Patreon Q&A For December

AD Robles iconAD Robles




All right patreon Q &A. Thank you so much for your support I think I said this in my video on the first of the year
But I wanted to let you guys know as well like last year was was crazy So the first six months or so not only on YouTube and patreon was
I struggling a little bit But also my other business that I have so I'm a recruiter
I'm an independent recruiter small business kind of thing and the first half of the month was brutal It was looking like for our family.
It was gonna be a very low revenue year We were probably gonna have to dip into savings very significantly, and it was looking pretty dicey for a little bit but After I think it was the
George Floyd situation the channel took off and You guys came through big tons of more patreon support, and I was thinking to myself, okay?
This is gonna be a little bit easier of a time because of the support. I'm getting through YouTube and patreon and To be honest with you like I would have had to scale back the videos considerably
I wouldn't have deleted the channel, but I would have stopped doing daily content I probably would have started doing weekly content at most because I would have just had to focus on other things
But you guys had a direct impact there We've put out a ton of videos in 2020 and if I hadn't had the support on patreon that I had
It would have been a quarter of the videos at least so thank you, and so I hope that you appreciate
The the impact that you've had on this channel and getting this message out there that channels grown a lot
And I'm looking forward to 2021 Just one more time. Thank you so much Let's get to the questions guys because there's some good ones today
So the first question is about masks and requiring them at church She says if my church is requiring masks do
I leave or do I just keep going mass? Maskless until someone says something to me our pastors mom just died from kovat
So I know there's going to be even more virtue signaling and pressure. I am literally the only person without a mask
You don't have to leave their church if they're requiring masks. You don't have to I think that that There's a good chance that churches that require masks might have some other issues
But if you love the church you love the people and you can put up with any issues that are there
Then stay I would I would stay I mean I think leaving a church should be such a last priority
But if they're if they're not so if they're requiring masks, but not requiring masks in other words
You go there without a mask and they're not kicking you out Then I think that you could stay no problem at all
But the minute they start requiring masks and they actually start enforcing it like you can't come to the Lord's table
You cannot come to the worship service if you don't have a mask Then I would get the heck out of that church.
No question But I think what what you're describing here is a church that you love a church that that's a good church
But they're doing the the virtue signal thing that everyone in the world is doing and So that's a problem.
I think your presence there can be very positive Going to the church without a mask.
Look, we don't have to go along with this guys. We don't have to do this I think that your presence there is probably a very good thing for the church in general
So no, you don't you shouldn't have to leave as long as they're not forcing you even though they're requiring it
I think that you could stay and I think it probably be very beneficial to your brothers and sisters That are at that church for you to stay
I think that seeing someone who is not scared who is not going to give in to the the the propaganda
Will be a very big benefit to them So serve your brothers and sisters if the church is a good church stay at the church
Stay maskless and maskless and do your thing, but god bless you. I'll be praying for you for sure
Next question. This is a twofer. So we'll see He says this he says one
Do you have any good ideas on how Christians can apply the gleaning laws of the Old Testament put differently?
How can Christians present a dignified and godly alternative to the welfare systems? Yeah, I do.
I do think that I think There are even some charities that I think are really good at applying sort of this kind of thing
And they they will go around to like in New York. There's a charity They'll go around to to restaurants that you know
You know fancy restaurants cheap cheap restaurants, and they'll take their food. That's about to expire or they'll take food that that they just have
Or and are willing to to to to give out and and take that and give it to the poor
That's an example. It's not perfect. Of course, but it's an example. I think Christians in general should
Should be giving to the poor from their from their produce or whatever they produce They should have a certain amount set aside to give to the poor
I think that's definitely something that every Christian should do no matter how much or little they make
And I think that's an application of the of the of Gleaning laws as well, but I don't think that that stuff should be enforceable by law
So in other words in the in the gleaning situation, there was no penalty if you didn't do it But obviously God would judge you but I think
Christians who do charity in general are already applying The the gleaning laws in in a way, but there's different things that you can do.
I think that That this is something that Christians already do not as much as they should but they do already do this, so yeah,
I don't know if that's helpful, but just a few thoughts and then let's see did a General advice for Christian men on how to find a godly spouse.
It's pretty rough out there. Thanks and God bless Yeah, yeah, man Well, you think you need to you need to be a valuable man?
You know what? I mean like you need to set yourself up as someone who is competent who is capable
Who's able to provide for himself and willing to do the work kind of thing and that's so so if you're not if you're not a
Man, that's that's got a lot of value. You're not gonna attract a woman But as far as finding a godly spouse
Obviously you need to be involved in a church and you need to be involved in in in that kind of of a community
And I think that if you start showing yourself as a high -value man a high -character man
You're gonna start to see opportunities open up. See like like it's not gonna just happen but but but if you know you you demonstrate yourself as as as You know, what's it called?
Man, I'm thinking straight this morning I've been fat. I've been doing intermittent fasting and I mean like probably
The third or fourth day of restarting I used to do this before But in the third or fourth day is when your mind gets a little hazy for sure
But you know just like a go -getter like someone who's who's got some who's got some unction to them
You know what? I mean? I think that men will be willing to introduce you to you know eligible
Eligible women and stuff like that. They're not gonna do that to just anybody though You know, they're not gonna they're not gonna introduce their daughters to a guy who's you know has not shown themselves to be
You know aggressive and and and not aggressive but but a go -getter essentially
So but but I would also recommend that you follow a ministry called.
It's good to be a man They talk about this kind of stuff all the time. So I would recommend that as well Okay But I guess so I guess my point is sorry.
I'll just finish that question My point is to find a godly spouse. You need to Work on your yourself as a man first And so to make sure that that women would see you as a high -value mate
You know, I mean someone that can bring home the bacon kind of thing Someone who has a good character someone who loves the
Lord someone who would love them someone who to protect them Like once you establish yourself as someone like that Women will be attracted to you.
You know what I mean? So anyway, let's continue Okay, two questions on this one as well
He says if one of the evangelical denominations such as the SBC or the PCA splits over social justice
How long do you think the woke half of the split will maintain its orthodoxy on essential doctrines such as inerrancy and the atonement?
What which doctrine do you think is most likely to get scrapped? Yeah, probably like a decade to you know to before they officially
Deny essential doctrines, but I think that it'll be instant the people that start pushing on that You know, the woke half will instantly start accommodating
More and more heresy just outright heresy. I think that inerrancy is is
Gonna be one of the first to go I think so the fee day will will go but it'll go in a more covert way
Like they won't say you need to do works, but they will obviously teach it the atonement
You know, maybe I don't I don't know. I think I think inerrancy is the big one though Because the Bible is so problematic.
You know what I mean? Like the Bible is so problematic from the woke perspective that they have to deny inerrancy
They just have to eventually do it So I think it'll be a decade before they officially proclaim heresy, but they'll put up with heresy almost instantly
So the church splits instantly the heretics will see an opportunity and they'll they'll continue to push
Yeah, that's that's my answer there What were your politics like when you were an unbeliever? Were you a liberal or a leftist ever?
No, I was never a liberal or a leftist. I was a libertarian And I was a
I was a somewhat liberal libertarian. I was the kind of libertarian that was way too
Way too Libertine if that makes sense, so I was never a liberal or a leftist, but I was a hardcore libertarian and I've always been more on the on the freedom side and stuff like that So I haven't changed so much in that regard, but now obviously
I see God's law as as primary and so I can't be a Real like a like a hardcore libertarian, but I still a lot of my beliefs still align with libertarianism
But but all of that is is is I have to look at it through Scripture and Scripture doesn't allow me to be a full -fledged libertarian anyway
Next question as we've seen discussing the problems with the social justice movement is now in no one seems to be discussing
SPC resolution 9 on critical theory and intersectionality have they forgotten about that?
I'm not really sure who you're referring to people do discuss that But I think what's happening though Greg is that People are talking about it in very
Hypothetically hypothetical but very theoretical terms like yes, I am against critical theory proper
But the problem is that they they never apply it to real people So I think they see an opportunity where we can still look like conservatives but we'll never apply it to our friends who are pushing these narratives and so the
Social justice movement moves on so I think conservatives are sensing an opportunity to get their conservative bona fides
Without actually having to do the work like you'll see people at Southern Seminary come out strong against critical race theory
But they'll never question Matt Hall who's pushing critical race theory Even Matt Hall will come out against critical race theory as he's enunciating the fund foundational tenets of it
And so it's like it's it's it's it's a rhetoric tactic. It's a tactic So they are discussing the problems with the social justice movement
But the reason why I don't know exactly who you're referring to here Greg But I would I would suspect that the reason why they're not talking about specifically
Resolution 9 is because this is part of the game They're against it in theory, but when practice when their friends
Curtis Woods or whoever is pushing it They don't want to say anything. They don't want to do that. That's against their whole thing
So so I don't they haven't forgotten about it, but this is part of their rhetorical game. There's just no question about that All right.
Thanks for the question Next question, did you grow up being taught Christian principles?
Are you and your bro the only converts in your immediate family? What were some of the biggest blessings in your life in 2020? Thanks for the content
Well, yeah I actually answered already one of the biggest blessings in my life in 2020 that you know
Just the way that God has provided after a very slow start to the year was just an amazing thing I'm also very blessed in 2020 to realize that my pastor has even more guts than I thought he did
I thought he was a good guy from the beginning turns out he's an excellent guy. So that was a big blessing as well
But no, I grew up my both of my parents are Christians. Most of my family are
Christians. So I grew up Very clearly being taught Christian principles. My dad is a great father
No, just like any father. He's not perfect, but he was a great father He taught me Christian principles and all that kind of stuff now
I didn't become a Christian until I was an adult because I was a bit of a rebel But that's how it went. So no
We were very strong God has been very gracious to my family My parents are Christians both of my siblings are
Christians My extended family are Christians. My grandparents are Christians my father my grandfather guys planting churches in Cuba You know during all the shenanigans over there like this
This is a good. This is a very good testament to God's faithfulness and his covenant.
It's just been great been great. All right The Let's talk to the next person is a few questions here.
Hold on. I'll just see if I can answer all of them. Why not? Next question is
I'm looking for books on how to apply the Bible to government Basically, I became a conservative politically through Thomas Sowell and Milton Friedman before I became a
Christian And I want to make sure my political economic beliefs align with the Bible any books podcasts or other resources you recommend
Absolutely, I'm glad you asked Samuel definitely look up Gary North All his writings are excellent.
He talks a ton about economics a ton about Politics and government in general.
In fact, I think he has an entire commentary about the Bible and how it applies to economics Gary North is fantastic He also writes for Lou Rockwell calm which might which you might be familiar with and all of that Hardcore Christian great guy
Gary North any book by Gary North would be good Also, my favorite book on this topic is
R .J. Rush Dooney's the Institutes of Biblical Law if you want to start somewhere start there the
Institutes of Biblical Law R .J. Rush Dooney, it was a genius and He doesn't everything in the book is not right
But the way he thinks will help you very greatly the way he applies biblical law to modern situations will help you very greatly so R .J.
Rush Dooney Institutes of Biblical Law and anything by Gary North and even if you want to go to Lou Rockwell calm and just search
Gary North's Articles, you'll find a lot of good stuff. All right. All right next question. Thanks for your videos
And that's not a question. So but thank you for saying thanks for the videos. God bless you, man. Thanks for supporting me.
Okay There are always anomalies in every election
What are your top reasons for concluding the US presidential election had an illegitimate outcome in my view the best argument here will compare 2020 with previous elections to still show that it stood out from the rest
Yes, mail -ins will confound this to degree, but we need more than special pleading I have a few arguments I think are decent but none of them are anywhere near airtight for me
I don't need any more evidence than what happened on election night when they stopped counting and then the next day found 100 ,000 votes that's that's not an anomaly.
That's just obvious blatant In -your -face cheating and they did it in two states
Simultaneously at the same time and with the same result, it's just enough to get them up on top
I don't need anything else besides that nothing else and that's that But yeah, so the next question is if you could move anywhere in the
USA with an internet connection What were your top three or five places you'd consider?
I don't know man. I'm glad to live where I where I am So, I guess
I'll answer this question as if I had to move right so I'm not moving anywhere I can move anywhere. I want excuse me, but Sorry about that.
I had to read an email. I can move anywhere I want and but I'm staying right where I'm at, but let's just say I had to move
Where would I go? I would I would probably have Let's see,
I either Florida, Idaho Or Like I don't know.
I think the the Dakotas and Montana are all like the same so somewhere in that area most likely
All right, so hope that was helpful Here is a person that says hey, I'm joining the military next month and shipping off I had made the decision to serve for personal and external reasons, but after this election,
I feel bad about the external reasons I'm glad to provide for my family But I feel resentful about serving an illegitimate
Administration likely to send me to war in a foreign place There's nothing to do with protecting America or our people I want to serve to at least be someone who is there trying to do the right thing
But I feel demoralized as feel as though I'm signing up to be duped by people who I don't care about How do we keep the faith doing the right thing in this life when so often bad people with bad intentions get ahead?
I hate the Christian ghetto retreat of not participating in the world outside of the church, but I'm hoping But I'm hoping
Well, I'm just reading this right I'm hoping that I that good can win in this life is hoping that good can win this life too much to expect from it
What perspective of God and his purpose should I take with me to the army? Thanks again Well, I get it.
Yeah, I get it because he signed up and then all of a sudden there's a new administration And you don't believe in their cause and all that kind of stuff
Yeah, man, it's not too much to hope for winning in this life. Not at all
I believe that the Christians the Christian Church will Be the dominant force in this in this life
So I think that Christianity will prevail the church will be humongous There'll be more members of it than stars in the sky all that kind of stuff
So I'm very positive in that regard But that does not mean that your life will be easy and that does not mean that this will happen in our lifetimes so the perspective you have to give is that Have to have is that God has expectations of you individually he has
Commands for you individually and you need to keep those in mind and they need to be obeyed
By you more than any other commands and so as long as you're in God's will you're in God's You're abiding in his love by obeying him
Then life will be good doesn't mean it's gonna be easy, but it'll be good And so the perspective that you need to have is that you need to be laser focused on God his commands for you
The more the the moral law that he has for you and that has to be your first priority
More than anything. You know what? I mean? That's the perspective that you need to have and I think that you also need to understand that God is doing you know, so many things that you have no idea how he's using it, right?
You're you're gonna be in a in an army and the leader of the army is a warlord That's that's basically what you're saying.
The leader of the army is a warlord and And that sucks and you're in his army.
So what do you do? Just keep in mind. Well, you can't break God's law first of all So so don't do that if you're ordered to do something illegal don't do it but You know if you're out there fighting, you know bad guys and let's just say you're fighting
China or something They're bad. They're bad guys, but you don't even but you don't believe in the cause Just know that God's using that conflict for his purposes and they're good purposes
So you don't have to believe in every single decision, right but You can't break
God's law and you can't lose sight of the fact that God is doing things You don't have any clue about and you're participating in things that you don't have any clue what the end result is gonna be
But but God does and so trust him so don't break God's law and realize that you don't know everything but God does
I think keeping a perspective like that could help then again. I've never been in the military So I I don't know what else could help if you want
I can hook you up with someone who has been in the military who's a pastor and Recently left and he probably has some pretty interesting perspective
So let me know message me privately if you want to do that, and I'll definitely do that Okay last
Lee Do you believe that Bible allows age segregated ministry in the church?
student youth groups children Sunday school I wanna programs etc Or do you believe that the view of the family integrated church approach is more biblical where all corporate worship is all ages
I think that that age segregated worship or ministry can be okay As long as it's not the primary worship service
I don't think there's anything wrong with having like grades in school And I don't think that there's anything wrong with having grades in Sunday school either however,
I Think that oftentimes. It's not ideal So I don't think it's it's it's it's like a sin or something like that to have first grade and second grade and third grade but I think oftentimes it's not ideal because Children know a lot more than you think they do and I think that my my youngest son a
Lot of his knowledge and skills are developing way faster than my first son
But and I don't think it's their just their personality I think it's because he's he's learning from his brothers and sisters right and he's learning the same lessons
But maybe he's not picking up everything that my five -year -old is but he's learning the same lessons.
He's learning the same songs He's learning the ABCs quicker like like I think often. It's not ideal to segregate according to age so You know
I? Think that I think the Bible allows it so that's how you've asked the question so the answer is yes the
Bible allows it But I don't think it's ideal a lot of the time I think that there could be a time in a place for it there could be appropriate situations for it
But I think oftentimes. It's less ideal than we think it is. I don't know if that makes sense
Maybe it does or like I'm trying to answer the question as it's asked so yes, it allows it
But I think that It's not as helpful as we we kind of imagine that it is all the time
You know what I mean my five -year -old knows a lot more than my two -year -old But my two again my two -year -olds picking up so much that when my five -year -old was two he didn't pick up You know what
I mean. I don't know But anyway, yeah, so that's it. Hope you found this video helpful.