Beth Moore Is Perfect..

AD Robles iconAD Robles

2 views an avatar for the sorry state that so much of the evangelical elite/leadership is in. She is the exact reason Paul wrote what he wrote in 1 Timothy 2.


You know one thing that is a theological fact but is not really talked about that much is the fact that God has a sense of humor.
God has a sense of humor. Have you ever thought about that? I remember one time a long time ago I watched a
Mark Driscoll sermon and it was talking about God's sense of humor and it was an interesting sermon you know it's not that great you know
Mark Driscoll was a you know kind of low -hanging fruit back back in the day I used to love him but anyway um one of my favorite verses in the
Bible is when in the Psalms it says that he who sits in the heavens laughs he holds his enemies in derision and it's like a in that sense it's more of like a mocking kind of laugh like that's your move like one of those kinds of things but God has a sense of humor
I'm gonna talk about that in just a second you know a lot of times you'll hear people say you'll hear people say things like if Satan was gonna deceive you he wouldn't dress up like a deceiver he would dress up like someone you trusted and then so yeah that's true in a sense but then he'll send you someone like Todd Bentley you know what
I mean looks like a clown and is a clown we're talking about Beth Moore in a second because I think Beth Moore's is being used in this way as well yeah it's part of God's sense of humor but before we get into that I wanted to just I I used to love watching mafia shows and things like that the mafia is interesting because the mafia you know it's set up you know like a bunch of men but it's men unrestrained right so I in my most recent video
I said that men should be willing to drop the hammer if necessary and ready and able to do it metaphorically and physically for that matter but there has to be a self -control there to be a true man you have to have self -control so you need to have gentleness you know when it's appropriate to have gentleness but then you need to have aggression when it's appropriate to have aggression and if you're missing one of those if you're missing the ability to control yourself and be gentle you know with your family with your wife and things like that that's something that you need to work on that you're not a comp you're not being a complete man and in the same way if you're just this neutered sort of you know lovely kind of man who's no one's ever afraid of no one no one would respects you enough to be worried about how you might react if they you know do something evil or something wrong to you or things like that if you're if you're a coward in other words then you're not being a man so all aggression is not good but all you know kind of cowardliness and and just kind of only gentleness that's not good either here's a great scene from the
Godfather I love this scene you need a man in your life that will tell you this kind of thing
I remember one time my father did something like this to me he didn't smack me but he basically called my manhood into question because of something that I was doing that was very cowardly and at the time
I hated him I had the time I was like how could you talk to your son like that I remember I think I might have been crying or something like that but but looking back what he said to me
I'm not gonna go into it exactly but what he said to me at that moment when I was acting like a coward was exactly what
I needed to hear you need to find men in your life that are gonna be willing to smack you in the face when necessary and say you can act like a man now why am
I saying all this what's the point Beth Moore this is where I say God has a sense of humor Beth Moore is a perfect avatar for egalitarianism and feminism in the church a perfect avatar because she is the reason like she's the perfect reason that Paul wrote what he wrote in 1st
Timothy chapter 2 like you couldn't be more of a perfect avatar to stand in place like Paul could have written this about Beth Moore because it's not just that she's a woman preaching it is that but not only that but she's a terrible preacher a terrible preacher and it's not her fault it's because women weren't designed to do it she's a terrible exegete she's been deceived she teaches wrongly she teaches that what she should not teach if she was a man and taught the way she teaches she should still not be teaching she's not qualified to do it she's not qualified to do it and so many men have have have cataloged all of her very dangerous errors and heresies and all of this stuff that I'm not gonna go into it here
I point you just look it up just google it and you'll be able to find out all of the dangerous misconceptions that she has the deceptions that she's somehow been deceived but now she's teaching it to others she's and and and and let's just be honest she's being used to normalize sexual immorality in the church just like Jezebel from Revelation chapter 2 just like that Jezebel in Revelation chapter 2 she's the perfect avatar
God has a sense of humor he's using someone that fits 1st Corinthians 2 to a tee and making all of these effeminate men defend her and platform her and promote her it's absolutely outrageous look at the
Paul says here he says this let a woman learn quietly with all submissiveness
I do not permit a woman to teach or exercise authority over a man rather she is to remain quiet for Adam was formed first then
Eve and Adam was not deceived but the woman was deceived and became a transgression transgressor this could be about Beth Moore I mean she could not be a more perfect avatar for this she at church she's not to teach or exercise authority over man what she's doing and she's to remain quiet and the reason
Paul gives I didn't write this don't get mad at me the reason Paul says this is because it was
Eve who was deceived Beth Moore is seriously deceived and so God is forcing you it's like when
God it's it's like when when God you know made them made Aaron ground up the the idol of their worship made him drink it that's what he's doing with Beth Moore here
I mean she couldn't be a more perfect reason to preach and teach and insist on 1st
Timothy chapter 2 she's deceived so it's not even like she's a woman preacher but she's like an excellent exegete and she's a great expositor of the text she's horrible at these things and God is forcing effeminate men to defend her place as a legitimate and talented preacher she's none of those things she's a good speaker a better speaker than me no question about it but she's a horrible exegete horrible so at the end of the day the conservative resurgence has failed and not because there's you know tons of women preachers there are some like Beth Moore for example there are some women preachers but the the real failure of the conservative resurgence is all of the effeminate men who are preaching that might as well be women that might as well be women who refuse to stand up and say look first Timothy chapter 2 is still in effect and Beth Moore is the exact kind of person that Paul was saying remain silent don't teach don't exercise authority over a man remain silent and if you have a question go ask your husband at home you know in Bible times the the people of Israel asked for a king they wanted
God to give them a king to rule over them to fight their battles for them in other words they were a bunch of effeminate men that didn't want to do their own thing didn't want to take responsibility for themselves they don't want to fight their own battles but they wanted a king just like the pagans just like the pagan nations that's what they wanted they were being effeminate and they wanted pay a king to rule over them they didn't want
God to rule over them you see men understand that they submit to God God is their master God is their
Lord they are the bond servant they are the servant of God they do what he says but met but but but but but but effeminate men want there to be another layer of authority over them as well they want they want they want a king to do so so that's what they did in Israel's times and then in these days we've got a gaggle of effeminate leaders in our church leaders they know the conference speakers the authors things like that effeminate men who want women to rule over them who want women to fight their battles for them who want women to go out there and do whatever it is they do just like the pagan nations do you see the pagans have this the pagans are ruled by women the pagans let women fight their battles for them the pagans like all that stuff and all of not all many of our evangelical leaders wanting to do the same
I refuse to believe that this is actually that prevalent I think if you go to the everyday person in the pews the godly churches that take the
Bible seriously take God's Word seriously that you won't find all this desire for women to rule them in the church you won't find that desire in most churches but our leaders are doing it it's just like they did in the old days they want they want what the pagans have and so that's why they promote
Beth Moore they promote the absolute case study for first Timothy chapter 2 the case study for it not only is she a woman but she's deceived obviously so she's a terrible teacher terrible and and they're and they're defending that because she's a woman because they want to be like the pagans they want to be like the pagans anyway