A Bunch of Woke Stuff, then Underappreciated Incarnational Texts
Covered a few miscellaneous developments, such as Hungary’s stand on the family, and then moved to texts that teach incarnational truths but that normally get glossed over, from Mark and from John 6. I had intended to address a particular KJV Only argument, and to respond to some Roman Catholic claims, but simply spaced both as time was short! But, we plan on doing one more program this week (tomorrow, same time), so I will try to get to those then!
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- 00:40
- And greetings, welcome to The Dividing Line. It's sort of a morning edition out here in Phoenix on a
- 00:45
- Tuesday. I almost thought about doing a program yesterday. But yes, it was a really, really, really, really busy day.
- 00:53
- And I filled in, well, didn't fill in, but I guest -hosted on Iron Sharpens Iron along with Pastor Bill Shishko.
- 01:04
- You know Bill from moderating some of the debates we had on Long Island. And then he and I had a debate on pedo -baptism a number of years ago there on Long Island.
- 01:13
- And we filled in on Iron Sharpens Iron with Chris Arnzen, and sort of doing some fundraising for Iron Sharpens Iron.
- 01:23
- And that was two hours of interesting conversation and a few anecdotes toward the end. And then
- 01:28
- I went, and it was very kind that one of our families, where we were having a get -together that evening, allowed me to do the program there so I could run out and set up my scopes.
- 01:40
- And it's funny, I was a little hurt because the house we were at, the fellow sort of thought
- 01:48
- I would have one of those pirate things, you know, that type of thing.
- 01:53
- That's what I was going to set up, type thing. And I'm like, no, no, no,
- 01:59
- I've got the real stuff. Sorry for the real stuff. I may not have anything super fancy, but I took out my 6 -inch
- 02:07
- Orion reflector and my Meade 8 -inch and got it all set up for the conjunction last night, of course.
- 02:15
- And a lot of you had weather and clouds, and you'll still be able to see them fairly close together tonight.
- 02:21
- But last night was the closest approach from the perspective of Earth between Jupiter and Saturn since 1226.
- 02:30
- Now there was one in the 1600s, but it was too close to the sun, so you couldn't see it. It was during daytime, so big deal.
- 02:38
- And of course, given the telescopes were invented in 1608, that means that this was the first time that anyone could look through a telescope and see
- 02:49
- Jupiter and Saturn that close to one another. So even from a low -powered scope, they were right there, right next to each other.
- 02:56
- And so I got all that set up. And it was fun. It was fun to watch people looking through the scope and going, no!
- 03:08
- It's funny. People, the first time they use a telescope, they're like, is that real?
- 03:17
- Did you put a sticker down at the end of this or something? I've heard that a number of times.
- 03:26
- People would say, it just doesn't look real. And I have a shot here. Unfortunately, my setup on my 8 -inch for taking photographs, it's cheap.
- 03:42
- There are ways of doing it. There are proper ways of being able to attach a camera.
- 03:48
- I'm using the cheapest way possible. I don't have the money to do anything else. And so I just, I can never get
- 03:54
- Jupiter to resolve. But if you were looking through any of my, when
- 03:59
- I took the camera off and put the lenses back on, you could clearly see the rings of Saturn, as you can see
- 04:09
- Saturn. That's pretty clear. But Jupiter, I can never get to resolve. And you could see the bands on Jupiter quite clearly.
- 04:16
- And you can see some of Jupiter's moons, those little dots around that Ganymede. And I'm not sure if you can see
- 04:23
- Titan on Saturn this time around. But that's just one shot.
- 04:28
- It's one thing to take a picture of Jupiter, take a picture of Saturn, put them all together. This is just a single shot through my 8 -inch last night.
- 04:37
- And that's how close they appeared to be. And of what, that just happens to be where the
- 04:49
- Earth is right now. And so that's where they are in their orbits. And but still, you know, always seeing
- 04:57
- Saturn through a telescope. It's amazing how few people have looked above their heads.
- 05:06
- I think part of it, part of it is these things. Honestly, part of it is these things, computer sitting here.
- 05:14
- And for a lot of people, it's like, I can I can get pictures from the Hubble Space Telescope, which we're about to not quote unquote, replace, but go light years beyond,
- 05:24
- I hope, in technology. Hopefully, it gets launched, keeps getting delayed.
- 05:30
- And who knows what's going to happen economically in the future. But Hubble has been a gift that just keeps on giving.
- 05:39
- And it's like, I mean, I can see awesome pictures of Saturn, we had the Cassini mission, you get,
- 05:44
- I have a beautiful full size, one of the most beautiful pictures that Cassini ever took. From the backside of Saturn, the rings and the sun's on the other side.
- 05:54
- And oh, it's just gorgeous. Why in the world should I waste my time? Frequently, I have to go out in the cold, in the dark.
- 06:03
- You know, I've set my scopes up with my fingers where I was like, Come on, fingers work, try to get that thing set up right.
- 06:10
- And why bother? And most people don't. Most people don't. But a couple nights ago,
- 06:17
- I set up my six inch, which is really easy to do. That one's nice and simple.
- 06:24
- You can just aim and look, it's a little bit easier than the more higher power ones.
- 06:30
- And some young guys live across the street in a rental property, go to Grand Canyon, and invite them to come over.
- 06:38
- And you can tell they had never done anything like this before. And just the amazement.
- 06:48
- They immediately recognized what I've said to people, it's one thing to look at a screen, it's another thing to look at a piece of paper with an image on it.
- 06:58
- But when it's your eye, yeah, it's looking through a telescope. Yeah, of course. But it's your eye.
- 07:04
- And in fact, you have to work on focusing it and moving your head around a little bit to get to right where that particular lens works for your eye.
- 07:11
- And all of a sudden, Saturn pops into view. And you can see the rings and you can see your moons.
- 07:19
- Jupiter, you can see the bands, the Orion Nebula, or Albireo, or the
- 07:28
- Andromeda Galaxy. You see that stuff with your own eye.
- 07:34
- Yeah, you're using an instrument, but it's still your own eye. It's not just a glowing screen. There's there's just this look when someone there's a taking in of the breath and wow, that's that's amazing.
- 07:48
- I can't I didn't know, you know, and it's and it's true. We so many of us live in cities under a what's called a light dome.
- 07:59
- And the sky at night is a mushy gray. It's never really black.
- 08:05
- You don't see the Milky Way. You have to get 50 -60 miles outside of the edges of Phoenix to get a dark sky any longer.
- 08:17
- With Tucson growing, you can't really go south anymore. There's just just developing an entire band where there's there's no no darkness in there at all.
- 08:26
- And so even this, you can see the background is not black at all.
- 08:32
- Because I was taking these fairly shortly after, after dark, and we're in the city.
- 08:39
- We were sort of out a little bit out of city, but still very much under the light dome. And so you can see the planets, but you can't see deep space objects that way.
- 08:48
- Anyways, I hope you got to see it. If you didn't get to see it last night, it clears up tonight. Still worth your effort.
- 08:56
- Shortly after sundown to be looking toward the West Southwest, and to see
- 09:01
- Jupiter and Saturn. I was informed even though they'd never been this close since 1226, at least visible to human beings.
- 09:09
- Jason Lyle, Dr. Jason Lyle, Biblical Science Institute, who, by the way, wrote a wonderful refutation of Phil Vischer.
- 09:18
- You know, ultra leftist woke, you know, and he's putting out all this stuff and using his platform to push wokeness.
- 09:27
- He attacked creationism, young earth creationism, as a modern innovation.
- 09:34
- I think week four last and I happened to see it. And so I sent it to Dr. Lyle and said,
- 09:41
- I thought, I think you might want to read this. Well, he read it and wrote a full refutation of it at Biblical Science Institute, if you want to look it up.
- 09:49
- I thought it was enjoyable to read. But Jason informed me that there will be another conjunction.
- 09:58
- And it will not take 800 years this time. This time, it will only be 80 years.
- 10:12
- And kids, if they've got really good genetics, might remember, because Clementine and January were there.
- 10:21
- They got to look through the scope briefly to see it. So maybe they'll remember Punkle setting up, setting up his telescopes long, long ago back, back right at the beginning of the end.
- 10:34
- 2020. And we saw those things. So yeah, there you go.
- 10:40
- Hope you got a chance to see those. That was pretty pretty cool. And it was neat seeing people getting all excited about what they could see up there in the in the sky.
- 10:53
- Do we do the cultural stuff first or the biblical stuff first? Let's normally do the biblical stuff then go to the cultural stuff.
- 10:58
- Let's turn it around today. Get the end on a high note, I guess you could say with the with the biblical material.
- 11:07
- Hey, aren't you really excited that you're going to be getting like half a month's rent from the
- 11:12
- US government? 5593 pages of the new spending, almost 6000 pages.
- 11:24
- How many trees died for this idiocy? And you get half a month's rent?
- 11:33
- Yes. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah. It's and the price has gone down.
- 11:39
- You notice it was 1200 just a few months ago. It's worth worth half what it was for. Um, they destroy the economy, they destroy your job.
- 11:52
- You know, and and you might say, well, it doesn't affect you. No, it did. My wife lost her job.
- 11:58
- Because of this directly, directly. It is the actions of the government that caused that to happen.
- 12:04
- No question about it. And I include the republicans in this the there is nobody that in Washington that can stand up and say
- 12:12
- I have stood for liberty through all this. They didn't. Nobody did. So that so they destroy the economy.
- 12:20
- Please remember, their goal is the destruction of the middle class. The middle class is what has made America great. The middle class is what came out of the medieval period and allowed for advancement in science and medicine and all sorts of things.
- 12:33
- Middle class is very, very important. You want to destroy that. You still want to have the elites, the elites will always be there, they will always protect themselves, they're gonna, they're gonna be up there in their mansions, convincing everybody else that that's where they need to be to protect you.
- 12:50
- But you look at the surf, the system of the middle middle period of middle ages of serfdom.
- 12:57
- That's what they want. And that's what they're working toward. They know that the more people they can get in government assistance and dependent upon the government, global minimum wage, those people are not going to vote against the people that are signing their checks.
- 13:13
- And so they have permanent power. They've got it. As long as, as long as they give you enough to keep him starving to death, then it's hard to get you to risk what little you've got to fight for liberty or freedom.
- 13:28
- We've been here, done that, completely forgot about it, gave it up. That's America's story.
- 13:35
- And so they want to get rid of the middle class. That's what they've done. They're destroying restaurants and businesses, small businesses.
- 13:43
- Meanwhile, big corporations, Amazon, Walmart, Google, Target, the big, big, big corporations, they're just rolling in the dough.
- 13:52
- They're rolling in the dough. Just, just think this is the greatest thing since sliced bread.
- 13:59
- And then the great elites come out to us and they, they give us a, it's like flying
- 14:05
- Southwest. They give you your little bag of peanuts and they expect you to go, oh, thank you, master.
- 14:15
- I am so thankful for this bag of peanuts. Well, they then turn around and go off and have their caviar and stuff in their mansions.
- 14:24
- This is, this is where we are. I mean, it's so disgusting to me. Especially all the stuff,
- 14:29
- I guess there's a new American Latino, National Museum of the American Latino is also included.
- 14:36
- That's what we need right now. That you've got to have that right now. And a new women's history museum and millions and millions of dollars toward Pakistan with gender money for gender equality in Pakistan.
- 14:54
- There you go. I mean, gotta have that. I actually tweeted this morning.
- 15:00
- I apologize to the world for the fact the United States has been taken over by immoral, secular leftists who are using our wealth to, well, we don't have any wealth, our pretended wealth to cram all sorts of moral evil down the throats of all other nations.
- 15:19
- And I asked that everyone pray that we would be able to get godly leaders again here in every world.
- 15:26
- But yeah, there you go. 6 ,000 pages of the new spending bill. Isn't that exciting? That's just great.
- 15:32
- That's, that's, I don't even, I don't even know what, I don't know what to say about such things.
- 15:39
- By the way, I forgot. What? Oh, 89 million for what?
- 15:50
- Furniture on the house side? Senate and House. Oh, well, they need new furniture, obviously. I mean, that's, that's pretty important.
- 15:57
- I mean, yeah, it's only 89 million. Let's just be honest. They don't care about the debt anymore.
- 16:03
- Because my prediction is this, I'm not a prophet nor a son of a prophet. My prediction is this. There's a global currency coming.
- 16:10
- It's going to come with the, the debt forgiveness stuff where you assign everything you've got over to the government and then they forgive all your debts and now you're a serf.
- 16:22
- And that's how it's going to work. That's why I don't care. They're just, just keep those printing presses going, man. Get that money out there.
- 16:28
- It's not really money. It's just all fake anyways. And there you go. That's why I don't care. They don't, they don't care.
- 16:35
- I forgot to comment. I was going to, I had on the list, but I forgot to comment about this last week when Beth Moore jumped in about Trumpism.
- 16:44
- I only have the first two. I, for some reason, the third one, you know what? I might actually be able to pull that up, but let me see if I can do that.
- 16:52
- But the first two were, were interesting. I think that's where I found that.
- 17:04
- I'll scroll back and see if I can track it down. It was, I forget what date it was, but you know,
- 17:09
- I can't see Beth Moore's stuff. People have to send me Beth Moore's stuff because of course she blocked me.
- 17:15
- I don't think, I'd like think it wasn't personal. Not that I really would care one way or the other.
- 17:23
- But I think there are programs, I haven't seen them.
- 17:28
- I think there are programs that you can say, yeah, there it is. I found it. That you can like go look at this person's account and block everyone who follows this person.
- 17:43
- I think you can do that. I haven't seen it. Maybe somebody could tell me on Twitter or something like that, what that is.
- 17:49
- But I think I just simply got caught up in one of those. And that's why I got blocked.
- 17:54
- But I would be now anyways, from Beth Moore. Here's what she wrote. I do not believe there, these are days for mincing words.
- 18:02
- I'm 63 and a half years old and I have never seen anything in these United States of America I found more astonishing, seductive, and dangerous.
- 18:09
- The saints of God. Ready? This is this in 63 and a half years. All of the naturalism and post -modernism and critical race theory and critical gender theory.
- 18:20
- Just think of the young women being destroyed by drugs,
- 18:26
- Lupron, puberty blockers, testosterone, no longer able to be mothers, double mastectomies, men having their genitals cut off, massive confusion of 148 genders, the profaning of marriage, oh my goodness, destruction of the family, just unbelievable evil.
- 18:47
- But here we go. Beth Moore, the most seductive and dangerous thing. The saints of God. In all of that, then
- 18:54
- Trumpism. This Christian nationalism is not of God. Move back from it.
- 19:00
- Fellow leaders, fellow leaders, that's me. Fellow leaders, we will be held responsible for remaining passive in this day of seduction to save our own skin while the saints we've been entrusted to serve are being seduced, manipulated.
- 19:15
- If you haven't gotten the idea that Beth Moore is full on with the egalitarian thing, you've not been paying attention.
- 19:23
- Saints who've been entrusted to serve are being seduced, manipulated, used, and stirred up into a lather of zeal devoid of the
- 19:30
- Holy Spirit for political gain. And then I found the third one. And God help us, we don't turn from Trumpism to Bidenism.
- 19:37
- We do not worship flesh and blood. We do not place our faith in mortals. We are the church living God. We can't sanctify idolatry by labeling a leader our
- 19:45
- Cyrus. We need no Cyrus. We have a king. His name is Jesus. Well, that last one's fine and wonderful, except it misses the reality that what
- 19:53
- Joe Biden and Kamala Harris represent is the most blatant, vile, open, unhidden expression of anti -Christian worldview expressions that we've ever seen.
- 20:13
- The people being assigned to positions in the coming rulership. I don't call it an administration because administrations administer laws.
- 20:20
- These people aren't going to be administering laws. They're going to be administering the fundamental reorganization of the entirety of the
- 20:28
- American culture. It just stuns me how wokeism can allow you to, on the one hand, see and at times even say, well, what
- 20:46
- Beth Moore said about homosexuality in her book before she unsaid what she said about in her book, remember?
- 20:52
- Where she had the old, orthodox, historic, proper perspective on homosexuality from a biblical viewpoint years ago and then quietly removed it first from the
- 21:09
- Kindle edition. Kindle editions you can edit anytime you want to, you know? And then when your
- 21:15
- Kindle reader hooks up to the internet, all of a sudden you've got new stuff that you didn't have before or the old stuff that you wanted to have isn't there anymore.
- 21:25
- And that kind of stuff. They can see that. They can even say things about it.
- 21:31
- But Orange Man Bad. Orange Man Bad. That's just worse than anything else.
- 21:37
- This is just all following the culture. This is... It's just sad to observe.
- 21:44
- It's just sad to observe. But in 63 and a half years, she's older than I am.
- 21:50
- Five and a half years older than I am. Yeah, even older and rich.
- 21:56
- That's saying a lot. Six, three and a half years old, and I've never seen anything in these United States of America.
- 22:02
- Really? Nothing. Nothing more astonishing, seductive, and dangerous to the saints of God than Trumpism.
- 22:10
- Now, let me stop for a moment. I don't know what you call Trumpism. I'm seeing
- 22:16
- Trumpism used for everything that is not woke, which of course is absurd.
- 22:25
- But let's be honest, man, there's some weird stuff out there. That's stuff that happened in Washington a couple weeks ago.
- 22:32
- There were... There was so much weirdness going on there that if you call that Trumpism, if you've got all the...
- 22:43
- There are still some alleged prophets, still some alleged prophets out there going to their grave prophetically saying that, you know, hey,
- 23:01
- God's told me Trump's getting another four years. And when you start turning this guy into a messiah and everything like that, and you close your eyes to the softness of his administration on the issue of homosexuality, very plainly division at the highest levels that he did not resolve, he did not take a stance on very clearly.
- 23:27
- His family, his history, very pro -homosexual. He didn't... He's from New York. They're everywhere, right?
- 23:34
- Why would I bother about that? That's why, you know, when I... Did you...
- 23:41
- I saw someone linked to... I think Tom Buck linked to Trump's Christmas greeting.
- 23:49
- And look, how in the world can I sit here and listen to that Christmas greeting and not go, man, that's stronger...
- 24:00
- That was stronger theologically in its statement about who
- 24:06
- Jesus was than anything that's been said by an American president since I don't know who, probably in the 19th century someplace, even from Bush.
- 24:18
- It was obviously, however, not written by Donald Trump.
- 24:24
- That's the problem. I mean, I'm glad he's willing to say it. I'm glad he went to the pro -life marches. I'm glad for all that stuff.
- 24:32
- But I don't yet have any evidence. I would love to get evidence, maybe in the coming years, it'll come forth.
- 24:37
- I would love to get some evidence that he actually believes the stuff that he was saying. It sounded like Mike Pence wrote it or someone along those lines, because it was extremely orthodox, very strong.
- 24:48
- Jesus is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords and the whole thing about Christmas. And it was really, really good.
- 24:55
- And I'm glad to hear it, because he ain't going to get that from Joe Biden. And you'll get something about who knows what from Kamala Harris.
- 25:04
- But at the same time, I just have a hard time believing that that's coming from him.
- 25:10
- He's reading something that's been written for him. I would love to be proven wrong about that. That would be wonderful.
- 25:16
- That'd be awesome. It's not going to change anything, but it'd be wonderful and awesome if that were the case.
- 25:24
- But there are people that are just doing some weird stuff, weird, weird, weird stuff about Trump that's just like, whoa, back off people, you're acting really weird.
- 25:38
- But I don't think that's what she's talking about. She's talking about just not being woke.
- 25:44
- I didn't get a chance to do another search, but I can pretty much guarantee you that over the next couple of weeks, the incoming
- 25:53
- Biden kingdom will make a statement about what
- 26:02
- Hungary has done. Thank God for Hungary. Thank God for Hungary and Poland.
- 26:08
- They're not perfect by any stretch of the imagination. There are no perfect governments in this world, but it's nice to see once in a while, somebody stand up.
- 26:19
- It's sort of like when the African Anglicans or African Roman Catholics or folks in Africa tell their
- 26:27
- European brothers to sit on a tack. It's gotten to that point now where we can't help but date ourselves by everything we say, because people don't really use tacks anymore.
- 26:46
- That was something you did in school. You put a tack on somebody's seat and you'd get in trouble for it, but it was awful fun.
- 26:54
- Who does that? People don't even go to school anymore. You can't do that over Zoom. It's just really not possible.
- 27:04
- I mentioned yesterday, I got this from my mom. I'm busier than a one -armed paper hanger.
- 27:10
- My mom and my dad are busier than a one -armed paper hanger. No one knows what a paper hanger is. No one puts wallpaper up anymore.
- 27:17
- They don't know what is that, putting glue and all that. Nobody understands what that would involve, so I keep dating myself badly.
- 27:28
- Bill Shishko suggested, try busier than a windmill in a hurricane. That still communicates.
- 27:36
- Now we've got those windmill thingies all over that kill all the birds. Generate electricity, but they kill all the birds in the process.
- 27:45
- It's great. I propose busier than a Facebook algorithm. Well, busier than a
- 27:52
- Facebook algorithm that's banning all free speech. That's way too long now.
- 27:57
- Anyway, Hungary, this is how the BBC put it.
- 28:04
- What do you expect from the BBC? This is what we're going to get. Do not expect. Just get it into your mind.
- 28:11
- You will be misrepresented when you are shamed and attacked by the culture in the future.
- 28:20
- Just make sure that the Lord knows what your intentions were.
- 28:27
- The Lord knows your heart, and let the heathen rage. The BBC is heathen, and so Hungary bans same -sex couples from adopting children.
- 28:43
- A nicer headline would be something along the lines of Hungary affirms its historical stance on the importance of mothers and fathers.
- 28:52
- See how different that sounds? That's of course what they're doing, but Hungary put into its constitution a definition of the family of a man and a woman.
- 29:07
- Yeah, and now that's grounds for the
- 29:15
- EU going after them, and they will. The European Union will go after them. They've gone after Poland for doing similar things.
- 29:25
- I'm surprised they haven't already banished any of the leaders of the
- 29:34
- Hungarian government from Twitter and Facebook. We're not going to allow you on because you are bad, very bad people.
- 29:43
- Let me just say to all the saints in Hungary, and I imagine we have some folks in Hungary and in Poland and other places.
- 29:54
- I know we have folks in the Czech Republic. More power to you. Way to go.
- 30:01
- Like I said, we have to sit here and apologize as Americans for what our government is doing in the promotion of just the most amazingly evil things all around the world.
- 30:15
- More power to you. Congratulations. Keep it up. Don't be ashamed of the nation being willing to say, this is where we stand.
- 30:25
- We will not allow this kind of - because what we're being told is Hungary is a totalitarian.
- 30:33
- This is what Joe Biden said a few weeks ago. This wasn't about this, but that's why I think there will be a statement eventually called
- 30:39
- Hungary a totalitarian regime. That's what you're going to be. You're going to be accused of promoting totalitarianism, hate.
- 30:47
- That's what they're going to use to silence anybody who does not walk lockstep with the regime.
- 30:56
- That's what the regime, the Biden regime, that's what it should be. That's the proper term, regime. The Biden -Harris regime.
- 31:04
- But Biden -Harris are not going to have to do that through governmental sources.
- 31:09
- Right now, Google, Facebook, Twitter, they do it on their own. That they're functioning as quasi -governmental authorities in crushing dissent and free speech.
- 31:24
- That's their thing now. Now, just a little word of warning to Zuckerberg and Jack and whoever the nameless faceless robots are in charge of Google.
- 31:42
- I think Google already is run by AI. It's probably some kind of freaky looking algorithm robot,
- 31:51
- AI robot out there. Just a word of warning. You may think that you're protecting yourself from the government by doing what you're doing.
- 32:06
- By Google, for example, shifting millions and millions and millions of votes away from Trump to Biden by their use of algorithms.
- 32:14
- It's been documented. It's there. It happened in 2016. Worse in 2020.
- 32:22
- Twitter, everybody, Facebook, you may think you're protecting yourself, but you need to realize that totalitarianism eventually moves from soft totalitarianism to hard totalitarianism.
- 32:38
- And that means your free speech rights, which right now work fine because you're going the same direction.
- 32:47
- But if you ever disagree, they will come down on you just as hard as you're coming down on us.
- 32:56
- And by then it'll be too late for you. Just a warning. Just be aware. That's what's coming.
- 33:02
- That's what's coming. There you go. I was going to say that driving in this morning, I was listening to talk radio.
- 33:10
- I can't verify the documentation on it, but the fellow mentioned that during the election season,
- 33:16
- Twitter censored Trump over 530 times and Biden not once, not even once.
- 33:25
- No, of course not. It's too obvious. It's too plain. I don't know how anybody can question it, but there you go.
- 33:33
- So Hungary, congratulations, stand strong, fight the good fight. Doesn't mean everything
- 33:40
- Hungary does is exactly right. Now, an article appeared from, which included, this was by Matthew Arbo, C.
- 33:56
- Ben Mitchell, and Andrew T. Walker. Walker is an ethics professor at Southern, a graduate of Southern, I think.
- 34:03
- I think Mitchell's also a Baptist. Anyway, why we plan to get vaccinated, a
- 34:11
- Christian moral perspective. I just wanted to interact with one little section of it under safety and efficacy.
- 34:22
- Now, I have laid out what I think is a fair case as to why it seems to me to be extremely logical, fair,
- 34:35
- Christian, moral, ethical to not receive the new vaccinations at this point in time and to resist governmental mandated invasion of your bloodstream at all times.
- 34:56
- I have laid out a number of reasons for this. I believe that there is more than sufficient evidence of collusion amongst various governmental agencies, world agencies, such as the
- 35:09
- World Health Organization, the CDC in the United States, the
- 35:15
- World Economic Forum, in utilizing the COVID -19 situation, if not bringing it about, to create the circumstances of Operation Warp Speed, of creating massive irrational panic.
- 35:34
- Massive irrational. Let me show you. Do you want irrationality? Let me show you what irrationality looks like, okay?
- 35:41
- I go to this little pizza and pasta place. Been going there for years. And the entire dining area is about maybe three times the size of this studio.
- 35:59
- It's small. There's one, two, three, four. There are eight tables, okay?
- 36:07
- There are only eight tables in this dining area. So from the front door to the counter,
- 36:18
- I would say is about 10 to 12 feet maximum. All right?
- 36:24
- That's how small. We're talking a couple hundred square feet max. Small number of people. Fully loaded.
- 36:32
- And I have not been inside that restaurant now since June.
- 36:38
- You know why? Because you have to have a mask on. As soon as you sit down, you can take it off.
- 36:46
- So I have to wear a mask to walk, sometimes as little as four feet, and then
- 36:53
- I can take it off. That is insane. There is no rational, logical, ethical, scientific, virological basis for wearing a cotton mask that is doing nothing to walk four feet to take it off.
- 37:15
- But I have to. That's why I haven't been in. I have not been inside a restaurant. I've been inside one restaurant since June, and that was on a trip.
- 37:25
- One. That's it. It's insanity. We all know it's insanity. We all laugh at it.
- 37:33
- I'd have to, when I was driving back to St. Charles, it wasn't too bad back then because I just had this thing around my neck, and it was cold.
- 37:42
- So, I mean, it was pretty natural to be all bundled up anyway, so I hardly even noticed it. But when
- 37:48
- I would go in, I remember very clearly this one stop, and I'm looking at the gal behind, and she's behind plexiglass, but she still has to wear a mask, and it's right here, and no one cares, and everybody on the planet knows that's doing absolutely nothing, but we're following the rules.
- 38:07
- That's what it's all been about. It's insanity. Absolute insanity, and we all know it in our heart of hearts, but this cultic mentality has developed.
- 38:19
- A cultic mentality has developed where it's, I'm following the rules.
- 38:25
- I am being a good person. I'm doing my part. Man, that's scary. That is scary, scary, scary.
- 38:33
- So, I've laid out in the past all sorts of reasons, but one of my primary reasons in this situation,
- 38:42
- I've said, I love tech. I think it is fulfilling the creation mandate to utilize technology.
- 38:50
- I was using technology to take that picture. We used technology to know it was going to be happening.
- 38:58
- I just think it's, I think one of the most awesome things mankind has done, to be honest with you, is the
- 39:06
- Cassini probe to Saturn and the landing on Titan. I have, I've made a picture in my home that was taken from the probe that landed, the
- 39:17
- Huygens probe that landed on Titan, what was that, 2005? Saw things that no human eye has ever seen because the atmosphere of Titan is opaque.
- 39:27
- We can't see through it. It's methane. So, here is this probe, and we land it through that.
- 39:32
- It rains methane at minus 178 degrees, and we landed a probe through there.
- 39:38
- I've got the pictures that it's taking as it's landing in this place we've never seen before. Wow, that's awesome.
- 39:43
- I love tech. I think that's absolutely awesome. I think it's tremendous. When it's in the right hands, when it's in a worldview that will not allow it to become something horrifically evil.
- 39:56
- So, I'm not against tech, but in this situation, the tech has been rushed at an absurd speed.
- 40:09
- Warp speed, in fact. I'm seeing all these people, including these seminary professors, promoting the safety and efficacy of a vaccine that they do not know is safe and effective.
- 40:30
- They don't know that. The only way to know this is by testing over time.
- 40:40
- You can't rush this. You can't. You can pretend, and that's what's being done.
- 40:48
- It's shocking to me how many Christian leaders and others have all bought into this. I'm going to go ahead and repeat it.
- 40:54
- It's safe and effective. You don't know that. I hope and pray that it is. I really do, but you don't know that.
- 41:05
- If you're saying it right now without the clear caveat, I'm praying that it will be, you're just lying to us.
- 41:13
- That's what makes me go. So, here are conservative
- 41:18
- Christian ethicists. Because the rapid pace of development under Operation Warp Speed, it seems natural to worry that COVID -19 vaccines may not be as safe and effective as they would have been if they were developed more slowly.
- 41:31
- Although it is true that the vaccines have been developed quickly, the same scientific process has been followed.
- 41:38
- No, it hasn't. That is not true. That is a false statement.
- 41:46
- The scientific process involves long -term health studies in the people taking the vaccine.
- 41:54
- You can't dilate time. That's just an untrue statement.
- 42:00
- How did it get in there? I don't understand this. How did that get—the same scientific process has been followed.
- 42:07
- No, it hasn't. Show me how it has. Show me the—it's real simple.
- 42:13
- Real simple. Give me the five -year health studies. You can't.
- 42:20
- You know you can't, and there's a reason why you can't. In fact, because the stakes are so high, the scrutiny and oversight have never been more intense.
- 42:29
- Wait a minute. Those two sentences don't go together. You can have scrutiny and oversight in a short period of time.
- 42:37
- That's not the same thing as having five -year data. I'm just stunned by this.
- 42:43
- How is this happening? Who's getting paid here is what I want to know.
- 42:50
- Or maybe it's just simply, hey, we're just doing our part. We're just trying to help.
- 42:58
- Dan Baruch, a vaccine researcher at Harvard, maintains, quote, never before have there been vaccine trials that have been followed so closely from inception to onset to conduct, end quote, or more quickly.
- 43:12
- That's the point. I don't care how many I's are on it. I's can't make time go any faster.
- 43:20
- You have no five -year—you have no one -year, you have no two -year, you have no three -year, you have no four -year, you have no five -year, do you?
- 43:28
- Nope, you don't. Well, we will in five years, and we'll have a billion case studies.
- 43:38
- Well, thank you, guinea pigs. Let's hope it turns out well, but that's all we've got is hope.
- 43:49
- Oh, of course they have indemnification. They can't be sued. You're not going to have the, if you were damaged by the
- 43:56
- COVID -19 vaccine 10 years ago, call this Italian named
- 44:02
- Turney or something. Yeah, it's good. Call Pal and San. That's right, because you're not going to get nothing.
- 44:09
- They have indemnification. Second, the ways the process has been accelerated have not compromised safety.
- 44:16
- These are ethicists, but they're actually acting as salesmen.
- 44:24
- They're salesmen and apologists. Protocols followed by the FDA are rigorous and include months of safety surveillance.
- 44:37
- Really? Months. What does the FDA normally require?
- 44:44
- Years. I guess if you can think 600 bucks from Uncle Sam means something, then you can go ahead months, years, same thing.
- 44:53
- Who cares? If I'm checking that timeline, I'm thinking that it's single digit months.
- 45:01
- Yeah. I don't think you can even get double digits out of that. You can't. No way. Can't. Nope. Nope. Include months of safety surveillance.
- 45:11
- Most side effects of vaccines show up within six weeks. Really? Tell that to the people who lost all motor skills in the 2016 flu vaccine debacle.
- 45:23
- So there has been plenty of margin to monitor for adverse events.
- 45:31
- The more I read this, the more I go, man, if I ever need to sell a bad used car,
- 45:37
- I know who to do it. I know who to get to write it up for me. The unpleasant side effects such as headaches, fatigue, and pain at the injection site are real.
- 45:45
- We should all be fully informed about them. By the way, I don't care about any of those. Those are standard for any vaccine.
- 45:50
- I get that. Who cares? That's not my concern. It shouldn't be your concern either. You are injecting a human engineered genetic code into the cells of your body.
- 46:07
- It causes cells in your body to produce antibodies aimed at a specific spike protein on the surface of COVID -19, which
- 46:19
- I am told the strain has substantial differences in that very spike protein.
- 46:28
- Okay? This is new technology, and you and I both know if we just push back from the table, if we turn off MSNBC long enough that you don't have that constant box over there that has become burned into the screens of most
- 46:44
- TVs of MSNBC, of global cases, global deaths,
- 46:50
- U .S. cases, U .S. deaths, blah, blah, blah, blah, just 24 -7 pounding it into people's minds, you push that back enough and you simply ask the question, huh, a whole new technology involving genetics, not our old technology of vaccines, a new technology, and we're willing to go with single -digit months of observation.
- 47:25
- No one -year data, no two -year data, no three, no four, no five, which would have been required for any vaccine in the past.
- 47:36
- Oh, wow. Third, real quickly, the
- 47:45
- COVID -19 vaccine trials are unusually large, which means they offer a great deal of evidence of safety and effectiveness.
- 47:51
- It's like these people work for Pfizer or Moderna. Yeah. Talk about disappointing.
- 48:01
- It's just like, wow, it's ugly. Okay, well, there's that stuff.
- 48:13
- Let me show you something here. I didn't have time, but I recognize it just simply by the hand.
- 48:23
- This is Codex Sinaiticus, and this is from, get the cursor out of the way here, this is, of course, from Philippians chapter two, and they will confess
- 48:40
- Hati Ex Hamalageta Lageseta, future,
- 48:49
- Hati Kurios, so what looks like a KC with the line, it's called a
- 48:56
- Nomen Sacra, this is the two -letter abbreviation of Kurios in its nominative form,
- 49:02
- Lord, Jesus, nominative, Nomen Sacra form,
- 49:09
- Christos, nominative form, Nomen Sacra, ais, doxon, theu, genitive form of God, Nomen Sacra, patras, three -letter
- 49:28
- Nomen Sacra form, again, the line each time indicating the Nomen Sacra, the rather mysterious, to be honest with you, abbreviational forms that were adopted by Christians in the writing of their scriptures, as far as we can tell from the start.
- 49:51
- To my knowledge, I could be wrong about this, but I would think that I would remember having read anywhere where we had encountered a manuscript in the first 500 years that did not utilize the
- 50:07
- Nomen Sacra. I'd be really interested to know if there's an exception. If anyone knows, please let me know. That just was an inquiry that just popped in off the top of my head.
- 50:21
- But every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Kurios, Jesus, Christos, ais, doxon, theu, patras, under the glory of God the
- 50:34
- Father. So, we know this is the end of the great confession, the hymn to Christ as to God.
- 50:46
- We've seen the beauty of the balance of this text, but I just want to start with this just so you can see this line of Nomen Sacra here.
- 51:02
- Lord Jesus Christ, Lord is first, the confession that Lord Jesus Christ, Kurios, not a
- 51:13
- Lord, but that Jesus Christ is the Kurios, and that this confession, which will come from all of creation, above the earth, under the earth,
- 51:29
- Paul makes it plain, this is the human family, past, present, future, gathered together, will confess what we, in our context, exhort men and women to confess for their salvation.
- 51:51
- Eventually, all of creation will confess it, even if it's to their condemnation.
- 51:58
- Every knee will bow, every tongue will confess. So, the bowing of the knee shows that the
- 52:06
- Kurios here in Philippians 2 is lordship as in king of kings, lord of lords.
- 52:19
- Never in scripture to the detriment or detraction of the glory of God the
- 52:25
- Father, right there, Ais Doxon, Theopatros, under the glory of God the
- 52:32
- Father, that balance is always found in scripture. It's beautiful to see.
- 52:40
- But the point is, as we've said many times before, when you object to the demands of militant
- 52:58
- Islam in regards to being subject to Sharia law under the authority of Allah, as a
- 53:09
- Christian, you must do so recognizing that our own scriptures say that someday, in the
- 53:15
- Eschaton, every knee will bow, every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is
- 53:22
- Lord, to the glory of God the Father. But notice, in our language, we say that Jesus Christ is
- 53:33
- Lord. So, we take the second two nomina sacra and we put a verb in there and say that Jesus Christos is
- 53:49
- Lord unto the glory of God the Father. But originally, the first thing that enters the mind as to the content of the confession and the reason for the bowing of the knee is the identification of the kurios.
- 54:17
- And remember, what was the shema? What was the identifying prayer of the people of God?
- 54:27
- Shema Yisrael, Yahweh Eloheinu. Yahweh is our God. Yahweh Echad.
- 54:34
- Yahweh is one. Yahweh Eloheinu. And how is
- 54:39
- Yahweh rendered in the Greek Septuagint, the Bible of the early church? Kurios. What was the claim of Caesar?
- 54:48
- Caesar kurios. Caesar is Lord. What is the claim of the
- 54:54
- New Testament? Jesus kurios. Jesus is Lord. Direct opposition.
- 55:00
- Direct opposition. So, the first thing that is confessed, kurios
- 55:06
- Jesus Christos. Lord is
- 55:11
- Jesus Christ. And that, unto the glory of God the
- 55:16
- Father, because what does Jesus say of himself? Well, let me take this down and look at a couple of other texts.
- 55:28
- And this is all about Advent week. It's just a matter of days until we celebrate.
- 55:41
- And I want to show you some texts that normally we don't think about when it comes to this celebration.
- 55:50
- And maybe you, like I, because of what we were talking about beforehand, I will confess it's been a little bit harder this year to set aside worldly distractions, appropriate issues of concern.
- 56:12
- I mean, this talk of the new strain in England, which has resulted in the complete lockdown of London and major portions of England.
- 56:26
- And do you think by now they should get the idea that that's not doing any good?
- 56:33
- You think maybe? It's desperation, but it's absurd desperation. That's not going to stay there.
- 56:42
- It's going to get into Europe. It's going to get into the United States. We don't, you know, there's hope that the current vaccine, it will be relevant because antibodies are all of different types and size and shapes and efficacies and all sorts of things like that.
- 57:10
- So we don't know yet, but this stuff's happening. And that means that it's appropriate for us to be thinking that by the end of January, we could have the president of the
- 57:24
- United States putting tremendous pressure on every governor, including
- 57:29
- South Dakota, on every governor to close the churches completely, lock
- 57:41
- John MacArthur up. If you can look me in the eye and say, not possible.
- 57:50
- I just go, have you been awake recently? Do you realize how far we've gone one year?
- 57:55
- So it's appropriate. You can't put that stuff out of your mind.
- 58:02
- You have to be thinking about what are we going to do? How are we going to handle this situation? If you're in leadership in the church, you're sitting here going,
- 58:09
- I guess I need to put together one of those bags that people say you should have when you head off to the
- 58:16
- Huskow type of situation. It makes it a little hard to be quite as Christmas focused as we've been in the past.
- 58:31
- But yeah, well, here's a couple of texts
- 58:42
- I'd like to just briefly share with you. We've already gone our full hour and we'll go a little bit beyond that.
- 58:49
- But one of the themes that misses most of us who grew up in the church, now maybe if you're a convert in adult life, maybe some of these things catch you because you didn't get all the exposure as a childhood to the language.
- 59:12
- But one of the phrases that is used on the lips of Jesus is about him who sent me.
- 59:23
- Now, if that was by itself, you could simply chalk it up to a prophetic voice, maybe.
- 59:35
- You look at Isaiah, who will go for us? Send me. So sort of an Isaianic idea.
- 59:44
- But it comes from Jesus in a different context. So you have it in subtle ways.
- 59:50
- For example, in Mark chapter 9, whoever receives one child like this in my name receives me.
- 59:58
- And whoever receives me does not receive me, but the one who sent me.
- 01:00:07
- And so even here in Mark, and I've argued often that Mark is horribly misrepresented in the majority of modern theological writing as if its
- 01:00:23
- Christology is so defective in comparison to John. That's just not true.
- 01:00:29
- It's just repeated so often that people repeat it, but they shouldn't. It's you have
- 01:00:36
- Jesus speaking in such a way, whoever receives me does not receive me, but him who sent me.
- 01:00:46
- There is this relationship between Jesus and the Father as the one who was being sent by the
- 01:00:54
- Father. But even the context of whoever receives one child like this in my name receives me, and whoever receives me does not receive me, but him who sent me.
- 01:01:09
- This is not the language of a mere prophet speaking. And there is a self -understanding on Jesus' part of having been sent by the
- 01:01:22
- Father. You tie this together in Mark with the Son of Man statements, and it's very, very clear. I mean, you go to Mark chapter 14,
- 01:01:29
- Jesus' words in his trial, and it becomes inarguably clear, except for people who actually think
- 01:01:37
- Jesus is talking about somebody other than himself when he talks about the Son of Man, but we won't get into that weirdness right now. So, you have received me, the one who sent me, acting in my name.
- 01:01:52
- I know it's just down here in 939, for there is no one who will perform a miracle in my name.
- 01:01:57
- That name becomes the name in which Christians suffer and die in the Book of Acts, and this is found throughout the
- 01:02:06
- Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. But it becomes even more compelling in John where you'd expect it, where you have the
- 01:02:17
- Father sent me, I have come into the world, there's all this.
- 01:02:23
- And again, this is language shared by John and the Synoptic Gospels, but it is emphasized because of the incidents in Jesus' life and ministry that John chooses to focus upon that the
- 01:02:38
- Synoptic Gospels do not, which of course leads to all sorts of professors saying that that means this stuff never happened, as if everybody has to focus on the same things.
- 01:02:50
- But what struck me today, and I found interesting, is in looking at John 6 and just think, how many hours have we spent on John 6 on this program?
- 01:03:11
- I mean, wow, just boom, hours. And yet,
- 01:03:18
- I had never really thought about this passage in this way.
- 01:03:25
- And that's the danger. You can know a passage like the back of your hand because you have walked through it over and over again, but there's always another angle.
- 01:03:37
- There's always not another meaning, but another perspective that will allow you to see something you didn't see before.
- 01:03:47
- So, we know the teaching. Jesus said to them, I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will not hunger.
- 01:03:53
- He who believes in me will never thirst. But I said to you that you have seen me and yet do not believe. All that the Father gives me will come to me, and the one who comes to me
- 01:04:00
- I will certainly not cast out. We have taken this apart every way you can possibly take it apart. We have examined every single
- 01:04:09
- Greek word and tried to consider so many different ways around this.
- 01:04:18
- But notice, for I have come down from heaven not to do my own will, but the will of him who sent me, and this is the will of him who sent me.
- 01:04:24
- Now, notice even in the phrasing and emphasis of my voice as I read 38 and 39,
- 01:04:39
- I connected 38 and 39 because 39 gives you what the will spoken of in the middle of verse 38 is.
- 01:04:48
- I have not come to do my own will, but the will of him who sent me. And this is the will of him who sent me.
- 01:04:55
- Okay, that of all these given me I lose nothing but raise up on the last day. Really important to see how all these phrases are connected and connected one to another and yeah, vitally important.
- 01:05:07
- But what happened in the process? In fact, even when I rephrased it, I left something out purposefully, but it didn't change the discussion.
- 01:05:18
- For I've come not to do my own will, but that's not what it says, is it? I have come down from heaven not to do my own will, but the will of him who sent me.
- 01:05:31
- Now, normally, the problem is that we're so focused upon the soteriological content of what is being said, and that is the overarching theme.
- 01:05:44
- That's the major theme. It's sort of like, okay, if you're into music, I love listening to music.
- 01:05:52
- I've normally got music going on, but I'm not into... I know about the theory.
- 01:05:58
- I studied enough. I played enough music in high school to know something about the theory. Love listening to classical music, and so you know that in some of those beautiful, especially in Beethoven, Bach as well, all the great composers, but in Beethoven, especially, you'll have major themes and then minor themes.
- 01:06:17
- In Rimsky -Korsakov's Scheherazade, you've got so many situations where you've got the major flowing theme to the music, and then you've got these minor things going on that help.
- 01:06:27
- Well, tell the story because Scheherazade is a story, and it's just so masterfully told, but it's those minor themes that you have to sort of listen, and oh, yeah,
- 01:06:37
- I hear that one instrument doing this thing, and then this other instrument picks it over here, and it makes the color and the texture, and it's awesome.
- 01:06:44
- Well, the major theme here that carries through this chapter is the same from the time that they start talking in the synagogue, and so you've got the major theme, and the major theme is what synergists are trying to chop up so you don't see what the major theme is.
- 01:07:04
- And so when you're defending the text, yeah, you have to defend the major theme from being disrupted and obscured and overlaid by human traditions from all sorts of different perspectives, okay?
- 01:07:18
- But did you catch the minor theme? For I have come down from heaven.
- 01:07:26
- I have come down from heaven. Isaiah never said that.
- 01:07:32
- Jeremiah never said that, even though Jeremiah quotes Jeremiah 1 .5, foreknown you.
- 01:07:37
- God knew him. That doesn't mean Jeremiah was in heaven and was sent down by God.
- 01:07:45
- This was God's foreknowledge, but here is Jesus saying, I have come down from heaven not to do my own will.
- 01:07:52
- Well, if you come down from heaven, you're a divine being. And so to say not to do my own will but the will of him who sent me continues the theme of chapter five, and again, all these chapter divisions are arbitrary.
- 01:08:12
- They are not part of the original writings. There's no chapter divisions and stuff like that in those early manuscripts.
- 01:08:20
- But it continues the theme of the unity of the father and the son and the submission of the son in being sent as the
- 01:08:30
- God man. And so I have come down from heaven assumes and asserts.
- 01:08:38
- He's the one sitting here saying, I am the bread of life. You believe in me, you'll never hunger.
- 01:08:45
- That's pretty exalted language. He is saying that he is about to say that he is the perfect savior.
- 01:08:54
- He's about to say in John 6 what he's going to say even more explicitly in John chapter 10. If you're in my hand, you have eternal life.
- 01:09:03
- If you're in the father's hand, you have eternal life. I and the father are one in what? In bringing about the salvation of God's people.
- 01:09:09
- But I have come down from heaven. There is a recognition on Jesus's part of his true nature and how this is relevant to the role that he has voluntarily taken in bringing about the salvation of God's people.
- 01:09:34
- That's when did he come down from heaven? When did the angels come and announce his birth?
- 01:09:41
- The angels came and announced his birth there in Bethlehem. And that's what we celebrate at this time of year.
- 01:09:49
- By the way, just in closing, someone, you know,
- 01:09:58
- I posted that picture on Twitter. And someone popped on and said, that wasn't the
- 01:10:05
- Christmas star. And I'm like, I never said it was.
- 01:10:11
- Why would I think that it was? I mean, if there is a full conjunction to where, and we know, if you know your solar system, if they actually, if one eclipsed the other, it would not make anything brighter.
- 01:10:31
- In fact, it would be duller. It'd be less light would be reflected to Earth. Because Jupiter is the closer of the two.
- 01:10:39
- It's much larger. You saw in the picture that scale -wise, if those two got together,
- 01:10:46
- Saturn goes bye -bye. You can't see it from Earth for a brief period of time. So I never even suggested that it was.
- 01:10:57
- I'll just say in passing, I believe the Christmas star was a miracle. I believe it was supernatural.
- 01:11:04
- And I think looking for naturalistic explanations of it, as many people have, and there's interesting discussions of this, that, and the other thing.
- 01:11:14
- But I just don't go there. I think it was supernatural and maybe only visible to certain people.
- 01:11:26
- It's like miracles happen in space and time, but they're not explainable by the natural processes in space and time, or they're not miracles.
- 01:11:36
- That's the whole point. But I just was left going, why would anyone think that I was saying this was the
- 01:11:44
- Christmas star or something like that? I mean, for most people living in cities, they wouldn't even realize what was going on over there.
- 01:11:52
- They just see Jupiter setting early tonight and, oh, is there another little thing over there? It's hard to say.
- 01:11:58
- You can't tell. Now, no, I'm not one of those people that was going, oh, look, it's a
- 01:12:03
- Christmas star and stuff like that. No, you can come up with that if you want to, but I never say anything.
- 01:12:10
- So the point being, there are texts that sometimes we miss. I have been sent by the
- 01:12:18
- Father. I have come down from heaven, the one who sent me, that demonstrate that Jesus had this understanding of himself, that he had that divine origin, and not like any other man.
- 01:12:35
- I have come down from, I have come down from heaven is a pretty strong statement.
- 01:12:41
- Pretty strong statement. And the fact that it appears in the midst of a soteriological passage, a passage about how
- 01:12:47
- God brings about the salvation of his people, very important and very encouraging.
- 01:12:52
- I hope it's useful to you at this time of the year. Our intention is to sneak another program in tomorrow.
- 01:13:00
- What? I have one item here of housekeeping order. I do this every year at the end of the year.
- 01:13:07
- Folks, if you are donating and have been donating to this work, we really appreciate your support.
- 01:13:16
- If you've been sending us— We stink at reminding people about that, but— Yes. If you've been sending us checks and you're not getting a receipt from me after each donation in email,
- 01:13:28
- I need your email address. And so if you could contact me with your email address at rpierce,
- 01:13:38
- P -I -E -R -C -E, at aomin .org, I will make sure to update your records and get your receipts to you for the year to date.
- 01:13:49
- And we'll be sending out at the beginning of the year, the donation receipts, the official ones that have all the particular information that you need to have.
- 01:13:57
- But I just want to remind folks that if I haven't been sending you receipts for your donations, I need your email address, and that's why.
- 01:14:05
- So that's all I got. All right. Yes, we do completely stink at—I mean, a couple—was it last
- 01:14:15
- Tuesday? Was like Cyber Giving Tuesday or something, and my email box was filled with every ministry
- 01:14:24
- I've ever sent anything to or gotten anything from, and we did nothing.
- 01:14:31
- You get all the year end, and this year there would be so much to be able to say, hey, if you want us to keep going, we need—and everybody's in the same boat, okay?
- 01:14:49
- Everybody's in the exact same position. When I write the year end thingamabobby coming up here, basically all
- 01:14:58
- I'm going to be talking about is this is what we are hoping to be able to do with the new studio in the future coming up this year.
- 01:15:09
- But let's just be honest, all of us have no earthly idea what to expect after the 20th of January.
- 01:15:19
- We just don't know. And making plans, tough.
- 01:15:26
- It's extremely, extremely difficult right now to do anything as far as the future is concerned.
- 01:15:33
- So we pray to be faithful, and if you support this ministry, then you believe that what we're doing, the foundations we're laying, the issues we're addressing are important and encouraging to you, and so we just let you know we don't have some super rich person that just keeps the lights on.
- 01:15:50
- It's individuals that have kept us going through this year, and 2021 will be the same thing.