"Woke AD" Weighs in on "The Slap" and Twitter "Racism" Allegedly

AD Robles iconAD Robles



Hi, this is woke ad Robles. And before we begin, I've just been on a roller coaster the last 24 hours.
And first off, who's still masked up? I mean, human flourishing masked up for human flourishing.
We've got to stay safe out there. I know that people have moved on. But lives literally depend on you obeying
CDC guidelines from you know, from from last year. I mean, we have to make sure we can't be too careful here.
Francis Collins is definitely right when he says, do whatever the government tells you.
But anyway, I just wanted to say that I was just I was awe inspired.
I was awe inspired by the display that I saw at the Academy Awards 2022.
I always look forward to the awards because it's just such a wholesome reminder of America and what makes us so great.
And the diversity and the artistic creativity of our country. And then when
I saw Will Smith, just a beautiful black man with with such a strong reminder of the kinds of things that the church should be doing.
Now the church has historically been a an agent for for harm to be done to our sexual minorities.
And I for one, I'm sick of it. And I want to stand against all of the harm that the church has perpetrated upon the sexual minorities amongst us.
And, and I think that this is such what happened at the Oscars was just such a good allegory of what should be happening.
Will Smith represents the church and what the church should be doing. Now Chris Rock, of course, over here.
He represents all of the, the worst, the worst that evangelicals can be.
I mean, Chris Rock is like JD Hall. He's cracking jokes.
He thinks it's funny, but it's not funny. The lives and the flourishing of sexual minorities depends on us being more like Will Smith.
You see, Will Smith is an ally for sexual minorities. He's an ally and he stands up for their dignity, dignity.
And he does it in a powerful yet merciful way. And the open hand represents everything that we should be.
Yes, forceful when we're standing up for the needs of the oppressed. And yet at the same time, not too aggressive so that we're not inflicting permanent harm.
I guess you could say it was just such a beautiful moment. And I just wanted to share that with you.
I think this is such a, an example for the church and how we should behave in internet squabbles when you've got someone coming at you with all kinds of hurtful rhetoric, joking, and things of that nature.
Give him the proverbial slap, just like that. Don't inflict too much harm, but forceful enough to get your point across and then you can sashay your way off the stage.
I think that the reward for that behavior, just like with Will Smith, the reward will be great.
You will win best actor of the year. Beautiful, beautiful, but so I was on a emotional and spiritual high after I saw that, but then
I saw one of the literally the most racist things I have ever seen in my life from another professed
Christian. I just I just could not believe this message from at also a carpenter,
Bradley Mason. Now, Bradley, I don't know where you come off. I simply don't.
I just, it's hard to even know where to begin with this tweet. Let me just read it. I should have taken a few
Xanax today, but I just I forgot. Okay, anyway. I don't know, but I'm happy to trade our gun culture for an open hand culture.
Right, Bradley blacks and their guns. That's, that's, that's what you people think about.
It's like, Oh, yeah, you know, you see two black people, and you expect them to be sagging their pants and, and pointing their glocks at each other, and just shooting.
That's what you expect. You think that all black people, I guess, if someone like you, you see two black people on stage, and you and what you think of is, yeah, they're doing 187 is all up in there.
They're putting the clap into that boy, put a cap up in there. partner. Know what
I'm saying? I mean, I guess I guess that's all they are. Sorry, I just got a little excited there. Where was
I? And now you're you're happy because they're slapping each other instead of shooting each other.
Yeah, that's what you think you think black people before they were only shooting each other. That's all they did. And now they're just slapping each other.
Is that what is that what black people are to you just violent people? I just can't believe this is the most racist thing
I've ever seen. I've known so many, so many beautiful, black and brown brothers and sisters in Christ that have never done anything violent to one another ever before.
And here you are making a mockery of this. You think it's cute. You think it's a joke to reduce black people into violent acts towards each other, exchanging guns, or I'm sorry, slaps for guns.
I know you think you're helping Bradley. But you're not helping.
All you're doing is reinforcing negative stereotypes towards our black brothers and sisters in Christ. And I for one will not stand for it.
Consider this a video version of the slap. You've been served.