God Loves a Cheerful Giver


Sermon from 2 Corinthians 9 -Visit our website: https://moorescornerchurch.com/


All right, turn in your Bibles to the book of 2nd Corinthians chapter 9 and the title of this morning's message is
God loves a cheerful Giver, so this will be the second and final message on the subject of giving last time
We saw a few principles the Apostle Paul laid down of what we called a free will
Giving or a free will offering Paul pointed to Christ who is our example how the
Lord has given more than all Christ became poor he says so so that we through his poverty might become
Rich well, okay rich how well God gave us
Salvation the forgiveness of sin Eternal life a connection to God through the
Holy Spirit So he gave to us and now we are to give to him.
This is our reasonable Service, so God made us we belong to God Everything we have comes from God.
God is a giver. He wants his children to be givers Also, so last week the subject was free will giving and I was careful to point out you remember that that is not the same
As the tithe, so you can't really preach two messages about giving without addressing the subject of the tithe
So we'll do that in a few moments. But before we start reading in 2nd Corinthians 9, let's begin with the word of prayer our father we are
Thankful to you and for you for who you are for what you have done
For all that you've given For what you are doing for what you are going to do and your word tells us that godliness
With contentment is great gain For we brought nothing into this world and it is certain we can carry nothing out and having food and clothing with these we shall be content the
Lord we know that People we are not always Content with those things and help us to remember what else you said that those who desire to be rich fall into Temptation and a snare.
So Lord we ask your grace that this would be our attitude and mindset and while none of us are
Most likely ever going to be rich we can rest and that we are rich in faith
Toward our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It's in his name. We pray Amen.
All right 2nd Corinthians chapter 9 starting in verse 1 Paul writes now concerning the ministry to the
Saints It is superfluous for me to write to you and I just have to stop there.
That's such a great word Isn't that superfluous? Such a great word. Well, what does it mean?
Paul is saying, you know, it's Unnecessary for me to write to you So why do you say unnecessary because superfluous is such a great word if you can use it use it
So it's unnecessary, but it also implies that it's excessive like Paul doesn't need to say this again
They already know they've already heard this. So he says it's Unnecessary for me to write to you it is superfluous for I know your willingness about which
I boast of you to the Macedonians that a kaya was ready a year ago in your zeal has stirred up the majority
Yet I have sent the brethren Lest our boasting of you should be in vain in this respect that as I said you may be ready lest if some
Macedonians come with me and find you unprepared We not to mention you should be ashamed of this confident boasting
Therefore I thought it necessary to exhort the brethren to go to you ahead of time and prepare your generous gift beforehand which you had previously promised that it may be ready as a matter of generosity and not as a grudging
Obligation so Paul begins chapter 9 by bringing up this ministering
To the Saints So this is the offering that was being taken for the church at Jerusalem.
You remember we talked about that last week What we didn't talk about though is what that Likely led to this idea.
Okay, we're taking up an offering for the church. So donate what you feel is right What did that lead to?
Well, it's not really spelled out in Scripture There are those things that the Bible doesn't specifically say but Bible teachers theologians
They take a statement here. And well, we know this is happening and they kind of put it together like a jigsaw puzzle
Well, this is one of those things that Paul was being slandered by the false teachers the false teachers were trying to stir up trouble and Perhaps that would cause a problem in taking up this offering that they're excited about let's do it
Then the false teachers said all the things that they were saying and people like well now maybe they're gonna change their mind
So it appears that's the situation and you can imagine What the false teachers were likely saying about the
Apostle Paul He's untrustworthy You can't trust this guy.
Remember he used to persecute the church He just wants to line his own
Pockets, you know Paul is just in it for the money I heard a story of a young boy who went to a
Baseball game with his uncle and they were walking through the concourse and there was a man standing over there
And he said quick hold on to your wallet and the man had a collar and hold on your wallet.
He's like that uncle Why do I have to hold on to my wallet whenever you see a minister hold on to your wallet?
That was the point it had an impact on this young boy's life. He grew up to be a theologian
RC Sproul, so it didn't have that much of an impact, but that's how a lot of people think
Churches, they just want your money ministers. They just want your money and when you see some of the things being taught on television
You can sort of understand why some people think that well, that's probably what they were saying about the
Apostle Paul. He just wants Money and you cannot trust him now.
We know that that wasn't true We know that Paul was a trustworthy Godly man. In fact, there's plenty of verses we could look at where other people were handling the money
Paul's co -labor in the ministry Titus was involved so there was
Accountability, it's not like they were giving it to Paul and he's like I'll take care of this Don't don't you worry that was not what was going on?
I had mentioned Titus go to Titus chapter 1 Because I think we do have to acknowledge
That when there is giving Okay, when there is money involved things can go wrong.
All right, and you can't always trust people there are Dishonest people every human being is a sinner.
There's temptation. So there has to be safeguards So whether it's a church or in any organization there has to be a procedure in place for collecting money for counting money and when it comes to a
Pastor a minister the Apostle Paul in this case It is extremely unwise to have him be the guy who's you know has his hands in things
So let other people Handle that and have there be many safeguards in place
You know just for a local church you depending on the size of the church You'd have more people but you need at least two people
Counting the money and then you need somebody kind of overseeing that and in checking the books etc
Now someone could say yeah, but it's a church you can trust people right? That's not the issue.
That's not the issue It's about not giving someone an opportunity to make an accusation
The scripture says what we should avoid all appearances of evil
But still even if there was no real reason to accuse the Apostle Paul that didn't stop his enemies
You know if somebody hates somebody if they're just against somebody it doesn't matter what the truth is. They're gonna bring
Accusations no matter how absurd they might be and I think that is what was happening to the
Apostle Paul so There is a legitimate concern speaking of the false teachers false teachers are always in it for the same three things power prestige and Prosperity look at Titus chapter 1 verse 7 says for a bishop
Must be blameless as a steward of God Not self -willed not quick -tempered not given to wine not violent not greedy for money
But he should be hospitable a lover of what is good sober -minded just wholly self -controlled holding fast the faithful word as he has been taught that he may be able by sound doctrine both to exhort and Convict that is to refute those who contradict so What a true shepherd does that's what he does he's have these qualities
Well, what is the false Shepherd do look at verse 10? For there are many who are insubordinate both idle talkers and deceivers
Especially those of the circumcision whose mouths must be stopped
Who subvert whole households teaching things which they ought not for what?
for filthy Lucre's sake if you have the King James Version or for the sake of dishonest gain, that's another great term filthy lucre
So the false teacher what's he gonna be doing he's gonna be skis always scheming Try to find a way to to steal or to skim money you remember
Judas Judas was one of the Twelve Apostles and What was
Judas's job every one of the Twelve Apostles had a job something they were known for what was
Judas's job? Yeah, he held the bag. It said and the scripture records that he was a thief
The Scribes and Pharisees, what did they do they devoured widows? Households they were always scheming to take advantage and get more and more and more money
Just a modern -day example of this. I can't not bring it up. It's just so obvious one of the largest
Christian Broadcasting networks, and I use the word Christian loosely there, but they used to have a commercial course
They have their prosperity preachers who say, you know, oh, you're sick send money and God will
Miraculously heal you and then right afterwards they had a commercial Where they said call this number and we'll hook you up with a team of lawyers
And we'll make sure that you can leave all of your money to us or you can alter your will
Where you can leave us all your money now listen people can do whatever they want with their own
Money, but this network is infamous For making promises that God simply never made.
What is this selling salvation? Selling miracles for money.
I Know one person who actually did that They were sick They there's the doctors couldn't do anything the man on television offered a miracle if you send in You know you're asking for a big miracle.
You got to send in more money She emptied her bank account no miracle she was impoverished
So there has to be accountability there has to be oversight So when a
Christian gives they deserve to know and to be able to trust That their money is being handled in the right way and Paul then says at the end of verse 5
That they should give you know having this confidence and this trust that everything is above board if that's the case
Give generously and not as a grudging obligation our
Former pastor used to say something that he said this I'll never forget it He said you know if putting money in the plate hurts
Keep it we don't need your God doesn't need your money Just keep your money, and God will lead someone else to give and God will bless them and not you
Look at verses 6 & 7 But this I say he who sows
Sparingly will also reap Sparingly and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully
So let each one give as he purposes in his heart not grudgingly or of necessity for God loves a cheerful giver
I think of all the verses in the New Testament that most perfectly describes the proper
Christian attitude for giving Proverbs 11 verse 24
This was part of the scripture reading it says there is one who scatters Yet increases more.
I mean this is totally counterintuitive There's one who's just very generous and just scatters and scatters and yet they increase more and more and more and then there is one
Who withholds more than is right? But it leads to poverty See a faithful Christian will never
Suffer lack Well, you might not have the biggest TV or the nicest house or the the newest of everything that God never promised that But you will never lack for what you need
That's a product that is a promise. I believe in the Word of God. What did David say in Psalm 37 25?
I have been young and I'm now old and yet. I have not seen the righteous forsaken nor his descendants begging bread
I mean, I don't want to be insensitive But if somebody has to stand out on the corner and beg
They're not trusting in God. They're not obeying God because they wouldn't be in that situation The best thing you can do is not to give them money.
You can buy them a Hot lunch or to help them out in some way But the best thing you can do is not to give them 20 bucks
The best thing you can do is to give them godly advice pray for them and then maybe meet a physical need
That's obvious if they're out in the cold without a coat you could give them your coat That might actually help giving them money is not going to help them.
I Have been young and I'm now old Yet, I have not seen the righteous Forsaken nor his descendants
Begging bread. What does that tell you? But just to go back to what Paul is saying about sowing and reaping
What does he say he who so sparingly will also? What?
reap Sparingly, so this is a general principle. That is always
True Old Testament New Testament. It's always true. He who so sparingly will also reap
Sparingly, so you think of planting seeds, right? that's the analogy here of planting seeds and then a harvest if you're planting corn and You just take a few kernels just a little handful and that's all you plant
Are you gonna get a big harvest? You can't have a big harvest unless you just scatter and scatter
As much corn as you possibly can so I think we understand the principle He's who so sparingly will also reap sparingly he who sows bountifully though will also reap bountifully
And I know you hear about that and Proverbs 10 24 There's one who scatters yet increases more
I can imagine somebody thinking to themselves How does that work? That doesn't make sense to me.
I don't see how that can be Possible. Well admittedly this takes some faith doesn't it?
I mean if God says it and you're reading it it takes some Faith to believe this but there are countless people
I'm sure there's people in this room who can attest that when they became a faithful giver
That just changed their whole situation You know, it's not a matter of well if I put in more this week then within the next seven days
I'm gonna get you know, ten ten times that and reach it doesn't work that way like we know that The people can attest that this is the way that God will will bless
So it's a basic principle found right here in the Word of God It has been said that you cannot out give
God how many of you have heard that? You you cannot out give God and again, it's not the crass
Televangelist method you give me ten dollars. God will give you a hundred back You know, just imagine if God set it up that way
God's too smart to set it up that way because he knows what would happen People would figure it out and they would they would they'd give more and more and more for what reason?
To get more and more in return So that's not the way it is Christian giving should not resemble the attitude that you find on Wall Street So again he who so sparingly will also reap
Sparingly he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully
So let each one give as he purposes in his heart not grudgingly or of necessity
For God loves a cheerful giver, you know, I think about preaching.
I don't usually preach on Giving all that often I do it when the text calls for it and you know, there could be somebody sitting there
He's he's preaching to me. He's talking about me. No, I'm not. Okay. This is not directed at anybody.
I promise I promise Now, okay, what about tithing right this is one of those things that's it's in the conversation
Let's address tithing. First of all, what is the tithe? You know what a tithe is tithe means tenth
So tithing is when you give ten percent and we could go on at length about this
But when you tithe your weekly income say, you know, some people ask well, is it ten percent of the gross?
Or is it ten percent after taxes? Well most agree.
It's ten percent of the of the gross, right? Because well in Israel they had the the first fruits, you know, it was the first ten percent.
It was ten percent off the top And this isn't meant to be a sermon on tithing.
So we're just going to cover two passages. Okay Malachi chapter 3, you know, you have to you have to go there right
Malachi chapter 3 Because what does that passage say? Will a man rob
God? You're like, oh no. Oh, no And then the second passage we're going to look at or actually we'll go here first Genesis 14
This is the first time a tithe is mentioned in the scripture.
So turn to Genesis 14 So in Genesis 14, this is before the
Mosaic law has been given So it's before the
Mosaic law the law of God has been given and For those who strongly believe that tithing is for today
They will point to this and say see there was tithing before the Mosaic law Therefore there should be tithing after the
Mosaic law. That's one of the common arguments and then some people say well No, no tithing is not for today.
It was Obligatory under the law we're not under the law and besides it was it's like paying your taxes
So it has nothing to do so there's people on both sides and everywhere in between But let's look at verse 18 of Genesis 14
Abraham had gone to war To rescue his nephew Lot And then he collected the spoils of war look at verse 18 then
Melchizedek king of Salem Brought out bread and wine and he was the priest of the
Most High God and he blessed him and said Blessed be Abram of God Most High Possessor of heaven and earth and blessed be
God Most High who has delivered your enemies into your hand and he that is
Abram gave Melchizedek a tithe of all
So this is the first time in the scripture that we see the tithe referenced
So one thing we can say is that it was already an established Practice, I mean people knew what a tithe was it may have been a very common practice
However, notice that Abraham there's nothing in the text to suggest that Abraham was
Obligated to give the tithe to Melchizedek rather he gives to the
Lord by giving 10 % to the priest who is also a king and Make a long story short.
Some people believe that this is actually a pre -incarnate appearance of Jesus Christ I don't know that I hold that view is certainly
Melchizedek for shadows Christ We could say that. Alright, so now turn to Malachi chapter 3
So as you're turning there, yes Abraham pays the tithe Nothing would indicate that he was obligated to do it.
I believe he gave freely I mean, it doesn't say he wasn't obligated I suppose but it appears that he gave
Freely, so we at least know that this was a practice before the law That's true so while tithing
There seems optional it does become mandatory for the Israelites once the law of God is
Given and what was the purpose of the tithe in the Old Testament? It was to support the priests and the
Levites their work of ministry and offering sacrifices with the tabernacle and then later the temple so some people have said that Essentially the tithe in the
Old Testament it would be Equivalent or it's very similar to us paying our taxes because back then the the state and the religion
They really weren't separated. They're kind of one in the same. I think that is a fair Statement to compare the
Old Testament tithe to us paying our taxes Malachi chapter 3 starting in verse 8 the prophet is
Writing this but it's really God who's speaking Will a man rob
God? Yet you have robbed me But you say in what way have we robbed you in tithes and offerings?
You are cursed with a curse for you have robbed me even this whole nation
So remember the Israelites under the Old Covenant This is a very simple agreement.
You either obey God obey the law and be blessed or you disobey the law and be cursed
So were the Israelites obeying or disobeying? They were disobeying and therefore they were cursed but God loves the children of Israel He loves them and he wants to be merciful to them.
So now the Lord is Challenging them he is challenging the
Jews to trust him by faith Look at verse 10 the Lord says bring all the tithes into the storehouse that there may be food in my house and Try me now in this says the
Lord of hosts if I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you Such a blessing that there will not be room enough to Receive it
So the Jews at least at this time in their history their thinking was well if we hold on to our money
We'll have more Right on paper that that's true.
All right on paper that makes sense the more we hoard or the more we hold on to The more we will have there's one thing they didn't account for though God they didn't account for for God and his law the fact that God is in control of everything
So the Lord he could stretch that 90 % and just bless them open up the windows of heaven
Or he could send famine pestilence disease
God could cause droughts To happen God can crash the stock market.
Did you know that? He can do it God can make your car break down now I'm not saying he does that kind of a thing, but he could
What I do know for sure is that for the Israelites at least blessing and prosperity
Was at least partially connected to the tithe. All right, so that leads us to our question
You can turn back to 2nd Corinthians chapter 9. What's the question? We've looked at freewill offerings how
Paul doesn't want a grudging obligation He says let each one give as he purposes in his heart so Listen now,
I feel confident in saying that 2nd Corinthians chapter 9 is not actually addressing tithing
That's my belief. If you want to disagree with that, that's fine. I don't believe that Paul is actually addressing
Tithing specifically he does give some principles. God loves a cheerful giver
But what about this question is? Tithing For today, you know some pastors would say yes
Absolutely, if you're not tithing you are robbing God period end of conversation
There's plenty of pastors Bible teachers theologians who take that viewpoint Others as you probably know would say well, no, that's not true
It's part of the Mosaic law and we're not under the law. So there's two opposite sides
As you say well, okay Mike, what do you think? Well, I think a lot of things actually
Honestly though, you know if I feel strongly about something if I have a position on something I'm not afraid to let people know what it is
For me, it's always hard to be dogmatic about this subject.
I remember what I was taught One teacher that I had said well if tithing 10 % was required under the
Old Covenant and Now we're under the New Covenant and the New Covenant's better How can we give less that was his attitude?
I'm gonna some will say I'm dodging the issue but I So far
But as the I'm not dogmatic on it I'll say that but as the pastor of this church and Upholding what this church has always believed and I don't feel strongly enough to say that I think otherwise so I'm just gonna simply read to you what is in our
Church Constitution in the section on membership and members Responsibilities it says and this can't bind the conscience
But this is the way the church has always approached this members shall attend church meetings and Participate in church activities insofar as is possible.
Let me just stop there The coronavirus pandemic has been going on for almost a year
We are at a point now where it's been almost a year where there have been many
Many church members and I'm not speaking to the people here because obviously you're here
Did I say this in a spirit of love and as your pastor?
I am concerned We are concerned for your health and you can talk to your doctor
Whether your doctor thinks staying in your home for a year is healthy physically
It's hard to imagine that but maybe that's what your doctor tells you certainly if somebody's over 75 because 99 % of people 99 .9
% of people survive this except if you're over 75 and have serious underlying conditions
So if somebody is up there in age and they have serious underlying conditions, I think we all
Understand why attending church is difficult and that's not what I'm talking about But you can talk to your doctor whether staying in your home is healthy for you mentally,
I don't think it is And again, I say this out of genuine love and concern
I'm concerned about your spiritual health. I'm I'm not gonna apologize for that I'm concerned about the spiritual health because Being in church church is what it's the fellowship if you're not in the fellowship
Are you out of fellowship? I? understand there could be exceptions where people again are are
Elderly and they have serious conditions and they're in the word and they're praying and they're watching online.
There can be exceptions I Agree with that, but you know you have to deal with The Lord that's between the two of you, but I am concerned so that's the first part of the membership
Responsibilities members shall attend church meetings and participate in church activities in so far as is
Possible and they shall give to the church financially as God has prospered them
So whatever a church's view of tithing is one thing I am confident about God's blessing is tied to our obedience
Salvation is a free gift, but how God blesses you depends on our obedience
So if he want if we want him to give to us and to bless us We need to be willing to give of ourselves and of that which we have
All right verse 8 and God is able to make all grace abound toward you that you always having all
Sufficiency in all things may have an abundance for every good work as it is written
He has dispersed abroad and he has given to the poor his righteousness endures forever
Now may he who supply seed to the sower and bread for food supply and multiply the seed you have sown and increase the fruits of your righteousness
Just a few closing thoughts one commentator said this I think this is good He said money bestowed in charity may to the carnal mind seem thrown away but When given from the proper principles it is seed to be sown from which a valuable
Increase may be expected It should be given carefully works of charity like other good works should be done with thought and Design and then he asked the question can a man lose?
By doing that which is pleasing in the sight of God can a man lose
No So in conclusion Giving is a form of worship
Giving is a form of worship. It is inseparable from the work of ministry
So when we give glory to God when we are generous God is praised and by doing so we prove that we are obedient To the gospel, let's close in prayer
Lord You've been so good to each one of us We live in the most
Prosperous nation this world has ever seen we all have food clothing shelter
We have enough indeed Lord. We have more than enough in our church
We have a nice building with heat air conditioning Wi -Fi We have enough money to pay the bills support missionaries to support radio
Ministries to help people who are less fortunate and Lord while we give you all the glory we understand that this is possible because you have done a wonderful work in the hearts of the men and women of this church who give
Generously to the work of the Lord So I ask that you would bless each and every gift and each and every giver