Texe Marrs: Part I
I begin documenting issues with the integrity of Texe Marrs (apologies for the video quality: new camera, new video software---not working well together)
- 00:03
- there may actually be one king james only advocate that is even a wilder then gail rippling and that's text mars well of course uh...
- 00:19
- recommend takes a cake all along line but outside of uh... peter reckman sex mars uh...
- 00:26
- i was directed to a video by fell by a calcium boy uh... where he was and this is just posted a few days ago where he was repeating once again the false accusations of text mars about doctor wilkins uh...
- 00:41
- losing his voice on the john anchor bird show take that video and i'm gonna point out what really happened in and refute the falsehoods once again but but first just to give you an idea of this text mars fellow uh...
- 00:58
- i had an encounter with the text i a nineteen ninety four uh...
- 01:03
- he had been on a local radio station here in phoenix and uh... he had made certain statements and so i i took the information that i had already typed up concerning the gail and i sent it to him and he sent back a letter and i i was looking around the scene at that i wondered do i still have that original corresponds i had to scan one element of it uh...
- 01:30
- to prove a point you'll see what it is in just a moment but i hadn't seen these letters in years aside start looking around we moved our offices on how many times well guess what i found yeah i found the original correspondence and the first letter that he sent to me you can see in fact though show it to you here let the camera iris down so i can see it here's text mars july twentieth nineteen ninety four and that's his uh...
- 01:57
- handwriting there's his uh... signature right there cw m and uh... you'll notice it says don't write me again in less than sincere repentance you are a devil plain and simple and i understand well i miss israeli does not respond your ridiculous assertions why dignify the lying claims of a servant of satan p s doctor wait will make you look exactly like what you are a sinner in need of redemption so arrogant and uninformed you not even know that the new versions take out the alpha and omega the very name of your fake ministry in one passage of revelation i wrote back to uh...
- 02:36
- to mister mars and i i sent the letter by fax and uh... what he did is uh...
- 02:42
- a little while later i received the mail uh... my fax which i had sent to him here it is all three pages and you will notice how he sent it back you'll notice that it is has read lettering written all over it maybe it's not miss this doesn't look like mister mars handwriting could be maybe it's his wife i don't know mister mars does not want your evil trash don't write again except in repentance jesus words you have your father devil apply to you we pray for you in this uh...
- 03:16
- letter i'd sent to mister mars i addressed his assertion about the name of my ministry out to me in the book of revelation and i uh...
- 03:25
- i said uh... i can assure you sir that i am not in the least ignorant of the textual variation found revelation one eleven we chose a mouth to make a ministries on the basis revelation one eight and twenty two thirteen not one eleven the phrase is found in that passage only in the majority a text type it is not found in sinai atticus a c one thousand six eighteen forty one twenty fifty twenty twenty nine twenty two one the majority k text type latin syriac as a hit it hence the nasty all of you bs for the majority text do not place this reading in the text and rightfully so well i don't get the feeling that uh...
- 04:04
- mister mars actually read my letter very carefully or that he would have known what that information really actually indicated but what's important is the envelope uh...
- 04:13
- i've sky scan this envelope course back in the nineties uh... scanner i had was pretty sad uh...
- 04:18
- personal dot now about seven years old but at least a lot better was then and uh...
- 04:24
- i put this on the website you can still see it there but to hear is the envelope in which he sends that facts to me let iris down there what does that say james white alpha omega revelation and you see that there it looks like it says revelation one one yeah that's exactly and that's in his own handwriting uh...
- 04:47
- compare for yourself his handwritten letter look at the handwriting uh... that's the same and that's writing the two and uh...