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Watch the newest clip from Apologia Studios with Virgil Walker discussing Critical Race Theory vs. Scripture.
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- 00:01
- You've got with CRT, it has a different anthropology, right?
- 00:06
- It has a unique and different harmoniology, the way that they look at sin. It has a different soteriology, that the
- 00:14
- Savior and the solution is actually the works -based righteousness, right? The different anthropology begins with the idea that man is not one human race, that we're all separate and individual, but at the same time, collective in our victimhood, right?
- 00:29
- So our victimhood is now categorized as a part of our anthropology, so to speak, whereas scripture is clear that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God and that all of us are equal at the foot of the cross.
- 00:40
- You've got a false anthropology, a false harmoniology, where the only sin that can't be wiped away is the sin of racism.
- 00:48
- You have a different soteriology, the works -based righteousness, that is a part of CRT, where the work has already been done in Christ and Him crucified.
- 00:56
- You even have a false, what's the word
- 01:03
- I'm looking for, a false eschatology. Their eschaton is different, they're intending to bring in a brand new utopia, right?
- 01:10
- Their idea is that the state will help usher in this brand new utopia that we can all live in in oneness, and so we recognize that the only one that will bring back and advance the kingdom is