Are SJW's The Only Ones Who Are Allowed to Be Judgmental? Or, Can Christians Be Judgy Too?


Why are social justice advocates so judgmental? Does Jesus condemn judging? Why has Matthew 7:1 become America's new favorite Bible verse? We will answer these questions and more on this episode of Bible Bashed.


Warning, the following message may be offensive to some audiences. These audiences may include, but are not limited to, professing Christians who never read their
Bible, sissies, sodomites, men with man buns, those who approve of men with man buns, man bun enablers, white knights for men with man buns, homemakers who have finished
Netflix but don't know how to meal plan, and people who refer to their pets as fur babies. Viewer discretion is advised. People are tired of hearing nothing but doom and despair on the radio.
The message of Christianity is that salvation is found in Christ alone, and any who reject
Christ therefore forfeit any hope of salvation, any hope of heaven.
The issue is that humanity is in sin, and the wrath of almighty
God is hanging over our heads. They will hear his words, they will not act upon them, and when the floods of divine judgment, when the fires of wrath come, they will be consumed, and they will perish.
God wrapped himself in flesh, condescended, and became a man, died on the cross for sin, was resurrected on the third day, has ascended to the right hand of the
Father, where he sits now to make intercession for us. Jesus is saying there is a group of people who will hear his words, they will act upon them, and when the floods of divine judgment come in that final day, their house will stand.
Welcome to Bible Bash, where we aim to equip the saints for the works of ministry by answering the questions you're not allowed to ask.
We're your hosts, Harrison Kerrig and Pastor Tim Mullett, and today we'll seek to answer the age -old question, are social justice warriors the only ones who are allowed to be judgmental, or is it okay for Christians to be judgy also?
Now, if you're a Christian who has ever pushed back against any of the awful ideas that are being pushed these days, these sort of spirit -of -the -age type ideas, things like abortion, same -sex attraction, transgenderism, if you've ever pushed back against these ideas in any sort of significant way, you've probably experienced at some point in your life someone coming along, responding to the things you've said with the phrase, worded something like, judge not, lest you be judged.
This is something that I think a lot of Christians experience. I know I've experienced it many times myself, and ultimately we need to be able to have a response against this sort of rebuke or this sort of pushback.
We need to understand how exactly should Christians be judging. Should we be judging at all?
What honors God the most in these sort of scenarios, these sort of situations?
So, Tim, why don't you tell us, are social justice warriors the only ones who are allowed to be judgmental, or is it okay for Christians to be judgy also?
Yeah, I mean, apparently so. Apparently so Christians can be judgy?
Well, no, apparently so for the first one at the very least. It seems like there is definitely, as you look around the world, you observe a double standard there where your standard social justice advocate is going to show little to no concern about judging certain actions or decisions, whether it's related to things that people are doing in the present, or just being judgmental about the actions of individuals who lived hundreds of years ago.
So certainly there's no more judgmental person alive today than your standard social justice warrior who is running through the sins of historical figures from a distance, not only from a distance geographically, but a temporal distance of hundreds and hundreds of years ago looking back at these individuals and attempting to exercise their goal of canceling all ideas that they hate.
And from a perceived moral high ground, too. Yeah, being absolutely morally vindicated in the process of doing it.
So you do have certainly no pushback against that,
I mean hardly any pushback against that at all on that side of things. And so if you are perceived to be on the right side of history, whatever that means, then essentially you can do no wrong and everyone will be at the mercy of your righteous and infallible judgments.
So certainly there's a double standard there as it relates to that, and it's difficult to imagine a group of people who are more judgmental than the standard social justice warrior in general.
But that being the case, part of how you even try to approach this kind of question is to ask yourself, well what are we even talking about, for instance?
So is it a sin in general to be judgmental at all? What does that word mean?
How are we using that word? Because it seems that there's a lot of inconsistency as we're actually applying that word.
We're told it's something that's pretty bad, right? So we need to avoid, but then one side seems to be embracing it with the puritanical kind of judgment associated with your standard church lady.
So stereotype trope there. So you do have to think through what are we even talking about there and is there any context in which a
Christian should be judgmental? So what is good judgmental? What is bad judgmental? But certainly there's a double standard at play, that's for sure.
Yeah, so why exactly is that double standard there in the first place? I mean, it does seem like unbelievers are allowed to basically judge as much as they want, especially if it's
Christians who are saying that you shouldn't get an abortion, for example. Yeah, it's a convenient tool,
I think, that's used against Christians in particular because they have become aware that Matthew 7 .1
essentially says, Jesus says, judge not lest you be judged. So then it's just that that is a club that is wielded in a bit of a sloppy way against Christians.
But then as it relates to their own personal practice, it's not a burden that they've accepted upon themselves.
It's just something that's used to tell Christians essentially to shut up. We don't want your morality. We don't want what the
Bible has to say. And even your own Bible at this point is telling you that you're not allowed to talk to us.
So it's something that's operating somewhat along those lines.
I mean, it reflects a significant misunderstanding of what the
Bible is saying, period. And then particularly what Jesus is saying there in Matthew 7 .1. But then it is a tool that's being used.
But then when you think about the judgments that are happening on the left side of things, on the leftward side of things, they eat their own.
So it has to be one of the most disturbing kind of groups to be in to where with all the righteous indignation that's coming and the canceling power that's associated that way.
I mean, it's just a matter of time before you're next and you become the next source of this.
Victim of the court of public opinion. Yeah, I mean, the left devours its own for sure.
And that's the way it works. And so you live by the cancellation, you die by it.
It's the way it works, you know. But yeah, part of the reason why there is that double standard is because you have to think through, well, what is
Jesus talking about? And that, I think we know, we've said that at different points. It seems like Matthew 7 .1
is America's new favorite Bible verse. It's the memory verse, man.
Maybe the only one that they know. They don't even know John 3 .16 anymore. That may be the only one.
And it really is just, what it is, it's just a game that's being played that the left is basically telling conservatives that it's secularism or else.
Essentially keep your morality out of the public square. And that's what Jesus says, judge not unless you be judged.
So, you know, kay, sirah, sirah, live and let live. And just mind your own business. And let us in a way rape people if we want to.
And do whatever we want, you know. So if we want to kill our babies, if we want to do strange things with our organs at that point, then who are you?
You hateful bigot? Then shut up. And the Bible tells you to. So that's essentially the tactic.
Right. And it seems like if we were going to, you know, like for a moment just accept like, okay, all right, you're right.
We shouldn't be judging people. You know, let's just pretend that's the reality for a second. Step into bizarro world for a moment.
Right, right. Okay. Yeah, I know it's upside down over here, but just bear with me for a minute.
It seems like there's some really, like if you take that sort of idea to its logical conclusion, it's really not going to make a lot of sense.
Even just as you're reading the Bible. I mean, so number one, if we're saying, all right, judge not lest you be judged.
Normally that's being said in a context that's like, at least in my experience, it's been, you know, like, hey, these things are wrong.
We as a society should not be doing these things. We shouldn't be killing our babies, for example.
And then, you know, the famous memory verse comes out from everybody, judge not lest you be judged.
So they're basically saying like, hey, don't come here saying that we can't kill our babies or, you know, we can't get, we can't, you know, disfigure our bodies in the name of becoming a different gender, right?
You're judging us. Well, if that's the case, wouldn't it also stand to reason that pastors should basically never teach those
Bible verses ever again? Because they're going to end up judging everyone who disagrees with those things, right?
Yeah, I mean, one of the things that's happening is you have a word that, I mean, the word judge, it's a word in, you know,
Greek, and it's a word, you know, Krino, and I mean, there's just several Greek words that are used in this kind of context, but you have a word that, you know, has different meanings.
And part of what's happening here is that people are playing a game where they just are basically playing obtuse with words.
So, you know, if you can think about, like, a word like trunk, and you ask yourself, like, what usage of the word trunk is being used in a particular sentence, one of the things you realize is you just have no idea what that word trunk means, if that makes sense, based on just someone using it.
So it all, it entirely depends on the context that you're in, because words have multiple usages.
That's typically the way they work. There's very few words in the English language that only have one meaning that is possible.
So, like, something like trunk, if I were to talk about that, you'd have to figure out, well, what kind of trunk are we talking about?
Are we talking about an elephant trunk? Are we talking about a car trunk? Are we talking about a tree trunk? Are we talking about, you know, an object used to carry things?
Right? So, like, what is the meaning of this word? And it depends on the context.
So even in something like English, so if you look at just the word judge in English, like, it can mean to form an opinion through careful weighing of evidence, okay?
So, is that what Jesus is talking about? Like, don't form any opinions? The careful weighing of evidence.
Is he talking about to form an estimate or evaluation of, right? So you're judging the worth of something in that way.
To hold an opinion, even, right? That's what the word judge can mean. Just something as basic as holding an opinion.
So, is that what Jesus is saying? Hold no opinions, lest ye have opinions held about you. It can also mean to sit in judgment or to try.
Like, you're going to judge a case in that way. Or to determine or pronounce after query or deliberation.
So you can, like, make a judgment on a matter. Like, they judged him guilty. So, it can also be used to describe the
Hebrew judges in the Bible. Like, that's just English. But these kind of individuals, if you have a word in English that has at least six different main usages, which people should be able to understand, it might not be impossible to understand that the word in Greek, you know, krino, can be used in a variety of different ways at that point.
And, you know, it's our job to figure out which of those ways is actually being used in this particular context, in this particular passage.
So, like, that's part of what's, the point there is just to say, you look at the context and you try to figure out, well, what are we saying here?
What kind of judgment is he prohibiting? And, like, you know, there is no way to, like, never form an opinion on any matter.
There is no way to, like, what do you want? Do you want there to never be, like, guilty verdicts that are leveled against individuals in a court?
Like, everyone gets off innocent because, you know, we're prohibited as Christians from judging.
You know, like, what do you think that, like, he's talking about there? And you have to think through what he's actually saying.
And there's a range of options that you pick from, and context is going to help you to do that. But it is like what you're saying, though.
If you don't understand that words have different meanings and different context, then what ends up happening is that any time, you know, a
Christian expresses, like, any number of this, like, broad range of usages, then they're going to get a slap on the wrist, right?
And what's happening there is just linguistic, like, ignorance. But also – It's a literal
Bible bashing. Right. Well, that's what happens, yeah. If you dare to utter an opinion, you know, that, like, someone on the left doesn't like, then you're going to be called, you know, being judgmental and being, you know.
But even, like, offering, like, one of the things, you know, like, even offering criticism of something, you know, as called, is being lumped under this broader category of judging.
And, like, so any negative – and that's kind of what it reduces to. Like, if a Christian provides any negative criticism of anything that the pagan wants to do, then they're going to be scandalized and shocked because the rules of the game are, you must validate me and affirm me and agree with me, and you just disagreed, and how dare you?
And the Bible tells you to not criticize me ever, right? But, you know, it does, like, this isn't rational, this isn't reasonable, this isn't what
Jesus is talking about, essentially. So without – I mean, you know, we can talk about what the passage means, it's easy, you know.
Right. But you need to start out by, you know, yeah, if you accept that basic obligation that, like, any one of these, you know, usages in English or Greek, like, he means all of them at the same time, you're just, you know, you don't understand how language works at that point.
And you're – it basically is just, you know, this is not a thoughtful response that people are giving. Mm -hmm.
It's just a shut up, I hate you kind of response. Right, right, yeah, basically. It's like a get out of jail free card, almost.
Right, right. But it's not meant to be, like, rational, you know, it's just a power grab. Right. And that's, you know, that's the thing with social justice warrior advocates, it's all about power grabs, and it doesn't really matter, like, the rules of the discussion, like, the meaning of words, it's just infinitely pliable, and it doesn't really matter.
It all just resolves to them, like, doing whatever they can do to get their way. Right, sort of ends justify the means.
Yeah, it is, very much, and that's what you see, like, when you're trying to have these kind of discussions, and most
Christians don't realize that, like, they're not – that the other side is not operating in good faith.
I mean, you're not having a reasonable, rational discussion about the appropriate translation of a word in its context.
It's just essentially a power grab, it's essentially just a way of saying shut up, bigot, you know? Yeah. Like, the end, you know?
And like, and then at that point, you know, you have sensitive Christians who think, well, man, what about my witness and my testimony, you know?
Oh, no, my winsomeness. My winsomeness, you know? It's just like, you have to understand. The world is watching.
The world is watching, right? Like, they may have a bad – you know, I saw some ridiculous tweet by Jerry C.
Wilson, essentially along those lines, basically saying, you know, in a world where now, you know,
Christians are essentially being encouraged to, you know, actually fight for the faith, you know, what does it mean to have a good reputation among outsiders now, you know?
As if he said something profound, meaning, you know, if the unbelievers dislike you, you know, like they did Paul, because he started a, you know, riot in every city he went in, then it must be that he's doing something wrong.
Or, you know, like John the Baptist, who gets beheaded by, you know, Herod, essentially for calling him an adulterer.
It's just like, come on. Like, having a good reputation among outsiders means that you're the type of individual who is going to speak the truth to them, and they're going to know that you're not easily bought, and you have integrity, and you're going to say things that they hate, you know, but they're going to admire you for having a spine.
That's what it means. It doesn't mean, like, you're going to tell them all the stuff they want to hear, you know, in order to be faithful, you know?
But anyways, yeah, I mean, long story short, it's just, like, there's no way logically or rationally to approach the meaning of a word in that kind of way.
It's to just load within it any of its broad range of meaning and have some sort of categorical denunciation of any and all forms of judgment in any context whatsoever.
It's like you're just destroying the way language works at that point. Right. So, I want to ask you about this verse and what exactly it means, but before I do that,
I want to ask you, I guess, the broader question in that title question, or the second question in the title question, which was, is it okay for Christians to be judgy also?
And I think my understanding normally is when we're using that word judgy, judgmental, passing judgment, whatever, we're typically talking about clarifying what is right and what is wrong according to Scripture, right?
Calling out the things that are evil. Well, that's not how we're using it, but that's what they're using, like, applying to us when we're doing that is what you mean, right?
Right. So, if we're engaging in an attempt to clarify a position of morality and what the biblical stance is on that, then we're going to be called judgmental, right?
Yeah. But you're not being judgmental in the negative connotation in that moment.
Yeah. What you're doing is just, like, you're having the audacity to tell, you know,
Herod, it's not lawful for you to have your brother's wife. Right. Right. Which should be a normal thing to say.
Right. I mean, if it's immoral, it's immoral, right? So, like, it's wrong for men to dress up as women and go into the women's room and, you know, or go into prisons with them and get them pregnant, you know?
It's just, like, big shock. This is not, like, rocket science here, right?
I didn't say anything controversial. I just said something normal, but then, you know, I'm – so, what's happening is the other side is using that word, like, in the negative sense of it, right?
Mm -hmm. So, like, judgmental means, like, of, relating to, or involving judgment.
Mm -hmm. Like, that's usage number one. So, we all, like, a judgmental error at that point.
You know, like, we all engage in judgment. But then, what – like, the negative use is, like, characterized by a tendency to judge harshly.
Mm -hmm. And that's, like, when you're called that as a pejorative, like, a name -calling kind of thing, like, you're basically – you're being accused of judging harshly because you're not accepting whatever deviant form of, you know, immorality that is trying to be pushed down your throat.
You're basically just, you know, that person who is overreacting, right? Mm -hmm.
And being a prude, and, like, just being a jerk, you know? And, like, and not being open and accepting by definition.
Like, so, like, the opposite of being open, accepting, and affirming is judgmental, meaning that you're not open and accepting and affirming, right?
Right. So, like, in that way – like, so the thing is, like, Christians should totally, like, be judgmental as defined by the social justice warrior, right?
Say that again? Like, a Christian should totally be judgmental as defined by the social justice warrior.
Oh, right. Like, in the sense of, like, hey, I'm going to call out the evil I see. Yeah, so, like, it's not lawful for you to do that with that dude, you know?
Right. You're judgmental. It's like, well, okay, if that word means saying no to your perversion, then okay,
I guess that's what I am, right? Mm -hmm. I'm judgmental if that's what it means. Like, if that's how it's being used, you know, and the meaning of the words are determined by usage, you're using it that way, then
I guess that makes me judgmental. But then, like, is that a tendency to judge harshly?
No, right? That's a tendency to judge accurately. Does that make sense?
So, like, I think Christians should, you know, I mean, there's even a Bible verse along these lines.
Jesus, you know, I mean, not that, you know, the whole New Testament, Old Testament, whatever, is from God, but look, you know, do not judge by appearances,
John 7, 24, but judge with right judgment. Mm -hmm. Okay. So, obviously, the answer here is
Jesus was just contradicting himself. He probably just forgot he said that other, judge not lest you be judged, right?
Uh -huh. That's one option, you know, that's the option that an individual might take, like, if you don't understand the way words work, you know?
So, if, you know, let's just imagine, for instance, that Jesus were to give a command, you know, never under any circumstance, you know, put yourself in a trunk or something, right?
Mm -hmm. Well, like, which one is he talking about, you know?
Probably the elephant trunk, if I had to guess. So, if someone were to make a hat out of an elephant trunk, you know, would that be a clear violation of what he's saying?
Well, I mean, depends on which one he meant, you know? Like, and so, but that's the way language works. You have to figure out which one you're talking about, man, like, you know, or never, you know, never cut off a trunk.
What is he talking about, you know? Is he talking about the elephant one? Is he talking about the base of a tree? What is he saying, you know? So, and then it might be relevant which one we're saying here.
Mm -hmm. And, you know, and it is possible that one word can mean multiple things in different contexts, and you might want to figure out which one he's using, you know?
So, you know, so, like, that's the point. So, yeah, but then, like, to the simplistic -minded person, you just, like, you, you're basically just ignoring the way language works, like, in that way.
Like, I mean, it's kind of embarrassing, like, when you think about it. It's like, you know, you don't realize that, like, have you ever read a dictionary before in your life?
Like, and that's what you want to say to someone like that. It's like, have you literally never read a dictionary? Do you not know how they work?
Do you not know the language that you speak? And the fact is, they probably haven't, you know? They probably never looked up a dictionary in their life and realized that each word has more than one usage, and that may be news to them.
Mm -hmm. And so then they look at the fact that, like, on the one hand, John 7, 24, do not judge by appearances, but judge with right judgment.
And then Matthew 7, 1, judge not that you may not be judged, that, like, he's using the word in a different sense in each one.
So, but, yeah, so. Well, I, you know, going back to that, the passage in Matthew, judge not lest you be judged.
What kind of judgment is Jesus talking about there? Yeah, I mean, it might be just helpful to read it.
So, you know, Matthew 7, 1, judge not that you be not judged. And then it says, for with the judgment you pronounced, you will be judged.
And with the measure you use it, it will be measured to you. And then it says, why do you see the speck that's in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that's in your own eye?
Or how can you say to your brother, let me take the speck out of your eye, when there is a log in your own eye?
And then he says, you hypocrite, you know, just take out the log out of your own eye, which sounds pretty judgmental, the next part does to me.
And then you'll be able to see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye. So the whole point there is just to say that Christians should be trying to take the speck out of their brother's eye.
They should be engaging in judgment. The issue is they shouldn't be engaging in what you might describe as a hypocritical kind of judgment.
So in other words, like we shouldn't be the kind of individuals who are going to basically be fixated on fixing the faults of others without first fixing our own faults.
And that's, I mean, it's really not that complicated to see. And so, I mean, and this is like, this whole thing is explained in the phenomenon of the left devouring the left.
I mean, when you look at the left, you have individuals who are literally butchering babies every day.
And then they have the audacity to look at like issues in civil war and slavery and basically take the high moral ground and think, oh man, like these are the worst kind of reprobates imaginable that lived hundreds of years ago and did things that were so superior to as they butcher babies, cut them up in their mother's womb.
Like that's what this passage is talking about. It's talking about the kind of individual who basically is so fixated on fixing the problems of other people that they can't see their problems, their experience themselves.
And then like the issue is not just, hey, caesarasara, live and let live. Like no one is allowed to talk to anyone else about the things they're doing.
No, the whole point of the passage is you first get rid of your own issues so that, so that, you will be able to see clearly to help like the other person deal with their issues.
So, but then like the issue though is if you don't do that, like if you don't deal with your own issues, like you may be able to take someone down, but you're next.
Your tweets from 10 years ago are the next one we're going through. Right, but that's the whole point. The whole point is like, you know, this is like a statement of wisdom here.
It's just like, hey, judge not lest you be judged because, you know, whatever you standard you hold other people to, they're going to hold you to, and you're going to be next, right?
That's the point. So, you're going to be next. So, like the issue is you better deal with you first before you deal with other people because like, you know, you can hold people to a strict standard, a kind of standard that you may never be able to hold yourself to.
But you live by that standard, you're going to die by it, right? And that's what the left is seeing, is that like it's very convenient to use these against their political enemies, but then they're also being used against each other, like they're next on the chopping block, and that's what's happening.
And so, what you don't want to do is have a hypocritical, like that's what I was talking about, a hypocritical kind of judgment where like you are holding people to unrealistic standards, standards that you don't live up to, and you need to realize that if that's what you're doing, you're next.
Like whatever the standard is, you're next, man. And so, like we're, you know, we're holding like individuals who lived 150 years ago, 170 years ago, like we look at them as like the worst possible individuals all the while, like failing to see all the problems that we have right now, and history is going to judge us harshly, you know, because we, you know, we're straining a gnat and swallowing a camel, and we don't see it, you know, and that's what this passage is talking about.
It is the kind of passage that's warning you, you know, against the nature of passing hypocritical judgment on individuals.
Right. That's really interesting that you bring that up, because I think a lot of Christians, you know, you hear a passage like that brought up, and I think a lot of Christians, you know, if you're talking about these sort of spirit of the age ideas that we really need to be pushing against because they're utterly,
I mean, evil and wicked things. I mean, you know, over 60 million babies dead before they can see the light of day, right?
Getting bigger every day. Yeah, and the number's only growing by, like, I think three, maybe 4 ,000 every single day, just in the
U .S. So these are things that we're supposed to be pushing against, but then
I think, you know, most Christians, if you were to say, hey, judge not lest you be judged,
I think most Christians would probably say, yeah, I mean, that's fine.
You know, I'm fine with being judged according to the standard that I'm presenting because I don't think that it's okay for babies to be killed or for, you know, a five -year -old to be told that they should be transgender, right, basically be groomed into being the opposite gender, even though, you know, they were born with, you know, all of the body parts, all of the chromosomes that respond to their gender.
And so I think for most Christians, you know, they're fine with God coming along and saying, hey, you know, were you trying to kill babies?
Did you want to kill babies? No. You know, I tried to reason with people and help them see the truth.
But then on the other end of the spectrum, the people who are bringing up this verse in the first place, judge not lest you be judged in Matthew, they're the ones in violation of it most of the time.
They're the ones who are judging, you know, or like you brought up the, like,
Chateau slavery. But then we're killing 60 million babies, right?
I mean, you tell me, like, those are both awful things, but you tell me which one's worse. It shouldn't be.
It's obviously slavery, man. Yeah, obviously, you know. I mean, those clumps of cells, man, they just like, you know, they didn't have to experience the degradation that came with, you know, slavery as an adult.
So it's just, keep your priorities straight, man. Yeah, forgive me. I'll go put in my 40 lashes after this, after the recording.
But I mean, you get the point. I mean, obviously, abortion is worse.
I mean, obviously, so many people have died because of this. But then, you know, it's like I said towards the beginning of the podcast, they're essentially looking at history from a perceived moral high ground.
It's not an actual moral high ground, because if anything, we are so much worse than our ancestors before us.
I mean, I think if Hitler knew the things that we have done, yeah, it would have made him blush big time, right?
And, you know, that's not to say that what he did wasn't evil. It absolutely was. But then we as Christians, we can say that.
I don't think the SJW can say that, because they're advocating for something that has far outdone
Hitler. I mean, 10 times over, at least. So it's really interesting that you bring that up.
I guess I would ask you, is that a response that we should have towards anyone who starts talking about, hey, quit judging people, you hypocrite
Christian? Should our response just be like, I don't think you actually understand that passage at all?
Well, yeah, I mean, sure, you're using these words, but I don't think it means what you think it means.
You keep using that word. You know, go full Inigo Montoya.
Right. But yeah, I mean, sure. You do have to get into some sort of semantic discussion about the meaning of words at that point, and there's no way to avoid it.
Like, what usage is he talking about there? What do you think he's saying? I mean, they have no idea.
It's just a club. So that's the point. It's just a club. But that word doesn't mean what you think it means in that kind of context.
Right. So you might want to show a little bit more linguistic sophistication than that.
Right. At the very least. Sure, I mean, I do think it's worth pointing out the inconsistency there.
And I don't know that you'll persuade anyone that way, but at the very least it's good to edify the saints by letting them know the game that's being run on them.
So there is a game that's being run on you by a group of people who are fiercely judgmental and out of control judgmental.
Like, they're the people Jesus is talking about in that way. They're doing it way worse than any
Christian could possibly even imagine doing it at that point. Right, yeah. They're the ones in violation much more often.
I meant to say that Christians can't violate that principle, too. We often violate that principle, but then the point, though, is just that the left has given themselves over to that very thing in a way that has no ability to push back against it.
So it's one thing, I'm sure that there'll be plenty of times where I violate
Matthew 7 -1 over the course of my life, but I do at least have a goal to not. Right.
And there's reasoning with me. If I am being judgmental in the moment, and not just like I said something
I don't like, if there is an area of hypocrisy in my life where I'm overlooking a kind of sin that I'm very harsh about with you, then
I'm open to hearing about it, because I do need to get the log out of my eye before I get the speck out of your eye.
It might be that I'm disqualified for helping individuals deal with certain sins if I'm not willing to do them the same.
And if that's what we're talking about, is how can you talk to me about my issue when your issue is ten times bigger?
That's a fair comment and a fair question to have, and it's a standard that I hold myself to, but on the left, they're not holding themselves to that at all.
Right. At all. But then that should cause you to think, at the very least as a
Christian, why are we so concerned about being called this word by people who have no brakes on their judgmentalism?
Are they the best judges of what is a violation of a passage they've literally never read before?
Right. And they can't tell you the context about, and have no idea what Jesus is even saying there, and can't explain the details to you at all.
So they don't know what they're saying, they're just throwing that out there, and they have no idea what they're saying. And it basically just amounts to shut up.
Yeah. Just shut up. Quit talking. And that's about the extent of the engagement that you're getting, but I think it's fair to point out for sure.
Yeah. And I think you pretty much just have to keep reading in the passage just to see that it's not actually a never judge.
In any way, yeah. Or you're going to go to hell, you Christian. Yeah. There's a hypocritical kind of judgment that a
Christian should avoid, but that's different than just a blanket condemnation against any and all usages of the word judge.
Yeah. You should understand that. And I think that brings up another important question, though.
At the beginning of the podcast I said our desire as Christians is to glorify
God, and part of how we do that is by seeking to obey His commands. And so we've been talking about this passage that does indicate there is a time when it is inappropriate for a
Christian to judge another person. And that time is when you are in violation of the same thing that you're condemning.
And not only that, but essentially what you're doing at that point is you're treating someone else harsher than you're actually treating yourself.
You're showing partiality towards yourself, right? Yeah. So we shouldn't judge in that kind of scenario.
And if we do, then we're in violation of God's word. Well, we should judge. We just should deal with our own.
We should judge ourselves first. Judge ourselves first, then deal with them. We should view our sin ten times bigger than anyone else's sin.
Yeah, and that should be a catalyst to help you to judge better. That's the point. The point is, if I have an issue right now that I'm just totally mastered by, and I look at you, and the issue is we have eyes that point one direction, and they don't point at us, they point towards others.
Anatomically, that's the way it works. So we can literally see the sins of other people much more clearly than we can see our own just because of the way our body works, the way our eyes work.
So how often have you been married and you look at your wife making some kind of facial expression at you that you detest, only to be totally blind to the same facial expressions that you're making, probably even worse.
Right, right. But the issue though is just like, yes, she needs to stop looking at you like that, but you need to stop looking at her like that.
It's not so easy, right? Right. And so what that should cause you to do is say, I should be more circumspect in how
I'm allowing myself to be scandalized by your facial expressions. Meaning, because I can't see my own, and I'm sure that they're not always wonderful, right?
Right. So but then the issue though is deal with yourself first so that you can see clearly.
And if you're a person who's characterized by annoyance and irritation all the time, you're not going to be able to help someone deal with their irritation when you're a frustrated mess all the time, right?
But then the issue though is if you deal with the frustration and the irritation, you can help them, you really can, because you know how to get from A to B, right?
Right. You've been through it. Yeah. And you know how hard it is to overcome.
You know how to get there. I would say a lot of people aren't even trying to fix that kind of stuff, but if you do learn to get rid of the irritation and the frustration and the annoyance in your life, you can help someone at that point.
Deal with it. I mean, if they want to, if they want to be helped, but you're in the best spot to be able to help them.
What's the next step here? For sure. Now, the question that that kind of leads me to is, so we see that that is an example of a time when it is inappropriate for a
Christian to be judging other people. They need to, if they're in violation of some sin, they need to—
Same one, yeah. They need to focus on themselves first and pursue repentance for themselves before they really start focusing in on, hyper -focusing on everyone.
Well, yeah, it doesn't look good to— I mean, if I'm duct -taping my wife to a chair and wheeling her into the
Planned Parenthood each week to get the new abortion going, then I'm really definitely not in any kind of situation to go on some anti -abortion crusade, for sure.
Right. Now, are there other times when it would be inappropriate for a
Christian to cast any sort of judgment in the sense that we're discussing it tonight, similar to that scenario where you were in violation of the same sin you're calling out?
Like, are there other instances where— Yeah. Like, that we should be cautious in how we're judging, essentially?
Yeah, beyond just like, hey, I'm in violation of the same sin that I'm calling out. Yeah, I mean,
I think, let's see. Like, there is a discussion in the
Bible about Christians not judging the world in a certain—
So, like, you have to talk through those kind of passages in general. Paul talks about, for what have
I to do with judging outsiders is not those inside the church whom you are to judge.
God judges those outside. Purge the evil person from among you. So there is a type of judgment that's appropriate to the
Christian. There's a type of judgment that's appropriate to the non -Christian. There is that kind of hypocritical judgment that we're talking about, as far as that goes.
So, I mean, that's another passage that you want to think through. You know, the base—I don't know if there's—
There's like, probably the main meaning of the word judge is like, to make a selection between two options, right?
So, just like, you're talking about just general preferences at that point, okay? So, in that way, like, general, like, we're making preference, like, judgments.
Like, you know, I'm going to make a judgment between going to, you know, Taco Bell or McDonald's, right?
Judge not, lest you be judged, Tim. Okay. That's, I mean, you know, that's typically neutral.
But, I mean, like, if you're—like, the Bible says, you know, look not to your own interests, but the interests of others. If you're a person who's just, like, exceedingly picky, you know, and you're imposing all of your selections or preferences on everyone else, and, like, that could be a way that you're, like, judging wrongly, right?
In that way, like, passing judgment upon the lives and actions of other people.
Like, there are times where you can be quick to pass judgment, meaning you assume the worst about individuals.
You assume the worst about their motives on the basis of very little information. You know, and that's kind of the kind of thing that happens every time there's a police shooting with predictable colors involved.
You know, everyone basically rushes to judgment in a way that is devoid of facts, right?
So that would be, like, judging motives, judging heart, judging a matter before you hear.
All those things would be negative. You know, I can't tell you how many times the
Bible says until another one comes along to examine them. Like, the Me Too movement basically says, if a woman makes an accusation, you believe her no matter what.
I can't tell you how many times you hear the other side of the story, and it gives you a different perspective about what's going on.
So, you know, there's, like, that kind of passing judgment on someone, right, that would be a negative thing.
There's, like, a negative passing judgment that you might describe as, like, to where, you know, someone watches a movie that you think is unlawful for a
Christian to watch, and basically you can sign them to the pit of hell or something. That would be...
Like, and it may be that, you know, it's reflective of their spiritual state, but, you know, there are
Bible verses, like, who are you to judge another man's servant? And, like, you know, like, ultimate, like, final judgment, like, there is, like, something that is extended to God.
Now, you have a church discipline process that helps us to make measured judgments along those lines, but to just circumvent that and just go straight to the, you're, you know, obviously an unbeliever because you, you know, did this thing,
I don't think you should do it, and like that may be a violation of different passages at that point.
But, you know, that word can also mean come to a conclusion after a cognitive process, reach a decision.
We do that all the time, man. Like, you can come to wrong judgments, like, about situations, right?
And you can come to right, like, judgments, so it's just, like, the process of making judgments in general is, like, you can do it poorly, you can do it well.
And, you know, you can be on a court case and, you know, let the murderer go off scot -free because you like his skin color, you know?
Like, and that would be unjust judgment at that point. So there's a variety of ways you can judge unjustly.
But then, like, I think overall, you know, like, the issue is, what Jesus says is essentially
John 7, 24, but judge with right judgment. So there's, like, I think, just trying to simplify all that, there's right judgment and there's wrong judgment, right?
And what we want to do is come to right judgments in the right way, in the right context, with the right information. Yeah. Instead of just avoiding the process.
You know, something that I've come to realize as I've gotten a little bit older,
I'm not really old yet, but as I've matured at least a little bit,
I used to, whenever these big kind of, like, shootings or any sort of, like, crime that was kind of in the public's eye, that happened in the public eye or whatever,
I was always very, very quick to immediately form my opinion on what happened.
And I think now, especially after the last few years, some of the different incidences that have gone down,
I think I've come to realize that there really is a lot of wisdom in just saying, like, when people ask me, hey, what do you think about this?
What do you think about that? I think there is actually a lot of wisdom in just saying, hey, I really don't know yet.
Right. Like, this happened a day ago. I haven't been able to really read a ton about it.
I'm sure that there's going to be a lot of evidence and, you know, testimonies that come out in the coming weeks.
I kind of just want to wait and just see what everybody says, and then
I'll form a stronger opinion, hopefully, assuming that there's enough there to even make me comfortable to form an opinion on it all.
And I really do think there is a lot of wisdom in that because when you jump to those conclusions and you start passing judgment without all of the facts, you really—
Or at least a sufficient amount, enough, you know, enough facts. I mean, you have so little information, and we've seen how individuals can just take very few facts and paint them in a certain light and run with it.
Yeah, yeah. Except for the Gerrick Chauvin trial case. I mean, that was a lot more complicated, a lot more complicated than what the original clips made it out to be.
Oh, absolutely. Without weighing in on that. I mean, when you hear— When you only see the narrative that's being pushed the whole entire time and then at the very end they show you the body cam footage at the very beginning, it's like, whoa, this guy's been saying he can't breathe the whole entire time, right?
Right, right. This is very different than what you thought was happening. And without weighing in on it, it's just like, my goodness, we're so quick.
And everyone encourages you to be so quick. And it's just like, not only that they're encouraging you, it's just like silence is violence.
Right, right. Like, say her name and whatever, say his name. It's just like, hey, man,
I don't know what happened. I wasn't there, and all I got was five seconds of a clip. Yeah. And it seems like there might be relevant facts, and maybe or maybe not, but maybe we should give it some time.
But then, curiously, there's never any retractions, right? Mm -hmm. So those demanding you accept whatever that narrative is, they never come back and say, hey, you know what?
I was quick to jump to conclusions that weren't justified in this moment, and I was wrong, and I slandered someone and maligned someone who was part of a process that was basically creating a kangaroo court and lynch mob kind of mentality.
It's never that. It's just like, well, if it wasn't this one, it happens all the time anyways. Right. If that, if that, it mostly is just silence at that point.
Right. Yeah, and the thing is, I think so that person who is willing to pass judgment very quickly without any sort of substantial evidence or facts to really back it up beyond just the initial story that breaks,
I guarantee you, I guarantee you that that same person, if they were the next week to be put in a similarly compromising position where perhaps they didn't do anything bad, but it looked like they did something bad, they would be pleading with everyone to be patient and examine all of the facts.
They would feel totally unjustified or completely taken advantage of or not treated fairly.
But that's the point. That's the point Matthew is trying to make. You're next. If you engage in that kind of process, if you judge quickly, the same standard that you're using, it's going to be used against you, and it is, and that's what's happening with the left.
It is over and over again. They created a monster that is going to turn to eat them, and it has been eating them.
Right. So that serves as a warning towards them. Hey, don't judge this too quickly because you would not want people to judge you too quickly if this were you.
Right. So I think that is a pretty stark warning towards them.
Hopefully some people hear us saying that and they realize it and they realize maybe there is actually some truth to the things we're saying.
Right. One thing I wanted to ask you as well, and I don't know if it's necessarily like a question or more of an observation and just kind of hear what you have to say about it as well.
So going back to people bringing up, hey, judge not lest you be judged.
We've already talked about what that means. We've already talked about, I mean, just read a few sentences more into the passage, and you'll see that it's not actually outright condemning judgment.
But beyond just that, I mean, if you look at Jesus's life, wasn't it full of judgment?
Oh, sure. Towards other people? And everyone when you're reading the
Bible, you love it when Jesus is piling on the Pharisees and the Sadducees, right?
You love hearing them just give it to them, right?
And the same thing for Paul. I mean, Paul, he calls people out by name in letters that would have been circulated to multiple churches, right?
So it seems like they're all sort of passing. It seems like judgment is essentially a part of the
Christian life. Well, yeah. I mean, in one way, shape, or form, judgment is inescapable, depending on what we mean by that.
So if you're talking about just like a simple process of making decisions, deciding between one thing and another, deciding, so you can have judgment in the formal sense of like you're presiding as a judge over a case, like in a courtroom.
You can have judgment in an informal sense, meaning you're selecting between various choices. So this is a word that just has a very broad meaning.
So Jesus, he says to the Pharisees, why do you not judge for yourself what is right?
Okay. So Jesus says, if I do judge, my judgment is true, for it is not
I alone who judge, but I and the Father, right? So over and over again,
Jesus has come. My concerning judgment for the ruler of the world is judged. He should be judged by his own law.
Over and over again, the idea of judgment is just a very broad idea.
You can't just eliminate any and all forms of judgment whatsoever, or else you basically just have no mechanism for deciding the difference between right and wrong, and that's what judgment is.
It's like trying to figure out the difference between right and wrong. I don't know how that would work, because the left really does want us to judge things.
They want us to judge according to their standard, and that's the issue. It's like, what is the right standard that we're judging by?
Because judgment is inescapable. It's like the pedophile rapes someone.
It's like, well, who am I to judge, right? Well, no. The white person says something racist, and it's like, well, who am
I to judge? The Bible says judge not. It's like, no, you better judge. The issue is not whether or not we should judge, it's what's the standard we use.
I mean, justice is in their name. How do you get justice without judging?
That's the whole point. In order for anything to be just, you have to judge. You have to judge right and wrong.
That's the way it works. Right. The issue is, what is the standard we use for judgment? For the pagan, it's inappropriate in their minds for Christians to use the
Bible, but if you don't use the Bible, then what is it? There is no standard. That's the point. It's either the
Bible or nothing. What do you want? Common consensus? Well, that changes over time. Common consensus at the time of the
Holocaust, back in Germany, was that Jews were subhuman and deserved the final solution.
So what do you do? The issue is, everyone has to judge. The issue is, what's the standard?
What's the protocol? What's the right standard for judgment? What's the right protocol for judgment?
When do you have enough information to make inappropriate judgment along those lines?
Who do you have authority to judge? So the issue is not, judgment is inescapable.
It's just a matter of, how do we do it correctly? Right. There are ways to do it poorly, and there's ways to do it right.
That's why Jesus basically tells us, do not judge by appearances, but judge with right judgment.
I was thinking about this. Could you imagine the parent, their child does something at school wrong, and the parent comes to the office to talk to the principal, and the principal's saying, hey, your son did this and this and hit a kid and whatever else, and the parent's response is, hey, look, judge not, lest you be judged.
It doesn't make any sense. Some of them might go there, you know? Yeah. I have interacted with some of those sexually.
You're telling me you've never been a kid, and you sneak into a bathroom with a girl and do weird things.
I mean, cool, man. I definitely have interacted with some parents who are like that. Okay, another question that I really want to hear you.
You brought it up. You mentioned it, but I want to hear a little more about it. So you mentioned this idea that Paul, he says, hey,
I think it's Paul. I could be mistaken. Talking about 1 Corinthians 5, what do I have to do with judging outsiders? Yes.
Yeah, yeah. So Paul, I guess if you're guessing anything in the
New Testament, Paul is a safe bet for having written it. Only a few options there.
Yeah. So he's making a distinction between judging those inside the church as opposed to those outside of the church, right?
Right. So could you just kind of explain, I guess, the difference there?
Is that supposed to mean that somehow now we can't judge these things that the world is saying should be legal and are right, they are good things to do?
Does that mean that we're all of a sudden supposed to not push back against those things? Because how could you ever expect someone outside of the church to ever adhere to what
God has commanded? Or does that mean something else? Yeah, it's just one of those situations where Christians would do themselves well if any time they are trying to discuss a verse, they would first step, read the context.
Okay. So sometimes Christians will do the, you're taking that context dodge, where essentially anything a passage is saying they don't like, or just say in some flippant way, you're taking that out of context, therefore, meaning don't ever try to hold me to anything the
Bible says, right? If I don't like it. If I don't like it, yeah. But I mean, you should, one of the things
I learned very early in my Christian life was just whenever there was a passage under dispute, I would just go and read it.
And so, let's just read 1 Corinthians 5, 9, and so I'm going to read, the verse you're talking about is 5 .12,
but I'm going to read 9 through 13, and we can put in a little bit of context here, right? So he says,
I wrote to you my letter not to associate with sexually immoral people, he says.
Okay. He says, not at all meaning the sexually immoral of this world, or the greedy and the swindlers or idolaters, since then you would need to go out of the world.
But I'm writing to you not to associate with anyone who bears the name of a brother if he is guilty of sexual immorality or greed, or is an idolater, reviler, drunkard, or swindler, not even to eat with such a one.
And then he says, for what have I to do with judging outsiders? Is it not those inside the church whom you are to judge?
God judges those outside, purge the evil from among you. Okay? Okay. So, what we're talking about here is, like, we're talking about the idea of associating with certain individuals.
And the context of the association that Paul has in mind is, like, what you might describe as church membership.
Like, so, like, this is a discussion about church membership. Okay? So, like, if anyone bears the name of a brother and he's, like, sexually immoral or greedy or a swindler or idolater,
Paul is saying you don't associate them, meaning you kick them out of church membership. Okay? Yeah.
So the kind of judgment that he has in mind there is the kind of judgment where you judge, you are walking inconsistently with what it means to be a
Christian, therefore we are going to no longer associate you, meaning we're going to consider you a
Gentile or a tax collector. Meaning we're going to consider you an unbeliever at that point. Right? So we're not going to...
You're bearing the name of a brother, you're walking as a pagan, and we're not going to eat with you, we're going to abstain from normal fellowship with you, and we're not going to identify you as, you know, that beloved
Christian brother there. We're going to treat you like a Gentile or a tax collector. We're going to remove you from our church membership.
We're going to separate ourself from you. So that's the kind of judgment that he has in mind. He has the kind of judgment that says we're judging you to be acting like a non -believer, and we're judging your actions to basically be dishonoring to the
Lord, bringing shame to his name. So we're going to remove ourself from, like, normal Christian fellowship with you in order that that might be a means of bringing you to repentance.
So that's the kind of judgment that Paul has in mind, like the kind of judgment where basically you're saying,
I'm not going to associate with you. But he says you don't do that to an unbeliever. Meaning you don't refuse to have a meal with an unbeliever because they're your mission field.
Right. So believers, by definition, are going to be sexually immoral, greedy, swindlers, and basically, like, if you were to hold them to that standard of fellowship –
Unbelievers, you mean? Yeah, unbelievers. Like, if you were to hold them to a standard of fellowship that essentially says, I refuse to ever talk to you or associate you, you would not do the
Great Commission at that point. Yeah. So it's just a different matter. What it means is just, like, you're the mission field, and because you're the mission field, what that means is
I'm going to engage you for the sake of evangelizing you. That's my goal. But, like, at that point, like, everyone knows, like,
I'm having dinner with an unbeliever in order to – like, all Christians know, like, me having, like, this dinner with this unbeliever is a means of me trying to win them to Jesus.
This is not a means of me saying their sin is okay. Right. They're a brother or something like that.
Right. Now, if I'm doing that with a brother who's, you know, characterized by sexual immorality, you know, greedy or a swindler, you know, like, if I – like, you know, that guy who's, like, robbing everyone in our church, he's going into their homes every night and stealing it, and I'm just, like, having it over, and we're best buds, you know?
And he's a fellow church member. Like, they're going to think, like, that I'm supporting of what he's doing at that point, and then they're going to think that, like,
Christ's name will be dishonored in that way. So, like, you have a different standard of association. Like, that's the issue.
You have a different standard of association with believers as you do with unbelievers. Right. Now, like, that doesn't mean that, you know, like, your best friends should be just sexually immoral people, pagans, swindlers, you know, greedy.
Like, the, you know, proverb still applies that, you know, bad company corrupts good morals. You know, so, like, if all your best friends in life are just, you know, foul -mouthed, dirty people who are, you know, like, there's something wrong with you, right?
Like, in general, like, you're rejecting wisdom at that point. Right. Like, but the issue, though, is, like, so, and this is what people often, like, confuse.
Like, Jesus was a friend of sinners, like, meaning, like, he went and had a meal with them once or twice and called them to repentance until they hated him and wanted to never see him again, right?
But it didn't mean that, like, he was, like, hang out buddies, watch Game of Thrones the entire, you know, however many seasons there was with them in order to win them over as they watched filth together, right?
That wasn't his plan. But, I mean, at the same time, it's just like, like, if you think, alright, well, you're a pagan, you're watching all this crap,
I'm never going to talk to you, that's, like, you're missing the point, right? Right. So the kind of judgment there that they have in mind is, like, this handing an individual over to Satan and refraining from normal Christian association with him, you don't do that with an unbeliever like that.
But that says nothing about, like, trying to impose your morality on unbelievers in the world, and that's what that verse is often used as support of, which is just totally missing the point.
Like, the point is, like, we all have to have some standard that we're judging by. So if it's not the Bible, what is it?
Like, how do we determine right from wrong if it's not the Bible? So, like, the issue is, like, meaning, like, you know, yeah,
I'm certainly going to hold, like, unbelievers to the standard of not killing me, and not killing my wife, and not raping me, and not raping my children and my wife.
Like, certainly I'm going to hold them to standards, and they can't cop out and say, well, you know, what do we have to do with judging, you know, unbelievers?
You know, it's like, okay, you know, but Lot, you know, well, you know, we'll use a different example.
Lot's complicated. But he certainly wouldn't let, at the very least, he wouldn't let them rape the angels, you know.
So, like, oh, goodness, backfire. Yeah. But, yeah, leave that one alone.
But, no, I mean, like, the point, though, the point is just to say that, like, certainly, you know,
Lot, even in that scenario, you know, men, why are you, men of Sodom, why are you behaving so wickedly? Like, he's, you know, you can't, you know, rape the angels, you know, for sure.
John the Baptist expected King Herod to, you know, not sleep with his brother's wife, right?
Right, right. Yeah, and you know what? He might go and, like, have that discussion with him to tell him it, you know.
Like, he might eat with him. Like, you know, so, the text says you don't even eat with such a person. Well, he probably went and ate with him and told him that.
And then he got his head, got him to prison and his head removed, you know? Right. So, like, the issue, though, is, like, no one would understand that to be an act of Paul, you know, of John the
Baptist compromising. Like, that's, like, the issue is he's trying to win him, right? Right, right.
And he, you know, lost his head in the process, right? Didn't work out too well for him, but.
Yeah, right, yeah. So, that's the point, but, yeah. Okay, okay. Well, I think that's all the questions
I have, Tim. Is there anything that you wanted to say that maybe we didn't cover, or if you just want to recap, whatever, you know?
Yeah, no, yeah, no, there's a, I think if I'm just trying to summarize what we said, like, at that point, there certainly is a type of, there's a lot of errors in judgment that a
Christian can make. So, we can judge in a good way and we can judge in a bad way. And we tried to walk through some of those as it relates to this discussion in general.
So, there's not just, like, you just have to realize that, you know, as you're reading through the Bible, words don't have one meaning, hardly ever.
You know, there's, like, almost, there's very few cases of, you know, either words in Greek or Hebrew or English that only have one meaning.
Like, if you could find some, I would be interested in understanding what those actually are.
Maybe, like, the words that are very, very long or something like that, right? Yeah. Like, but for the most part, like, most words have a variety of meaning.
And so, as you're, you know, you read through the Bible and you come across a word like judge, what you have to do if you want to understand, like, a biblical perspective of judging is you're going to look up every use of the word judge, you know, in the
Bible. And I mean, there's several hundred, you know, that, like, you know, some positive, some negative.
And what you're going to do is you're going to have to, like, come up with some sort of theology of judging from the Bible. Meaning, like, what are good judgments in the
Bible? What are bad judgments in the Bible? And you can make, you know, two columns in a notebook and, you know, make a list of all the bad kind of judgments in the
Bible. And then you can make another column that talks about all the good judgments in the Bible. And this doesn't mean that the Bible is contradicting itself.
It just means that, like, this is the way that language works. And this is the way that Bible study works.
Like, words have different meanings. And so, like, even, like, something like killing, you know, like, and this is, like, you can look up a word like, you know, thou shalt not kill, you know, and it's like, well, why does the
Bible describe capital punishment? Isn't it a contradiction? It's like, no, man, like, this, you're just dealing with a word that has different usages.
And this isn't really complicated. And maybe read a dictionary, you know, once in your life and you'll realize it's not like, this is the way that language works.
Like, it's not hard. You know, this is not, like, this is just, like, basic, you know, understanding 101, right?
I mean, you can do something like that with hate, right? Like, what is, like, should Christians hate or not or love, right?
Well, it's like, what's the object, man? You know? Yeah. Like, weird hate, you know, do not love the world or the things of the world, right?
Right. Like, and so, like, what are we talking about?
Like, you know, what kind of love are we called to? Like, we're called to love certain things. We're called to hate certain things.
You know, it's just, like, what you want to do is you want to read through the whole thing and figure out, like, what kind of things should we love?
What kind of things should we hate? And go from there, right? And so, but that's just the way that these things work.
Like, there's not, like, man, like, that's just the way language works in general.
Right. And anyone who doesn't understand that just really needs to get out more, quit watching so much movies and shows, and maybe read a few books, and maybe pull a dictionary out, you know, for the first time in their life, and they'll see, you know?
Like, it's, that's just the way language works, man. You know? Right. But, yeah,
I mean, I would say that, like, a good study that you can engage yourself in, and, you know,
I've done this numerous times, is just to look through the Bible and see what are the things, like, what is the right way to judge and what is the wrong way to judge?
And you can, you know, there's answers on both sides, and it's, it really isn't that hard. It's just, it does take some effort, you know?
So just a little bit of effort that might pry you away from your entertainment for a few minutes to, you know, figure it out.
Purely unthinkable. Scandalous. Yeah, well, okay.
Thank you, Tim. I think, I'm really encouraged by this conversation, and hopefully you guys listening are as well, because for me, it's exciting to know that for the people who have listened to this episode, hopefully they're going to take away this idea that when people, when you're discussing things that the world loves, and you're calling them what they are, which is evil, and then people's response to you is to say, hey, you better not start judging.
I'm excited to know that there are hopefully going to be people who listen to this who will now have a way to respond clearly, because like we said, it's sort of like just a get -out -of -jail -free card that they're using.
It's like a big club that they're trying to beat you over the head with to get you to just shut up and stop calling their stuff evil.
So I'm excited to know that hopefully there are some people who will be able to respond to those types of accusations of judgment and be able to say, hey, you know what?
No, the Bible does tell us that we're supposed to judge. Even in the passage you're referencing, it tells us that we're supposed to judge.
So I'm really encouraged by that. But then like I said, we do still need to take judgment very seriously as Christians because there are plenty of times that we should not judge, that it would be inappropriate for us to judge.
And so hopefully Christians take away from this the importance of judgment, but then also this idea that we do need to be careful and we do need to think through the things that we're saying and the judgments that we're casting, and not just throw them out willy -nilly like unbelievers do.
So hopefully this has been an encouraging episode for you. We want to take this time and just thank you guys again for all of your support and listening to the podcast every week.
And we look forward to recording the next one for you guys, and we'll see you then. This has been another episode of Bible Bashed.
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Now, go boldly and obey the truth in the midst of a biblically illiterate world who will be perpetually offended by your every move.