The New World Order Is Destined To Fail (Genesis 11)

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Program for WVNE Life Changing Radio (Worcester / Boston) Link to the full sermon -    • The Tower of Babel (Genesis Chapters ...  


Thank you for listening to this message from the ministry of Morse Corner Church in Leverett, Massachusetts.
Morse Corner is a non -denominational church that is committed to the preaching and teaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Our church was founded in 1896 by two students of the famous evangelist
D .L. Moody. We seek to encourage and edify the body of Christ through the proclamation of God's Word through the ministries of the local church.
If you'd like more information, visit our website, morsecornerchurch .com. We hope you enjoy the message.
The Tower of Babel isn't a tower where they're literally going to climb it and get into heaven and be with God at the top.
That's not the point. It's a monument to false religion. It's a monument to their own greatness.
Let's make a name for ourselves. So here's the thing.
God told them this is against the commandment of God. What did God tell them? Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth.
God wanted them to spread out and fill the whole world. But instead, what do they do? They say, no, we're going to stay right here.
Thank you very much. And we are going to do our own thing, build a name for ourselves. So here's what people miss.
God wanted nations. God wants individual nations.
What the devil is trying to do he's trying to bring the whole world together into a one world system.
And in order to do that, you got to kick God out. Because God said don't do that.
All right. We will be our own gods. That's what the Tower of Babel is really all about.
And the tower reaches into the heavens. It's a monument of their ingenuity and their intellect and man's greatness.
You know, anyone who's paying attention in the world today, you know that people are trying to bring this about, don't you?
You should be seeing the connections at this point. The powers that be are starting to do this exact same thing, trying to build a one world system.
But that, what that idea is, you've heard of global governance, the
United Nations trying to bring everyone together. Let me just say this, the United Nations was created after World War II.
And there's some people who have in their mind there's good motivations that we're trying to work together so that we will avoid
World War III. That was the whole purpose. And you can understand that as a motivator.
But still, this is against the will of God to bring the whole world together in a one world system.
A few years ago, I preached a sermon titled Babylon in the New World Order. How many of you are familiar with the term the
New World Order? Yeah, well, normally that's considered a conspiracy theory.
But as we know, a lot of the conspiracy theories turn out to be not conspiracies at all.
They're just the truth. And you know, they don't admit that until a little later on. But actually, a lot of world rulers are now starting to use this term,
New World Order. That's not something Bible preachers are talking about.
Of course, they're talking about that too. But world rulers are now using this term. And tied with it is the idea of globalism, multiculturalism, while the term nationalism is demonized.
We all know this is happening. And by the way, there are bad forms of nationalism. I mean, that's true.
But that's the spirit of the age. That's the spirit of John Lennon's images, bringing together the whole world together as one.
That's the spirit that Nimrod had. Also today, so that's happening politically.
Today, on the religion side of things, people are encouraged to be ecumenical. So the truth is set aside and we're all just going to come together as one.
This quickly morphed into the interfaith movement, where now all religions are considered to be equally valid.
And at the same time, what's being demonized? What's the word that's being demonized? You know it. Well, yeah, fundamentalism.
Fundamentalism has become a bad word. And again, there are bad types of fundamentalism. So there's a little truth to every lie.
But this is happening in politics. It's happening in religion. The current Pope is on record calling fundamentalism a disease.
And he's trying to work to bring all religions together under his umbrella. To him,
Muslims are saved. Hindus are saved. We're all saved. All religions have that equal value.
So just as the book of Revelation teaches in chapter 13 that one day under the
Antichrist, there will be a one world government, a one world religion, and a one world economic system, they're trying to bring that about right now.
Now it failed here in Genesis chapter 11. And you know what? It's going to fail again. God is not going to allow it to happen, but they are having their day.
They're having their time. And it's going to come about to a certain degree in the end times. So it's happening politically.
It's happening religiously with ecumenicalism and the interfaith movement. What about economically?
Economically, is it happening in that regard too? Yeah. Right now you have the rise of digital currency as we move closer to a cashless society.
So the implementation of the mark of the beast, I mean, it's very easy to envision.
So one of these days, that tower of Babel attitude, this one world system, spiritually known as Babylon, it is going to start to come together.
What should be our response? What should be our response to that? Well, Revelation 18 verses 4 and 5 says, and I heard another voice from heaven saying, come out of her, my people.
Come out. That's the message for God's people. Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues.
For her sins have reached into the heavens. Sort of sounds like the Tower of Babel. And God has remembered her iniquities.
Now, if this all sounds troubling to you, you know, it should. It should sound troubling.
But be of good cheer. God is in control. God knows this is going to happen.
He talks about it in the scripture. So I want to teach you what the scripture says so that you know beforehand.
So when it does happen, and I don't think we're going to be here to see it, but when it does happen, people say, yeah,
God predicted it. And that proves that God is the one in control. So we don't have to despair about these things.
And again, just as the Lord stepped in to put an end to the building of the Tower of Babel, He's going to step in again and put an end to all of this.
So that's very good news. Amen? All right. So whether it's Genesis or Revelation, the
Lord opposes all of this because He knows the spirit that is behind it.
Satan, the scripture says, is the God of this age. He's the God of this world.
So this is a power play against the Lord and against God's people. God, whether a person likes it or not,
God has ordained nation -states. You say, prove it. Okay, nation of Israel.
Hello. Right? God has ordained nation -states, not a one -world system.
More on that in just a moment. But I think we've seen this. Man always ends up doing the opposite of what
God tells him to do. In general, man, God says one thing, man does the opposite.
Man can do some incredible things. We see this all around us. Man has the capability to do amazing things.
But man also has the capacity for great evil as well. Let's turn to Acts chapter 17 and the story of the
Tower of Babel. I mean this is evil on display. This is their rebellion against God and His commandment.
So why is God against this whole idea of the world coming together as one?
And it will come together as one in the Millennium under the Lordship of Jesus Christ, amen?
But man can't bring this about, only God can. Why is
God against this idea? Just on a practical level, if a nation goes bad, that's one thing.
You can just flee. You can go to a neighboring country and become a refugee, which many people have.
If a one -world system goes bad, what are you gonna do? Where are you gonna go?
So God doesn't want globalism or a one -world government. The Lord ordained nation -states.
We see this in Acts 17 verses 26 and 27, and it says, and He, that is
God, has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on the face of the earth.
And He has determined their pre -appointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings.
In other words, borders. Why? Look at verse 27. So that they should seek the
Lord in the hope that they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us.
The more you see people trying to bring the world together, the less religious the world gets, or at least as far as recognizing the
God of heaven. So God wanted man to spread out, fill the earth, which would naturally cause there to be unique cultures and individual nations.
The Lord knew that would be the best climate for evangelism.
If you have sovereign nations, these nations can accept the
Lord as their God, which the United States did up until recently.
Our leaders used to recognize, now some of the younger people you might not, this may seem foreign to you, because that's not the way it is now.
But up until recently our leaders recognized Jesus and God the
Father as the one true God, and the one true faith. Most of them wouldn't dare do such a thing today.
Throughout history European nations recognized Christianity as the true religion.
And then you have nations south of us. This is really cool, you think about the nation of El Salvador, you've heard of that?
You know what that means, the name of their country? The Savior. Their country is named after the
Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. Trinidad, you've heard of Trinidad? Trinidad and Tobago, is that what it is?
Guess what Trinidad is named after? Yeah, the Trinity, the Holy Trinity, that's what their nation is.
Now nobody is saying these nations are perfect, that's not the point. But this is what nation states produce.
Israel, the Lord was their God. That's what it produces. It creates an environment where the faith can be accepted and protected, where missions can be carried out, and the gospel brought to countries that have never heard.
This is what God has ordained. But a one world system will not allow for that. Why not?
Why will the one world system not allow for that? Because the one world system seeks to glorify itself.
It seeks to bring glory to itself. Just like Nimrod and the Tower of Babel, they were doing it to what?
Make a name for themselves. Turn to Psalm chapter 2. Who gets the glory in John Lennon's vision for humanity, where everyone comes together as one?
Does Jesus Christ get the glory? No, he wanted to get rid of God.
To him it was about, you know, join us. It's about the collective. Some of you remember back in the 60s
John Lennon bragged about, hey we're more popular than Jesus. And I'm not trying to pick on some of you if you're
Beatles fans. I mean it's just the perfect illustration, my friends. Some people have suggested replacing our national anthem with his song,
Imagine. Quite frankly if that happened in the next 10 years, would I be surprised? Not really. Psalm chapter 2 verse 1 speaks of this.
Why do the nations rage? Or why do the heathen rage? Why do the people plot a vain thing?
The kings of the earth set themselves and the rulers take counsel together against the Lord and against his anointed saying, let us break their bonds and pieces and cast away their cords from us.
But he who sits in the heavens shall laugh and the
Lord shall hold them in derision. Then he shall speak to them in his wrath and distress, in his deep displeasure, yet I have set my king on my holy hill of Zion.
They can resist Jesus Christ all they want. Resistance is futile.
Jesus one day is going to rule this world whether the heathen like it or not.
Now what we want though is to convert the heathen. We want them to join in the Lord's kingdom.
That should be our heart's desire, but this is true. God has already ordained this will come to pass.
So as Christians we understand that the Lord is King. Jesus has been given authority in both heaven and on earth.
Thanks for listening. I'm Pastor Michael Grant from Moores Cornet Church. If you'd like to listen to the complete message or if you'd like more information about the ministry, visit our website moorescornetchurch .com.
We'd love to have you join us some Sunday morning here in Until next time, may the grace of God be with you.