The SJW Sinner's Prayer

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This is a joke. But the article is oh too real. Did you know there is a special social justice original sin that white babies inherit in America? Did you know that a special atonement is needed. Oh yes....the Social Justice Sinner's Prayer


All right, so the Patheos article that I just talked about is a little too spicy to leave it alone as much as I did.
So I'm going to switch back to it and we're going to talk a little bit about it. And what do you know, there is a whole theology of social justice in the
Bible. Did you were you aware of that? There's a whole theology and also there's a sinner's prayer too.
So there's there's social justice, original sin. And there's also a social justice, original, uh, original sin, sinner's prayer that can atone for this original sin that you've inherited, um, white people.
So listen up white people, because you've got this different original sin that, um, you need to especially atone for before you can be saved.
Check this out. All right. So again, this is the article. Is it okay to be white by Morgan Guyton?
And he is a progressive Christian. He or she, I'm not really sure to be honest, uh, is a progressive
Christian. So you know, Hey, will you guys still hear him out? You know, here's what, here's my favorite section.
He goes, he starts off good, right? Every single white person, just like every other human being is a uniquely precious, infinitely valuable image of God.
Amen. That's, that's exactly right. Well said. So in that sense, there is no shame in being white or any other carrot category of human.
Also, well said, good job. Here's where it gets off the rails, but that, that great word, but it's also the case that whiteness is a socialization by which a specific legacy of repressed guilt, entitlement, and defensiveness is inherited as an original sin that uniquely corrupts every white baby who was born into our
American context. Whiteness does not exist in the same social reality in any other culture. Whiteness is as a toxic legacy is not okay.
So in that sense, being white is not okay. Or rather every white person needs to be able to say,
I'm not okay. In order to be liberated from the shame and the defensiveness that our ancestors sin has bequeathed to us.
All right, all right, all right, all right. So let's think about this for a second. So somewhere in the
Bible, there's a specific sin for white people in America and it's called the sin of whiteness and you inherit the sin.
You don't know you have it until somebody tells you you have it because you've had it since you were a little baby, right?
So when you were born, you know, you were so cute, you can, you know, your mother, you know, went through labor to, to, to, to get you out and you know, that first little, little cry and you know, it's so cute, right?
You're just a cute little white baby, right? But from that moment, you were, you were conceived in iniquity, the iniquity of whiteness.
It wouldn't have had it though, if you were like me, I mean, if you were like me, you know, your, your ancestors were
Nigerian, native Latino, you know, some European. So I guess I might have a little bit of this too, but I got lucky cause
I was born to to some non -whites. So, you know, I don't have the same, the same sin to atone for that you do.
So, you know, you've got this thing, you don't even know you have it until somebody tells you. And there's one way, there's only one way.
Well, maybe there's more than one, there's, there's a few ways to atone for it. But the one big one is you just got to admit that you're a sinner.
Yeah, yeah, you have to admit you're white and that you have, have a problem and it's not okay.
You know, when you were born, that wasn't okay. You should have been born to black parents or you may, or you should have been born to some
Latinos or something because you inherited that original social justice sin and you can atone for it.
You just have to admit that you're guilty. See, it's not a question of, are you racist? The question is, do you know that you're racist?
White people. So you can look it up. It's in the Bible. It's in the Bible. Go in the back and you know how
Bibles these days will have an index in the back. Go in the back, go to the W section and you'll find the section on whiteness.
But you have to make sure you go to the American whiteness section because whiteness, you know, other places, it's not the same thing.
You don't, you don't inherit the same whiteness that they do in America. So, you know, look, look,
I wouldn't be a good pastor if I, if I didn't tell you guys that, you know, the fact that you have white parents means that you're guilty and you can be atoned for, but you can only be atoned for if you say the special sinner's prayer, the special social justice sinner's prayer.