Donald Trump, Kat Kerr and Jonathan Cahn?

Justin Peters iconJustin Peters


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You'll never believe which charismatic prophet Donald Trump texted
Minutes before he was almost assassinated Welcome to the program ladies and gentlemen.
My name is Justin Peters I hope that this finds you and your family doing well today. I want to thank you so much for joining me
Yes, believe it or not Donald Trump texted our favorite pink -haired prophetess
Our Favorite pink -haired prophetess none other than Kat Kerr Minutes before he was assassinated apparently if we are to believe
Kat Kerr And that is a big if by the way, so I want to show you this.
This is just This is just unbelievable and you noticed in the thumbnail. I not only have a picture of Kat Kerr, but also
Jonathan Cahn and You may be wondering. Well, what is the connection there? Well, I'll show you at the end of the video
But for those of you who may not be aware of who Kat Kerr is Kat Kerr lives
She lives down in Florida and she is known for a number of things The two main things that she's known for I suppose.
She's a weather warrior She claims to be able to control the weather. She has her magic
Gandalf staff and anytime there's a hurricane coming into Florida where she lives She is known to go out on the beach and start flailing around her magic
Gandalf staff commanding the millibars to rise Never mind that millibars aren't actually a thing that just a unit of measurement, but at any rate she's had a
Sterling record in that by the way if and if by sterling you mean Complete failure.
Yeah, she has failed 100 % of the time in trying to divert
Incoming hurricanes. They seem to barrel on into, Florida Despite what
Kat Kerr in her magic Gandalf staff Tried to do to dissuade them from coming then they do so anyway
Imagine that so she's known for being a weather warrior and she is also known for taking trips to heaven
Now this is not unusual in the charismatic movement, of course many many of them claim to go to heaven
Jesse Duplantis has made that claim. Of course. Oh my goodness If I started naming all of them my time would fail me to name them all
Mike Bickle did Rick Joyner all these all these big names charismatic almost all of the big -name charismatic province
Claimed to have been in heaven, but Kat Kerr She's a frequent flyer. She goes to heaven
Daily And not only daily usually multiple times per day
She goes to heaven with the frequency and regularity that you and I would go to the bathroom
And that is not even an exaggeration. She has made that claim She goes to heaven a lot of times multiple times per day
So she's very familiar with heaven and she regales all of us with these with what heaven is like She goes up to heaven and comes back and and reports her findings and heaven is it's a it's an interesting place
Heaven is there's all kinds of things up there in heaven. There are dinosaurs in heaven and They're all very friendly though.
So don't worry about it But when you get to heaven if you've ever wanted to ride a Brontosaurus, you're in luck
You're gonna get to do that. So there's friendly dinosaurs. There's Michael Jackson is in heaven
That's odd, so Michael Jackson is in heaven Christopher Reeve is in heaven and his job in heaven is
Teaching how to out teaching people how to fly because after all he was
Superman Don't you know so that's what he does in heaven so you can get flying lessons from Christopher Reeve John Wayne is in heaven and for you more seasoned
Saints who are Where John Wayne fans are John Wayne fans, uh, you'll be happy to know that John Wayne is up in heaven
He's still making Western movies. So an eternity full of Western movies featuring
John Wayne Awaits you and I have this video clip. I want to show you before we get into the meat of the matter today, but This is a video clip of Kat Kerr this was from a couple years ago, and she's talking about how there is a place in heaven called
Christmastown and I have I might have put in a few little edits in here for some
Some humor, but I hope you enjoy this But if you're unfamiliar with Kat Kerr this next three minutes or so will pretty much tell you everything you need to know
Take it away Kat Kerr and one of the places I was taken to is a place in heaven where it snows
All the time now I know a lot of people are gonna love this more will love it than not It snows all the time, but you have to remember
I'm talking about heaven. Not the earth. The snow is alive Everything in heaven has life the plants sing the plants talk the birds the creatures
Even the building shout out the ground shouts out all the time and worships Jesus Christ.
They have a place called the friendly forest Oh You can go and have conversations with trees with the rocks
What do you think you're doing we've been walking a long ways and I was hungry
You say something With the creatures there's so much life there you can't escape it
So I hope that under makes you understand and in Christmastown when you go there, that is where Nicholas lives
Yes, Nick some people call him st. Nick some people I'm saying to call him Whatever his actual name is
Nicholas, but I do want to say this. He lives there. He loves the snow It's know where he lived on earth.
And so God created this beautiful place when you make a snowman in Christmastown in heaven
It is alive Because they're huge trees in Christmastown and all the lights on the trees are baby stars
Like that he plopped out of the sky put him on the trees and they all sing worship music to Jesus But they also sing
Christmas songs Since and I want you know Nicholas himself loves
Jesus Christ, and that's why I therefore the shirt, you know Here's the shirt right here with Santa and having to do selfies with Jesus And then
Michael is age 8 This is my son and I asked him to ask you a question and he said can
I have a house made out of candy? You know everybody every child wants their house made out of candy and the best part is you can eat it and it comes right back
Because it's heaven. There's a whole place called jello man in heaven It really does exist and then part of that land.
Of course, there's there's houses made out of candy They're made out of all kinds of things flowers a whole house made out of flowers and they sing to you all the time when you come to your to your mansion and But candy is one of the most favorite things
I know there's chocolate waterfalls probably would be a part of that mansion made out of candy You can just go jump out in the waterfalls and drink the chocolate or swim in the chocolate
And so yes in the jello man part of it people reach out and they'll take you know A bite of the house or take a handful of the house meet it then it comes right back
You can bounce in the jello man houses also and but the candy house,
I think is a great idea It makes me think of that game candy land. So let me tell you
I will say this Jesus Christ Does have a soft part in his heart for sweets?
Okay, so there's cat curve for you different. She is loony tunes and I probably should have told you
Why she has pink hair it's not by simple fashion preference you say oh no because you see on one of these
Heavenly trips that she took She was in the throne room and Jesus told her that he wants her to have
Pink hair, so that's why she dyes her hair this hot pink
Jesus likes it that way apparently So anyway, there's cat Kerr and cat
Kerr, of course as you saw earlier she is a self -proclaimed prophetess She does not have a very good track record.
However, in fact Unless you measure track record by complete failures, then she has an unblemished record she prophesied she was one of the myriads legions of charismatic prophets who prophesied that Donald Trump would win in The 2020
Presidential election and she was adamant about that I did a couple of different videos on cat
Kerr and others of the charismatic prophets that did that massive face plant but she was um, so after Trump lost after Trump lost then
Most of the charismatic prophets of prophesied that they kind of backed away a little bit She doubled down there was a
Significant number of them believe it or not Kenneth Copeland being one of them that doubled and tripled down After the election had even been certified
But before Joe Biden actually took office on January 20th, they were doubling down Saying that Trump is still going to be put into the
White House despite the election being certified Many of them were saying you this even, you know after January 6 and they were still saying
Trump's gonna get in there and then and then after Biden took office and residence in 1600
Pennsylvania Avenue and already hung the drapes and all that kind of stuff and was settled in then most of the remaining
Charismatic prophets, you know, they kind of backed away But there was still believe it or not a small handful that for years afterward
Said that Trump was still going to be put into the White House that somehow
Biden was going to be removed and Trump put in Well cat curve was one of those she was adamant for a good a good two and a half years
After Biden had already been in the White House saying that Trump was still going to be Reinstated there and Biden would not finish his term.
Well, we're about three weeks now outside of the next presidential election So, um, she doesn't have a good track record at all
So that's cat current now on to the video this this came across my feed just a few days ago
This is very recent watch this from cat curve So this
Trump I'm wearing was made by Trump for me 20 minutes before he was shot.
He text me from the platform as one of the prophets he trusts Okay, so according to Kat Kerr Donald Trump texted her
Minutes before he took the platform in Butler, Pennsylvania and did so because she was one of his most trusted prophets
I'm calling bunk on that. I don't believe that I do not bow a
I don't believe Donald Trump has Kat Kerr's phone number Even if he did somehow he's not texting her and he's certainly if he even knows who she is at all
She isn't certainly not one of his most trusted prophets because dear friend. She's crazy.
I mean she is rats in a coffee can crazy
Looney Tunes and she has an abysmal Prophetic track record.
I don't believe that for one second cat Kerr is lying But in you may think why
I would say well Justin, how do you know she's lying because she has a track record of lying Okay, she claims she goes to heaven multiple times per day
She's not going to heaven multiple times per day If she'll lie about going to heaven if she'll lie about talking to Jesus the
Alpha and Omega the creator and sustainer of the universe
And she'll certainly lie about being on Donald Trump's favorite list in his cell phone
Is there anything else I need to know to share with the people He meant from God.
I said well God has something to say. What does he want to say? He said to you no matter what happens this night
Do not be afraid If you're not for I have your back and you will not die these are the very words
I gave him from God So Jesus apparently told cat Kerr to relay to Donald Trump.
I got your back Since when did Jesus start talking in?
Modern colloquialisms when you know, what else did he say? I got your six You know when the going gets tough the tough gets going did he also say those things to relay to Donald Trump how absurd
So never surrender Never back up Never quit going forward because you will be successful for what you want to do because I'm the one who put you there
Anointed you appointed you timed your birth on this is because you love America You know who
I am and you believe me and that was the word he had me give him 20 minutes later That's why when he was shot on the platform, he gets up and he goes fight fight fight
He isn't fighting just oh So that's why Donald Trump came back off the floor and pumped his fist and said fight fight fight
He was doing that in obedience to a celestial communique from Jesus to cat
Kerr. So that makes sense Unbelievable how absurd but I wanted to pause this video at this point also to show you
This lady see the lady in red there with the blonde hair. That is
Suzanne Hinn Benny Hinn's former wife now Benny and Suzanne got divorced the first time back in 2010 2011
I had to look up somewhere in there In the aftermath of Benny Hinn's affair with Paula White and then a few years after that They got remarried, but just a month or so ago as of this recording
Suzanne Hinn filed for divorce From Benny again, and so they are now divorced
And apparently Suzanne Hinn. I was not seeking any more solid theological
Environment or anything like that because she is now teamed up with cat Kerr and Cat Suzanne Hinn is not the only person to team up with cat
Kerr I'm stealing my own thunder here kind of giving away the punchline This will play into Jonathan Cahn.
We'll get there in just a minute. But in the meantime Back to cat Kerr. It's for me.
He's fighting for everybody in this room, and he is not afraid therefore
Because I said fear not he made this shirt for me right here What does it say?
It says fear not All his text he started saying he would say fear not
I am Donald J Trump and I will make America great again So she says
Donald Trump texted her and said fear not I am Donald J Trump, and I will make
America great again Okay, a I don't believe Donald Trump is texting cat
Kerr be what a blasphemous thing to say Fear not.
I am Donald J. Trump. Those are the words of Jesus Jesus said those words fear not
I am with you always even unto the end of the age And so I'm gonna lay the blame for this not at the feet of Donald Trump But at cat
Kerr because I don't think Donald Trump texted that I don't I don't think Donald Trump has Cat Kerr's phone number and if he did he probably blocked it.
So This is from the vain imagination of cat Kerr. And again, unless you think well,
Justin, how do you know? You don't know that for sure. This is a woman who claims Michael Jackson is in heaven and Christopher Reeve is up in heaven teaching people how to fly
Okay, I wouldn't believe cat Kerr if she told me that grass is green and the sky is blue He takes his
Bible to the rallies a big Bible We bow our knee only and here in America.
We bow our knee to the one true God only If people are yelling you're the greatest person on the earth, no,
I'm not there's one greater than me. His name is Jesus Christ It's no matter what people have told you about him
He knows who God is he believes who God is and he knows he's not gonna die How can you stop somebody like that?
Because he cares He has a heart of compassion. He didn't start out the best, you know, whatever we all know that but he does know
Christ now And cat Kerr closes out by saying that Donald Trump knows
Jesus he is a Christian Dear friends Donald Trump is not a
Christian and I am NOT saying that you should not vote for Donald Trump I'm not saying that at all.
This is not a political video in and of itself, but he's not a Christian This is a man who has on at least two different occasions
Said that he has never asked God for forgiveness. He was asked in an interview This was back in the previous election cycle
He was asked in an interview if he has ever asked God for forgiveness and he said no and then in a later interview by a different guy who's asked a follow -up question to that question and The question was okay.
You previously said you've never asked God for forgiveness. Is that true? And he doubled down He said yes, that's true.
I've never asked God for forgiveness He doesn't he said I don't think I have anything to ask for forgiveness for Okay, so if you've never asked
God for forgiveness Then by definition, you're not a Christian. He's not a
Christian. I want him to be I have prayed for him I've prayed for his salvation. I've prayed for Joe Biden's salvation
But he's not a Christian. There's nothing in Donald Trump's life that reflects any of the true fruit of the
Spirit If he had gotten saved you would think that he would tell people that he would have a testimony
He's not shared that at all. It's because he does not have a testimony but Kat Kerr, you know
Kat Kerr Aside from the lunacy that she teaches aside from her obvious lies and embellishments and Self -aggrandizement and all those kind of things she lowers the bar on what it means to be a
Christian she Diminishes the miracle of the new birth something that Donald Trump has not yet experienced
Nor has she by the way, nor has she? All right, so I want to get to this
Jonathan Cahn now Jonathan Cahn is a well -respected figure in the charismatic movement
He has written a number of books the harbinger harbinger to and others in which he claims to have received prophetic
Revelations from God about the future of America and all this kind of stuff and he has been platformed not only by charismatics
But non charismatics as well He is a friend of dr. Michael Brown Michael Brown promotes him enthusiastically, so Well, here is a picture.
I'd like you to see This is an advertisement for something called the USA prayer conference interceding for the
United States and Look at the speakers You've got prophets sadhu sundar.
So Salvaraj Salvaraj However, you say that I've seen him before I don't know a lot about him But he's a he's a false prophet and Kat Kerr prophetess
Kat Kerr and then look at who's right beside prophetess Kat Kerr, dr. Jonathan Cahn and Look who's right next to him?
Suzanne Hinn So here's Jonathan Cahn speaking at a conference with Suzanne Hinn and Kat Kerr Dear friends if if Kat Kerr is not a false prophet
Nobody is I mean she meets same with Benny Hinn, by the way that these individuals they meet every single biblical criterion as To how to discern a false prophet if Benny Hinn and Kat Kerr and Kenneth Copeland all these others
If they're not false prophets, then no one is the term has no meaning and so here's
Jonathan Cahn Who has respect not only in the charismatic movement, but in the non charismatic movement
It's been platformed even by Southern Baptist good friends with dr. Michael Brown speaking at a conference with Kat Kerr Difference that undermines any credibility that Jonathan Cahn may have
Completely undermines it The Bible is not unclear about how we are to deal with false prophets and false teachers
They are not to be endorsed. They are not to be partnered with they are to be marked and avoided
Romans 16 17 Mark and avoid those who cause divisions and hindrances contrary to the doctrine which you learned and stay away from them
Don't endorse them. Don't partner with them. Don't speak with them at conferences. Stay away from them
Now the question some of you may have is well Justin would you ever speak at a conference with?
Some of these individuals or let's just say people have asked me before Justin. Would you ever preach on TBN? Yeah, I would actually
I would even preach at this conference if they extended an invitation for me to do so and ain't never gonna
Happen, but I would but the only way I would is If I took that opportunity as soon as I got behind the pulpit
I were to say Every single one of these individuals that speaking at this conference is a false teacher
They are heretics. They give false prophecies They claim fake signs and wonders as the real thing
They lay things at the feet of the Holy Spirit as it were
Things that he is not doing they put words in God's mouth that he did not say they are
Exploiting the poor and the sick and the desperate and the widows for personal financial gain They are bringing untold reproach upon the name of Christ.
They have no business being behind the pulpit They are not brothers and sisters in Christ. They are evangelistic prospects.
And here's the gospel and Then I would be promptly removed from the platform.
That is the only way that I would ever preach On TBN or at some conference like this
So Jen, you know, Jonathan Cahn's not going to do that at all on any level so Jonathan Cahn should also be marked and Avoided.
He is also a false prophet All right, dear ones. Thank you very much for joining me
I hope this has been helpful because a lot of you have questions about Jonathan Cahn I get asked about him quite quite often.
He is a false teacher. He is not to be trusted at all He has given false prophecies himself. So I hope that this has been helpful
Thank you very much for watching until our next time together May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ the love of God and the fellowship of his