Todd Friel, Obama and Gay Marriage (Part 2)



Mental Illness (Part 3) (rerun)

Welcome to No Compromise Radio, a ministry coming to you from Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
No Compromise Radio is a program dedicated to the ongoing proclamation of Jesus Christ, based on the theme in Galatians 2, verse 5, where the apostle
Paul said, "'But we did not yield in subjection to them "'for even an hour, so that the truth of the gospel "'would remain with you.'"
In short, if you like smooth, watered -down words to make you simply feel good, this show isn't for you.
By purpose, we are first biblical, but we can also be controversial. Stay tuned for the next 25 minutes as we're called by the divine trumpet to summon the troops for the honor and glory of her king.
Here's our host, Pastor Mike Abendroth. This is not Mike Abendroth, but it is
No Compromise Radio. Thanks to Pastor Mike Abendroth for letting me, Todd Friel, the meek and lowly, sit in while he goes,
I think he's at the amusement park, something like that. I host Wretched Radio and Wretched TV. I'm gonna be sitting in for Mike Abendroth, who does an excellent job here every week.
So if you are tuning in for the first time to judge whether or not you wanna listen to this show in the future, do not judge it based on what you're gonna hear.
The good guy will be back next week. ♪ It's the end of the world as we know it ♪ Here we go. ♪ As we know it, it's the end of the world as we know it ♪
Sure feels like it these days, doesn't it? ♪ As we know it, it's the end of the world as we know it ♪ ♪
I feel fine ♪ I don't feel the same way that he does. I think those guys broke up, didn't they? Here we go, first end of the world story.
Canadians are considering genderless passports. That's right, apparently there's enough people now in the world who are confused about their gender that the passport should no longer just have male and female to be checked off, but they should have an ex for,
I don't know for sure, neither male nor female. Hmm. They have not gone through their sex change surgery or they are confused about being trapped inside of the wrong body, so these people should be allowed like they do in Australia, like they are looking to do in the
United Kingdom and Great Britain. I didn't know this was going on all over the globe. Now, I don't know how many people this actually represents, but what is the
Christian response to people who are confused? Now, maybe you're thinking, wow, could you have picked a more inconsequential subject?
How many of these people are there? Well, enough that countries are actually allowing them to have a special space on their passports.
And this is an issue that your pastor probably has had to or will have to deal with, gender confusion.
Didn't we see this with a Girl Scout story? There was a boy and he thought that he should be a girl.
He was a girl trapped inside of a boy's body and so he wanted to join the Girl Scouts. The Girl Scout said, no, you actually have to be a girl in order to be a
Girl Scout. Well, they didn't take the heat, they caved in and now the boy can be a
Girl Scout, crazy. But what is a parent to do? What would you do if your son came in and said, by the way,
I want to be your daughter? What do we do? Sometimes there are issues of actual confusion when it comes to body parts.
Oh, it's not quite right. What do we do? How do we respond to this? How does the pastor, how does the parent respond?
What is the Bible verse that says, this is what you should do? Well, there isn't one. So what we need to do is take a look at what does
Bible, the Bible say about gender, sexuality, and then we need to apply it to this specific situation.
And I would suggest it's as simple, doesn't mean that there aren't more complications, but it's as simple as this.
If you were born with boy parts, you're a boy. If you're born with girl parts, you're a girl.
The problem is not that you were born in the wrong body. The problem is sin, it's sin.
This is such a, this should not be one of those issues that causes us to go, ah,
I'm disgusted with those transgender people. This world is a mess, is it not?
And this is, I think, just another outworking of the fallen nature, the whole world groaning because of the fallenness thanks to Adam as our federal head.
This is just an outworking of sin, that there's confusion. And so this issue needs to be addressed really as a sin issue, a confusion issue, but the guiding principle for it should be that the gender that God gave you, that's the gender that you're supposed to be.
Now we need to get you there inside of your noggin. How do we do it? It is not through secular psychology.
It is through the Bible. Now, does psychology have any sort of place in Christendom?
I would say a small place, and I think it should be limited to observation. I think that individuals who are dedicated to psychology, which
I think that, unfortunately, evangelicals have taken all mental and emotional issues and kicked them down the hallway out of the pastor's office into the psychiatrist's office.
I think that psychology and psychiatrists can observe, and they can categorize. We see this issue, we're gonna call it autism.
We're gonna call it Asperger's syndrome. We're gonna call it depression. I think that's fine. It can be helpful, but that's as far as secular psychology should go.
They do not have the answer. We do. Am I saying there's never a place for medicine?
I didn't say that. I think, overall, in Christendom, that people would agree, not everybody, but most would agree there can, indeed, be issues where there is something that is wrong, physically wrong, with somebody's brain, for instance, and it needs help.
They are doing great work with brain scans, again, observing the brain, and seeing that some people's brains aren't working right, and there's some sort of chemical deficiency.
Something isn't right. Can medicine apply? I think it can, carefully, thoughtfully.
It's a very uncharted field, despite all of the prescriptions that have been written for it.
I think that should be the exception, but I think the majority of the rule should be, the Bible has your fix. The Bible has your answer.
The gospel has your cure. How weak do we think our gospel is? Does God not heal emotions, and memories, and experiences, and give us a right perspective?
Does the gospel not help? The self -esteem movement has been tragically harmful to America.
Why? Because it starts at the wrong starting place. It starts with, you're wonderful. The Bible starts with, no, you're sinful.
I mean, it just, it crashes. Why would we want to send a Christian who is struggling, out of the church, to a secular psychologist, when their starting place is wrong?
We get to do it, by the way, my name's Todd. I'm sitting in for Mike. We get to do a conference, called the Psalm 119
Conference. We did it, actually, last year, at Mike's church. We did it on discernment. This year, we're doing it on the Holy Spirit, and I heard a sermon by Milton Vinson, out of Cornerstone Bible Church, in California.
He was in Romans chapter eight, and he was talking about, ready for this, the intercessory work of the Holy Spirit. Do you know what that is?
The intercess, that the Holy Spirit is interceding, pleading our case, until some sort of satisfaction is brought.
That's what intercession is. And he brought out six encouragements from the intercessory work of the
Holy Spirit. They were basically, and I'm not gonna do as good a job as Milton, basically, that the
Holy Spirit is interceding, pleading on our behalf, for us. Not against us, for us.
God, the Holy Spirit, remember, Father, Son, Holy Spirit, three persons, one God. The Holy Spirit pleading to the
Father, for you, right now, for you. If you could go to heaven, and listen to the Holy Spirit interceding, you would hear, he's praying for me.
He's not praying against me. He's not praying that I'll be struck down. He's praying for me, with groans.
He's passionate about it. He is deeply concerned about your issue. He prays till there is success.
He prays in our weakness. In fact, Milton Vincent brought out, he seems to be attracted to our weakness.
Whatever your weakness is, your sin area, it's as if the Holy Spirit says, Father, I'll take that. That one's mine.
And he intercedes in our weakness, for us, in the will of God.
Now, these are majestic thoughts. Now, tell me, that doesn't give you a little giddy -up in your step today.
That right now, if you are in Christ, you've repented and put your trust in Jesus Christ, right now,
God, the Holy Spirit, is praying for you. He's praying for you, right now. Think, now, you got the blues?
Does that help a little bit? You're feeling like nobody loves you? Does that help you to know that you're loved? That God, the
Holy Spirit, is praying for you, right now?
In fact, if that doesn't do your little conservative heart good, let me share with you, right here, because we're organized here at No Compromise Radio, even though I'm from Wretched Radio.
This is from Milton Vincent. Tell me this doesn't help you go, wow, God is amazing.
God is kind, he's been good to me. This will help to heal your emotional need, the feelings of being blue.
God is on your side. If God is for us, who can be against us? It is theological thoughts like that that helps to heal the broken heart and perhaps the broken mind.
This is from Milton Vincent. This was from our Minneapolis Psalm 119 Conference. By the way, we're gonna be doing two more this fall.
One in Ohio, fun, Amish country, and down in Dallas. Phil Johnson and Pastor Smarty Pants, R .W.
Glenn, will be there. I think Tim Challies of that great website, challies .blogspot .whatever
it is. All right, this is from Milton Vincent. Did anyone ever pray a prayer like this to God? This is for you,
Christian. If you're in the pits, you're depressed, I want you to think about this.
Can you imagine any human being ever concocting this prayer to God? Father, we have sinned and deserve your wrath forever.
Could you send the second member of the Trinity to earth and take on human flesh? And could you have him live the life we failed to live?
Could you put our sin on him and cause the full fury of your wrath that we deserve to fall on him instead of us?
Could you then raise him from the dead and could you ascend him to your right hand with full authority to do as he pleases?
Could you regenerate us and spiritually capacitate us to believe in him for salvation?
And when we do believe in him, could you forgive us and declare us not guilty of every sin we have ever committed in our lifetime?
Could you ever be forever for us and relate to us always with grace?
Could you credit all of Christ's perfect righteousness to us and could you adopt us as your sons and daughters? Could you put us in Christ so that all the love you lavish on Christ falls on us?
Could you seat us with Christ in the heavenly places right next to you at your right hand? And could you give us your
Holy Spirit and have him live inside of us? Could you have Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit always praying to you for us in accordance with our deepest needs and your perfect will?
And the power you exercised when you raised Christ from the dead? Could you have that power flowing in a constant stream toward us and into us?
Oh, and Father, could we live in heaven forever and enjoy your hospitality for the full length of eternity?
Could you raise our dead bodies from the earth and clothe them with immortality so we can live in a perfected, completed physical existence draped in your divine glory forever?
Can you imagine any man ever concocting that? It's impossible.
But God did. And that is what the gospel is. That's a part of the gospel, that he gives us his
Holy Spirit. And through the preaching and teaching and the application of the word with the working of the
Holy Spirit, that's gonna heal you emotionally. That's gonna clear up your confusion issues if it happens to be a gender confusion issue.
It's in the gospel. Church, we gotta get back to the gospel. We gotta start applying it to situations and our counseling situations.
The secular psychologists do not have the answer. Jesus does. Do we not have a powerful gospel?
Yes, we do. Let's start applying it. Here we go, back to end of the world stories.
♪ It's the end of the world ♪
Terrific, they've done a poll. Who gets paid for this type of stuff? The number of DVDs purchased, rented, or streamed.
That's adult fare. Adult entertainment stores per city. Rate of, sorry, porn searches on Google.
The cities that are most pornographic happen to be two tourist towns.
Orlando, number one. Las Vegas, number two. Minneapolis, you're six.
Atlanta, seven. I used to live in Minneapolis and now I live in Atlanta. Anchorage, Alaska.
What are you doing up there? Number nine. At the bottom of the list, guess who is 98? Okay, I'll tell ya.
Winston -Salem, North Carolina. Baton Rouge, Louisiana, 99. And finally, Jackson, Mississippi, coming in at the 100th.
In other words, the least pornographic town in the country. This is a monster issue in our country.
If there's anything that screams the weakness of the contemporary church, it's gotta be these statistics.
It has to be. The majority of men, the majority, 60 -some percent admit they watch pornography regularly.
Okay, 80 -some percent of people, men in this country, claim to be Christian. Hmm, I'm not real good at math, but it seems to me that means a lot of Christians are watching pornography.
Do you remember the statistic from Focus on the Family? They actually asked pastors, have you intentionally looked at pornography within the last week?
And the statistic wasn't quite 50%, but it was close. Hello, those are the sheep. What do we think the shepherds are doing?
What is the cure to pornography? Here comes a shocker. Guess what it is, the gospel. Think of it this way, perhaps.
Whatever your favorite cut of meat is, prime rib, New York, tenderloin, whatever it is.
Okay, I've got that piece of meat in my right hand. Oh, and it's not actually on my hand, it's on a plate and it's been cooked really, really sweet and it's the perfect temperature.
Kind of medium rare, unless you're one of those who has to have it well done because you're flared again in some sort of something.
Medium rare, oh, oh, it's still in, it's got a baked potato with butter and sour cream on the side because this is the 21st century.
That's your favorite cut. In my left hand, I've got a dog burger. That's right, this is a hamburger made out of dog.
In fact, the worst kind of dog, it's a poodle burger. All right, hey, which one would you like?
Which one are you going to take? Well, you're going to take the prime rib, right? Because that's the best thing.
How are we failing to address the pornography issue in the church? We are not presenting
Jesus as the best thing. Right now, men and increasingly women, they look at pornography like it's the prime rib.
Oh, that's good. And then they believe the lie of sin. They fall for it. Oh, this will be good. This will be wonderful.
And it never is. The results are disastrous. And that's why you always feel so shameful when it's all done. You're like the fellow who, oh,
I'm not going to eat a lot this Thanksgiving. And then you finish and you gorge yourself and you push your way from the table. Oh, I'm, oh, and I feel bad about it.
That's the same thing with pornography. Because you bought into the lie and you've taken what you think is the best thing, but you're eating the poodle burger.
We've got to start presenting Jesus, sorry for this, like the prime rib, as if that wasn't tried enough.
He's amazing. He's incredible. He's the savior and he wants to transform our lives and he wants to give us his
Holy Spirit to intercede for us and to do all of the things that you heard in that prayer from Milton Vincent.
And we've got to start presenting Jesus, not as a theology, but as the God man who sits at the right hand of the
Father right now, who sends his Holy Spirit to dwell in us. Imagine a philanthroper who built a college and he built a school and all the facilities and then left.
Wouldn't be very helpful without books and without a teacher. Guess what? He's given us a book, it's called the
Bible, and he's given us a teacher called the Holy Spirit. Everything we need for life and godliness in the Bible, the working of the Holy Spirit.
Excuse you, everything, everything. Pastor, does your flock know that?
Do they hear that about Jesus Christ? Because until a man or a woman who is struggling with pornography, and by the way, women, what is the number, like the one, two, and three selling books at USA Today, the top three books?
No kidding, they're fiction books and it's all about sadomasochism, bondage and stuff.
Until men and women start hearing about and seeing Jesus as the best thing, they're always gonna be inclined to take the lesser thing because they think it's the better thing.
We gotta start elevating Jesus in our preaching. More sad, tragic news in a world that just seems to be going nuttier and nuttier.
Viewing child porn on the web, legal in New York, according to a state appeals court, terrific. The case of a college professor whose work on the computer was found to have stored more than 100 illegal images in its web cache, terrific.
What are we gonna do to get better judges? What are we gonna do so that courts make better decisions?
It's not to hope that the next president is better than this one and appoints the right judges. We gotta be preaching the gospel so that people, if nothing else, if nothing, here's what happens, if nothing else happens, if people don't get saved from the gospel, two things happen from the proclaiming of God's word today, 2 ,000 years after Jesus Christ.
Two things I think happen. Number one, God is glorified even if nobody responds. Why? Because 2 ,000 years after Jesus walked this earth, died on the cross, rose from the dead, his good news is being proclaimed.
To anybody who will repent with their trust in him, forgiveness of sins. Whether anybody responds to that or not, he is glorified.
But two, I think it increases the level of shame in our society. I know that's not a good word these days when it comes to secular psychology.
I think it's a very good word and it's one of God's common graces to culture, that there is shame, that people go,
I don't wanna be seen doing this. That's a good thing. The more of that there is, the less nonsense
I think that there will be in culture. Those books, by the way, at USA Today are called 50
Shades of Gray, 50 Shades Darker, 50 Shades Freed. When you go to the pool this summer, look around.
Women will be reading them. When you're walking down the aisle of the airplane, snooping into other people's business, I do it too, looking to see what people read.
You'll be seeing those books. They're all the rage. Oh boy, here's a fascinating story.
♪ I feel fine ♪ I'm not feeling so fine, I'll be honest with you. A bowl -a -thon to raise funds so a 14 -year -old can get an abortion.
Oh, that's terrific. The National Network of Abortion Funds, that's your NNAF, last month raised over $400 ,000 for abortions through its bowl -a -thon.
Are we getting close to the bottom of the barrel in our society? Are we getting pretty close to the, where are we going? Hey, hey, woo -woo,
Laverne and Shirley time. High five, it's a bowl -a -thon. We're helping women kill their babies. Romans 1.
Touted it provided money for a 14 -year -old's abortion too. On the website, getting an abortion means getting a second chance.
Wow, is that what kids are? Kids wreck your life these days? According to the world. That's the difference between Malthusian philosophers and Christians, the individuals who want population control, who see babies as bad.
Whoa, these people apparently, first of all, have never flown over Nebraska. Second of all, people are good.
Christians like babies. Why? They're made in the image and likeness of God, that old Imago Dei business, and we don't see them as useless feeders or competition.
That's evolutionary. We see them as possible contributors to be loved, to be saved, to glorify
Jesus. Not so the world. According to this, getting an abortion means getting a second chance.
Honestly, bankruptcy could be getting a second chance. Is that what babies are now? Like bankruptcy?
It's going out of business? Honestly. Having your house foreclosed.
Highlights the story of Darcy, a 14 -year -old who terminated her pregnancy with the help of the group's George Tiller, makes me stammer,
Memorial Fund. George Tiller Memorial. You remember him, don't you? The late -term abortionist.
It was not good that he got killed. Note, we don't kill people. Justice belongs in the arm of the government.
The church doesn't kill people, all right? We aren't the ones who execute justice.
We are the prophets. We are the proclaimers. We are the ones who say, that is a sin. Here's your savior. We don't kill people.
She said, I'm pretty smart for 14, I think. I love biology, especially the stuff on animals.
Pretty smart. Making a decision to have an abortion and having a group of bowlers fund it.
Terrific. Oh, wow. Here's a great marriage story. Good, music's over.
Woman, oh, wow. There's gonna be trouble in this home. Woman mauled by cheetahs in Johannesburg.
There was one of those little reserve deals. I've never understood those. Ah, I'm not saying zoos are a sin.
I just don't like them. No, I'm not a member of PETA. I just don't like them. I don't like seeing the animals caged up, pacing back and forth.
I think they're going bonkers in there. You know what, if I wanna see an animal, I can look at a National Geographic magazine. Just me.
I like dogs, all right? I like animals. I'm not nuts about it. I just don't see the need for them.
And it always, you ever watch America's Funniest video? These people who are always on these reserves, they always think that they somehow are gonna have the camel love them.
So they roll down the window and what does the camel do? Spits in the car. Yes, I like you.
Sin and laugh. These people were at the Johannesburg reserve. She got attacked by two cheetahs.
Her husband stood there and took photographs. Sir, whew, you're gonna be needing some counseling.
She had numerous bite and puncture marks and her scalp was sliced open. Park staff and other visitors pulled the cats off.
She, however, had her husband take pictures. We're gonna be sending them a copy of Drive -By
Marriage in hopes that their marriage can be saved because they're gonna need something real big to fix that less than happy home.
And finally in our end of the world as we know it segment, a judge from, great, little lawsuit going on with the
ACLU, taking a school district to court over the displaying of the 10 Commandments. The judge,
U .S. District Court Judge Michael F. Urbanski, U .S. District Court in Roanoke, that would be in Virginia.
He said, you know, maybe a way to make everybody happy in this whole situation, let him keep the 10
Commandments up, but remove four of them and just have them be six commandments, why?
Because he said that four of them are religious while six are secular.
Sir, let me help you out with that theology, if you don't mind. All of God's commandments are, quote, religious.
They are all moral precepts. If God says, don't put a fence on the roof of your house, it is a moral issue, why?
When God says it, it's a truth issue. It is a moral issue and any violation of it is a sin against God.
You remember Psalm 53, when David committed sexual sin with Bathsheba, had her husband killed against you talking to God and you only have
I sinned. Yep, we can hurt people when we sin, but primarily our sins are against God.
It's a nutty world. Thank you to Mike Abendroth for letting me fill in. I am Todd Friel of Wretched Radio.
This is No Compromise Radio. No Compromise Radio with Pastor Mike Abendroth is a production of Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
Bethlehem Bible Church is a Bible teaching church firmly committed to unleashing the life transforming power of God's word through verse by verse exposition of the sacred text.
Please come and join us. Our service times are Sunday morning at 1015 and in the evening at six. We're right on route 110 in West Boylston.
You can check us out online at bbchurch .org or by phone at 508 -835 -3400.
The thoughts and opinions expressed on No Compromise Radio do not necessarily reflect those of WVNE, its staff or management.