Another Potpourri of Topics, Including the Future of Mormonism


Covered a lot of topics including Don Lemon’s comments from 2013 (and how I said the exact same thing in 2016), as well as his “Jesus wasn’t perfect” comments from yesterday. Looked at a new X-Ray map of the universe, and finished up looking at the future of Mormonism. Visit the store at

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Greetings and welcome to the dividing line! Yes, indeed, we are here and hopefully the electricity will stay on and stuff.
It hasn't gone off. And it's only supposed to be like, what, 110 today, something like that, 109, 110, something like that?
But over the weekend, 116 on Saturday and Sunday and low of 91 or something like that.
I'm not COVID. What's that? I'm not COVID. You blame COVID? might as well everybody else does so yeah it's gonna be it's gonna be toasty here in Phoenix but I mentioned this morning with each passing year it bothers me less and less to be honest with you there's a reason why
Sun City was built in Arizona and not Minnesota there's reason and I just think us older folks the cold just gets you and the heat just after a while sort of like yeah it's hot so what about it anyway
I've been looking at the the neowise comet
I finally found this morning funny thing is I didn't realize I had found it until I looked at the pictures I had taken but so yeah
I ran to the storage room this morning I grabbed my scope and everything I need and I'm gonna try to get out in the morning and get a decent a decent picture of it which means
I'll be setting up my scope at 4 a .m. or something like that to be able to do it but if you get a chance look toward the
Star Capella which is gonna be north of the sunrise and you might be able to see the the comet and its its tail and it's neat to see stuff like that those those are not once -in -a -lifetime things there's actually a lot of comments out there if you know where to look but there's some beautiful stuff up there in the in the sky remember
I showed you the video of the the satellites going overhead to some there's some neat stuff up there
I just I just don't think we spent enough time looking up and I don't mean in the metaphorical sense we all need to look up well actually yes of course if you live in a major city all you see is just haze and dust and particulates and stuff like that but there's some there's some beautiful beautiful stuff up there and it's good to be reminded of that in the midst of all of the negativity that we are surrounded by each and every day
I think we're all being impacted by it I certainly am soon as you get up if you turn if you grab the phone if you do whatever and check what's happened overnight you're just assaulted immediately by the insanity that's going on and the evil that's going on we can't ignore it
I know there are a lot of Christians that would just like to I'm just I'm gonna I'm just I'm gonna worry about it I I guess if you really do have the idea that we're just there's no reason to polish the brass on a sinking ship okay but if you you know
I just don't know how grandparents do this anymore I'm I'm thinking about the grandkids
I'm thinking about what world they're gonna face and what what can I do to to to have some type of positive impact not only in their lives faithfulness but in the society as well so we can't ignore it but at the same time it can't become something that absolutely swallows you up at the same time oh my goodness
I am stunned at some of the stuff that I am seeing someone is trying to start a war in our country very plainly very clearly and so on reddit now
I've never been a reddit person and almost everybody that I have encountered that was a reddit person's a little bit odd you know like red what oh well they're they're conservatives there but but but red and red in Georgia I'm I've seen him talking about reddit and stuff like that so that just gives you an idea that most people they're half bubble off one way or the other anyway so there is a
I just saw this we can no longer allow any content that shows
POC persons of color as the aggressor due to the new reddit updates to its policies and rules as well as administrator conversations with users we can no longer allow any post comments or other content that shows a
POC as the aggressor this is considered hate speech and or harassment towards an important minority group and is no longer allowed this absolutely means any videos as well as news reports photos personal stories data statistics police reports or any other form of media and then
I'm reading about about legislators attempting to introduce legislation that if you are a white person
I realize white person means a lot of people I mean the a historical nature of this social justice movement is stunning it truly is when you think about the civil strife that existed in our nation's history amongst white groups and now they're all just one big amorphous blob remember the problems that the
Italians had that the Irish had that the Irish had with the Italians but we're all just one big mass of people now all those differences all those distinctions things that led to blood in the streets irrelevant doesn't make doesn't make a lick of difference now you're just you're just white and if you're white they are actually introducing legislation that you cannot call the police about activities of people of color now
I'm not sure how you're supposed to figure that out I mean are we all supposed to run around with our family tree on our back now or something like that so you can figure these things out what about people like Obama who was half one half the other day can he can he only call half the police on himself
I can't figure any of this stuff out it's so absurd it's all based upon this idiotic racism that has absolutely taken over everyone's thinking and it is racism it's the it's the old kind of stupid racism but you can't you if you if you call the police on a black person you can be the one that ends up in trouble and you you can't according to this post anything videos news reports photos personal stories data or statistics so over the past month and a half massive numbers of shootings massive numbers of murders in New York Chicago Los Angeles especially far more people died in the past 90 days due to the
BLM destruction of the peace of our society then cops had killed unarmed black people for years
Adam all up it's just don't don't tell me that BLM is concerned about black lives their their activities have resulted in far more black lives being taken and of course since they do not oppose abortion that just blow those numbers up by many many other factors anyway data statistics police reports or any other form of media who was it that was was it here in Arizona or was it nationally
I think was here in Arizona that some of the police or maybe it's the FBI would no longer be publishing mugshots because it could be racially insensitive it it is it is truly like all understanding of basic logic and rationality has been abandoned and then when you mention logic and rationality
Robin DeAngelo runs up and says that's a form of white fragility if you talk about logic if you
I was just reading part of the book if you if you demand facts to back up claims that demonstrates white supremacy and white fragility so you there's no reasoning that well the a there's no reasoning going on and there's no reasoning with such a person you can't have
I might as well just go makes just as much sense because they can interpret it any way they want to interpret that because there's no there's no laws anymore there's no logic there's no words don't have meanings anymore they all get to be changed any way we want that's the end of a civilization that's that's the death throes that's the twitching of the body as the last neurons fire in the brain and and the heart comes to a an end that's what we're looking at if if this is not turned back oh yeah yeah yeah that that whole thing comes from from the idea that you know the
Greeks were the ones who you know pioneered so much of this stuff and they were white even though they're not really white but it again it's all it's all completely made -up categories anyways and it we finally just reached critical mass where there were enough people who had been taught this idiocy without anybody calling it idiocy that they're now marching through the streets and destroying stuff did you see the
Nancy Pelosi video clip today oh she would oh man somebody was they were asking about tearing statues down and she's just she sometimes
Pelosi has this look and she goes people do what people do that's she says people will do what people will do but nobody's above the law but people will do what people do you know who
I held accountable for us for for representative Ilhan and and AOC it's the people that put them in office it's the people that voted for these people that the district that sends
Pelosi back there it's the people in those districts they're the primarily responsible ones when these people engage in type of behavior they're engaging in we literally have members of the government that this is why it's so dangerous is that it's one thing when you have people outside but it's when it's people in the government saying we need to tear it all down we need to burn it all down when you destroy it that's when you really really really start to wonder what on earth is going on now we all saw this
I think I I simply had to bring this up I just had to because Rich just said this will get us kicked off YouTube for sure
I don't think so because everybody's playing this and I have predicted
I've made the prediction that Don Lemon last night
Tucker Carlson was talking about this but he didn't call him Don Lemon he called him
Lemon something like that I didn't know that anything had changed
I don't know I don't watch CNN I don't watch
MSNBC what I see is what bleeds out when when the insanity meter explodes and some of it escapes and people go can you believe this so you see screen captures and stuff like that and it's pretty wild but here is a video from seven years ago now as things are changing in Western society seven years is like studying antiquity all of a sudden
I saw a study recently that said that racism and racial tensions had reached their minimum under Bush and then under Obama exploded which is interesting but that a large portion of black
Americans were very satisfied with race relationships back then so here's 2013 and here's
Don Lemon whatever what whatever
Tucker Carlson's got to know all these guys he's got him just just listen and and yeah here we go jury has reached its verdict one that everyone must accept it's time now for some tough love on the subject someone on another network got the chance to go first because I couldn't go during the week
I'm only here on the weekend so listen to this the reason there is so much violence and chaos in the black precincts is the disintegration of the african -american family he's got a point in fact he's got more than a point bill raise without much structure young black men often reject education and gravitate towards the street culture drugs hustling gangs nobody forces them to do that again it is a personal decision he is right about that too but in my estimation he doesn't go far enough because black people if you really want to fix the problem here's just five things that you should think about doing here's number five and if this doesn't apply to you if you're not doing this then it doesn't apply to you
I'm not talking about you here's number five pull up your pants some people a lot of them black gave me flack for saying that recently on the
Wendy Williams show if you're sagging it means I think it's your self -esteem is sagging and who you are as a person it's sagging young people need to be taught respect and there are rules sagging pants whether it's
Justin Bieber or no -name Derek around the way walking around with your ass and your underwear showing is not okay in fact it comes from prison when they take away belts from the prisoner so that they can't make a weapon and then it evolved into which role a prisoner would have during mail on mail prison sex the one with the really low pants is a submissive one you get my point number four now is the n -word for our generation what we did was we took the word and we took the power out of that word we took this word and we made it into poetry
I understand poetic license but consider this I hosted a special on the n -word suggesting that black people stop using it and that entertainers stop deluding yourselves or themselves and others that you're somehow taking the word back by promoting the use of that word when it's not germane to the conversation have you ever considered that you may just be perpetuating the stereotype the master intended acting like a nigger a lot of african -americans took offense to that too and I wondered if I gave the right advice
I really did but confirmation came the very next day on my way home when I exited the subway on 125th
Street in Harlem this little kid in a school uniform no older than seven years old he was crying his eyes out as he walked down the sidewalk with his mother
I'm gonna be honest here she turned to him and she said I'm sick of you you act like an old -ass man stop all that crying nigger is that taking the word back think about that now number three respect where you live start small by not dropping trash littering in your own communities
I've lived in several predominantly white neighborhoods in my life I rarely if ever witnessed people littering
I live in Harlem now it's an historically black neighborhood every single day I see adults and children dropping their trash on the ground when a garbage can is just feet away just being honest here number two finish school you want to break the cycle of poverty stop telling kids are acting white because they go to school or they speak proper
English a high school dropout makes on average $19 ,000 a year a high school graduate makes $28 ,000 a year a college graduate makes $51 ,000 a year over the course of a career a college grad will make nearly a million dollars more than a high school graduate that's a lot of money and number one and probably the most important just because you can have a baby it doesn't mean you should especially without planning for one or getting married first more than 72 % of children in the african -american community are born out of wedlock that means absent fathers and the studies show that lack of a male role model is an express train right to prison and the cycle continues so please black folks as I said if this doesn't apply to you
I'm not talking to you pay attention to and think about what has been presented in recent history as acceptable behavior pay close attention to the hip -hop and rap culture that many of you embrace a culture that glorifies everything
I just mentioned thug and reprehensible behavior a culture that is making a lot of people rich just not you and it's not going to that said though the political right is not off the hook okay let me let me just let me just say something really obvious here if this man said those words today on CNN he would not be allowed to empty out his desk as he was thrown out of the building right that would be considered hate speech he would be canceled immediately seven years seven years some of you dispensationalists are going seven years wrong nope that's not we're talking about seven years what has happened to this man and do you remember it wasn't seven years ago that I said the exact same thing
I actually have that article that dividing line right up here on the screen that was
March 30th 2016 with the picture of the young man who fit everything every he just said everything but you said it and kaboom kaboom you racist and from many
Christians yep said the exact same things why because there's true it's just true it's it's it's common sense true it's every meaningful study that isn't perverted by money true it is it is an inviolable reality that if you'll get married before you have sex and before you have children and if you'll graduate from high school and if you won't do drugs you'll get along pretty well you used to be able to get along pretty well in this nation no matter what your color was no matter what your ethnicity was those are just facts that's just the reality of life and Don limo limo whatever said it said it clearly said it appropriately will he say that today of course not and now that this clip is going all over the place my prediction this morning was he's gonna have to come out and address it and when he does so we're gonna get an insight into why so many black evangelicals who were saying the same things in 2010 and 2013 and it was unremarkable because it's just basic common -sense morality are no longer saying those things he didn't blame white people he didn't defend the pants around the thighs stuff
I didn't even know some of that stuff I okay naive guy but it makes sense that it comes out of the prisons it makes sense that that's what it's referring to it makes sense that it's disrespect everyone's always known it was disrespectful but now you're supposed to go it's an artifact of a certain culture and we're supposed to celebrate it
I will never celebrate a man sticking his derriere in my face it's not gonna happen and any culture that tries to promote the celebration of that is a culture that will not last long it has no foundation upon which to I didn't know about it no
I just knew it was disrespectful I just I just knew that it was a fundamentally disrespectful thing and I had seen wise
Christian men especially older wise Christian men in the black community and what are they always bringing up pull your pants up because they know what it means they know what it represents they recognize the rebellion and that it's not gonna lead you to a good place they were saying it but I couldn't say it we all know we saw what's the what's the what's the guy the football football
Terry Terry Crews been getting ripped up one side and down the other for being an
American for being an American who recognizes that we have to stand together he's courageous man he was on with Don Lemon and Don Lemon won't let him talk so what has happened to him in seven years
I'll be interested in hearing because he's gonna have to address it this is gone that clip has gone everywhere so he's gonna have to address it he's got to talk about it now you all probably also saw this morning another
Don Lemon clip he's everywhere here here we here we have now
Cuomo is sitting here in Cuomo obviously is culturally
Roman Catholic okay I mean that's that's the only way to put it I I refuse to blame
Rome that's just not fair all right that is just not fair now
I would love if and I think
I heard about one but they're there in the minority I would love if some Roman Catholic priest in New York not that I doubt he
I doubt he ever goes to mass but would just stand up and say
I ain't no mm -hmm you mm -hmm get out of the line not not doing it do something show some interest in church discipline but that's if in the days of Pope Francis that's not gonna happen that's that's just the reality
Cuomo just sits there nodding as Don Lemon demonstrates that he doesn't know a lot about theology did he know more about theology seven years ago
I don't know everything he said in that clip was common -sense stuff it really was wasn't necessarily it was it was back from when the
Christian worldview still was having a little bit of impact it's sort of like over the past seven years all of a sudden it just the momentum just went and so many people just said yay let's run with this to our self -destruction but this one popped up popped up this morning engaged in a discussion but here's the thing
Jesus Christ if you believe in if you that that's who you believe in Jesus Christ admittedly was not perfect when he was here on this earth so why are we deifying the founders of this country okay so he doesn't know who
Christians think Jesus is or has forgotten who Christians think Jesus is and was what does that what does any of that have to do with the false accusation of deifying the founders of this country
I'm guessing they were probably talking about you know getting rid of Washington and and you know there's that famous picture of the
Constitutional Congress and someone last year sometimes sometime in 2019 before all the violence started actually put a red dot on the face of everyone who either had slaves or didn't oppose slavery there are very few people very few people to never read dots on their faces and that you know the 1619 project and all that stuff which is fundamentally meant could never have existed back in the days when people still studied history in a meaningful fashion had you know you actually had to read about history and know something about the subject we don't do it anymore history became part of the political polemics in public education a long time ago and I remember back in the 80s when people started sounding the alarm hey do you see what these these textbooks are doing these textbooks are changing our history they're they're becoming books to advocate for leftism and people are complaining about it but probably the one
Union you cannot possibly fight is the teachers Union so and they were they were thoroughly taken over a long long long long long long time ago so he may be the product of that educational system but he doesn't know we believe but what does that any of this have to do with the founding father it doesn't none of you and I will experience constant dissonance and disconnect because we continue to seek to think in a in a way that big brother must destroy and and and wash out of our minds that's what 1984 was all about that's what the
Stasi prison in East Germany was all about these are things we talked about so many times before and yet now we have people now we are watching these people they are not just in our society they are seeking to take over our society they are seeking to fundamentally cripple our society and it is obvious with the number of people who are being banned from YouTube banned from Facebook there they've got a list and they're just working down it that's why you need to have a omen org bookmarked because it's not gonna be long before big brother gets to us we're small fries right now but they're doing it they're working through they're working through the list and they're just getting rid of people right and left because what you need to understand is totalitarian leftists cannot debate remember how childish and and that's why we didn't take it seriously but remember when you would see people coming into classrooms and when you try to talk with them all they do is sit there and scream like they're a two -year -old well not even two -year -old
I'm a one -year -old and yet they're 22 years of age they they cannot reason with you the young lady who was talking to the elderly black man who was trying to protect the statue he's he's still functioning on the old world logic rationality truth a meaningful foundation for justice and equality and all the the good things that flow from a recognition of God's law you listen to her responding and she cannot respond in with logical thought she cannot reason all she has is a a data bank of slogans and when someone contradicts one of the slogans all she can do is repeat it because she doesn't the slogan is not connected to a rational thought process it's based upon falsehoods but they're indefensible and so you can't all you can do is just keep repeating them you can't defend them so you can't engage in debate and things like that and so the left has to shut down all dissent and that's what
Pravda was about Pravda means truth in Russian I remember
I as a kid I was precocious and I watched the evening news with great interest and so I remember plainly and clearly
Walter Cronkite Walter Cronkite was one of the first voices that I can remember in my life seriously my mom my dad and Walter Cronkite I've told you the story
I don't have it in here but I have it somewhere in my office
I think it's I think is over my office I have a letter I got from Richard Millhouse Nixon when
I wrote a letter about what was going on in Laos the Vietnam War and I was in first grade first grade right so I've been listening this stuff for a long long time and so I remember you know people warning about what was coming
I just could never imagine that it would take the form that it's taking right now and the destruction of our cultural memory
I had a brief exchange with a young I think black lady on Twitter yesterday and she was very upset about what
I said I I have made the commitment I'm the only time
I will see any NFL or NBA sports is if they reopen my favorite little
Italian place to go eat because they normally have sports playing there I will not turn it on at home
I will not I will not bring it up they're gonna be having they're gonna have Black Lives Matter on the on the courts the
NBA and and and at the for the beginning of the NFL games they're gonna have a second national anthem a black national anthem and I've objected to this and she was like it's a beautiful song and we've sung it in church and I'm sure you have and I'm sure it's beautiful but you don't what you don't understand is once you start having multiple national anthems that nation is doomed well it's not only back segregation the nation is doomed you can't have multiple flags we should have learned that what was what was
Iraq all about what was one of the main problems you know why was Saddam Hussein the kind of man that he was because it took
Saddam Hussein to hold Iraq together because Iraq is not one nation Iraq is three nations the
Kurds the Shiites and the Sunnis and the only way to hold that thing together is with an iron fist and so what happens when we start dividing up along the same way you start having multiple national anthems instead of one national anthem that unifies us as Americans one flag that unifies us as Americans what is being done is a specific attack upon that thin fabric that holds this culture together and it's ripping and shredding all around us it's ripping and shredding all around us the result will be catastrophic it will be catastrophic the lives that will be lost now it can happen in many different ways there will be violence there will be violence there's no question there was violence right now there's lives being lost right now it's it's
Thursday so starting tomorrow through to Monday morning want to take a sad guess as to how many people will die how many children will die in Chicago New York Atlanta Los Angeles the rates of murder and shooting have gone through the roof why because there's no respect for law defund the police rampage to the streets and call these folks peaceful process protesters and make sure that it's the leaders of the government that are saying those things and the result loss of life loss of life people crippled for life
I'm taking wild guess as to how many there's going to be this weekend it's gonna be a big number it could be a number that will dwarf all the numbers of people all the numbers of black because it's because 97 % of the people have been killed so far in this violence are black people so the irony here is just as you had in the
Soviet Union Pravda everybody knew that what was printed in the magazine or the newspaper called truth was not truth so black lives matter makes a statement with words that is contradictory to what they actually practice they're willing to sacrifice all the black lives they need to accomplish their goals which is the destruction of the
Constitutional form United States of America and the establishment of themselves as the elites with power they'll sacrifice all the black lives they want because black lives do not matter to them black lives matter politically as a tool and once you embrace
Marxism that's all you've got because the Marxist worldview has no foundation to fill in the meaning of that word matters matters to the state matters to the advancement of the state matters to the continuation of the state whatever but it can't be matters as in because it's made in the image of God that that's no longer possibility and that's what we're facing that's we're facing so I had some other things here let me oh well let's let's do let me see what this is okay did you see
I made this lady famous well it may not have been me but I did I did push this did we talk about this in last program okay
I remember when I talked if I did since then
I have seen this go absolutely viral because I talked about and this she's poor
Brittany is not the first young lady to say this but nope the idea of two plus two equaling four is cultural and because of Western imperialism colonization we think of it as the only way of knowing
I'm thankful that people people starting to see this because we've talked about it before this season she's not the first one to do this but people that this is so foundational that it's helping people to think presupposition
Lee they're they're actually going but if two plus two equaling four is cultural as part of imperialism and colonization you you have to know that to build a building two plus two always has to equal four when building a building and when building an airplane or a car or a bridge well let's not talk about that there if they go that far everything falls apart yeah that that's what deconstruction is it's everything falls apart and then out of the ashes you build the new utopian society all based on the negation of and the denial of the biblical concept of man that's what this is all about well it's a biblical
God first and foremost but the biblical God has spoken about man and the reason we set the government of the
United States up the way that we did was to defuse power why because the founders recognized in King George what happens when power corrupts they had if not by personal faith many of them did but it but the understanding of the sinfulness of man that's why when
Benjamin Franklin was asked when he comes out what what have you all done well you've you've got a republic if you can keep it if you can keep it remember the
French Revolution was going on at the same time and it collapsed in upon itself because of its utter detestation of the
Christian worldview its attempt to deify reason it didn't work damaged everything but did not work and so two plus two equaling four is not cultural as not to do with Western imperialism has nothing to do with colonization and it would have been nice if the people with PhDs initially started pushing this stuff could have been forced into doing moderated public debates where they would have collapsed under cross examination by anyone who knews they were talking about and as a result they lose their job and not promote this kind of idiocy in our in our universities but that's not what happened that's not what happened no kidding now on the on the positive side of things
I wanted to show you this just saw it this morning one of the things that has really bothered me about what's going on is there's so much neat progress going on in real scientific research and in launching and making functional telescopes and see most people think of as a long thing with lenses in it you know like I said
I went and got my my scope which means I had to carry a about a 60 -pound thing out to my car not including the stand that I'll take out at 3 something in the morning and try to quietly without bothering the neighbors get it assembled in the dark and that is a that's obviously a telescope but our eyes see a very small fraction of the electromagnetic spectrum and some of the most amazing images have come from the fact that we now have infrared ultraviolet so in other words telescopes that can see what we can't see and then we have the radio telescopes those massive massive beasts out in Chile and out in the desert in New Mexico the various arrays that allow us to grab hold of even the faintest that's how we continue to communicate with Voyager for example voyagers one and two that are now in interstellar space but we we still are in contact with them which is an amazing thing and then one of the most fascinating things we developer is
X -ray telescopes which you know like a like an
X -ray machine it looks out at the universe in that spectrum that area the spectrum which are called
X -rays and so they just released a new X -ray map of the universe and that's what it looks like now
I I'll confess I'm not exactly sure how all of that works but this is this is mapping it's like six months of mapping
X -ray sources all across the sky and so this is the compilation of those images and I don't know how to explain all that stuff but it just gives me the feeling you know we we tend to think that we are so hyper intelligent now and we know so much more than ancient man did cuz ancient man can you imagine showing this to ancient man can you imagine showing this to to Abraham Lincoln okay no context in which to even begin to understand any of this or what it represents or anything like it but it does strike me that as we learn these things as we see these things it would be like ants in an ant farm developing the technology to look out of the ant farm and see into an aquarium across the room you know wonder what that is because there would be no way to I mean how can ants begin to conceive of fish swimming in an aquarium or maybe next to that a gerbil in one of those habitat things where it can go all over the place we we look at this stuff and we're starting to understand some fraction of it but there's just so much we do not understand it is it's beautiful I mean
I really think that I think it's gorgeous but don't worry
I know all color is assigned I get it there's no such thing as color in x -ray so what what they're doing is they're attaching a color to a part of the spectrum in the x -ray band so that you can see the differentiations you can see the x -ray band up there in the right hand corner but I think it's really cool that we have this kind of stuff coming out and God's creation is neat okay you can take that down and now for the end of the program
I think I sent this to you this morning yeah
I did this was posted a fellow up in I'll just say a fellow up in Utah how's that sent me sent me this from Lenny Lenny okay let's play this way
I could not have imagined what
I'm about to read to you as I stood outside the Mormon temple during the first general conference where we passed out tracks could not have if you had told me because that was 80 83 okay so if you had told me in less than 40 years that I'd be reading this kind of thing
I don't think I could have handled it but here's here's
Lenny I want to be Mormon but I want to be the kind of Mormon who says black lives matter who fights for full
LGBTQ plus inclusion including temple ceilings who wants to see women ordained that would be the priesthood who reads tarot cards instead of patriarchal blessings who prays to Heavenly Mother well they're already ones that do that I want to be the kind of Mormon who thinks a lot of our past presidents were jerks yeah that the
Gnostics were on to something that the Nephites were often the bad guys in the
Book of Mormon who believes Mormons don't have exclusive truth and who holds personal revelation as the highest truth now man alive there are so many things every time
I am sent something from up in Salt Lake City about the the collapse of the
Mormon Church on LGBTQ plus issues I get it it forces me to think through okay the reason it doesn't make any sense to me is because Mormonism has a gendered
God Mormonism has a male deity he has a physical body of flesh and bones and he has male genitalia because he begets children with his physical wives he has relations with them they have the female parts and he has the male parts and so the last people if before all this started hitting the last people
I would have expected to be jumping on the LGBTQ bandwagon were the
Mormons because especially that T is just so destructive of any reading even of the
Book of Mormon Joseph Smith was way out there but he wasn't that far out there even he never dreamed of something like that I mean he got the polyamory thing going yeah
I got the polygamy thing going but not the you can be a man one day and woman the next so once I started seeing over and over again this the
Mormon Church just giving in just collapsing on these issues and not taking meaningful strong stands at all it just makes you wonder why and the why is also revealed in these two tweets especially the last line who believes
Mormons don't have exclusive truth and who holds personal revelation as the highest truth well that's
Mormonism that's Mormonism holds personal revelation is the highest truth so here you have a woman who still at the moment cannot hold the priesthood and hence really has no spiritual authority whatsoever to be saying any of these things from the old -style
Mormon perspective of things anyways now her personal revelation is the highest truth more so than prophets presidents more so than the
Book of Mormon that kind of subjectivity has always been the key defining factor of Mormonism always has been can't
I can't remember how many hours I have spent talking with Mormons about this very issue about this very thing that there needed to be an objective revelation you can't you can't use the word truth if you don't have an objective revelation it's it's been a part of the system and you you can't argue it out you can't redefine it out and I think the leadership of the church is sitting up there in Salt Lake City and they know what the next generation actually believes they know what's coming out of BYU they've tried to do something about it but they've failed and this is what you the
Gnostics were on to something well that does if that doesn't tell you something yeah yeah there you and the
Nephites were often the bad guys in the Book of Mormon well that's interesting past presidents were jerks what do you want to bet at the top of the jerk list
Bruce R. McConkie Bruce R.
McConkie oh you bet who are you thinking well okay yeah
I guess yeah I mean they've already thrown Brigham Young under the bus I was thinking more modern people well he wasn't a president though McConkie wasn't a president but I'm sure she would include
McConkie in the list yeah Wow but how do you get temple ceilings for transgender individuals these people are pushing for same -sex marriage to be blessed in the
Mormon temple what does that even look like how can you can you see the old -time
Mormons down in Manti putting up with this no
I can't either I can't either temple ceilings wants to see women ordained so the
Aaronic and Melchizedek priesthoods given to women just think about what all this means to LDS theology if you don't understand
LDS theology you may be going yeah but what is this who reads tarot cards instead of patriarchal blessings what is that I guess it look
I've always known that there was a spiritualistic side because of you know doing all the stuff for the dead and I could tell you some hair -raising stories from the years of ministering
Mormons on on that particular subject but Wow and there there are a few likes and repostings of these these statements you know every no
I you know what I don't think so I don't think so all right is everybody overplaying their hands is there gonna be a pushback
I don't know I don't know but all
I know is that kind of stuff scares the old old old men who run the
Mormon Church to death scares him to death or if it doesn't scare them to death it scares the younger people who hope to become the old old men that run the
Mormon Church it scares them to death because they're gonna wonder what they're gonna have left once they are finally in charge what surprises me is what would
Ezra Taft Benson have done with these people can you imagine the list of excommunications that he would have issued he may be the last president that had a backbone yeah because you really haven't had anybody since him no no no that's true it's true yeah
Mormonism is changing I've said for a long long time I don't know what it's gonna end up looking like I don't think anybody does but it's not gonna look much like it does today and there's gonna be a lot of power struggles because they've got a lot of money a lot of money that's under the control of that of that group so anyway so tomorrow we're supposed to do the sweater vest dialogues no
I thought 11 that was at 9 I think wasn't it no no