Incredible: Look What God Did! Join us!


Celebrate with us! Through your prayers and partnership with us in this ministry, thousands have been saved and we are on our way to 13 States next year with bills of a b 0 l 1 t 1 O n. Watch. Celebrate. Give! Let's end this, together! Go to the website in the video to give now and help us to match a 250k dollar gift to get to our full goal for 2022! Be sure to like, share, and comment on this video. You can get more at : You can partner with us by signing up for All Access. When you do you make everything we do possible and you also get our TV show, After Show, and Apologia Academy, etc. You can also sign up for a free acount to recieve access to Bahnsen U. We are re-mastering all the audio and video from the Greg L. Bahnsen PH.D catalogue of resources. This is a seminary education at the highest level for free. #ApologiaStudios Follow us on social media here: Facebook: Instagram:


My name is Pastor Jeff Durbin. I'm the head of End Abortion Now. We are here today in Washington, D .C., in front of the
Supreme Court. We were able, through your support, through your prayers, and through your partnership with us, to file an amicus brief in this case, the
Mississippi case that's going on right now in the Supreme Court. So much has happened in the last couple of years through your participation with us and End Abortion Now.
When we first started, we wanted to train and equip churches to go out to the abortion facilities to preach the gospel, to offer help and hope and love to the mothers and fathers going in there, and to save lives.
We wanted to build a media platform that would be able to get the message of the gospel into this area of abortion globally.
And we also wanted to start the process of going to legislators and actually working for bills of equal protection for the abolition and the criminalization of abortion.
That's how we started. Since that time, and with all of you with us, God has blessed us beyond what we could have even imagined.
We have now close to 800 local churches that have signed up with End Abortion Now. Because of your help, they have all received free training, free resources, free help from us to go out to the mills and to save lives.
And because of that, because of you working together with us in partnership as ministry partners, we've been able to save thousands upon thousands upon thousands of lives.
Babies are being saved on a daily basis because of what you've done together with us. And I just want to say from the bottom of my heart, as your brother in Christ and as a pastor, as a minister of the gospel,
I want to say thank you. Thank you so much for being a part of this with us. Not only have we raised up churches completely for free, we've asked nothing from these churches, we've helped them, blessed them, given everything away to them, all the training, all the resources.
Not only have we raised these churches up to save lives across the country on a daily basis, but we've also built a media platform that has been seen by millions upon millions of people.
We are impacting people on a daily basis, 24 hours a day, through the platform that you helped us to build in this area of the gospel in conflict with abortion.
Millions of views. We've also, this year alone, been able to get into Texas, Arizona, South Carolina, Pennsylvania.
We helped in Oklahoma, bills of equal protection. That is bills of abolition. Not the regulation of abortion, but bills of equal protection, protecting all humans from conception.
We've done that with legislators across the country because you partnered with us in this ministry, in this focus to criminalize and abolish abortion in our nation.
We are working right now on five new states for 2022. God has blessed us so tremendously.
We have now been able to accomplish all that we asked Him for, and it is growing and growing and growing.
And so I wanted to first say thank you once again for all of your support over all of these years to make all of this possible, to get all of these churches involved, to work towards the abolition and criminalization of abortion.
We are not working with endabortionnow .com to regulate abortion. We are working to end it once and for all, and we're doing it as Christians, as the church.
And so again, thank you for partnering with us. I want to ask for your help once again in 2022.
We have more states we're working with right now to get bills of abolition into those states. They are on the way as we speak.
We are working with these legislators now. We have more churches being added every single week who are saving lives at their abortion mills.
We are impacting the world literally globally. We're impacting the world with the message of the gospel in conflict with the issue of abortion.
And so in 2022, we are going to just do more and more, save more lives, get more states to get bills of abolition in.
And I'm asking you to partner with us once again. You know, if you've been watching for any length of time, as I've spoken in the area of abortion with the gospel and I've talked about end abortion now, we are not, as a church, focused upon building an industry.
We are looking forward to the day where we never raise another penny to end abortion. We are looking forward to the day when we literally close up shop and we focus on the next issue with the gospel.
We are going to end abortion. We are. Through the power of the gospel, on the spirit of God, with God's word, we are going to end abortion and we are getting closer and closer and closer.
Again, not towards regulation, but the end, the abolition of abortion. Will you join us again in 2022?
We have been given a very gracious gift of a $250 ,000 matching donation to help us to get to our budget for 2022, to add more churches, to save more lives and to get more bills into states to criminalize and end abortion.
We've been given this generous gift of a $250 ,000 matching donation. Will you give for 2022 and help us to get this matching donation?
Help us to get to our budget for 2022 so we can work towards ending abortion once and for all in our nation and really in our world.
We have churches really globally that we're supporting and helping. Because of your work, we actually have churches now in Northern Ireland and in the
Republic of Ireland and in Scotland who are working on this issue. We have Christians in Australia. We have Christians in New Zealand and Canada who are now on the same message of the gospel in conflict with abortion.
All of that's taken place because of believers just like you who have participated with us in this ministry.
Will you join us again in 2022? Will you help us to make this the last year where we have to do this?
Will you help us as a church to actually engage this issue with the gospel of Jesus Christ under the authority of Jesus Christ?
You can give at endabortionnow .com. You can give through this platform. You can give and you can partner with us.
Help us to get that matching donation of $250 ,000. Help us to make our budget goal for 2022 so we can once and for all end abortion now.
Thank you so much. This is
Zachary Conover, the Director of Communications for End Abortion Now. Christian, did you know that over the course of the past year, 862 ,000 babies have been murdered?
That comes out to over 2 ,300 a day. 98 an hour.
And by the time you finish watching this video, roughly four babies' lives will have been taken.
How could this possibly be, you might ask? And the answer is abortion.
I know that these statistics are unsettling to hear, but this, abortion, is the premier issue of injustice in our day.
And so as Christians, we must be involved and engaged and ready to do something about it.
With that said, there is good news. We are looking to end this once and for all, and we're looking to do it by the power of God's gospel and through the work of his people.
This isn't a novel issue. We who care about life have been giving generously to outside organizations for decades in order to have them fight against the evil of abortion.
You might think that things are worse now than they ever have been before. So what's different?
The church. Stay with me. I want to talk to you about how we've been able to impact the lives of parents and how we, with our monthly ministry partners, have been able to save thousands of lives from certain death.
With the help of our monthly ministry partners, we've been able to accomplish so much. Since we began, we've added nearly 800 local church partners that span all across the
United States and even outside our borders all over the world. Now I want to help us understand what this means.
It means that 500 abortion clinics are being visited per month. That translates to 4 ,600 hours monthly where the gospel is being proclaimed to people who desperately need it.
And the best part? Over 6 ,000 babies have been saved since 2020.
Think about that. That's 58 babies per week. And if we want to break it down further than that, that's eight babies a day saved through the work of the
End Abortion Now Coalition. Now the primary goal of End Abortion Now is to save babies, and we mean it.
We want to see abortion ended, which is why we are working at the state level to bring legislation that would end abortion completely.
This year alone, we have worked with and on bills of abolition in five states.
Arizona, Texas, Oklahoma, South Carolina, and Pennsylvania.
In total, we are equipping 13 state ambassadors who will work with their local legislators in submitting bills of abolition.
If you've been involved in this fight for any length of time, then you understand how significant this is.
So this is where you come in. We equip our church partners and state ambassadors with everything that they need at no cost to them, removing every excuse for them to get involved.
This mission to save babies does not work apart from the help of our unspoken heroes, our donors.
Our donors save lives. Would you please consider helping us end abortion and save lives with the gospel?
Together, our hope as the church is that abortion would be a thing of the past and you would have played a pivotal role in saving children by ending it.
To give, go to endabortionnow .com forward slash donate. We still live in a nation where it is the easiest, that probably has been in earth history, to change the law as a citizen.
It is the easiest for you. Shame on us if we fail. I want to announce to you this, it is now
March. I've been now involved in four different bills for abolition. If your senator and your representative do not know you by name, you have not done enough for abolition.
That's all there is to it. We're the
Taits. We, WAKE is almost nine. We nine in December, December 7th.
We've had an interesting ride for almost the nine years with WAKE. We found out that I was pregnant and were shocked just at that news because I wasn't supposed to get pregnant.
So that news in itself was quite the shock and we kind of both laughed like, what?
Like, this isn't real. And we were in a time in our lives where our relationship with God was really rocky, both coming from different backgrounds.
I was from Catholicism and Kyle in the Southern Baptist and him being in the Marine Corps, we just had a really hard time.
And when I found out I was pregnant, we didn't assume the worst or anything like that.
We just kind of went with the flow. And at the 20 -week ultrasound, we were going to find out the gender.
And it was supposed to be an exciting time. And during that time, the ultrasound tech was really quiet and it was kind of unnerving in a sense.
Like, we really didn't know what to expect. And she left the room and came back with the doctor, and she informed us that his arms and legs weren't working or developing like they were supposed to.
They weren't flicking around and kicking and all that stuff. And so they referred us to maternal fetal medicine the very next day.
And so we went and met with the doctor, had really fancy high -tech ultrasounds to show us everything, and everything was working the way that it was supposed to be.
You know, organs, his brain, blood flow, all those things look really great. It was just his arms and legs that weren't doing what they were supposed to do.
And her first recommendation to us was, well, his quality of life is going to be awful, and your quality of life is going to be awful.
So you're two weeks away from having a legal abortion in the state of North Carolina.
And so you really need to consider that because you're walking into a path that's going to be really hard for you to live and for your child to live.
And at that time, we were by ourselves. We had no family around us, and so it was just the two of us.
And it was a hard thing to hear from someone as that being your first option. Just, you know, it's going to be a hard life, so you need to murder your child.
And, you know, we both knew that that was not a path that we wanted to pursue. Neither one of us believed that abortion was going to solve anything.
We knew that that was just a subject we needed to steer clear from. And she pushed it, and it was a very grim conversation of, like, if you don't go through with this, like, almost shame on you if you don't consider killing him.
And we struggled with that, thinking, like, how could she possibly see all the other good things that are going on?
You know, everything's developing like it's supposed to. His heartbeat is strong, and all of his organs look great.
And who's to say that his quality of life isn't going to be good just because his arms and legs don't work like ours do?
And so that was difficult, but it really helped us work in our trust in the
Lord, because all that we could do was pray. Yeah, like she said, our relationship was very rocky during that time.
And I remember still to this day when the nurse gave us the ultrasound, and we're looking at the picture, this little, you know, three by three inch square frame, and we're seeing his picture right there in front of us.
We both broke down in tears very quickly. I remember both of us kind of mumbling under our breath, we're going to give him the chance to live.
And praise God that he even had grace on us, you know, with us making that decision to be able to give him life, to be able to actually deliver him and stuff, was completely all based to the glory of God and His graciousness that He had displayed on Wake and us.
But yeah, I remember we broke down that day and stuff, but that was just the instinct thing when it came to the doctors, when it came to the nurses.
It was, look at all the negativity, look at everything that you're going to have to do, but don't look at this child as an image bearer of God.
And so, yeah, everything at that moment, I remember that even got us back into church, because we're sitting here saying now we have to be a praying couple, we have to be a couple that goes to God, because she has a child now, we can't do anything to fix this child on our own.
And we had always done that in the Marine Corps, try to solve our own issues, and here's one of those issues that you can't even lay your hands on this child to help him.
And so God completely steered us in the right direction and helped us, and that's ultimately what got us in the fight to end abortion.
When we first went in, it was a 50 % chance that he wouldn't live. And then there was a 100 % chance they had gave us, a 90 % to 100 % chance that when he was born, he would not be able to breathe on his own, he would immediately be rushed into surgery just trying to help him to survive, whatever that looked like.
And all praise goes to God. When he was born, they immediately took him over and checked on him quickly and then gave him to me and said, listen, he has arthrogryposis, you know, his limbs don't function like yours, but everything else checks out fine.
And so they gave us a time frame between there to about the age of 10 is whenever he would start actually being able to feed himself, and any type of being able to maneuver around the household would actually start to happen.
Well, he started feeding himself at the age of 2, and he also started scooting around the house around the age of 2 to 3, just all on his own.
Wake's been so blessed, and we've been so blessed to be able to see how he's adopted the things and how
God has used him. And now we tell him quite often, don't we, about he'll have some bad days, and we'll remind him all the children that don't have the chance to live.
They were never given that opportunity, you know, and what abortion looks like, and it's murder.
I mean, it's premeditated murder, and that he has that opportunity, and it needs to be one that is used to glorify
God, and that he can do everything that we're able to do. It's limited, but at the same time, yeah, he's a blessing.
One thing we do try to remind him of, conversations that we have all the time, is that this life is so fast.
I feel like I just had him not that long ago, and he's almost 9. And so one thing that I try to encourage him on, and Kyle as well, is you see other kids doing all these things, getting to jump on the trampolines or run races with their parents or play on the playgrounds and things like that, and it looks different for him, and it can bum him out.
I mean, little kids want to do those things. They want to go explore and have fun and use their imaginations and whatnot with that.
But one thing that we try to instill with him is this life goes so fast, and you have this limited time to have this condition.
But through this condition, God is going to be glorified, and you don't know the blessing that you'll be to other people that may be struggling with something similar or something that has nothing to do with the same condition that he has.
But you have eternity with God the Father who made you this way for whatever reason that he has, a loving reason at that, to run with him forever and to worship with him, and that's a beautiful thing.
And I remember Kyle and I wrestling with the fact that we were trying to find a way, some solution to get him to be able to walk.
And it was like we knew that with his condition, certain muscles weren't developed in his body.
He doesn't have quadricep muscles in his legs, so he won't ever stand unless there's some muscle transplant.
I mean, we explored all of those things. And it was finally then we were like, we went to Texas and got to see a doctor there, a really great doctor in this field.
And he was just like, it's not going to happen. And I remember battling with that, thinking like,
I want the best for my child. But then it was like I was trying to outsmart God in a way. Like I knew better.
Like I knew how to get something to work for my child when God's design for him wasn't what
I had in mind. And just learning to trust and to accept that. Like it was a hard road, but there's so much beauty in it now.
And I wouldn't have it any other way. It was through End Abortion Now and the
Apologia team that actually pushed us to Scott Hoard Ministry for us to be able to join him on the streets in Nashville.
So I started that two years ago with Scott. And we were, you're getting in the routine of doing things and Wake seeing us and he's hearing the conversations.
But once we started to tell Wake that they, the doctors, the nurses, had the same plan for him, that some of these kids are being brought into these abortion mills and the same plan that they have for their child, it started to kind of spark a fire in him.
And so we take him out, I would like to say quite regularly. He's been out with us many times on the street and stuff.
Even one of the first times we started, it was just Brittany and I down the street. Scott wasn't there that day, and we just stood as a family of three.
And so he knows his main thing. He doesn't like to say a lot, but his heart's there when it comes to prayer.
And it's one of those things that he is so comfortable that we're able to point to him when it comes to these moms and these dads and say, look at this blessing and look at this option that they were giving to these other parents and stuff that you guys are giving to parents, but it's not an option.
This is an image bearer. And so he's been faithful in it, and we talk very regularly about it.
And that's one of the biggest things, I think, that he'll admit to you that drives him to this day is we talk so often about the 60 to 70 million children that have been aborted and what the chances that they did not have, that they're not able to even drive a wheelchair, scoot on the floor, play an
Xbox at times, and he actually gets that opportunity. And he told me the other day that that was something that actually helped him push through school was getting through maybe getting made fun of, but knowing that, hey, at least
I had the chance to get made fun of. At least I had the chance to be able to overcome and endure through this because I was given life.
So it's had a huge impact on our entire family in getting engaged in this fight. I can't imagine my life without Wake now.
Even with a disability, yeah, your life, it looks different.
And yeah, you may have more things on your checklist now to do each day. But God's been with us through the whole thing.
And we've had so many prayers from people that we know and people that we don't know. And just cling to his word because he gives you every answer that you could possibly need with a child with special needs.
And murder isn't an option just because someone's different, just because their body didn't form the way ours did typically.
But they're still an image bearer, and they still have value, and they're still loved by God.
And so embrace it. If your child has special needs, just embrace it and know that he has a wonderful plan, and he'll be there with you.
You just have to rely on him and trust in him. My name is
Pastor Jeff Durbin. I'm the head of End Abortion Now. We are here today in Washington, D .C., in front of the
Supreme Court. We were able, through your support, through your prayers, and through your partnership with us, to file an amicus brief in this case, the
Mississippi case that's going on right now in the Supreme Court. So much has happened in the last couple of years through your participation with us in End Abortion Now.
When we first started, we wanted to train and equip churches to go out to the abortion facilities to preach the gospel, to offer help and hope and love to the mothers and fathers going in there and to save lives.
We wanted to build a media platform that would be able to get the message of the gospel into this area of abortion globally.
And we also wanted to start the process of going to legislators and actually working for bills of equal protection for the abolition and the criminalization of abortion.
That's how we started. Since that time, and with all of you with us, God has blessed us beyond what we could have even imagined.
We have now close to 800 local churches that have signed up with End Abortion Now. Because of your help, they have all received free training, free resources, free help from us to go out to the mills and to save lives.
And because of that, because of you working together with us in partnership as ministry partners, we've been able to save thousands upon thousands upon thousands of lives.
Babies are being saved on a daily basis because of what you've done together with us. And I just want to say from the bottom of my heart, as your brother in Christ and as a pastor, as a minister of the gospel,
I want to say thank you. Thank you so much for being a part of this with us. Not only have we raised up churches completely for free, we've asked nothing from these churches, we've helped them, blessed them, given everything away to them, all the training, all the resources.
Not only have we raised these churches up to save lives across the country on a daily basis, but we've also built a media platform that has been seen by millions upon millions of people.
We are impacting people on a daily basis, 24 hours a day through the platform that you helped us to build in this area of the gospel in conflict with abortion.
Millions of views. We've also this year alone been able to get into Texas, Arizona, South Carolina, Pennsylvania.
We helped in Oklahoma bills of equal protection. That is bills of abolition, not the regulation of abortion, but bills of equal protection, protecting all humans from conception.
We've done that with legislators across the country because you partnered with us in this ministry, in this focus to criminalize and abolish abortion in our nation.
We are working right now on five new states for 2022. God has blessed us so tremendously.
We have now been able to accomplish all that we asked Him for, and it is growing and growing and growing.
And so I wanted to first say thank you once again for all of your support over all of these years to make all of this possible, to get all of these churches involved to work towards the abolition and criminalization of abortion.
We are not working within abortionnow .com to regulate abortion. We are working to end it once and for all, and we're doing it as Christians, as the church.
And so again, thank you for partnering with us. I want to ask for your help once again in 2022.
We have more states we're working with right now to get bills of abolition into those states. They are on the way as we speak.
We are working with these legislators now. We have more churches being added every single week who are saving lives at their abortion mills.
We are impacting the world. Literally, globally, we're impacting the world with the message of the gospel in conflict with the issue of abortion.
And so in 2022, we are going to just do more and more, save more lives, get more states to get bills of abolition in.
And I'm asking you to partner with us once again. You know, if you've been watching for any length of time, as I've spoken in the area of abortion with the gospel, and I've talked about end abortion now, we are not, as a church, focused upon building an industry.
We are looking forward to the day where we never raise another penny to end abortion. We are looking forward to the day when we literally close up shop and we focus on the next issue with the gospel.
We are going to end abortion. We are, through the power of the gospel and the spirit of God, with God's word, we are going to end abortion.
And we are getting closer and closer and closer. Again, not towards regulation, but the end, the abolition of abortion.
Will you join us again in 2022? We have been given a very gracious gift of a $250 ,000 matching donation to help us to get to our budget for 2022, to add more churches, to save more lives, and to get more bills into states to criminalize and end abortion.
We've been given this generous gift of a $250 ,000 matching donation.
Will you give for 2022 and help us to get this matching donation, help us to get to our budget for 2022, so we can work towards ending abortion once and for all in our nation and really in our world.
We have churches really globally that we're supporting and helping. Because of your work, we actually have churches now in Northern Ireland and in the
Republic of Ireland and in Scotland who are working on this issue. We have Christians in Australia. We have Christians in New Zealand and Canada who are now on the same message of the gospel in conflict with abortion.
All of that's taken place because of believers just like you who have participated with us in this ministry.
Will you join us again in 2022? Will you help us to make this the last year where we have to do this?
Will you help us as a church to actually engage this issue with the gospel of Jesus Christ under the authority of Jesus Christ?
You can give at endabortionnow .com. You can give through this platform.
You can give and you can partner with us. Help us to get that matching donation of $250 ,000. Help us to make our budget goal for 2022 so we can once and for all end abortion now.
Thank you so much. This is
Zachary Conover, the Director of Communications for End Abortion Now. Christian, did you know that over the course of the past year, 862 ,000 babies have been murdered?
That comes out to over 2 ,300 a day. 98 an hour.
And by the time you finish watching this video, roughly four babies' lives will have been taken.
How could this possibly be, you might ask? And the answer is abortion.
I know that these statistics are unsettling to hear, but this, abortion, is the premier issue of injustice in our day.
And so as Christians, we must be involved and engaged and ready to do something about it.
With that said, there is good news. We are looking to end this once and for all.
And we're looking to do it by the power of God's gospel and through the work of His people. This isn't a novel issue.
We who care about life have been giving generously to outside organizations for decades in order to have them fight against the evil of abortion.
You might think that things are worse now than they ever have been before. So what's different?
The church. Stay with me.
I want to talk to you about how we've been able to impact the lives of parents and how we, with our monthly ministry partners, have been able to save thousands of lives from certain death.
With the help of our monthly ministry partners, we've been able to accomplish so much. Since we began, we've added nearly 800 local church partners that span all across the
United States and even outside our borders all over the world. Now I want to help us understand what this means.
It means that 500 abortion clinics are being visited per month. That translates to 4 ,600 hours monthly where the gospel is being proclaimed to people who desperately need it.
And the best part? Over 6 ,000 babies have been saved since 2020.
Think about that. That's 58 babies per week. And if we want to break it down further than that, that's eight babies a day saved through the work of the
End Abortion Now Coalition. Now the primary goal of End Abortion Now is to save babies, and we mean it.
We want to see abortion ended, which is why we are working at the state level to bring legislation that would end abortion completely.
This year alone, we have worked with and on bills of abolition in five states.
Arizona, Texas, Oklahoma, South Carolina, and Pennsylvania.
In total, we are equipping 13 state ambassadors who will work with their local legislators in submitting bills of abolition.
If you've been involved in this fight for any length of time, then you understand how significant this is.
So this is where you come in. We equip our church partners and state ambassadors with everything that they need at no cost to them, removing every excuse for them to get involved.
This mission to save babies does not work apart from the help of our unspoken heroes, our donors.
Our donors save lives. Would you please consider helping us end abortion and save lives with the gospel?
Together, our hope as the church is that abortion would be a thing of the past and you would have played a pivotal role in saving children by ending it.
To give, go to endabortionnow .com forward slash donate. When our group met her at the mill,
I wasn't there at all. Her boyfriend walked on ahead of her. She came out looking completely shocked, but she got a pamphlet into her hands, and she pointed at the business card and said, this number, call this number, we can help you.
And that evening, that's my cell phone number, I get a text saying, what can you do to help a scared pregnant mother who has an unplanned pregnancy?
And a few days later, we were able to meet with this scared young woman at a coffee shop.
We went to the local pregnancy resource center with her afterwards, and by the end of that day of a few hours, she and her boyfriend went from considering their options to beaming smiles on their faces, talking about their baby that they were going to have together, and it was really beautiful.
So fast forward several months, and this young mom, she's 20, she asked me to be her doula, and I was thrilled about that.
And so it was just this last weekend, Saturday night, it was the end of a community -wide prayer meeting we had.
I noticed on my phone a missed call from this girl, and so I call her straight back, and she says, hey, I'm on my way to this hospital, can you come?
I said, yes, I'm on my way now. So I rushed to the hospital, and it turns out it's not even the hospital that we were intending to go at, but I arrived there, and we're in triage, and one of the nurses says, oh, we're going to get
Looney to come in and do the ultrasound. Well, Kimberly Looney is the name of the abortionist at the mill where we do ministry.
And so I immediately pick up on that, and I'm like, wait, we're not at that, we're at, oh.
And then a few minutes later, Kimberly Looney, Dr. Kimberly Looney, opens the curtain.
The first thing she sees is me. She jumps. She jumps when she sees me because week after week after week,
I've been calling out to her or I've stood beside someone who's called out to her, so she knew who I was as soon as she walked into that room.
I double -checked her name tag just to be sure. There it said Kimberly Looney, and I said, what in the world is happening here?
Exactly, yeah. So she leaves after doing the ultrasound just to make sure the baby was all right.
I texted one of my friends who's out on the sidewalk with me a lot, and I said, Looney is her doctor. Get people to pray.
And so immediately the whole team at home, they were setting up a night -long prayer vigil. Some people were staying up all night to pray for the fact that Kimberly Looney was there, and we might have an opportunity to talk to her.
So this whole night long, they've been praying. That's been in the back of my mind. Kimberly Looney is going to come back into this room and deliver this baby.
And so the time comes, and Looney walks in the room. She is there to deliver the baby that 7 1⁄2 months ago she would have been just fine with killing.
And what happens instead is it was a difficult delivery. There were complications, and I got to watch just mere inches away from this doctor, this so -called doctor that I've been calling out to for a year.
I watched her fight for the life of a baby that she would have killed a few months ago.
And when the baby was born, it took a little while for this baby girl to start crying.
And I just remember one of the few moments where I could take my attention off of the mother and look down at Dr.
Looney. She was holding this baby that was a little bit ashen, a little bit blue, a little bit limp.
But then the baby cried, and there was just a big sigh of relief throughout the room. And Kimberly Looney looked relieved for this baby to be crying in her hands.
And then they hand them off to the nurses, and the baby was fine. Mom did so well. But we've been at the mill three times in this last week, and we haven't seen her at Planned Parenthood.
And we haven't known her to skip a week. We haven't gone a week without seeing her there at Planned Parenthood since she had maternity leave months and months ago.
My name is Alicia. I'm from Arizona, Phoenix, Arizona, and I am 24 years old.
Awesome. Okay, so just kind of bring us back a little bit and tell us. Well, what was going through my mind,
I wasn't financially stable enough to have a child, and I didn't feel like I wanted a child to suffer with me because I wasn't making enough money.
I wasn't in the career that I really wanted to be in.
And I felt like abortion was the only option for me during that time.
I was 23, I believe, so I felt like my days are over.
I didn't feel like I will still have my youth. So I went there with my mother, and I felt like I wanted to go through with this process.
My mom dropped me off, and we were in the parking lot. I had a lot of mixed emotions.
I was very scared, nervous, sad, mostly sad throughout that process.
It was very, it was kind of like going to an appointment, and it was like seeing other ladies there, ladies that looked sad, and some of them looked kind of depressed.
And it was kind of like a typical abortion clinic.
And then as we're leaving, I met with Sherry and Elvis. They're from the church, and they told me that I didn't have to do that, and there's plenty of other resources out there in Phoenix that I can look after.
And I got her number and Elvis' number, and from then on, I felt like I had more support.
She helped me. Sherry and Elvis helped me out a lot throughout that pregnancy.
They helped me by being there. Ms. Sherry went to many doctor's appointments.
They called and checked on me, see how I was doing. If I needed anything, they were willing to come by to the house and help me.
So that really had a, that played a nice positive aspect in the situation that I was in.
You think you would have gone through with it if they wouldn't have been there? I probably would have.
Like I probably would have either went back and continued with it, but I felt like in my head
I honestly didn't want to go back. I really didn't want to go back once I left, but I was kind of figuring like what should
I do next? Should I go back or should I just continue being pregnant? I felt like I did a couple of things in my past, and I was like I didn't want to commit murder of a child because of my actions.
And I think that I should have thought about certain things before I did certain things, and I was willing to accept my consequences.
So do you regret not having the abortion? Oh, no, I don't regret it at all. I'm very grateful for my daughter, and I love her a lot, and I feel like she makes me better every day.
And it's like when I was, before I was pregnant, I didn't really have a lot of,
I was really unsure about my life. I didn't know where I wanted my path to be. Now since I have her, it's like a life -changing moment that made me realize that I have life to live for.
So it made me feel very happy to have someone that I can take care of that loves me unconditionally.
So what about a woman, she's in the Acacia Women's Center, and she's listening to the people on the sidewalk.
Should she take their help like you did? Yes, she should absolutely take their help.
I believe it's very beneficial for the mother and for the child because you don't want to live with regret, you don't want to live with being sad or depressed about it, and you want to continue on living your life knowing that you did the right thing by saving your child.
My name is Pastor Jeff Durbin. I'm the head of End Abortion Now. We are here today in Washington, D .C., in front of the
Supreme Court. We were able, through your support, through your prayers, and through your partnership with us, to file an amicus brief in this case, the
Mississippi case that's going on right now in the Supreme Court. So much has happened in the last couple of years through your participation with us and End Abortion Now.
When we first started, we wanted to train and equip churches to go out to the abortion facilities to preach the gospel, to offer help and hope and love to the mothers and fathers going in there, and to save lives.
We wanted to build a media platform that would be able to get the message of the gospel into this area of abortion globally.
And we also wanted to start the process of going to legislators and actually working for bills of equal protection for the abolition and the criminalization of abortion.
That's how we started. Since that time, and with all of you with us, God has blessed us beyond what we could have even imagined.
We have now close to 800 local churches that have signed up with End Abortion Now. Because of your help, they have all received free training, free resources, free help from us to go out to the mills and to save lives.
And because of that, because of you working together with us in partnership as ministry partners, we've been able to save thousands upon thousands upon thousands of lives.
Babies are being saved on a daily basis because of what you've done together with us. And I just want to say from the bottom of my heart, as your brother in Christ and as a pastor, as a minister of the gospel,
I want to say thank you. Thank you so much for being a part of this with us. Not only have we raised up churches completely for free, we've asked nothing from these churches, we've helped them, blessed them, given everything away to them, all the training, all the resources.
Not only have we raised these churches up to save lives across the country on a daily basis, but we've also built a media platform that has been seen by millions upon millions of people.
We are impacting people on a daily basis, 24 hours a day through the platform that you helped us to build in this area of the gospel in conflict with abortion.
Millions of views. We've also, this year alone, been able to get into Texas, Arizona, South Carolina, Pennsylvania.
We helped in Oklahoma bills of equal protection. That is bills of abolition.
Not the regulation of abortion, but bills of equal protection, protecting all humans from conception.
We've done that with legislators across the country because you partnered with us in this ministry, in this focus to criminalize and abolish abortion in our nation.
We are working right now on five new states for 2022. God has blessed us so tremendously.
We have now been able to accomplish all that we asked Him for, and it is growing and growing and growing.
And so I wanted to first say thank you once again for all of your support over all of these years to make all of this possible, to get all of these churches involved to work towards the abolition and criminalization of abortion.
We are not working within abortionnow .com to regulate abortion. We are working to end it once and for all, and we're doing it as Christians, as the church.
And so, again, thank you for partnering with us. I want to ask for your help once again in 2022.
We have more states we're working with right now to get bills of abolition into those states. They are on the way as we speak.
We are working with these legislators now. We have more churches being added every single week who are saving lives at their abortion mills.
We are impacting the world. Literally, globally, we're impacting the world with the message of the gospel in conflict with the issue of abortion.
And so in 2022, we are going to just do more and more, save more lives, get more states to get bills of abolition in, and I'm asking you to partner with us once again.
You know, if you've been watching for any length of time, as I've spoken in the area of abortion with the gospel, and I've talked about end abortion now, we are not, as a church, focused upon building an industry.
We are looking forward to the day where we never raise another penny to end abortion. We are looking forward to the day when we literally close up shop and we focus on the next issue with the gospel.
We are going to end abortion. We are, through the power of the gospel and the spirit of God, with God's word, we are going to end abortion.
And we are getting closer and closer and closer. Again, not towards regulation, but the end, the abolition of abortion.
Will you join us again in 2022? We have been given a very gracious gift of a $250 ,000 matching donation to help us to get to our budget for 2022, to add more churches, to save more lives, and to get more bills into states to criminalize and end abortion.
We've been given this generous gift of a $250 ,000 matching donation. Will you give for 2022 and help us to get this matching donation, help us to get to our budget for 2022, so we can work towards ending abortion once and for all in our nation and really in our world.
We have churches really globally that we're supporting and helping. Because of your work, we actually have churches now in Northern Ireland and in the
Republic of Ireland and in Scotland who are working on this issue. We have Christians in Australia. We have Christians in New Zealand and Canada who are now on the same message of the gospel in conflict with abortion.
All of that's taken place because of believers just like you who have participated with us in this ministry.
Will you join us again in 2022? Will you help us to make this the last year where we have to do this?
Will you help us as a church to actually engage this issue with the gospel of Jesus Christ under the authority of Jesus Christ?
You can give at endabortionnow .com. You can give through this platform. You can give and you can partner with us.
Help us to get that matching donation of $250 ,000. Help us to make our budget goal for 2022 so we can once and for all end abortion now.
Thank you so much. This is
Zachary Conover, the Director of Communications for End Abortion Now. Christian, did you know that over the course of the past year, 862 ,000 babies have been murdered?
That comes out to over 2 ,300 a day. 98 an hour.
And by the time you finish watching this video, roughly four babies' lives will have been taken.
How could this possibly be, you might ask? And the answer is abortion. I know that these statistics are unsettling to hear, but this, abortion, is the premier issue of injustice in our day.
And so as Christians, we must be involved and engaged and ready to do something about it.
With that said, there is good news. We are looking to end this once and for all.
And we're looking to do it by the power of God's gospel and through the work of His people. This isn't a novel issue.
We who care about life have been giving generously to outside organizations for decades in order to have them fight against the evil of abortion.
You might think that things are worse now than they ever have been before. So what's different?
The church. Stay with me.
I want to talk to you about how we've been able to impact the lives of parents and how we, with our monthly ministry partners, have been able to save thousands of lives from certain death.
With the help of our monthly ministry partners, we've been able to accomplish so much. Since we began, we've added nearly 800 local church partners that span all across the
United States and even outside our borders all over the world. Now I want to help us understand what this means.
It means that 500 abortion clinics are being visited per month. That translates to 4 ,600 hours monthly where the gospel is being proclaimed to people who desperately need it.
And the best part? Over 6 ,000 babies have been saved since 2020.
Think about that. That's 58 babies per week.
And if we want to break it down further than that, that's eight babies a day saved through the work of the
End Abortion Now Coalition. Now the primary goal of End Abortion Now is to save babies, and we mean it.
We want to see abortion ended, which is why we are working at the state level to bring legislation that would end abortion completely.
This year alone, we have worked with and on bills of abolition in five states.
Texas, Arizona, Texas, Oklahoma, South Carolina, and Pennsylvania.
In total, we are equipping 13 state ambassadors who will work with their local legislators in submitting bills of abolition.
If you've been involved in this fight for any length of time, then you understand how significant this is.
So this is where you come in. We equip our church partners and state ambassadors with everything that they need at no cost to them, removing every excuse for them to get involved.
This mission to save babies does not work apart from the help of our unspoken heroes, our donors.
Our donors save lives. Would you please consider helping us end abortion and save lives with the gospel?
Together, our hope as the church is that abortion would be a thing of the past and you would have played a pivotal role in saving children by ending it.
To give, go to endabortionnow .com forward slash donate. So tell that to the slave owners.
Tell that to those in Auschwitz, right? What's the oppression of other human beings?
Would you be upset with, say, Bonhoeffer who was speaking out against the Nazis? Just let them do what they want, right?
But you've decided that these humans don't matter. What do you call this?
So slave owners are still going to own slaves. Sex trafficking is still going to happen. We should let it stay legal? So your argument is if people are going to do it anyways, let them do it.
So we shouldn't stop sex trafficking? You didn't respond to what
I asked you. If your argument is that they're going to do it anyways, so let it be, then what would you say to sex trafficking?
Sex trafficking is illegal, but it still happens. How? Because women, or people with uteruses,
I should say, are coming here... How do you know how I identify?
How do you know how I identify? Have you asked my pronouns? I haven't, actually, sorry. So you assume
I don't have a uterus? Well, I'm saying people with uteruses... What about me looks like I don't have a uterus? I'm just saying, do you have one?
Do you see how your leftist, unbelieving worldview has just collapsed? Oh, how? Explain how.
Because your challenge is, if people don't have uteruses, they shouldn't have anything to say. No, I'm saying that they...
Let her do what she wants. Tell that to the slave owners, the plantation owners. Oh my gosh, that's an unrelated argument that you're making.
No, your moral argument is that they should be able to do what they want. Human beings should be able to do what they want. So what about the plantation owners?
How is that relevant here? Well, you were bringing up the issue... Do you think I have a uterus?
You could, you could be trans, I don't know. This, boys, this is what happens with unbelieving thoughts.
Is that you get into such a mixed up position that you can't even tell the difference between a boy and a girl. No, it's just that if you were trans, then
I would accept you for that. Okay, so... Hold on to some frail masculine... So if a person does not have a uterus, and yet pretends to have one, you would respect that?
Yes. Okay. Yes, I would. There you go. So she just said that if a person does not even have a vagina or a uterus, but they wanted to pretend like they did, she would respect that?
Yeah, because it's called... Some people have different identities, so learn other people's stories and listen to them.
Every single one of you expects us to respect your identity as a motherfucking Christian.
Yep. Every single one of you does. So how very... I don't ask you... No, no, respect is earned.
You demand it. Respect is earned. You come out here and you call people murderers... Would you mind if I responded? Would you mind if I responded?
Respect is earned. You made a claim, I'm just responding to you. You're saying that, but you're so...
Okay, so how many... No, listen. When somebody refutes your...
Can I respond? Can you respect the woman? She spoke. Can you respect... Can you respect the woman?
Let's talk about institutionalized Christian sex abuse. Okay. How many kids are getting fucked by their bishops, by their priests?
Is that wrong? I know. It's absolutely abhorrent. It's wrong? By what standard? Because I agree it's wrong, but I believe in God's word,
God's spoken. That's immoral. I believe in choice. And anybody... And no kid can fucking choose that. Do you? So the pedophile is choosing to rape the child.
You believe in choice. That's your standard. No. Choice cannot be... This kid right here cannot choose whether or not a 40 -year -old man has the right to rape.
And these children can't choose whether they're being slaughtered. You just refuted yourself. If this child is too young...
If Long didn't believe in abortions, how come so many second -trimester abortions... You're going to have to stay on one argument at a time, sir.
No, I don't have to... By what standard? By what standard are you making any sexual ethical claims?
And this is what I mean when I say you come down here and demand respect... No, I don't demand any respect. No. Except you're telling me to live by your fucking rules...
No. No, I'm saying... And if you own the motherfucking cake... God created the world, so you don't want to have a dialogue.
You don't want to have a dialogue. What you have is not a dialogue. So let's try it.
Let's try it. You give me a claim, I'll respond, and then you do a claim, and we'll do it that way.
So my challenge to you is, by what standard do you complain... Do you think a 40 -year -old man has the right to touch you?
Do you think that's his choice? Do you think you're old enough to choose to let a 40 -year -old man touch you?
Well, whether or not it's wrong, sir. It's a question of whether it's wrong. Are you old enough to get in a car and drive it?
No. Sir, you're acting like a child has rights... I mean, why does it matter? ...and should be protected... Why does it matter? ...but you are not protecting all the children being slaughtered through this organization.
Because they're not fucking children yet. Okay, so let me ask you a question. Use your words. Let me ask you a question. Use your words. They're not children yet. So what's in the womb biologically?
Are you anti -cancer? No, no, I actually... Are you protesting chemotherapy? Sir, you're going to have to stay on one train of thought. No, I don't.
You made a claim about what's in the womb. I don't have to live by my rules. What's in the womb biologically? Do you believe in chemotherapy?
Can you answer that question? What's in the womb biologically? It's a cluster of cells. Do you believe in chemotherapy?
You're a cluster of cells. You're a cluster of what cells? Do you believe in chemotherapy? Human cells. So what's in the womb is human...
You're a cluster of tax -paying cells, motherfucker. You're a cluster of human cells. Unlike your church. Okay, human cells. So don't even try me there. Right, because there's a separation of church and state.
Because you wouldn't even have... There's a separation of church and state. You would not even have this concrete to stand on if it wasn't for me.
For you? My taxes. Everyone that pays sales taxes pays for these things.
That's exactly what I said. So we all do that. So congratulations, you're wrong. So the next question is, what's in the womb?
What's in the womb from conception? What's in the womb from conception? Biologically. What kind of cells?
What kind of cells? Sir, sir, these kind of... This methodology... You're ignoring the question.
You're ignoring the question. which is convenient for you we all understand we all understand why you're not answering sir sir we all understand why you're not answering this this gas lighting this this gas lighting
I'm challenging his position I didn't say that no
I believe they deserve no
I was no ready you literally can
I respond can I respond I'll respond I'll respond
I'll respond to what you said I'll respond to what you said now can
I can I have can I have 25 seconds can I have 25 seconds to respond okay okay so you made a claim
I'll respond to it now what I what I said to them was that this is the mindset that does can look at a person and see that it's biologically male and the person pretends to have a uterus and you would believe them
I would just fucking respect speaking of speaking of which yeah you know with your ginger beard did you see ad hominem ad hominem argumentation there are also this almost the exact same percentage of redheads as there are kids who are born intersex male and female that's that's that is a fiction that is a fiction that is a pure fiction sir pure fiction and and also it's a category it's a category error it's a category it's a category you're literally telling me
I've never met somebody I actually know I know intersex people so oh so they do exist but you made a claim about red hair and intersex yeah it's yeah it's it's fiction it's about one person it's a it's a fiction yeah so my challenge to you going going going back to what you were saying what's what's what's in there you're very religious sir what's in the womb from conception is human biologically it's irrefutable you know a tumor is human to know a human yeah okay so what's what's in the womb what's in the womb from conception let's talk science let's talk science reading a tumor with medicine is what
I want to know tumors tumors tumors are a tumors are a part of well are you gonna go get chemotherapy or are you gonna let that group of tumors determine the course of your life you want me to answer now yeah okay so you're making that you're making you're making the same kind of to get chemotherapy when your prostate sir
I I asked you if I could respond if you can respond if you answer that I'm trying can you can you answer can you stop for a moment long enough to hear what's being said okay do you want me to answer
I'm doing it no you used to will you stay silent enough answer to allow for the questions answer to come around and just like so you're not interested in talking you're not interested in talking you know your worldview is bankrupt you can't sustain in any kind of cross -examination unless you can speaking of bankrupt would you like me not your churches even though they should be with all the child abuse sir you don't have a standard to live you don't have an absolute standard to live by you don't have an absolute standard to appeal to I imagine you're an atheist correct are you an atheist are you an atheist can we at least have one answer to a question
I give no are you an agnostic told me you just spent 20 minutes telling me you were gonna answer my question
I shut but you we have we have witnesses here would he allow me to answer the question you didn't there's numerous witnesses okay so can
I would you like me to would you like me to answer the one question you asked about tumor yeah okay so you and you engaged in what in logical in a logic course would be called a category error and comparing a that's not an answer sir
I'm trying I'm trying I'm trying to answer an answer I'm trying to answer no but see what you know
I listen sir we know your question is illogical and I'm going to show you how
I said you're so I know sir that you're from the tick -tock generation that doesn't allow for more than 10 seconds to answer because it is murder sir sir you're a hypocrite sir you're a hypocrite you're a hypocrite you just sat here for the last 10 minutes calling me names inflammatory language
I know you don't would you like me to continue answering you commit you committed a category error anybody anybody in a logic a textbook with any logic text we would tell you what you committed was a category error can
I explain to you how really because you compared a human being a developing human being to a tumor to a tumor to different things to biological to different things okay sir you're a clump of cells are you not a clump of cells you're changing the subject you're changing the subject and we both know why you're changing it because you can't sustain this argument we know why you're changing the argument sir don't talk to my hey sir don't talk to my son like that you brought your case sir sir you but you but you should just like you have a
First Amendment right I have a certain amendment right sir and that's what I know right I'm asking you to show respect for children men like y 'all if men like y 'all and I mean straight men yeah keep their dicks in their fucking pants women wouldn't need abortion yeah well you guys can work on your part of the problem
I think that it's fair to sir what what by what standard you can condemn anything sexually by what standard thank you you don't even have a standard so you can't complain about the pedophile or the rapist or anything because you don't have an ethical standard which to stand on you have zero no
I'm saying I gave you the opportunity to provide a foundation for an ethical claim right because you don't have one you don't you don't have an ethical standard philosophically speaking give me the rigorous foundation to say
I can make a solid sexual claim about ethics give it to me by what standard okay so hold on I'm gonna answer it you're going to say what about the babies but the thing is you don't care long -term about these women when they literally have to birth a child the consent issue is important for you so sexually consent is all that matters so a human being should be able to consent if somebody wants to do something to their body against their will because you know you've given us a self -refuting argument yes it's self -refuting your position is bankrupt yes so another category are you just conveying can you compare it you can bet you compared animals to human beings you do understand you do understand that DNA demonstrates as a difference biologically between humans and beasts okay so is it consciousness okay so your argument is is if a person has full consciousness we should respect them what about the person in a coma can we kill them how are they alive what no you said consciousness what if you like you said consciousness so people in comas people in comas shouldn't be shouldn't be cared for loved respected you've both refuted yourselves no ma 'am you can demonstrate that go ahead how we do have you like to say that but the thing is is that you don't understand how much pregnancy do you know what we do yeah okay well let me ask a question if we compare just this is an important to me this what this isn't important to me but if we compared resumes if we compared resumes right now can you respect the woman and let her speak for a moment so if we compared resumes just because the challenge of making is we don't do anything long term so if we compared resumes and took what we do as a church for women long term versus what you've done your entire life if we compared resumes who do you who do you think would actually have more that they've done for women provided more for women long term who so what have you done last say two years how many women have you provided for how many how many medical but how many medical bills have you paid how many people do you put into a home how many people have you fed them on your own
I volunteered a lot actually and I also know a lot of people who've had abortions because they couldn't afford so that we know we know them too yes yeah they've killed their baby because they can't afford it because long term you wouldn't care if they had that baby so kill the poor kids and they couldn't feed it so kill the poor kids that's exactly the point they're poor so you can't so you believe that we should be able to kill children because the family has financial difficulty people with uteruses have a choice they have a choice because even to kill their child to have to essentially have autonomy over their body okay but there's another body in their body that's not their body does that body have autonomy
I care about both I take care of both so but the body of bodily autonomy argument you made should apply to the body in the womb go ahead if you we empathize all the time and you do too and you do too yeah and I also have a fucking uterus yeah pretty crazy so that myself young graduated from college has student debt doesn't really have a lot of health care things like that things that bills most of you vote for right like no universal health care things like that if I got pregnant it would be very difficult for me to afford that let alone afford the thousands of thousands of medical so so yeah so you still you made that choice and if you feel fine about it now that's okay but there are women so your arguments but you but you see in principle your argument is is that we should be able to kill we should kill that we should be able to kill the children of people in poverty that that's the best thing a lot of those people in poverty don't have access to proper resources anyway so what are you doing so kill the babies no because pregnancy rates are actually higher in a lot of low -income communities yeah and so if they don't have access they should be able to kill their babies they should be able to make a choice for their body and for themselves but what's what's inside their body dying is not their body but you'll be at least you'll at least acknowledge this before you say your job you'll at least acknowledge this you would have to if you want to make any sense that the body inside the body is not her body no you're a clump of cells you're a clump of human cells and what's in the womb is a distinct so we should be able to kill children who are not fully developed how about him okay so so the standard is so wait so what's the standard what's the standard you said walking eating breathing is that what makes somebody have dignity walking eating breathing what about crawling children can
I kill a crawling child because you know your argument is that I know
I know but I'm pointing out to you that your argument is if it's not a fully developed human that we can kill it okay so at what point can
I not kill my child that's not fully developed because nine months old nine month olds are very dependent on their mothers oh really what what's the difference so so what so what you should well what cuz it's icky how so what's different you understand the
DNA the DNA do you understand that the human at eight months old is the self same human biologically that was one day old self same we're not going to be on the same page about when we think that consciousness so you keep you keep changing between size level of development no you're changing your argument because now you're saying it's consciousness
I haven't I haven't gas lit you at all I've called you no names
I'm saying what I'm just I'm continuing the conversation my point is is that now you're saying consciousness before it was eating walking breathing then it was not fully developed now you're saying consciousness so a person in a coma we should be able to just kill them they're not fully conscious and so we can kill a human being just like sex trafficking just like theft just like murder should those things be should those things be banned a million children die a year through organizations like this no they did you're wrong about that you're wrong about that abortifacients have been around since the
Roman Empire and in America it was a crime right they would go in basements and have abortion right sex trafficking is also illegal but it's still happening here in Salt Lake you're going to view a woman who just wants to come in here and not have to which circling back by the way to maternal time off which isn't really you know what are you doing to provide for women that have to take maternity care can't miss working can't pay rent can't afford food like you're essentially only looking at life after a certain no we we've we've fed sustained paid rent for many women and what about their medical lasting and medical bills and all the rest yeah so what you're saying is is that if again once the your argument is is that the situation is a situation of poverty we should be able to kill children well let me let me let me just point out my wife had to have four c -sections her body still has trauma from our children this is number four should he be dead so it's only the willingness is all that matters so if I want somebody dead then that's okay because I want them dead you're not answering the question you said it's only if they want it okay the only if they want it so your answer is no so you're changing your argument now can you help me understand okay so I'll make the only
I'll challenge you with what I asked so you can help me you said only if they want it okay you come here like throw in arguments and then talk over people and say that they've got other things but you're not even
I reject that claim okay you can reject it because you're too deluded to see anything else about that I haven't insulted you yeah it's just an insult go ahead but so either way women are going to make choices regardless people are gonna own slaves no it's not the same thing it is it's still the oppression of a human being sex trafficking is gonna happen don't make it a crime
I've already answered that I've already answered that if you're can
I answer that you're bringing it up now I'll answer it so if you're talking about abortifacients that actually don't stop conception they just they just stop the baby from being able to implant after being formed
I'm fully opposed to those abortifacient birth controls yes why because they don't actually stop the unique creation of a human being no they don't
I'd encourage I'd encourage I'd encourage you to look it up they create an environment where well clearly not because you don't know what
I'm saying to you they create an environment inside the womb of the mother that doesn't allow the uniquely created human to actually implant it doesn't stop the these abortifacient birth controls don't stop the formation of a human being they actually stop it from being able to actually implant so I'm saying of those the abortifacient birth controls
I am opposed to you know what would actually work you don't actually work
God also being God's call to actually be responsible over our own sexuality not treat other human beings like beasts and what we can do is when we actually do sin and we fall into sexual how about pedophilia is that natural no no so you do believe that there are sexual no -nos okay so how by what standard what's a sexual no -no who's who says that I should have followed that you okay by the yeah that's that's that's your sexual ethical standard if you can't consent then it can't be done and I'm saying says who you know but but that's your standard but the pedophile he doesn't like your standard so give him the good news of your unbelief give him the good news of your sexual ethic he doesn't buy into your system so by what standard do you want him to comply he doesn't agree with you he likes it with the kids thank you so the pedophiles not only wrong is he according to your system you just said that everyone can have their own beliefs fantastic so thank you for that pro -life argument because the body in the by in your body you're you're not you're not grasping what
I just said to you you made a bodily autonomy argument and you don't believe it but you don't you don't believe you you don't believe your own argument you just said bodily autonomy and consent what about the women in the womb but the women in the womb don't have bodily autonomy according to you biologically as a fact of science that's a fact no you asked me about how
I felt about it and I said that I don't believe we should have birth controls that are abortifacients that kill children no abort abortifacients are things that actually abort the developing human being in the womb
I'd encourage you to go we don't have to dispute anymore you can just go look it up it's it's what it does to the walls inside the womb whether you like it or not so I'll use
I'll use that I'll use that against I'll use that for you to sex trafficking is gonna happen slavery is just gonna happen of oppression of other human beings correct thank you no it's not no
I'm using your moral standard and I'm asking you to look at it I know here's here's why because you need to you need to repent you need to repent and come to Christ that's why your arguments are so fallacious that's why your arguments won't work do you okay so you are you a believer are you an atheist what are you what's that mean higher power what okay how do you know that this higher power exists okay and so the
Muslim says that too so does the Hindu so does so well so does that so does the so does the pedophile he believes it's a very spiritually enlightening experience for him you have you heard them tell those stories about how spiritually enlightened it makes them so no
I'm pointing out to you that you claim to believe in a higher power but you're basing it your knowledge of this higher power on you just your own perception and experiences and I'm so have no
God spoke I don't believe it respectfully no respect
I'm not afraid of going to hell no no respectfully I want to just encourage you with this we don't believe that God just set this universe in motion and walked away from it
God condescended and walked among us that's who Christ is so I'm sorry can you help me understand what you yes but we live in a fallen world and we live in a fallen world where God creates people in his image to live like him to love one another and do no harm and because we're all rebels against the same
God all of us you and me both we harm one another we sin against one another we put people in chains we enslave black people in a wicked way we have sex trafficking and we have women who waltz their children into a place like this to have them slaughtered but that's not their body but that's not their body we've already established that it's not their body right because you're wrong and so we're in sex traffickers are still gonna keep kidnapping girls and then sex trafficking we don't do you see what's next door you see what's next door so so you said you said we're taking away resources when there's literally a pregnancy
Resource Center right there well we have a lot of it sure they're called churches so if a woman has a difficult time she should just be able to kill her child that's really what you but it's not her body what's in her body is not her body biologically it's a fact this is the same line of reasoning that allows you to believe that a man who has a penis has a uterus
I'm not afraid of anybody but I'm talking about a man has a penis if a man has a penis you said that you would believe him if he was so self -deluded he said
I have a uterus but biologically in the
DNA it's a male and men don't have uteruses because I love my neighbor
I love my neighbor enough I love I love my neighbor enough to speak the truth have
I have I wagged my finger at you so metaphor metaphorically right okay so you've you've you've been
I'm gonna call you to repentance trust you can trust in Christ you'll be forgiven you love your sin yeah you do thank you that's all that's all we knew what happened except the babies my name is pastor
Jeff Durbin I'm the head of end abortion now we are here today in Washington DC in front of the Supreme Court we were able through your support through your prayers and through your partnership with us to file an amicus brief in this case the
Mississippi case that's going on right now the Supreme Court so much has happened in the last couple of years through your participation with us and end abortion now when we first started we wanted to train and equip churches to go out to the abortion facilities to preach the gospel to offer help and hope and love to the mothers and fathers going in there and to save lives we wanted to build a media platform that would be able to get the message of the gospel into this area of abortion globally and we also wanted to start the process of going to legislators and actually working for bills of equal protection for the abolition and the criminalization of abortion that's how we started since that time and with all of you with us
God has blessed us beyond what we could have even imagined we have now close to 800 local churches that have signed up with end abortion now because of your help they have all received free training free resources free help from us to go out to the mills and to save lives and because of that because of you working together with us in partnership as as ministry partners we've been able to save thousands upon thousands upon thousands of lives babies are being saved on a daily basis because of what you've done together with us and I just want to say from the bottom of my heart as your brother in Christ and as a pastor as a minister of the gospel
I want to say thank you thank you so much for being a part of this with us not only have we raised up churches completely for free we've asked nothing from these churches we've helped them bless them given everything away to them all the training all the resources not only have we raised these churches up to save lives across the country on a daily basis but we've also built a media platform that has been seen by millions upon millions of people we are impacting people on a daily basis 24 hours a day through the platform that you helped us to build in this area of the gospel in conflict with abortion millions of views we've also this year alone been able to get into Texas Arizona South Carolina Pennsylvania we helped in Oklahoma bills of equal protection that is bills of abolition not the regulation of abortion but bills of equal protection protecting all humans from conception we've done that with legislators across the country because you partnered with us in this ministry in this focus to criminalize and abolish abortion in our nation we are working right now on five new states for 2022
God has blessed us so tremendously we have now been able to accomplish all that we asked him for and it is growing and growing and growing and so I wanted to first say thank you once again for all of your support over all of these years to make all of this possible to get all of these churches involved to work towards the abolition and criminalization of abortion we are not working with an abortion now dot com to regulate abortion we are working to end it once and for all and we're doing it as Christians as the church and so again thank you for partnering with us
I want to ask for your help once again in 2022 we have more states we're working with right now to get bills of abolition into those states they are on the way as we speak we are working with these legislators now we have more churches being added every single week who are saving lives at their abortion mills we are impacting the world literally globally we're impacting the world with the message of the gospel in conflict with the issue of abortion and so in 2022 we are going to just do more and more save more lives get more states to get bills of abolition in and I'm asking you to partner with us once again you know if you've been watching for any length of time as I've spoken in the area of abortion with the gospel and I've talked about end abortion now we are not as a church focused upon building an industry we are looking forward to the day where we never raise another penny to end abortion we are looking forward to the day when we literally close up shop and we focus on the next issue with the gospel we are going to end abortion we are through the power of the gospel on the spirit of God with God's Word we are going to end abortion and we are getting closer and closer and closer again not towards regulation but the end the abolition of abortion will you join us again in 2022 we have been given a very gracious gift of a $250 ,000 matching donation to help us to get to our budget for 2022 to add more churches to save more lives and to get more bills into states to criminalize and end abortion we've been given this generous gift of a $250 ,000 matching donation will you give for 2022 and help us to get this matching donation help us to get to our budget for 2022 so we can work towards ending abortion once and for all in our nation and really in our world we have churches really globally that we're supporting and helping because of your work we actually have churches now in Northern Ireland and in the
Republic of Ireland and in Scotland who are working on this issue we have Christians in Australia we have Christians in New Zealand and Canada who are now on the same message of the gospel in conflict with abortion all of that's taken place because of believers just like you who have participated with us in this ministry will you join us again in 2022 will you help us to make this the last year where we have to do this will you help us as a church to actually engage this issue with the gospel of Jesus Christ under the authority of Jesus Christ you can give an endabortionnow .com
you can give through this platform you can give and you can partner with us help us to get that matching donation of $250 ,000 help us to make our budget goal for 2022 so we can once and for all end abortion now thank you so much this is
Zachary Conover the director of communications for end abortion now Christian did you know that over the course of the past year 862 ,000 babies have been murdered that comes out to over 2 ,300 a day 98 an hour and by the time you finish watching this video roughly four babies lives will have been taken how could this possibly be you might ask and the answer is abortion
I know that these statistics are unsettling to hear but this abortion is the premier issue of injustice in our day and so as Christians we must be involved and engaged and ready to do something about it with that said there is good news we are looking to end this once and for all and we're looking to do it by the power of God's gospel and through the work of his people this isn't a novel issue we who care about life have been giving generously to outside organizations for decades in order to have them fight against the evil of abortion you might think that things are worse now than they ever have been before so what's different the church stay with me
I want to talk to you about how we've been able to impact the lives of parents and how we with our monthly ministry partners have been able to save thousands of lives from certain death with the help of our monthly ministry partners we've been able to accomplish so much since we began we've added nearly 800 local church partners that span all across the
United States and even outside our borders all over the world now I want to help us understand what this means it means that 500 abortion clinics are being visited per month that translates to 4 ,600 hours monthly where the gospel is being proclaimed to people who desperately need it and the best part over 6 ,000 babies have been saved since 2020 think about that that's 58 babies per week and if we want to break it down further than that that's eight babies a day saved through the work of the end abortion now coalition now the primary goal of end abortion now is to save babies and we mean it we want to see abortion ended which is why we are working at the state level to bring legislation that would end abortion completely this year alone we have worked with and on bills of abolition in five states
Arizona Texas Oklahoma South Carolina and Pennsylvania in total we are equipping 13 state ambassadors who will work with their local legislators in submitting bills of abolition if you've been involved in this fight for any length of time then you understand how significant this is so this is where you come we equip our church partners and state ambassadors with everything that they need at no cost to them removing every excuse for them to get involved this mission to save babies does not work apart from the help of our unspoken heroes our donors our donors save lives would you please consider helping us end abortion and save lives with the gospel together our hope as the church is that abortion would be a thing of the past and you would have played a pivotal role in saving children by ending to give go to end abortion now comm forward slash don't we still live in a nation where it is the easiest that probably has been in earth history to change the law as a citizen it is the easiest for you shame on us if we fail
I want to announce to you this it is now
March I've been now involved in four different bills for abolition if your senator and your representative do not know you by name you have not done enough for abolition what do you guys think of abortion you do really praise
God for that so your hope is even like you're saying no abortion and hopefully not even adoption hopefully you take responsibility you keep your baby and you raise your baby huh
Wow praise God that's refreshing we don't meet a lot of people out there like that do you have a spiritual background of any kind or no it's just how did you come to that it's messed up because you're right like at the end of the day
Planned Parenthood they decapitate and disembowel and they tear babies apart it's it's just horrible what the what the babies go through they show in a live ultrasound a needle was going into the womb and the uterus of a woman and the baby recoiled away from the needle and then when the needle hit the baby the baby had tons of pain so they go through so much in the act of abortion it's so sad so well yeah we were out here to do we're just here to you know talk with women help women help the men coming in to help the babies were
Christians from a local church and and everything so you know have you ever heard the gospel before oh you have an appointment somewhere oh in Planned Parenthood oh so I guess the question is if you are so against abortion why would you give give money and help an organization to continue to do that right well do you see there's this pregnancy
Resource Center right next door in fact we have a list a document of places that don't kill children right here here's a list of clinics women's clinics that don't kill children and they do a lot of this stuff for free as well so that way you wouldn't have to contribute to the continued slaughter of more children you know what
I mean so let me put it this way so consider this okay you it's it's the 1940s and you're in Germany and in your neighborhood you see the smokestacks of the gas chambers and the
Jews are being burned and alive and they're being gassed right so you're in the neighborhood like that and you go to the
Nazi camp and they're selling they're selling food there and you go and you take some money and you give the
Nazis who are burning Jews behind them you give them some money to buy some food would that be good would that be right right so you'd be you'd be aiding and helping
Nazis to continue the slaughter of innocent Jews and in like manner when we when we participate in what the services of Planned Parenthood which are really those are just money makers and things to continue the act of abortion so but you could you could go to another place that doesn't kill children well
I know you guys are walking down there I'm gonna continue to talk you'll hear me I just want you to know that there's hope in Christ so you said you don't have a spiritual background but if you ever want to talk apology at church we're here for you and there's hope in Jesus Christ for forgiveness of sins yes two things on that number one look up a talk from my good friend
Bradley Pierce he's an attorney he's a believer he's solid he believes in equal protection and abolition he has an excellent excellent talk on this issue of the
Supreme Court it's important for people to recognize that when Roe vs. Wade was passed it was a bunch of white men people uphold
Roe today who were leftists and it's interesting you talk about like what they say about white straight cisgender males and it's like they gave it to you but it was also a bunch of conservative judges that gave
Roe vs. Wade to us so the court had a bunch of conservative judges and if you look from Roe till today there have been a number of instances where we had the opportunity with a conservative dominant court to overturn
Roe vs. Wade and we didn't so the whole idea of filling the court with conservatives who are pro -life and all the rest hasn't helped us in the past and so I think it's in many ways it's kind of a pipe dream you even have somebody that was placed on the court which one was it
I forget who it was he was asked the question about did
Donald Trump talk to you about Roe vs. Wade and overturning Roe vs. Wade and he actually said if he had done that I would have walked out of his office and so there's not a lot of like deep conviction over this issue that there ought to be even as a judge so when we consider the scenario we're in right now no we've been here before and it didn't help us in terms of a conservative majority on the court and pro -life people on the court but the second thing
I want to say is what I said in the talk and that's very important the pro -life industry through its incremental legislation that it's put on the books in many states has actually legalized abortion in these states so that if Roe fell tonight tomorrow it's still legal in the states because of the pro -life legislation because when you say this should be easy enough for us to hold on to when you say you can have an abortion in the state of Arizona but not for the purposes of genetic abnormality what you're saying is you can have an abortion in the state of Arizona if it's a healthy child and that's on the books so when
Roe falls you've got legislation in the states that defines you can kill a baby under 24 weeks all of that the only way it's ever going to go away is if you have a bill of equal protection that says human from conception protect all humans from conception and so you have you're gonna have two battles one is
Roe the other one is the pro -life legislation incremental legislation that's on the books so so one of the big excuses that we've heard multiple times being out here only under a half an hour is you know what
I'm I'm not gonna have the abortion I'm here for some other reason but it really doesn't matter what you're doing what services that you're receiving at this place because you're still culpable for what goes on here you know the guy that takes his buddy to rob a bank he may not have gone inside of the the bank to take the money out but he's still culpable for actually going to that place and bringing somebody there see what you do regardless of what you were doing here they're gonna take you the monies that you're giving them and that's gonna equate to more little babies dying so we would we would just implore you and we would encourage you as much as we can to go to a life -affirming pregnancy center that doesn't rip apart little babies piece by piece bro we would we would encourage you not to go through those doors hey man can we talk to you for a second we're not here because we hate you we're just here because little babies are dying yeah oh
I know that but the money that you give the services that you receive that just equates to more life you're supporting what they do just by your business here say again yeah good thing yeah but that's what
Planned Parenthood does they kill little boys and little girls every single day so that's why we're asking you and your dad to go someplace else because as men we don't want to support a place that destroys little babies right as men we have to stand up and protect kids and women and we don't do that because we hate you man
I'm not here because I hate you yeah but I would encourage you don't go into this place as a man be a man of honor that has nothing to do with a place that would destroy little innocent lives but regardless of the services you're receiving at this place of death we would ask you to turn or turn out come out of those glass doors go to a place that doesn't destroy humans that's what you want to do because the scriptures say that we all know what's going on here and when we stand before the
Living God we're not gonna be able to give the excuse you know what I never knew I never knew no we know we have the knowledge that life ends here we have the knowledge that babies are being systematically slaughtered at Planned Parenthood and it doesn't matter if it doesn't happen here here is the first step to over to the clinic to where they have to go to have the babies killed that's why we come here to try to intercept and come between moms and that decision to take the next step which is to have that baby killed chemically or through the pill or have that baby destroyed systematically in the womb so we would beg you out here we were
Christians we're not only here telling you what's true because you're not going to receive that Planned Parenthood we're out here giving you and telling you that we're gonna help you out with whatever it is you may need so we get it the vast majority of young women the vast majority of moms that walk through Planned Parenthood doors they are threatened so they do it not because they necessarily want to do it they do it because they're being pressured to do it they're being pressured by a boyfriend they're being pressured by a mother a father whoever it may be the pressure that they're saying you know what you better go through with this and if you don't go through with this you're gonna be kicked out of the house well
I'm gonna turn to terminate my relationship with you whatever it may be but we want to encourage you regardless of those that are threatening you to have the abortion or pressuring you to have the abortion and if you don't do it there's gonna be consequences you never want to be pressured into doing something that's gonna be just incalculably detrimental to you you never want to be pressured into having your little baby killed in the womb so don't go through with it the
Bible says there's a friend that sticks closer than a brother of course you will find you will find companionship within the church out here even if everybody left you we are gonna stand by your side we will help you as much as you will allow us to help you and we get it people are like you know what
I just don't have the financial wherewithal I don't have the finances right now to care for a baby well we would like to help you out in the place of your financial need so if you need finances we want to help you what we are saying is we want to do whatever we can do within our power to help you make that right decision and that is a decision not to have your baby killed that is the decision not to have the abortion and that's a decision to be a mother to your baby with the help with our help or give your baby into the hands of a loving family that will adopt your baby why not choose that option of adoption why not choose a family that are many of them physically incapable of having babies that are prepared there they're ready and they're willing ma 'am going in there we would ask you don't go in that place if you're here for an abortion regardless of what you're doing do not have anything to do with Planned Parenthood we are here because we care about you we are here with open hands loving you but also providing those things that you need whether it be like I just said finances whatever it is we just want to have a discussion with you we want to talk to you we want to pray for you and we want to show you the better way abortion is no way but the scriptures say this there is a way that seems right to a man but in the end is the way of death and we get it you think that this is the right way you think this is the only way considering your circumstances but this is a way that does not lead to the future that you think it's going to lead to abortion comes with in the wake of killing your baby it comes with guilt and shame and pain and destruction of course primarily of your baby that God has given you as a gift but your own life one of the biggest deceptions that mom's believes you know what
I just come to a place like Planned Parenthood and I can pay them to kill my baby and I'm gonna benefit from it now you can't have your babies killed here and believe that you're gonna live life happily ever after that is the biggest deception here no again it's gonna come with the pain and the and the shame and the guilt and the increased chances of suicide and all of the consequences that come in the wake of this horrible decision so we are we come out here with a amp amplifier to plead with you not to have your baby killed to plead with you they're telling you that this is just a simple discarding of human cells like you would take a shower but that is not the facts this is an innocent little human being right at the moment of fertilization when the come together now we have a genetic distinct individual individual human that should not be killed before they come out of the womb that womb should not be a place of death for little babies that womb should be the safest place on the planet uninvaded by instruments that would tear the baby apart that womb should be a place where life is allowed to continue because the facts are the
Bible says that God knits us together in our mother's womb that God is not cool with this that this is not okay that this is not the right thing to do that this is the wrong thing to do my name is pastor
Jeff Durbin I'm the head of end abortion now we are here today in Washington DC in front of the Supreme Court we were able through your support through your prayers and through your partnership with us to file an amicus brief in this case the
Mississippi case that's going on right now the Supreme Court so much has happened in the last couple of years through your participation with us and end abortion now when we first started we wanted to train and equip churches to go out to the abortion facilities to preach the gospel to offer help and hope and love to the mothers and fathers going in there and to save lives we wanted to build a media platform that would be able to get the message of the gospel into this area of abortion globally and we also wanted to start the process of going to legislators and actually working for bills of equal protection for the abolition and the criminalization of abortion that's how we started since that time and with all of you with us
God has blessed us beyond what we could have even imagined we have now close to 800 local churches that have signed up with end abortion now because of your help they have all received free training free resources free help from us to go out to the mills and to save lives and because of that because of you working together with us in partnership as as ministry partners we've been able to save thousands upon thousands upon thousands of lives babies are being saved on a daily basis because of what you've done together with us and I just want to say from the bottom of my heart as your brother in Christ and as a pastor as a minister of the gospel
I want to say thank you thank you so much for being a part of this with us not only have we raised up churches completely for free we've asked nothing from these churches we've helped them bless them given everything away to them all the training all the resources not only have we raised these churches up to save lives across the country on a daily basis but we've also built a media platform that has been seen by millions upon millions of people we are impacting people on a daily basis 24 hours a day through the platform that you helped us to build in this area of the gospel in conflict with abortion millions of views we've also this year alone been able to get into Texas Arizona South Carolina Pennsylvania we helped in Oklahoma bills of equal protection that is bills of abolition not the regulation of abortion but bills of equal protection protecting all humans from conception we've done that with legislators across the country because you partnered with us in this ministry in this focus to criminalize and abolish abortion in our nation we are working right now on five new states for 2022
God has blessed us so tremendously we have now been able to accomplish all that we asked him for and it is growing and growing and growing and so I wanted to first say thank you once again for all of your support over all of these years to make all of this possible to get all of these churches involved to work towards the abolition and criminalization of abortion we are not working with an abortion now calm to regulate abortion we are working to end it once and for all and we're doing it as Christians as the church and so again thank you for partnering with us
I want to ask for your help once again in 2022 we have more states we're working with right now to get bills of abolition into those states they are on the way as we we are working with these legislators now we have more churches being added every single week who are saving lives at their abortion mills we are impacting the world literally globally we're impacting the world with a message of the gospel in conflict with the issue of abortion and so in 2022 we are going to just do more and more save more lives get more states to get bills of abolition in and I'm asking you to partner with us once again you know if you've been watching for any length of time as I've spoken in the area of abortion with the gospel and I've talked about end abortion now we are not as a church focused upon building an industry we are looking forward to the day where we never raise another penny to end abortion we are looking forward to the day when we literally close up shop and we focus on the next issue with the gospel we are going to end abortion we are through the power of the gospel on the spirit of God with God's word we're going to end abortion and we're getting closer and closer and closer again not towards regulation but the end the abolition of abortion will you join us again in 2022 we have been given a very gracious gift of a $250 ,000 matching donation to help us to get to our budget for 2022 to add more churches to save more lives and to get more bills into states to criminalize and end abortion we've been given this generous gift of a $250 ,000 matching donation will you give for 2022 and help us to get this matching donation help us to get to our budget for 2022 so we can work towards ending abortion once and for all in our nation and really in our world we have churches really globally that we're supporting and helping because of your work we actually have churches now in Northern Ireland and in the
Republic of Ireland and in Scotland who are working on this issue we have Christians in Australia we have Christians in New Zealand and Canada who are now on the same message of the gospel in conflict with abortion all of that's taken place because of believers just like you who have participated with us in this ministry will you join us again in 2022 will you help us to make this the last year where we have to do this will you help us as a church to actually engage this issue with the gospel of Jesus Christ under the authority of Jesus Christ you can give at endabortionnow .com
you can give through this platform you can give and you can partner with us help us to get that matching donation of $250 ,000 help us to make our budget goal for 2022 so we can once and for all end abortion now thank you so much this is
Zachary Conover the director of communications for end abortion now Christian did you know that over the course of the past year 862 ,000 babies have been murdered that comes out to over 2 ,300 a day 98 an hour and by the time you finish watching this video roughly four babies lives will have been taken how could this possibly be you might ask and the answer is abortion
I know that these statistics are unsettling to hear but this abortion is the premier issue of injustice in our day and so as Christians we must be involved and engaged and ready to do something about it with that said there is good news we are looking to end this once and for all and we're looking to do it by the power of God's gospel and through the work of his people this isn't a novel issue we who care about life have been giving generously to outside organizations for decades in order to have them fight against the evil of abortion you might think that things are worse now than they ever have been before so what's different the church stay with me
I want to talk to you about how we've been able to impact the lives of parents and how we with our monthly ministry partners have been able to save thousands of lives from certain death with the help of our monthly ministry partners we've been able to accomplish so much since we began we've added nearly 800 local church partners that span all across the
United States and even outside our borders all over the world now I want to help us understand what this means it means that 500 abortion clinics are being visited per month that translates to 4 ,600 hours monthly where the gospel is being proclaimed to people who desperately need it and the best part over 6 ,000 babies have been saved since 2020 think about that that's 58 babies per week and if we want to break it down further than that that's eight babies a day saved through the work of the end abortion now coalition now the primary goal of end abortion now is to save babies and we mean it we want to see abortion ended which is why we are working at the state level to bring legislation that would end abortion completely this year alone we have worked with and on bills of abolition in five states
Arizona Texas Oklahoma South Carolina and Pennsylvania in total we are equipping 13 state ambassadors who will work with their local legislators in submitting bills of abolition if you've been involved in this fight for any length of time then you understand how significant this is so this is where you come we equip our church partners and state ambassadors with everything that they need at no cost to them removing every excuse for them to get involved this mission to save babies does not work apart from the help of our unspoken heroes our donors our donors save lives would you please consider helping us end abortion and save lives with the gospel together our hope as the church is that abortion would be a thing of the past and you would have played a pivotal role in saving children by ending to give go to end abortion now comm forward slash donate but this is a really good opportunity for us to dialogue about important things and I think that's an important thing because I feel your pain and the anger against the issue of of rape but but Lizzie it is the same thing taking place in principle in the issue of abortion it's one human being doing things to another human being against their will it's one human being actually taking advantage of an innocent and defenseless human being which is what you were yes okay so I feel like you're going to be like what if you were aborted how would you feel no
I just I think we could just stick to the principle there right I mean just I mean I mean we can we can go there if you want but I think the principle is the issue there because you're right you're right yeah you're you're right to complain about you're right to complain about rape but what's happening in rape if you want to hold to the scientific method like in principle what is happening one human being is doing things to another human beings body we would say of course ethically against their will but that is what's taking place with abortion it is in principle the same yes
I see exactly what you're saying I understand what you're saying however I feel like sexual assault is a lot different than you know abortion why because one sexual assault like one is cutting someone's head off and disemboweling them like the fetus you're talking about or like like a grown human well the human being in the womb we're talking we're talking about human beings and so maybe we can go there because you this seems to be a place that's that's that's a point of contention for you you seem to devalue what's taking place in the issue of abortion because the human being in the womb is not what fully developed is that what you is that what you mean it's not gonna okay it's not gonna know it was violated it's not gonna know it was aborted like you believe in heaven yeah like that's absolutely yeah so why would it matter if it got sent to heaven well let's let's that's a good question to ask and I'll start with the first part it's not gonna know well there's a point for all of us every day where we're all asleep and completely defenseless and vulnerable it's when we're sleeping and if somebody came into your house while you were sleeping and put a gun to your head and shot you you wouldn't know and you probably wouldn't feel anything either does that justify it no of course not but that's the argument you just made yeah um the fetus has not lived a life like the small baby hasn't lived a life well neither has my one -year -old can
I kill him no your one -year -old's lived a life you're a live creature he's so so is the baby in the womb scientifically he's an alive human being she's a lot in a live human being my one -year -old's not fully developed yet he hasn't fully experienced life yet and back to you back to your original point though in terms of like they won't feel it they don't know well that you know there's people who are in comas right now that we're doing our very best to preserve their life you know if we killed them while they're laying there in a coma they wouldn't know but don't you believe that we should try to preserve their lives is someone okay so the person in the coma um is someone paying for them like some like I don't know
I feel like everyone should kind of like write a thing before they go into a coma sure no no
I know I there's there's there's questions related to ethical responsibilities in the preservation of life all of that but what
I mean in terms of your principle you were you were saying well it's okay to kill the human being in the womb because they don't know it they can't feel it and what
I would say to you is well that's actually debatable in terms of the sensory perception their pain all those things however that's besides the point
I think if in principle you say hey if they don't know and they can't feel it well I would say I don't think you'd you'd act like that little
Lizzie in a court of law where you say watched a defendant who was put on trial for murdering someone in their sleep or in a coma or in an old folks home because was that person inside them well you know okay again you're you're making the you're getting away from the the principle point you're trying to make that it's okay to take advantage of a person against their will as long as they don't know
I don't think you'd really hold to that because if somebody drugged a woman and she wasn't aware that she was being raped
I think you would still complain about the rape but she doesn't know but in principle your objection then is is erased because you said as long as they don't know and they can't feel it well there's a lot of people that spike people's drinks with GHB high doses of GHB they don't know and they can't feel it is that rape still wrong yes okay so what's your next argument my name is
Jerry Doris I'm the pastor of Reformation Church of Shelbyville Kentucky I first started going down to the
MW Women's Surgical Center I think it was in 2006 or 2007 with a local team we weren't organized in terms of our churches it was just a group of men from area churches that were doing evangelism together and we started going down there and I was going down there pretty faithfully for a season and honestly just kind of burnt out on it and took a break from that started getting more involved in my local church doing local church ministry and I would say
I walked away from it from about it's 2009 or so until I started pastoring and talking with brothers in the church just we were looking at a specific passage in scripture preaching through Mark and seeing how
Jesus has an affinity for the little ones and just thinking about the him blessing the children that that word that he uses in that text has the possibility of him not just blessing children that are coming but mothers that are are pregnant and so just thinking through that Jesus's heart for the lost started me thinking again about the abortion clinic and begin talking with Tanner and others and we just as a church committed to go down there so that's
I guess that's the long and the short of it but we've been involved in this as a church now since would have been
January of was that 2018 no 2019
I think it was so yeah so we I had seen end abortion now the website and had gone to it and looked at it and was just thinking about being part of that that network and it wasn't until the just come came under conviction after exposition
Lee preaching through Matthew that I I basically went to the website and signed up and signed our church up and received the materials that we got just to support
I took our church through the video series that end abortion now offered and that that has been really helpful for us we started meeting as a team we started listening to other leaders those that are talking and it's trying to speak with with ladies just to hear what are the words that they're using why why would they say it the way they said it and so that's that was our entry point into that so we're very thankful for end abortion now for helping us get started as a church they sent us materials they sent us tracks they sent us if things things to hand to somebody the signs to hold and then they they equipped us with their video series that they had so we're really excited to have received help from end abortion now they've actually sent us video equipment and just all that we've needed to start filming our own interactions we have a unique scenario at the
EMW clinic where we are we are able to speak with women as they come from the parking garage all the way around into the front of the building and then when they go into the building we can speak to them so we want to capture that experiences because there's there's a there's a wide variety of interactions that we have with with those that are going in male and female from hostile to softer moments you'll see women that are broken as they go in they know they feel the weight of their own conscience bearing witness about what they're doing and so to film that and to be equipped to do that has been very helpful and we're very appreciative as a church to have end abortion now come alongside us to help us in this endeavor my name is pastor
Jeff Durbin I'm the head of end abortion now we are here today in Washington DC in front of the Supreme Court we were able through your support through your prayers and through your partnership with us to file an amicus brief in this case the
Mississippi case that's going on right now the Supreme Court so much has happened in the last couple of years through your participation with us and end abortion now when we first started we wanted to train and equip churches to go out to the abortion facilities to preach the gospel to offer help and hope and love to the mothers and fathers going in there and to save lives we wanted to build a media platform that would be able to get the message of the gospel into this area of abortion globally and we also wanted to start the process of going to legislators and actually working for bills of equal protection for the abolition and the criminalization of abortion that's how we started since that time and with all of you with us
God has blessed us beyond what we could have even imagined we have now close to 800 local churches that have signed up with end abortion now because of your help they have all received free training free resources free help from us to go out to the mills and to save lives and because of that because of you working together with us in partnership as as ministry partners we've been able to save thousands upon thousands upon thousands of lives babies are being saved on a daily basis because of what you've done together with us and I just want to say from the bottom of my heart as your brother in Christ and as a pastor as a minister of the gospel
I want to say thank you thank you so much for being a part of this with us not only have we raised up churches completely for free we've asked nothing from these churches we've helped them bless them given everything away to them all the training all the resources not only have we raised these churches up to save lives across the country on a daily basis but we've also built a media platform that has been seen by millions upon millions of people we are impacting people on a daily basis 24 hours a day through the platform that you helped us to build in this area of the gospel in conflict with abortion millions of views we've also this year alone been able to get into Texas Arizona South Carolina Pennsylvania we helped in Oklahoma bills of equal protection that is bills of abolition not the regulation of abortion but bills of equal protection protecting all humans from conception we've done that with legislators across the country because you partnered with us in this ministry in this focus to criminalize and abolish abortion in our nation we are working right now on five new states for 2022
God has blessed us so tremendously we have now been able to accomplish all that we asked him for and it is growing and growing and growing and so I wanted to first say thank you once again for all of your support over all of these years to make all of this possible to get all of these churches involved to work towards the abolition and criminalization of abortion we are not working within abortion now calm to regulate abortion we are working to end it once and for all and we're doing it as Christians as the church and so again thank you for partnering with us
I want to ask for your help once again in 2022 we have more states we're working with right now to get bills of abolition into those states they are on the way as we speak we are working with these legislators now we have more churches being added every single week who are saving lives at their abortion mills we are impacting the world literally globally we're impacting the world with the message of the gospel in conflict with the issue of abortion and so in 2022 we are going to just do more and more save more lives get more states to get bills of abolition in and I'm asking you to partner with us once again you know if you've been watching for any length of time as I've spoken in the area of abortion with the gospel
I've talked about end abortion now we are not as a church focused upon building an industry we are looking forward to the day where we never raise another penny to end abortion we are looking forward to the day when we literally close up shop and we focus on the next issue with the gospel we are going to end abortion we are through the power of the gospel on the
Spirit of God with God's Word we are going to end abortion and we are getting closer and closer and closer again not towards regulation but the end the abolition of abortion will you join us again in 2022 we have been given a very gracious gift of a $250 ,000 matching donation to help us to get to our budget for 2022 to add more churches to save more lives and to get more bills into states to criminalize and end abortion we've been given this generous gift of a $250 ,000 matching donation will you give for 2022 and help us to get this matching donation help us to get to our budget for 2022 so we can work towards ending abortion once and for all in our nation and really in our world we have churches really globally that we're supporting and helping because of your work we actually have churches now in Northern Ireland and in the
Republic of Ireland and in Scotland who are working on this issue we have Christians in Australia we have Christians in New Zealand and Canada who are now on the same message of the gospel in conflict with abortion all of that's taken place because of believers just like you who have participated with us in this ministry will you join us again in 2022 will you help us to make this the mat the last year where we have to do this will you help us as a church to actually engage this issue with the gospel of Jesus Christ under the authority of Jesus Christ you can give an end abortion now calm you can give through this platform you can give and you can partner with us help us to get that matching donation of $250 ,000 help us to make our budget goal for 2022 so we can once and for all end abortion now thank you so much this is
Zachary Conver the director of communications for end abortion now Christian did you know that over the course of the past year 862 ,000 babies have been murdered that comes out to over 2 ,300 a day 98 an hour and by the time you finish watching this video roughly four babies lives will have been taken how could this possibly be you might ask and the answer is abortion
I know that these statistics are unsettling to hear but this abortion is the premier issue of injustice in our day and so as Christians we must be involved and engaged and ready to do something about it with that said there is good news we are looking to end this once and for all and we're looking to do it by the power of God's gospel and through the work of his people this isn't a novel issue we who care about life have been giving generously to outside organizations for decades in order to have them fight against the evil of abortion you might think that things are worse now than they ever have been before so what's different the church stay with me
I want to talk to you about how we've been able to impact the lives of parents and how we with our monthly ministry partners have been able to save thousands of lives from certain death with the help of our monthly ministry partners we've been able to accomplish so much since we began we've added nearly 800 local church partners that span all across the
United States and even outside our borders all over the world now I want to help us understand what this means it means that 500 abortion clinics are being visited per month that translates to 4 ,600 hours monthly where the gospel is being proclaimed to people who desperately need it and the best part over 6 ,000 babies have been saved since 2020 think about that that's 58 babies per week and if we want to break it down further than that that's eight babies a day saved through the work of the end abortion now coalition now the primary goal of end abortion now is to save babies and we mean it we want to see abortion ended which is why we are working at the state level to bring legislation that would end abortion completely this year alone we have worked with and on bills of abolition in five states
Arizona Texas Oklahoma South Carolina and Pennsylvania in total we are equipping 13 state ambassadors who will work with their local legislators in submitting bills of abolition if you've been involved in this fight for any length of time then you understand how significant this is so this is where you come we equip our church partners and state ambassadors with everything that they need at no cost to them removing every excuse for them to get involved this mission to save babies does not work apart from the help of our unspoken heroes our donors our donors save lives would you please consider helping us end abortion and save lives with the gospel together our hope as the church is that abortion would be a thing of the past and you would have played a pivotal role in saving children by ending to give go to end abortion now .com