SPECIAL EVENT: Battleground 2023


Join us for this special event! Battleground 2023 is an important and short look at what happened with our bill in the State of Louisiana this past year with Danny McCormick and Pastor Brian Gunter with HB 813. It also reveals the epic next step of this fight. We have numerous States across the Union putting in bills of equal protection. One of those States is Georgia. This is that story. Tell everyone you know. Be sure to like, share, and comment on this video. You can get more at http://apologiastudios.com : You can partner with us by signing up for All Access. When you do you make everything we do possible and you also get our TV show, After Show, and Apologia Academy, etc. You can also sign up for a free account to receive access to Bahnsen U. We are re-mastering all the audio and video from the Greg L. Bahnsen PH.D catalogue of resources. This is a seminary education at the highest level for free. #ApologiaStudios Follow us on social media here: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ApologiaStudios/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/apologiastudios/?hl=en Check out our online store here: https://shop.apologiastudios.com/


We've raised up churches in Canada, the United States of America, in Australia, in New Zealand, in Northern Ireland, in the
Republic of Ireland, in Scotland, all over the world, who are preaching the gospel in this area and demanding equal protection for all humans from conception.
And we've been able to get bills in through the work of the church, through End of Orsha Now, in states across the country,
Arizona, Texas, South Carolina, Pennsylvania, Louisiana, Colorado.
I mean, it's something that's happened across the country, and ultimately, the huge moment was
Louisiana. Yeah.
So, in Louisiana, House Bill 813, carried by Representative Danny McCormick, it was a bill that provided equal protection.
And what that means is that all the bill did, it actually didn't really create a new law. States already have laws that prohibit homicide, right?
Murder's already illegal in every single state. What House Bill 813 did, was it took away the abortion exception to that.
So that way, homicide, that already protects the lives of born people, would now protect the lives of pre -born people, people before they're born.
That's what the U .S. Constitution says, no state shall deny equal protection. So that's what the bill did, it provided equal protection.
And that's not just in the U .S. Constitution, that's in the Louisiana Constitution, too. It was a very favorable situation that really is unprecedented in terms of the progress of this kind of work that we're trying to put in place to actually protect life at this stage and make abortion illegal.
I'm Guto. Yes, Representative LaFleur. No, Representative Marcel. Representative McCormick.
Yes. Yes, Representative Hodges. Representative Muscarello. Yes. Yes, Representative Nelson.
Representative Sebaugh. Absolutely. Yes, Representative Viglio. Representative Marino.
No. Seven yays, two nays. Thank you, committee. Thank you. House Bill 813 will be reported favorably.
They approved the bill. They were like, this is common sense. If a fetus is a person, so let's treat them like a person.
How do we treat other people? Let's treat the fetus the same way. If we truly believe that they're persons, like we've said in the pro -life movement for 49 years, let's treat them like that.
The committee said, thumbs up. The bill in Louisiana was historic because the bill made it not only to hearing, but passed the hearing and onto the floor.
This bill was talked about across the country, MSNBC, CNN, the New York Times. Everybody knew about this bill, and this bill was a big moment because in all the years of Roe versus Wade, the pro -life establishment hasn't been working to criminalize and abolish abortion.
This was a bill of equal protection, a bill that's consistent with what they say they believe, a bill that says that what's in the womb is in the image of God.
It's human from conception. All humans deserve to be equally protected under the law. They have not fought that way, and so this was historic in that sense, but it was also historic because it made it to the floor in Louisiana, and it was a huge moment in Louisiana because as soon as it passed through the hearing stage and it went to the floor, the pro -life establishment was freaking out.
Over the course of the next week, before it got to the floor of the House, there had been lots of lobbying by pro -life organizations, pro -life politicians, pro -life establishment, pro -life lobby, the pro -life industry.
They'd been lobbying, saying, you've got to kill this bill. And as we moved closer and closer to the day of the actual vote, the establishment came in undercover, and they started talking to our legislators, telling them, don't pass that bill.
Don't pass a bill like that. No bill that would actually criminalize abortion and actually provide equal protection.
So the day of the vote itself, over 70 pro -life organizations joined together to put a letter out to legislators across the
United States of America that said that they did not want legislatures to put any bills of equal protection in that would actually call it a crime for everybody involved in killing the child.
They said, we're against criminalizing the mother, which the bill doesn't criminalize the mother.
The bill criminalizes conduct, criminalizes murder, doesn't criminalize the mother. It doesn't even really talk about the mother.
The law applies equally to everybody, just like the laws that protect the lives of born people.
It doesn't single out one particular sex. That day we were standing as Christians for a consistent bill of justice and righteousness and protection, and we had essentially two groups that were warring against the bill.
Of course, the pro -choicers, but they didn't even need to show up. There was maybe two or three pro -choicers at the Capitol that day.
That's how much they knew they didn't have to lift a finger, because it was the establishment, the pro -life establishment that came in and tried to convince all of our legislators to not pass the bill.
Because fundamentally, they have a worldview that is not a Christian worldview. They believe that they can acquit the guilty.
There are people who murder their children who should not be seen as guilty of the crime of abortion.
And, of course, again, this goes against the biblical worldview. It goes against Christian history and Christian tradition.
Christian churches always seen everybody involved in killing a child on the womb as guilty, and they need the gospel.
And so we had our work cut out for us, but it was a big moment. Louisiana was huge because it showed the establishment that this small group of Christians with nowhere near the funds and budget they have can deliver a bigger punch and punch a bigger hole than they ever have in 50 years of Roe versus Wade.
My name is Zach Lautenschlager. I've worked in professional politics for the last 24 years, focused my career on no -compromise political fights, defending the right to keep and bear arms, and working to return to the right to life.
I've worked with end abortion now for the last three years. Our forefathers sacrificed to that level so that we can stand and fight for the rights to life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, using political means.
Louisiana last year, well, earlier this year is certainly, in the last cycle, is certainly another major milestone as legislation moves from a committee to a vote on the floor of one chamber.
As far as we know, that's one of the first where we won the committee vote and it moved to the floor.
And this is the way you measure yardage. You measure progress in politics. Every bill is going to have to go through multiple votes and if you can start moving through winning some of those, you're definitely making progress.
It's really interesting when you talk about, like, how do you put one of these bills in? The truth is, it's so grassroots and so simple that some of it is, honestly, in terms of like political acumen or political power and prowess.
It's kind of embarrassing. It's literally Christians calling up legislators and saying, do you believe it's human from conception?
Yes, I need to talk to you. I'm going to pick up the phone and use the publicly available roster of the
House and Senate in my particular state and I'm going to call their office and I'm going to ask them, would you consider actually ending abortion?
Would you sponsor legislation to end abortion? That's the basic level. It's that kind of grassroots, mustard seed kind of moves in states that has brought all these about.
It's just been a move of the church going to legislators and saying, you said you believe this. Are you a believer?
Yes. Do you want to protect these children? Yes. This is a bill that's consistent. There's not much to it. For human from conception, all humans deserve equal protection.
Very simple. And so we've been able to work with churches and ourselves talking directly to legislators to find the legislators who want to be brave.
Find the legislators who are not going to compromise. Find the legislators who are going to be consistent and put the bills in those states.
And so, of course, when we get the bill into the state, we gather the churches in that state to rally and also to talk to their legislators to co -sponsor the bill and to pass these bills.
And we're in a new place now because now we're moving into other states in 2023.
And one of the states that we have is Georgia. So it was exhausting. We were all super tired, but it went really well.
Good stuff. The representative we talked to is just solid believer, loves the
Lord, loves God's law. Didn't even have to teach him Lex Rex. He already believed it and said it himself.
God's law is above man's law and the Constitution. So that was good. He's a good dude.
We got his commitment. He wants to do it. He wants to work with us on what it's going to look like in terms of when he has the debates.
He wants us on his side, Bradley and me, to answer questions as experts.
He wants to be trained. He wants us to do the groundwork to get the public involved. So he knows what he's doing.
Solid dude. We are leaving the hotel right now to go to the Capitol to film the spots that we're going to be releasing when this stuff goes through.
Just short spots. And then we return home tonight. I think we landed like 7 .45
our time. Georgia is another state similar to Louisiana in terms of its prospects.
There are quite a few groups on the ground in Georgia right now that are on the exact same page as we are.
We've met with them. We've talked with them. We're equipping them. They're ready to go.
They're on the gospel message. They're consistent. They're not compromised. And they're ready to raise up other churches across the state of Georgia and to make sure that everyone knows this is going on so that our legislators can get the support that they need and that the
Church of Christ knows about this bill and what's going on. So we were able to even go to Georgia and meet with all of our organizations that are out there, some of them.
To meet with them. They're all preparing right now for this move as Christians to establish justice for the pre -born in the state of Georgia.
Will it be as impactful as Louisiana and everything that happened there? I think it has the potential to be just as impactful, if not more.
Based on the climate right now, of course, this is the first legislation at this scale that we're going to be able to shine light on since the overturning of Roe v.
Wade, which is a big, big deal because legislators, politicians no longer have the excuse of waiting on the
Supreme Court to overturn Roe. That's already done and gone and over with.
If anybody has told you that passage of 813 will prevent a single abortion, they misled you or they don't know how the law works.
Because the fact of the matter is, if we pass this bill and the Senate passes this bill and the governor signs this bill, it will be enjoined the next day.
Because Roe v. Wade is still the law of the land. The U .S. Supreme Court said you can't do this.
Thank you for joining us on this Friday night on A Day That Changed America. We're outside the
Supreme Court after the landmark decision that overturned Roe v. Wade and ended a woman's constitutional right to an abortion.
That excuse is gone. You know, a lot of politicians use that, well, we can't defy the federal courts.
We don't care how much they're defying the Constitution. We can't defy them. Well, that excuse is gone.
You can't use that one anymore. Roe is gone. Plante Perry v. Casey is gone. And a lot of them have said, well, we would do what you're saying.
We would abolish abortion if it weren't for the court. Well, now the court's like, all right, here you go.
And that's what we're saying, too. Here you go, then. Here's your opportunity. Put your money where your mouth is.
Do it. Abolish abortion. We're up against a pro -life industry that even with Roe v.
Wade out of the way, they're still fighting their fight the same way. Fifteen -week bans, total partiality.
You can kill this child, but not this child. Heartbeat bills. Roe v. Wade was never the issue.
They're a business. They're an industry. They're staying alive through regulation.
We want this to be over and to wash our hands of it and to walk away. I don't want to do this ministry anymore.
I want justice established, and I want this done. So, the bill in Georgia, it does what the
Constitution requires. It provides equal protection. It does what the Georgia Constitution requires, and it provides equal protection.
And equal protection just means one of the laws to protect born people and protect the pre -born equally.
I'm looking forward to the battle that's going to happen. There's going to be the abolitionists on one side.
There's going to be the people who believe consistently that a fetus is a person. They're made in the image of God.
They should be protected from conception until natural death. That's where we should be protecting them.
And a lot of people have said that they believe that, but now they're going to have an opportunity in Georgia to prove it.
Prove it. You say you want to abolish abortion? Prove it. Do it. Here's the bill. We're going to win.
We're going to win, period. Jesus is, according to Scripture, putting all of his enemies under his feet.
So we're going to win. This is ending someday. We're prayerful that Georgia, of course, establishes justice, but this is going under the feet of Jesus.