Evangelicalism is Under Attack! | Rosaria Butterfield

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Rosaria Butterfield, author of "Five Lies of Our Anti-Christian Age", discusses how culture has invaded broad evangelicalism, spreading its anti-Christian agendas and disguising them by using confusing and obscure language.


Is it true, as the Gospel Coalition recently promoted, that it is safe and wonderful to send your child to public school?
Or is it true that since 2021, there is a federally mandated anti -bullying clause that demands children become allies to the transgender movement in order to not be called bullies?
Well, I know the latter is true, so I want to know why broad evangelicalism is promoting the former. So we don't know what time it is.
We don't know that we are living downstream from all of the exchanges you know in Romans 1, the exchange of truth for lies, the exchange of the worship of the creation for the creator, and the exchange of heterosexuality for homosexuality.
We need to realize that all those three exchanges are now codified into law. And if you don't know that, you're going to have a hard time defeating
Satan in your life. It's a failure of love. We don't love our enemies. We're happy with common grace and pretending our enemies are our friends.
And that makes us cowards and traitors to the gospel. So the Tower of Babel is where, of course, God just confused the language that people couldn't communicate anymore.
And that is what we all see in broad evangelicalism right now. I mean, I had a debate with Rebecca McLaughlin for the
TGC against wokeness. And when I got done with the debate, I just realized, oh, we just had this whole exchange, and we're not even speaking the same language.
When I say woke and you say woke, we mean two totally different things. And we're not being honest. You can't have a good faith debate if people can't at least root their words in something that isn't melting plastic.
It would be better to have the debate on a biblical concept so that we can actually dive into the theological issue.
And that's what I'm trying to do in this book. And I'm doing it for moms and grandmas. Because they want to know, how do
I stay connected to my daughter, who used to be lesbian, who now says she's non -binary, raising my three -year -old grandson as a girl and buying him
Tuck Buddies, OK? You might need to edit, because I just realized I may have said something that your audience shouldn't look up.
No, you're fine. But you know what? If they sell it at Target for 3T, maybe Christians should know what that is and defy it.
How should Christians interact with family members who do not claim to be Christian and live an openly homosexual lifestyle?
That's a great question. And I would say the appendix to my book answers it, because the appendix of Five Lives of Our Anti -Christian
Age is specifically dedicated to how to stay connected to your loved one without becoming indoctrinated.
Psalm 100 says, all people that on earth do dwell. Not Christian people, or people who pretend they're
Christians at Christian conferences, or all people. The creation ordinance is for all people.
And that is why rebellion against the creation ordinance is so much bigger than critical race theory.
Critical race theory is a really unbiblical idea. And if you pursue it, you're going to break all your legs and break everybody else's legs.
And you're going to have an entire evangelistic movement of people with broken legs.
But you go against the creation ordinance, oh, that's a fatal heart attack. So no, this is all people.
This is not just Christian people. And back in ancient history, like 15 years ago, nobody would have argued that point.
Of course, yeah. Things today are debated ad nauseum when five minutes ago nobody even questioned them.
This is not a gospel issue. This is a reality issue. Yeah, that's right. And one of my favorite sayings from Al Mohler is ontology always trumps autonomy.
No matter how hard we try, we're trying to overcome this creation ordinance, but we can't.
But along the way, a lot can be ruined. A lot can be destroyed. People can be hurt really badly trying to overcome ontology.
And one of the ways is having the evangelical church co -opt, the broad evangelical church co -opt ontology to claim that homosexuality and transgenderism are ontological.