Job 32



There we go, okay chapter 32 and chapter 33 and I'm gonna read chapter 32 just to get us started
But I'm gonna read the last Few words of chapter 31 because I do think
It certainly goes along With what has been broken up in chapter 32.
So the final words of chapter 31 is the words of Job are ended
The chapter 32 so these three men ceased answering because he was righteous in his own eyes
Then the wrath of Elihu the son of Barakil the buzzard of the family of Ram was aroused against Job and His wrath was aroused because he justified himself rather than God Also against his three friends his wrath was aroused because they found no answer and yet had condemned
Job Now because there were years because they were years older than Elihu Then he
Elihu had waited to speak to Job And Elihu saw that there was no answer in the mouth of these three men.
His wrath was aroused So Elihu the son of Barakil the buzzard answered and said
I am young in years and you are very old Therefore I was afraid and dare not declare my opinion to you.
I said age should speak and multitude of years Should teach wisdom, but there is a spirit in man and the breath of the
Almighty gives them understanding and great men are not always wise
Nor do the aged always understand justice Therefore I say listen to me.
I Will I also will declare my opinion indeed? I waited for your words
I listened to your reasonings while you searched out what to say. I paid close attention to you and Surely not one of you convinced
Job or answered his words Lest you say we have found wisdom God will vanquish him not man
Now he was he has not directed his words against me.
So I will not answer him with your words they are dismayed and answered no more words escaped them and I have waited because they did not speak because they stood still and Answered no more.
I Also will answer my part I too will declare my opinion for I'm full of words
The spirit within me compels me indeed. My belly is like wine
That has no vent it is ready to burst like new wine skins.
I will speak that I might find relief I must open my lips and answer.
Let me not I pray show partiality to anyone Nor, let me falter nor let me flatter any man for I do not know how to flatter
Else my maker would soon take me away. So just as a if you will ask the opening words of of Elihu and When you read that at the end of chapter 31 where he says the words of Job are ended in these three men
Cease answering Job because he was righteous in his own eyes. I think we just need to try to understand the scene and Well a couple things
This means that Elihu has listened a great day lie who at least we know
He was present during these if you will Verbal arguments that went back and forth between Job and his friends and I would suggest that I Can't say that for sure, but I don't think he was alone
I don't think Elihu was the only one that listened to all these odds. I really think that this took place
Somewhat in in the open and that many people I mean Job was well known
And think of this when his friends traveled from wherever they were from I'm not so sure they didn't bring others with them whether they were servants or whether they were
People who waited on them or whatever it was So I I do think that as we've been reading through the book of Job, although we only heard from Eliphaz Zophaz and Bildad and Job that there were others that have been watching this
Could have been even his wife which we talked about and as I believe that Job was monogamous in that.
He only had one wife. He wasn't One of those that had many wives and I think she was available to hear it and and possibly even some of the relatives
We know the kids were killed and but I don't know about the kids kids I don't know if all the grandchildren perished.
So so there's many things to think about but nevertheless If you will
Job's friends and Job, they're basically at a standstill They're done
Do you ever get like that you ever get into a conversation with someone and and you go back and forth with them?
And you you might have you make a couple points and they make a couple of points and then sooner or later
It almost gets to a point where there's nothing left to say And and I think that that's where Elihu now comes in.
I think he's been sitting waiting listening Watching what's been taking place and he's seen this interaction going back and forth
And so when he comes in and It's interesting how he says this in verse 1
He says these three men ceased answering Joe because he was righteous in his own eyes
So if you remember what we've been talking about What was the accusation of the three friends?
Why was job going through what he was going through? Because of his sin right and because it was obvious to them
That there could be no other answer for it except that God found out The sins that job have been committing whether they were in secret or were not observed and now
God's bringing judgment against him And what was job stance job stance was?
He was righteous in his own eyes and not that he was And we've talked about it job never says he was sinless
But what he says is he's maintained his integrity before God and Certainly you and I can enter into that at least
I would I would hope so what which one of us would say was sinless Which one of us would say as it says of Christ morning bear that we always do the things that please the father
None of us would be that foolish to say that but would you not say that that is something that you're not going to give up in other words
You and I go through many different phases in our life But the one thing that that should always remain with us is what
Paul says? I know whom I believed in and I'm persuaded that he's able to keep that which
I've committed but unto him against that day so I Do believe that there's been as misunderstanding certainly on the part of job,
I mean certainly on the part of job's friends and Even as you'll see as we go through the rest of these verses even
Eli who? Misunderstands job in a sense because he he comes in later on and he he says that And he seeks now to answer job and in a sense he's saying job you've said that you're righteous and that can't possibly be so so that's the if you will that's the scene and so When you think about what he then goes on to say like in verse 2 the wrath that the wrath of Eli who the son of barak he'll the buzz
I of the family of ram was aroused against job and His wrath was aroused because he justified himself
Rather than God this where I think Eli who? Misunderstands is that what job had done to job?
In a sense say God was wrong and he was right I'm not so sure. He said that what
I think job had said was that God had God had mistreated him
That God had if you will And even job had said that priestly that God was hunting after him for no good reason
And maybe you and I can relate to that some at some points in our life where we almost feel that God is not for us but against us and is that ever the case?
That's never the case for a true Christian, right a true Christian could never rightfully say
That God is against him because if God was against him, then that would mean that what
Christ accomplished was not salvation not
To bring us into a right relationship with God so when you and I begin to think that way
We got to stop ourselves and correct ourselves because the reality is even as Paul says if God be for us who could be against us and So as Eli who comes in any and he begins to talk about things one thing
I wanted to mention and that is It says it gives us a little bit more definition of who
Eli who is it says? He's the son of a barakeld the buzzite of the family of Ram And I started to think about okay.
Why does God give us that information? What's the point? well,
I Think that it helps us to put a timestamp on When this book was written because the memory in the beginning we talked about it was when was when was job alive was he?
Many people Have different opinions and some would say he was way back.
I want to show you one thing and and maybe it's Just a point to be made, but I want you to go back to Genesis for a minute go back to Genesis chapter 22
I think it's just Yeah And and as I thought about it, okay, why do we have this information about he's the son of barakeld the buzzite well
If you look in Chapter 22 of Genesis and I'm looking at verse 20
It says this now came to pass after these things that it was told Abraham saying indeed
Milka also has born children to your brother Nahor Then it says huz his firstborn buzz his brother
Chemuel the father of Aram and it goes on and it names a few others now
I've looked at what some of the brothers have said who have spent much more time Through the genealogies and many will say that that Elihu was a descendant of Abraham's brother
And and that he was and if that's the case Then that would help us to date the book right no words if you think about it
When this was written As I had told you in the very beginning some people think this was written by Job some people think that it was written by Moses some people think it was written by Solomon is a whole lot of and it was also a discussion about when it was
Written and if that's correct if I'm even close When I say that he was
Somewhat of a direct descendant from Abraham's brother that would date the book when way way back
And I and again if nothing else that should be something just to prod us to thinking about There's a little bit off the point.
Isn't it amazing how God put the Bible together? You ever really just stop and think about that. You don't really stop and think about how this all came
To pass how you and I sit here and we look at we've got 66 books bound together and and we don't
Question it. We don't doubt it. We don't But isn't it interesting to think about how in that sense this all began because really
If you think about so how many writers in the Bible anybody know
How many people contributed to writing in the Bible? 40 different writers.
Okay, and it covers Dismissing it from the
Genesis when Moses enters the scene. It's probably something like 1500 years
So and then if you go back and we go back into the patriarchs
There's a couple different opinions whether it's an early earth or a late earth but Here's where I'm gonna come in.
I'm gonna say I Don't think the earth is much more than this 10 ,000 years old maybe maybe
Maybe varies a little bit But the point still remains if you think about it how
God has through let's just say I'm even close Let's just give it a wider stance
Because I don't think it's I don't think it's billions of years. Okay, I just don't believe that But let's just say it was 15 ,000 years how
God up until Basically After Christ came and then maybe the first century after the resurrection
It depends on where you think the last book of the Bible was written by the way That'll be a discussion if we go through Book of Revelation and even in our conference next week
Anybody have any thoughts about I don't know how I get off on these things, but I do when
John wrote Revelation Either there's two main views one that he wrote it out this somewhere between this and this 95
AD to maybe 150 AD and that's a very
There's a reason why people spend time on it I'll explain to you just real quick in a second and then there's the so this would be the later day for the writing of Of John of Revelation the early day would be somewhere they did big difference
You know why that's important any thoughts about why that is really important, let me give you one
If you read Revelation and it plays into end times Here's what
I mean by that if this is correct and That he wrote somewhere late anybody remember when
Jerusalem was destroyed 70 AD Jerusalem is destroyed Okay that we know historically that's
That's a proven fact and we know it from Josephus and other people in other history books.
So Here's something to think about. I know we're not in the Book of Job right now, but nevertheless
If this is true That would mean that John Wrote After this was destroyed, okay
That would change a lot of the thinking in the Book of Revelation if you believe this
And you're going to hear this next week, by the way If this is true that he wrote before the destruction of Jerusalem it changes a lot of the meanings in the
Book of Revelation and That much of it has to do with this
See if he wrote it here Brother Mike's gonna bring this out specifically and there's a
There's a whole teaching that goes with it But Dates are important, especially when they come into something like this with One of the reasons why
I'm gonna say I'm more convinced that John wrote before the destruction of Jerusalem Is because if John wrote after the destruction of Jerusalem, I think he would have mentioned it he really doesn't
Just for you to have thoughts about these things This would fall more into a preterist view of the end times and you'll hear about this next week
Between Mikey and maybe even myself. So anyway Now that I walked off the main road, let's get back on the main road, so nevertheless
Eli who comes in and verse three against his three friends his wrath was aroused because they found no answer and Yet had condemned
Joel and when that word Is translated wrath.
I think it's more in the in the realm Eli who was was pretty excited
Because he's been listening to these arguments going back and forth and and like he says
In verse four because they were years older than he Eli who waited to speak to Job and I Think we could relate to that.
Do you ever get into a place where you can't? It's almost like you can't hold it in no more.
You'll be listening to a discussion or you'd be listening to people have a debate about something and you have your opinion and you have your thoughts about it and you're just kind of sitting there listening and and it's almost like People do this, especially when it comes to like politics
Right you people will have this you'll hear this discussion going back and forth I'm gonna get in trouble for this, but I'm gonna say this anyway
She's shaking her head already, you know, how many times my wife talks to the TV So y 'all do it
And it's almost like you can't keep it in no more you've got to And it could be two people going back and forth.
Goodbye, and you want to you want to get your words out there and I I Think Elihu in a sense has been sitting there and the fire has been building inside of him to respond both
Job and his friends and He's been patient and and that's why he says in verse 6
Elihu the son of Baruchel the buzz -eyed answer said I am young in years and you are very old
Now, I don't know the difference in age But when he said very old that kind of you know
Whether it was 10 years 20 years 30s. I don't know I was thinking my grandson who's 16.
He told me and candy that we were almost dead we well
But we definitely were over the hill on our way rolling down right there
And he's 16 so when he looks at us and you know You're almost gone poppies what he said
So when you think about it, I don't know the difference in age I don't know if it's if it's I take it to be that there was a drastic difference and that's why he says and he
He he says therefore I was afraid and I dare not declare my opinion to you. I said age should speak and Multitudes of years should teach wisdom
Is that true? Yes, no, maybe
Should age bring wisdom It should It should
Does it always bring wisdom? No, because the reality is and that's what he says in verse 9 great men and that really means older men
Older men are not always wise nor do aged always understand justice and I've always taken that to under to say that you you could be an old fool or you could be a young fool and that in and of itself age is not a
Determinator it it should be that wisdom is accumulated within us right and you would hope that's the case how
Many times Do young people today in in this this has popped into my mind when
I was looking through this. I Don't think that people today have that same respect for age.
Do you I? Think that The younger people of today for whatever reason and there's a lot of different reasons we could talk about that.
They really think That they are As wise or wiser
Than the generation that was before him and I almost think that's a trait that people have had from generation to generation that But I do think it's it's kind of It sticks out more in today's world and maybe it's social media or maybe it's just the ability to gain knowledge
I don't know but Yeah You know you go back to and you think about it
You think of how it used to be the father always had he was always the wise right leave it to beaver it was always the father who was able to rectify and clear up all the discrepancies and People don't really think that anymore people really begin to think that just because Because of what they think they know that they have all the wisdom in the world, but nevertheless
Eli who had some sort of respect for old age and Again, I think it was respect more for the fact that old age
Should Have the ability to speak first, you know what it says right even in the scriptures as far as an elder
What does it say? It says not all a novice, right? Otherwise if someone came to Christ today wouldn't make him an elder would you tomorrow?
Because again, what's missing? Well, there's experience missing. There's wisdom missing.
At least you would hope Is that always the case? No, and he says that but But anyway, he's stirred up.
He's lit up and but there's a spirit. That's what he says in verse 8 there's a spirit in man and the breath of the
Almighty gives him understanding and So in verse 10, he says listen to me and I will declare my opinion.
I waited for your words. I Listened to your reasonings why you searched out what to say
I paid close attention to you and Surely this is where he's addressing his friends in particular.
I paid close attention to you and surely not one of you convinced job
Or answered his words. What is he saying? He's basically I think he's saying that job is one the debate
That job has come out on top in this back and forth with the friends and although they made all these
Accusations job was able to defend it all the way Which I would ask us to think about in our own life.
We should always be ready to defend our faith and and again with a
Reality that our faith is not perfect But we should always be able to defend it and we should always be able to maintain it.
And so again Where we could say, you know what? I've not always done was right and I actually would have to admit
I've done many things That weren't right But the reality is
I know whom I believed in and I'm persuaded that he's able To keep that which
I committed as Paul says so when he says that he paid close attention and surely not one of you were able to to basically
Convince Joe because what did they really want? They wanted Joe to say? Yes, you're right
Ella fuzz. Yep You're right build that you're right so fast I'm a dirty rotten sinner and God is bringing out his just judgment on me and I'm getting when
I deserve and You're right and he never came to that point and that's why
I said surely not one of you convinced Joe Then he says in verse 13 was I thought was a little hard to understand at first He says lest you say we have found wisdom
God will vanquish him not man I think what he's trying to say is one of the reasons why they weren't able to convince
Joe of his wrongdoing Was because it probably would have caused them to be lifted up and thinking themselves to be so wise
And that ultimately who's the one who is the the true judge? It's God You and I have a responsibility to one another agree
We have we have a responsibility of one another to to live peaceably one another to cheat to exhort one another
Build one another up all the one another's in the Bible But ultimately there's a reality that we all answer to one master
Right and even is that not the case and we can look at it really quick Just go to flip into the
New Testament just for a second. Just go to Romans 14 just for a second Look what it says and here's the reality and this is again
Not always the easiest thing to do, but it's important to think about and I'm just going to read for a minute here in Romans 14 and It's has to do with if you will
Disputable things what I mean by disputable things are basically
Non -essential things and you'll see as we go through and so Paul says this in chapter 14 receive one who is weak in the faith but not to disputes over doubtful things
For one believes he may eat all things, but he who is weak Eats only vegetables, which
I would say Amen because if you don't like steak you ain't right, but Let not him who eats
Despise him who does not eat and let not him who does not eat judge him who eats for God has received them
Who are you to judge another servant to his own master?
He stands or falls Indeed he will be made to stand for God is able to make him stand one person esteems one day above another
Another's esteems every day of like but everyone let each be fully convinced in his own mind
He who observes the day Observes it to the Lord. He who does not observe the day does to the
Lord He does not observe it. He who eats eats to the Lord for he gives God. Thanks And he who does not eat to the
Lord. He does not eat and gives God. Thanks None of us lives to himself and no one dies to himself
For if we live we live to the Lord if we die we die to the Lord therefore whether we live or die we are the
Lord's and Again for to this end Christ died and rose and lived again that he might be
Lord of both the dead and the living But why do you judge your brother? Why do you not? Why do you show contempt for your brother for we shall all stand?
Before the judgment seat of Christ or it is written as I live ever says the Lord every knee shall bow to me and Every tongue shall confess so then each one of us shall give account of himself to God Therefore let us not judge one another anymore, but rather resolve this
Not to put a stumbling block or to cause to fall in in our brother's way
And so when you think about that and you think about what? How that relates in a sense to Our lives, it's important, right?
I think it's a very important thing to We were told before I just meant we were told before by drinking coffee in the morning and Some people like me.
The first thing I do in the morning is push the button on the coffee pot because I'm It's just I gotta have coffee in the morning, right?
And yet I met a lot of people the first thing they do is drink a coke in the morning, which
I think is cuckoo But who am I to judge another man and what he does now that might be overly simple
But there are so many areas in our lives Friends where we need to be careful that we the main point is that we don't cause one another to stumble
But not that we would judge someone with because of whether they do this or they do that or or anything like that and so What Eli who was trying to get at in that sense is
I believe that we all have to answer to God because God is the one who ultimately will come in and Be the judge of all things and so God will vanquish him not man now in verse 14 now
He's not directed his words against me. So I will not answer him with your words. You get what he's coming from Where he's going.
He's saying now I wasn't involved in your argument back and forth Eli who I mean Ellafaz, Bildad, Zofaz, they went after Job and Job went back after them and and they exchanged words and it got a little
Down and dirty a couple of times and what he's saying. I believe what he's saying is listen.
I'm gonna be objective I'm not gonna get involved in in in what has taken place between you
Three friends and Job. I'm not gonna do that. I'm not playing that game and he goes on to say
They are dismayed and answered no more again. He's saying they couldn't really they couldn't really accomplish what they
Wanted to and in verse 16 I waited because they did not speak because they stood still answered no more
And then he comes in he says I also will answer my part I Too will declare my opinion for I'm full of words and the spirit within me compels me again going back to what
I said before Sometimes you can't you just can't hold it in no more
You've got to be able to in a sense vent and that's what he says He says that he says indeed.
My belly was like wine that has no vent It's ready to burst like new wine skins and and I'll speak that I might find relief
I must Open my lips and answer. It's like talking to the TV again. I don't do that.
By the way, I just want you all know that I'm not judging my wife, but she I'm just saying
I don't do such things There's been a couple of fists thrown at the
TV, too But you get what you get the scene in that and that's really what
I wanted to accomplish here's the scene is that Again, this has been open
An open discussion at least to some extent and Eli has been sitting back. They couldn't make job say
I'm you're right. I'm wrong job couldn't get them to think any differently. So it's been pretty much a stalemate and now
Eli who comes in and Eli who is Going to basically say and he says listen
In verse 20, I'll speak that I might find relief. I must open my lips Let me not
I pray show partiality to anyone nor let me flatter any man for I don't know how to flatter
Else my maker would soon take me away Eli who's going to come and he's going to try to be the the one who settles the if you will this argument that has gone back and forth and He thinks that he has great wisdom and to some extent he does and you'll see that Do you remember before we close?
Do you remember? what Part of the situation was with Job and his friends and that Job couldn't find anybody to speak to God directly for him and That was the thing that frustrated job job to a great extent and we'll see that in the next chapter more so but how
Eli who comes now and Eli who's going to try to speak for God and And What's the danger of that could come out of taking that position of speaking for God Certainly when it comes to the providence of God and we talked about this
Wednesday I think there was a question about that that we had after the dinner How to interpret the providence of God?
And I will just leave us with that as a thought. It's very difficult to interpret the providence of God Because we don't have perfect knowledge
Why do things happen the way they do? Well, we know for sure that whatever
God does is right, right? Great. So I'm not the judge of all the earth. You're right. Absolutely.
We know whatever God does is Pure now that doesn't mean the things that take place of pure But it does mean that whatever
God does he does it according to his purpose and for his own glory and Ultimately for his people for their own good.
That's why it says all things work together. What for good? Doesn't say all things are good
Just says all things work together for good So when it comes to the providence of God and it comes to outward things,
I think we're going to be very careful That we don't again fall into the trap like the three friends they made an assumption and That assumption was the only thing that was before them and Job has been trying to say that's not
The case and it's gone back for now Eli who's gonna come in and he's gonna speak for a while and then then
God's gonna come in And when God comes in guess what? Everybody's gonna be quiet.
Just think about that. You think about that think about in In that day, you know as we just read in Romans 14
Listen in the day of judgment friends in the day when this is finally over There's not good.
It's not gonna be a whole lot of discussion You know, and I'm gonna try to bring this out in the message next week when
I talk about the eternal state People have this thought that That heaven's gonna be like a town hall meeting
Do you ever hear people say things like, you know when I get to heaven when I when I get to heaven I got a lot of questions for God.
Yeah, okay, dude There's not a mouth that'll be open and and people have this almost arrogant thought about They're gonna question
God and God's gonna respond to them and ultimately it's the It's completely opposite says every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess and so You could be a big shot in this world.
I guess what you words, but there ain't gonna be no big shots in the next world Everybody's gonna everybody's gonna be silent and and even there are hints in that in the book of Revelation So, all right, that's really all