A Savior Who Seeks The Lost - [Luke 19:1-10]


Pastor Mike preaches A Savior Who Seeks The Lost - [Luke 19:1-10].


When I was teaching my little children about the Bible It was so much fun.
It was some of the greatest times that I've ever had with them And I remember one particular time that I went into their bedroom
And there was a strategic spot I could stand so that I could capture both the three girls in one bedroom
And then Luke in another bedroom, and I could address them all in this Strategic place strategic place in the hallway, and I asked him this question, and I asked you this question
What's the most important concept in all the Bible if you had a theological concept that would be the most important in the
Bible? I mean everything's important. What's the most important concept in the Bible, and they're looking at me like should
I say Jesus? That of course would have been true But I said a theological concept of course understanding who
Jesus is but what's the most important theological concept in all the Bible? They said dad.
We don't know and I said it's the word Substitution to substitute to have someone in our place on our behalf
In our stead Not just live for us, but also die for us
I'd like you to take your Bibles and turn to Matthew chapter 27 We're doing about a five or six week series on the
Lord Jesus Before I get into Ephesians chapter by chapter last week We saw remember
Mark chapter 4 this powerful Jesus even the winds and the sea what? Obey him and now we see
Jesus in front of Pilate and as we look at this passage I want you to see all kinds of things in particular
I want you to see man's responsibility that these men are wicked and sinful
And they want to slay the innocent one, but I also want you to see that God is sovereign over all this
This is bound to happen it had to happen the purposes of God the decree of God the plan of God Had to happen and so in light of even sinful men
God is still working everything Orchestrating everything and when you watch this passage when you see it unfolded with exposition
You'll say to yourself only God could do this. This is amazing, and you'll also see the doctrine of Substitution it's the most important doctrine maybe in all of the
Bible the doctrine of Substitution and you can imagine that if it's important everybody wants to attack it they want to say it's wrong
It's not true the liberals are after it, but we'll see this morning in Matthew 27 the doctrine of Divine Substitution this morning we're going to talk about two men particularly well
Maybe more than two, but we'll focus on two one is named Barabbas and the other is named
Jesus I looked in my notes, and I keep track when I preach sermons I don't think I've preached from this passage for about eight or nine years
And I don't know about you, but sometimes I read the Bible and think you know what I just read that last week
And it's still encouraging and so while I've preached this passage Eight or nine years ago.
Hopefully if I'm a better preacher because we do believe in God matures us right
I hope I've Been a demonstration by the Lord's grace of oh that man is maturing because dear congregation
I've seen you mature, and I don't just mean gray hair But I've seen you learn and grow in the faith, and I'm so pleased so today.
We're going to look at Matthew chapter 27 with Barabbas and Jesus I don't know if you know this or not
But with the four Gospels Matthew Mark Luke and John not many things are mentioned in every gospel
If you say well the resurrection is every gospel true the feeding of the 5 ,000 is every gut in every gospel
True, but lots of things aren't in every gospel. I mean the birth of Jesus not in every gospel obviously it's important But this is one of those sections that is in every gospel
It is in Matthew Mark Luke and John and probably if you add up the verses there are more things about Barabbas and The account of Barabbas than there are about Judas Obviously both are two interesting characters in the
New Testament, but my point is simple This is an important passage to understand about Barabbas Lots of times as a pastor this little inside scoop here for those that are here
Under cloak and dagger just between us my dad would always say just between us girls.
I usually have like a snow sermon I'm working on my passages, and I'm preaching going verse by verse, and I think
I've prepared a sermon and Novel no one's gonna be here because it's snow day, and it's canceled
I have to wait a week because I want to preach that in person So then I pull out an oldie, but a goodie called a snow sermon well today
Is an oldie, but a goodie, but it's not a snow sermon. It's a Hurricane sermon now whenever you go to a passage like Matthew 27 you have to think to yourself big picture
Matthew why did he write to whom did he write that will help you understand the passage if I had to say one thing about Matthew that he is trying to get forth
That he's trying to present is that Jesus is the king Any passage you look from Matthew 1 through 28
You should be saying his goal Matthew's goal the author of the the book's goal the divine author
Holy Spirit Wants you to know Jesus is the king a Good summary statement of Matthew would be
Matthew 21 verse 4 and 5 This took place to fulfill what was spoken through the prophet say to the daughter of Zion Behold your king is coming to you
Gentle and mounted on a donkey even on a colt the foal of a beast of burden Behold your king and he
Matthew wants everybody here and everybody watching to say yes, that's true He is the
Messiah. He is the king I in fact believe that and while I have trials and temptations in life as a
Christian I still am believing that at the very beginning of the book Matthew 2
Where is he who has been born king of the Jews and then at the very end Jesus hangs on a cross and Above his head.
They put a charge against him which read this is Jesus the King of the
Jews everything about this book is Jesus is king the genealogy in chapter 1 Jesus is the king
He's the Messiah. He's the son of David. He's the son of Abraham This is in fact not just a prophet not just the priest
Although he's both of those. He's the king and of all the Kings king. He's the king out of all the
Lord's lording He is the king and when you watch Matthew unfold you're like wow, this is like kingly drama
You got to have the right pedigree. Don't you you have to have the right royal lineage to be a king?
That's chapter 1 Behind the scenes there's all kinds of treachery in the king's palace.
Isn't there? Well, it's not any different here where people are trying to kill the King the infant
King as Herod tried to do that to Jesus I mean if you've got a king You send a forerunner out and he says make way for the king make the path straight for the king that happens here in Matthew Chapter 3 with John the baptism when the king comes.
Do you think someone's gonna say? Yeah, fine. Let him be the king Well others might say, you know what?
I'm gonna challenge the king and you see Jesus in Matthew chapter 4 Do you not when there's a challenge to the throne and his name is
Satan? so everything about this book is Jesus is the king up into the very end where Jesus said
I'll show you that I'm the king because I'll raise myself from the dead a Confirmation of who
I am and everything I said from the Sermon on the Mount and the Olivet Discourse And my prediction of my return
This is truth. I am convinced that preaching about Jesus Christ is the most important thing
That a pastor ever does one day. I'll die one day. I hope you don't fire me
What would be more likely I fire you you fire me? Well, what might happen one day though?
I'll die and then you need a new pastor I wonder what you'll try to look for and it better be at the top of the list
Someone who's going to do exactly what first Corinthians 2 2 says I've determined to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ in him
What? Crucified Colossians chapter 1 verse 28 you want a maturing congregation.
Here's how you get it him Jesus we Proclaim and we don't just start off with Jesus to get saved to be declared righteous and we move on to other things for sanctification
I know you want to be holy. I know you'd like to mature. I know you'd like to say You know, I wish
I could love my wife better. I wish I could not fall to temptation as easy Can that growth in Christianity come outside of the
Lord Jesus and walking by faith and the answer is no it cannot you need
Jesus for justification and sanctification listen to 2nd Corinthians 3 and We all with unveiled face beholding the glory of the
Lord are Being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another
For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit? 2nd Corinthians 3 18 in other words when
Christians Portrayed Christ in Scripture and the Spirit of God is illuminating that truth.
God changes you It's almost counterintuitive. I thought I need to work harder try more sweat and toil
I don't mind trying harder working and sweating and toil as long as you're fixing your eyes on the
Lord Jesus as you do it So this passage today lets us get a great view of the
Lord Jesus so that you might learn and grow and as in as in The quote of Sinclair Ferguson He says the ability to focus our gaze
Fill our minds and devote our hearts to Jesus Christ is a basic element in real
Christian growth Or as Paul would say I've been crucified with Christ.
It's no longer I who live but Christ lives in me and the life I now live in the flesh.
I live by what? present tense right now I'm thinking the only way I stand before God the only way
I'm accepted before God not just when I was saved But right now today It's not my own performance
But by what the Lord Jesus says Matthew chapter 27
Verses 11 and following Now Jesus stood before the governor by the way, who's the governor his name is
Pontius Pilate He's the governor. He's the prefect.
He's been in Tiberias since about 26 ad he's in charge He does things that he pleases.
He's in charge of the military. He's Roman. He comes in Philo says he is Inflexible he is merciless and he's obstinate
And of course he's invaded the land with the Romans and now he's telling the
Jews what to do People think That he got this position because of his marriage to Claudia Procula a granddaughter of the
Emperor Augustus and these two were so bad that even Augustus later would say were
I wifeless or Had a child died in other words kind of a strange way to say it, but I just wish
I didn't have kids like you grandkids like you I mean sometimes you'd go in and you'd say well
We're taking over this part of the country and we'll be nice and we'll be kind and we'll try to earn your love and respect instead
Pilate did everything he could from killing people at the pool of at the Tower of Siloam to Raising taxes to doing all kinds of things.
He hated the Israelites. He hated that he was there He's supposed to be over by the beach Caesarea.
And now he's here in this in his mind this dump verse 11
Now Jesus stood before the governor Pilate and the governor asked him. Are you the king of the
Jews? Of course Jesus has prayed in Gethsemane. He's been betrayed by Judas.
He's been arrested Peter's denied Jesus Judas has hung himself
And now Jesus stands before the governor are and is asked by Pilate.
Are you the king of the Jews? Jesus said you have said so just before this in Luke the passage reads the whole company of them arose and brought him before Pilate and they began to accuse him
We found this man misleading our nation and forbidding us to give tribute to Caesar and saying that he himself is
Christ a king and Now we have the king of the universe standing before Pilate the tyrant king and Pilate asked the question
Are you the king of the Jews? I? Mean look at you. Look at Jesus.
Does he look like a king? Does he look like an insurrectionist? Does he look like a terrorist?
I mean, this is the one who's going to overthrow the entire society including me a Roman prefect.
Are you the king of the Jews? And maybe not just ethnic Jews I peace probably seen are you the king of this area right here of Judea?
And how does Jesus answer? I? Mean if he says no, I'm not I mean he is the king
But if he says I am I mean pilots not going to get it because pilots gonna think things like oh So the insurrection is true.
And so it's interesting how Jesus answers. Do you see it? You have said so when
Judas asked whether he was the betrayer by Jesus Is that I rabbi he said to him
Jesus said you have said so Caiaphas said to Jesus for you the Christ Jesus said you have said so But I tell you from now on you will see the
Son of Man seated seated on the right hand of power and coming on the clouds of heaven Are you the king of the
Jews you've said so very interesting
John gives us this insight and when you put all the Gospels together Pilot entered his headquarters again and called
Jesus and said to him. Are you the king of the Jews Jesus answered? Do you say this of your own accord or did others say it to you about me?
Pilot said am I a Jew your own nation and chief priest have delivered you over to me.
What have you done? Jesus answered my kingdom is not of this world If my kingdom were of this world
My servants would have been fighting that I might not be delivered over to the Jews, but my kingdom is not from this world
Then pilot said to him. So you are a king Jesus answered you say that I'm a king for this purpose.
I was born and for this purpose I have come into the world to bear witness to the truth Everyone who is of the truth listens to my voice pilot said to him
What is truth and After he said this he went back outside of the Jews and told them
I find no guilt in him Could this be matter of fact the last words pilot?
Here's Jesus say Verse 12 he was accused by the chief priest and elders these scam artists.
He gave no answer Do you know what pilot has been ordained by God? He's in a real position.
I'll answer him certain questions Chief priests they asked me questions these false
Jews asked me questions false Jewish leaders these elders. You don't deserve an answer. I Don't care what you think
I don't care about what the Sanhedrin says. I know what you're trying to do You're not after justice.
You're not after truth. You're not seeking anything except a Sham court and you want me executed
Pilot you have an office I answer Somewhat to that office verse 13 and pilot said to him.
Do you not hear the many things they're testifying against you? I Mean normally if you get pulled before a court and it's now your turn to talk and you're innocent
Don't you talk a lot? Don't you say a lot of things? Don't you try to defend yourself? I didn't do it.
That's not true I'm to be exonerated Everybody's testifying against Jesus verse 14 but he gave no answer and To get the emphasis not even to a single charge
Not a single word literally so that the governor was greatly Amazed.
I mean pilots probably seen a lot of these kind of people come and go He's not like regular defendants is he in Luke 23?
The people said he stirs up the people teaching throughout all Judea from Galilee even to this place verse 15
Now at the feast the governor, by the way, this is Passover feast.
That's why he's in town pilots in town Now at the feast the governor was accustomed to release for the crowd any one prisoner
Whom they wanted and you can kind of understand what's going on here you know, there's a lot of stuff going on and they've imprisoned
Jewish people and There's a lot of bad blood with the people now because of that and some of their leaders are are arrested
And so, you know what Passover? Passover it's symbolic of Forgiveness and kindness and I'm sure pilots not wanting to be kind or merciful
But he's strategic. He's pragmatic. And so what he does is he's gonna let somebody go.
I'm gonna give someone up any prisoner Do you see the text whom they wanted? It's not who pilot selected
It's what the people wanted. I mean, who do you want to get? Let off the hook.
I mean, this is kind of a an amnesty, right? I'm leaving office and the president says these are the people that are pardoned
Well here while he's in office, he could pardon anyone he wants because it's Passover. Who do you want out?
Who do you want released I mean Pilot this is gonna work out great
If you let insurrectionists out if you let terrorists out if you let bad guys out It's more trouble for him.
But if you let this guy Jesus out, I mean, what's the worst that he does? He runs around telling people he's the king and they had then a notorious prisoner called son of the father bar
Abbas son of Abba They had somebody named son of the father.
You know, there are a few manuscripts that we have That call this man Jesus Barabbas We have
Jesus son of the Heavenly Father and now we have the insurrectionist
Jesus son of a father that would be technical term for Most likely
Barabbas his dad was a rabbi you called rabbis father sometimes and so what's going on which
Barabbas? Do I mean which Jesus do you want Jesus Barabbas are
Jesus the so -called King? As Lewis Johnson said and then the question that pilot asked in verse 22
What shall I do with Jesus which is called Christ makes plainer sense. I mean, do you want
Barabbas? Do you want Jesus? Which one do you want? You got a Jesus called Barabbas and a Jesus called
Christ Barabbas bar Abba son of the father My guess is
Barabbas knew the Bible his dad was a scholar a rabbi He'd been trained and now what is he?
He's notorious. He's he's well -known He's he's at the top of the list of being what a freedom fighter and it's insurrectionist
Mark 15 says and the man named Barabbas had been in prison with the insurrectionist who had committed murder in the insurrection and The crowd came up and began to ask pilot to do as he usually did for them
Let him go. Let this guy go. I mean, he's a he's a patriot
He's probably in Jerusalem's most wanted He's gonna help us with our cause to overthrow you pilot and you can just see what's going on innocent
Jesus Perfect Jesus. I always do what's pleasing to the
Father Jesus. No crimes. No sin. No Transgressions no trespasses no iniquities nothing against society nothing against his fellow man or woman and you have on the other hand an
Insurrectionist a dagger -carrying terrorist Probably part of the zealots and The Romans couldn't wait to get those guys because he knew they knew they were dangerous
Acts 3 it says but you denied the Holy and Righteous One and asked for a murderer to be granted to you and you kill the
Author of life whom God raised from the dead to this we are witnesses You've got the author and giver of life and you've got the murderer.
Who do you want? Luke 23 adds in some detail
Pilot then called together the chief priest and the rulers and the people instead of them You brought me this man as one who was misleading the people and after examining him before you behold
I did not find this man guilty of any of your charges and neither did Herod for he sent him back to us look
Nothing deserving death has been done by Jesus. I'll therefore punish him and release him
I mean, he's caused me some trouble. So I'll punish him and let him go verse 17 of your text Matthew 27 So when they had gathered
Pilate said to them whom do you want me to release for you? Jesus Barabbas essentially son of the father the insurrectionists are
Jesus who's called Christ Which Jesus?
What son of the father? By now probably there's a lot of supporters of Barabbas and they're having mob rule and the mob is controlling everything
Of course behind the scenes Satan is controlling everything. That's true And behind the scenes of even
Satan God is orchestrating this whole thing For he knew verse 18 that it was out of envy that they had delivered him up Pilot was no mental slouch.
He understood politics very very well, and he understood why these people would side with Barabbas and not
Jesus And all the envy Pilot knew pilot was cunning and now here's one of the craziest parts of this whole section
Besides verse 19 while he was sitting on the judgment seat the Bema seat, right? He's giving the judgment
His wife sent word to him. Oh, this is interesting. He gets a little note
Have nothing to do with that righteous man for I've suffered much because of him today in a dream
I mean, so we're driving everything towards this release of Barabbas And all of a sudden like there's this interruption here kind of Protocols breach.
This is kind of crazy. You don't do this, but it's so urgent. It's so important She has to send the note.
I guess she had been Taking a nap had a dream back in those days dreams were very very important to people
Tradition gives her the name Procula and actually some people would say Tradition wise that she became a
Christian that she was a saint. I have no idea. It doesn't matter But she thinks what's the text say that righteous man?
That sounds just like first John to description of Jesus But if anyone does sin, we have an advocate with the
Father Jesus Christ the what? righteous He always does the right thing and she had this dream.
I Washington DC and she has this dream about some kind of peasant in Nebraska Here it's
Rome and Some kind of Galilean hick she's got this dream about him
Maybe this kind of explains why Pilot was so insistent on at least trying to get
Jesus off the hook because his wife is even telling him you better be careful Morrison said it was she who stiffened the
Roman instinct for justice in pilot at the moment when he was tempted from personal considerations
I mean dreams are important aren't they dreams are important in Matthew aren't they Magi chapter 2?
Joseph chapter 1 and 2 What are we gonna do with this mob what are we gonna do these people
Mark adds the chief priest stirred up the multitude to ask him to release Barabbas for them instead and the foe many mob is
Wanting not Jesus, but King Barabbas. I mean really that's what we're after Who's the king?
Do we want the king of the Jews? Or do we want somebody who would act like a king and so help with the insurrection that he would be like a
Judas Maccabeus? He's not just a murderer Barabbas, he's a revolutionary.
We need someone to rise up to drive out of this Roman government some think he was like a celebrity some think he was like a hero.
This is what the people wanted This is the people's choice Which King do you want? The governor again said to them verse 21 which of the two do you want me to release for you and they said?
son of the Father Barabbas John 18 fills it in they cried out again saying not this man, but Barabbas now
Barabbas was a robber Then Pilate took Jesus and flogged him and the soldiers twisted a crown of thorns and put it on his head and arrayed him in Purple robe they came up saying to him hail king of the
Jews and struck him with their hands Pilate went out again and said of them see I'm bringing him out to you that you may know
I find no guilt in him So Jesus came out wearing the crown of thorns and a purple robe and Pilate said to them behold
Matthew 27 verse 22 Pilate said to them then what shall I do with Jesus who is called
Christ? Jesus who's called son of the Father I know you want me to let him go and They all said let him be crucified.
I Think six times in this chapter Let him be crucified. Let him be crucified.
Let him be crucified. Let him be crucified. Let him be crucified Let him be crucified and this is actually a really good question for everyone those here and those watching
What shall I do with Jesus who was called Christ? What do we do with the
Messiah we either believe him or we reject him They're all saying it
Nobody's saying no wait, this is unanimous. I mean, what do you want me to do with him?
I could beat him. I could scourge him. I could punish him. We could put him in jail.
I could stone him Crucify him they shouted back Pilate said in Mark 15.
What evil has he done? They shouted all the more crucify him and it says text here in verse 23
They're shouting all the more I mean it was shouting before the decibel level was high before Pilate weakly trying to have another attempt to do what's right
And again behind the mob behind Pilate behind Satan is the will of God Jesus the one seeking and saving those who are lost
So Pilate saw that he was gaining nothing. I mean this isn't gonna work But rather that a riot was beginning, uh -oh
He took water and if water could wash his hands, he washed his hands before the crowd saying
I'm innocent of this man's blood see to it yourself This was something that was
Jewish. He understood the Jewish culture and when you wash your hands of something like this, I'm not involved
When you wash your hands, you're saying you know what this person's innocent Deuteronomy 21 and all the elders of that city nearest to the slain and slain man shall wash their hands over the heifer
Our hands did not shed his blood nor did our eyes see it. He's innocent.
Jesus is innocent You guys are going to murder him But Pilate's not really off the hook because he could have said
I don't care what you say My word goes release the king of the Jews See to it yourself
Krumacher said to think that Pilate thought there was any kind of water that could have possibly
Cleansed his hands from the guilt of the murder of the Lord Jesus and all the people answered and said
This is one of the most striking verses literally in all the Bible and all the people answered
His blood Jesus's blood the King's blood the Messiah's blood Be on us and On our children, perhaps you go free
Jesus you be crucified And you know what? It's on us.
Don't worry pilot. It's not on you We'll take whatever comes
And of course in 70 AD The destruction of Jerusalem by Titus something did come
One writer said Pilate's title is ironic the governor leaves the governing governing to others
Verse 26 then they released for them Barabbas He released for them Barabbas and having scourged
Jesus delivered him to be Crucified take the son of the father. Let him go take the son of the father
Scourge him and crucify him when
I step back and look at this passage It grips me It needs no three -point outline.
You're just drawn into the narrative. You're drawn into the drama you can't believe what's happening, but you know what must happen and You just think about everything that's going on and how this isn't right humanly speaking and how these people are responsibly
Responsible humanly speaking but behind everything is driving towards our redemption
Listen to Peter's words in Acts 4 the kings of the earth set themselves and the rulers were gathered together
Against the Lord and his anointed for truly in this city. They were gathered together against your holy servant
Jesus whom you anointed both Herod and Pontius Pilate along with the
Gentiles and the peoples of Israel And what happened they did exactly what it was planned in eternity past This is exactly what
Peter says in Acts chapter 4 What does Acts chapter 4 verse 28 say to do whatever your hand and your plan had?
predestined to take place Yes, they were responsible Pilate responsible Herod responsible
Caiaphas responsible The people responsible and behind it all the sovereign hand of God It's amazing to me
Peter says in Acts 2 men of Israel hear these words Jesus of Nazareth a man attested to you by God with mighty works and wonders and signs that God did through him in your midst
As you yourselves know this Jesus delivered up according to the definite plan and foreknowledge of God You crucified and killed by the hands of lawless men
God raised him up Side note dear congregation when anybody tells me do you know what?
I can't believe in a God who would allow sin and why does God let sin go and look at what sin causes
I? Tell them you know what? I can't give you every answer But I can tell you this the worst sin that's ever been committed by man
God has turned out for the salvation of mankind Only God can take the death of his son his innocent son and turn it into salvation
So that's the first thing if I were going to give you some lessons to go home with The first one is can't you see the sovereign hand of God behind all of this?
And can't you see man's responsibility? Let me give you something else to think about Please dear congregation
Number two don't forget that the world always chooses wrongly
I mean are you shocked that they chose Barabbas? We shouldn't be that shocked
I? Mean all the false messiahs that are out there today. They're not choosing the right one
I'm not shocked the crowds choice the people's choice the mobs choice I Think Garland the commentator said if the vote came down today
Barabbas would likely win again hands down And just because something's popular doesn't mean it's true third takeaway if you're not a
Christian You like Barabbas are on death row Because as JC Rao said let us confess freely like Barabbas we deserve death judgment in hell
We all could say I'm Barabbas I'm a sinner. I'm a murderer.
I'm a thief I'm full of lust and hatred and envy That's true of every person who's ever walked the earth short of Jesus the last
Adam And we ought to be condemned because the wages of sin is death
Your only hope but your most wonderful hope isn't found in you isn't found in the world
You're going to need an outside Savior because Ephesians 2 says you're dead in trespasses and sins children of wrath even as the rest and so everybody's on death row
Everybody's going to die. I was reading s
Lewis Johnson, and he's one of my favorite Preachers and authors who he died in I believe about 2000
He said Some time ago. I read the thoughts of prisoners before they die I understand that men that are about to be hanged can hardly ever keep their hands away from their throats and Those who are to die in the gas chamber practice breathing for long periods of time holding their breath
Lewis and so can you imagine Barabbas in his cell you can imagine him thinking about his hands
You can imagine him thinking about his feet. You can imagine him thinking what it's good
What's going to happen to me on that Roman cross? And I think you can imagine him as he imagines himself on that Roman cross and then the men taking that cross
Plunging it down in the ground, and I think that Barabbas must have had many a nightmare in his
Which leads me to number four You don't have to be ignorant Like pilot who can really cleanse you there is a fountain filled with blood
Drawn from Emanuel's veins and sinners plunge beneath that flood lose what you don't have to bear your own judgment
You don't have to bear your own condemnation Bernard of Clairvaux What thou my lord has suffered was all for sinners gain
Mine mine was the transgression, but thine the deadly pain lo here
I fall my Savior tis I deserve thy place look on me with thy favor and Grant to me thy grace
The redemption of Barabbas physically speaks of a greater redemption that Ephesians 1
Praises God for in him we have redemption through his blood the forgiveness of our trespasses according to the riches of his grace
Colossians 1 in whom we have redemption the forgiveness of sins First Corinthians chapter 1 and because of him you are in Christ Jesus who became to us wisdom from God righteousness sanctification and redemption
I Think Jesus only died for one person physically Barabbas But all those that would trust in him
He's your Savior he breaks the power of canceled sin
He sets the prisoner Free which leads me to really what
I'm after this entire time if I were to ask you What's the most important concept in all the Bible? I hope right up there you would say substitution
Can't you see the perfect picture of substitution here pointing to the greater reality of substitution?
Jesus the innocent one should have been released, but he was punished Barabbas the wicked one should have been punished, but he was released
What a great illustration. It's so obvious to just say of course Especially if you say to yourself, okay,
Matthew Mark Luke John which one's in the Canon first Matthew? Which one has the most Old Testament quotes
Matthew which one's connected to Malachi our second Chronicles the closest? Matthew and Matthew's leading you to think just like a
Jew in terms of Adam had to have a sacrifice for his sin The people of God at Passover had to have a sacrifice for their family's sin
David Toman for the nation's sin substitution substitution substitution
Christ death dear Christian was substitutionary He took your place.
He took my place all those that would trust in them him. He took their place I Have charges written over my cross as it were all my sins and Jesus in my place condemned
He stood Luther said learn to know
Christ in him crucified learn to sing To him and say
Lord Jesus you are my righteousness I am your sin you have taken upon yourself
What is mine and given me what is yours you have become what you are not so I might become what
I was not Isn't that good the doctrine of substitution Christ died for sins once for all that the righteous
Jesus Died for the unrighteous us that he might bring us to God what the
Lord did is he did what we could never do First Peter to he himself bore our sins in his body on the tree that we might live to sin
Excuse me die to sin and live to righteousness. That's the doctrine of substitution What if God said you know what?
I'm never gonna accept a substitute Well, we would be damned but he knew he was going to accept substitute the ultimate substitute the
Lord Jesus JC Ryle a lively illustration of the great doctrine of Substitution is found here
Barabbas the real criminal is acquitted and let go free Jesus innocent and guiltless is condemned and sentenced to death.
So it is in the salvation of our souls We are all like Barabbas by nature
We deserve God's wrath and condemnation and yet he Jesus was accounted righteous
And excuse me, he Barabbas was accounted righteous and set free That's amazing
Say well Jesus's death death was more than substitution. That's true. It was a demonstration of love
It was a demonstration of the justice of God. He slew the cosmic forces. That's all true.
But in this hub in the center is substitution penalty substitution And by the way, our world doesn't like this at all because basically it's not just a penalty substitution
It's a death penalty substitution. We should be on death row. We should die that in the death penalty and Somebody else does it for us?
For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin so that in him we might become the righteousness of God Can't you hear the substitutionary language here in a chapter that you'd love with all your heart?
Surely he has borne our griefs carried our sorrows yet.
We esteemed him stricken smitten by God and afflicted but he was pierced for our
Transgressions he was crushed for our Iniquities upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace and with his wounds.
We are healed All like sheep we have gone astray We've turned everyone to his own way and the
Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all And to receive those benefits we simply rest in the promises of God trust believe
You say I know it is the craziest thing ever at least mentally at least
Modernly to think that if I trust in some Jew that got crucified 2 ,000 years ago who said he was the
God man the king of Kings my sins are forgiven No wonder the world thinks it's foolishness, but it's true
And I like it when commentators say okay the guy comes up the jailer comes up to Barabbas, right?
So there's three crosses three thieves three insurrectionists are gonna be put up there
And and I like the commentators that will talk about what must have gone on in Barabbas his mind And it's like the jailer goes to the first cell
Key goes in the hole. He opens it up thief one walked over crucified stuck in the ground
Maybe Barabbas can see it out of his window jailer comes back Barabbas hears him go to the next cell key in the jail open it up.
He comes out Crucified maybe Barabbas can see it Barabbas now knows it's his turn.
He hears the jailer walk down I don't know if this is true or not, but I can get the picture. He walks down the hall
He opens up the cell and he says to Barabbas You're free.
I'm free Yes, somebody's taking your place. I also like it when the commentators say
Well, what do you mean? I'm free. Don't I need to do something to earn my freedom? Don't I need to be baptized or Consecrated or or do some good or come alongside isn't it?
Like I'm supposed to do something to earn my freedom. No. No, you're free You're free
I Better do a little better things before I I'm worthy to be free Of course, that's not the response to the
Lord. Jesus Act 1631 believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved
John 3 18 he who believes in Jesus is not judged He who does not believe has been judged already because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten
Son of God Abraham believed in the Lord and it was reckoned to him
Righteousness the Lord Jesus is righteousness They say that Pilate After this was soon banished to Gaul and died in suicide and they say
Jesus Died on a cross and was raised from the dead And they didn't just say it he did it
So I look at this passage I Think to myself There's nobody like Jesus Nobody talks like him.
Nobody preaches like him. Nobody acts like him. Nobody is him and What he says is true, and I see this picture of substitutionary atonement
And I think Jesus died for me if you're a Christian you can see that yes, he lived for me
Wonderful we need that he was raised for me Wonderful. We need that and our focus of the passage today is he died for all my sins
It's an amazing truth John Cahoon said if the believer would maintain solid and stable comfort let him think more of the
Lord Jesus and delight in him more There was no way dear
Christian. Jesus was going to let you go to hell It was all planned
It was all planned Jerry bridges, have you ever thought about the wonderful truth that Christ lived his perfect life in your place on your behalf
Has it gripped you that when God looks at you today? He sees you clothed in perfect sinless obedience of his
Son and When God says this is my son whom I love with him.
I'm well pleased bridges He includes you in that warm embrace
The extent to which we truly understand this is the extent to which we will begin to enjoy those
Unsearchable riches that are found in Christ Jesus. There are lots of doctrines in the
Bible. I Wonder what the most important one would be let's pray father.
I thank you for this Wonderful true account of the
Lord Jesus It'd be interesting to know father what happened to Barabbas later
But we know what happened to Jesus later and that was you raised him from the dead And then he met with the disciples on the road to a maze at Emmaus Came back and talked and we know he's going to come back for us one day.
I pray that those that are here are watching Would all be those trusting in? the substitutionary death of the
Lord Jesus I Pray if those that are watching are not believing would you grant them saving faith for it is a gift
They must believe but it is a gift and that shows your goodness and kindness Lord you're not a angry
God with us. You're not a hard God with us You're a father and so may that truth of the love that you had that me who made so conspicuous at Calvary Be in our hearts and minds this week as we worship you and serve others in Jesus name.