You Need to Consume More Far Right Wing Content

AD Robles iconAD Robles



Hello there, this is A .D. Robles and you're listening to A .D. on the
Fight Laugh Feast Network. All right,
God bless you. Welcome back to the show. I am excited to be here. I hope you're excited to be here.
This is going to be a very short episode. Well, you know, I always say that then I always go 20 minutes anyway.
I don't know. I don't know. But I think 20 minutes for a podcast is I think on the shorter side, which
I'm always trying to make sure that I don't go too long. Some people just do like the hour long thing.
I just can't do it. I just can't do it. I probably could do it, but I don't know how good it would be in any case.
Hope you're having a good week. I'm having a great week. I mean, it's been a little bit of a struggle. I'll be honest. I've had some a lot of activity, a lot of stuff going on in the business, but I'm having some trouble getting deals past the goal line.
So I'm having trouble closing is basically my point. But I'm keeping at it. I'm keeping at it, keeping your prayers, by the way, if you think of it, because I'd like to close some deals this summer.
In any case, I had a thought the other day and this thought, you know, I'm not like upset about it or anything.
I'm not feeling any kind of way. I'm just I just it was a little bit interesting to think about.
I was thinking about the Fight, Laugh, Feast Network and the kind of people, the kind of shows that are on the Fight, Laugh, Feast Network, which
I'm in full support. I love the Fight, Laugh, Feast Network. I love cross politic. I love all these guys, you know, that kind of thing.
But I got to be honest with you. I realize that there's a very good chance that I might be the most right wing person on the channel.
That's I think there's a good chance of that. I might be the biggest, the most extreme, you know, the biggest extremist on the
Fight, Laugh, Feast channel, which I think is saying something, you know, the Fight, Laugh, Feast channel is on the right hand side of, you know, many of our kind of standard reform circles and I'm on the right of the right.
So I don't know. I don't know, man. What do you think? Do you think that anyone on the channel that's more right wing than I am, more extremist than I am?
I'm not so sure. I don't I don't really know, but I don't really know how to feel about that either, because I'm not used to that.
You know, I'm used to there's always someone that's to my right, you know, so there's got to be someone over there.
But on the Fight, Laugh, Feast channel, you know, it's a smaller group. I don't think there's anyone that might be the biggest, the single biggest extremist on the channel.
I don't know. But anyway, that's actually has a lot to do with what I wanted to talk about today, because a lot of if you're a
Christian and you're a conservative and you, you know, you vote Republican, you know, you're not talking about liberals and pagans.
And well, I mean, that's really the same thing. Let's just face it. It's the same thing. I'm not talking about, you know,
Christians that vote for Joe Biden and things like that, that want your money. You know, they want to make sure abortion is safe and legal and all that kind of thing.
And, you know, they're they're they're looking forward to to, you know, instead of funding, you know, more prisons and police, they want to fund, you know, counseling.
And I don't know who knows who even knows what they want to fund these days.
Green new deals, that kind of thing. I'm not talking about those. I'm talking about like actual
Christians, Christians that have their head on straight. They know the score to some degree.
I mean, obviously, they're not all going to know the score, but, you know, just run of the mill kind of rank and file
Christians, good people, you know what I mean? People that do the right thing, you know, they tie, they they give to charity and they, you know, vote for politicians that, you know, have extreme beliefs like, you know, maybe we should try to end abortion, just at least try to end abortion, make it punishable, that kind of thing.
There's a lot of time and energy dedicated to that group because right now there is a shift happening.
You know, there's the Overton window is shifting. There are things that people openly talk about, openly promote that just a few days ago, you know, would not have been talked about in polite company.
And there's a there's a push on, I believe, on the right, rightward, you know what
I mean? There's a push rightward. And that's a good thing, in my opinion. But so there's but the thing is, there's a lot of energy and a lot of time in money that's dedicated to not letting that happen.
You know what I mean? There's a lot of people that will basically do whatever it takes to kind of act like they're going rightward, but really be firmly planted in liberalism and in immorality and in and quite frankly, a pagan worldview.
I mean, think of TPUSA, Turning Point USA. A lot of people like Turning Point. And I remember even there was a time a few months back where where James Lindsay, James Lindsay thought that some of my friends were opposing him because they were jealous that he got to talk at Turning Point, and they didn't.
And we all laughed about it. We had a good chuckle because Turning Point is totally compromised. I mean, like, like, listen, like if if the if the strong conservative organizations are defending, you know, homosexuality, like, like, like, what's his face, the leader of Turning Point, he has that famous tweet that everyone points to, where he's like, boom,
Donald Trump's effort to legalize homosexuality in Uganda have been successful, but he won't get credit.
The liberals won't give him credit for that. And I'm like, we're all looking at that, like, that's your boom, that's a boom to you, like, gays in Africa, like, that's not something to celebrate.
That's something to mourn. That's one of the downsides of Donald Trump, because Donald Trump most certainly has downsides.
And that's one of them. So like, like, like, that's what I mean.
Like, like, there are people out there that spend a lot of time, a lot of effort, a lot of money to make sure that if you're going to be going right, that you always keep one foot firmly planted in liberalism, in progressivism, in, in, again, a pagan worldview, and they'll do whatever it takes.
I mean, they'll, they'll accuse people of things like here's Jake Meador, who's, you know, he's got this thing where I guess new founding is having a guy on their podcast who, you know, he's been branded with the scarlet and he's a
Nazi, you know, that kind of thing. And so the fact that they'd even talked to this Nazi and be looking forward to bringing him on the show, that means that they're probably racist, too.
They're probably Nazis also. And so he'll, you know, this guy, this man, this man who, who presents himself like a middle aged lesbian, this man, guys like this, that look like this, these are the guys that are spending a lot of time to make sure that sure you can go a little right, but they want to make sure you're firmly planted here in liberalism, in a false view of the world.
And, and that is something that tons of people are doing. Even a lot of Christians, they want to have you firmly planted in sort of like a liberal world order.
You know what I mean? So yeah, you can have, maybe you could have your wall for now, but like, you definitely have to make sure that, you know, love is love, you know, you don't have to affirm that, but you have to at least die to defend their right to free speech.
And by free speech, of course, I mean promoting homosexuality like that.
That's what it boils down to so much for these guys. You know, you got to promote free speech. That's, that's, that's to signal right.
Because, you know, of course, we like free speech over here on the right, but what they mean by that is perversion in the schools.
What they mean by that is teaching people degeneracy, porn, things like that. Like you can't ban porn, that would be anti -liberal and that kind of stuff.
And you see this all the time. You know, people will accuse Gab of not being a free speech platform. Why? Because he can't put porn on there.
That's basically what it boils down to. And so lots of people, they'll do that. They'll signal right, but they're firmly planted here and they don't want you going too far this way.
Here's the whole reason I'm bringing this up. You need to do the thing that they don't want you to do.
What does Jake Meader, Jacqueline, what does Jacqueline over here not want you to do?
Well, what he doesn't want you to do is consume content to your right. He does not want you to consume extremist content.
You need to read some more extreme books. You really do. You need to read books from the far right.
You need to consume content, podcasts, videos from the far, far right.
The people, the folks that guys like Jake Meader would say you should not do.
Because if you do, you might get, you might catch the racism. You might catch, this man right here is very concerned and he really wants you to pay attention to him because he'll call you, he'll call you a racist if you watch this podcast and you like, if you like it, if you like the podcast here from New Founding where they interview this
Nazi, then you might be the, you might be, you might catch the Nazi. That's the thing. Like they don't, they desperately don't want you doing it.
You have to do it. You have to read content to your right.
And the reason you have to do it is because you and me, both of us, I'm not, I'm not accepting myself here.
We were brought up in a culture that celebrated so much upside down -ness that, that taught us like, like we grew up breathing the air of, of error, breathing the air of, of, of a pagan worldview, a feminist worldview.
You need to read harder core stuff. And I'm not saying you have to read it uncritically.
I'm not saying you have to read it and just accept everything they say. Like if you were to listen to this podcast, for example, and you hear this guy and you, he really has these like hardcore, ridiculous beliefs and you end up rejecting them, right?
That's fine. That's fine. I would suggest hearing those kinds of people out because here's the thing.
You can't really trust your own upbringing. You can't, because there are so many assumptions that you just have that you just, you just assume them.
You assume a feminist worldview. You, whoever, whoever is right here, I'm pointing to you, you, you assume a primarily feminist worldview.
And you know how I know that? Because you're living in today, you're living in this time. And so you were taught, you were in, in many ways, you were brainwashed into this worldview.
And it's just part of, it's just part of how you see the world. Like you don't know how to see it another way. And so when there are people out there that, that guys like this, that look like this, tell you are very dangerous.
The more people are saying someone is dangerous, the more you need to read that book. You know what I'm saying? The more people that are concerned and think, oh, there's some incipient racism in here.
And they go like this, you know what I mean? They probably consume quite a few seed oils. They've got long, girly hair.
They, maybe they even cross dress a little bit. Cause these guys, I'm pretty sure right in this picture, he's got a blouse on.
I'm pretty sure. I don't know. The more people are calling them dangerous, concerning, troubling, worried, racist, all this kind of stuff.
The more you probably should read that book because that is the tool that they use to keep you firmly grounded here.
That's the gatekeeping tool. So that's how they keep you in a position where you're like, oh, it's free speech.
What do you mean by free speech? Oh yeah. We got to let them read the porno books in school. We have to. Otherwise you just burn, what are you burning books like Nazis?
That kind of stuff. You need to read stuff to your right. And it doesn't work the other way.
You don't have to read stuff to your left because we grew up brainwashed by stuff from the left, our whole lives.
I'm 40, right? I'm 40 years old. And when I was a kid in, you know, the nineties or whatever, this is just how we grew.
We grew up thinking these were like, this is what we thought. We thought basically women and men were the same essentially.
And you know, then women can do anything men can do. And of course we knew that, you know, men could get more muscle mass and stuff like that.
But like, but still like, you know, there were really no differences, a few kind of minor differences, but really there weren't any differences.
We grew up in a worldview where most of our teachers were women. You know what I mean? Most of the people that we learned from in Sunday school, a lot of us were women.
You know what I mean? Then maybe you're in a different situation. So if you, if you were lucky, you're lucky, but like you need to assume that what you understand, excuse me, what you understand as standard and normal is probably tainted.
It's probably tainted and you probably don't have your wits about you. And so you need to read and consume content, videos, podcasts, things that if someone that you listen to doesn't say something that you're thinking, you're man, man, that's pretty wild.
That's, I don't know. That's kind of out there. That seems, that might be a little racist. If you never experienced that in the stuff that you listen to, your podcasts, your videos, your books, you are not doing yourself any favors.
You really aren't. You are, you're basically comforting yourself in a false worldview is what you're doing.
And so you need to be challenged. And I'm telling you, this needs to be specifically on the right, because you just don't know the things that you're missing out here.
You really don't. And, and guys like this will try to keep you captive by saying, if you even invite someone on the podcast that I deem a racist, then maybe you're one of them.
And that has worked for a very, very long time. And so they're doing it.
They're doing it because it's worked for a very long time. It's working a lot less today than it used to work.
And so we can only be grateful for that. Because back in the day, I remember there's a whole thing about Emmett Till right now.
And I guess some people are saying they didn't know who Emmett Till was. And I guess Emmett Till was the patron saint of, is sort of like the
George, George Floyd of the civil rights era. And I did know who Emmett Till was. I remember learning about Emmett Till in, because I mean,
I grew up in New England. So maybe that's why. But I remember learning about Emmett Till. I'm still the way
I am, by the way, guys. So it really has nothing to do with what kind of beliefs you have. So I knew who
Emmett Till was. But some people didn't know who Emmett Till was. And so like, they're, they're, they're all, they're, they're basically using that to say, see, you, you don't know anything about the, about the racism of the past.
And maybe you are racist. If you don't know who Emmett Till was, you're just, you're just totally white privilege. It's white privilege.
That kind of thing is being used as a weapon right now. And people in a few years ago would have been horrified to be like, oh man,
I'm so ignorant. I don't know who Emmett Till was. Now people are laughing at this. Like, okay,
I don't know who Emmett Till was. What's the big deal? Who cares? You know what I mean? They're making jokes about it. And they should. And let guys like this that are on your screen, keep you captive by being concerned because that's, they do that concern, troubled, worried, you know, all that kind of stuff.
They try to keep you firmly planted in liberalism and not exploring. There's a lot of truth to your right.
Let me put it that way. There's a lot of truth to your right. There's a lot of truth to your right.
Doesn't mean everything over there is true, but there's a lot of truth to your right. And, and I can pretty much guarantee it.
I'm talking about you. I don't even know who you are, but you, you who's listening to this. And if you're listening to it,
I'm pointing at the camera. I'm saying you, you, because you grew up in the place you grew up here in the
United States. You know, some of you aren't from the United States because you're about the same age as me. A lot of you, a lot of you,
I know the milieu that you grew up in and you grew up in a time of peak brainwashing, peak for liberalism, for liberalism.
And so there's a lot of truth to your right. You don't know as much truth as you think, you know, there's a lot of truth to your right.
And so I would suggest going out there and finding some content that guys like this, guys like Jacqueline Meador would not want you to watch, would be fearful for you to watch.
Look at the guys that are accused of racism. You should watch their content.
You should read their content. The guys that are accused of being an anti -Semite read their content.
Hey, maybe they really are an anti -Semite. Okay. Maybe, but you should listen to their content and you should figure out who over there is actually just getting the accusations.
And who's actually someone that's no bueno you don't need to listen to because there are guys on the right that are no bueno.
You don't need to listen to them, but there are a lot more guys on the right than you think that have a lot of extremely helpful things to say and things that guys like Jake Meador definitely don't want you to know.
Why do guys like Jake Meador want to keep you firmly entrenched in liberalism? Well, I've got my opinions and theories, but I'm not going to reveal those right now because they're just wild speculation.
That being said, there's a lot of truth to your right. And the more you expose yourself to it, the more you'll be able to discern the difference between the extreme stuff on the right that, you know, no good and the extreme stuff on the right that actually isn't extreme at all, that actually has been common knowledge for centuries, is taught in the scripture, is supported by the scripture, and that we need to return to.
We need to return to it. We need to shake off the shackles of slavery to the god of liberalism.
Get rid of it. Destroy it. Don't let little weasels like this get the better of you.
Anyway, that's my point today. You need to read. You need to go harder.
You need to read more stuff. Consume more extreme content. You need to do it on the right, on the right, because there's a lot of good stuff on the right that guys like Jacqueline over here,
Jacqueline Meador, have told you that if you even consider consuming it, you're going to be a really naughty boy.
Anyway, I think I've made my point. I hope you found this podcast helpful. God bless.
Don't forget to tune in next week on Thursday for the AD on Fight Laugh Feast.