Todd White Says The Bible Is All About YOU?!

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to Fight For Truth, the channel where we bring you Christian commentary about the things that matter.
In today's video, we're going to be talking about a sermon from Todd White. Now, Todd White is the leader of Lifestyle Christianity Ministries.
He's a hyper -charismatic faith healer who claims to heal people on the street instantly so long as they have enough belief.
Several videos, including one linked in the description, have exposed his healings, though, as false and fabricated.
And indeed, perhaps more concerning than all of this is the fact that Todd White has deep connections with other false teachers, like Kenneth Copeland, for instance.
And as if all of these things were not reason enough to avoid his teaching, in this video, we're going to offer a biblical analysis of a
Todd White sermon clip. The clip has been taken from his message entitled, quote, Unstoppable with Jesus, which has amassed over 250 ,000 views on YouTube.
Watch this. What if it's confident in what my father thinks about me? If he has more thoughts than outnumber the grains of sand in the whole world and every thoughts for my welfare, and that's each individual, and he thinks about you, why wouldn't he want to talk about us?
Oh, Bible's him talking about you. If you just see it. Now, this clip comes from a segment of Todd's sermon, wherein he is talking about how
God thinks about his children. Before this, he offers the analogy of God being a proud father, just as earthly parents are proud of their children when they do the right thing.
And then he polishes this off by referencing a passage of scripture. Watch this part again.
What if it's confident in what my father thinks about me? If he has more thoughts than outnumber the grains of sand in the whole world and every thoughts for my welfare, and that's each individual, and he thinks about you, why wouldn't he want to talk about us?
So here, Todd is talking about Psalm 139 verses 17 through 18, which say this,
How precious also are your thoughts for me, God! How vast is the sum of them! Were I to count them, they would outnumber the sand.
When I awake, I am still with you. This is certainly true of those who are saved by God.
This concept is echoed, in fact, by passages like Psalm 103 verse 13, which says this,
Just as a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him.
Christians have been given the compassion of the Lord himself, and this is most clearly shown to us in the death of his innocent son to save us from our sins.
In John 15, 13 through 14, Jesus says this, Greater love has no one than this, that a person will lay down his life for his friends.
You are my friends if you do what I command you. So long story short, this particular part of Todd White's sermon, this idea, seems to be biblically accurate.
The Lord does, in fact, love his people with the kind of love that only he can give. This is both very true and extremely encouraging.
Yet immediately after quoting this passage, Todd White follows this with a point that can only be described as incredibly unbiblical.
Watch this again, Why wouldn't he want to talk about us?
The whole Bible is him talking about you, if you'd just see it. So here,
Todd clearly and unashamedly says that, The whole Bible is him talking about you if you would just see it.
And this kind of false teaching is constantly being offered from Todd White. His message is always something along the lines of,
You're so special and so awesome. And if you'd just realize how special and awesome you are, then you'd accept
Christ, because he too thinks you're very awesome. Oftentimes, instead of offering teaching about sin to illustrate people's need for the
Gospel, Todd jumps directly to the topic of how amazing you are. And this worldview culminates in the comment of,
The whole Bible is about you. But this kind of teaching is both very dangerous and very self -centered.
2 Timothy 3 16 tells us that, All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.
Thus, it is accurate to say that the whole Bible is profitable to you as a Christian, yet that does not mean that the whole
Bible is about you. That's a different point entirely. The Bible is wholly and fundamentally about the redemptive plan of our holy
God which manifests itself chiefly through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The Bible, in the overarching sense, is about God's plan.
It's not about you individually. And that's really the issue. The logic of this statement from Todd White will inevitably take us to a place that we really should not go.
You see, according to Todd, the whole Bible is about you. Yet let's remember that the Gospel message is a part of the
Bible. And therefore, by Todd White's own logic, the Gospel message of Jesus Christ is fundamentally about you, not
Jesus. And this is very dangerous. If the main topic of the biblical message is not
Jesus most fundamentally, if it instead becomes man, it becomes you, then we are losing what makes the biblical narrative truly effective.
Luke 24 verse 27 says that Jesus, quote, "...beginning with Moses and all the prophets,
He interpreted to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning Himself." Jesus was able to demonstrate here that the
Old Testament pointed to Him. The sacrifices pointed to His sacrifice. The priesthood pointed to His high priestly ministry for His people.
Really, it all pointed to Him, not to you. So the Bible, at the macro level, is not about you as an individual, even if you're a
Christian. And more than this, the idea that the Bible is all about you simply does not work out at the micro level either.
Here is just one practical example. In the aftermath of Judas betraying Jesus, Matthew 27 5 records that, quote, "...and
throwing down the pieces of silver into the temple, he, Judas, departed, and he went and hanged himself."
So let's ask the question, shall we? Is this passage about you? No. Obviously, the passage is about Judas and what he did to Jesus.
But does this mean that the passage means nothing to the Christian and there's no wisdom for us in there?
Of course not. From this, for instance, we can see the consequences of sin and what it ultimately leads to if we were to reject
Christ, death and despair. If we were to read that text and think that it's fundamentally about us, we would miss the point entirely.
In other words, Todd White's statement here is not true about the overarching Biblical narrative.
But it's also not true with regard to thousands of individual narratives either. Thus, it is plain that the entire
Bible is in no sense about you. And it is prideful and self -centered for you to think that way.
This statement from Todd White really demonstrates the man -centered framework that much of the modern professing church has adopted.
If it's not all about man, people don't pay attention. A passage about Israel is not interesting.
A passage about a prophet is not interesting. A passage about a particular historical event, again, not so interesting.
Unless, of course, a preacher can make that passage sound as if it's actually, under the surface, all about you.
And it is from this desire that we get preachers like Todd White, Stephen Furtick, T .D.
Jakes, Joel Osteen, and many, many others. As prideful humans, we want everything to be about us.
And these teachers are ever too happy to make it appear that way. This is how we get man -centered teaching.
But let's remember Romans 12 -3, in which Paul says this, For by the grace given to me
I say to everyone among you not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think with sober judgment.
Just to make it clear, when you say that the Bible, God's Word, is all about you, at that point you are most definitely thinking more highly of yourself than you ought to.
So let's flee from the unbiblical and man -centered teaching of Todd White and the worldview that accords with it.
It is for this reason, along with many others, that we should lovingly mark and avoid Todd as a false teacher.
I pray that this has been a blessing to you, and please know that this video isn't meant as a sinful attack, but rather as a biblical critique.
And let's pray for Todd White, that he would stop this man -centered false teaching by God's grace and turn to the truth of God's Word.
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