Have You Not Read S3:E7 - Discipleship


Join Michael, Chris, Andrew, David and Dillon as they talk about a very important topic: discipleship. How do we disciple other believers? Should we wait for someone to ask us specifically to disciple them? How can we prepare for such opportunities?


Welcome to Have You Not Read, a podcast seeking to answer questions from the text of Scripture for the honor of Christ and the edification of the
Saints. Before we dig into our topic, we humbly ask you to rate, review, and share the podcast.
Thank you. I'm Dylan Hamilton and with me are Michael Durham, Chris Giesler, Andrew Hudson, David Kassin.
We have another great question that was sent in to us by Joe DeForest and this is on the topic of discipleship.
The question reads, what if another believer comes to you and asks to be discipled in the Christian faith? What should that process look like?
What truths of faith should be emphasized first and most? And we were talking off -air before this and we asked the question, or the question was asked, how often does this actually happen when a young Christian or a
Christian at all comes to another man or woman and asked to be discipled and how might we discern when they're asking without actually asking?
Yeah, that's a great way to put the matter. If you wait, I mean if you listen to this podcast and maybe you do some research on your own and say, okay this is what a discipleship process looks like, this is the way a discipling relationship is navigated, and you kind of bring all those things into your orbit of meditation and planning and so on, and then you sit back and kind of wait.
You know, okay, when will somebody ask me to disciple them? You know, this is not likely to occur.
Usually if you get the question of someone coming to you and saying, hey, can you help me grow?
Can you disciple me? Can you teach me these things? And so forth, it's because they see you already doing it.
And so why would you already be doing it? You know, what right do you have to try to, you know, edify a brother or a sister in Christ?
By what authority do you proceed to share truths of Scripture and to encourage somebody else in their following after Christ?
Because Jesus told you to, right? It's pretty basic to all Christianity, right? So Matthew 28 verse 18 says,
Jesus came and spoke to them saying, all authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth, and go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the
Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you.
And lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age. Amen. So this should be part and parcel to your life as a
Christian. You should be be making disciples. Very often that does not look like a formal relationship where somebody does come and ask you, but that might occur.
That very well might occur, and that will probably occur if you are actively making disciples.
Now, Jesus is the master. Jesus is the teacher. Who he is and what he says, that is the measure to which we are all to be conformed.
So in my following after Christ, I want to help others do that too, because I want to be loving others as Christ has loved me.
So this is not an opportunity to, you know, display my prowess and knowledge of the
Bible and the scope of my spiritual experiences, the wealth of my holiness
I gladly bestow upon you. You know, this is not a situation in which we are to be prideful.
We are to serve one another as brothers, just serve one another as sisters.
So to keep that in mind, if you are currently laboring as a member of a local church, taking accountability in that church covenant for one another's spiritual health, then discipleship begins by what?
Praying with others. I'm gonna sit next to this person and pray with them and for them. I'm going to stand next to this person and behind that person and in front of the other one and I'm gonna sing.
I'm going to teach and admonish one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs. This is what it looks like discipleship just in the infancy stages.
How am I discipling others? I'm gonna write an encouraging note to somebody. I'm gonna text somebody, call somebody up on the phone, say, hey, how can
I pray for you? These are acts of service and love, but thereby you end up teaching others and exhorting others and edifying others.
There is a role for more formal focused discipleship and Paul writes to Timothy in 2nd
Timothy chapter 2 and in verse 1, you therefore my son, now remember
Paul looks at Timothy as his son. They had a father -son relationship in the faith.
Very clearly this is an ongoing deep discipling relationship. You therefore my son be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus and the things that you have heard from me, there's discipleship relationship number one, the things that you have heard from me among many witnesses within the context of the of the church, right?
So there's another relationship, another direction for that. Commit these to faithful men, the things that Timothy heard from Paul attested to by many witnesses in the context of the local church.
This is not Paul and Timothy on their own with their secret knowledge. This is within the context of the larger fellowship of the church, okay?
What you have heard, commit these to faithful men, all right? So from Paul to Timothy in the context of the local church, commit these to faithful men.
From Paul to Timothy to these faithful men who will be able to teach others also. So that's four generations.
Paul, Timothy, the men that Timothy is discipling and the men that they will disciple. So a four -generational mindset there in one verse and what this tells us is that when we are making disciples, we are making disciples of Jesus and he wants his disciples to be making disciples.
So that needs to be kept in mind. We are not making a group of sycophants, people who are like, oh you're amazing, you know, everything you say
I think is great. We do not want to put ourselves in the position of being somebody's connection to God, you know, kind of serving as their priest, their mediator, but we want to be edifying, encouraging, leading them on to Christ by means of the
Word through the power of the Spirit. So that's my first take on the question. I got to thinking about how
I've experienced it in the past or ways that I've seen it done and then looking kind of at the
Bible, at the model, it seems like with the question, and I've seen this before, there's like this one -on -one and we're gonna sit down and do this, but it seems like often it's in the context of kind of a natural growing, like in group things, someone's having a discussion and bring something else up and get to talking about it.
It seems like adding, Paul's bringing Tim along with him and then Luke joins and then
Silas and then there's more people involved and they're all talking about these things that he says in the company of many witnesses.
It seems like often when I think about the discipleship that was most effective, it was the iron sharpening iron, it wasn't just like a one -on -one, although there's accountability there, but it seems like it organically happens in groups.
Like when there's like some serious things going on, you see Jesus taking a disciple aside, right?
Sometimes there's a reason for smaller groups or even just one -to -one, but in the main don't we see kind of, you know, here's 12 disciples, here's a handful of guys around Paul and that's, in my experience, discipleship has always gone far better when there is like a small group of guys in the discipleship relation.
If it's just one -to -one, it's usually because there's a particular issue that needs to be worked out and it's kind of like a serious focus, but that is generally not a sustainable long run.
We are meant to be in groups. Gangs. Gangs, exactly. Righteous gangs, righteous mafia.
Sorry, I just destroyed David. He was about to comment, but he went down, so I'll just say this.
I've actually had somebody who was a member in attending a church I pastored just leave because I did not give him one -to -one discipleship.
I didn't know exactly that's what he was asking for, but you know, we met, you know, maybe once and I invited him to join in the group that we were already doing, but that wasn't, you know, he just wanted single attention only for long -term disciples, and I couldn't do that just given the constraints.
You know, that's not something I was able to really do, and you know, and he moved on, but I think
David's ready now. Well, there was a principle in the Timothy and Paul relationship.
You basically had a older pastor training a younger pastor to take over a church.
Right. I mean, so there's, it's a good model. I mean, father and son, and if you have a, if you are a father and you have a son, you are discipling them, you know, one -on -one in a lot of, in a lot of ways.
You have that responsibility and that time, but what you just described is like, well, maybe a small group.
Maybe a small group of men that you're pouring your heart into or you join that small group of men.
That's something that is, in your opinion, more sustainable. If you're outside of that family relationship, that immediate family or that pastoral ministry,
I'm actually training you to take over this church when I die. Yeah, I'm not saying that you can't ever do one -to -one.
Sometimes there's only one person interested, you know. Sometimes there's only one person interested. That's not really the main point of it, but usually
Paul had more than just Timothy with him. When he's talking to him, talking to Timothy, the things that I entrusted to you, but notice it was in the presence of many witnesses, and also when
Paul was only down to one companion, that was a burden to him, that he only had one guy with him left near the end of his ministry.
That was so abnormal for him because normally there was a group. So I think that just talking about what the norm should look like, you know, one -to -one shows that either there is a serious issue with the person, they need some help, and you want to love them and encourage them.
Maybe there's a sin issue in their life and you're doing the Matthew 18 thing, and they're willing to come and be reconciled and come back to Christ, and that's great.
There might be a serious issue because there's a lack of hunger for the Word, and there's only one person interested in growing in Christ, but I wouldn't say that that is a great sign if there's just one -to -one.
And that means that there could be a problem, you know, if it's one -to -one. But if you could design a good discipleship program in a local church, you'd have an older man in the faith training up a small group of younger men, you know.
I wouldn't want to say rival gangs, you know, these are the sharks and the jets. That's an old reference, and if you don't get it, shame on you.
It's ages. I knew the theater guy would get it.
From one generation to another. Yes, but it's the question that was asked, if somebody comes to you and says,
I'd like to be discipled, I mean, and that's unusual. Somebody comes up and says, this is what
I want. But it does happen, you know, so I guess you have one option that says, we actually have a group of men in our church.
They have a small group, this has a small group, you know, and you can join that small group.
Perhaps that's something that if you don't have that in your church, maybe you can start it.
And sometimes when somebody wants to be discipled, that's not exactly what they ask, right.
They don't come up to you and they don't really ask and try to invite themselves to a discipleship group and so on.
That's not how it's always expressed. Sometimes somebody will be talking about something that they're trying to understand, something
I'm trying to study. I watched this debate or I heard this conversation and, you know, I didn't quite understand this or that.
Or they'll have some desire to serve in some way, but they need to get some training. The way that the need for discipleship comes up is not always phrased as a formal, hey,
I need discipleship. I actually did that when I was in college. I went to my pastor and said,
I need you to disciple me because I want to be a preacher. I want to be a pastor. That was not something that was done.
That was not something that he had done. That was not part of the church culture, the church family.
That was so far out of the ordinary. I appreciated him saying yes. Of course, as a college kid,
I'm like, I have no concept of how much time he has and doesn't have, how busy this guy is.
Let's add something else to this. Yes, exactly. I'm gonna add something to your plate, okay? You know now though.
Yes, I do. But then, you know, he said, here's the time that I can meet. I'm like, yes.
Like, you know, I'm around your schedule and God had given me that desire. You know, and that's something where if somebody does have the desire and you're a busy person, let them know what you can do.
How much of the the issues around discipleship are misconceptions of what discipleship actually is?
Like you said earlier, somebody wanted to be disciple one -on -one and that doesn't always, it's actually abnormal probably to get that more often than within a group or within a gang, if you will.
And so, how much of the American notion of what discipleship is, it being a lot of one -on -one time or then, and this is one of the ways
I've heard it before, put the disciple pursuing the disciplee, how much of it is a misconception of how much responsibility actually lies within the one who's being discipled?
And is that something that we have a problem with in the church in the U .S.? Yeah, so when you look at Jesus, his discipleship 101,
Matthew chapter 10, and then the synoptic gospels have, you know, versions of that in theirs as well.
But if you go read Matthew chapter 10, you see that Jesus addresses a variety of issues and it ranges all over from personal commitment to him, to having to deal with government officials, to, you know, what to expect, you know, all sorts of things.
Or how to conduct yourself when you're trying to do evangelism and strategies for when you enter a new city, just a wide variety of subject matter.
And you'll notice in the gospels, he instructs them and then he tells them to get out there and do it.
You know, it's not simply a matter of, you know, we're just going to give you more and more information, you know, until you're really, really informed and that makes you a great disciple.
But there is an actual opportunity to put into practice the things that they were being taught.
So what are the expectations in the American context for discipleship and so on? It depends on the person. If they're in a situation where, you know, they just need counseling.
Sometimes, in my experience, sometimes young men didn't have a father and they need some father time to fill in the gaps.
And their discipleship looks a lot like a practicalities about how to organize your day and how to be diligent and how to have a good attitude and how to save your money and things like that.
That's discipleship, you know, that's a need, godly need. But then also, it can't be something where it's just me and this guy.
So he has to be in the fellowship of the believers. He needs to be talking to more than just me.
And so sometimes in a counseling situation, like, you know, I have a lot of issues I need to work out.
Sometimes it's not good for them to come back one -to -one because they get the therapeutic high.
You know, I go to my counselor on a regular basis. I talk about my problems. I feel better when
I leave. Okay, that was great. That'll hold me over for another week. I'll come back and do that again. But it's the same type of positive emotional release people get from confessing to a priest.
That doesn't actually change anything. It's just like, I just feel better after I'm done. And why it's better to be discipled with a group of men is because there's more accountability there, not less.
And there's more context there where you see, hey, I'm not unique in my problems, struggles, and sorrows.
You know, I'm not the center of my own unit. Look at all these other guys, and they all have the same challenges and challenges greater than mine.
And yet here we all are, bowing the knee to Christ, want to hear from his word together. And that is really, really helpful.
You describe some things that some people would call mentoring. You describe some things who are just kind of teaching in general.
You even described a scenario where you're singing behind a person, and you're actually ministering to them.
All of that can be wrapped up into helping and serving the body. And that does help train up disciples.
It does. You're ministering to one another. You're submitting one to another. You're doing all of those things out of love.
You're outdoing one another and showing honor. You know, all of these things. Treating one another is more important than yourself.
Those are all good. But I think this particular question is talking about targeted development maturing.
How can or how should an older man target, through that kind of targeted effort, grow a small group of men.
It's either one -on -one, maybe probably better with, you know, three to four, and help to mature, raise them up so that they then can do the same thing.
They can also make disciples. That whole compound interest thing. Yes, so that way to bring us back to the actual question.
It's always good. The main thing that should not happen is to create a dependence of this group of men on you when you're doing the discipling.
You need to work yourself out of a job. Okay, so how are they going to grow? Well, they're gonna grow by the
Word of God. Christ washes his bride with the water of his Word. We do not live by bread alone, but every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.
We are to long for the Word of God as infants desire the pure milk. How else are we going to grow except by turning to the
Scriptures, by the power of the Spirit, to see what the Father says about the Son? How else are we going to be transformed from glory to glory?
How else are we going to be conformed to the image of the invisible God? There's no way into maturity into Christ except by the grace of God through the application and understanding of the
Scriptures. So the number one thing is helping to disciple them means to teach them how to read and study and understand and apply the
Scriptures for themselves because we're all priests. I'm not a priest and then everybody else is the laity.
We're all priests and 1st John says you don't have need for a teacher, meaning it's not that you have to have someone conveying to you special knowledge and without them you're totally lost, but that you have been given an anointing which is the
Holy Spirit is the sign and seal of the New Covenant and so he is going to lead you through the Word of God but then again you know you can be immature and in the
Word but you need to grow up. Well what does that look like? By understanding the
Scriptures and receiving them as they themselves tell you that they are to be received. So meditating on the
Scriptures. You know Jesus teaches us to be serious with the verb tense.
You know he says to the Sadducees, God didn't say I was the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob but I am the
God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob thus proving the resurrection to the Sadducees. We are to be concerned with the singular or plural as Paul says you know and the promise was to Abraham's seed not to seeds but to the one seed who is
Christ. So the Bible expects us to pay attention to grammar, to the case of the noun, the tense of the verb and so on.
Pay very very close attention to the Scriptures expecting to see there what
God says we should see there who is his Son. And so teaching men to study the
Scriptures and to grow in the knowledge of the Word for the sake of applying it to the glory of God is primarily that's the backbone that's the backbone that's you can't do without that.
If you don't have that then you're not going to have lasting fruit in that discipleship relationship because they have got to be able to get to the point where they're feeding themselves the truth of the
Word of God so that they can make disciples of others right.
If they're just repeating stuff that they heard me say that's not gonna last four generations but the
Word of God stands forever. And the like the I think the word disciple because you're talking about all of these things that might be daunting specifically someone is asking
I need discipleship they don't know where to start they've got all these different things showing them having someone there showing them your character sharing your life with them this is how
I study if you've got a group this is how this person studies how this study yeah there's all these things that we can learn to pay attention of but let's kind of walk through it and you're you're discipling them you're teaching them a discipline of doing these different things and then going back to what you said about just filling your head with knowledge again that character aspect of not just being hearers of the words but doers of the word if you've got people around you who are asking you okay we talked about this how are you applying it or what are you going to do now and even practicing it in group
I know we've done this before in our Timothy school sessions of how do we handle the Word of God you know and this can be taught in a variety of ways
I came across an instruction video just recently about a guy saying here's how
I highlight that the text of Scripture here's how I make notes and it helps me pay attention to what's actually there in the text and it's it's a great system
I mean I would it would take me forever to learn it but if he's teaching that to men so that they helps them pay closer attention to the text to understand it better and to be that much more equipped to put it into practice in their lives hey that's what that looks like there's not one special method of Bible study and I like the reductionistic definition of Bible study from Jerry bridges who described in his book pursuit of holiness he said that Bible study is different from Bible reading only in this regard you read your
Bible with a pad of paper and a pencil and you're jotting down questions or you're making observations as you go along and all of a sudden you're studying the
Bible now you may not be studying it really well but you are studying it and that's a great start and then being taught how better to handle the
Word of God as I said I mean all the rules for Bible study are in the Bible all the ways that we should be treating the
Bible are given to us in the Bible I mean the Bible is sufficient to tell us how to receive it and how to study it how to meditate on it how to apply it so on going back to the question it talks about a process it sounds like instead of it being a one -size -fits -all you're kind of discerning the person that's asking the question what they need is it is it counseling is it how to do something is your character you know you're kind of and in that process there is discipleship and and it might be that when the person comes to use as a hat
I would like you to disciple me the temptation is to be so flattered by that that you don't send them to the person who should be discipling them right so if there's a child in rebellion
I may be working with them for a little bit but I'm sending them back to their parents that's my whole goal that's my whole aim that's a great observation and especially in a context where there's the the egalitarian movement within churches there is no chance on God's green earth that I should be cycling some other man's wife right amen like so no
I'm not no I'm not gonna disciple you that's very sure that question she should ask her husband yes yeah why don't you go ask your husband who should disciple you and then ask him why he's not maybe
I should disciple your husband yeah you know something like that but it may very well be that I can spend some time with you
I can pray with you I can encourage you in the word and so on but you might recognize in this person some giftings some desires some abilities that you realize that they would benefit by spending more time with so -and -so over here and I am
NOT the whole answer because hey it's a church it's not one person like if they're gifted in music we might send them to somebody who's a part of the part of the music ministry that's an older man who may be able to disciple them or connect with them in those ways as well yeah somebody who has been applying the scriptures in serving the church in music and has a lot more meditation and application in play than I do and some of this discipleship work as Joe Booth says we can't ecclesiasticize the
Bible so it's only about church matters so discipleship is we're going to talk about theological things with theological terms and this is all we're going to do it's the
Bible is for people in the church who go to church and the Bible is for when we're at church that kind of discipleship ignores the fact that all authority has been given to Christ in heaven and on earth go therefore so the discipleship that needs to happen is is robust and it's wide and maybe the person
I'm discipling has a lot of issues regarding finances and we're going to be doing some discipling together but then
I'm going to send them to somebody else in the church who can work with them as well and after all
I don't want as a pastor or as in any other situation I don't want as a pastor somebody at the church simply because of me
God forbid and in the same sense I don't want somebody coming to church simply because of one other person in the church that is not how the body grows that's not how the body is knit together so they're you know discipleship we get the idea of the you know master sensei you know one on one and that's it but that in the scriptures it's it's far more entangled in a good way amen
I think that about wraps up that discussion on that question and thank you again Joe for sending that in because that was a very profitable discussion and we all enjoyed it very much but now we'll go on to what we recommend for this week so we'll start with you
Michael I'm gonna recommend three books in one because that's how I read them but the three books by Francis Schaeffer the
God who is there escaped from reason and then the third book he is there and he is not silent and I had no idea what
I was in for when somebody recommended this to me and I read through it and his writings have only become all the more important the farther into paganism and post -modernism we go so highly highly recommend you reading these this trilogy by Francis Schaeffer the
God who was there escaped from reason and he is there and he's not silent I recommend there is a short series on Canon called raising trouble parenting kids to love the standard spoiler the standard is
Christ but it is not a spoiler that I'm assuming that the whole thing yeah no it was really good and it breaks it down into stages of parenting so like infants and elementary and high school and all of that and it was really helpful in talking about general principles and he does focus on children but he also focused on our attitudes as parents he talks about forgiveness you know when we fall short being joyful things like discipline with that can look like in the different stages and I just found it very encouraging and very helpful
I'm currently doing a bunch of university studies so the type of stuff that I'm consuming other than the things that I'm trying to bring forward for the for the brothers is probably not good for a wider audience but what
I will say is if you're tasked to do something and you don't know how to do it maybe read about how to do it properly or talk to someone about that don't assume that you know it all
I completed finished a book last week's of modern -day classic now it's by Thomas Stanley that's called the million millionaire next door and it is a just a really in the last 25 years it's become the quintessential study on millionaires in in the
United States and he was the largest study at the time he's actually updated it
I think the 2010 2012 unfortunately he he died in 2015 and his daughter has taken some of his notes and his friend is done like the next next million next door but the the classic version it works and that's kind of his whole point that the principles that he's putting forth are not universal they just are
I think the surveys that he sent out and in the mid 90s to late 90s
I was just saying how did you become a millionaire and these statistics are it's amazing there's a lot of graphs there's a lot of charts and stuff in there as well but it reads like a novel and is it like 78 % of all current millionaires didn't inherit a dime it talks about how the second and third generation of people like like the first generation immigrants and in the second generation learned industry thrift living below your means and not being what they say in Texas a big had no cattle where you are looking like you're rich he says for the most part most rich people don't look like they're rich they're wealthy because they live below their means save their money and work really well with their spouse and just these principles that he keeps bringing forward in one of the best financial pieces of financial advice
I was ever given was stay married to your first wife you know that it's just it's just true and you have a good partner in that this is that they just grew their their family's wealth and most of them did it when they live make less than six figures so these principles that he puts forth as I was reading through it
I was like that's a biblical principle you're you're spending money on on things that matter but you're not wasting things you're not buying stuff to impress people that you don't like and probably don't like you and just budgeting bloom below your means it was just it was it was really neat to read about this that most people that actually have built that love that level of wealth or that level of capital have done it slowly over time
I'm like hmm there's Proverbs go to the end you're sluggard yeah you know not these you know get rich get rich kind of quick and he gave some warnings to parents about giving a bunch of money to your to your kids not training them and with the same level of discipline that you had you know these things that their lessons were hard -learned and sometimes they forget to teach them to their kids or to their grandkids so I enjoyed the books millionaire next door it is modern classic and I hope you enjoy it too thank you for that my recommendation this week is to familiarize yourself with AI tools whether they are something that you can implement in your own work or productivity try and find something that's out there because there are things being built that can double triple your productivity in many ways so try and go out there and be a front -runner on on these technologies that are being developed because you've lived through any sort of technological advancement and you were behind the eight ball on all of them just out of fear
I would say do not fear AI tools because you are the imager of God AI is not you have the imagination
AI does not have the imagination and you are supposed to be using these tools to your advantage so if you would go out there and find something that can help you something that can multiply your productivity and build your household well we'll move on to what are we thankful for Michael I am
I'm thankful for the opportunity to make disciples
I was a bit overcome and blessed this last Sunday we had a room full of men at Timothy school it started back for the fall semester and there is just a moment of I suppose reflection or clarity that the reason you know it's all the grace of God but why am
I sitting in a room full of men in this discipleship moment how did it come to this how is it that we are being so blessed together with this discipleship and I recalled the faithful labor of men who roped me in said you come on we're having this we're meeting together we're going to be studying the word together you be a part of this and I was
I was sitting in the in the seat that others are now sitting in but it was because they did that discipleship work and they made that a prayer or priority and they taught me what that looked like and as I reflect upon that I'm just thankful for the way which
Jesus has arranged for the growth of of his
Saints through that process and I was just very blessed I am thankful for time with my children this past month there's been several several weekends where I've been the sole caretaker of the children so I had them to myself and I work during the day so I'm out of the home
I get to see them in the evening and then it's dinner and put them to bed and you know we have our routines but just to have time where I'm talking to them and I get to just be with them and see their differences and how
God has made them the questions that they have that are just off the wall and different and I get to talk to them and be there and it makes you want more but I'm thankful for that time that the
Lord has blessed me with this month I'm thankful to God for the work throughout the centuries that is done through like you were saying brother about the faithfulness of those who have come previously and it's not a congratulatory hey look at you great job is you know we get to be sharing in the work of the gospel something that has eternal ramifications it's what a blessing to be able to labor for his sake so faithful men and women previously like I'm a
Gentile obviously the word had to come to the Gentiles that whole chain of things that brought the moment in history of salvation for me specifically is not just limited to me there are ripples that are happening that it's it's inexplicable it's a it's a work of the
Spirit it's something to be overjoyed about it's I thank God for it
I am thankful that this is the the first month where I've had a actual regular schedule
I work in the you know travel industry and last seven seven months I have been on reserve you know it's big it's in the bullpen where you're basically on telephone standby and you never know where you're going what you what time you're gonna be getting up whether you're gonna get a call at 3 in the morning whether you're gonna get a call 3 in the afternoon and just being on that short leash on your phone is just exhausting so this is the first month where I've been able to have a schedule that is you're starting at this time and you're ending it that's that doesn't mean you're necessarily gonna fly it last weekend was a crazy weekend with weather and we got rerouted all over the place but that's just the dynamics of the the environment you need to be flexible but you you can't be flexible you may be in the wrong industry but I am
I'm just so thankful because instead of four days on three days off four days on three days off every single weekend now it's three days on four days off and it's still working over the weekends but it's gotten better and just to have that less than just a little bit less stress one less day a week this is actually
I felt like I've had a chance to recover this week which I haven't had the last several months you look a lot better yeah yeah you're right
I do no I I certainly feel more rested
I really do and if that shows in in a little bit more patience with my family or with other drivers as I'm teaching my daughter to drive maybe it's because I'm just better rested but I am very thankful for that for kind of progressing in my company a little bit so that I've got a little bit more time at home and I'm a little bit more pleasant to be around when
I am home I can understand being upset with other drivers my my family and I have recently gone through a period where I was out of work and also lost work and the
Lord has taught me through this scenario that my idea of provision was truncated and sterile and that I thought everything had to come obviously from the
Lord but only through my hands and the Lord has taught me that it does not and it is a humbling situation when you receive gifts when you receive help and when you receive anonymous love from people within the body to build you and your family up so that you may continue on through maybe a moment or a brief period of hardship and whether the hardships at your own fault or or someone else's the
Saints they do respond saintly they do respond in a godly manner and they do so by the work of the
Spirit and I am so thankful that the Lord has reformed my idea of provision and has expanded it to allow me to understand that it is not just working on my own but receiving gifts and then that way someday
I may learn to give gifts in a similar manner in the same way and as well as those around me have and so I'm thankful to the