John MacArthur Has Been CENSORED For Hate Speech!

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to the channel where the Bible and critical thinking meet to give you real
Christian commentary about the things that matter. Thanks so much for watching, let's get into the video. So John MacArthur is the pastor of Grace Community Church, and he has been for a long time now.
And John may very well be one of the only popular pastors who has actually had a record of standing up for the rights of the one we might call the little
Christian. In a world full of fearful pastors who shut down their churches indefinitely just because Big Daddy government told them to,
John MacArthur at over 80 years of age, he stood firm. And he held worship services anyways, because that's what the
Bible commands us to do. So naturally, it was only a matter of time before Big Tech decided to come his way.
Case in point, John MacArthur's public sermon rebuking transgenderism and homosexuality has been removed from YouTube and labeled as hate speech.
What were his specifically hateful comments, you may ask? Here's the actual quote. He said, quote,
Simply stated, there is no such thing as transgender. You are either XX or XY.
That's it. God made male and female, end quote. Keep in mind, folks, at the end there, he's literally just quoting the
Bible. Genesis 127 says, quote, So God created man in his own image. In the image of God he created him, male and female he created them, end quote.
So basically, John MacArthur has been labeled hateful and has been censored directly just for describing exactly what the
Bible teaches. And that means something. It means that all of us, all Christians, all people who truly worship
Jesus Christ and obey what he says are in danger of having our platforms stripped away.
Just face it, Christians. By modern political standards, the Bible is hate speech. What you believe is hate speech.
And it's extreme hate speech at that. What do you think is going to happen when these people start to discover that the Bible teaches everyone is dreadfully sinful?
Romans 3 23 says, quote, For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, end quote.
And 1 John 1 8 says, quote, If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us, end quote.
So not only does the Bible say that everyone is sinful and deeply depraved, but it also says that anyone who denies this clear fact is a liar who has no truth in them.
When the theological liberals and fake Christians shift their attention away from the transgender and homosexuality issues and begin to discover these passages that call everyone sinful, you'll see what happens.
And it's not going to be good. In our modern age of safe spaces and trigger warnings, there is perhaps nothing more offensive than boldly telling someone that they are in blatant rebellion against their
Creator and that they're headed for hell. This will most definitely fit into the category of hate speech, and it will be censored.
And if history has taught us anything, it's that what is censored today will be persecuted tomorrow.
So I have one simple point to make for you in this video. Stand up with John MacArthur.
Stop backing down. As Christians, we've been playing defense for years, and now it's time to go on offense.
Don't be a spineless coward of a Christian who redacts their beliefs the second anyone else has a problem with you.
Stand up for the truth of God's Word to the bitter end, and pray that your brothers and sisters would support you and do the same.
Pray that God would graciously give you strength and courage because you can't do this without Him. Exodus 15, 2 says,
The Lord is my strength and my song, and He has become my salvation. This is my God, and I will praise
Him. There will be a time in the near future when popular evangelical leaders start removing their videos about homosexuality and about transgenderism.
And they will claim that they do this because they want to make sure they get the Gospel message out to as many people as possible.
That's how they always say it. They will say, we have to do this. If we get censored, we won't be able to help anyone.
So let's just focus on the Gospel and let everyone else figure the rest out for themselves. Better to help a few people, even if we can't do it the way we want, than to help no one at all.
That's what they're going to say. You already know who these people are. They're the same people who whined and moaned about John MacArthur keeping his church open.
They're the same people who have been pandering to leftists for the past 20 years. You'll know them by their fruits, ladies and gentlemen.
You're also going to see many Christian YouTubers deleting videos and removing all potentially offensive phrases from their vocabulary.
You're going to see this new generation of younger Christian pastors, you've already seen them, and they're desperately trying to fit this cultural mold so they can fill the gap.
And they're going to tell you they're doing all this for the algorithm. They're going to tell you they're just doing what they have to do. But don't believe them.
Anyone who chooses to give up truth for influence will have neither influence nor truth. Today it is
John MacArthur, but tomorrow it's going to be you. You think they're going after John MacArthur, but they're not.
They're coming after you, and John is just one of the many faithful men of God standing in their way.
So if you're a Christian and you oppose this censorship of our sincere beliefs, if you support John MacArthur in this fight for truth,
I want you to go in the comment section and comment, I stand with John. In our own small way, let's all stand up for our
Christian values and support our faithful brother in this fight. Again, comment, I stand with John.
And let's earnestly pray that the people who run our institutions would repent of this injustice and believe the truth of God's Word.
Thank you so much for watching. If you liked that video, please like, comment, share, subscribe, and hit the notification bell so that you never miss another one.
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And until next time, fight for truth, never surrender, and keep your eyes open. Thank you and God bless.