WATCH: Steven Furtick DISGRACES Moses!

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to the channel where the Bible and critical thinking meet to give you real
Christian commentary about the things that matter. Thanks so much for watching, let's get into the video. So Stephen Furtick is the pastor of Elevation Church in Charlotte, North Carolina.
His church is one of the most popular in the nation, in fact, and his sermons are watched every week by thousands of people.
But many of these people don't stop to ask themselves whether or not Stephen Furtick is biblical, because many of them simply don't care if he is.
They like his enthusiasm, his style of speaking, and they don't mind if his message isn't in accordance with Scripture, as long as he keeps the same pep in his step that he usually has.
Because hey, at least Stephen's not one of those biblical preachers who wears a suit and tie and puts you to sleep every
Sunday, right? At least he's not one of those guys. I mean, who cares if we're honoring God as long as we feel entertained in our own hearts, right?
That's all that matters. That's why we go to church today, isn't it? But there are some people who listen to Stephen Furtick, who watch my channel, or frankly, who simply read their
Bible and realize how often he says ridiculous and unbiblical things from the pulpit. And I'm very thankful that the
Lord in His grace has shown some of these people the truth. Here I have for you today an example of this happening in real time, an example of the foolishness coming out of Elevation Church.
Watch this clip of Stephen Furtick as he talks about Moses. He goes,
Oh my Lord. This is in Exodus 4 .10. O -M -G. He says, O -M -L.
He's like, I'm not eloquent. So let's talk about this foolishness using three biblical points, shall we?
Number one, Stephen Furtick says that Moses saying, Oh my Lord, in Exodus 4 .10 is like a person today saying,
O -M -G. This statement is inaccurate, blasphemous, and a disgusting misrepresentation of one of the most faithful men of God who ever lived.
There are many reasons why Stephen is wrong, the first of which being that Moses is actually talking directly to God in Exodus 4 .10.
The context here matters, and in this case, the context is Exodus 4 .8, which says, quote, Then the
Lord said, end quote, and then it offers what the Lord said. You see, the Lord has just spoken directly to Moses, and that's why the following passage reads, quote,
Moses said to the Lord, O my Lord, I am not eloquent either in the past or since you have spoken to your servant, but I am slow of speech and of tongue.
So when Moses says, O my Lord, he is not irreverently saying some little quip when he stubs his toe or forgets to do his homework on time.
No, obviously, that's not how we should refer to God. Moses is offering a legitimate response to God himself in conversation.
He's not using the Lord's name in vain or his title in vain. In fact, Moses himself wrote Exodus 20, verse 7, which says, quote,
You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain. Moses is simply exclaiming that he is shocked the
Lord chose him for the task of freeing the Israelites given his severe speech impediment. To compare a modern person saying
OMG when talking to their friends to Moses saying, O my Lord, when talking to God, this is a total misrepresentation of the character of Moses and a denial of the context of the verse.
This brings me to point number two. Why does Stephen Furtick do this stuff and why does he do it with such regularity?
Well, that's an easy one to answer. He does this because it provides an opportunity to make a pop culture reference in front of his adoring fans and appear as some sort of a cool pastor, whatever that means.
He wants people steeped in the culture to know he's just like them. He's totally relatable to them.
Unfortunately, being just like them means that he too has to dishonor the name and title of God flippantly by saying
OMG like some teenage schoolgirl who just opened up a Valentine's Day card from the captain of the football team.
This is the behavior of an immature simpleton, not the behavior of one of the nation's most popular men of God.
But that's where we're at, folks. This is what the big pastors and the big church leaders often do. They are absolutely desperate for attention from people.
So desperate, in fact, that they will fight tooth and nail to make any cultural reference on stage that they can, no matter how much they have to twist
Scripture to make it fit the occasion. But the Bible warns us about these kinds of teachers, those who want to become friends of the culture, friends of the world.
James 4 .4 says, quote, whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God. You see, you can either be a popular pastor by your own unbiblical methods, or you can fight to be a biblical pastor by God's grace.
Rest assured, the pastors who seek the approval of man will get it. But that will be their only reward. This brings me to point number three.
Some of you may now be asking, why does this matter, Colin? It's just a little mistake, right? It's just a little slip of the tongue, right?
Wrong. There are at least two reasons why this matters, and why this is a big deal, but there are probably dozens more reasons out there.
The first reason this matters is that it gives young people who listen to Stephen Furtick an excuse to say,
Oh my Lord, in an irreverent way. Many people who watch Stephen Furtick say, Oh my God, when their car won't start, or when they get to the store and realize that they don't sell the chips they were looking for.
These are hardly situations that warrant the use of God's name or His title as a passing remark or exclamation.
But many Stephen Furtick fans will think that using God's name or His title in this way is perfectly acceptable under all circumstances.
Why do they think that? Because after all, Moses did the same thing. That's the message that we're getting here, and it's a serious problem.
Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. The second reason this matters is that it dishonors the legacy of Moses as a great man of God based on something that didn't even happen in the text.
The fact is, though, Moses was not perfect, and he didn't get to enter the Promised Land because of sin that he committed.
That's all true, and it's very sad. But regardless, in Hebrews chapter 11 there is a list of people who lived by faith as good examples for us
Christians. One of these people was Moses. Hebrews 11 .23 says, By faith
Moses, when he was born, was hidden for three months by his parents, because they saw that the child was beautiful, and they were not afraid of the king's edict.
Moses was a great man, and no doubt one that we should look up to, but Stephen Furtick thinks that Moses said
OMG as a passing remark, right to God's own face, so to speak. Stephen Furtick thinks that Moses was an irreverent and reckless man who dishonored
God in his very presence. And of course, he does this, again, based on his own convoluted and improper analysis of the passage.
In doing so, Furtick shows us once again how truly and utterly unqualified he actually is, and why we should all boycott him.
So in conclusion, in the clip you just watched, Furtick butchers the word of God in order to make some convoluted pop culture reference in front of his adoring fans.
In doing so, he disgraces Moses and gives license to his audience to dishonor God with flippant remarks of OMG and OML whenever they want.
Don't listen to him or preachers like him. Find a good sound teacher of God's Word who preaches it with accuracy and with reverence.
And please, pray for Furtick and his audience that they would repent of all this foolishness and turn to the truth of God's Word.
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And until next time, fight for truth, never surrender, and keep your eyes open. Thank you and God bless.