mixing prophetic metaphors at this point. I don't know what to do with that.
The revelation of the butterflies will probably come next. Just. OK. All right. OK. All right.
Well, let's look for some clarification for a download. There will be bitter waters made sweet like an
Exodus 15. I feel like the most potent part of this dream is that the Lord is saying that in May he wants to lead those who've been feeling bitter or potentially bitter back to sweet waters.
I feel like so many, so many in the body of Christ right now, they're potentially bitter.
They have been through a long road of feeling just poisoned and bitter. Potential. OK. Yeah, that counts.
Yeah. Yeah. Things haven't worked out the way that they thought or planned that they would. Many pioneers, many forerunners right now.
They're wrestling this tension between fresh impending birth and the reality of the loose
Fresh is a prophecy bingo word. Ends of the past season. The enemy would love right now to poison them, to keep them in this place of bitterness.
Say that again. You said the enemy. The enemy. Yeah. OK. Yeah. I think he did say enemy.
Yeah. I have an enemy. There we go. All right. But like my dream, the
Lord is saying, leave stagnant waters. You must come out right now.
I feel this call. We must leave this place. We must separate ourselves from all the things that have been warring at us, trying to keep us chained to what didn't happen.
The feeling of abandonment and of discouragement from the past season. Wait, how are you chained to something that didn't happen?
How? I don't just. You're asking logical questions of something that clearly is not logical.
It's the cups in the buckets. Right. Yeah. That are potentially bitter. Yeah. You may or may not have done anything that could chain you to the nothing.
Right. Better get better. Move on. We cannot camp here any longer.
Interestingly, this month in the Hebrew calendar is the month of Iyar, which happens to be. Is that misappropriated
Hebrew? That is absolutely misappropriated Hebrew. I'm taking misappropriated Hebrew. That is.
There's no way around it. That is absolutely misappropriated. The exact time that the Israelites came to the same spring, that same stagnant pool.
But what did God do? He made what was bitter drinkable. Better.
And after that, what happened? They camped there beside the water. Okay. I just want a beer.
Your beer? The water, Mara, the bitter waters were made sweet and they threw wood into it.
In the early church, they always saw the wood that was used to make the bitter waters sweet was an allusion to the cross of Christ.
I'm just saying, you know, just, you know. Was he talking about Christ at some point? This guy is not.
No, this guy is just. We're not even getting. I'm sure he was talking about this Jesus thing that the
Christians are all about. And it just, it's missed it. Your expectations are far too high.
Yeah. You'll note that not even Kay Nash talks about Jesus. She only uses the word
Jesus. She only uses it like a swear word. Yeah. She only takes his name in vain.
She doesn't ever like actually acknowledge he exists. Yeah, that's right.
Okay. Continuing on here. Transitioning us in the month of May. Transition is a prophecy bingo word.
Many of us from the situation. What? A transition into a butterfly.
I'm trying to make the connection. So I see. I see. You're associating words at this point. Yeah. Okay. I'm chained to these, to these, to these words of the previous prophecies.
They're filling my buckets. Yeah. You're changing these words that haven't come to pass. Okay. I get it. It happened.
Yeah. You're just collecting nonsense at this point, but okay. Circumstances that continually keep us embedded and potentially bitter.
He's bringing us into a place again where we will discover and experience the sweetness of the call again.
The second element to this dream, I believe, is where we right now. We must be identifying and breaking ties with stagnant places and alignments and assignments.
Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Aah. Aah.
Yes, we're cooking now. We're cooking. This is something the Lord's been speaking to us since January. The Lord wants us to discern the areas that are keeping us in stagnancy leading us into further bitterness.
God is wanting us to make sure that the alignments that we have, that they're full of life, that they're leading us into thriving and growth and break through any area or voice that is accessing you right now that's leading you backwards.
That must be broken and severed. so many people now are wondering why they're feeling like they're advancing two steps forward then four steps back
I feel if you have advanced that'll take that work the Lord is on this and I must say look at the places that are stagnant what do you have your feet in right now that's stagnant socks how shoes they're fine they're free they're floating okay all right all right
I might come back to this channel just because there's some interesting wait this guy has like prophecies from different oh yeah so this particular channel this guy reads prophecies that are posted on the
Elijah list so he gives them her yeah he's an aggregator so yeah we can come back to this this is this is a cesspool of nonsense that we can we can draw from views though it's so little creative input so many views
I needed to know I think it takes it takes from this guy yeah there you go all right now this one is a little odd I don't know why this guy decided to kind of zoom in on himself so radically this is the most uncomfortable prophecy
I've ever seen and by prophecy I have to put air quotes around it the prophetic word for May 24 2024 blossoming beauty you got the vibe
Josh you got the vibes too bad
I can't do that on the fly for you singular found in the song of Solomon and it's an amazing verse it says it's like flowers appear on the earth what was that oh it's good this is this an odd place to go if you just want a prophecy who's like you know what song of Solomon let me just yeah that's that's a it's a it's pretty big on prophecy it's like you song of Solomon yeah it's not my normal go -to when
I think of prophecy but okay the index you know the book of maps right yeah exactly let's keep going here earth the time of the singing of birds is come and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land what does the song of Solomon 212 the flowers appear on the earth what just happened
I just got excited about turtles
I like turtles I like turtles the time of the singing of birds is come and the voice of the turtle or turtle dove is heard in our land now often when we when we get ready to come into the month of May there's a saying that April showers bring
May flowers the rains of April prepare the soil for flowers to come in the month of May so May is mother's the day of the month of Mother's Day where we generally give have flowers flowers are very powerful symbol it's not of newness is not a day of freshness of blooming of blossoming of beauty it's an amazing symbol in scripture again of freshness newness blooming blossoming and beauty is a symbol of springing forth it's a symbol of the spring a new season and I miss
I've been speaking on new things you see all the new things that I'm doing most prophetically awkward thing
I've ever seen in my life I want to speak that over your life today let me read some notes from this particular verse song of Solomon 212 uses rich vivid imagery to evoke a sense of renewal beauty and love common themes throughout this poetic book of the
Bible here is a more detailed exploration of this verse imagery of renewal we're talking about refreshing yesterday renewal we all need it we need refreshing we need renewal the phrase the flowers appear on the earth symbolizes a new beginning or rebirth this is indicative of spring a time when nature we awakens and the earth is adorned with new life and color in the context of Song of Solomon which often explores themes of love and romantic expression this can symbolize the blossoming of love and affection between lovers celebration of nature a symbol of the since when does reading the notes in a study
Bible count as a prophecy just he brought in Mother's Day too so I was wondering what
Hallmark had to do with these prophecies right I had no idea this is so vapid and dumb like you ever go to a museum and you see a painting on the wall and it's just like one color was like a
Jackson Pollock just throws painted a canvas you're like I could do that why do you get paid a million dollars for that that's what that's what this is but like for theologians it's like well
I don't know maybe he has a degree or something like that but this is this is a professional level of emptiness
I have a question what's more formulaic a Hallmark movie or a
YouTube profit these pictures are the same
I would say that a Hallmark movie is more formulaic because it actually has a point that it gets to with these
YouTube profits they just speaking in tongues one might say but just I mean it's it's still a formula it's just a really garbage one
I would I wouldn't even give him that much credit it's just it's just a word vomit
I mean usually small children in the yard playing with mud making mud pies right I mean the thing is it's not edible
I mean it's still an exercise in futility but they are still making something so this is the theological equivalent of mud pies
I see okay all right so so basically this would be a case a bad case of diarrhea prophetic diarrhea so sure not to be confused with a
Japanese language movie but that's a whole other thing so all right continuing on here time of the singing of birds for their reinforces the theme of spring bird song typically heard in the spring is cheerful and uplifting so it's a time of cheer uplifting
I love to hear the birds sing in the morning living springtime in Chicago when the winter comes the birds fly south when they begin to return in the spring it's and when
I hear them singing it's a symbol of renewal a symbol of something new coming forth the symbolic meaning of the turtle dove the mention of the voice of the turtle is actually a reference to the turtle dove known for his gentle and plaintive call turtle doves are often symbols of love and fidelity because they made for life now hearing the voice of the turtle dove in this context could symbolize a faithful and enduring love it also might indicate the presence of peace and tranquility within the doesn't know what he's trying to say he's just like and the prophecy is
I don't use a good note but like just opening up like footnotes be like and sometimes the sky is blue which symbolizes new colors and just today jr.
get it out like what is the prophecy about welcome to one of the reasons why we invite guests on is so that I can share the agony that I go through in preparing yeah that's right all right
I'll have mercy on you I've heard so he has not updated in a long time and he stopped doing the thing he's been busy at the
World Economic Forum telling people he's stepping down swab is stepping down I heard that I heard that in 2025 he's gonna step down but don't don't get excited that just means you're gonna get a younger version of the same guy who holds that really weird ideology but that's a whole story but let's let's check in with the
Daily Prophetic with Kevin bridges you're walking upon the path of life with the Lord hand -in -hand he leads you and guides you as you walk together there are places where he stops and where together you look back you see the path which you have taken with the different twists and turns you understand from that perspective why things have been the way they have and the
Lord looks ahead to the future showing you where the path leads for the
Lord says I am the one who was gone before you the one who was prepared the way for you trust in me and trust that I am at work doing more than you could have imagined doing more than you could foresee frame the
Lord who was there with you guiding you each step of the way I am the Lord who takes you by the hand who leads you in the way that you should go fear not but look to me trusting that I'm with you trusting that I am the
Lord who strengthens you the Lord who brings you to a place of victory a place of encounter of knowing my heart of love
I'm noticing a lot of like first person yeah not even though says the
Lord but like I am the Lord yeah yeah you're not wrong you're absolutely not wrong ten doors of access embrace the double or new impulses to think differently self -help books this is very important I want you to put one hand on your spinal cord
I'm not doing that no no no no no see and another hand on your brain no one finger at a time touch your brain
I know you're not supposed to touch that thing it's something out there's a skull keep me from touching it the word of sin means
I will send new impulses that have been blocked into your thinking process
I will send new impulses that have been blocked into your thinking process didn't make any more sense a second time saying it twice doesn't make it lucid
I mean wow it's profound and look at all these people going who is this verbal jazz where we're about to play wrong and pat the top of your head the same time yeah you got it here let me do this
I'm a little teapot short and stout here is my handle that means whatever nerve structure and whatever that has oh man
Satan is just like laughing at these people mocking them man so bad in the last season the
Lord says I'm gonna unblock it and you're gonna think differently this is this is a chakra ceremony this is about chakras like unblocking your chakra bladders it's new age
BS you're not wrong you're not wrong Doreen virtue would have some things to say about this probably hey this is the beginning of ascending past that which is fried to cause us to have a nervous breakdown that has tried to stop us from feeling what we need to feel and we are going to the keyboardist and our heart is going to rejoice can you imagine if you're a non -christian and you see this and you're like this is what
Christianity is and yeah look at these dweebs and you're like they're nuts they're absolutely nuts what is this he's not saying anything they just yeah
I'm getting a download here same yeah so so so so pastor
Paladin actual you see you right now have the ability to just reach up and into the
Spirit and grab and I mean grab a download from God to give you an interpretation of the tongue that is being spoken here in fact in fact
I in fact I have a download of generosity each of us had inspired by the
Holy Spirit can give a one -word interpretation to to move things along here but let me let me let me back this up so you can hear the word again and whatever you feel he's the word that he's saying we will we will that'll be our interpretation because you're not allowed to prop you're not allowed to speak in tongues without an interpretation so you know we've got to do the biblical thing here yeah and I suck about bowling but first choose wisely sir choose wisely he's talking about increasing your buckets increasing okay so absolutely you heard the word okay so you heard the word increase
Josh you know bingo I funny enough the word
I heard was Jezebel of all words it was really interesting yeah
I'm sure you heard that loud and clear and of course because we're talking about Jezebel in her increasing we need to be aware of the position that she's in so yes so so position so Jezebel position and increase definitely were part of whatever that was yes all right that that's that's that's our on -the -spot interpretation of said nonsense let's let's continue in shall we go there you did so so do
I hang on to him cuz well we're gonna we're gonna we're gonna give up our bingo prophecies at the end here so all right that has always impeded you and stopped you from advancing
I say today advances a prophecy bingo word hey that mountain will be conquered
I say do not go up against that mountain the way he went up against it in the past I say
I have a path through it and all you must do is step forward and you will gain ten doors of access ten doors of access
Wow that sounds so much better the hilarious bit from Rick and Morty was like I'm selling real fake doors you know real fake door doors go anywhere no it's fake is this the same mountain is it the
Kate Kay Nash the mountain that he's going up against her yeah it's it's full of buckets I paid you that that throwdown you know just yeah buckets and buckets and cups
Kay Nash versus Chuck Pierce go right through yeah
I bet I bet Kay Nash bites it's it's in the name Nash I guarantee she bites in a fight guarantee
May's gonna be extreme but not it but not significant oh wait no it is gonna be significant flowers butterflies be gone and shall
I'm coming through the Lord said look and see how trauma has been harvested on the top harvest is a prophecy being how trauma has been hard you can you can harvest trauma
I had no idea fill up this book it's oh yeah that makes sense yeah
I have wind wind yeah that's that we inside of you will prosper again will increase again prosper
I'm gonna take prosperity for prosper that's a double bingo double nice all right continuing on here what he said like I think he was he talking about the wheat inside of you will prosper
I think you don't even know I have no idea you're expecting a lucid answer from a non lucid
I'm just saying if somebody who cannot eat wheat I feel a little excluded and like a little judged here that I'm not included in this prophecy
I'm saying the wheat inside me is a bad thing in which case he's absolutely you know this prophecy right yeah so continuing harvest again what is hindered your harvest will be blown away on the mountain of trauma that you have held on to let it go let it go let it go let it go the heresy never bothered me anyway my daughter's gonna love this prophecy that she loves that song so much
I'm gonna let this prophecy go yeah that one gets to go all right let's see here oh am
I ready for this let me let me see what other option let's go here first okay we need a little bit of a sanity buffer and she's not as crazy as dr.
Alexis that's so far in the background does that count oh dude that is a show far that is a show far and tell you what even if she doesn't reference it you can take it it's it just says so far it doesn't tell you it's on the screen yeah there it is so I brought my own too so you know just in case just in case so all right so far so good all right let's continue on here we go speaking to me for the month of all right like hang on a second here let's try this well blessings to all of you joining this video today
I'm gonna release the prophetic word that I feel like the Lord is speaking to me for the month of May I'm gonna leave somehow
I didn't get that yeah release yeah releases in there so yeah take it
I'm gonna release some scripture I'm gonna pray for you at the end so stick with me as I share this encouraging prophetic message
I believe that it's gonna show you what the Lord wants to do for you right now what he's been doing and it's gonna bless you so stick with me
I'm gonna jump right in I believe that this is your time to sing and I've titled this message the time for you to sing has come let it go let it go yeah it's my time the time for you to sing his past just come and fast but I was leaning into this prophecy you know it's now how many of you saying
Bernice I am ready to sing but he's I am ready for a season of rejoicing things have been challenging
I've been through the storms I want to share with you why I'm saying all of this and what
I felt the Lord says to me last does anybody ever watch these videos like after they have a good month is there ever you know they're like oh
I've had a bad month and I need a new prophecy like it's like you had a good month and it's probably gonna be okay
I guess I don't know as well no it doesn't sell as well and and this particular video has been seen 10 ,000 times and she's still relatively new in the in the prophetic
YouTube space so those are those are rookie numbers just last night as I was getting ready to go to sleep
I had my heart postured before the Lord and as I was drifting off to sleep I was speaking to the
Lord in prayer and I heard him speak a very simple phrase now how many of you know
God will take simple phrases that we've heard in our everyday life and he can breathe some deep revelation through these simple things and this is what the
Lord did last night as I was going to sleep he spoke this very simple phrase many of you have probably heard this many times for Jesus repent ma 'am please tell me when you started hearing the voices yeah
April showers bring May flowers
Wow so original you know so we got two of them agreeing here okay
I'm gonna break down what I feel like the Lord is saying here but I feel like is a word yeah
I feel like that's right I did I did that wrong that's right the song of Solomon this is chapter 2 verse 12 what she stole this from what it's his face it's either stealing prophecies from each other's now the time of singing has come let's talk about turtles lady come on voice of the turtle dove is her there you go no way that's actually a first show me as he showed me the
April showers bringing May flowers this is your season to bloom this is your season of blossoming
May is gonna mark for you I believe a season where you're gonna begin to see the the beauty you're gonna begin to see the blossoming you're gonna begin to flourish in May and many of you have come out of a very difficult season
I saw when the Lord spoke this to me I saw those showers in two parts I saw it as the flood of the enemy you know when you caught in that storm the enemy comes like a enemy is if you haven't already got it there it is and there you are you're in the midst of the downpour you're in the shower she said the flood of the enemy and I thought she was gonna start talking about Noah's Ark and I was ready for like something actually just you know that she just doesn't catch it about you know flooding out the evils and stuff
I suppose some law there's gonna be some law here no no April showers bring
May flowers what you may flowers bring smallpox oh really okay
I had to think about that for a second that's terrible don't make me throw a blanket over that so oh moving on with assignment strategies he's come deliberately to try to destroy the word yep assignments and strategies or words season and I was seeing the showers the
April showers it was like I was seeing that was the assignment of the enemy to try to come and destroy you and then
I saw the second part those showers bad thing yeah showers wait they were bringing
May flowers but there are the showers the end of the showers are bad things so the enemy brings showers and God turns them into flowers now it's now it's the
Wicked Witch of the West just as bestos rains from the sky yeah as tears as your tears for many of you you have been in a place of of deep tears
I'm not talking about shedding a tear because you had a bad day or you you cried today because you said about something no
I'm talking about people that have been in a season of a shower I've been in a place of true
I'm not talking about if you're crying cuz you had a bad day boo -hoo
I'm talking about enemy tears raining down from the sky let the body sit the floor it's raining men
I'm talking like people yeah you've been in a place of grieving you've been in a place of deep sadness and a lot of tears and it's like I saw the
Lord showing me many of you that have been in that place and the Lord saying I've seen you I've seen you and I just touched on this this the the travail in my previous video you guys can go and watch that and you're gonna see how the
Lord is connecting all these pieces together but I saw that and I saw that that tears the grieving the pain all connected to the assignment of the enemy that had come in like a flood and here's what
I want to say the Lord is saying that May is gonna bring flowers now this is the beauty may didn't just bring flowers where did it come from it came from the showers and I saw the
Lord he showed me this how he took every assignment every strategy she's tried to act like your ice ajeet
April showers bring May flowers this is my paraphrase
God's gonna take that frown and turn it upside down so there you go you can bring a horse to water but you can't make him drink all right here comes dr.
Alexis who knows what this is gonna bring love me by doing something this will make him love me more maybe
I need another deliverance maybe I need you know you have the banjo you said
I have a singular bingo I mean
I can do that so another that maybe you need to rest the
Lord told me something before I got on this broadcast he said tell my people to allow me to facilitate it facilitate facilitate what kind of God needs you to give permission to do things allow allow me to facilitate what here's your deliverance bingo facilitate what does that word mean to facilitate
I'm like okay God I don't know it's it's right in the dictionary it's it's next to build she's gonna quote the dictionary
I guarantee she's gonna marry him Webster defined you to Alexis allow me to facilitate it to facilitate means to make something easier to help yeah she's she's on dictionary calm right now so something run more smoothly and effectively so when
I think about that I'm thinking about how there are facilitators at conferences or there's facilitators who can facilitate a conversation there is which is the advocate right the advocate would be the
Holy Spirit is the facilitator but God said allow me to facilitate it but often when we are so used to getting stuff done we want to facilitate the miracle we want to try to help it along when
God said take your hands off and allow me to do my thing don't touch don't give me no lines and keep your hands to yourself okay just and note that note the sappy music playing in the background like I said there was sappage all over these prophecies so continue to like share tag the broadcasts y 'all let somebody know that I'm on let's get these likes up let's get these likes of it too low on the likes right now okay she's like two seconds have you ever seen that like that stupid tik -tok thing where the people that the live
NPC things she's like two seconds away from oh thanks for the ice cream yum -yum -yum oh thanks for the ice cream yum -yum -yum yeah please tell me you know what
I'm talking about that's peak brain rot all right let's get those likes up type
F in chat okay
I think we've left your father behind oh yeah I'm sorry it's a millennial thing yeah
I'd totally in the dust so my Riz is really low here at the moment so yeah and so God brought me to Hebrews 4
Hebrews 4 it's gonna be some teaching tonight y 'all because I think that there has been where in the scripture we see
I think it's in Galatians it says you foolish Galatians who has bewitched you it starts talking about who has bewitched you to believe that you have to go to do this law and that law in order to receive in order to walk in what
I've already freely given you freely I have given you freely you have received she's she's actually right but there's a lot of young people that's actually surprising but she's miss appropriating oh no for text and in the actual meaning of it so yeah no absolutely oh
I thought she was gonna stop after Galatians who has bewitched you and just be like that's what he said I'm like all right all right moving on here here we go serious alert many huge and supernatural things happened in the month of April 2024 supernatural
I have supernatural yeah accounts but they are nothing in comparison to the things that are coming in May 2024 this is amazing
I love the echo this is like a movie preview coming in May 2024 it'll be extreme oh this is ridiculous and many shocking things are coming that will change your reality not just on a personal level but globally wait new level does that count new level why not why not okay 15 minutes okay so he's doing nothing where he gets the ad revenue and this is
I am NOT joking this has been watched 386 ,000 times broadening the path that leads to destruction
I guess yeah indeed continuing on the Holy Spirit has given two serious and major commandments regarding this particular month and those who the monthly commandments
Wow not follow them will regret it throughout the rest of the year oh no oh no
I I didn't see this until the 22nd how was I supposed to know that I had to obey those two commandments during this love it how it like will regret it throughout the rest of the year is like extra there's extra a stroke on the outside of the letters to make it like extra bold this is right regret this and there in there you've got like the eye nebula then looking at you like yeah you know this is this is the eyeball of God this is
Wow I love child of God the year 2024 has already been designated as a time of wealth to respect the unexpected
I didn't see that coming just didn't see it coming well you should have you should have expected it was this one of his commands is expect the unexpected
I don't know I don't know I think he just said that there were two commands and he just kept going didn't say what they were yeah so far there's clarity so far so let's keep going here
Grail is in the castle and it has begin from April 2024 but the month of me is different from it right
April and May are different months I have a question I have a question regarding the work flow of this did he create this this slideshow effectively before actually recording it because it looks like it sounds like he's like trying to read it and then like you know hitting the button or whatever
I go for the next one because of these weird weird pauses yeah the weird pauses he's trying to time it with the transitions yeah right
I think you're right so I think he's drawing out the length of the video it's it's it's a money -making he also recorded this off of a karaoke machine
I'm willing to bet five bucks not willing to take that bet let's keep going and it is way more terrifying and horrible than you may imagine the
Holy Spirit has revealed what lies ahead and a tiny little book written in Spanish how we should prepare ourselves it's stock footage so before delving into this supernatural revelation let us begin with a brief prayer skip skip real talk for a second
I have there are some people online there's like two of them in particular that every time a video like this comes out they're terrified they send it to me they're like they're like can you look at this video
I'm so worried that I might not be saved and it's always got some clickbaity title or something like that and it's it's it's so predatory and I'm not just talking about making money off of global you know ad sales but there's people who watch this video and they're like clenching their their chairs they're like there's a command that I wasn't following I could be going to hell it's so it's oh evil it's not yeah oh
I completely agree this absolutely binds people all right let's so here's the end of the prayer in the name of Jesus Christ Amen so let's see where he goes from Christ Amen now
God has ways of sending prophetic signs for those who are vigilant those who are vigilant and a faithful believer the
Holy Spirit is revealing to you this now that the month of May 2024 will not be designated as expect the unexpected it's a twist it's a twist okay it's an exception is this
M Night Shyamalan what a twist is that the
Mormon Jesus but as the face of we're nightmare becomes reality yes everybody month of May is not so good for the earth because God is about to propel the game ahead the first and the most dangerous things are bees we will all witness is the floods and many nations who are walking against the will of God and away from the truth there will be floods in several nations floods floats in several nations root beer floats you know
I would note that for some nations May is the normal time when the rains return to their you know and so could there possibly be flooding in several nations
I mean there was almost 200 nations on the planet I'm sure that a handful of them might experience some flooding
I mean how else the flower is supposed to get there you know though the floodings should have happened in April Josh you see you know that's cuz cuz
May flowers you know so right and you know which will affect buckets uh -huh right many who are unaware of the truth which is
Jesus Christ this will not only decide the fate of the suffer nation but it will affect the global market and ultimately that's there will be see
I was worried about like souls and like spiritual and then you people dying in the news but I don't my 401k though yeah before 1k dude it's it's it's in danger be a depression in the economy so depression in the month of May of the world's most powerful and superpowers nations the
Holy Spirit has revealed that so that would be the u .s. China and who you know this event will impact the lives of approximately 2 billion people across the globe third third of the planet man is going into a depression then my in May how many people are in China he might just to be he might just be talking about China I mean we could be safe here is what
I'm saying I think there's like 2 .1 million okay it's probably like that it's probably just forget
America Britain Oh No no Canada Israel Canada China and several other major economic nations will be hit by these calamities some it's the 22nd of May dude when are these calamities coming because the month's almost over you know
I feel bad for Canada they just if a flood hits them they're done they're done it's over man it's those poor
Leafs they'll all be swept away well with the permafrost up there it has no it has no way to go nowhere to go you know so right all right let's see here
I'm just curious just absolutely curious enter your triumphant phase this will be our final prophecy of prophecy bingo we're gonna enter our triumphant phase here here we go
I have a truth that is rising that will recognize me they will embrace the power that I am sending this truth will see paths that have not been seen in days past I say to you watch carefully but miracles are beginning on your path miracle yeah miracles prophecy being a word watch me as I intervene in the week ahead
I say to you this is the beginning of uncovering what the enemy tried to cover over I say walk with me for your will become clear remember you're supposed to be taking these guys seriously oh sorry sorry oh sorry yeah oh yeah my bad here it's just that that I felt that all the testosterone and leaving the building with a sock.
I say walk with me, for your path will become clearer and clearer and clearer.
Again, do you think this leads to low testosterone? I say your path will take a turn.
And on that turn, I will uncover the realm that has been hidden for you.
This is the beginning of you seeing things you have never seen before.
I say awaken to my spirit and my creation.
Hang on a second here. Awakening is a prophecy. Bingo word. Okay. Pivoting, for you are going to see a dimension you have never seen into.
And I say you have been in a preparation time, but now that time...
What are these dance moves going on back here? I swear, this is the song from the end of Return of the
Jedi. It's the same song, I guarantee. I hear the baby flute in the background. I saw you walk right around behind me.
Right, yeah. I will rush to form. Those were words.
I feel like not only does he not know where his sentences are going, but he doesn't know when they're going to end either. No, no.
Yeah, it's just pure stream of consciousness, and his consciousness is running out of steam.
All right, gentlemen. We are rapidly approaching the end of this installment of Prophecy Bingo. I can only handle so much of that nonsense myself.
We have some free words to pass out to members of the audience.
Josh, if somebody is subscribed to the Fighting for the Faith YouTube channel, what word would you give them for their
Prophecy Bingo card? I will give them visitation. Visitation it is.
All right. And then pastor Paladin Actual.
I almost docked you there. So please explain to – give us a word for our audience members that if they happen to hit the like button on the video, what word would they get?
Well, I think if they like the video, then they would like a wealth transfer as well. I think that makes perfect sense, a wealth transfer it is.
And what's the third category? If they share the video, is that what that is? Yeah, if they share the video.
Now, if you share the video. So I would note that sharing is a – that's a big commitment because you're likely to suffer the wrath of family members and friends.
But if you're willing to share the video and you share it, then we're going to give you two words. We're going to give you a manifestation and a curse.
Wow. So I think that's how that works. Okay. All right. So that means we have some prophecies that need to be handled at this point.
Yes. And so Josh, I think I should go first because –
Okay. What flavor are you looking for? So 1992
WWE commercial. Oh, man.
I've really got to up my game. That's a – wow.
I wasn't expecting that. Let me see. Let's see if I can throw some decent drums in there.
That is – I know it's a lot to ask for. Yeah. Oh, gosh. How do
I even pull that off? Oh, no. Hold on a second. You got to do the – like the
Undertaker bell first. Dong. Then just get into the heavy metal guitar.
I'm actually – I have to go to YouTube. I'm looking for wrestling no copyright music. Let's see what this does.
It's time to play the game. Time to play the game. Is that loud enough for you?
Here's the game. I don't hear nothing. You're not hearing anything? Oh, hold on. I know what the problem is. Because it's copyright stricken.
Oh, no. Oh, yeah. I'll start it over.
Hold on. All right. I just got to start it over. Are you ready for Extreme Prophecy?
Yes. Yeah. We've got buckets of birthing from Jesus. Jezebel, you better assume the position.
Otherwise, you're going to step into your curse. Let me wave a flag or something. So we're going to flow in the manifestation of glory.
And God, the Saint, the Lord will be prosperity. The timing will be perfect. And I'm just saying that this is the thing that he's going to do.
That was completely unhinged. Sorry. Okay. Pastor, Pellet and Actual, what flavor of music would you like to have?
I'm feeling a bit like a beatnik. I've got some poetry, some, like, coffee shop, possibly slam poetry, in the style of a limerick.
And since I have a triple, I'm going to do a triple limerick. We've never done that vibe in our
Prophecy Bingo before. Okay. I just got to look up coffee shop.
I look away for two seconds, and then, like, someone's having a seizure. There you go.
Okay. I mean, I can move around. All right. You ready? Let's bring it down for the audience, really.
There we go. Mellow vibes, yeah. With a faith that continues to increase, step into his grace, find inner peace.
Like a download divine in Jesus' victory sign, in his love, all life struggles cease.
Verse two. Hip cap. While listening to sappy music's sway, the spirit dances on its own way.
In melodies, find its trance. Wealth transfers at every chance. Prosperity flows night and day.
Final verse. In the rhythm of life's lively beat, the spirit finds release.
Oh, so sweet. With each visitation comes a divine sensation. A download of joy, love, and heat.
In no way did a robot help me write that. That was all off the top of my head.
Wow. I'm going to go in a completely different direction.
That was pretty good, I got to say. You know, if I'm making prophecies, Chat GPT is the way to go.
Not saying that I used it to craft my prophecies, but hypothetically. Right.
They are inherent in rhyming. Can you hear that?
I am the great Dakabs. I'm here to tell you about your supernatural enemy that I have done no research on, but I tell you that he is a hypercritic.
Due to the transition of visitation, that this misappropriated Hebrew phrase that I'm totally not using is being used to step into your
Jezebel. Somehow, I don't know, and there's deliverance from visitation.
Deliverance from visitation. Wow. I'm feeling that one.
I'm really feeling that one. I think, I feel, I feel like it's going to come to pass. Cancel, cancel, cancel.
I did not quote Martin Luther once. All right. So, Pastor Paladin Actual, once again, your
YouTube channel, so our folks can visit your channel and benefit from the teaching that you offer there.
Sir. Yeah, head on over to Christian Combatives on YouTube and try watching a video other than the furry one.
Just, please. If you can survive that long. If you can survive.
They're all bad, but just spread out the downvotes a little bit.
All right. I'm doing a series right now on masculinity.
It's great. There you go. So, Christian Combatives over on YouTube. Pastor Paladin Actual, thank you for coming on, fighting for the faith, and your secret's safe with me.
We did not dox you, just to let you know. But I appreciate the time that you came on, and it was loads of fun, and Prophecy Bingo really needs to be banned, but it shall not be anytime soon.
All right. Let me sign off for folks, and we'll come back and we'll chat. So, if you found this to be interesting, worth passing along.
All the information on how you can share the video is down below. And until next time, may God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ and his vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.