F4F | Andy Stanley Claims God Wrote Genesis 1 Because Ancients Were Stupid?!


The Greatest Biblical Expert Who Ever Lived And His View of the Bible - http://www.piratechristian.com/captains-log/2014/01/30/the-greatest-biblical-expert-who-ever-lived-and-his-view-of-the-bible Case for a Creator https://amzn.to/43ZU9zd Darwin's Doubts https://amzn.to/46ad4cC Signature in the Cell: DNA and the Evidence for Intelligent Design https://amzn.to/3Xc4Zjb The Natural Sciences Know Nothing of Evolution https://amzn.to/42Lgi30 Support Fighting for the Faith Join Our Crew: http://www.piratechristian.com/join-our-crew Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/PirateChristian Merchandise: https://www.moteefe.com/store/pirate-christian-merch/ Fighting for the Faith Radio Program: http://fightingforthefaith.com Social Media Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/piratechristian Twitter: https://twitter.com/piratechristian Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/piratechristian/ Video Sermons https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3F7uxFcG5dgyk4--OYgwPQ Sermons http://www.kongsvingerchurch.org/sermons Sunday Schools http://www.kongsvingerchurch.org/bible-teaching Bible Software Used in this Video: https://www.accordancebible.com Video Editing Software: https://adobe.ly/2W9lyNa Video Recording Software: https://www.ecamm.com Scripture quotations are from The ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Scripture quoted by permission. Quotations designated (NET) are from the NET Bible® copyright ©1996-2016 by Biblical Studies Press, L.L.C. http://netbible.com http://netbible.com/ All rights reserved.


Welcome to another installment of fighting for the faith. My name is Chris Roseboro. I am your servant in Jesus Christ This is the channel that compares what people are saying in the name of God to the
Word of God hot -button topic Evolution what happens when your pastor decides that he's going to oppose creation gonna disagree with the
Genesis account and try to find a way to finagle and defend a goal and in Maneuver in evolutionary theory and say it's totally up.
It's totally okay for you as a Christian to believe in evolutionary theory This is the episode where we're gonna listen to Andy Stanley talk this way
And then I'm gonna give you an a good biblical argument against it Aside from Genesis 1 and 2 and 3 which by themselves are a great biblical argument against evolution
But I'll give you a little bit more oomph behind it if you would and then I'll give you some resources on How to do some research on this so that you can
You can bone up and be ready to deal with this because evolutionary theory. Oh my goodness. It isn't even science
You know and I'll explain why I believe that so let's let's whirl up the desktop so desktop is world up and here we have
Andy Stanley Andy Stanley, hmm and Funny thing about this particular soundbite.
So it was originally published back on April 11th 2023 by the dissenter dot substack dot -com folks.
You can find them in at disnt are on Twitter and Great account follow.
I mean they put some solid stuff out and when they posted this up I asked to ask them. Do you have the where the original sermon is for this and they couldn't find it.
It's like I Like to I like to see things in context, but at last in this particular case
I'm not able to and you're gonna note that that's not gonna make any difference But you know, what do we do as Christians?
How do we defend the biblical creation? I'm gonna give you a great argument to defend it and And a free resource with that and then also
I'll give you some bibliography But so note here the dissenter has noted that Andy Stanley denying the creation account says
God only tells us about creation Genesis to quote accommodate our capacity
That's right. You're gonna find out Why did God that you know if we evolved from grandma and grandpa amoeba and who?
Jumped into a tree and then became apes and then fell out of the tree as human beings Why then why does the creation account say that God created the heavens and the earth in six days?
Solar days by the way, there was evening there was morning the first day 24 hour days
Why why why does it say that and so apparently it's because humanity was just too stupid
That can't make this stuff up apparently Andy Stanley's capacity is much greater than the rest of us
Well, actually, I think Andy would say that human capacity is much greater now than it was, you know
You know 5 ,000 years ago because apparently anyway, you get the idea So he Andy Stanley's figured this out.
He knows what God means. So listen to this. This is this is breathtakingly brazen
Heresy, but let's look there's no necessary conflict between evolution and theism what?
There is a conflict between evolution and Christianity Christianity isn't mere theism
Say I how many seconds did I get it for I got it four seconds into this and and already
I have to comment Because here's the thing theism is a philosophical position that basically says I believe in the existence of a
God Do you know that? worshippers of Zeus are
Theists did you know that worshippers of Shiva? Vishnu and Deities like that.
In fact worshippers of Allah. They are theists There is a necessary conflict between evolution and Christianity Keep that in mind and I'll explain why there is a necessary conflict because if it didn't go down The way it describes it in Genesis 1 2 & 3 we're in trouble because Jesus affirmed that Uh -huh.
I'll explain. Let's keep going because evolution is a means Theism says there was an agent there one person
Again Christianity isn't mere theism. I have one high school biology Yeah, evolution is a means but the scripture says that that that that's not the means by which we were created
We were created by the Word of God as you teach your Christian here. It's like please would somebody make this clear?
I know this is like really important because people come home kids come home from biology class high school like well, you know
But evolution no, we don't believe in evolution. We believe in creation. Wait, wait, wait. Hang on. This is very important the
Genesis account of creation The point of that isn't here's how
God did it Really All right, see
I have a biblical text like running around in my head at the moment just have to So Hebrews chapter 11, right?
Faith is the assurance of things hope for the conviction of things not seen. Okay. Yeah, check this out
Okay Hebrews the the the divinely inspired author of Hebrews would disagree with Andy Stanley here
Faith is the assurance of things hope for the conviction of things not seen for by it by faith the people of old received their commendation by faith by faith
We understand that the universe was created and here's how by the
Word of God So that what is seen was not made out of things that are visible
How was the universe created by the agency of the Word of God?
That that's that's a that's a fast fascinating thing here so this the divinely inspired author of the book of Hebrews disagrees with Mr.
Andy Stanley shock of shocks, right and and let me give you just a little bit of background on this
Okay, so if we go to like the gospel of John chapter 1 Okay, gospel of John chapter 1 and RK ain't halagas
Kai halagas in proston. They don't cut they us analogous in the beginning was the Word and The Word was with God in the
Word was God All right And you'll note that they the
NRK here in the beginning that corresponds with what's going on in the
Genesis account in Genesis chapter 1 Where it legitimately says better sheet bar ah
Elohim eth hashim. I am Vatha Eretz. Okay in the beginning
God created the heavens and the earth bar ah created It says created and then how did he do it?
Okay so here you have the account saying the earth was without form and void darkness was over the face of the deep in the spirit of God was hovering metta kafet
Hovering like a bird. This is a avian verb hovering over the face of the waters the
Hamaim and God said let there be light and there was light. Look at that the Word of God spoke
Huh, let there be light ha so it does tell us how this worked it worked How through the
Word of God so in the beginning was the Word the Word was with God the Word was God he was in the beginning with God all things were made through him whom through the
Halagos to Theo the Word of God and without him was not anything made that was made
Yeah, so we got so we got a we got some problems here. And that is is that Andy Stanley is basically contradicting other passages of Scripture while trying to find a way to to brush aside
That embarrassing text from Genesis chapters 1 2 & 3 Oh, we got we got to get rid of that because of my atheist friends think
I'm a I'm a complete rube And they won't invite me to their Christmas parties because I believe in the creation
So we have to find a way to get rid of it. So listen again to what he's doing. This is softest We've an evolution we believe in creation.
Wait, wait, wait. Hey, hang on. This is very important the Genesis account of creation The point of that isn't here's how
God did it The point of that is that God did it and the reason we know that is because it stood in stark
Contrast to the Sumerian and the Babylonian and the Canaanite and the
Egyptian creation myths uh -huh Yeah, I've never heard these other creation myths.
What do they have to do with anything? God is telling us how we got here and I don't it doesn't matter what the other creation accounts or The Egyptian one is gross by the way
It's it's it's legitimately gross But yeah It has more to do with Gnosticism than anything and in all of their myth the gods just sort of appeared
Magically out of nowhere or they created themselves or they created each other and then Yahweh says hang on.
Uh -huh. I Created it all out of nothing. I didn't use body parts
Okay, I didn't you know split, you know Tiamat in half and their lower half became the earth and the upper half became the heavens
I mean, that's foolishness. There's one God. I'm God. I did it. That's the point of the Genesis creation account
It's just that God did it. It doesn't matter how he did it yet Hebrews says that the world was created by the
Word of God hmm Hmm now It's important God as a heavenly father does something for you and does something for every generation from the beginning that we should be so grateful for And if you're a parent you do this as well, you know what
God does God accommodates to our capacity Watch where you go with this
It's so bad and I'll teach you how to unpack this and then wind it God accommodates to our capacity
Where do babies come from? It depends on who's asking doesn't it and you didn't lie to your five -year -old when she asked and you didn't lie to your
Fifteen -year -old when he asked and when a high school biology student studies reproductive, you know science
That's teacher isn't lying. You we never lie. We change the answer why because we're lying No, because we're accommodating to a person's capacity.
I See, yeah, so yeah people of the ancient world. They just couldn't understand
Evolutionary theory and so God was accommodating. It's like telling a three -year -old, you know last mommy Where do babies come from you say?
Well, there's a stork that comes and delivers babies. Uh -huh Yeah, that's that's literally his argument and boy is this a mess.
So come on. What was the capacity of? ancient ancient ancient ancient
I'm pretty sure the ancient people had a pretty good grasp of reality and that God Wasn't just accommodating them by telling them a myth akin to the story of culture
Hebrews It was there any way in the world God could explain to them how he did it?
No There's but he did Okay, Ken the book of Hebrews completely
Contradicts you again. He Hebrews. He you know Hebrews. That's that coffee that coffee book in the book of the
Bible By faith, we understand that the universe was created how by the mechanism of the
Word of God We're told exactly how God did it and you'll note that the book of Hebrews is written a long time after long time after the the book of Genesis So, you know this so again, how do we unpack this?
How do we deal with this? and I'm going to give you a resource and Years ago,
I Wrote an article and this is up on my old blog I did the captain's blog at the pirate
Christian comms in a while since I've updated that I might have to figure out how to do that again, I you know get back into the into the
Habit of writing but the name of the article from January 30th, 2014. It's almost 10 years ago the the article is titled the greatest biblical expert who ever lived and his view of the
Bible and And so I'm at the time the postmodern liberals were still kind of a vexing problem
And so I was going after the postmodern progressive, but here's the thing Andy Stanley is legitimately a postmodern progressive
Okay, so here's how this is how all of this should work and this is why you need to understand that there is legitimately a full -on conflict against Christianity and evolution not theism but Christianity and here's the reason why okay now
We're gonna talk about again the greatest biblical expert who ever lived and his view of the Bible So in the article,
I'm gonna read portions of it I'm not gonna read all of it and we'll put a link to this below as well as to the books I'm gonna recommend before we look at Jesus's opinion of the scriptures
It would be prudent for us to first be reminded of Jesus's credentials Okay, and his authority regarding the scriptures see you can pin everything on Christ by the way his
Credentials are impeccable. And here's the thing By virtue of the fact that he rose from the dead
His credentials are better than any Bible expert today He does let's just be blunt So when we examine the eyewitness testimony concerning Jesus that is recorded for us in the contents of the four biographies
Those are the Gospels of the New Testament. We learned that Jesus claimed to be none other than the one true
God in human flesh He that's exactly what he claimed any nut or lunatic can claim to be
God but proving such a claim is a whole other issue and and so there's there's a joke that I learned along the way when
I was being trained as a Christian apologist talking about the fact that anybody can Claim to be
God proving it's a different thing altogether and the joke goes something like this That there was a man who was touring these insane asylums of France back in the 1800s because the conditions were deplorable and they were trying to figure out a way to Improve the conditions and make them more humane
You know an insane asylum is not exactly a great place for any human being to end up And so as he was touring these different insane asylums he visited one particular insane asylum and And and he was doing a tour of the facility and it just so happened to be during that time when when the the entire population of the of the insane asylum they were all together in one big room
It was like rec time or something like this, you know back in the 1800s version of it And he saw a fellow who was who was wandering around inside of the the common room there
And he had his hand in his jacket and he was strutting around kind of looking important And so the the guy who was doing the tour said to that fellow.
He says hey, who are you? Who do you think you are? You know, why are you behaving this way?
He says I am Napoleon Bonaparte And he said really you're Napoleon Bonaparte.
Okay. Well, how do you know that you're a Napoleon Bonaparte and He's and he thinks about it for a second.
He says God told me that I am Napoleon Bonaparte Oh God told you and no sooner does you know
Does he get that out of his mouth that God had told him that he's Napoleon Bonaparte some guy from across the room from you
Know starts yelling out. No, I didn't I never said that he was Napoleon Bonaparte. That's a complete fabricated lie
Right, and the whole point is is that anybody can claim to be God proving it is a whole other issue
And the thing is Jesus proved it He proved that he is God in human flesh by raising himself from the dead so Fact is
Jesus proved his claims to deity by raising himself from the dead Three days after he was crucified under Pontius Pilate now the men who authored the
New Testament documents were also eyewitnesses of Jesus's life teaching miracles and his bodily resurrection from the dead
Since Jesus proved his claim to being the one true God in human flesh by raising himself from the dead
There is no greater authority living or dead on the subject of the Bible than Jesus.
I would think about that Okay, so some somebody can say well, I I have four
PhDs in theology And therefore I know better than everybody else. Yeah, but did you raise yourself from the dead?
Because if I when it comes to everybody's opinions Nobody else's opinions matter.
The only the only person whose opinions matter are Christ Straight -up. Okay, so there's no modern sign
There's no scientist modern scholar biblical critic regardless of the number of degrees that he or she may hold Who can speak with greater authority on the subject of the
Word of God than Jesus Christ? This is absolutely true. Therefore if you want to call yourself a
Christian or a Christ follower Then you would do well to pay close attention to what
Jesus believed and taught Regarding both Old and New Testament scriptures and bring your thinking and your convictions in line with Jesus's Convictions just work with me here.
So Jesus's view of the Old Testament Creation and Adam and Eve. Okay. So what exactly did
Jesus believe and teach regarding the Old Testament stories? Did Jesus consider them to be mere man -made mythological stories or Did he believe them to be accurate accounts of real events that took place in real history here
We should say did Jesus believe that the accounts in the Genesis in the book of Genesis were well mythological stories meant to accommodate the the immaturity of humanity at the time because of their their their low
Capacity for understanding hard difficult things, right? Okay. So what did he believe?
Okay, we'll answer these questions by first reviewing Jesus's thoughts regarding the stories concerning Adam and Eve so in Matthew chapter 9 verses 3 through 6 the eyewitness biographer the
Matthew the tax collector He records this exchange between Jesus and the Pharisees and the
Pharisees came up to him and they tested him by asking Is it lawful to divorce one's wife for any cause?
Jesus answered have you not read that he who created them from the beginning made them male and female and Said therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife and the two shall become one flesh
Oh Jesus is quoting from Genesis here And so they are no longer two but one flesh what therefore
God is joined together it let not man separate So so the topic that the Pharisees were testing
Jesus on was marriage and divorce and Jesus's answer tells us a lot About his view of the book of Genesis first Jesus points the
Pharisees to Genesis as if it alone provides the authoritative answer to their trick question
Then Jesus quotes Genesis 127 as if it literally meant what it said
God created him male and female he created them then Jesus quotes Genesis 224 as if literally it literally meant what it said
Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife and they shall become one flesh
There was no equivocation on Jesus's part No hint that he secretly believed that the opening pages of Genesis contained a man -made poetic creation myth or that it was
Historically inaccurate or that this was just something written to kind of tell us that God did create but we don't know the real means
Of it because we need to accommodate for the stupidity of the ancient world, right? That that nothing like that at all.
In fact, Jesus's answer makes it perfectly clear that he was a creationist and This should come as no surprise to anyone because Jesus is the
God who was revealed in the Old Testament Furthermore Jesus's answer also reveals that he believed that Adam and Eve were literally the first two people that he created
In other words, I think of it this way Jesus is an eyewitness of the
Genesis account He was there He's the one who said let there be light and there was light
That's the whole point of these other texts that say that the universe was created by the
Word of God Jesus is the Word of God in human flesh All right, so challenge question here
So if you call yourself a Christian or a Christ follower yet You don't believe that the story of Adam and Eve is historically true or accurate.
What authority? Here's the question What authority are you basing this belief on?
Huh, okay Is it right for you to call yourself a Chris a Christian or a
Christ follower when your view of the scriptures is at odds? with Jesus's Why should
I believe you over Jesus and the fact that's a good way to kind of think about this
Why should I believe Andy Stanley? over Jesus I Shouldn't because he said well
The idea of evolution and theism isn't at odds but Christianity and evolution are greatly at odds because here's the thing if the
Genesis account isn't true Jesus is a liar And he's not a good man, and he's definitely not your
Savior and he's not God in human flesh because God can't lie You see what
I'm saying here? All right, so Yeah, so next part of this by the way, um, this is some this is a little bit more to it
I'm not gonna read all of this But you'll note this applies then to the flood this applies to Jonah and the large fish all these other things here in Matthew 23 verses 34 through 35
Jesus says therefore I send you prophets and wise men and scribes Some of whom you will kill and crucify some of you will flog in your synagogues and persecute from town to town
So that on you may come all the righteous blood shed on earth from the blood of innocent Abel To the blood of Zechariah the son of Barakaya whom you murdered between the sanctuary and the altar
Now, wait a second Abel. Mm -hmm. Abel is one of the sons of who? Adam and Eve He was the one that was killed by Cain another of the sons of Adam and Eve the first two people that God created
So if the story of Cain and Abel were mere man -made myth, you know Then Jesus's claim that he would hold the
Pharisees accountable for the blood of the righteous from Cain to Zechariah With sorry from Abel to Zechariah would be simply meaningless after all how do you hold someone accountable for mythological blood?
That was never actually shed Because the person who supposedly bled it never historically existed.
Oh So it's a challenge point number two So having a lesser view of Scripture and denying that Adam and Eve were the first literal human beings created by God denying that Cain and Abel existed and that their stories are accurately recorded in Genesis turns
Jesus into a moronic buffoon right after all according to the eyewitnesses
Jesus actually believed the Genesis accounts to be Historically accurate in fact a little bit of a note here back in the day
Before I got blocked by Tony Jones of the Emergent Church He was one of these guys who started, you know
He was he was taking all of his followers and then taking a hard left turn and one of the things that he was attacking
On his Twitter account back in the day was the creation account and basically trying to make room to embrace evolution
Evolutionary theory as as a Christ follower, you know, and so I challenged Tony Jones Tweeted at him and say you are aware that that Jesus believed the creation account to be true and That he believed in Adam and Eve and and Cain and Abel you you are aware of that, right?
And his response to me was well if Jesus were growing up today, Jesus would have been an evolutionist
Really Again that doesn't make a lick of sense. And the reason why is because Jesus is
God in human flesh God can't lie Jesus was there on the day when
God said let there be light and there was light Jesus was there when the Trinity was discussing amongst themselves and saying let us make man in our own image in the image of you know
The Christ was there So we got a big Like huge problem here.
And so that's the way you go at this Okay, now that's a simple way of a basically saying as a
Christian I'm not gonna contradict Jesus I trust Christ and And I then there's no way that Jesus is gonna lie to me and since he rose from the dead
I always like to challenge people this way and say as soon as you rise from the dead After you've been dead for three days,
I'll be willing to listen to your counter argument until then I'm going with Jesus Just keep it that simple.
I think that's helpful But if you want to go farther if you want to actually kind of say well What is the evidence out there evolutionary theory is a theory in crisis because it's bad.
It's not even science It's just it's it's have you noticed it hasn't become the law of evolution. There's a reason why so let me give you a little bibliography here and Some stuff easy other stuff more challenging and kind of work our way up from that.
Okay first book That's absolutely a great primer in learning about the the case for Actual creation.
Okay, the case for the Genesis account Lee Strobel's book the case for a creator is Is a great book it legitimately is awesome.
This is a great place if you're gonna start somewhere This is the place to start.
So get the case for a creator. This is your primer into it Where do you go from there you go from there to this book
Darwin's doubt? Okay by Stephen Meyer Great account. Okay.
This one just takes evolutionary theory behind the proverbial woodshed Mm -hmm, and there there's a there's a beaten that Takes place behind that woodshed and Darwin's doubt.
It's brilliant That's a great great great book to read if you have and you can get it unlike audible .com
It's it's you know, if you if you're into audible books This is a great one to you know To listen to while you're working out or you're driving in your car and you or things like that So Darwin's doubt great place to go.
Another one is same author Signature in the cell. Okay, and you'll note that DNA science now completely rules out
Evolutionary theory it's it's no it's so at the signature in the cell
DNA and the evidence for intelligent design now, this one isn't exactly an argument for Christianity this is an argument against evolutionary theory based upon DNA and the concept of Intelligent design and then the fellow who taught me how to do
Counter evolutionary apologetics. Dr. A E Wilder Smith. He's now with Christ, but back in the day
He wrote a book and it's a great book. It is fantastic book It's a little higher level written on kind of a scientific level so it's not an easy read but the name of it is the natural sciences know nothing of Evolution the natural sciences know nothing of evolution in fact, if you're really looking for good resources if you go to the archives of The fighting for the faith podcast, let me see if I can do this here with you all with me
I'll go to pirate Christian comm and we're gonna go to the podcast
Archives and I'm gonna put in wilder and just see if I can find See if that's the key word that will help us find this in the archives and one of the lectures
It was it just came up and then it's sometimes this doesn't behave. Well, let's see if I can get this to behave properly
Let's see here. All right, I'm gonna Retry this I'm gonna go to pirate
Christian calm. Hang on a second and go back Okay wilder and let's see if I can get this to work.
All right There we go, all right is man a machine time and creation the bankrupt theology of by a log us so if you type in just wilder in the
Search bar at pirate Christian comm for the fighting for the faith podcast. You'll find some old lectures that I've posted
From AE Wilder Smith and you might have to you know, kind of scroll through it to find You know, so, you know is biogenesis scientific by dr.
AE Wilder Smith That's part of what we put into those episodes so you can find some of the older episodes and dr
AE Wilder Smith is the guy who trained me in Counter evolutionary apologetics now
I he didn't do it one -on -one, but I attended and participated in classes and in one of the lectures you can actually
Hear me ask dr. Wilder Smith a question, but you know that that's that's for another day, but do you get the idea?
So those are resources and what we'll do is we're gonna put links down below to the books
And and then we'll put a link to the the greatest Bible scholar
Bible expert whoever lived in his view of the scriptures and and then recommend to take the time to go back into the archives of the audio podcast of fighting for the faith and Find those lectures by dr.
AE Wilder Smith and listen to them yourself. They are Fantastic to help you because as Christians The science isn't behind evolution at all
The science is all in favor of creation and the creation and the evolutionists hate this fact. It's absolutely true, though So I think you get the idea so hopefully you found this to be helpful in a good resource to kind of help you think about how we as Christians are to approach the subject of evolution versus creation and And give you some homework so that you can broaden out your understanding and at the end of the day be able to stand
You know to have confidence that Christ knew what he was talking about When he affirmed the creation account in the book of Genesis because Jesus would never lie
Plus he rose from the dead and nobody else even comes close to his credentials. Yeah, cuz he's
God in human flesh He was there. He was there when the Ruach Elohim was met a confetting
Over the the deep over the to home and the waters and God said let there be light and there was light
So big shout out by the way and a big thank you for everyone Who you know who is a member of the fighting for the faith crew?
You make it possible for us to do the things that we are doing here at fighting for the faith We truly cannot do what we're doing without your support
I want to thank you and if you'd like to join our crew the information on how you can join the crew is down in Description of this video and so until next time may
God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ It's vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.