Did God Break His Own Law? | Season 3 Episode 4

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The point -taking podcast. Yeah. Hey, I got great news for you guys.
Hunter is not here again. Is anyone excited? Yeah. Yeah. That's the only reason I came on. Is this too mean? No. It's honesty.
Truth hurts. Sometimes, yeah. Sometimes honesty hurts. Though, to be honest, he is a really good host and he's way better at you and I than this.
I think so. That's why I made you do the intro. Okay. Got it. All right, guys. Well, look, we've got another pretty cool topic today.
Did God compromise himself by breaking the law in order to save us? Does he love us in the sense that he loved us and broke the law in order to show that love?
That would be the question. We have a reaction. We got a TikTok here that Brother Christian sent us, so we're going to watch that and see what someone else has to say on that topic.
It's the Lord's Day. I got my Bible. I'm ready to hear the word. I said to every sinner, God broke the law for love.
Nope. And there it is. Now, the gentleman who just, the pastor who just said that is a guy named
Steven Furtick. I think I'm pronouncing it the best way I can safely. Steven Furtick.
And he is a pastor from North Carolina. So here's what I'm going to do. That video
I watched ahead of time because I wanted to make sure that we took it in context. So I'll kind of lay out the format for you guys and I'll let y 'all take it from there.
When I first heard it, kind of like Nick, I'm like, OK, well, that's clearly heresy. But then I'm like, all right, let me give him the benefit of a doubt.
That was a five second clip. You know, right. And like, what does he mean by broke the law?
Does he mean human law? Does he mean God's law? Right. Right. Right. So not that.
Not that. Yeah. Right. The law he made. Yeah. So I'll break it if you made it. The sermons from a while back and it was out of First John, Chapter four.
And he it's a 40 minute sermon. I don't watch the whole thing, but he cut out a two minute clip of that section.
OK, he himself then imposed it. And it didn't reveal anything different.
His his standard, his statement is that God broke the law of God. God broke his law.
Right. In order to love us. But how did he do that, according to his sermon?
Right. Exactly. He didn't specify in the two minute video. All he did was use an analogy about how if your kid was hurt, you would break traffic laws in order to get the kids to the hospital.
So he says that God broke the law for love. And I don't know what he means by that.
I can only assume a few things that he could mean by it, because in the two minute clip he edited and posted, he did not clarify how he believes
God broke the law. So we're going to have to guess for a moment what might he be saying. So not only was not only is what he's saying heresy, but it's also like he didn't even elaborate on what he means by that.
So it's like if he did in the in the full sermon, if he did, he chose to edit it just through that two minute clip and post that himself.
I wonder. I wonder with the law in order that he might show love.
I wonder if what he means by that is God disobeyed the law of Moses by not following those statutes.
Maybe maybe this is what he's doing. OK. Remember how the Pharisees got mad at the disciples for plucking grain on the
Sabbath day or Jesus healing on the Sabbath day? Maybe what he's saying is Jesus sinned in that regard.
Jesus broke the law in order to display love. Maybe that's what he means by it. Right. Doesn't necessarily help the heresy part, but go ahead.
Yeah, it's still a heresy, but, you know, it could be that. By the way, did
I even introduce Ben Bowen? We didn't. Why didn't you do that? And that was your job.
And I told you you do the introduction. Oh, because I'm not messing it up. Well, you just did. So I am.
Everyone, this has been Bowen, and that's probably all we care for an introduction. So, hey, all right, then keep going.
You're saying joining us. So what I was what I was saying was like, yeah, obviously what he's saying is heretical.
Like, I guess it comes down to does he. Is it more of confusion on his part or is he know exactly what he's saying is wrong, but he just wants to say something that sounds good to people?
I was thinking that. Well, you know, Anna, that's a good point, because we need to clarify our terms because we are here saying this is heretical.
There's a lot of people who may hear that and say, that's how much God loves me. And why are you exactly why are you guys saying that's heresy?
So let's let's define our terms. Why do we say that's heresy? Because, I mean, if God, you know, broke his own law, like why would he even give it if he's going to break it?
Well, and God is perfect and he can't break the law and be God. The fact that we have law is
God showing his love towards us that, you know, we can't keep nobody can keep the law fully yet to show us that we need him.
And was it was it Paul that was saying, like, if you break one of the laws, you've broken them all, right? Sure. You know, so how much more does that show
God's grace by loving us, even though we can't keep all these laws like it's impossible.
There's no way we can keep all of them. Right. Right. Right. But yeah, like so like that's the love right there or part of it at least.
But yeah, God couldn't be God if he wasn't perfect and he can't break his law. Yeah, I mean,
I would agree with that. And like like being quoted, James says, James. Yeah, well, it's all
God. James says, if you break one law, you're guilty of all you just say God said there you go.
There you go. So let's let's assume let's go hardest.
Let's go. Let's go hardest to easiest. Let's assume by that he means God did away.
With the sign, I covenant the mosaic law for love. Let's assume he means that. Right.
OK. And this is if you want to look this up a little more later, it's called antinomianism.
Can you spell that? Maybe. Maybe. I know it's I mean, a n t i o m.
You're on a good roll. Is I in a ism. I am. OK.
Which means anti law. We as Christians are not saying that God did away with the law, like Paul said, we uphold the law.
What we are saying is that God gave the Sinai covenant to a specific ethnic people,
Israel. To be his people. OK, that's what we're saying. We're saying that law reveals his character.
And in the new covenant and the new covenant, Christians are not to follow. The civil ceremonial laws that he gave the nation of Israel, of course.
And people should recognize this because he didn't actually give that law to the midpoint of history. The first three thousand years of human history, there was no
Ten Commandments, right? There was no Sinai covenant. But. As Paul says, that is not him breaking the law, that's him upholding law, that law was revealed to a specific ethnic group.
That doesn't mean it's not for us. The morals of it are applied into a new covenant. The morals of it are applied.
So even if he means God made did away with the old covenant and brought in a new covenant.
That's still not appropriate to say he broke the law. Now, if by that he means what
Anna was getting at, that he disobeyed God's law in order to show us love. That's blasphemous.
That's that's blasphemous. Right. That would be terrible. And the reason why it is, is because the reason that we are saved and are blameless and justified inside of God is because Jesus kept the law perfectly.
Absolutely. Because what happens to our sin? Our sin is what? It's perfect lived life of, you know, what, 35, 36 years is imputed to our account so that on our docket, on our ticket, on our court date, it says that we have lived a perfect life in the sight of God because Jesus's perfect life is applied to all who believe.
And that still blows my mind, right? Yes. Like me. I screwed up all my life, right?
But it's covered. And that sin of all of our scripts is applied to Jesus on the cross.
Yeah. Perpetuation. That's exactly right. The gentleman here,
Mr. Furtick, Pastor Furtick from from North Carolina, Ben and I were talking.
I have heard him say other things that were at best questionable. And let me just give a couple of those quotes and let you guys react to them.
All right. He was preaching a sermon a few years ago, and I went back and watched the whole one on this one because I wanted to make sure that I was representing him the best way
I could. It was on Exodus chapter three where God reveals himself in the burning bush and gives his divine name
Yahweh or I am. And this is a quote he said,
God is trying to show Moses. You are as I am.
So he calls himself I am to demonstrate to Moses, quote,
Moses, you are as I am. I don't know what version of scripture he's reading because I don't
I've never seen those words in that chapter of Exodus. What Pastor Furtick is trying to say is he's saying the reason that God's name is
I am. Is so that he can show Moses, Moses, you are as I am.
So he's not saying that it says that explicitly. No, he is saying that is why
God told Moses, my name is I am right. My name is I am. I struggle to say this sentence, but I'm quoting somebody else.
Moses, the reason my name is I am is because I'm trying to demonstrate to you to look into a that you are as I am.
No. Yikes. No. What's our reaction to that? No, that's my reaction.
Absolutely not. Why? I mean, because we're because we are not the same as God.
Yeah, we are. And if we were the same, then God would not need to appear to Moses to convince him to go do the things that he does not want to do.
Right. That's a good example. It's just good. In addition to that, the whole point of God saying
I am the reason that's his divine name is to set him apart. It's not just that I was or I will be in the future.
I always am. Yes, I am. My name is I am. I am being that is my name. I am that I am.
That's my name. Right. Yeah, exactly. Yahweh mean it's built off.
I am. So it's the literally the opposite of what Pastor Furtick is saying.
Pastor Furtick is showing it as an equalizing of man to God. The point of I am is quite literally the opposite.
As Anna just pointed out, it is a show that he is other and we are not. Absolutely. The opposite of that.
Absolutely. I just think Pastor Furtick, I've watched some of his videos like sermons or like the tick tocks that have been made from his sermons.
And I just think he's a very charismatic guy. He gets people pumped up and stuff.
And, you know, that's like great and all. But his sermons are questionable.
I mean, I mean, obviously with that, you know, being said, he's one of those people, you know, that like, yeah,
I 100 % agree with that. Like, he what I get from him, and I've been kind of following him for a while now.
And what I'm getting is, obviously, he's preaching words that he knows people want to hear and not what they need to hear.
And maybe it didn't start out that way. Maybe it started out with a little bit of, you know, misinterpreting some scripture like the burning bush.
And then eventually, crowds got bigger money started rolling in popularity started rolling in.
And he was like, Okay, well, I say, you know, this, this and this, this will get, you know, more butts in the seats for lack of better terms, right?
You know, and I think it just built up over time was most of the stuff he says is just crazy. Well, I got a question.
So to me, it is apparent that he does not study with any kind of concordance or commentary, tools, things like that.
And he's just making up his own stuff. Because no commentary that I've ever read had said anything close to what he said.
There might be a few but not any faithful commentaries. That's for sure. Right. And so that's why I would be curious to see how he studies scripture as a pastor.
I have heard some preachers say, I don't study for sermons.
I just go up there and open my Bible with the Holy Spirit lead. It's fine if you're
Jesus. Yeah, right. That's funny.
Jesus didn't even do that. Paul didn't even do that. Peter didn't even do that. Um, yeah,
I think it's just a load of bull in order to be lazy. I was about to say. But Pastor Furtick here,
I'll be honest, some of the things he says really makes me to call in question some motives.
And quite honestly, where his spiritual walk is, because some of the words that come out of his mouth,
I don't understand how they come out of his mouth. It's that serious. To go to Ben's point.
I was watching a sermon of his the other day. And maybe it was maybe it was this one. And whenever he got loud, the music in the background started playing.
I think it was an organ and drum set and all that stuff. And when I say there were lights on the stage, I don't mean there were two or three spotlights.
Excuse me. I don't mean there were two or three spotlights. I mean, there are orange. There are lights everywhere and going back and forth.
Exactly. They're running back and forth and all that stuff. Party trying to get an emotional response.
Absolutely. But you know what's funny? There's a lot of people that can look at that and mock that.
But it's the same thing. When we try to work somebody up, it can be done at an old school tent.
Revival can be on anywhere when you try to work someone up to make an emotional decision instead of a heartfelt change that it can be done anywhere, anywhere.
So he is not the only one guilty of that. Absolutely. But if I were close to him,
I would you need to step down. I would call him to repentance. I mean,
I if if someone in our church maybe stood up and said that the sermon would be interrupted.
That's how I feel like the sermon would be interrupted. 100 percent. I mean, if someone said you are as I am,
I would stand up from the pulpit and say that's enough for today. I mean, we're done here.
When someone says God broke the law for love, I would stop and wait for a minute and give them the opportunity to explain what is meant by that.
But he offers no explanation that pacifies that that comment.
That's what just makes me think that he's just saying things to get reactions and things that sound good and look appealing.
If anyone listening has questions about, OK, in what way do the dietary laws of the of the old covenant apply to us today or in what way do the ceremonial laws?
Those are great questions. And we would love to answer those kind of questions. It is not a matter of God broke the law for us, though.
And to say that makes it sound like he's that's that's really a big problem of it.
So, yeah, that's just pretty awful stuff there.
So I've got one. But what is the most heretical thing you've heard from a quote unquote
Christian before? Think about it for a minute. The most heretical thing you've ever heard from a
Christian before or at least a supposed Christian. The video we listened to a couple of weeks ago about I know mine about what was the song?
It's going to it's going to be how he loves how she loves us and how they love us. Yeah, it's based on the David. Well, part of it's airing next week,
I think. But I think I can't remember. Anyway, the how he loves or how she loves us that one. But but I've got one.
I'll let you guys go first. So I got one that's actually also from Stephen Perdue. Oh, man.
Go ahead. Yeah. Or he said that, you know, there's even one thing God can't do. God can't override your disbelief.
I have seen that one. Some pretty, pretty crazy stuff. I watched that one.
Yeah. He said there's there's even there's one thing that even the eternal son of God can't do, and that's overcome your disbelief.
Yeah. If that were true, there would be zero save people. A hundred percent that were true.
God cannot overcome your disbelief. That is that's how salvation happens. You say these words, but I don't think you know.
Exactly. Exactly. Go, Montoya. I like it. Yes. And, you know.
You know, maybe not on a sermon, but in Bible study, I have said incorrect things before an accident.
Sure. And then. Um, the next week I'll either think about it, someone bring it up to me or watch a video,
I'm like, uh, I might need to clarify that. And I, I am not too proud to say, by the way, last week
I said X. What I meant to say was Y. There is room for that. And especially when someone is recorded a hundred times, you know, 24 seven all the time, every sermon lesson they ever teach is recorded and instantly broadcast.
They don't edit it or anything like that. I can have some mercy for that. What I can't have is when that's out there and then there is no clarification brought forward.
And it's even promoted. Anna, you got one? Um, yeah. Brandon Robertson.
He's a rev Brandon Robertson on Tik TOK. He is a gay reverend.
Um, interesting. He's done several things on, he's done several things on Tik TOK where he said that, um, like God is transgender and like his gender is, yeah, his gender is fluid.
And then he said other things. Um, what was it? I have,
I have Tik TOKs on our group message. And so I was trying to look at that, but you know, some, sometimes on Tik TOKs, how they have like the words like printed out, like subtitles and stuff.
He didn't have any of those. So I would have to do that, but he is a good example of a
Christian who is, um, heretical. Um, I know it's about gender.
Oh, be fruitful. Like be fruitful and multiply. He's saying be fruitful. Like, is God telling you that it's okay to be gay?
Oh my goodness. Oh, be fruitful. Yeah. Like fruity. You know, that's how we used to call that.
Is he for real? Is he just playing or is he for real? No, like this guy's legit. He's even, and he's also, um, he's pro abortion.
Oh, Allie Beth Stucky. She's a YouTuber. She has her own podcast. I freaking love her.
So Allie Beth, Allie Beth Stucky ended up doing a podcast with him about abortion.
They had a whole debate on it, but he's supposed to be a Christian. Um, and so I can only watch like five minutes at a time.
Reverend Brandon, like with an A in, um, Robertson. Um, the worst one
I've ever read. I didn't hear it. It was an article. It was a Christian gay rights activist group.
I wish I could remember the name at the moment. Maybe I'll find it. And, um, they said that not only is
God for homosexuality, he demonstrates that with his triune nature because there is a homosexual relational love between the father and the son.
Now, as that blasphemy just heard your ears, like just, just hit your ears. I hope that sinks in for a minute.
That's the level we've gone to. That's insane. But I can throw out a few from a, a good old
Bishop Spong. Bishop Spong was, um, yeah, he was,
I've used him several times here. He was a, um, man, what, what denomination was it was
Episcopal. Anyway, he's a Reverend over the diocese of Newark, New Jersey, which had 40 ,000 congregants in the different congregations of Newark, New Jersey.
Um, I'll just give you a few quotes. Uh, as I listened to him, he said, quote,
Paul was a repressed homosexual man. Uh, the flood was not global.
It was local. Um, oh, Jesus, very clear.
Jesus clearly could not have been
God because he seemed to believe that God created the world in six days, which no real person believes today.
Um, no intelligent person lives today. Um, Jesus, we already know, but not for that reason.
Um, there were so many of them. He said, um, oh, Jesus is necessary for salvation for me, but I would never say he's necessary for salvation for someone else.
Then probably, probably my favorite. The Bible is not inerrant. I know too much about the
Bible to believe something as silly as that, but he kept going on about how
Jesus was just the first off on the same article. This is, uh, from a debate, a tele, uh, a recorded debate.
It's on YouTube, but, uh, he kept going about how Jesus was just a first century ma 'am.
And, um, he obviously didn't know as much about the universe as we do now. Cause he's seen, that's how he said, he goes, when you read
Jesus, he seemed to think that Jonah was a literal person that actually existed. And like, like that's how he, yeah, interesting.
Yes. Now this is a Reverend over diocese. He, he, he is dead now over 40 ,000 people.
He has sold books, many, many, many copies and the amount of people he has deceived that have probably now at this point fallen to the abyss of hell forever.
I mean, that's not trivial.
Secondary issue stuff, right? We're talking about things that are central to the gospel.
Um, so what would you say to someone who's listening right now saying, okay, uh,
Ben and Josiah, I hear you guys, but how do I know? Cause sometimes that stuff sounds really good on a four second tech talk video.
How do I know? How do I judge? How do I weigh things? What advice could you give to them? Back it up with scripture.
Try to find the scripture. Yeah. Try to find the scripture that backs that up. And if not, then it's not.
Yeah. If it's, you know, if somebody asked me a question like that and I can't give scripture right away, I'll get back to you.
If I have time, I'll say, Hey, let's, let's look some things up. And then, you know, if I can't then yeah.
Like, Hey, look, just being honest. Don't have, you know, whatever the question is, don't really have an answer for this.
Let me do a little bit of research and if you're okay, let's talk about this, you know, some more, um, you know, if I don't know the answer right away.
Okay. Um, last thing on this. And then I believe Anna has a more dilemma for us before we close up Brandon Robertson one.
Um, Jesus helped Lazarus come out. Oh, okay. I watched that one.
Oh, okay. I watched that one by myself and I out loud, I promise you,
I out loud said, God have mercy on him. Yeah, absolutely. When I, when I heard that, yes, his, his, his exegesis of John 11.
Are you ready for this? His exegesis of John 11 is this Lazarus. I'll listen to the whole thing. Jesus said to Lazarus, come out as he tells all of the repressed homosexual
Christians on planet earth, come out and be who you are. He allowed Lazarus to be who he was when he came out of that tomb.
And so he's calling you out of the tomb of darkness and bondage and bandages that have held you down from who
God created you to be and said, come out and be who I've created you to be. I'm, I'm feeling a little, some type of way of saying this right now.
Anyway. Okay. Yeah. So listen to that one. Um, okay.
Last thoughts on this. In my opinion, one of the biggest problems, um, the biggest problem in our society is that people love darkness rather than light, that they're not submitted to the law of God.
But one of the biggest characteristics of that problem are things like TikTok. And here's what
I mean. We watch something with almost no context and we are ready to judge on whether or not the person in that video is a moral person or not based on a four second clip with nothing surrounding it.
So to the point to where we see a video of one angle of one event, and we in the, in our arrogance think that we know everything that happened in that event, whether it's, um, some type of shooting, uh, whether it's some type of protest, whether it's some type of government overtaking.
And we think that we know everything there is to know about it from a four second video from one angle. Whereas the proverb says he who is wise listens before he responds.
It's almost like God knew what he was talking about, but don't y 'all think we react too quickly to things that we really in our arrogance don't know as much as we think we know about them.
Right. At least TikTok react videos that we do. Yeah. Except at least here we have time to go through them all.
Um, and that's why on this one, that's why on this one, I want to make sure I watched it first. Um, anyway,
I think, uh, some wisdom would be before we get ready to pass discernment on an event, we really need to know the ins and outs of it before we sure going out.
Okay. Anna, we have a moral dilemma and then we got to go. We've got to go get the work outside. So what we got? Okay.
So golden girls. Okay. Blanche. Yes. My wife loves this show. It is her.
You love it too. Never seen it. It's her favorite show. I don't love it. I tolerate it. It's better than the other stupid shows my wife watches.
So like what? Oh, it's a really dumb show. Um, charmed. Is that what it's called? Oh, I've never seen that.
I've never even heard of it. Um, but no, she and I watch really great shows together. Like alone, the blacklist, we got some, uh, daredevil punisher, you know, all the essential great shows, the office of course.
That's probably just her guilty pleasure. Well, yeah, but golden girls, golden girls is acceptable compared to like other worthless shows like full house and that kind of stuff.
So sorry. Sometimes I say true things out loud, full house or fuller house. I've never seen the second one.
You just said you don't like the original full house. Did you know that someone in this church is friends with a friend of DJ Tanner?
Wait, what is friends with someone? Is that your moral dilemma? No. Okay. Okay. So my moral dilemma,
Blanche ends up buying a dress for some event and then she buys that dress knowingly that she, knowing that she's going to later return it.
So she's basically like renting that dress. So you buy the dress, wear it and then you return it because she knows she's never going to wear it again.
Yes. I've seen, I've heard of people doing this before. This is actually, this is actually a very common thing.
I've actually done it once before. I believe you. So, so what's the, what's the question?
Is it wrong to do that? Okay. Knowing that you're, you're only going to wear it once and then you return it to get your money back instead of keeping it and then just like trying to wear it again.
Yeah. I've got my answer. Okay. Go ahead. You want me to go first? Yeah, I'm scared. You're scared.
Why don't you go first? I mean, honestly, I don't really, I mean, I've done it, so I can't say, I don't really.
Why would that exclude you? Don't make you a participant. I've been guilty of this.
Don't remind me. I don't know if I would consider that, uh, consider that wrong.
I don't know. I really don't know what to say about that. Like it, I guess it is a dilemma because I'm like on one hand.
Is it moral? You know, like, I don't really know what to say. So the one item I bought one item, uh, it was like a pair of overalls for a
Halloween costume. And I'm like, I know that I'm never going to wear these again. And I just need it for this costume.
And so I ended up keeping the tax on it. And a few days later I returned it. That actually, but they were like $30.
So it wasn't like something from Goodwill, you know, granted you can't return anything to Goodwill anyway. If it's a costume, then it's definitely,
I definitely understand. But it was just like a I'm not getting my money back.
Yeah. This is like 10 years ago. I've heard that before. Yeah. It's a store. I mean, like bougie clothing store.
That's not bougie. I've never. Oh, that is true. I forgot who I was talking to. I've had this jacket for like five years.
Those socks though. Josiah, what is your, what is your take on that?
Okay. Ready? There's a biblical question, which makes it sin or not.
There's an ethical question, which are, are the ways we live from the Bible. And there's a moral question. Okay. I'm complicating this on purpose.
Thanks. When you ask something about morals, that is whether or not it is acceptable in your society.
So legal, for example. So morally, I would have to say that there's nothing immoral about that.
Biblically, I don't think you can make a case that is outright sinful. Question would be ethically, which are the ways we live drawn from the
Bible. And I would probably advise against it. Here's why. You are entering a transaction with a store.
Okay. What ultimately, which is with an individual. Okay. Now it's easy to look at it as a store, as opposed to individual, but it is made up of individuals who hire other individuals.
You're entering a transaction with them in which the supposed understood purpose of the transaction is that you give them money in exchange for a good or service.
And you do that knowingly that you're going to return that to get the money back for the use that you use for the, what they had.
So then they bought the product, you know, whatever made the product, but they bought the product.
They displayed the product, they sold the product, they checked the product out. So yes, I would think that would be unethical to do that knowingly and then knowingly return it.
Now you can make the argument, well, then the store should change their return policy. And that may be true, but how do you, but the return policy is built in, not for cases for where I would assume not for cases for which you are knowingly buying it and then to return it.
The return policy is built for, I thought this would fit me, but it didn't. Or it didn't look good outside.
Yeah. And if stores have that return policy, I think it's good. I think going beyond the return policy is breaching a transaction that you made with the store knowingly or not.
Yes. And when I did this, it was 10 years ago. You got super defensive there. You asked me the question.
Well, it was 10 years ago and I have not done it since. And like in this, in this episode of Golden Girls.
Yes, I did. And this episode of Golden Girls, like the dress that Blanche bought was like hundreds of dollars.
So it was something that she knew, like she technically couldn't afford. Yeah. And then she just like wanted it for the end. This girl has so many, you've seen
Blanche's dresses. She could have easily found something in her closet to wear at an event. Yeah.
I don't have a pair of overalls. I still don't because I returned them. But I mean, the amount wouldn't really matter though.
I mean, I think it would be unethical because you are pretending to enter into a transaction, which in one sense is a, it's not a covenant, but it is an agreed upon, an agreement.
And you are knowingly not keeping your end of the bargain. And they think you are. I agree. That would be, yeah,
I would say. I've learned my lesson. I guess it is kind of deception. Yeah. His tune changed when he realized you were the guilty one,
Anna. All of a sudden he was ready to, he was like, yeah, you know what? That's wrong. Boom.
Roasted. I did this. There's so many of those quotes.
I want to say that I'm not going to right now. We're not even going to do it. All right, guys. That's all we have for Point Taking Podcast.
If you have any questions, leave them in the comments or any future questions you'd like us to, uh, to talk about or whatever.
We have guest speakers every week because the three regular folks, I kind of like it. I kind of like the cycle.
So, um, y 'all have been without Hunter a couple of weeks. You're welcome. Uh, maybe me or Anna will take a break coming up so that you can see the difference in quality.
Yeah. Yeah. But, uh, until then like share, subscribe, do all that kind of stuff. And, uh, yeah, this is fun.