Tucker Carlson CALLS OUT Beth Moore and Tim Keller!

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to Fight For Truth, the channel where we bring you Christian commentary about the things that matter.
In today's video, we're going to be talking about a clip from Fox News host Tucker Carlson. First, let me give you an update on what happened here as best
I can. Recently, Pastor Derek Reimer was arrested in Canada. Why? Well, because he protested a drag queen story hour taking place at a public library.
According to the facts we have right now, my understanding is that Derek was peacefully protesting the event and publicly calling the attendees to repentance.
The response from those promoting the event was to physically grab Derek and shove him to the ground and out the door.
Here's the video of that happening. Watch this. But in Canada, of course, that's all disappeared. Canada has now become an atheist totalitarian state with amazing speed.
And in Canada, it's now a crime to object to sexualized drag shows for children. Not allowed to say a word.
Late last month, a pastor in Calgary was violently thrown out of an all ages numbers for children drag queen story hour for daring to object to the sexualization of children.
Watch this. We are now calling the police.
Stop. Stop. Stop. He's coming. So it is your choice to leave or deal with the police.
Now, for those who don't know, a drag queen story hour is an event where grown men dress up like flamboyant, sometimes nearly naked women and read books to small impressionable children.
This is a practice used by leftists to help children become more acclimated to modern sexual revolutionary life.
And these things are happening at pride parades, libraries, and even fake so -called churches. But frankly, most of our current big evangelical guard does not make a habit of calling these things out.
Many of us are simply noticing that and asking the question, why? In fact, many of us have been wondering about this for years.
But it seems that now even Tucker Carlson, who many believe has the most popular show in America, seems to have noticed this pattern as well.
Watch this. Where are all the professional Christians? You have to wonder that again. Where's David French and Beth Moore and Tim Keller and all these people who are defending
Christianity as actual Christians are being arrested for being Christians? Hmm. Not a word.
Now Tucker's statement here will inevitably be met with all kinds of reactions in the evangelical world.
One thing I want to be careful about is that we ourselves do not get trapped in a game that we cannot win.
One such game would be the you -haven't -said -anything -about -this game. It goes something like this.
A concerned evangelical points out that celebrity Christian leader so -and -so has commented on Issue X but has not commented on Issue Y.
Therefore, it stands to reason that so -and -so doesn't care about Issue Y at all, and they may in fact be in favor of it.
Using this kind of argumentation without some sort of broader context or pattern I think is unhelpful and unfair.
And this is what many people will accuse Tucker of doing here. And I would agree that doing this without regard for broader context would be unfair.
But that is not what Tucker, and many of us with the same concerns, are doing. This is not a one -time thing.
This is not a singular misinterpreted situation being used to write someone off permanently. What Tucker has described in this situation is a pattern that many of us have noticed among those who we might refer to as Big Eva.
This is a group of organizations and individuals who are highly influential. They headline conferences, write books, and give lectures in the evangelical world, and their opinions are seen largely as authoritative and sophisticated.
Over time, many evangelicals have noticed that these people and organizations, including
Beth Moore and Tim Keller, possess views that they themselves find objectionable, or even unbiblical.
There are certain issues that Big Eva gets quite upset about, and certain issues that, well, they won't touch with a ten -foot pole.
And in this particular case, Tucker Carlson is pointing out that Big Eva leaders have been quite hesitant to support any
Christian that is protesting a controversial event like a Drag Queen Story Hour. But again, we're not talking about one situation and blowing it way out of proportion.
The fact that someone like Tucker Carlson is even talking about this indicates that this has been going on at a much deeper level for years now.
It's a pattern. And I think the fact that Tucker mentioned this issue also indicates that critiques of Big Eva are gaining some serious traction.
So I'd like to take this opportunity to talk about what those critiques actually are. Why is it that so many people have problems with this so -called
Big Eva? Let me answer that question as best I can. First, please know this is not an exhaustive list.
It's not even an authoritative list. Also remember that it's not as if every person in Big Eva would agree on all these things.
There's a spectrum to this situation. What I'm trying to offer here is a general pattern, a ten -thousand -foot view, if you will, of what's happening, and why so many professing
Christians have big problems with Big Eva. Here it goes. For starters, Big Eva will often comment on so -called racial crimes, and almost immediately after they happen.
Encouraged by the mainstream media, they will then assume that whatever crime transpired must have been racially motivated.
Usually, the only so -called evidence for this is the fact that the people involved were of different races.
Naturally, many times this has resulted in a form of bearing false witness against your neighbor without evidence, contrary to Exodus 23 -1.
But this is only one small part of Big Eva's complicity in the modern woke agenda. Big Eva can often be seen implicitly critiquing other churches for not being as diverse as they are.
This is frequently taken as evidence that a church is not as accepting of other people as they ought to be.
Or worse, sometimes it's seen as proof that the church has a racist or white supremacist undertone in its culture that they were unaware of because of their privilege.
Indeed, Big Eva often advances the woke idea that we can never be truly free from our racist subconscious.
But many have noted that not only is the reality of our racist subconscious objectionable in the first place, but this essentially denies that God could ever really sanctify us in this area.
Yet in 1 Thessalonians 4 -3, it says that our sanctification is the will of God. And there is no
Biblical reason to believe that we will permanently have the stain of so -called racism in our heart.
And with that said, next we have the issue of sexuality. Many have noticed that those in Big Eva do not make a practice of clearly calling out homosexuality and transgenderism.
And on the off chance that they actually do, it almost never resembles the prohibitions that we find against such things in the
Bible. See Romans 1 for example, and ask yourself, has your favorite Big Eva celebrity ever really spoken the way that Paul does in verses 26 -27?
Instead of clarity on this issue, Big Eva leaders will often compromise on transgender pronouns, saying that calling someone by their false pronoun is the
Christ -like and hospitable thing to do, and really it's a very nuanced issue. More often than not, they will support things like the
ReVoice conference and will promote the idea of calling someone a gay Christian. Of course, Big Eva is also very concerned with the so -called harsh tone of conservative
Christians. And indeed, the Bible certainly does tell us that our speech should be gracious and seasoned with salt in Colossians 4 -6.
But Big Eva will frequently take passages like that, and ignore virtually every other biblical principle that might affirm a harsh tone being used in the right context.
For example, when Jesus cleansed the temple, or when he called the Pharisees sons of hell, or when he told
Peter, get behind me Satan, or when Paul rebuked homosexuality in the strongest possible terms in Romans chapter 1, as we've already covered.
Or perhaps when Paul told the Galatian false teachers to, quote, emasculate themselves. Or maybe when
Elijah mocked the prophets of Baal directly in 1 Kings chapter 18. Again, typically
Big Eva will call out anyone who uses any tone that they believe is harsh or unsanitized.
This effectively paints them out to be the nice guys, and everyone else out to be the mean guys. Big Eva also frequently takes up half -hearted, so -called pro -life positions.
For example, they can often be seen saying things like, well the mother is just as much a victim as the child that she wants to eliminate.
And they say this despite the fact that the child's life is the one being threatened. And by the standard of Exodus 20 verse 13, that makes them the sole victim of the crime.
And more than this, they look down their theological nose at virtually anyone who protests at a pro -choice clinic, which is of course considered unwinsome and unsophisticated.
As far as ministry goes, many Big Eva types have a very pragmatic strategy. And as a result, they often either refuse to call out the seeker -sensitive, man -centered, watered -down, trendy church movement, or they are actively a part of it.
Moving forward, politically speaking, many of them find their talking points most frequently aligning with the left, or at least running cover for the left.
And when it comes to critiquing a particular political position, well, that is most often done to the right.
But if you ever suggest that they are left -leaning, they will deny that completely. Rather, they will say that they don't support either political side or political party.
Instead, they are proponents of a neutral third way. And of course, in response, many concerned
Christians will point out that we do not believe either political party is perfectly biblical. But there's clearly one party which aligns more with biblical values than the other.
But if you say this, most likely, you will be accused of participating in political idolatry and the dreaded
Christian nationalism. Also, many Big Eva leaders are either silent about the right to own guns, or they outright are pacifists who say that no
Christians should ever own a gun. They say this despite the fact that Exodus 22 affirms lethal self -defense.
And moving along, with regard to the government, if you look at the behavior of Big Eva over the last two years, you'll find that Big Eva is almost always in support of whatever government mandate is supposed to be for the common good on that particular day, of course.
This even includes shutting down your church indefinitely, because Romans 13 says we should obey the government.
Naturally, many Christians know that when the government tells us we cannot go to church, we can obey God rather than men,
Acts 5 29. However, if, like John MacArthur, you choose to take a stand for biblical values against the government,
Big Eva will swiftly come in and remind you that such things are in very bad taste, and really, they make all of us
Christians look bad. Additionally, as a general rule, Big Eva is often against the death penalty, despite the fact that Romans 13 says the government should bear the sword against evildoers as they execute wrath upon them.
And to top it all off, when Big Eva is critiqued, they will respond by saying that you are being divisive and mean -spirited, and certainly not nuanced enough.
And because they have the admiration of the evangelical world, most people will just believe them.
And it is for these reasons, and many more, that many professing Christians, including myself, are extremely concerned about the influence and direction of Big Eva.
And again, the fact that someone like Tucker Carlson is talking about something like this speaks volumes.
The good news is that people are becoming aware of what's going on. They're starting to notice the pattern that I'm talking about.
They're tired of platitudes and empty talking points. Instead, they simply want Christian leaders and influencers to speak
Biblical truth in a clear and unashamed way. Frankly, in a way that Big Eva seems not to.
So if you are one such person, if you too have seen this happening in the evangelical world and it concerns you, don't worry.
You're not alone. And this video proves it. And let us know what you think about all of this in the comment section.
I pray this has been a blessing to you, and please know this video isn't meant as a sinful attack, but rather as a
Biblical critique. Pray for this channel and for anyone discussed in the video. Many of you are looking for teaching resources or trying to find a new church.
If so, check out the teaching ministries and church networks linked in the description. And by God's grace, let's move forward joyfully, holding to the truth of God's Word.
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