The Calling to Purity, Be Holy for I Am Holy: Part 5



The Greatness of Jesus Christ: Part 6

The calling to purity, be holy for I am holy. This will be the last of this series, but I promise you, and I promise you, as God permits it, and if the
Lord tarries, we will revisit many more times on the
Scriptures concerning holiness, because this is found all the way throughout the Bible.
This is God's purpose for His children in salvation, isn't it? This is why
He saved us, is to make us holy. To make us holy. Why?
That's a good question. Number one, for His glory. It's for God's glory.
Secondly, because God is preparing us, preparing His own special children for Himself.
That's why He set us apart, to be fit for heaven. So in saying that, please open your
Bibles with me to the book of 1 Peter. 1 Peter chapter 1. We've just been looking at two verses of Scripture, and they are power -packed.
And as you're turning, please stand with me in honor of God's Word. 1
Peter chapter 1. We've been looking at verse 15 and verse 16.
Verse 15 and 16. Hear the word of the living God.
But as He who has called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct.
Because it is written, be holy, for I am holy. Let's pray.
Father, we seek Your face as the psalmist says. Lord, help us to follow hard after Thee, O Lord.
Your name is holy. We're taught as Your disciples to say,
Hallowed be Thy name. And just not to say it, but to believe it. That Your name is to be hallowed.
Your name is absolutely holy, most holy. You're the most holy God, and You alone are glorious in holiness.
For there's none beside You. None. O Lord, our
God, we are a desperate people today. We are beggars.
We are beggars this morning, and we're in great need of Yourself, and we're in great need of a day of visitation.
Lord, it's going to be rot and ruin or revival. Lord, I pray that You would revive
Your people once again. Only You can raise the dead from the grave by Your powerful, all -powerful
Word. So, Lord, we pray that You will be glorified.
We pray for grace. Father, this morning that You would take
Your holy Word and Your eternal Word and bore it within our hearts,
Lord, and change us forever. Change us by it. Father, may we see only
Jesus, high and lifted up. Father, hide this servant behind the cross.
Father, that the words that are spoken will be Your words, and that You will be glorified.
Lay hold on us, O Lord, by Your omnipotence, by Your grace.
Give us Your grace, Lord, through the blood of the cross in which You have. Father, may we see it and see only
Jesus, the sinless, perfect Son of God, who suffered and died to save us and to sanctify us and one day glorify us.
All will be vain unless Your Holy Spirit does the work within us, as we've already said.
So, Father, we pray this in Jesus' name and for His sake and for Your glory. Amen and amen.
You can be seated. Thank you very much. When Adam fell in the Garden of Eden, a serious catastrophe took place, and it's called sin.
Sin entered into this world that was once perfect, that was once absolutely pure and holy.
And sin has brought chaos and ruin, with great devastation, with effects, and a massive consequences.
Man lost eternal life. Eternal death came.
Just not physical death, but eternal death. We really don't see the horrible consequences of it as we should.
We feel it and we know it, but we don't see it like God sees it. Man lost his personal relationship with God.
It's that simple. Sin, therefore, was transmitted within the heart of man to every one of us that are children of Adam.
Regardless of the color, regardless of where we come from. The external has nothing to do with it.
There's a heart issue, folks. And sin has caused this. To understand holiness, we must understand the devastation of sin.
Within the heart of Adam, sin came. Sin was transmitted.
Adam and Eve is our first parents. Paradise was lost.
We know that, don't we? But yet, God in His great mercy and His love covers man with His grace.
To those who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, God covered Adam and Eve by slaying of an animal.
He slayed that animal. God Himself slayed it. And He covered them.
At first, they were hiding themselves from God. And they hid themselves from God by fig leaves.
That is man's way of hiding ourselves from God.
Our own ways, our religion. And it's like God says, that's not going to do. God has to cover us.
God was the one who first declared the gospel. Sin came into the world.
He could have left man in sin and been just. He could have killed man and been just.
You see that. I don't know. Many people don't. Man is hell deserving.
We're wrath deserving. And God yet covers Adam and Eve in His grace.
By the slaying of a sacrifice of an animal. And He covered them.
Man must be covered. And I just don't talk about physically.
I'm talking about spiritually. And the only way you and I could be covered today is in the righteousness of Jesus Christ.
That is the gospel, folks. On the day of our death, as Brother Keith has brought out so wonderful this morning.
Is when that time comes, and it's coming. There's no escaping it. And by the way, when death comes, there's no escaping judgment.
Now people may be living like there's no judgment. Or they're going to live forever on this earth.
But folks, everybody's going to breathe their last one day. And then we're going to fly away, as the psalmist says.
And it's going to be eternal heaven or eternal hell. God's in both.
But one's eternal bliss and one's eternal damnation. And I say God's in both,
His presence. A lot of people think because hell's hell that God's absent there. But the problem is
God's presence is in hell forever. And there'll be a great gulf.
And there's no way that the people in hell will be able to get into heaven. Scripture makes that pretty clear.
Don't believe these lies. That after death, there's just annihilation of the soul.
Jesus spoke and said that there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. There is torment, folks.
Sin has brought devastating consequences. We are wrath deserving.
And in the state of nakedness and shame. You know what's interesting as I mention that.
That was the state in the garden. That they partook of a tree that they should not have.
But yet there was another one who came. The sinless perfect son of God. That died upon the cross on a tree in His nakedness and shame.
Not only was paradise lost. And Adam and Eve was driven out of the garden.
And the reason I say this this morning is that holiness in a sense was lost.
But Jesus comes to restore holiness. Do you see this?
That in the garden when Adam fell. And Eve. And all of mankind.
Holiness went with it. That God comes to restore holiness.
Holiness that was once attractive and beautiful. Where Adam walked with God.
And He made him a help me. And perfect bliss.
They would have had eternal life. But when sin came they lost that. And eternal death came as I said.
But see holiness in the garden before sin came was attractive and beautiful. When God came to walk and talk with Adam and Eve.
And when sin came and entered into the world. Have you noticed? That holiness became foreign.
Holiness became terrifying. They were fearful. Why did they hide from God?
For that reason they hid from God. And tried to cover themselves with fig leaves.
Beloved in redemption. Through the cross of the Lord Jesus Christ. This holiness.
This beauty that God so loves in Himself is restored back. Can I tell you this?
It's only in Jesus. Not religion. Not trying to turn over leaves.
Not trying to cover ourselves with leaves. Our own religion. You know
I always separate religion from Christianity. Because Christianity is unique. It's a unique relationship with God.
Where religion is man's attempt. And all his power and his fleshly ways.
His arm of flesh to get to God. But Christianity is God coming to man. God comes to man.
God provides for man. God has done it all. It's glorious.
And holiness is restored in Jesus Christ. That holiness that was once in the garden.
A normal state. That Adam knew. So personal. Now when he lost that.
When sin came into the world through disobedience. A world now has fallen into such horrible devastating effects and consequences.
The only way that anyone can see God's holiness. In His beauty.
Number one. The first must be born again. To see it. But in order to see that.
The Holy Spirit must reveal that to him. And in that is seeing their own state of their true sinfulness.
God has supplied His word for that. It is first in the law.
Here at Redeeming Grace Church we believe in law and gospel. We do not leave out one or the other.
We believe in the Old Testament. We believe in the New Testament. We believe in the Old Covenant. We believe in the New Covenant.
We believe in all 66 books of the Bible. We just don't chip away and pick what we like. It's all of God.
It's all inspired. It's inerrant. It's infallible. It's all sufficient. It's inspired.
And beloved, can I say this? In this world that is full of such horrible sin. This is what's missing in the church today.
That we are not hearing the law preached as well. We cannot throw out the law.
Because to understand grace, we must understand law. God's law.
Now what do we mean by God's law? I mean God's perfect standard. It is God's holiness.
You read the Ten Commandments. And ask yourself, have you kept that?
No. No. Not even a minute. The first four deal, it basically deals with worship for Israel.
God is saying this is my law. This is how you worship me. In the first four, the law of God deals with the vertical relationship with God.
Then the next six, after the fourth, of keeping of the
Sabbath. The fifth through the tenth deals with our horizontal relationship with God.
With man, I'm sorry. But it's all in God, isn't it? You notice the first four must be there. It's paramount.
The Scripture says the law is our schoolmaster. That's important.
What does that mean? It's a tutor. It teaches us and it brings us to Christ. What does it teach us?
Did you ever think of that? It teaches us, amen, our condition. And it teaches us that we are sinners.
Amen. And how sinful we are. Amen. And that's the problem with people. They think they're good.
But the more you come to know and see God's law, and it's a perfect law of liberty, and you look into it, beloved, you see a sinful man.
The law is good. The law is holy. Oh, it cannot save us.
It condemns us. Rightly so. Yet it is the supreme work from the work of the law that God does his work to show man that we are sinners and we deserve condemnation.
I like to look at the law in the sense it is what breaks through the hard heart of stone.
It's like a hammer. Amen. And it breaks. It's for the haughty and it's for the prideful. It's for those
Pharisees that think they're so good. But yet, even the Pharisees, they thought they were keeping the law.
But what it was, they had traditions. And then Jesus comes. And he holds up the law in its perfection.
And they tried to kill him for it. Pharisees was just all external show.
We're going to look at that in a minute. But the law shows us our sin and it brings condemnation.
And I like to put it this way. It does surgery on our hard hearts. Our hard hearts are deceitful and beloved.
We do not know how hardened and how sinful our hearts really are. Not until we can see within the law of God and then we see the beauty of God's holiness, then we see the ugliness of our sin.
You see that? The law cannot save us, like I said. It condemns us.
But it is good and it is holy. And it shows us our sin so that we see our sin.
And then we must do something about our sin. And that's when we desperately run to the cross of Jesus.
Only there, beloved, can we find salvation. There and only there when we look upon the
Lord Jesus Christ hanging on that cross and how horrible sin is. And we see that sacrifice of the perfect Son of God.
How much God hates sin. Oh, how much
God loves us. Yes. But we also see how much
God hates sin. Because it was because of that sin problem that took
Christ to that cross. Problem of sin, beloved. Can I say this is internal, not external.
Don't never forget that. It is internal. It is an internal issue.
It is not a skin color. You know this by knowing me,
Pastor David, right now. It is not an externalism. I told one brother in the
Lord. He is a black brother and I really appreciate him. He is a preacher of the gospel and I tell him all the time. I am right up front with him.
And he knows this. I said, brother, the only difference between you and me. I said, your skin may be darker than mine.
It is just a different color of dirt. You cut, you bleed red and I bleed red.
I said, we are both sinners. Redeemed sinners. But this is a problem with the world today.
Man looks on the external. Isn't that the problem? Sin has caused this.
I want to tell you like it is this morning. Jesus Christ himself made that very point about the problem is internal, not external.
We are going to Jesus. I am just not going to give you my points on this. I am going to tell you what Jesus said about it. Because Jesus being a
Jew, yes he was a Jew. But the skin color didn't matter of anything.
And the reason I say this is a problem in this nation about this. Everybody is looking external.
Folks, it is an internal problem of the heart. I am telling you.
And Jesus confronted the self -righteous Pharisees about this. Israel's religious elite they were.
They were the elite. They were considered the conservative theologians of that day.
The Pharisees. The Sadducees was considered the liberal theologians. Nothing has hardly changed.
We just live in a different time period. Man's sin is just as sinful.
That hasn't changed for the century after century, thousands of years. Man is still sinful.
When are we going to get this through our head? Israel's religious elite, the
Pharisees, were obsessed, beloved, with external religion.
Can I say this? They reduced the law of God to a burdensome list of rules and rituals. Rules and practices.
And they held up themselves and their so -called good works as the standard of holiness.
But their false piety was empty and vain. And they hated
Jesus for expressing, not only expressing the truth, but exposing their hypocrisy.
Jesus confronted them many times. Go with me to Mark chapter 7. Let's look at this a little bit.
We're talking about true holiness. And true holiness is not found just externally.
It's an internal issue. We're going to get to the root of the problem.
Mark chapter 7. I want you to see this. Jesus explained why the external religion of the
Pharisees was vain to address the sinner's true spiritual needs.
And regarding the danger of eating ceremonial, unclean foods in Mark 7, look at 14 and 15.
And when He called all the multitude to Himself, He said to them, Hear Me, everyone, and understand.
Boy, Jesus gets to the point, doesn't He? There is nothing that enters a man from outside that can defile him.
But the things which come out of him, those are the things that defile a man. And if anyone has ears to hear, let him hear.
Now, Jesus is dealing with a spiritual issue here. Verse 17, it said,
And when He had entered a house away from the crowd, His disciples asked Him concerning the parable. And He said to them,
Are you thus without understanding also? Jesus always comes with a question to probe their hearts.
This is a serious issue. And then He says this, So do you not perceive that whatever enters a man from outside cannot defile him?
Because it does not enter his heart, but his stomach.
And is eliminated, thus purifying all foods. And then He says this,
For He said, what comes out of a man, that defiles a man. For from, when, where?
Within. From within. Out of the heart a man perceived evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lewdness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness.
All these evil things come from within and defile a man.
Jesus said that. That's the problem, folks. A sinner isn't corrupted by external actions, forces, or influence from the world.
As bad as the world is, his defilement is already present within him. We entered into this world with a corruption, an inclination naturally towards sin.
Jesus said it. Why are you lacking in understanding? Why are you without understanding about this?
He speaks to His disciples about that. I don't know about you, that list hit me.
From within. Out of the heart a man perceives the evil thoughts, the fornication, evil eye, thefts, murders, adulteries, deeds of coveting, wickedness, deceit, sensuality, envy, slander, pride, foolishness.
So, to understand the devastating effects of sin and how it has corrupted
God's creation in man's heart that is desperately wicked, it set man on a destructive path.
There's a way that seems right unto man, but the end thereof is death. All have sinned and come short of the glory of God.
We understand the world is in dark and is decaying. Now, I promise you this is going to be an encouraging word for you.
But I had to start here because this deals with the root of the problem. The Lord has established
His church, beloved. And that church is to be holy. They are the called out ones, as we've seen.
They are separate from the world and set apart. And the last restraint against sin's awful influence is the church.
How do we know this? Because Jesus says, you are the salt and light.
You are the light of the world. You are the salt of the earth. The church is to be salty and to have light.
Salt and light, beloved. Salt that shows just not the right influence, but it also slows the decay.
Of a decaying world. This world is decaying. It's almost like a person with leprosy.
Leprosy is a type of sin. And that leprosy takes a hold of a body and it starts to eat away.
It's like cancer. It eats a little here and a little there.
A little here, a little there. Not all in one big chunk. Little here, little there.
Little here, little there. Every little choice. Every little choice. And then the next thing you know, every little choice becomes something big.
You see that? And where to be light? Where to be salt? Light to diminish darkness and salt to slow up the decay.
Through our Christ -like influence. Now this is an exhortation of practical holiness, beloved.
And that's where we're going. And through love and mercy and humility and kindness and faith and compassion and holiness.
Without which no one shall see the Lord. And which God provides for us positionally.
Then we take it on progressively. And that's practical. But as the church is called to restrain the corruption and the horrible chaos of sin.
God's people need to be different. And by the way, can I say this? There's nothing wrong with God's people being different in this world.
Matter of fact, if you're not different, something's wrong. You see what I'm saying?
You're called out to be different. A lot of people can't follow Jesus Christ because they don't want to be different.
I don't know about you. I love to be different from this world. Hallelujah.
By God's grace. And it's not because I'm a good person. No. I am just a wretch.
A wretch by God's mercy that I'm alive today. Redeemed by His grace.
God's people need to be different in this world. Actually, to be holy means to be set apart. And by the way, set apart to be unique and special.
Now if you understand that, the negative point about it is, Wow, you're going to be rejected if you're a
Christian. Absolutely. Because you hold the standard of truth. And people do not like to have their sin exposed.
They get ugly about it. Matter of fact, they'll kill you over it. Look at what they did to Jesus.
Do we expect to be treated any different? We're set apart from the world, in the world, but not of the world.
Unto God to be special. So how does this holiness look like? Now we're going to look at how this holiness looks like.
What does holy, God -honoring life look like? What does it look like?
Well, the Word of God gives us that answer. And man, oh my goodness, it does. We are going to look at just a few passages of Scripture as we close this out.
And then I'm going to give some application from J .C. Ralph on his book of holiness. And believe me, it's good. You want to hang on until you get there.
But first of all, I want to give you just what the pure Word of God says regarding true holiness and the sight of God and the fear of God.
But I would like for us, first of all, to begin, as we looked at Mark here, go with me to Matthew chapter 22.
Now this is critical. We know that man has a problem with sin. The light, by the way, sheds light.
The light of the truth sheds light on that darkness and that sin.
And when people get exposed for who they really are, they get very ugly and violent, beloved.
It hardens them or it will soften them.
One of the two. Well, look at chapter 22. Look at verse 34.
Start there. When the Pharisees, oh the Pharisees are here again, heard that he had silenced the
Sadducees, they gathered together. Oh wow.
They were not nice. They always wanted to trap Jesus. Listen to this. Then one of them, one of them, a lawyer, so they sent one of the smart boys, see, ask him a question, testing him.
Oh, you're not going to outsmart Jesus. He's got the wisdom from God. He is wisdom from God.
Listen to this, and saying, Teacher, which is the great commandment in the law? And he's testing them now.
Jesus said to him, You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.
And this is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it. You shall love your neighbors yourself.
And Jesus says on these two commandments you can hang all the law and the prophets. Do you see that?
That this is the core of holiness. This is the heart of holiness.
Right here. The ten commandments can be divided into two categories, like I said, dealing with the love for God, the first four commandments, and those dealing with the responsibilities and love toward our fellow man, the last six commandments.
And Jesus says, If you do this, you keep this first and great command, you have perfectly loved
God and loved your neighbor. And notice what he said. You shall love the
Lord your God with all your heart That's convicting. Have we loved God with all of our heart?
Just not today, but in the past week. Have we loved God with all of our soul? Have we loved God with all of our mind?
That's the first great commandment. The second is like it. You shall love your neighbors yourself. That's convicting.
You know, the apostle Paul picked up that same idea. Go with me to Romans 13. All the epistles are just commentary on Jesus, beloved.
Everything that Jesus spoke of and taught. All the epistles.
Notice in verse 8. Starting with verse 8.
Oh, no one anything except to what? Love one another. For he who loves one another has fulfilled the law.
Paul didn't come up with that. Started with the prophets. Jesus fulfilled that.
In verse 9. For the commandments. You shall not commit adultery. You shall not murder. You shall not steal.
You shall not bear false witness. You shall not covet. And if there is any other commandment. All are all summed up in this saying.
Namely, you shall love your neighbors yourself. Love does no harm to a neighbor.
He doesn't hurt his neighbor. Because he loves his neighbor. Therefore, love is the fulfillment of the law.
And notice he gives the exhortation. And do this. Knowing the time. That now is high time to awake out of sleep.
For now is our salvation. Nearer than it when we yet first believed. The night is far spent.
The day is at hand. Therefore, let us cast off the works of darkness. And let us put on the armor of light.
Let us walk properly. This is holiness, beloved. As in the day.
Not in reverie. And drunkenness. Not in lewdness. And lust. Not in strife.
And in envy. But put on the Lord Jesus Christ. And make no provision for the flesh.
To fulfill its lust. The problem is we are in the flesh too much. Go with me to 1
Thessalonians chapter 4. We looked at this. But does it hurt to glance there again, does it?
Talking about holiness. This is practical holiness. This is a plea for purity. Verse 1.
1 Thessalonians chapter 4. Finally then, brethren, we urge and exhort in the Lord Jesus.
That you should abound more and more. Just as you received from us how you ought to walk and to please
God. For you know what commandments we gave you through the Lord Jesus.
And then he says this. For this is the will of God. Your sanctification. Your holiness.
That you should abstain from sexual immorality. And that each of you should know how to possess his own vessel in sanctification and honor.
Not in passion of lust like the Gentiles who do not know God. That no one should take advantage of or defraud his brother in this matter.
Because the Lord is the avenger of all such. As we also forewarned you and testified. For God did not call us to uncleanness but in holiness.
Therefore he who rejects this does not reject man. But God who has also given us his
Holy Spirit. There is practical holiness. So rejecting holiness is rejecting
God. And the ministry of the Holy Spirit. Go with me to Titus.
Titus chapter 2. Just turn a few books over.
Go through 1st and 2nd Timothy. Then you will be right there at Titus. Chapter 2.
You want to see how practical holiness looks like? Here it is. Verse 11.
For the grace of God. Now we need God's grace, don't we? Yes. But God's grace teaches us something.
God's grace that brings salvation has appeared to all men. It has appeared to all men teaching us. It teaches us that denying ungodliness.
Number 1. 2. And worldly lust. We should live soberly and righteously and godly in this present age.
Then looking for the blessed hope and the glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ.
Who gave himself for us that he might redeem us from every lawless deed.
And purify for himself. That's the purpose right there of holiness. He purifies for himself his own special people.
Zealous for good works. So if you want to know the purpose of holiness. That it's all for Jesus Christ.
His people. His body is holy. Not completely perfect as he is.
But we are to imitate him. And follow after his example. The confession.
I'm here to preach the word. But let me tell you what the confession. The 1689 confession of faith says in chapter 13 about sanctification.
Holiness. Chapter 13 of sanctification. It says this. Quote. And they get this all from scripture.
They who are united to Christ. Effectually called and regenerating. Having a new heart and a new spirit.
Created in them through the virtue of Christ's death and resurrection. Are also farther sanctified.
Really and personally. Through the same virtue. By his word and spirit dwelling in them.
The dominion of the whole body of sin is destroyed. And the several lusts thereof are more and more weakened and mortified.
And they are more and more quickened and strengthened in all saving graces. To the practice of all true holiness.
Without which no man shall see the Lord. This sanctification. Sentence two.
This sanctification is throughout in the whole man. Yet imperfect in this life.
There abided still some remnants of corruption in every part. Whence ariseth a continuing irreconcilable war.
You feel that war? Amen. The flesh lusting against the spirit.
And the spirit against the flesh. And in sentence three. In which war, although remaining corruption for a time.
May much prevail. Yet through the continuing supply of strength. From the sanctifying spirit of Christ.
The regenerate part doeth overcome. And so the saints grow in grace.
Perfecting holiness in the fear of God. Pressing after a heavenly life.
In the evangelical obedience to all the commands. Which Christ as head and king.
In His word hath prescribed to them. I think that's an excellent definition.
Of sanctification. J .C.
Rowe says this in his book of holiness. You always begin with Christ. Hmm.
You're going to love this. You will do just nothing at all.
And make no progress till you feel your sin and weakness and flee to Him. He is the root and beginning of all holiness.
And the way to be holy is to come to Him. And by faith and be joined to Him.
Christ is not wisdom and righteousness only to His people. But sanctification also. Men sometimes try to make themselves holy first of all.
And a sad work they make of it. Amen. Or OB.
They toil and labor and turn over many new leaves and many changes. And yet they feel nothing bettered but rather worse.
Isn't that the truth? Now let me close with these applications. And if you've got a pen and paper
I would honestly. Not because I said this. But as I studied this from his classic book of holiness.
Actually if you can read J .C. Rowe's book on holiness. Please read it. But take down these points.
Just get the main points. You don't have to get all the other details. But I promise you that this will be a great help and encouragement.
For you on your walk with the Lord in holiness. And these are the applications we like to close this out with.
And I think what J .C. Rowe has to say is absolutely exceptional.
And the reason why I'm doing this as your pastor. Folks when I read this. There is no way I can improve on this.
This man in his humility. And you'll see what he has to say. He said this is a very limited list.
And he's very modest in that. But the man really knew God. As Tozer did as well.
But take a hold of this folks. It will change your life. Because this is what we are called to be as holy.
Right? In his book. In his book.
Holiness. Practical holiness. Living an eternal everyday life. This is what he says before he gets to those points.
It is quote. It is a solemn thing to hear the word of God saying without holiness no man shall seek the
Lord. Hebrews 12 .14 I shall endeavor by God's help to explain what true holiness is.
And the reason why it is so needful. First let me try to show what true practical holiness is.
A man may go great lengths and yet never reach true holiness. It is not knowledge.
Balaam had that. Nor great profession. Judas Iscariot had that.
Nor doing many things. Herod had that. Nor zeal for certain matters of religion.
Jehu had that. Nor morality and outward respectability of conduct.
The young rich ruler had that. Nor taking pleasure in hearing preachers.
The Jews in Ezekiel's time had that. Yet none of these was holy.
These things alone are not holiness. What then is true practical holiness?
Let me try to draw a picture of holiness.
That we may see it clearly before our eyes of our minds. And only let it never be forgotten.
When I have said all that my account is but a poor imperfect outline at the best.
Wow this man's a... He knew God. Number one. Here's the number one point.
Holiness is the habit of being one mind with God. Holiness is the habit of being one mind with God.
And he says this. And according as we find his mind described in scripture.
It is the habit of agreeing in God's judgment. Hating what God hates. And loving what
God loves. And measuring everything in this world by the standard of His word.
He who most entirely agrees with God. He is a most holy man.
Second. A holy man will endeavor to shun every known sin. A holy man will endeavor to shun every known sin.
And to keep every known commandment. Wow. He goes on to say this.
He will have a hearty desire of God's will. A greater fear of displeasing Him. Than of displeasing the world.
And a love to all His ways. And he will feel what Paul felt when he said.
I delight in the law of God and after the inward man. And what David felt when he said.
I esteem all thy precepts concerning all things to be right. And to hate every false way.
Psalm 119, 128. The third. A holy man will strive to be like our
Lord Jesus Christ. A holy man will strive to be like our Lord Jesus Christ. He will not only live the life of faith in Him.
And draw from Him all His daily peace and strength. But He will also labor to have
His mind that was in Him. And to be conformed to His image. Romans 8, 29.
It will be His aim to bear with and forgive others. Even as Christ forgave us to be unselfish.
Even as Christ pleased not Himself to walk in love. Even as Christ loved us.
And to be lowly minded and humble. Even as Christ made Himself no reputation and humbled
Himself. He will lay to heart the saying of John. He that saith he abideth in Christ ought himself also to walk even as he walked.
1 John 2, 6. And saying to Peter that Christ suffered for us.
Leaving us an example that ye should follow His steps. J .C.
Rowell says, Happy is the man who has learned to make Christ his all. Both for salvation and example.
Fourth. A holy man will follow after meekness.
Longsuffering. Gentleness. Patience. Kind tempers.
And government of his tongue. Brother Keith was spot on this morning. He will bear much.
Forbear much. Look over much. And be slow to talk of standing on his rights.
Now you can basically say a holy man will follow after the fruits of the Spirit. Fifth. A holy man will follow after temperance.
Now he mentions this separate. Temperance is the fruit of the Spirit. But there's a reason why he's mentioning this separate.
Listen to this. He follows after temperance which is self -control. This is serious.
Why? Because of self -denial as well.
And temperance, self -control and self -denial is all clustered together.
He will labor to mortify the desires of his body. To restrain his fleshly carnal inclinations.
Why? Least at any time they break loose. Boy, he puts it so bluntly.
We need this, don't we? I need this. And then he says, oh, what a word that is of the
Lord Jesus to the apostles. Take heed to yourselves. Least at any time your hearts be overcharged with suffering and drunkenness.
Basically that word means fleshly desires. And the cares of this life.
And that of the apostle Paul. In which he says, I keep under my body and bring it into subjection.
Least by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should not be a castaway.
Basically disqualified. If the apostle Paul can say that, how much more of a level does that put us?
Six. There's thirteen of them. But here's number six. A holy man will follow after charity and brotherly kindness.
Charity and brotherly kindness. Can I take just a few minutes to read what that really means? I'll tell you what it means.
You could go with me there and follow with me. First Corinthians 13. You know what
R .C. Sproul said about this chapter? It is the most convicting chapter in the Bible. You know why?
Because we are really selfish people. We are. Susanna Wesley says, the more selfish a person is, the more sinful they are.
Or vice versa. The more sinful they are, the more selfish they are. That is so true. That's the taproot of sinfulness.
Of selfishness. Chapter 13, verse Corinthians. Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, have not charity,
I have become a sounding brass or a clanging cymbal, and though I have the gift of prophecy and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I can remove mountains, but I have not love,
I am nothing. And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, but have not love, it profits me nothing.
See all those external things? Those great sacrifices? Even if you are a martyr, if you don't have love, you are nothing.
Love suffers long as kind. Love does not envy. Love does not parade itself.
Love is not puffed up. Love does not behave rudely. Boy, that hits every one of us, doesn't it?
Does not seek its own. Is not provoked. How many times have you been provoked this week?
Love is not provoked. Thinks no evil. How many times have you thought something evil about somebody?
It does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth. It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, and dares all things.
Love never fails. Whether there are prophecies, they will fail. Whether there are tongues, they will cease.
Whether there is knowledge, it will vanish away. For we know in part, and we prophesy in part, that when that which is perfect has come, then that which is in part will be done away.
And he's talking about Christ, the perfect one. When I was a child, I spoke as a child, and when I understood as a child,
I thought as a child. But when I became a man, I put away childish things. Basically, what Paul is saying, in a wonderful way, grow up in Jesus Christ!
That's what he's saying. For now we see in a mirror, dimly, oh, it's dimly, but we see in a mirror, but then face to face, now
I know in part, but then I shall know just as I am known. And then he ends it with this, and now abide faith, hope, love.
These three, but the greatest of these is agape, God's love.
Isn't that convicting? So, love, a holy man will follow after charity, beloved.
Number seven, a holy man will follow after a spirit of mercy and benevolence toward others.
He loves his neighbor, right? J .C. Rowell says this, such a one was Paul when he said in 2
Corinthians 12, 15, I will verily gladly spend and be spent for you, and though the more abundantly
I love you, the less I be loved. Wow! Eight, here's eight.
A holy man will follow after purity of heart. Now, I need this one. How many needs this one?
Raise both hands. I need it. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see
God. Amen. He says this, he would dread all filthiness and uncleanness of spirit and seek to avoid all things that might draw him into it.
He knows his own heart is like tender and will diligently keep clear of the sparks of temptation.
Who shall dare talk of strength when David can fall? There is many a hint to be gleaned from the ceremonial law.
Under it, the man who only touched a bone or a dead body or a grave or a diseased person became at once unclean in the sight of God.
In other words, don't touch sin. Got enough of it to deal with as it is.
Don't let it grow. Kill it. Mortify it. Number ten, a holy man will follow after the fear of God.
A holy man will follow after the fear of God. Don't you love J .C. Ryle? He says this,
I do not mean the fear of a slave who only works because he's afraid of punishment and would be idle if he did not dread discovery.
I mean rather the fear of a child who wishes to live and move as if he was always before his father's face because he loves him.
What a noble example Nehemiah gives to us in this. Eleven, a holy man will follow after humility.
A holy man will follow after humility. He would desire in lowliness of mind to esteem all others better than himself.
This is Philippians chapter two beloved. He will see more evil in his own heart than any other in the world.
He will understand something of Abraham's feelings when he said I am dust and ashes. And Jacob when he cried out says
I am less than the least of all thy mercies. And Paul when he said I am chief of sinners.
Twelve, a holy man will follow after faithfulness in all his duties and relationships in life.
A holy man will follow after faithfulness in all his duties and relationships in life.
He will try not merely to feel his place as well as others who take no thought for their souls but even better because he has a higher motive and more help than they do.
Those words of Paul should never be forgotten whatsoever you do it do it heartily unto the
Lord Colossians 3 23 A holy person should strive to be good husbands good wives good parents good children good masters good servants good neighbors good friends good subjects good in private good in public good in the place of business and good by the fireside.
Holiness is worth little indeed if it does not bear these kinds of fruit.
Wow And the last 13 Last but not least a holy man will follow after spiritual bindedness a holy man will follow after spiritual bindedness now he had a long write up on this you have to read this
I didn't get all of it folks but I want to just give you some tidbits He will endeavor to set his affections entirely on things above and to hold things on earth with a very loose hand
He will value everything in place and company just just in proportion as it draws him nearer to God He will enter into something of David's feelings when he says my soul follows hard after thee
Psalm 63 8 and then he says this and like I said I cut some of this up because of the time here this morning but sanctification is always progressive work it's always a progressive work some men's graces are in the blade some in the ear some are like the full corn in the ear but all must have a beginning and I like what he says here and sanctification in the very best is an imperfect work we will never be perfect in that it's the direction right and then he says this the holiest men have many a blemish and a defect when weighed in the balance of the sanctuary but this
I confidently say that true believers I'm sorry true holiness is a great reality and it is light if it exists it will show itself and it is salt if it exists its saviors will be perceived and its precious ointment if it exists is present cannot be hidden end quote let me close let me close with this what so what must we do what must we do beloved we are to repent and repent and repent right repent if you're not saved this morning you need to repent and believe the gospel and John the
Baptist made this very clear in Luke three when he was preaching in verse three in chapter three he went into all region around Jordan preaching a baptism of repentance for the remission of sins as it is written in the book of the words of Isaiah the prophet the voice of one cried in the wilderness prepare the way of the
Lord make his path straight every valley shall be filled every mountain and hill brought low and the crooked places shall be made straight and the rough ways smooth and all flesh shall see the salvation of God he points unto
Jesus Christ but he preaches repentance beloved and notice this in verse seven and when he said to the multitudes that were there that came out to be baptized by him listen to what this preacher says first of all he says brood of vipers he calls them snakes boy he'd be accepted all of a sudden today as a good pastor wouldn't he brood of vipers who warns you to flee from the wrath to come then he says therefore bear fruits worthy of repentance and then he says this do not begin to say to yourselves we have
Abraham as our father the traditions see that for I say to you that God is able to raise up children to Abraham from these stones and even now the axe is laid to the root of the trees and every tree which does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire and notice what he says here so the people ask him then they start asking him questions right in the middle of his sermon could you imagine that people just asking right in the middle of a sermon what shall we do then he tells them he answered to them and said he who has two tunics let him give to him and he who has none and who has food let him do likewise he gets very specific in other words what he is saying is when you repent this is the way repentance looks like it is practical right down to the core amen verse 12 ok the people said that now the tax collectors they came to be baptized and said teacher what shall we do you notice when
John preached he hit every person in that congregation in the multitudes and then he said to them collect no more than what is appointed for you in other words be honest have some integrity 14 verse 14 likewise the soldiers now the soldiers first you got the people the tax collectors now you got the soldiers the military is there saying what shall we do he had an answer for every one of them he said to them do not intimidate anyone in other words you respect them or accuse falsely don't give false accusations and be content with your wages wow he preached contentment now as the people were in expectation all reasoned in their hearts about John whether he was the
Christ or not his preaching was that powerful but he wasn't the Christ he was the forerunner right verse 16
John answered saying to them I indeed baptize you with water but one minor than I is coming oh hallelujah whose sandal strap
I'm not even worthy to loose he will baptize you with the holy spirit and fire in other words when
Jesus comes he will burn up that sin within you his will and he will thoroughly clean out his threshing floor and gather the wheat into his barn but the shaft he will burn with unquenchable fire man what a preacher
I point you to Jesus this morning for by one offering he has perfected forever those who are being sanctified let me read to you something on a hill far away stood an old rugged cross the emblem of suffering and shame and I love that old cross where the dearest and best for a world of lost sinners was slain did we have a heart for holiness this morning if we have a heart for holiness we gonna love the holy one oh the old rugged cross so despised by the world has a wondrous attraction for me for the dear lamb of God left his glory above to bear it to dark
Calvary listen to this in the old rugged cross stained with blood so divine a wondrous beauty
I see for to us on that old rugged Jesus suffered and died what did he do to pardon and sanctify me see it's just not to pardon us it's to sanctify us and to the old rugged cross if I will ever be true it's shame and reproach gladly bear then he'll call me someday to my home far away where his glory forever
I'll share so I'll cherish that old rugged cross to my trophies at last
I'll lay down I will cling to the old rugged cross and exchange it someday for a crown folks no crown until there's a cross first if you think there's gonna be a crown now you're not gonna get it and if there is a crown your best life now you're not on the highway of holiness we must be on the highway of holiness
God will have a holy people and it says it in psalm 119 here's a holy heart beloved blessed are the undefiled in the way who walk in the law of the
Lord blessed are those who keep his testimonies who seek him with the whole heart they also do no iniquity they walk in his ways you have commanded us to keep your precepts diligently oh that my ways were directed to keep your statutes then
I would not be ashamed then I look into all your commandments and I will praise you with the uprightness of heart then
I learn of your righteous judgments and I will keep your statutes oh do not forsake me utterly how can a young man cleanse his way you can almost feel this person's heart by taking heed according to your word folks our
Christianity is not going to be Christianity unless there's obedience to the commandments of Jesus how are you going to cleanse your way how by taking heed according to your word and then he says this and with my whole heart
I have sought you that's what we got to do you got to seek God with all your heart and oh let me not wonder from your commandments your word have
I hidden in my heart hide it treasure it why that I might not sin against you let's stop right there and praise him
Father we thank you for this wonderful study Lord Lord there's a cross before us and Lord we should say good bye to the world help us oh
God as your people Lord does it have come to believe and repent repent and believe the gospel and lay their trust in you by faith alone because you have provided holiness.
It's not something we can do externally. It's only internal. We must be born again.
And God, you must do this work. Because Father, we cannot do it, and no one can do it within themselves.
Lord, it is a supernatural work from you. Thank you for the promise of the new covenant that you do create and make a new heart.
You give us new desires. You take out the stony heart and put in a heart of flesh. To fear you, to love you.
And Lord, not love this world. Not to love the world. That's a command. Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world.
If any man loved the world, the love of the Father is not in him. That is so black and white.
So Father, help us to love you and love you more and more. And we need your grace to do this.