The Real David Platt & The Hijacking of McLean Bible Church (Documentary Review)


Website: Part 1 - Part 2 - Tags Southern Baptist Convention Kevin Ezell NAMB Mark Dever SBC Radical Woke CRT Critical Race Theory Woke Preacher Clips John MacArthur Alistair Begg McLean Bible Church Trump Liberal Progressive


Hello in this video, we're gonna be talking about the new David Platt documentary David Platt is a false teacher who split his church by teaching
Wokeness and CRT that is critical race theory Basically what he taught is if you have white skin
You're a racist and you need to repent and if you don't support social justice You're just a horrible person and you're gonna be shamed from the pulpit.
That's pretty much the ministry of David Platt And yeah, he split his church
McLean Bible Church So basically if you're aware of this, it's called the real David Platt.
That's the documentary There's a website parts one and two have already come out. I guess that's it
I don't think there's a part three that I'm aware of but go to the website real David Platt comm or check it out on YouTube multiple channels have
Uploaded it So some have described this as a hostile takeover of one of the biggest churches on the
East Coast That is McLean Bible Church I mean that a lot of money a lot of money in this church and David Platt Basically with help from his cohorts in the
SBC the Southern Baptist Convention. They took over the church Excommunicated the members who disagreed with them and once Platt got control then he started funneling millions of dollars
Back to his friends over at the SBC as well as funneling apparently over half a million dollars to David Platt's own private organization
Radical, I mean, I guess he's getting radically rich Someone is that's for sure.
These actions all violate the Constitution of McLean Bible Church I'm not sure if any laws have been broken the authorities may or may not be looking into that but there is currently a lawsuit and let me just read from the
Documentary's website. So again, this is the real David Platt comm they say
McLean Bible Church Wants a beacon of light with a rich history and deep roots with in the community was nearly destroyed by the deception disillusionment and false teaching under David Platt's leadership
Get to know the faces and hear the testimonies by current and former members and elders
Learn how David Platt came on board and understand why his statement quote
We are not a member of the Southern Baptist Convention Unquote was the great deception and how with the help of his proxies he destroyed ministries that not only
Served godly men and women but also served the Metro, Washington DC community labeling them as shallow and inefficient how he erased
Law and so what David Platt did it looks like he shut down these ministries and then took the money
That would have gone to help these people and then just funneled it back to the SBC The same group that helped him take over the church.
You see what's going on some of the members claim that David Platt May have received kickbacks.
So again, this is all being mediated in court documents have
Have been unearthed through discovery and it's just looking worse and worse for David Platt David Platt also erased
Lon Solomon's presence from a church that he pastored for over 30 years
So everything of this church was great. Lon Solomon was the pastor. Everything was going fine
The church was big thriving David Platt comes in total disaster splits the church corruption like few have ever seen and Yeah, there was a 2021 congregational meeting where they tried to You got to watch this
I think it's part two of the documentary David Platt was clearly Lying on video to the congregation about his support.
He was like Bill Clinton. You remember Bill Clinton? Well, you know, it depends he lied, right? Perjured himself, but he said well
It depends on the definition of what the definition of is is David Platt had like a
Bill Clinton moment He was lying. Everyone knew he was lying and I watched a podcast yesterday where one of the members
Said that when David Platt came it was like a demonic presence Was felt over the church
So nearly half of all church members and attendees have either left or been pushed out
I've heard some numbers where the congregation before Platt came Attendance was something like 13 to 14 thousand people now, it's down to six or seven thousand.
So that's just absolutely absolutely Devastating. So why did so many people leave the church because Platt has been teaching things like this watch among professing
Christians Here's what the researchers found white professing
Christians Were even farther left on this side of the scale They were even more prone to explain racial disparity due to a lack of individual responsibility
Personal motivation to work and get out of poverty Black professing
Christians were even farther on the right side of the scale More prone to explain racial inequality due to discrimination
American systems and structures now, here's here's the point I'm obviously not saying all white people believe this over here all black people believe that I'm not even saying this
It's the perfect way to ask these questions. I didn't go up with I want to sacrifice more of my preferences as a white pastor
I need to grow in my laying aside of preferences for members of this body because I want
Christ to be exalted through Increasing diversity in our leadership and our membership. So he's talking about Jesus He mentions the name of Jesus and then he's talking about diversity
And apparently there were some white members of the praise team who were told yeah, you can't you can't sing anymore
We'll let you sing once a month, but there's too many white people on stage. We need more Diversity so white people.
No, you can't you can't worship God. No, you're out. We need more black people on stage So it's like he had a quota on the praise team.
That's pretty divisive. Did Jesus do that? No, what did Jesus do Jesus united people
Jesus united Jew and Gentile? so whatever divide there is between white people and black people the
Division between Jew and Gentile was as bad But in Christ, they were united through the teachings of the
Apostles. They were united, but David Platt just wants to divide That's what the devil does divide and conquer divide and scatter the sheep
Let's continue watching Increasing diversity in our leadership and our membership on a related note
I do not want to speak from the Bible on issues that are popular among white followers of Christ while staying
Silent in the Bible on issues that are important to non -white followers of Christ. That's not a faithful pastoring
Now, let me just stop it again. Have you ever noticed David Platt? I know you have noticed this but whenever he talks it's like he's about to cry like who talks like this
What is this guy's deal? Let's continue. I Actually read this week how studies have shown that white church leaders are less likely to speak and act
Prophetically on race issues because white church leaders have more to lose when they do Basically if you want to draw a crowd in general stay away from racial issues and if you want to draw a crowd of white people or like people or this type of person to that type of person and stay away from saying any one of those types of people as part of the problem on racial issues
You know, how about this instead of talking about all the racial issues that CNN and you know
MSNBC, you know, they're trying to divide the country by pushing this, you know CRT message this divisive instead of doing that.
How about just I don't know preach the Bible you ever thought of that Let's continue
The reality is many people mainly want to be comforted when they come to church and as people were We're naturally drawn to that which brings the most benefit most benefit with the least cost
So if you give people a choice between the Church of comfort and the Church of comfort But you need to make sacrifices to change your life people will choose the
Church of comfort most every time Which is why we've designed so much of the church culture the way we have today
It's why we're so prone not to talk about issues that are uncomfortable to us And I just want to see that the
Bible doesn't give us that option like Amos 5 doesn't give us that option We cannot truly worship God while we stay silent on injustice in all kinds of areas
And I know as a white pastor, I have blind spots. So I am part of the problem Yes as a white person
I'm part of the problem and of course he's made plenty of other statements That since most of his church members are white
Europe. Oh, you're white. You're part of the problem white people Are the problem?
I mean, that's the message of CRT. We all know that the white pastor I have blind spots.
So I am part of the problem I need friends and fellow pastors around me from different ethnicities who helped me see those blind spots
And I'm committed to listening and learning and loving laying aside. Whatever Contemporary church growth methodology says is the best way to grow the church.
I ignore the issues I want us to do the exact opposite Well the way you grow a church and build up the church is by feeding the flock
Preaching the Word of God not feeding them this garbage, but this is David Platt This is his ministry and if that wasn't bad enough
Let's look at Mike Kelsey Mike Kelsey is a man who was promoted by David Platt David Platt made
Mike Kelsey I think the lead pastor. So from what I understand David Platt is still the number one guy
He's still in control, but he made Mike Kelsey the lead Preaching pastor.
So look at what Mike Kelsey has to say Mike Kelsey says he wants to torch all white people torch these
Terrible evangelical Christians these white people. I hate them. I guess listen what he had to say.
This this is bad Totally honest like so being angry about the situation, but it's difficult for me
Sometimes not to just torch like all white people because in particularly white evangelicals and Christians Yeah, I mean who doesn't want to just torch white evangelicals and Christians I mean, you know after all there's
I mean, they're no better than witches, right? I mean, obviously They're all just they're all just white devils, right?
So if they're white devils, what do you do with the white devil you torch them? Obviously, that's biblical, right?
Okay. So that was Mike Kelsey sharing his contempt for white people That's a video from the 80
Robles YouTube channel He was covering that story, but Mike Kelsey again was promoted by David Platt to be the lead pastor
So the main preaching pastor at McLean Can you imagine if a pastor said that at your church or if it was reversed if a white guy said that about black people
You know, he would never He would never be in ministry again He'd be blacklisted but at David Platt's Church, you get a promotion for saying stuff like that So yeah, this is this is bad one more thing
You would think David Platt would be under church discipline after all of this And again, there's a part in the documentary where David Platt on video is lying about his
SBC Affiliation with McLean a woman asked him point -blank and he lied if you saw the documentary
You remember that scene? So everyone in the room knew
Platt was lying Platt continues to lie about this He should be under church discipline that along with his false doctrine is false social gospel of CRT and wokeness and yet here's here's what you get
David Platt is not being marked and avoided. He's not under discipline He's actually gonna be promoted again this time
I just found out this morning that David Platt is going to be the keynote speaker at an upcoming
Gospel Coalition conference in April of 2025 and I just saw this
It was uploaded to another channel this morning and you can go to the website and check it out.
This is real Okay, David Platt is actually actually going to be sharing a platform with Alistair Begg The guy who told a
Christian grandmother that she should not that she could She should attend a quote -unquote
Transgender wedding and buy the couple a gift because if she didn't go Begg said that would just further
You know confirm that Christians are just a bunch of hateful homophobic bigots. So yeah that that guy
Alistair Begg He's gonna join TGC gospel coalition for this conference and David Platt along with Begg The keynote speakers
Wow, okay, this is not good David Platt in conclusion He is a dangerous false teacher.
You heard him teaching on biblical doctrines There's a thousand other clips on YouTube.
You can watch if you want to search it out for yourself But instead again instead of him being marked and avoided per Romans 16 17 and 18
TGC is going to continue to promote him and Liberals from the SBC are going to continue to defend
David Platt why because millions of dollars are at stake now that David Platt is the head guy
He has his yes men in elder positions at McLean Bible Church. They raked in a lot of money they're sending it back to the
SBC, you know, just follow follow the money and Wow.
Yeah, this is one of the most Shameful stories of corruption I've ever seen concerning the
Southern Baptist Convention and When it comes to you know, I talked a lot about the charismatic preachers and that there's a lot of problems within the charismatic movement
But there are problems within reformed movements because David Platt is supposedly a reformed
Pastor, but whether it's reformed or SBC, you know corruption corruption is everywhere.
So this is very disappointing Please pray for the members of McLean Bible Church those who are still there those who have left pray for everybody and pray that this would shine a light on the problem and that David Platt would be
Removed from leadership before he just completely destroys that church fellowship