Open Air Preaching with a Demon Possessed Heckler


While Open Air Preaching in Union Square, NYC we had a guy that claimed to be the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. He was demon-possessed. This video is educational and entertaining. It will provide some tips for dealing with a crazy heckler that may do anything. However, watch at the end when a person wants some real answers to real questions and the demon-possessed guy does not want it. Learn three tips to control a heckler. Please note: Will claims to be demon-possessed not us. Also, we do not believe that Christians have the authority to cast out demons today.


Ladies and gentlemen, you hear the gentleman over here on the microphone, and he's talking about cancer, about certain foods that could possibly cause cancer.
If you were listening to what he was saying, he was saying that we should always take the safe road.
We should not eat anything that could possibly cause cancer. That's what he was saying.
I kind of agree with some of what he's saying. Now, I grant you I might not agree with all of it,
I happen to be a hunter, so I actually kill what I eat. But, the thing is this, I do agree that we should be safe.
We should err on the side of safety. And here's a side of safety we should err on.
Eat meat. Well, I have no problem eating meat. I already said I'm a hunter, man, I eat what I hunt.
It's this. It's that God himself says that we should think about what will happen to us.
He says here in his word, he says that there is a day of judgment for us, that our bodies will fail one day.
And the gentleman over there is right in this sense, in that there is a day coming when we have to be careful about what we put on our bodies, because our bodies will fail one day.
Our bodies are going to die. And what's going to end up happening then? What God says is we will stand before him, he will be a judge, and he will judge us based on whether we are a good person.
So the question I ask of you is are you a good person here today? How many people here would say that they are a good person?
You would? Alright. One person says he's a good person. Here's the thing, when we look at what that gentleman over there was saying, is we have to be safe if there's any chance of eating something that could possibly have cause cancer.
He said we just shouldn't eat it. However, do we have something within us that could be far worse than that?
I ask whether you consider yourself to be a good person. Here's a simple test to know whether that's true.
It's called the Ten Commandments. Very simply, can you honestly answer these?
Have you ever told a lie? What do you say? You've told a lie. What would that make you? A sinner.
If I lied to you, what would you call me? You'd call me a sinner. A sinner. There's another word for someone that tells lies.
What is it? Someone to help him out. A liar. Okay. Have you ever stolen anything, regardless of value?
Yes, you have. What would that make you? A stealer. A stealer is a football team in Pittsburgh.
Come on. What would that be called? A thief. A thief. Have you ever murdered anyone?
Good. Alright. Have you ever been angry at someone? Okay. Here's what I'm doing. I'm walking them through the
Ten Commandments. Thou shalt not lie. Thou shalt not steal. Thou shalt not murder. You probably feel you're pretty good on the last one, right?
What's your name, sir? Will. Okay. Will, my name's Andrew. Alright.
So Will feels he's probably pretty good on the last one. Is that correct? Okay. Now. Okay. Do not idolize idols.
That's true. We shouldn't. That's it. Well, that's the Second Commandment. I've already got it.
So, Tenth is Thou shalt not covet. I've already got it. Okay. So here's the thing. God's standard is so high.
He says if we even have anger towards someone else, we've committed murder in our heart. God's standard.
He judges what we do. Not just that, but what we think.
That's how high his standard is. God says if we're even angry with someone, we've committed murder in our heart.
If you have answered just as Will has. If you would say yes, I am a liar.
I am a thief. I have committed murder in my heart. If you were one of the 150 ,000 people that are going to die today,
God would judge you. If you admitted to those things, then God would judge you as a liar, a thief, and a murderer at heart.
You wouldn't be innocent. I would be very guilty. By God's standard, I've broken all ten of the
Ten Commandments. He says if you look with lust, you've committed adultery. You broke all ten also.
Here's the thing. I would not want to be judged by God. By God's standard. Because God's standard is one
I cannot keep. I don't know if you think you can. But God's standard is a perfect standard.
He's a just judge. God says he's just judge and he's angry with the wicked every day.
What he's saying there is this. That if we violate his law, even one of his laws, we would be guilty.
And as guilty, he says this in Revelation 21 .8. He says all liars, all liars will have their place in a lake of fire which burns with brimstone, which is called the second death.
Why would I be willing to stand up here and look like a fool on a box for a very simple reason?
Because I want to give you an important message. A message that is a matter of life or death.
A matter that is your eternal life or death. Where will you spend eternity? 150 ,000 people are going to die today.
That's about two people every single second going to eternity. They think they have all their life ahead of them.
But they have no idea. None of us have any idea when we are going to die. The question is, where will you spend eternity?
Alright, what's up? How do you know that?
It was Will, right? Okay, Will, how do you know? Hey, come here, man.
That was good. Will said where there's a Will, there's a Will. He says he's immortal. Where's the book of Will?
It's in your heart, huh? Alright, here's the thing. Now, Will's bringing up a very good question.
The issue is, can we trust our heart? John 1, 12 and 13.
Well, here's the thing. The Bible says our heart is deceitfully wicked and evil.
Why are you pointing over there? Here's the thing. Let me give you a set of Will of man.
Not by my desire to want to be there. In the book of the Lamb. If you're not ready in the book of the
Lamb, it was a burden. Jesus Christ said that he is both God and man.
And we can't comprehend that. But he had to be both God and man to pay the fine for you and I.
Alright, well, I'll grant you half of it. I'll say you're definitely man. How can you prove that?
By just saying it. Well, how do I know you're not lying? And when there's a will, there's a way.
Is that just? Is it fair? Is it fair for a judge to let one person off and send another to prison?
No. So, you're right in a sense. Here's the thing, though. God's still in control. The devil is
God's devil. Here's a simple thing. A simple way of knowing how we would stand.
Alright, so here's the thing. Will, when we stand before God, our heart's not the one that's going to decide.
But how do you know that, Will? Because it's in his heart.
He's trusting his heart. But our hearts can lead us astray. Do me a favor. Spell out loud the word shop for everyone.
Yeah, like when you go to a store. Spell that. What do you do when you come through a green light? Stop. No, you go at a green light.
Your heart just deceived you. I just tricked you with a very simple trick. You can easily be deceived.
We all are deceived a lot of times. Hold on, Will. Let him talk. He's asking this question.
What makes Christianity different? Is that what you're asking, basically? What makes Christianity different than other world religions?
Christianity is not Catholic. And if you're not Catholic, you're not written in the book of the Lamb. He's right that Christianity is different from Catholicism.
I'll agree with that. To make sure that I'm right. I've read the
Quran many times. I've read the Catholic catechism many times. So, hold on. I'm trying to answer his question first.
Hold on, Will. Hold on, Will. Where there's a will, there's a way. So, here's the thing. Here's what