I'm Not So Sure About Project Veritas

AD Robles iconAD Robles




Hello there, this is AD Robles, and you're listening to AD on the Fight Laugh Feast Network.
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ROBLES. Now, I might be wading into some troubled waters in this video.
And it's going to start off and you're going to be thinking, Oh, AD, he's preaching to the choir, this is the stuff
I like. This fits right into my whole worldview here. And you're going to think that I'm just preaching to the choir.
And then this video is going to take a little bit of a twist. And some of you might be upset.
And that's okay. I'm not afraid of upsetting people that agree with me in general on a lot of things.
But to be honest, I'm a little squishy about this. So I'm not 100 % sure about what
I'm about to reveal to you in a minute. But I'm suspicious.
I'm suspicious. But let's start off with the good stuff because chances are you're going to agree with me here. I saw this video of Joe Biden, and it was posted by mainstream media sources.
It's not like a secret group or a conspiracy theory group or anything like that. But it's an innocuous video of Joe Biden answering a very basic question about the southern border or something like that.
But it's just, this blew my mind, this video. And you'll see in a minute what
I'd want you to do is I want you to focus on Joe Biden's hands. And he's going to come toward the camera.
And down here there's going to be some microphones because I guess they're asking him some questions. But focus on his hands as they interact with the microphones.
This is, just watch. First of all, before I do, his hands are like a robot.
He's like walking like this. What's that about? This is very weird, but that's not what
I'm talking about. Let's continue to watch his hands. Here it comes. There's the microphones.
Watch. Let's take a look.
Look at how his hands like warp through the microphone. It's like this.
It's just, look at this. It looks so bizarre.
It's like it's a green screen or something like that. Now, I'm not,
I'm not, it's just so weird. Could that just be an optical illusion?
Sure, it could be. But it just, the way his hands kind of morph through that. There's lots of examples of things like this where there's like distortions in the video.
And the way our technology is right now, there's really no excuse for it. And so it's like how much of what we see is really real?
That's the thing. Like we know, and Torba has been talking about this a little bit.
How it's like we know the news is fake, right? So the question that we now need to wrestle with, and this is a hard question, right?
We know the news is fake. A lot of the time we can see it in real time happen.
They unravel their narratives. And then we find out that the narratives were completely false. And then they have a new narrative.
And it's just, you know, we see it happen in real time. And then it's like, okay. So we've got that.
We have all wrapped our minds around fake news. We understand that there's fake news. The mainstream media lies, blah, blah, blah.
We get it, right? But then we start to think about how much of history is fake as well.
And it's like what we've learned in school, there's a portion of that that's not real. And it's like, well, how do we decipher?
How do we determine? This is a challenge. There's no question this is a challenge. But, you know, videos like this, it's like his hands like, okay.
So let's just say that the easiest explanation is, you know, these microphones are just kind of added in later.
Just, you know, for some effects. And, you know, we see this kind of stuff all the time. Like they'll stand in a puddle.
And they'll be pretending like there's massive flooding everywhere. But they're just standing in a puddle for effect.
So they add after effects all the time. We get it. We understand how that works. The question is why.
Why would they take the time to add these after effects where it's just like, you know, Biden's coming over with his robot hand.
And then they put the microphones there for effect. But what's the effect? Why are they doing it?
Why are they messing with you? I don't know. But this is all over the place, right?
This is all over the place. And we need to be aware that this is all over the place.
Now, here's where things start to get a little bit weird, though. Because I was talking to my brother, my biological brother.
And he got me thinking about Project Veritas. And I'm going to be honest with you guys about Project Veritas.
Like before I talked to my brother yesterday about this, I had a positive opinion about Project Veritas.
But at the same time, I kind of stopped watching their videos. And so they would have, you know, this is what they do.
They have a big expose. And, you know, they announce it. And then you watch it.
And it's like it's interesting. You know, it's like a very interesting thing. They talk to, you know, social media execs and journos and stuff like that.
It's always very interesting. But it's never quite the bombshell that they had promised, right?
It's just always stuff like that I already knew, I already believed. But I guess it's interesting to see them on tape admitting it.
But it's like there's just been something that has just like it's never really landed with me.
And, again, I'm thinking about this from a positive viewpoint of Project Veritas, right? Like up until yesterday,
I pretty much thought Project Veritas was great. But I had stopped watching their videos.
And I hadn't really ever considered why I had stopped watching their videos. But, like, they released new videos.
Oh, I talked to another Facebook exec, and he said this. And it's like but I never really watched the video because, for me,
I guess maybe because it never really paid off. You know what I mean? It's like, okay, so it just confirmed what
I already knew. Like, okay, I don't really have time. Even though it's a one -minute video, I just don't really care.
I'd rather watch, you know, someone fall down and bump their head or something. You know what I mean? I don't know.
I just never really cared as much as I did in the beginning when they would have these exposés and then
I would watch it. And I'd be like, it's okay. But my brother, I think, though, put a finger on exactly why
I don't watch these videos anymore. And let's just use this as an example, right?
This is supposed to be a big exposé. It's titled Facebook Executive Admits Facebook's Voter Registration Project Helped Biden in the
Election. Okay, so this is like they got a lot of people to vote and it helped
Biden in the election. Okay, so let's watch this. The sheer scale and reach of Facebook is, we set ourselves a goal of registering 4 million new people.
And we went over that target. We did 4 .5. Simply through, like, the presence on our platform, getting businesses to tell their customers to sign up, etc.
We hit 4 million. And then even the media said this time that we were really good at keeping, you know, the
Russians and the Iranians and the Chinese out of the election. It was really good.
And, you know, most media does not praise Facebook. So when they praise Facebook, you know that we've actually done something good.
So we're improving in those ways. Yeah, wow, registering 4 .5 million voters.
That's a lot. We made a big difference. Yeah, I'm pretty sure we won that way.
What do you think? Exactly. Okay, so this is a video where this
Facebook exec is talking to a young lady, probably trying to show off in front of her a little bit, whatever.
And he's saying, well, we helped Biden because we registered 4 million voters and we kept out
Chinese fraudsters and Russian fraudsters and stuff. And we really helped. We helped
Biden, our boy. And the idea here is that Facebook is in the tank for Biden, and we've got proof now.
We've got proof. And, you know, this is a perfect example of why I stopped watching Project Veritas videos.
It's like it's not really an expose. It's just like, yeah, we know. We know that Facebook's in the tank for Democrats.
We've always understood this. But here's the issue, though. This is the problem. This is what I think is wrong with Project Veritas.
By the way, Project Veritas, who's been able to maintain their YouTube channel somehow, they can have a
YouTube channel even in the midst of massive censorship and purging of voices that are supposedly against the narrative.
Somehow, Project Veritas still has their YouTube channel. And it's like and look, I still have my
YouTube channel. So, like, you might be saying, well, you know, you're a hypocrite. Yeah, but I got 14 ,000 subscribers.
You know what I mean? It's like it's the drop in the bucket here. But, you see, here's the thing. Like, this video, this expose is actually operating in the fantasy world, though.
You see what I'm saying? Like, okay, so is the problem with the election that Facebook registered voters that got people to – they convinced people to register to vote and that helped
Biden? Is that the issue? Because, to me, that's actually playing into the narrative that the election was fair and free in the first place.
Okay, so Facebook's in the tank for Democrats. What else is new? This is not the issue.
The issue is that the votes were changed. There were hackers.
There were things happening that actually literally changed the outcome beyond fair and square votes.
This is the problem with Project Veritas. So often their exposés actually play into the fantasy world that we're expected to live in.
I thought about – I was talking to my brother about this as well. Like, do you remember the video that they dropped where they were, like, secretly in on the
CNN conference calls? Do you remember that? That was an interesting one. That was actually probably the last video that I watched from Project Veritas, and it was very interesting to hear it.
But even that video, like, it was against CNN, of course, but it was still kind of granting that CNN operates in some semblance of reality.
Like, yeah, they're still giving you facts. Yeah, they're sort of skewing them, and they're sort of leaving stuff out, but they're dealing in facts.
That's not the problem with CNN. Like, we understand that every publishing company, every media organization, we get it.
They have a viewpoint, right? That's not the problem. The problem is not that you have a viewpoint or a bias or beliefs that you put forward.
Nobody's saying that you shouldn't. Like, I have beliefs that I put forward every day. I'm not neutral. I'm not approaching the world from a neutral perspective.
I'm approaching it as best as I possibly can, trying to interpret things through what
God says is the case, right? So that's what I'm doing. I'm open about that. There's nothing wrong with having a viewpoint.
So even that video where it's like, so see, CNN, they're liberal. Like, we already knew that.
But the thing is, they're granting you credibility, sorry, CNN credibility that they're still operating in some semblance.
No, the problem with CNN and these kinds of organizations is that they have detached themselves from reality.
They make up stories out of whole cloth. It's like that's the issue. That's the real issue.
And likewise with this Facebook video, right? It's like we're not worried that Facebook is liberal.
We already know that they're liberal. We're not worried that they're signing up voters, that getting people to register.
That's not the issue with the election. The issue with the election is that it was a fake election.
The issue with the election is that they stopped counting in the middle of the night and then magically the next day there was hundreds of thousands of votes that magically appeared for Biden.
Like there was fakeness to it. It wasn't real. It was false. That's the issue.
It's not that there were so many voters. I can't believe they registered voters. If someone's arguing that, they're arguing along the wrong – that's not the issue at all.
And so I just wonder sometimes about Project Veritas because it's almost like exactly what you would expect from controlled opposition.
Yeah, they're opposed of the official narratives, but then like low -key they're actually supporting all of the false narratives.
Yeah, it was a fair and free election. The big problem was that they were registering voters.
No, no, no. That's not the problem. That's not the problem, and you're giving credibility to a situation that should have no credibility.
The problem with CNN is not that they have a liberal slant. The problem with CNN is that they lie. They outright lie.
They make stuff up. You know what I mean? And so we don't want to lend any credibility to them. Oh, yeah, they're still operating in some semblance of – no, they're operating in the upside down.
That's the problem. And I don't know, man. Like maybe you're going to get mad at me for kind of saying this about Project Veritas.
I'm not saying that they're the enemy. I'm not saying that they're controlled opposition. But what I am saying is that I've got suspicions now because I – maybe you disagree.
That's fine. But I know I stopped watching these videos because none of them really paid off the way that they were supposed to pay off, like the way that they were presented as paying off.
Like this is not an expose. Facebook registered voters, and they voted.
It's like, and? Who cares? You know what I mean? Like who cares?
Anyway, that's just something that I've considered. There's kind of a phenomenon as well just with all these conservative – like these official conservative sites, which, again, these are the kind that they haven't lost their
YouTube channel. I wonder why that is. Because here's the thing. Like this is Torba.
He's retweeting – or rather he's screenshotting a tweet from PragerU on Gab, and the tweet says this.
Tolerance is a conservative value. Tolerance is a conservative a value.
It's a misquote. Tolerance is a conservative value. And Torba says, no, it isn't.
I have no tolerance for evil. And it's like, yeah. And the thing is, like why would you want to confuse the issue that way?
Because you know exactly what they mean by tolerance. And it's not, hey, I disagree with you on what the tax rates should be, and so like we can still be friends though.
Like that's not what they mean, PragerU. You know exactly what they mean. They mean tolerating transsexual story hour at the library.
They mean tolerating all kinds of things that as a conservative and as a
Christian especially – and no, Prager's not a Christian. But as a conservative, we ought not to tolerate because every time you tolerate evil things to happen, then you're actually hurting people that you ought to be protecting.
And so why does PragerU do this? Because what all this does is support the idea that tolerance is actually a good thing.
No, it's a good thing depending on the circumstances. But the way you're using the word is essentially the way that they're using the word.
You're not distinguishing. This is just a virtue signal kind of a tweet. And it's like so why would you want to lend credibility to the enemy in this kind of a way?
This is the thing about PragerU and Ben Shapiro and Crowder and all these guys that a lot of my friends really like.
Look, I'm not judging you for liking them. They say some good things. I'm not going to deny that. But it's like, yeah, you know, they talk about being like shadowbanned and stuff.
And then you look at their view counts. It's like, don't look that shadowbanned to me. And even if it did, it's like – but you still have your
YouTube. If you were these great threats, right, I'm wondering how you still have their YouTube channel. I'm not a threat because I have 14 ,000 subscribers.
So I get why I'm still on YouTube. But even some of my friends that have subscriber counts comparable to me or lower than me have been censored and stuff like that.
Matt Williams is censored and things of that nature. So I'm not saying to not watch Project Veritas videos.
But what I am saying, though, is that I'm not so sure. I really am not so sure because all of their exposés actually end up supporting the false narratives that are being put out by our enemies.
You see what I'm saying? Like it's an exposé, but the fundamental positions of the liberals and the people that are trying to take over the country through communist subversive techniques actually always end up getting supported in these exposés.
And I'm wondering if that's not intentional. I don't know if it is or isn't. I'm just putting that out there because this kind of stuff, this is a distraction.
This is not what the election issue is about. The election issue is about actual fraud.
That's what it's about. You registered too many voters. I don't know.
Call me crazy. Call me crazy. But anyway, yeah, the fake news is ridiculous, guys.
It is outrageous that you could not fathom, and I can't fathom, how much fake news that I've been fed over my lifetime.
And so I would suggest focusing on the things that you know are real, your family, your church, your local community.
I would suggest concentrating and doing the best you can with the things that you know are real because the stuff that you see on TV, I don't know what the percentage is, but it's a very high percentage that a lot of it is just completely fake.
It's not just skewed a little bit. It's not just like, well, we're liberals. No, it's not like that. It's just like completely made up.
Anyway, I hope you found this podcast helpful. God bless. Don't forget to tune in next week on Thursday for AD on the
Fight, Laugh, Feast Network. Bye.