Speaking In Tongues Will TRANSFORM America?!

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to the channel where we bring you Christian commentary about the things that matter.
As ever, please know this video isn't a sinful attack, but rather a Biblical critique. In today's video, we're gonna be talking about a clip from Hank Kuenemann.
Now, Hank and his wife Brenda are the lead pastors of their church called Lord of Hosts Church. Their congregation is located in Omaha, Nebraska, and they have connections to several other leaders in the
Pentecostal hypercharismatic movement. People like Cat Kerr and Rod Parsley join up with Hank and Brenda in ministry.
In this movement, there's a tremendous emphasis on speaking in tongues, ecstatic utterances, as well as performing so -called miracles.
In any case, in the following clip, Hank is preaching to his church, or at least doing what might be called preaching, and speaking in tongues himself.
He then proceeds to declare a shift into existence, one that will apparently change our country here in America.
Watch this. Now, many people will watch that clip, and they'll say something like this, well, the hypercharismatic stuff isn't really my cup of tea, personally.
That's not a church that I would attend because, well, it makes me uncomfortable. But these people are ultimately just as biblical as any other church.
They just happen to do things a little bit differently. This is a very popular view amongst
American evangelicals, but it's simply not accurate. The display you saw in that video was not simply a difference of theological opinion.
It was directly unbiblical. That needs to be understood if we are to make any real progress in the
American church doctrinally. If you recall, Hank Cuneman spoke in tongues and declared that, quote, we press into the shift that is in motion by the hand of God himself, end quote.
So the fact is, Hank is assuring us that God is doing a particular and specific thing.
He is changing something. But that leaves the question, what exactly is he changing? Well, according to Hank, this shift, as he calls it, is changing
Congress, the White House, and the Supreme Court. Really, it's a rather ambitious and lofty claim.
And again, he says that God is personally doing this. Well, that clip you just watched is from early
August, several weeks ago, or at least two weeks ago. We are now towards the end of August, and where is this shift?
Has the White House seen a great spiritual awakening? Has Congress repented en masse of their unbiblical lawmaking and turned to Christ?
Have the members of the Supreme Court completely shifted their worldview and become good, upstanding
Christians one and all? No. In fact, one would be hard -pressed to find any evidence of even a minor change in the spiritual state of the
U .S. government at large. So where exactly is this big shift that Hank declared was happening?
And more than this, let's not forget that he said God himself, by his own divine hand, is shifting these things personally.
He did not say that God will shift these branches of government in the future. No, he declared that the shift took place in early
August. The White House shifts, he said. That's an actual quote, not the
White House will shift sometime in the future. So again, I will ask, is there any single shred of believable evidence that this spiritual shift has taken place in the
White House? No, obviously there is not. But that begs the question, why is Hank declaring this then?
The issue is that Hank seems to think that he, like God, can declare things into existence.
In fact, this view is popular in hypercharismatic movements at large. You are made in God's image, they passionately say, therefore you can decree and declare things into being.
But again, if that is true, then why do we not see it happening? The answer is quite simple, because hypercharismatic leaders like Hank Kunneman are false prophets.
The things they decree and declare do not actually happen, which is the textbook definition of false prophecy.
In this example, Hank actually said that God himself was doing this. Jeremiah 23 16 comes to mind as it says this, quote,
Thus says the Lord of hosts, Do not listen to the words of the prophets who prophesy to you, filling you with vain hopes.
They speak visions of their own minds, not from the mouth of the And that clip we saw is a prime example of this biblical phenomenon in action.
Modern Pentecostal prophets are filling us with vain hopes, with empty promises that their decrees will change our country.
And they can often be seen teaching false doctrine of various kinds as if it comes from God, when in fact it does not.
In response, we should do exactly what our Savior tells us to do in Matthew 7 15, quote,
Beware of false prophets who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves, end quote.
You see, we are called to beware of false prophets when they give us these false visions. Ask yourself, where do you see
Paul the Apostle in Scripture declaring that Rome is going to change, decreeing that there's going to be a big shift in the mind of the emperor coming in Jesus name,
I declare it. It does not seem that you will find such an example in all of Paul's writing.
Instead, you will see things like first Timothy two one, which says this quote. First of all, then
I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way, end quote.
You see, we are called to pray for our government, yes, for their salvation, but also we pray that they would allow us to live peaceably and serve our
God wholeheartedly. We are not called to scream and shout or decree and declare that our government will shift immediately because we said so.
Proverbs 21 one says, quote, the king's heart is a stream of water in the hand of the Lord. He turns it wherever he will, end quote.
You see, God in his sovereignty could change the hearts of our leaders, could convert them to Christ, but God in his sovereignty will make that decision as he pleases in his own will.
It is not for us to decide what he will do and will not do according to our decrees on our time.
This kind of so -called prayer, like what you saw in the clip of Hank, is not prayer at all. It is a denial of God's sovereign right to make decisions as he pleases.
It is an example of human beings desiring divine power, the ability to decide if, when and how our country will change.
And the result of this is that instead of humble supplication to the Lord in prayer, hyper -Pentecostal leaders want you to yell things into existence without any regard or care for God's sovereign will.
And again, our response should be to lovingly beware of these people, to stay away from their false teaching and help others do the same.
I pray that this has been a blessing to you, and please know this, I do not offer any of this correction from a high and mighty position.
I am nothing but a wretched sinner saved by the grace of Jesus Christ. So let's pray for Hank Cuneman, that he would stop this false teaching by God's grace and turn to the truth of God's Word.
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