DUMPSTER FIRE: Carol Arnott Waterboards Mr. Sponge


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Welcome to Dumpster Fire for the last week of February 2018.
If you've ever engaged in soaking soaking soaking you know you've soaked you had carpet time soaking something like that go ahead and hit the subscribe button below we're gonna get to it today we've got some crazy stuff
I hope you're sitting down maybe grab something to drink popcorn or whatever this is gonna be a weird episode of Dumpster Fire but then again you know
Dumpster Fire is usually kind of weird that way so let's get to it yes that's right you're you're looking at Carol Arnot of the
Toronto Airport blessing you have put blessing in air quotes and she recently taught on soaking using a prop mr.
sponge hi how yep so this is spongebob soaking teaching kind of whatever you get the point let me back this up and we will get to it hope you're sitting down here we go we want more of the
Holy Spirit don't we yeah and so we want to go back but also go forward you know it's right cuz if wait if you go back you can't go never mind
I'm just being logical sorry because a lot of you when you came in here at the beginning looks like my friend and I want to introduce you to my friend some of you have already met my friend but I want to introduce you to my friend and my friend is she's yeah
I hate to say this she is using that really irritating kindergarten teacher voice you know
I'm talking about like it's like it's that who who would like to come up and and and meet with our new friend today mr.
caterpillar as he's yeah it's like romper room mr. sponge and a lot of you came in kind of looking like mr.
sponge you were not very flexible no no we're kind of crusty and hard yeah you're crusty yeah
I came to church crusty how please what do I gotta do to decrust myself
I need more spirit I don't want to be crusty dried out weren't you yes yes
I noticed now that I needed moisturizer a lot more smiles and you look much more relaxed and so I want us to just watch mr.
sponge over the next little while because normally when you go to church they talk about Jesus no not
Carol and I she's talking about mr. sponge that mr.
sponge to soaking ah and I want to see what happens to mr.
sponge when he soaks in the Holy Spirit what you want to see what happens to mr.
sponge when he soaks into Holy Spirit what is this so we have some h2o here mm -hmm well
Holy Spirit we asked you to fill it mmm how many do you pray over your back what you're praying for the
Holy Spirit to fill the water that you're gonna put mr. sponge in ah what is this water when you baptize people ah
Lord we just asked you to anoint this water and Lord we just put mr.
sponge in and let him soak for a little while okay and this is why you don't ever preach having had too much to drink you know just this is really
Looney Tunes here and see what happens to him oh I guarantee you even if you hadn't prayed for the
Holy Spirit to fill the water of that little thing that mr.
sponge would have done just fine in there goodness mr.
sponge you really need to have a drink Wow why do you have that episode of spongebob or you know spongebob doesn't have any water
I don't need it I need it
I need it okay I'm not that hard but you know we get on with life we get busy with life and we forget to do the good things we forget to prove to take a bath
I mean you know what do we forget to do exactly now she goes on by the way to preach an entire sermon on soaking and we now have jumped to kind of like the conclusion of her preaching and teaching where we finally get to see what has happened to mr.
sponge over the course of the sermon now real quick I've gone to Bible gateway calm
Bible gateway calm and we're gonna just do a Bible search we're gonna search for the word soaking let's take a look and no there are no there's no examples of soaking in how about soaking prayer and nope nothing there so you're gonna know that nowhere in scripture we taught about the important practice of soaking soaking yeah but she's teaching about this here so let's check on our mr.
sponge shall we please yeah see if all this soaking time has helped him at all okay how much you want to bet it has because we all know what happens when sponges are left in water for a long time so mr.
sponge how are you doing oh my god oh oh yeah for sure gracious you are really looking happy oh my word you are sloshy wet you are soft and you look slightly drunk mr.
sponge yeah oh yeah this this is the same biblical
I don't know what this is Wow whoops better watch it well he is saturated of course she poured the
Holy Spirit you know into the water and stuff so yeah that's why she's acting drunk now presence of God mr.
sponge is anointed now this is weird and creepy at all this is normal church you know it is really weird really creepy do you want become saturated where in scripture does it say we can become saturated like this presence of God he can do it for a hard old sponge how much more can he do it for you right yeah
I mean because to God be all the glory for making mr. sponge be so spongy as a see if he could do it for mr.
sponge oh I mean this is like testimony time mr. sponge tell us how'd you go from being so hard and flaky and crusty to being so spongy like oh well there was the
Holy Spirit it was in the water and I was soaking for like an hour and whoo yeah okay now here's the thing as crazy as that is well it's not as crazy as this use of a sponge at church here we have well let's let's just watch this is a prophetess yeah during this miracle healing and deliverance service
God used his prophet prophetess dr. Maddie Nottage to deliver scores of people from demonic bondage sickness and disease with all right so God's prophet
Maddie Nottage yeah she was doing all kinds of delivering and stuff how did you do it how did you do it dr.
Nottage how'd you do it to brand -new anointed buckets a sponge and the powerful in Getty water the demons of sickness and oppression instantly leave the people of God really with a sponge and in Getty water whoo oh man she took the gloves off there you know
I didn't realize that there were people who were gonna exercise the in Getty water option
I mean that's like right below nuclear you know all those demons that they're there as soon as they see in Getty water oh they know the gig is up hang on a second there we go back to Bible get gateway we got a look for n
Getty water hang on a second here let's take a look nope there are no results for in Getty water okay well let's go back to dr.
Nottage and her in Getty water demon deliverance soaking thingy ministry yeah now notice something here the sound that you heard of thunder that was done in post -production yeah yeah see that that didn't really happen while she was doing that little ritual did you hear that shoot right yeah this is the lady who a while back we covered her because she she wasn't casting out demons using in Getty water she was using well you'll see so I mean this woman's got quite the arsenal
I mean not only does she make farting noises to get demons she has in Getty water and fire buckets and stuff he's just can't make this up so she's got in Getty water now it's a it's a little less offensive than the farting noises mr.
sponge you just hit that lady in the face with in Getty water mr. sponge mr.
sponge you were just hard and crusty just a few minutes ago and now you're like getting everybody wet with in Getty water yeah so I think you kind of get the idea there huh yeah this is the current state of affairs mr.
sponge after soaking in the Holy Spirit in Toronto assaulted people being ministered to by dr.
Nottage all right moving along let's take a look at our next thing oh by the way that does kind of remind me you know what we what we saw dr.
Nottage doing you know Michael Brown has done stuff that's kind of similar but not quite with the flair that dr.
Nottage is engaged in no sponge was used at the Brownsville revival but here's some footage from Brownsville you find far more scripture for doing this than having a one -hour service that goes through a program ignite he wants people to ignite sounds like he's passing a kidney stone we're gonna note something here he claims that you know this was the
Holy Spirit and the weightiness of the spirit that was falling on these people but you were gonna note that it was the weightiness of his hand as he pushes their heads down to the ground no joke the sponge got to put out the fire he pushes people down no wonder they call them knock them down Brown yeah it's kind of the same spectacle that we saw from dr.
Nottage all right moving along let's check in with one of my least favorite people
Joyce Meyer who recently was just waxing eloquent if you would about you know decree and declaring see if you can put this together mathematically in your mind as she explains how our words create make stuff happen yeah here's
Joyce Meyer I taught me by the Holy Spirit how to start confessing the Word of God out loud and calling things that were not yet a reality in my life as if they already existed now just in case you're gonna say oh don't tell me this is a name it claim it message well that's what that is the whole point is is in Romans 417 the
Bible says that we serve a God who calls things that do not exist as if they already existed and right yeah
Romans says that we serve a God who calls the things that are not as though they exist you'll note who's doing the calling there
God is it doesn't say we call the things that are not as though they are it says we that God does so you're gonna note here that somehow the math isn't working you know so if you put two plus two in in her way of thinking that equals 22 you know so God calls the things that are not as though they are therefore ergo he speaks life to dead things and they come back to life yes he does so that's how powerful your words are no no it doesn't work that way two plus two is not 22 yeah see that's how powerful the
God we have is yeah not how powerful my words cuz here's the thing
I ain't God and everyone's going amen thank God for that yeah me too okay so how do you jump that exactly that canyon that she just you've heard of evil
Knievel right you know and he rocketed across the Grand Canyon at one point but here you know she's coming down the track getting ready to make this jump and is
God calls the things that are not as though they are yes this is true yes this is true therefore your words are powerful she goes off the ramp and she's gonna literally end up in the abyss
I mean therefore I could go you see
Wile E. Coyote is falling to his death here yeah no I don't work that way that tells us how powerful
God is not my words you sure the Holy Spirit revealed this to you she said that at the beginning of the video and speak life into dead circumstances in your life and you can see the resurrection of power of God in your life now you can
I can speak life into the dead circumstances in my what are you talking about just say anything you want to say and make it happen but you can speak the
Word of God out loud and those words have power you know there's a scripture that says that angels hearken to the voice of God's Word they don't listen to our complaining so if I just blurt out
God's Word it's like the bat signal for for for the angels you just can't make this up okay but they have to listen to the
Word of God and we have angels that are assigned to us you know you have guardian angels yeah we have angels assigned to us and if you want them to work in your life then you need to start agreeing with what
God says and stop just saying any little thing that floats through your brain where does it say that the angels you know they want to help you know they've been assigned to us but when they show up it's like I'm here for my assignment you're my assignment so but I can't do anything
I'm gonna cross my arms until you learn how to say things in agreement with the Holy Spirit and stop complaining where does it say the angels ability to help us or willingness to help us is contingent on me agreeing with things and stuff where does it say that did you notice the log pause after she said that okay
I'll clap I'm getting some funny looks it's like yeah it's cuz you're preaching heresy lady you don't have any trouble complaining out loud you don't have any trouble gossiping out loud so why do we have such a hard time confessing the
Word of God out loud well because Satan doesn't want us to do it you say well why do I have to confess it out loud because words contain power
I am the world's first fully functioning homicidal artist what words contain power why do
I have to confess it out loud because words contain power have you ever read the story of Hannah uh -huh
Hannah in the book of first Samuel she's the mother of Samuel she was barren and when she prayed she didn't pray out loud nope she was praying inside of her spirit she didn't utter a single word but she was laying her heart out before God in her own soul and of course
Eli the high priest thought she was drunk and told her to give up her wine and she said oh
I'm not drunk I'm pouring out my soul to God Rose Bros paraphrase and what did he say well may
God grant you your petition and God heard her prayer and answered her prayer and gave her a son and she didn't say a single word uh -huh kind of a message what kind of a meeting would this be today if you all came and I said well
I'm not gonna say anything you know you came because you wanted to hear what
I was gonna say you wanted to hear what God was gonna speak to you through me and it's the word yeah
I'm 100 % convinced God ain't speaking through you right now new that are bringing the power of God to you and when that it renews your mind and then it gets down into your life and it begins to change things in your life
God's Word contains power there's power yeah God's Word is living and active sharper than any double -edged sword and God the
Holy Spirit is intimately linked with his word but what you're describing is not what
God's Word describes about itself inherent in the Word of God so when you remember earlier she said we got to say
God's Word and the God's angels are attracted to that and and that you it's God's not gonna just act on anything you say you but you got to say
God's Word watch what she ends up giving as an example here speak the Word of God over your life or over your children's life are over their futures one of the things that I started saying so speak the
Word of God over the future of your children's lives which biblical text is she going to speak over her children right here watch what she does kids were all little was all of my children grow up and they marry born -again spirit -filled men and women and they all serve
God all their life and you know everyone notice she didn't quote a single passage of Scripture she said
God doesn't just listen to anything it's only the Word of God that wasn't the Word of God that was what she wanted and that wasn't a prayer was it
I am speaking that my kids are gonna all marry yeah uh -huh children are married to somebody that loves
God they're all in some way shape or form serving God in ministry yeah see she spoke
God's Word no she didn't speak God's Word so and notice that wasn't a prayer you know kind of talking about this you want to see what this looks like in action well let's take a look at the ministry of Todd White who was recently preaching at Gateway Church that's where Robert Morris holds sway and he recently preached there and let me back this up just a smudge and listen to his teaching on the
God of Miracles he's gonna lead everybody there in a prayer at least he says it's a prayer but it's not a prayer yeah it's the same doctrine that we heard from Joyce Meyer about speaking words and stuff but watch what he does right good morning good morning good morning okay
I need you guys to stand up again so sorry I just I have a
I just had the Lord just tell me at every service we're to pray for each other stop just saying any little thing that floats through your brain so the
Lord the Lord the Lord said that okay I just believe that God is the
God of Miracles how many of you believe that all right well if you don't believe that you're about to find out because he's amazing and I've watched him heal so many people over the years yeah now we're gonna do a little historical research here yes he claims that he's seen
God heal so many people over the years the best way I can describe Todd White is that he is a street music magician yeah let me explain if you were to go to YouTube and look for the video titled
Todd White hyphen more healing on the streets you're gonna know this is an earlier version of Todd White and there's
Patricia King let me back this up as he is going to be doing miraculous work with so many miracles he's seen this would be an example of one of the miracles he's seen over the years okay you have anything physically that gives you any trouble at all yeah oh wow so is it hurt right now like when you're moving around a little bit so like if God healed it you'd know right away dude
God will take that from you right now I'm so serious man come on man let us pray for you okay let me see your hand what's your name
DeAndre DeAndre DeAndre you're amazing man you are you have amazing purpose dude you're amazing father
I thank you for DeAndre in Jesus name back I command you right now in Jesus name let him go every bit of pain now notice he's not praying for DeAndre he's commanding his back to do stuff mm -hmm as if well
Todd White is a little deity or something right then go every muscle every tendon father
I thank you in Jesus name every disc right now let him go man I'm hearing this you get back pain all the time you get a cost it's a constant sit take your backpack away from your back and sit back the way are you ready for the miraculous oh wait till you see this miracle folks you're going to just be in awe because I'm hearing the same thing let me see your feet and there's
Todd White with the old leg lengthening trick uh -huh yeah no joke this is a parlor trick yeah you just kind of it involves like pulling somebody's shoe out a little bit and then pushing it back yeah it's the same thing
I want you to look and see come down here you want to see this from this angle come down here and tell me which leg is short come here it's throwing your back out wait a left one right it's at least an inch short right you broke it and they put it back together and they didn't put all the pieces back ready to get a piece yeah watch daddy thank you in Jesus name left leg
I command you grow right now in Jesus name yeah this is a parlor trick yeah so this is the kind of quality of miracle that we get from Todd White and by the way you're gonna note he's not actually praying for people and when we see him at Gateway Church he's not gonna pray for nobody either he's just gonna do a lot of commanding and we'll pay attention to what's going on here so back to Gateway Church here's
Todd White doing a lot of commanding but no praying but he's gonna say we're gonna pray but they're not gonna actually pray many people that even don't believe because it doesn't matter what you believe if the person beside you believes
I promise put your hand on somebody's shoulder beside you please so here's what we're gonna do we're just gonna pray for one another so I'm gonna take a now he said we're gonna pray but he's not a minute or two are you ready mm -hmm believes that God could do this all right now before we get into the prayer that Todd White's gonna do the man who's seen so many miracles you know like legs lengthening and stuff which by the way he does that exact trick in the
Holy Ghost movie at a corn concert so we're gonna take a look at well you know a little bit of biblical stuff here let's take a look number one at the
Greek word used in the New Testament for prayer that Greek word is pros you come
I that's how you pronounce this in Greek it's pros you come I and it literally means to petition a deity or to pray it does not have anything to do with commanding decreeing or declaring in fact nowhere in Scripture do you see that held up as a quote -unquote prayer let me give you some examples of what prayer would look like then from we'll start at the
Old Testament Old Testament Daniel chapter 9 we give a great example of a prayer given by Daniel himself says in Daniel chapter 9 verse 1 in the first year of Darius the son of Asa whereas by by descent
Amid who was made king over the realms of the Chaldeans in the first year of his reign
I Daniel perceived in the books the number of years that according to the word of Yahweh to Jeremiah the
Prophet must pass before the end of desolations of Jerusalem namely 70 years so then
I turned my face to the Lord God seeking him by prayer and please for mercy with fasting and sackcloth and ashes
I prayed to the Lord my God and he made and made confession saying
Oh Yahweh the great and awesome God who keeps covenant and steadfast love with those who love him and keep his commandments we have sinned and done wrong acted wickedly and rebelled turning aside from your commandments and rules we have not listened to your servants the prophets who spoke in your name to our kings our princes and our fathers and to all the people of the land to you
Oh Yahweh belong righteousness but to us open shame as at this time the men of Judah to the inhabitants of Jerusalem and to all of Israel those who are near and those who are far away and all the lands to which you have driven them because of the treachery that they have committed against you to us
Oh Lord belongs open shame to our kings to our princes and to our fathers because we have sinned against you to you to the
Lord our God belong mercy and forgiveness for we have rebelled against him and have not obeyed the voice of Yahweh our
God by walking in his laws which he set before us by his servants the prophets all of Israel has transgressed your law and turned aside refusing to obey your voice and the end the curse and oath that are written in the law of Moses the servant of God have been poured out upon us because we have sinned against him he has confirmed his word which he spoke against us and against our rulers who ruled us by bringing upon us a great calamity for under the whole heaven there has not been done anything like what has been done against Jerusalem as it has been written in the law of Moses and all of this calamity has come upon us yet we have not entreated the favor of the
Lord our God turning from our iniquities and gaining insight by your truth therefore the
Lord therefore the Lord has kept ready the calamity and has brought it upon us for the
Lord our God is righteous in all the works that he has done and we have not obeyed his voice and now
Oh Lord our God who brought your people out of the land of Egypt with a mighty hand and have made a name for yourself at this day we have sinned and we have done wickedly
Oh Lord according to all your righteous acts let your anger and your wrath turn away from your city
Jerusalem your holy hill because for our sins and for our iniquity the iniquities of our fathers
Jerusalem and your people have become a byword among all who are around us now therefore our
Oh our God listen to the prayer of your servant and to his pleas for mercy and for your own sake
O Lord make your face shine upon your sanctuary which is desolate oh my
God incline your ear in here open your eyes and see our desolations so you'll note this is a great example of what it means to petition to plea and ask for mercy no commanding no decreeing no company okay and any of that nonsense at all when you read the
Psalms if you were to search the Psalms for the word cry or its derivatives and we'll pay attention to some of these verses
I cried aloud to Yahweh and he answered me from his holy hill
Psalm 5 give attention to the sound of my cry my king and my
God for to you do I pray and over and again you see examples in the
Psalms of crying out to God beseeching his help calling upon him to have mercy to hear our prayers and petitions that's an example of really what it looks like to pray and then if you look up the word pray in the
Psalms Psalm 5 to give attention to the sound of my cry my king and my God for to you do
I pray Psalm 116 so I called on the name of Yahweh Oh Yahweh I pray deliver my soul
Psalm 118 save us we pray O Lord O Lord we pray give us success and you'll note again that prayer is humble prayer is a plea to God for mercy prayer is a plea to God to meet our needs to deliver us from evil to deliver us from evil circumstances and persecution and suffering and it is humble
Jesus gives a great example of prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane in Matthew chapter 26 starting at verse 36 it says
Jesus went to them to a place called Gethsemane and he said to his disciples sit here while I go over there and I pray and then taking with him
Peter and the two sons of Zebedee he began to be sorrowful and troubled and he said my soul is very sorrowful even to death remain here and watch with me and going a little farther he fell on his face and he prayed saying my father if it be possible let this cup pass from me nevertheless not as I will but as you and he came to the disciples and found them sleeping he said so could you not watch with me one hour watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation the speed spirit isn't indeed willing but the flesh is weak and again for the second time he went and he prayed my father if this cannot pass unless I drink it your will be done notice the humble prayer that Jesus gives right so those are biblical examples of prayer and it fits perfectly with what the
Greek word for prayer is prosukha my to petition a deity it means to talk to God to ask him and expect him to answer and to hear our prayers and our plea for mercy well let's see if that is what
Todd White is going to do here at Gateway Church will he get on his knees and pray because he said he was gonna pray he's gonna pray for the people there that's what he said he was gonna do let me back it up just a little bit so you can hear how he says we're gonna pray and see if this sounds like a prayer to you
I promise put your hand on somebody's shoulder beside you please so here's what we're gonna do we're just gonna pray for one another so I'm gonna take a just a minute or two you're ready oh yeah who believes that God could do this all right okay so I want you to do this is we're gonna go from the top of the head down all right so I want you to repeat after me in the name of Jesus we command every you what you command this isn't a prayer nobody there is praying at all issue in the head in the brain the ears the eyes the nose the mouth we command complete healing now we command complete healing now in the eyes nose ears you're gonna note that people there are still wearing glasses even though he commanded all of the issues about the eyes to be solved right
Jesus name in the neck every issue of pain discomfort discs be healed right now in Jesus name did you see this fellow right here he's got glasses on this lady she has glasses on notice he's looking his eyes are open he's looking through his glasses all of the things commanded regarding his eyes didn't work never trust a faith healer who wears glasses or who commands you to command
God in the name of Jesus to make all I things work and you're still wearing glasses shoulders in the name of Jesus be healed right now in Jesus name back every disc spinal cord every nerve be healed in Jesus name hips every joint in the body be made whole right now that includes knees and ankles and fingers and elbows in the name of Jesus we command every organ we command they're not praying they're not asking
God for nothing this isn't a prayer to be healed right now in Jesus name from the top of our head to the bottom of our feet and any disease everyone's still wearing their glasses leave right now in Jesus name amen now
I want you to physically check your body from head to toe right now if it was your neck I want you to check it your elbows your shoulders those your shoulders just raise them up and check them your hips your knees whatever it was your eyeglasses there's physical change in your body right now
I want you to wave both hands over your head again this guy is great at parlor tricks but I still see people wearing their glasses and he commanded commanded that all the issues in the eyes be solved the guy is a phony baloney and that wasn't prayer and the sad part is is that the people there don't know their
Bible well enough to know that what that was was not a prayer and nowhere in Scripture we taught to do that and not only that they're not even honest enough to look around and go wait a second everyone's still wearing glasses to realize hey something's afoot here not that their eye is afoot because their foot is afoot but you get what
I'm saying all right so we're at the end of another dumpster fire and it just to remind you if you'd like to leave comments leave them in the comment section if you haven't already subscribed to our channel please do so when so you can be notified when we put up new episodes and new resources of course if you'd like to support us financially so that we can keep doing what we're doing we truly could use your support and the way you do that is by supporting us on patreon or becoming a crew member information is down below on how you can join our crew or support us on patreon of course another way that is a great way to support us is to share these videos so that other people can see them until next time may