Billy Graham Was PRO-CHOICE?!

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to the channel where we bring you Christian commentary about the things that matter.
As ever, please know this video isn't a sinful attack, but rather a biblical critique. In today's video, we're going to be talking about Billy Graham.
You see, on any list of the most notable evangelical leaders of the past 100 years, Billy Graham, for better or for worse, has to be put at the very top.
There is no more recognizable name in the world of modern Protestant Christianity than Billy Graham.
But one of the most notable court decisions of the last 100 years, Roe v. Wade, took place during Billy Graham's ministry.
Sometimes we forget that. This case legalized the murder of unborn babies across the United States.
How did Billy Graham respond to such a violation of biblical ethics? He was, in many ways, the representative of the evangelical church to the culture at the time.
What did he say about this issue? Well, let's ahead and watch this video. Well, this was a different thought, you see.
And of course, I do believe in abortion for those who've been raped, for those who may be diseased to the point that the child will be affected.
I think there are certain areas that we need some of our laws brought up to date. So there you have it. Billy said that you should be able to kill an unborn baby if it is the product of an assault on its mother.
This, ladies and gentlemen, is a good test of our backbone as pro -lifers. Are we truly pro -life, or are we just partially pro -life?
That is the issue. To answer these questions, we need to take a look at the central argument made by the
Christian pro -life movement. In Psalm 139, verse 13, David says this, You knitted me together in my mother's womb.
I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. David was still David, according to the
Bible, even as an unborn baby in the womb. The basic idea here is that the baby in the womb is a human being, a fully -fledged human being.
And as such, it ought to be treated with the same level of human dignity that we would extend to any person.
It should be equally protected under the law. Again, this is the central argument of the pro -life
Christian movement. Any deviation from this would cease to be pro -life and, more importantly, would no longer be biblical.
So let's think about this consistently. A baby in the womb is worth just as much as a baby outside the womb.
That's our starting point on this issue coming from the word of God. Now, let's take a look at Billy Graham's ethical conundrum once more, but here, let's use a slightly different example.
What would we do with a five -year -old child who's outside the womb if he or she were the product of an assault on the mother?
Well, obviously, we would protect and nurture that child. After all, killing a five -year -old is wrong, right?
Should it be legal to retroactively kill this child because of the sinful circumstances surrounding its conception and birth?
Of course not. That would be murder, and Exodus 20 verse 13 says you shall not murder. So the conclusion is extremely simple here.
It's not ethically complicated at all, biblically speaking. Billy Graham thought it should be perfectly legal to murder a child if the father assaulted their mother.
In fact, he said that this would be progress. This would be bringing our laws up to date. At a crucial time, when almost all of the evangelical world followed
Billy Graham and hung on his every word, he could have helped change public opinion. Instead, when the culture started asking difficult questions of Graham, he changed his opinion to be pro -choice.
This is not a consistently pro -life position at all. You cannot be against killing babies unless someone commits a sin against the baby's mother, and then killing babies becomes totally acceptable.
Again, that's not pro -life. So was there any biblical support for this position? No. Was there any kind of serious study or careful exegesis that was done to reach this conclusion?
No. So why did his perspective change? Why become pro -choice all of a sudden? Well, it's simple.
The issue is extremely emotional. It is the single most emotional example that pro -choicers can pull out of their back pocket in order to win sympathy points.
But this is when Christians need to come into the room full of and full of sympathy, but also full of biblical truth and wisdom to navigate the situation.
We cannot simply go along with whatever the culture says, especially when the consequence is murdering an innocent baby.
But that's precisely what Billy Graham taught us to do in this situation. Now, does this mean that Billy Graham never said anything true?
Of course not. That would be a huge overstatement. Does this mean that no one ever got saved through Billy Graham's ministry?
Of course not. Many people did. But none of that changes the simple fact that Billy Graham was not consistently pro -life.
He was sometimes pro -choice. And this is something we should take note of and seek to change in the future among evangelicals.
Romans 12 says, Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.
As Christians, by God's grace, we need to stop submitting to the culture. Stop trying to appease them and make them feel better about our message.
Stop desperately trying to get them to like us. They just don't. Stop watering down our sermons because secular people are going to get offended.
Our country killed 61 million babies, and we can work to stop that. But we aren't going to stop it by modeling what
Billy Graham did in the video. That simply will not work. It's that kind of reaction that got us here in the first place.
You see, the enemy will never be appeased by allowing us to do just a little baby killing. No, he wants all of it to be done.
So let us do what Ephesians 6, 11 says, and quote, put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil, end quote.
So when the world gets upset, think biblically. When the world disagrees with us, think biblically.
When the world calls us all sorts of ists and fobes, think biblically. Stop trying to please the culture with your nuanced political views.
It's never going to work. When you give them an inch, they will take a mile. When you give them the rights of one baby in one situation, they will take away the rights of all babies in all situations.
We've seen it happen once right in front of our eyes, and if we don't stand up, this same thing will happen on every political issue moving forward.
So let's believe and promote the truth of God's word to the culture, no matter what the outcome. And please know this,
I do not offer any of this correction from a high and mighty position. I am nothing but a wretched sinner saved by the grace of Jesus Christ.
So let's pray for modern evangelicals, that we would stop bending the knee to the culture, and instead, by God's grace, turn to the truth of God's word.
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