Part 2 - Progressive Christianity & The Battle for the Bible

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The Battle for the Bible - Part 2 FORERUNNERS OF THE FAITH - Lesson # 13 Liberal Christianity vs Fundamentalism. Faithful believers in the face of Modernism. #churchhistory


So the text of scripture that we're focusing on is 2nd Timothy chapter 3
So if you want to open there, this is the one we the passage we started out with last week 2nd
Timothy 3 16 and 17 and the lesson that we're looking at So this is forerunners of the faith the final chapter final lesson
Lesson 13 the battle for the Bible and of course, this is part 2 battle for the
Bible part 2 What have we been talking about? Of course last week we had the the cancellation due to weather so who remembers two weeks ago, we were talking about what liberalism and fundamentalism and it was the liberals that basically attacked the authority of scripture and of course, the problem has gotten so much worse since the 1800s early 1900s
To where now here in New England I said, it's you know, it's like half and half Maybe even two -thirds or three -quarters of the churches that are out there don't actually believe that the
Bible is the Word of God both inerrant and Infallible, but what does the
Bible say about itself? 2nd Timothy 3 16 and 17 All scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine for reproof for correction and For instruction and righteousness that the man of God may be complete
Thoroughly equipped for every good work. Yes, Larry And so when
Paul wrote that What was the all scripture that he had
Right it well The the he would it would mainly be a reference to the
Old Testament canon Since the New Testament canon wasn't completed yet So Paul and Jesus and all of them
They viewed the Old Testament as the the very words of God I forget how many times in the
Old Testament you see that phrase thus saith the Lord I forget the number it's high
But that's what the disciples believed. That's of course what Jesus Jesus is the embodiment of this but he
He believed that it was all God's Word. But of course the New Testament is
God's Word as well I think we ended in section number two Princeton theology. This should ring a bell so as Theological liberalism began to spread in the mid 18th century the
Lord raised up a formidable defense at Princeton Theological seminary.
So the men we looked at were Charles Hodge a a Hodge and then BB Warfield So this should be in your book
It says the true church is characterized by its commitment to do you see that part?
Okay, and what's the first one the church the true church is characterized by its commitment to what?
the Yeah, the the Word of God in Scripture it says the true church views
Scripture alone as its final authority and Followers of Jesus submit to him by submitting to his word
I think we're living in a time where people want They want Christianity without the
Bible So they'll say positive things about Jesus and while I'm following Jesus, but you say well, okay
What does that look like describe that to me? I mean, how do you have any frame of reference without the
Bible since as I like to point out? We don't know anything about Jesus and what he said what he taught what he did except what we see
From the Bible. So yeah, once you detach the Bible from Christianity, I mean, maybe things will keep going for a generation but sooner or later
It's gonna go off the cliff and you're gonna end up having a social club where people get together and you know
They're friends and maybe they even do charitable things But it's no longer really a church that is submitting to the
Lordship of Christ. The Bible the Word of God is absolutely Essential to that So last week we talked or two weeks ago.
We talked about the different types of fundamentalism, right? fundamentalism or a fundamentalist even though that has really negative connotations that word originally all a
Fundamentalist was was somebody who believed in the fundamentals of the Christian faith. They believe the
Bible. That's what a fundamentalist was a bad type of fundamentalism is
You know those people that Fight about everything they're willing to fight and break fellowship over every or any little thing
So if I'm pre -trib and you're mid -trib well I don't even think you're a true
Christian and I'm gonna yell and scream at you because you're wrong and I'm right and we're gonna Break fellowship and just over any little issue
That that's a bad type of fundamentalism But I also said there's two types of liberalism
So there's two types of fundamentalism a good type Or you just believe the Bible and a bad type where you're fighting and breaking fellowship over everything there's
Really no good types of liberalism, but there's a bad type of liberalism where you're starting to drift away from God's Word and then there's the really bad type of liberalism, which is just Apostasy where you just don't even believe anymore
You don't believe in the fundamentals of the faith All right So the
Word of God in Scripture the true church views Scripture alone as its final
Authority as opposed to what? What else could be?
Your your authority if not the Bible the Pope Okay, I mean for the majority of professing
Christians in the world That's the reality They're following the Pope or or the church, right?
Which basically means the the hierarchy so the Pope and the Cardinals and the the bishops
What what other options do you have? Yeah, follow your heart, you know, if you have a feeling
If you feel this is the right thing to do then yeah do it
I've heard that a lot on you know Christian radio and I put that in quotation marks because I'm pretty sure a lot of stuff being taught on Christian radio and Christian television isn't really
Christian, but I've heard that many times. Yeah, follow follow your heart Marcus I mean, that sounds like a nice sweet thing, you know hearts you think of love you think of hearts
But Jeremiah 17 9 says the heart is deceitful of all things and desperately wicked who can know it, right?
Another problem in Christianity today is following following men right,
I mean This is what a lot of people do even even in a good church it's possible to fall into this where I mean the pastor is preaching the truth and people become so Dependent upon what he says, you know somewhere things go bad and all of a sudden it's not what the
Bible says anymore It's what the pastor says about the Bible I mean that that is the thing and that that was a problem with the cults
All of the Christian cults Jehovah's Witnesses Seventh -day Adventists the
Mormons they all say they believe the Bible But really there's they're following what the the leader says about the
Bible So following men is another another problem Yeah, Marcus More and more guys who you really trusted and you really
They really understood and what they said rang really really true who was that latest one that That was trying to audition for a part in the chosen now
Alan Parr If you go back a few years Yeah, and find one of his videos on Mormonism.
Yeah, you say wow, you know I mean he was enlightening us about Right about the the dangers and Yeah I'm not quite sure what the difference between a false teaching and a heresy is
I think heresy is the worst But I mean he was solid and then you see him bowing down to this
Hollywood guy, that's that's that's He's he's
Depicting a different Jesus a different gospel, right? So we're seeing we're seeing guys that you once trusted that you just can't trust anymore, right?
I'm not sure why that is. Yeah, I was looked up to them as being right
You know guys that you could trust. I mean it in one in one sense. This has always been true
There's always been those guys that started out good and then they've you know gone wonky at some point
That's always been true to me though. It really does seem like it's gotten worse
I don't know if it was, you know 2015 with the
Obergefell ruling with the Supreme Court We're now, you know gay marriage quote -unquote is the law of the land
To me that was a real shift because a lot of people in churches they saw the handwriting on the wall
This is the way the culture is going and I better keep up with the times So I don't be seen as you know, one of these backwards people
I think that was a turning point for a lot of people because I saw a lot of a lot of Professing Christians.
I never thought would support that stuff now. They're supporting it. So I think that was the turning point then there was the whole woke, you know social justice woke movement and You know a lot of division within the political world and then
Cove I just just been a lot of things that happened that have contributed to the division and people from what
I can tell Just siding in with what what the culture is doing what the mainstream is doing
Because at some point here's the thing with the fundamentalists the fundamentalists were known for fighting
They started out fighting the good fit good fight of faith and they're fighting for the truth, which which is good
But then they started fighting About everything but here's the thing you do have to fight
Because if you're not willing to fight on the on the essentials Some people get tired of fighting and that's when you get swept away by everything
So you have to be vigilant and you have to fight for what's right? Otherwise The other side isn't they're not stopping.
They're gonna fight and we're gonna lose if we don't Remain firm. Yeah Yeah Don't discipline their children and the children they go
Downhill and and there has to be discipline within a church also. Yeah, and that's just unpleasant
If the church leadership knows of a situation and a and a person's life or marriage or something and they they
Feel they need to speak with the person, you know privately, but then there's This is how churches split because of family ties and right and so forth.
It's what it is. It's about Let's turn to Ephesians chapter 6 Battle for the
Bible. Yeah battle Involves battling fighting
Ephesians chapter 6 before we read Ephesians 6 just along these lines. I just want to read
Ephesians 5 11 Let's see
Ephesians 5 11 says and Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather Do what to them?
reprove them or Expose them, you know, it's much easier to just go with the flow and we'll just have fellowship with anybody and everybody
And that's that's kind of like when we get to the next section Modernism this was the thing
Christians Used to practice separation. So somebody's not teaching the truth that their sin.
We're gonna keep separate from that well, they stopped practicing separation and it's just They went in favor of this, you know, love unites.
Let's unify join hands with everybody everybody and everything and that really
I think is the downfall or the Achilles heel of Modernism or the new
Evangelicalism as it's called but as far as fighting the good fight Look at what
Paul says in Ephesians 6 starting in verse 10 Finally my brethren be strong in the
Lord and in the power of his might Put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil
For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against Principalities against powers against the rulers of the darkness of this age against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places
And if I can just maybe explain that for a second, not only do we have to contend with ourselves, you know our own sinful flesh we have to contend with satanic attack demonic affliction and the powers of this world the people in high places who are
Basically orchestrating a godless agenda and trying to push it on the people. I mean, we're really
We're up against it on all fronts really So he says in verse 13 the solution is therefore take up the whole armor of God that you may be able to withstand in the evil day and Having done all to stand
Does today not like specifically today? But like this time period does this qualify as the evil day?
I think it does therefore Stand there for having girded your waist with what?
truth truth having put on the breastplate of Righteousness and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace
So we need the truth. We need to live Righteous lives. We need to have the gospel never compromise the gospel and he says above all taking the shield of what?
faith With which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one and take the helmet of salvation and The sword of the
Spirit which is the Word of God and that ties into what we're looking at the battle for the Bible This this book is our only offensive weapon
This is all we got. So if you allow the compromise of God's Word you have no
Defense or you have no offense, which the best Defense is a good offense.
Is that what they say? You're having a conversation in the car over here about how our society teaches us to build up our self -esteem
Yeah Each is feelings over scripture, right?
I like this church because the worship makes me feel so much closer to God. Are you actually closer to God?
Yeah, music make you feel that way, right? And it's just you know, we got into that conversation and it really impressed upon me
We need to be seeking God's esteem And God's name what we are in Christ and that is only found through scripture, right?
Yeah, it really is about the truth of God's Word preaching God's Word and then you know applying it and living it out
I think if you were to ask the average person, you know, why do you attend this church? Or you know, what are you looking for in a church?
I heard a guy he was he preached on this yesterday I was listening to his message online and I think he had asked people and he said here's here's what he noticed
The majority of people would say things like well, I like this church my church. I like it because it has good vibes
Like okay. I mean hey if that's what you think good vibes are good Exactly sure what that means but has good vibes or yeah,
I like the music Which is fine, but usually I don't know the the modern man -centered music
That's you know It's like a rock and roll concert and it makes people feel a certain way and they're really looking for experience
They said I just when I come here It's like an experience and that's really what people after long story short
Not one person said I'm at this church because they teach God's Word or I'm fed
Spiritually by the word is nothing about the word nothing about the gospel But that's just kind of the the state of affairs today
But people are a product of what they've been taught. They're a product of their environment
So it's not surprising people would say that so Just going back here a one quote from BB Warfield about God's Word He said the
Bible is the Word of God in such a way that when the Bible speaks
God speaks Do you believe that? when the Bible speaks
God speaks. I mean it truly is the Word of God in that most literal sense
Now you have to rightly divide God's Word because obviously, you know Satan speaks in the
Bible and that the words of Satan are not the words of God, but it's it's recorded in That even when
Satan talks in the Bible, there's something you can learn from it It's like you learn what not to do or or you learn to be careful that there's people who twist the scripture
But all of the Bible truly is is the Word of God The second point here is
The work of God in salvation. So if you're filling out your book Number two, it should say the work of God in salvation
Says the true church understands that sinners are justified by God's grace through faith apart from works
They recognize their salvation is based entirely on the finished work of Jesus Christ Who rose bodily from the grave?
Any questions on that? I mean, I would say this is so basic I mean you you can't even really be a
Christian without understanding this most fundamental truth That it's really all about God's work
Christ's work. That's that's the gospel not our own Warfield said about that We have but one
Savior and that one Savior is Jesus Christ our Lord Nothing that we are and nothing we can do
Enters in the slightest measure into the ground of our acceptance with God Jesus Did it all?
Okay, so nothing We can do Nothing we are nothing we can do
Aaron mentioned how we live in a time where Just the you know, just the way things are in Society, but even in the church where it's all about you and your self -esteem like Who is that there's a preacher the power of Power of positive thinking right
Norman Vincent Peale super famous preacher back in what the 60s 70s
Yeah Even President Trump, I think he said that was his pastor.
He was part of that church I mean it was a huge movement within New York's in in New York City I think
Norman Vincent Peale then once he started to fade the next guy who kind of took the reins was a guy named
Robert Schuller He was big in the 1980s 1990s So Norman Vincent Peale was the power of positive thinking
Robert Schuller was the power of possibility thinking like he just kind of turned it but it really was all about your self -esteem and They said the church has been beating people down for generations
The church has been telling people that you're just a sinner and you need to repent and trust in Christ And of course, it's it's not really the church.
I mean, it's kind of that's kind of the biblical message But but their message was that's bad.
And you know, this is like Joel Osteen. He doesn't preach about sin he wants to build people up and build up your self -esteem because you're a champion and you're a victor and you're a
Child of the king and you're you're wonderful. You're terrific and you know people go to church and they yeah
That's what I want to hear. I want to hear how great I am. Well Yeah, but once you buy into that I'm so great
The problem is that you start thinking you're so terrific and you tend to trust in that instead of The grace of God because what do
I need the grace of God for if I'm so terrific? See that that's the downside of that Marcus Yeah, I forget which famous philosopher
Talked about the importance of self -reliance We when you talk about self, there's like you said
Self -expression Self -preservation self -defense
Self -esteem Jesus said if you would come after me you must deny yourself and take up your cross and Follow me.
It was just the opposite. Yeah And what was it? Was it you or was it us on Wednesday or where we were talking about ourselves?
I Know there's a hymn that refers to people as worms, I don't
I think most hymnals have replaced the worm with a sinner such as I a worm such as I write as the sinner is a little
I Mean what about a wretch such as the wretch? Yeah, there's one church, you know, they wouldn't sing amazing grace they refused to sing amazing grace because that line
Read, you know saved a wretch like me and they changed wretch where they would only sing it he saved a
Saint like me or you know something they took out the wretches is the point Yeah, but you make a good point
Jesus literally taught deny self Now I actually think it's both
I think there are a lot of things in the Bible There is something to be said about building you up. Okay.
I I actually think that we are the Saints We build each other up you don't build yeah, right you don't build yourself up necessarily
Yeah But right you can find things in Scripture where you are valuable,
I mean, that's true you are valuable Because God loved you so much.
He sent Christ to die for you your sins You are made in God's image
So there is something to be said for that But there's also all the other stuff that would just mention so I say preach
Preach preach both because both are in the Bible What what you don't want to do is just single in on like the positive only and that's what guys like peel
Schuller and Osteen do and they're they're open about it Like we only preach the positive and we will not mention this other stuff.
So we just we just need balance Yeah Gospel that's emerged in the last 20 or so years was a result of the
Constant let's just beat beat beat down on the fact that we're sinners. Oh, absolutely We tend to pendulum swing in our societies.
I mean we did have the churches Which were predominantly sinners in the hand of an angry
God, which is a great sermon But yeah, it never they never preached on God's goodness
Right Yeah, no, I think it was an over correction
And that this still is a thing within some churches where it's a little maybe over the top that you are just Rotten like, you know,
I've heard some preaching like that where you are just like Dirt on the bottom of someone's shoe and like some people need to hear that.
Okay, but yeah That's the way things probably were more on that side in the positive only it's an over correction, but again
Get get some balance here again The gospel is the good news
But you don't need any good news unless they're to begin with there's some bad news, right?
And I do have some I have some very bad news people for people that are not safe I got some bad news for them
If they have never come to trust and if they have never come to Admit That they're a sinner
That they're not good enough in and of themselves. So many people think I'm a good person
I'm a good person. Well, not according to the Ten Commandments You're not yeah, and if you continue to think that way that you're good enough
I've got some bad news for you, right? I also have some good news now, which do you want?
First, I think you need the bad news first. You need to be saved from the bad news.
Yeah. Yep Okay. So number three we've looked at the
Word of God in Scripture the work of God in salvation and now the worship of God in spirit and Truth and by the way when
I do Pre it's you know when I'm preaching about, you know, repent and believe
Like I realized that the majority hopefully right the majority of the congregation has already done that but that needs to be in there for maybe that one person who hasn't or when it goes out on the radio if there's a whole group of people like What I say from the pulpit isn't necessarily
Directed towards you know, you or you or you there's parts that apply for you and there's parts that would apply for other people so we need to preach the whole counsel of God as Paul said, but here the worship of God in spirit and truth the true church worships the triune
God Father Son and Holy Spirit in purity of devotion and purity of Doctrine this includes a clear affirmation of the deity of Christ Warfield said had
Christ not risen We could not believe him to be what he declared himself when he made himself equal with God But he has risen in the confirmation of all his claims by it alone
But by it thoroughly he has manifested as the very Son of God Who has come into the world to reconcile the world to himself?
It is the fundamental act of the Christians unwavering confidence in Quote all the words of this life
So worshiping God and spirit and in truth, you notice he says the triune
God Trinity means what?
Try break it up into two words try unity Try means three unity one.
So the Trinity is the three and one So if we're worshiping the triune
God when we come to church on Sunday, are we worshiping God the Father? Yes.
Yes. Are we worshiping Jesus? Yes. Are we worshiping Jesus? The Holy Spirit, yes, because all all three make up the
Godhead now the thing with the the liberals and this is kind of the whole point of this chapter is making this contrast between fundamentalism and liberalism the liberals
Started to deny the deity of Christ. So who then are you worshiping on on Sunday?
Well, it's not the true God because the true God is Father Son and Spirit if you don't believe that the
Sun is is divine all of a sudden You're not you're not worshiping the
Lord. You're working and again some of these devolve into You know, there's going through the motions or whatever, but the deity of Christ is key in this final
In this final part here Worshiping in spirit and in truth the the truth around who
God is Basically and in spirit where we really we really believe it
We mean it, you know, you can go to church and go through the motions But if it if you're worshiping in spirit, it's from the heart
All right the discussion question One of the tenets of the Christian faith that Warfield defended was the his historicity, excuse me historicity of Christ resurrection read 1st
Corinthians 15 14 through 20. Why is the resurrection so essential to the
Christian faith? Let's turn to 1st Corinthians 15 1st
Corinthians chapter 15, of course, this is the Resurrection chapter as it's called the whole chapter deals with this with this subject
Okay, 1st Corinthians chapter 15 14 through 20
Says and if Christ is not risen then our preaching is what?
Empty and your faith is also empty Yes, and we are found false witnesses of God because we have testified of God that he has raised up Christ Whom he did not raise up if in fact the dead do not rise
And one of the things that Paul was dealing with in the Corinthian Church There were actually some people in the church that didn't believe in any form of resurrection
What does that tell you? There's nothing new under the Sun there's there's still people saying
I'm a Christian but I don't I don't believe in resurrection Well, it was the thing back then too
He says in verse 16 for if the dead and he's going through this argument here for if the dead do not rise logically
That means what Christ is not risen and if Christ is not risen then your faith is
Feudal you are still in your sins Then also those who have fallen asleep in Christ have perished
So in if in this life only we have hope in Christ We are of all men the most pitiable
But now Christ is risen from the dead and has become the first fruits of those who have fallen
Asleep. Okay, so that's the passage and the question is Based on that.
Why is the resurrection so essential to the Christian faith? Marcus That's pretty simple, isn't it if Jesus didn't rise then
Yeah, maybe this church member these group this group of people who said there is no resurrection
Maybe nobody rises and of course, what were the Apostles going around preaching?
That he is risen. So that makes them liars and There's no
Afterlife or maybe they believed in the spiritual afterlife But yeah, you have the Apostles being liars no real hope of life after death potentially and I mean at that point the
Christian faith just It just collapses there's if Jesus didn't rise from the dead there's nothing here
Right Yeah, so in Paul says this in the chapter. Hey might as well go out and eat drink and be married because You're gonna die.
So might as well live it up and have and that leads people into What you call a hedonistic lifestyle, so just go out have as much fun as you can seek pleasure because This is all there is now really
People who do go down that road of hedonism They recognize that even that doesn't really satisfy them.
They remain unfulfilled and then they end up in a place where They're in despair because there's no joy, there's no happiness, there's no point and that's
Probably why you see this culture that has bought this lie the suicide rate
It's gone way up. I mean, why not get Hooked on drugs.
Why not go out and do I like who cares? And yeah, it leads people down a road road of death
Yeah, yeah, and but who cares because you're gonna die anyway, so right
Thankfully though that that's what you're saved out of that that philosophy of no hope
Despair, there's no point once you recognize and believe that There there is more
Jesus Did rise from the dead and because he rose from the dead as Warfield said it authenticates all of his claims
So if Jesus taught all this and then he died and he just stayed dead. Yeah what he said Just chalk it up to being as valuable as what some other got crazy guy said it doesn't matter
But the fact that he rose from the dead proves that it's all true and there is hope and there is a point
Believe believe the Gospel of John I think it's 40 to 44 times
Believe. All right, who are you going to believe? Are you going to believe
God? Are you going to believe his word? God has said in his word that his word is true
Satan is a liar. He's the father of lies. The first one he told is the same line that he's been telling all along You shall not surely die.
He said mm -hmm, and I guess he must have believed him right
Be careful who you believe right So it really comes down to one word and the word begins with an
F So either you believe
God's Word is true or you're left with you know Pick pick your choice of all the philosophies of this world that all really end in in the same place
Okay, so I mean that kind of brings us up to the third and in final point here the rise of Fundamentalism actually we have another one after that fundamentalism versus modernism
Oh and one after that standing firm in this generation, so maybe we can stretch it out another
Week or two But yeah, let's start. We have five minutes. So let's start number three the rise of fundamentalism the term fundamentalist generally has a negative connotation in Contemporary culture remember two weeks ago said when when
I bring up the word fundamentalism what comes to mind? Barb said crackpots
You Said Jerry Falwell, which depending on who you ask, you know, some people think very highly of him others don't
Yeah, well I think I think for a lot of people the term fundamentalism Became part of the vernacular
Back in 2001 with like Islamic fundamentalism. That's where people kind of associated the word and clearly that was bad
Christian fundamentalism totally different You know Islamic fundamentalists kill people, you know
Christian fundamentalists, you know argue about You know biblical teaching so it's a lot a lot better And actually there's a missionary who's talking about Hindu fundamentalists in India who they can get pretty violent too
So at least even the worst type of Christian fundamentalism, it's a whole lot better than these other religions and their versions of fundamentalists, but it says here
Yeah has negative connotations, but as noted above Fundamentalism began as a movement consisting of what?
Bible believing Christians so in in the early days that the word wasn't a bad word.
It just meant you believe the Bible But in the in the late 19th century and early 20th centuries this movement included
Well -known evangelists such as who had these names written down what names you got?
DL Moody CI Schofield and Billy Sunday, okay, so these were known back in the day as the fundamentalist
DL Moody Of course, we we know a fair amount about Moody because there's the
Moody Center Moody what was it? He preached to what it was at a hundred and twenty million people or am
I confusing him with someone else? It was some astronomical number between his
Crusades in Europe in the United States. He just preached to staggering amount of people
CI Schofield is best known for his Schofield reference Bible back you know years ago and everybody had a
Schofield reference Bible and Schofield was a proponent of the the teaching known as Dispensationalism so like every
Baptist Church was like dispensational and they all had Schofield Bibles and Today that's not as common
Billy Sunday was a pretty well -known evangelist. I think he had a method of You know
Billy Graham who can't comes later. He's part of the modernists crowd But Billy Graham had people come down to the altar and receive
Christ I think Billy Sunday had people come forward to shake his hand so if you want to accept
Christ come forward and shake my hand and that's the way Do you show now the problem with that is that Billy Sunday was a celebrity?
He was a I think he was a professional sports Baseball player major league baseball player, of course, everybody loved him and wanted to shake his hand
So that probably skewed the the numbers of people who actually came to Christ But he did serve for many years as an evangelist so just to kind of start this section, but we'll pick up next week on the rise of Fundamentalism.